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The Forum > Article Comments > Wanted: competent leaders with vision to tackle global crises > Comments

Wanted: competent leaders with vision to tackle global crises : Comments

By Jeffrey Garten, published 15/6/2010

Markets are spooked by governments’ inability to address pressing problems including climate change and massive debt.

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Not sure what is intended by 'profound issues surrounding climate change', but I would hazard a guess that the intent is 'to do something about CO2 emissions'. I eagerly await the competent leader who will recognize the need to do nothing of the sort. The sentence continues '-having become more complex due to technical sophistication and global linkages'. Perhaps this is in reference to the presentation by Anthony Watts (currently touring Australia) who's photographic survey of 1221 USHCN weather stations records how the 'high quality network' has fallen into neglect. I totally agree with the global linkages point, the internet has allowed the cat out of the bag on the man-made climate change scam. If governments could only filter the internet as they see fit, only then will they be able to stop the annoying 'global linkages' from taking place.
Posted by CO2, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 4:48:38 PM
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Well in my opionin, the first step towards getting someone decent is to pay a decent reward.

After all, as long as we continue to pay 'peanuts', we will usually only attract monkeys.

Meanwhile, the real leaders continue to be employed as CEO's and rake in six digit incomes.

BTW, nor do they suffer the fait of most top knotch pollies, in that more than half the population hate them. After all, few gain thier position with more than 30% approval from the masses.

So, if we wish to continue along the same road, forever seeking that guru, all I can say is Good Luck!
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 6:18:10 PM
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Wow, has this dude got SOME FRONT!

The ‘crises’ referred to by the author have been created by the crass ignorance, greed and indifference of the key ‘players’ whose policies and practices dominate ‘The Market’, and the intellectually bankrupt academics whose theories they have ingested.

The worsening crises of contemporary Capitalism have arisen due to the anti-social, anti-democratic 'ethic' driving the endless 'private' accumulation of surplus value or Capital wealth ... the profits after payment of falling wages to the REAL 'wealth creators' and minimal taxes to public officials inundated with pleas for financial assistance from burgeoning numbers of community groups in civil society ... "The Disabled", "The Homeless", The Un(der)-Employed", desperate administrators of public healthcare, public education, public transport and so on institutions.

Competing against this mass of humanity are the giant national and trans-national corporations who roam the planet playing one national government off against the others for the lowest taxes, cheapest labour conditions, and biggest 'incentives' they can extract from corrupt and/or ignorant public officials, many of whom are later appointed to well-rewarded positions on company Boards or as industry lobbyists.

Here we have a 'professor' of international trade and finance at the 'prestigous' Yale Skool of Management and former MD of the failed Lehman Bros calling for "competent leaders with vision to tackle global crises" ... which he and his ilk surely must take some responsibility for creating in the first place. How perverse!
Posted by Sowat, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 7:46:20 PM
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Point One: there is no such thing as 'the market', only lots of small specialised short-term markets.

Point Two: even a relatively small market encapsulates far more of the collective wisdom of the human race than any party ideology or platform.

Point Three: it is true that at any time the market can be exploited, but (unlike, say, politics or religion) the market has a vested interest in halting that exploitation and preventing it from happening again.

Point Four: the last major fluctuation in the market was largely due to someone usually viewed as a 'competent leader with vision', when Bill Clinton poured government money into propping up the US mortgage market.

Next time Jeffrey Garten wants to condemn 'the market', I suggest he takes a sheaf of teaching notes into his local shopping centre and attempts to barter them for food and clothing. The result may change his views somewhat.
Posted by Jon J, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 8:11:46 PM
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oH OoH.... I should have prayed for an article like this :)

Competent leaders ? r u joking ? u must be.

Al Gore..appoints Kathy Zoi as CEO of the ALLIANCE FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION.(ACP)

The ACP is given a single task "persuade the world/America of the reality of Climate change."

In 2008 they were given $300,000,000 to do just that.

KATHY ZOI then turns up as Assistant secretary of the US dept of Energy. Hmmmm.. she also turns up on the Share register of Landis and Gyr ($200-500,000) who make Smart meters..
She is also married to Robyn ROY who just happens to own a 'energy efficient windows' company 'Serious Materials'

Kathy Zoi also founded the Sustainable Energy Development Authority in NSW.. and Bob Carr is CEO of a Carbon Trading company ENVEX.

AL GORE is Chairman of "Generation Investements" LLC which is in turn one of the top 10 shareholders in "CLIMATE EXCHANGE" a carbon trading company.
YES YES..we need Cap and TRADE laws.... so Al and Kathy and Maurice Strong and the clan can make millions (billions) from Carbon Trading.

It's just a murky smelly capitalist (in socialist clothes) MESS...and when you see how big this 'Democrat/Labor/Socialist' Network really is.. you will need therapy for sure.

It's not 'competent' leaders you's HONEST ones.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 9:50:03 PM
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Jeffrey Garten wants competent leaders? Well so do most of us I suspect, but we are clearly not going to get them from the crazy political systems we are saddled with. Nor are we able to change those crazy political systems for something better, even when obvious alternatives are available, because those with the power to introduce change are themselves products of present systems, well satisfied in the main with those systems that brought them to power.

Not for the first time I have asked "What are we going to do about it?" without getting any sensible replies!
Posted by Forkes, Thursday, 17 June 2010 9:51:09 AM
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