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Wealthy Greens the new DLP : Comments
By John Black, published 11/6/2010The Greens are siphoning the votes of angry Labor voters to the Liberals via preferences.
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Posted by david f, Friday, 11 June 2010 12:05:40 PM
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david f, the author also forgot to consider any other type of EX getup/labour voter. One of my mates is a CUB, Cashed Up Bogan, (not a miner BTW, a wharfie, do you think he is happy about, Goanna B Liar, selling "Port of Brisbane" along with all the other assets). A Life long labour supporter, he was voting conservative until, "Work Choices" which scared him back to Kevin07, but with these "Idiots" ignoring the Pauline Hanson factor & how easily she won a rolled steel, safe, blue collar, electorate. They are toast, if they have polling suggesting a drop in ALP vote to 35%, i would suggest, that is optimistic. They are bleeding "blue collar" voters to or the conservatives direct. The other issue is that the 2 Major Mistakes have always taken a "Bipartisan" approach to, new "Third Force" parties. Look no further than what they did to Pauline Hanson or the before her. Sooner or later there will be a concerted campaign by both the Raving, Right & Loony, Left to uncover the CARS, Communist, Anarchist, Radical, Socialist, roots of the Red/Greens. Posted by Formersnag, Friday, 11 June 2010 1:39:53 PM
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The dilemna which I always ponder is this:
1/ LABOUR.. represents the 'working man' and is an extension of the Union Movement.. in fact it is the policital ARM "of" the Union movement. 2/ Unions(Labour) cannot avoid the obligation to be 'relevant' to working men and women by continually striving for higher wages and better conditions. 3/ Those increased manufacturing COSTS directly translate into "AAH..bugger it.. let's go offshore to China" which is where a fellow "capitalist pig" of long association in my area is (like me) doing... He used to have a local workforce of maybe 6. Opened up a factory in China. Another factory where I contract work is also in the same process. 4/ WORKERS (unionists) then lose their jobs.. and whine and blame "Howards IR Laws"..which always cracks me up no end. Unions then only bleat is for 'entitelments' as if this was some kind of saving grace. But ..they can do SQUAT to bring those jobs back, which they themSELVES raising labor costs to unprofitable levels. So... how is it possible for Labour to keep on keeping on with spending more than we can justly do...? ? ?'s easy SHORT TERM FIX-1 .. PUNISH THE MINERS! (Marxist income re-distrubution) SHORT TERM FIX-2 .. Find something else to sell of to private industry. OUTCOME. a) Short term... "we can still over spend" b) Long term....."the money WILL run out.. we have sold all the furniture... we are broke.. "workers" are still greedy/ideologically fixated on left wing mantra "better pay and conditions"... as the jobs fall off our economic Titanic and into the sea of homelessness. The Greens can't fix this.. nor can Labour.. the Coalition :) oooh.. wouldncha love me to say YES they can fix it....but I can't. They will just keep selling to private industry.. PROBLEM. Contact conditions when selling electricity companies will probably involve 'no changing the economic goalposts' or profitability with any pesky 'green' legislation. In short.. we are screwed.. we just haven't worked it out yet. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 11 June 2010 3:09:06 PM
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This article is a good illustration of the fact that the Labor party is in la la land as regards the reality of Australia's situation.The Lib/Nats are no better.
So Greens voters are all wealthy,are they?This is the sort of narrow, class dominated thinking which precludes a rational approach to problem solving.It is insulting to every Green supporter who doesn't have a 6 figure annual income,and there would be a lot of them. Not all voters consider their own short term material interests when deciding who to support.We can be thankful for that small mercy,at least. Posted by Manorina, Saturday, 12 June 2010 7:51:46 AM
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good.. let's hope 'Green' voters will realize they have become victims of perhaps the biggest 'long scam' in human history... I say "long scam" because it has taken years to build up the the ultimate payoff can be realized by the Capitalists masquerading as "Socialist/Green's" to the world. MAURICE STRONG "Earth Summit" and the man who gave us KYOTO.. The UN Csar for 'everything Environmental. hmmm lets....seee...yep. "Insider Trading" That's the lawsuit naming him as a defendant just after he made $15,000,000 from selling his shares in Molten Metals Technology just BEFORE everyone else found out the Gov't funding was to be cut...and he and Al Gore had toured the land hyping the glories of MMT as one of the "most significant breakthroughs in the 20th century" MAURICE STRONG.. Director Chicago Climate Exchange.. a 'TRILLION' dollar carbon trading company. AL GORE.. in just as deep as Strong... Chairman of Generation Investements LLC which is one of the top 10 shareholders in the European 'Climate Exchange' carbon trading company. The Gore money making/Socialist (Capitalist in drag) network extends alll the way down to our 'smart meters' and WE will be paying for it. Even BOB CARR is in on the act as Chairman of ENVEX Sydney.. an affiliate Carbon Trader of the Chicago 'mob'...oops..I mean 'climate exchange' :) slips. WAKE UP.. this long scam has gone on long enough and whenever you hear the words EMISSIONS 'TRADING' or Cap and TRADE.. remember it's a scam to make money for capitalists. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Sunday, 13 June 2010 6:17:12 PM
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This is just a predictable bleat from an ALP senator who's aghast that voters are deserting his fatally compromised party. Expect much more Green-bashing from desperate Labor hacks as the election approaches.
Boaz, you keep on blabbing on about your latest uber-conspiracy theory any time the Greens political party is mentioned. As you know, the Australian Greens have no connection with Maurice Strong, Al Gore or any of your conspiratorial bogeymen. Could you please be honest for a change? Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 13 June 2010 6:32:19 PM
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Dear CJ,
Are you sure ALGOREisRICH is Boaz? If so, why are sure? Posted by david f, Sunday, 13 June 2010 9:10:15 PM
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Hi david f.
No doubt about it - he's as good as admitted it. Just ask him. Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 13 June 2010 9:55:31 PM
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Are you Boaz? If so, welcome back. Posted by david f, Sunday, 13 June 2010 10:13:10 PM
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Dear David F
"ego eime" :) you may translate with an online translator. CJ.. running for cover ? The Green 'movement' is inexorably linked to and intertwined with the momentum of The Earth summit The Earth Council The Kyoto Accords and so on.... those things give the Green movement more credibility. (at least until I show them personally what is going on :) and as one person said on Saturday.. "sad...isn't it" Whether or not the Green Party is one of their foot soldiers does not matter..these people have the UN in their hip pocket and the Green Parties will not make a scrap of difference to their Agenda. The AGENDA of Strong, Soros,Gore et al is the same one as the Greens except that at the end of it all...'they'(the Gang) will have all the money and the Green foot soldiers will have all the hard work. The Green Party has as it's official policy "Global Governance" which is the exact same policy of Strong, Soros and Gore... I don't call it a 'conspiracy'..I just call it what it is.. a convergence of similar political ideologies all working in the same direction. The Greens hounded and badgered the Government to sign up for "Kyoto" The Greens always bang on about "International law". Sadly.. they are too naive to realize that "International Law" fits perfectly with the Strong/Gore/Soros/Democrat/Labour/Socialist (and many others) network agenda. I just wish I could get into the Share Register of Envex and similar companies and have a lookysee at who invested in it. Then..I'd love to see who the next dill is who pops up (Like Anthony Albanesi) to say "Oh Oh..we don't need a Carbon TAx.. we should have a TRADE based solution" -yeahhhhhhhrighhhttttttt.. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 14 June 2010 7:11:45 AM
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"This is just a predictable bleat from an ALP senator who's aghast that voters are deserting his fatally compromised party. Expect much more Green-bashing from desperate Labor hacks as the election approaches."
Too right CJ- these days, before I read an article I check first to see if it was written by a member of the ALP or Coalition (or for that matter, people like David Flint); if not, I'll give it a read and judge it on its own merits, otherwise, I'll assume its jongoistic rubbish and save my time. I've read too many from them that were just rhetorical rubbish to feel the need to spend any more of my precious time reading what they most likely said half-heartedly with a hired scriptwriter to give some ideas. Posted by King Hazza, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 12:06:57 PM
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CJ. Agreed on the bashing. I do like to learn the rhetorical tricks that are deployed by reading these political hatchet articles though.
Many voters will vote green this year simply because they are the secular party...the only secular party we have left! They are also the only Left of center party too now that the ALP has gone conservative under Rudd. The Greens might not be funded by the same industry groups as Libs and ALP, so just might make decisions with the countries future in mind rather then the next profit reporting season. Posted by Ozandy, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 2:01:44 PM
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Sorry Formersnag, to dissapoint, but I said I listen to EVERYBODY minus Liberal, Labor and Flint, after giving them plenty of chances to convey a case to me (I mean seriously, if ever they raised a worthwhile argument please do let me know).
And, I AINT "Left-wing", and actually endorse One Nation quite a bit more than most of the other parties. Also, if you read any of my comments on the refugee issue you'll find I'm clearly on the conservative side of the fence- however I find the current state of governance and public/private relations a bigger issue and thus the power that makes the biggest deal about it- the Greens- gets my support. I'll forgive you're misconception as the sheer amount of people that paint themselves into the "loony left" and corresponding "right" groups and support whatever the other does not, without any independent thought would make it hard to see one such as myself as otherwise. Posted by King Hazza, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 3:03:07 PM
There is also the Marxist assumption that Green voters follow their economic interests. If that were true we would be Libs. eg. I do not think it is a good idea for the government to subsidise health insurance although I have such insurance. However, I will vote against those subsidies as I would prefer to see the money spent on bettering public facilities.