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Talking the talk, walking the walk : Comments
By Katy Barnett, published 1/6/2010It was hoped the Rudd Government would be principled, but instead it has betrayed and disappointed voters.
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Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 9:22:31 AM
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"From my point of view, the first serious disappointment was the reaction of the KRudd government to the insulation scandal."
It took you that long? Well do I remember one of my colleagues stating, "Kevin 07: Dudd 08". For myself, a previously rusted-on Labor voter, I detested Kevin Rudd from the get-go, and I decided that everyone who thought they were ushering in some glorious new post-Howard era was a fool. The most overt piece of idiocy I observed in late '07 was 3JJJ incessantly playing the Herd's (how ironic) 'The King is dead'. 'Oh, how wrong you are,' I thought. And I was right. Still, it's a fine exercise in schadenfreude, watching the trendy, green lefties who voted for Kevvy Darling, spluttering in self-righteous indignation as a Christian conservative from Queensland behaves exactly like you'd expect a Christian conservative from Queensland to. Posted by Clownfish, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 9:37:30 AM
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The public are hungry for honesty in politics and for substance. Rudd has certainly disappointed many who voted for his party. I think the ALP came into power with good intentions, including to be more inclusive hence the summits etc.
The problem has been the delivery end of things and some broken promises along the way. Rudd's mistake has been to cut government spending while at the same time increasing government programs. One and one will always make two. It is not possible for three people to do the work that six once did, and to keep abreast of rorts, delivery and oversight functions. Public servants tried and failed to capture the government's attention - the insulation program a good example. There is still a huge shortage of government housing with burgeoning waiting lists, many become homeless for short periods of time. This problem was to be addressed in the nation building package but was reduced in favour of, in some cases, overpriced school buildings. For someone who wanted to reduce homelessness this is quite unforgiveable. I disagree with LE on the Israeli situation, while there are many pressing issues on government, it should not mean that other areas are neglected. The whaling decision is a long time coming and many were calling for action - I am a bit sceptical as to why now, it is not a new issue. Whether or not legal action in the International Courts will fly is another matter. The PM makes the mistake that many pollies, make and it is to get sucked up into the media mindset of spin. Instead of just being honest and upfront the spinner thinks "how can I appear to be more honest and a down to earth guy...I know I will do this (x)". Politicians have got themselves so caught up in this US style presidency mode that even people like Cory Bernardi, Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce seem refreshing by comparison. People like their politicians to be human even if they disagree on principles. Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 9:42:41 AM
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At the last Federal election the ALP only got my second preference, but I did have higher hopes for a Rudd government than what's transpired.
With respect to the insulation and BER debacles, they were obviously poorly managed (if not conceived) initiatives that were implemented too quickly in the context of ameliorating the impacts of the GFC on the Australian economy. We'll never know, but if they had been better managed both schemes weren't necessarily bad ideas in themselves. What disappoints me most is the sheer amount of poll-driven spin and backflipping that we see daily from the Rudd government. They look scared, and I'll be unsurprised if they don't get another term. I disagree with Legal Eagle regarding the diplomatic response to Israel's forging of Australian passports to facilitate illegal assassination. Israel is increasingly exposing itself as a rogue State with total disregard for international law and human rights. If Australia expels a Mossad agent in response to one of these transgressions perpetrated against our sovereignty, then that's the kind of "symbolic gesture" I'd like to see more of. Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 9:56:52 AM
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The Legal Eagle seems to favour the likes of feckless Abbott, possibly the greatest mistake in the history of the country as a leader of anything, let alone a political party. Perhaps volleyball may be OK.
So even though legal eagle criticises the PM, no one should see as an alternative the Abbott / Bishop team of a knave and a naivete, a perfect matched pair, trundling the world stage making puerile comments on matters on which they are totally unable to comprehend. Like the writer, who thinks the insidious Jews should be able to get away with anything, Abbott and Bishop, whose motives must be now questioned, thought the Israeli fifth column in the country should be patted on the back and told " please don't do that again fellas". Now if Malcolm Turnbull was a candidate in an alternative leader team, and he came back for some reason, one could have a level of confidence that once he shed some of the Catholic Pell's brigade of Hockey, Abbott Pine and others, all clearly educated in the risky environment of a Catholic school, probably half their problem, we may again see a secular society and all the advantages that brings together with a credible leader able to put two words together. We would then see strong opinions on the corruption and graft created by the Jews and as lives in the US body politic and a strong stance on the despicable murder in international waters by the most hated nation in the world. He is someone one could admire unlike Abbott, clearly a fool. Posted by rexw, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 10:15:43 AM
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Oh, the crocodile tears, the "more-in-sorrow-than-anger" hypocrisy: the strawman we set up (St Kevin) has let us down!
"Politics is the art of the possible" - ever heard that. And Honest Politician is an oxymoron. Spare me the faux sorrow, the gnashing of teeth, the breast beating. (Oh, and I do love the clever subtlety of "KRudd".) Rudd is a politician who is using what resources he has to get fair tax policies into law. And who will benefit? The great majority of the Australian people, that's who! If Rudd wasn't doing what he is, THEN his critics might have something to complain about. Posted by LRAM, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 10:20:54 AM
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Extremely sad.
First the confession: I was very, very nearly persuaded to vote for Rudd, despite the fact that in my electorate it would have been as noticeable as a fart in a gale. In the end I didn't, and voted for nobody. But it was close. Close enough for me to feel bitterly disappointed at Rudd's form of government. Totally lacking in any shape, substance, consistency or direction. But to hell with his politics - just a tiny touch of honesty would be nice occasionally. I also will confess to believing Howard was the epitome of all that was wrong with politics in this country. Expedient, shallow, lacking in any vestige of empathy or humanity, and political to his neatly-tied suburban-solicitor bootlaces, he gave selfishness a new standard. In the same way that Rudd, regrettably, has set a new standard for incompetence in government. In fact, is there anything at all that he has touched that has not turned out to be a failure? Even the consultation-thingy was an expensive waste of time and energy, as well as setting expectations at a ludicrously unachievable level. So I have to agree with almost every word of the article. In fact, I wish I had written it. Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 10:28:57 AM
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glad you are 'getting' it... //I note that the EU carbon trading scheme has been beset with allegations of widespread fraud and corruption. On this one, I felt that perhaps a carbon tax might be the better course of action (such that companies had to pay the real costs of fuel consumption)//. I don't think you know the 10% of it mate.. CARBON TRADING ? haaaaahaaaaaadehaaaahaaaa.. this is nothing more than a HUGE money making scheme for ME (ALGORE).. The network is also mind numbingly big and intereconnected. Here's a name KATHY ZOI.... USDOE's Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy married to ROBIN ROY see.. just SEE what business HE is in..and what they BOTH have large shareholding and options in....(read on) LANDIS and GYR.. CEO Cameron O'Rielly.. former GOLDMAN SACHS executive. AL GORE.. with DAVID BLOOD.. former CEO of..GOLDMAN SACHS. LANDIS and GYR make ? SMART METERS! What body did KATHY ZOI found in Sydney? SEDA It's purpose? $50 million fund to commercialize greenhouse-friendly technology. in 'greenhouse friendly technology'?.. WELLLL shock horror it happens to be HER HUSBAND! WHO is the founding Chief executive of the ALLIANCE FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION ? golly is..KATHY ZOI. WHO founded that organization? OH was.. MEEEEE (Al Gore) round and round it goes.. but stops at CitiBank to make large deposits for 'certain people'. you will understand my reasons for the thread "My Sustainable Climate Bill" It also explains why the GREENS as a party are just one huge SCAM. In it up to their green necks. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 10:51:41 AM
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I think it is time for legal eagle to do some navel gazing.
A depressingly negative article. Sad to think l/e sees Kevs run as so far removed from the political norm of any past political history. I see Kevs run as a bit like Moses leading the Israelites from Egypt. It’s all so new yet. Let’s wait for the next forty years. Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 11:10:43 AM
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What surprises me is that anyone is surprised at KRudd. Did we really believe the Kevin07 rhetoric?
Do we really believe that Australian “operatives” travel internationally with their own I.D’s? Is this issue just another distraction like so many others? Are we that naïve or do we just relish the opportunity to pretend that Julie Bishop was telling us something “secret”. Or is it a chance to vent the spleen on Israel? KRudd knows who the suckers are and is working them very well. Arjay, your disposition on Israel is clear, you say “Perhaps the stealing of Palestinian land and their slow genocide, under the veil of Islamic terrorism justifies a lot of misplaced sympathy. The Islamic States have been demonized so the neo-cons can control the Middle East oil.” Which history is this? If I remember things correctly, in 1948, Jerusalem was a multi-denomination protectorate under the League of Nations mandate (Article VIII). The Jordanian King Abdullah led the combined Arab Armies to attack and occupy the West Bank and Jerusalem, kicking out Jewish residents. The Jews responded by forming the State of Israel and kicking out Palestinian residents. Jerusalem remained occupied by the Jordanians, who against LoN’s and UN mandates, refused Jews access to Jerusalem until 1966, when the Arab Armies attacked Israel in 1966, this time breaching the UN “peacekeepers” zone in Egypt to the south, through Jordan to the east and Lebanon to the north. The Arab Armies got flogged and lost much territory. You can distort, excuse or deconstruct history as much as you like but you can’t make it go away. KRudd gets away with these diversions, because he can. There are many that jump at the bait he puts before you so stop blaming Kev just ‘cos he’s smarter than you. Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 11:13:39 AM
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Expelling the Israeli diplomat in protest of Israeli ASSASSINS committing identity theft against US is quite reasonable in my opinion.
If they're going to try to frame us for murder they AINT our friends. No really, that's all there is to it. Also, diplomatically, as long as we state we don't care about the guy popped because he was in Hamas (and we DO hate Hamas anyway), but we DO care about framing us for it and will not tolerate it, it ensures we aren't on the targets of terrorist lists, but ensures terrorists still don't actually like us and won't think of paying a visit to build bridges. I'm waiting for that part to be reinforced though. Posted by King Hazza, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 11:27:38 AM
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There will be protest outside the Town Hall Sydney today by the "Coalition for Justice and Peace for Palistine" from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm.
Israel either wants to be perceived as a mad dog ready to bite anyone who disagrees with their policies or have actually achieved it.200-300 nukes in their hands is keeping the world very nervous. It you want a future become aware. Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 11:49:13 AM
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My expectations vis a vis the KRuddster government were low and I have not been disappointed.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 12:00:48 PM
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ARJAY..I'm sure you didn't used to have these rather colorful views about Israel...did you have a change of heart or a lobotomy :) or something?
You seem to be on track with your criticism of the IMF and FED etc.. but when it comes to Israel.. you seem to lose the plot. OH..for "Coalition for Justice and Peace for Palistine".... READ "communist agistators, (with a smattering of Muslims) who don't give a damn about Palestinians other than how they can manipulate/facilitate a demo for their own profile raising reasons" You do know that...don't you ? Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 12:50:39 PM
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I would like to think the protest from the Israel haters would be peaceful but I doubt it. As more facts come to light those so quick to condemn Israel defending itself against terrorism again have egg over their faces.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 1:21:10 PM
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Good for you, Arjay. Can always rely on you for words of wisdom.
I do wish others had those qualities as well. Hope the meeting goes well. Certainly need to do something about those arrogant Israelis. No state has been hated as much since time began, not even Hitler and his Third Reich. They were novices compared to these swine Posted by rexw, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 1:28:03 PM
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This country is still dragging itself up by the bootlaces from a global financial crisis that is the worst for eighty years.
The government inherited a war from the Howard government, which had grown fat and lazy from the resources boom and had done nothing to improve infrastructure, or even plan for the massive immigration it presided over. During Rudd's short term, what would an alternative government have done any differently or better? What about looking at the other side of the coin? We pay all of our elected politicians to represent the whole of their electorate and the whole of Australia. It is scandalous that such a large section of the parliament regards its task as simply to oppose the government and play games to destabilise the elected government. In the case of the Greens, six very well paid senators do squat while their leader grandstands for effect. They could not run a pie stall. The Liberals don't even see themselves as obliged to present policies as an alternative government, being oppositional to anything and everything done by government and its administration is enough. One of their number, a senior ex-minister even wrote a book and lazed around before taking himself off whining to retirement. By all means criticise the government but lets not be adolescents and pretend that government can control everything it would like to control to get its business through the House, or that Australia is somehow insulated from what is happening in the rest of the world because its is not. To blame Mr Rudd for not making other countries toe the line on global warming, or forcing the Japanese to stop whaling is ridiculous. As for the problems in insulation and rorting of school building, it just so happens that cutting corners, rorting and overcharging are systemic problems in an industry that is largely self-regulated and isn't even formally obliged to apply the Australian Standards, the Building Code or manufacturers' installation guidelines in construction. Both sides of government genuflect to the powerful vested interests of the construction industry and beggar the consumer. Posted by Cornflower, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 1:36:53 PM
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For most of his working Life, KRudd has been a Public Servant . Then he became a Member of Parliament, not far removed.. So what has he even been in charge of... Other than Spin & Secrects?.
That's all he knows. The good news. The vast majority of Australian Voters have switched of this Joke of a Government. Nothing that they do ,between now and the coming Election, will bring voters back to Labor. It was a failed Experiment ! Posted by Aspley, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 3:52:22 PM
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In regards to how protestors are going to behave, you can believe whatever you like Runner- after all, you are VERY good at it!
Posted by King Hazza, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 4:38:43 PM
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I saw Rudd for what he is, when he first started knifing Beasley in the back, every night on TV, while avowing his undying support for him, as leader.
The only thing that has changed is the target of that knife. It is now aimed at us, the Oz people. Ruddy is not just incompetent, he malicious, & self serving. We are only there to further his ambitions. Whtch out for that knife, when he realises we are dumping him. It really is pretty sick LE, to admit that nothing could change your vote. My party right or wrong, is no better than my country right or wrong, something you do believe in. Perhaps we should buy you a pair of glasses, so you can see past the end of your nose. It might help you see some sense, & avoid getting too close to the stench coming of this government. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 4:40:28 PM
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Kevin Rudd did the only sensible thing in putting the ETS off for a while. After the coalition did an about-face, and with the tax changes that are now being discussed, rather than flogging a dead horse with oppose everything Abbott and co, Rudd had to put it to one side and press onward with other issues. Lets face it how can we know when Abbott is telling the truth - a core or non core truth.
Regarding the insulation, school building etc, lets be real. The people who did the wrong thing were the dodgy contractors. My 4 adult children got insulation in their homes and they are delighted. Of course they were careful to go with reputable existing contractors. I am disapointed with some things Kev and co have done or not done, but I for one am highly delighted Howard is gone. Howard should be given the post of ambassador in Iraq or Afganistan, and maybe the mad monk can carry his suitcases. Posted by Aka, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 8:40:32 PM
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The problem is not with the Rudd Government - it's with Rudd himself. There's a lot of talent on Labor's front bench. With the Libs just offering pretty much the same that we tossed out three years ago, Labor should be miles in front in the polls. Rudd is the problem, and not the solution. He's reached that stage of decline that everything he does only makes it worse. We all know Gillard will be PM shortly after the election. Leaving Rudd as PM for the election simply gives the Libs an outside chance.
Posted by huonian, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 10:01:36 PM
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It was Rudd's 'Big Australia' and diversity for the sake of it that really got him completely off-side with voters.
He will not recant any of it either so he comes across as one of the arrogant intellectual elite. There is no way that Abbott will be reeling back immigration but he was cunning enough to agree to a population review after the election (of course). Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 4:54:40 AM
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Well after spending most of this term defending Rudd i give in, they are hopeless. There is to much spin and no admin leadership. Big ideas and nothing finished.
Having said this i do still insist that the general population have been badly had by the opposition and that the press are just on a freight train of negative thinking that they just can't stop. Much of what Rudd wanted to achieve has been taken down by the GFC and an obstructive Senate. But the thing that has hurt them the most is their foolish stand on political advertising. Might have seemed good at the time but now they have to play the loopholes just to defend themselves. The last two governments used advertising very well to keep themselves in office for long periods, this may seem wrong but when the press have no objectivity and the population is so easily lead what can they do. If advertising didn't work they wouldn't do it. As for the general tone of the article, surely if this is the attitude of the population then we should elect a nationalist government, reinstate the white australia policy and become as paranoid as the US and Israel. Nothing of value will be achieved without sacrifice and cost, so stop thinking there is some magic way to do climate change without cost. The mining tax is scaring the mining companies because they know if we do this it will be world wide within years and they can kiss there multi million bonuses goodbye. There is no sovereign risk crisis as RIO and BHP suggest, to say so shows the desperation of these people to stop a tax reform that is so long over due. The resources will still be in the ground if the industry slows and can be used later, and if this alone is to cause such a crisis in our economy then we need to reassess the economic structure of our nation because it is built on a bad foundation. No country should allow itself to be held hostage by one industry. Posted by nairbe, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 8:03:59 AM
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It's a great disappointment that Rudd is proving to be such a disappointment, because even those of us who never voted for him hoped he would be an improvement on that little Johnny Howard that we were so utterly sick and tired of.
Unfortunately, Rudd is drawn and driven by the same forces as those that influenced Howard. Why else would Rudd appear on a TV interview only a few months ago, pledging again Australia's great support for and friendship with Israel? Ordinary Australians such as me could tell even at that time that the rogue state of Israel did not merit our support or friendship, a fact illustrated by Israel's brutal military actions of recent days. If Rudd was any kind of leader worthy of the name he would have been leading us in opposition to Israel, not support. And now, while the true nature of Israel is at the forefront of our minds, Rudd appears incapable of expressing Australians' feelings about it. On a TV interview recently his delicate criticism of Israel's actions was delivered in such carefully crafted words that it had less power than a wave of a feather. He's too much of a diplomat to even call a spade a spade! Posted by Forkes, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 9:11:15 AM
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runner you wrote:
"I would like to think the protest from the Israel haters would be peaceful but I doubt it. As more facts come to light those so quick to condemn Israel defending itself against terrorism again have egg over their faces." There are no Israel haters that I can see on OLO runner, only peace lovers and those looking for a fair resolution for Israelis and Palestinians. No-one denies that Israel has experienced terrorism for many years but you are good at ignoring the historical context. For someone that believes strongly in man's inherent evil and need for religion, I find it a paradox that you so strongly believe in Israel's perfection - that it can do no wrong. If you think the behaviour of some of the militant settlers is honourable or the forging of passports from those you purport as friends, then so be it. Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 10:31:35 AM
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I'm sure Krudd must thank his God every night for Abbott. He's the only thing that will get Krudd over the line, next election.
Posted by Grim, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 8:33:56 PM
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He's the only thing that will get Krudd over the line,
Grim, If you scrutinize more closely you'll find it won't be Abbott, it'll be the same irresponsible mutts that got him in last time. Posted by individual, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 11:20:27 PM
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If you scrutinise more closely, you may realise irresponsible mutts donkey vote.
The reason preferential voting is so vital in this country is because most of us in the past few decades have been more inclined to vote against a party/politician, than for one. I maintain Abbott is Krudd's greatest strength; just as the LNP have always done such a wonderful job of keeping Bligh in power in QLD. I just don't believe your average dinky-di is inclined to put pollies up on a pedestal. We always look for the lesser of two evils. Compared to Howard, Krudd was a breath of fresh air. It's just a shame the air turned out to be hot. Posted by Grim, Thursday, 3 June 2010 6:49:43 AM
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You're quite right Grim. The only reason that I'll preference the ALP over the Tories is because, disappointing as the Rudd government is, an Abbott government would be even worse.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 3 June 2010 8:43:40 AM
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Skeptic Lawyer
“One should never invest politicians with hope”, you say. In addition, you say that, ‘you had high hopes’ in voting one of them. Only unwise have hopes, hence, you and all those who vote have to expect what the voted can and will do to them. I do not vote. Risk my liberty but satisfy my conscience. However, you have to vote. You mast vote, because “You are of the Castle” and live of it. Posted by skeptic, Thursday, 3 June 2010 4:32:53 PM
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We wanted change, we were promised change: instead we got Howard-lite. I didn't support the ETS as it was anyway (so watered down it would have made little difference to carbon emissions), but walking away as they have has left the Rudd government looking as if they have no staying power on any issue. And when I found out in an article in the SMH on the weekend that the dumping of the ETS was basically due to urging from Karl Bitar and Mark Arbib, I am left thinkng - Why IN HELL would ANYONE (let alone the Federal government) listen to politicians from the NSW ALP Right - who have been wholly responsible for the NSW ALP vote becoming so low they will be lucky to see the light again after the next state election...
If Rudd loses the Federal election and we end up with an Abbot government scraping in due to a low ALP primary vote, and with a 16% Green vote - Abbot won't be smiling as the Greens and ALP block every move in the Senate (as Abbot has done to this government). It won't be a pretty sight... Posted by Johnj, Monday, 7 June 2010 3:14:30 PM
The Islamic States have been demonised so the neo-cons can control the Middle East oil.