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Standing by Palestine : Comments
By Kourosh Ziabari, published 18/5/2010During the past 60 years Palestine has been under the incessant and unrelenting fire of a racist regime.
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Posted by rexw, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 12:42:34 PM
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I don't think this article was particularly accurate. Claiming that no human rights organisations have spoken out about the killing of Palestinians is just ridiculous. They are constantly speaking out. Our media here in Australia does not take a great deal of notice but that is beside the point. There have probably been more reports from human rights groups condemning Israeli aggression than there have been against any other country in the world.
And of course the Palestinians are not quite so innocent and dignified as the author suggests. Due to the levels of corruption amongst the elite and constant infighting between the various factions, they have been unable to achieve what they probably could have if they had been prepared to put their personal interests aside and cooperate for a greater cause. Of course this in no way excuses the ongoing human rights violations and war crimes by the Israeli,s or the West's complicity in these crimes. It appears our government here in Australia is unflinching in its support for even the most horrendous actions based on the flimsiest of pretexts provided they are committed by the Jewish state. The reverse of course is true where the least resistance by the occupied people is roundly condemned at terrorism. Posted by Rhys Jones, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 3:32:08 PM
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I too stand behind the Palestinians. They have had sixty years of brutal oppression by a people who have no conscience, no morals and no compassion.
Of course, Israel is not only a threat to the Palestinians, but, because they are nuclear armed, to the whole world. This is because they think they are above the law and can do as they like which includes nuking Iran. If that happens, the world could well go up in smoke. Why should a tiny group of racist religious fanatics be allowed to threaten the existence of 6.5 billion people? It's time the rogue nation of Israel was stomped on! Posted by David G, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 3:45:25 PM
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"a tiny group of racist religious fanatics". More a tiny group of racist expansionist fanatics.
The majority of the Israelis are not true semites and are expanding in 'greater palestine' because they can and have been allowed to by a west controlled by jews. Remember they were dumped in Palestine by the West because no other country wanted them and as a logistic solution. Even with the corrupt Balfour declaration and the Pico-Sykes accord the unwanted jews have remained unable to stand by the mandate which compelled them not to displace the indigent Palestinians. How quickly they forget the WW2 persecution of their own now being transferred to the Palestinians.Oh and was not the Warsaw ghetto revolt against a tyrany. In the absense of any Western honour in this matter, the Palestinians have a right to fight back. Posted by gazzaboy, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 4:31:15 PM
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QURAN 002.065 Yusufali: And well ye knew those(Jews and Christians) amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath: We said to them: "Be ye apes, despised and rejected."
QURAN 003.110 Yusufali: Ye (Muslims) are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book (Christians and Jews) had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. QURAN 005.059 Yusufali: Say: "O people (Jews and Christians) of the Book! Do ye disapprove of us for no other reason than that we believe in Allah, and the revelation that hath come to us and that which came before (us), and (perhaps) that most of you are rebellious and disobedient?" QURAN 007.166 Yusufali: When in their insolence (the Jews) transgressed (all) prohibitions, We said to them: "Be ye apes, despised and rejected." Posted by Proxy, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 8:35:26 PM
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Would you like me to quote some of the equally inflammatory statements from the Talmud, like how it's not a mortal sin to kill a non-Jew because they are not considered human plus several other comparative examples? There's a big difference between words and deeds. Posted by wobbles, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 1:56:42 AM
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<<There's a big difference between words and deeds>> The deeds seem to align quite nicely with the words in the case of rampant Islamic terrorism aroung the world. Posted by Proxy, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 8:45:26 AM
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I have no particular knowledge of nor admiration for Palestinians, but they do have my profound sympathy for having a bunch of Zionists and Jews thrust into their midst by the UN to form the state of Israel.
This is the Israel that, by its presence and arrogant behaviour, causes more trouble in the middle east than any other country; the only one in the region to have nuclear weapons; the one which consistently defies UN resolutions, mistreats and murders its Palestinian neighbours, refuses to stay within the boundaries the UN set when it over-generously gave away Arab land for the very establishment of Israel. This is the Israel that sends its secret service to assassinate its enemies abroad, the Israel that tried to sink a USA navy ship (see ), the one that has frustrated US and UN attempts to bring peace to the middle east over at least 40 years. I can't be sure whether Israel actually controls the government of the USA, or whether the USA government is just incredibly stupid... but one of the two is evidently the case. Only last week their president Obama was urging them to give $205million to Israel so that Israel can speed up development of an anti-missile defense system. The $205million is in addition to annual US assistance to Israel. According to the US state department, US military aid to Israel in 2009 totalled $2.55bn. Instead of assisting Israel's neighbours to withstand the brutality of Israel, the USA now wants to give more to Israel for armaments! The USA evidently has no intention of bringing peace and justice to the middle east, or has no idea of how to go about it. I am sickened whenever I hear Australian politicians ally our country with them. Little wonder that Obama and Rudd see their popularity falling, when they pledge their support for the rogue nation of Israel. Posted by Forkes, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 10:01:03 AM
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Israel is trying to get the USA to invade Iran under false pretenses.The invasion of Iran will destabilise the entire planet.Iran has done no wrong.How many countries has Iran invaded?
As stated by others,Israel has hundreds if nukes which is against the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.Why are their sanctions being planned against Iran? Sanctions against Iraq brought about its illegal invasion.There were no weapons of mass destruction. Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 4:48:46 PM
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You don't think that continuing Zionist oppression or the systematic military and economic exploitation of the entire Middle East region contributes to the reasons behind terrorism, even in some small way? Overthrowing democratically elected governments in Iran and Iraq and sponsoring brutal dictatorships just to consolidate the oil interests of Shell, BP and Standard oil wasn't bad enough? How about supporting the Wahabi Muslim regime of Saudi Arabia who probably help bankroll the whole enterprise? If you think it all comes down to plain old religious beliefs is to ignore history. Posted by wobbles, Thursday, 20 May 2010 12:48:10 AM
You wrote... " which is controlled by people who don't understand logic and reason".
I would like to respectfully correct that if I may. The Israelis are absolutely racist, of that there is no doubt in the minds of anyone who follows the ethnic-cleansing that is taking place in Palestine, daily. You may not see much of in the Jewish owned or controlled media here, Murdoch & Co, or overseas with some disgusting examples of press manipulation in the US where the Jews and their lobbies control Obama and the Zionists.
My correction is of the statement that they do not understand 'logic and reason'.
No one understands it better than the world's most hated people, the parasitic Israelis, Kourosh. This is part of their big plan supported by the compliant Americans in their government Houses, Senate and Congress (controlled by Jews) and it is going to plan. Kill, burn, demolish and threaten enough of the owners of the land and this will reduce the numbers and if they ever have to come to some agreement on a two state solution, there is less on the table to negotiate. The apartheid policy they have forcefully implemented by killings and cruelty, cheerfully giving the US the big finger time and again, is swallowed by Obama and his Zionists like sweet syrup.
There's the culprit, the weak nature of the US government controlled by Israel's Fifth Column called AIPAC. Yes, they are here as well, but a little more subtle. Our politicians have been bought with overseas 'cultural' visits and largesse, the devious Israeli format, with even Deputy Prime Minister's having been part of it as well.
But you will get there Kourosh, because the people that count who man the guns of the internet news sources, Debbie Menon-My Catbird Seat, Gordon Duff, Jeff Gates etc.,know that it is wrong and they cannot be bought like governments, the media, or the banks.
You have been patient for 62 years. Hang on a bit longer. Apartheid was overcome in South Africe and won't survive in the Middle East.
I ptomise you that.