The Forum > Article Comments > Can the United States bank on Australian public apathy? > Comments
Can the United States bank on Australian public apathy? : Comments
By Kellie Tranter, published 15/4/2010War in any form is an abomination. It is not an act of kindness. War rains death and destruction on civilian populations with devastating personal and social consequences.
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In this article, Kellie poses the question “Does the CIA think they can safely count on public apathy here?.
Let me answer that one. Yes. .Apathy has become a predominant characteristic. Used to be called ‘laid back’ and was admired by visitors as quaint. But when you can ask about the motivations for wars and receive the kind of answers that would charm the propagandists such as, ‘weapons of mass destruction’, the domino effect, communist expansion (remember that one), al Qaeda, the safety of Australia or whatever the current phrase is at the time, then you know the spinners have won.
No one even thinks about Turkmenistan and the starving US market for oil and gas needing a pipeline through Afghanistan-Pakistan-India; Iraq with its now US-controlled oil fields and distribution networks; Iran, second largest oil reserves in the world. Now, if you are a cynic then you are forced to ask why is it that an area of the world that has not generated a lot of interest from first world countries for centuries, now has their total interest and attention.
Yes, the faking of legitimacy for war is taxing for governments. But as Kellie said, the truth is slowly leaking out but, as in Australia, if you apathetic, who gives a hoot. anyway.
The 24 hour ‘watch and forget’ news philosophy suits governments everywhere.You need new disasters to generate financial support for military spending and new terrorist threats to keep everyone on their toes.
So long as you don't interfere with the footy broadcasts no one will realise we are part of a war.