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The Forum > Article Comments > It's a right royal pain: reality TV and dreams of enchantment > Comments

It's a right royal pain: reality TV and dreams of enchantment : Comments

By Rachel Hills, published 19/10/2005

Rachel Hills argues the lines are blurring between raunch culture and the world of the real princess.

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I'm impressed with your new direction in life, but please, don't go overboard.

Style is subtle for the (personal) gigolo. A knowledge of history, politics and (naturally) wine helps.

Too trendy an appearance will make anybody run a mile. Trends are too changeable and difficult to maintain.

Similarly keeping in shape (washboard stomach etc) is not essential and too difficult when you reach your 40s, but, please, pot bellies are out. Overtraining also takes time away from essential and extensive reading and blogging.

Its nurturing the mind and sincerity that makes a successful personal gigolo. Empathising and sympathising are crucial.

While sharing a sense of humour (that is understood) one needs to know when to physically take the initiative - this is a subtle one.

So what I'm basically saying is that attempts to over package oneself are sure to fail. One must see through other people's veneers just as they can see through yours.

Lines don't work, courtesy does (hope your taking this all down - works for me anyway).

If they like what they see your on your way.

This all runs counter to the plasticity and name dropping of Rachel's article, of course.

But its my philosophy and its done my ex customer (she is now my permanent partner) no harm :)
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 21 October 2005 2:01:36 AM
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I see what you mean Plantagenet

Subtly is what is required. (I think wearing 4 different types of aftershave at once was stating to cause disorientation and nasal problems anyway).

It will have to be regarded as a change of vocation or job. In the past I have worked at several jobs to earn money, but inevitably much of that money was handed over to a woman, and I have been left with enough scraps to keep me alive, so I am can continue to earn more money, and then hand it over to another woman.

The same would be for the vast majority of other men, and it has become the greatest rort ever in the history of mankind. Nearly 25% of women no longer even have babies, (and many more only have one), and women such as Paris Hilton, have done almost nothing for anyone, (yet she was given a $6 Million ring and a $12 Million house, just for being alive and carrying out a), b) and c) as in first post).

So now it is a change of vocation, and a reverse of all that I have done for women to date. Easy street.

Bring on Australian Prince.
Posted by Timkins, Friday, 21 October 2005 12:42:27 PM
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I read where France is getting up some type of trade embargo[?] to stop American' Culture'from dominating in France.
I am presuming it means American television and films mainly. All nations would do well to follow France.
American culture has been taken over by the cheap and the nasty. Where Hollywood was once the centre for musicals and cartoons, now is sleaze .
Perhaps if all nations refused the present day offerings, the US would force an overdue change that would benefit everyone.
Posted by mickijo, Friday, 21 October 2005 3:39:27 PM
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