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The US is waging war against the wrong country : Comments
By Kourosh Ziabari, published 9/4/2010If Israel's 'right of existence' and 'right to self-defence' is important then Iran's right to 'peace and tranquility' is important as well.
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Posted by rexw, Friday, 9 April 2010 11:22:07 AM
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"Iranian people don't need a foreign supremacist to rule for them" They create their own.
Secondly I wasn't aware that the US was waging a war against Iran. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 9 April 2010 1:28:52 PM
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I presume this author is an Iranian; he at least lives there. But what strange ideas he has.
As Shadow Minister said, there is no US war against Iran; but, why on earth would the US wage war on Israel, its ally and the only thing between fundamentalist Islam and the West in the Middle East? Wasn't it the wonderful president of Iran who said that Israel should be wiped of the map? Wouldn't Iran, beavering away to get a nuclear capablilty, at least give thought to wiping Israel of the map? Perhaps it was something that the weird Mr. Obama said. Perhaps its the Muslim mindset that we will never understand. Posted by Leigh, Friday, 9 April 2010 2:43:07 PM
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For those of you who think that Israel is a satellite of the US, time to see reality as it is, as follows....
“We (Israel) possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets … most European capitals are targets of our air force … the Palestinians should all be deported. Two years ago, only 7 or 8 per cent of Israelis were of the opinion that this would be the best solution, two months ago, (January 2010), it was 33 percent and now according to a Gallup poll, the figure is 44 percent”. - Martin Van Crevel, Israeli professor of military history at Hebrew University at Jerusalem and top adviser to the Israeli Armed Forces, March 2, 2010. That's just a week ago. They are backed up by at least 200 nuclear warheads (US Air Force figures). Look up the good professor on the web. If you think that nuclear weapons in the hands of India and Pakistan is a scary scenario, try arrogant Israel. Just this month, they gave the VP of the US the big finger and ignored the advice of President Obama. Finally, for those who are not aware of the threat that Israel poses to world peace and Iran in particular, it is discussed daily on the real news sources on the web so please don't look for reality in any newspaper associated with the name Murdoch Posted by rexw, Friday, 9 April 2010 6:14:22 PM
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I was unaware that in Israel history professors held such sway over the government. The president of a country is another issue. If you resort to quoting crackpots you could support any point of view. Nice try - no cigar. Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 10 April 2010 6:06:34 AM
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Admiral Mullen,Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff recently went to Israel to calm the situation down.He said that attacking Iran would have would not lower the perceived nuclear threat.Both Bush and Obama have been sabre rattling over Iran.As rexw said,Israel has 200 nukes and the means to deliver them.Why are there no weapons inspectors in Israel?
The invasion of Iraq was based on a lie and so in my opinion was the invasion of Afghanistan and Pakistan. China gets 40% of its oil form the Middle East and Russia has warned the USA not to invade as the consequences will be dire.Iran will be no push over like Iraq.The Arab Nations will errupt and the death toll of 1.4 million Iraqis will be nothing compared to this.The USA is on record as wanting to use tactical nuclear weapons.How do you have a limited nuclear war? The invasion of Iran will see the price of oil create poverty never dreamt of before. It is historical fact that Israel attacked the US Liberty in 1967 trying to blame it on Egypt and thus get the USA to attack Egypt.The big question is,can Israel be trusted to keep the peace in the the Middle East? There is too much at stake for us to remain ignorant. Good to see OLO has the courage to print an alternate view. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 10 April 2010 8:25:45 AM
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The Arabs won't lift a finger, they hate the Persians, don't forget the y are mostly White, they come from the same stock as us, the Aryans/Indo Persians. There are Iranians who look exactly like Europeans or Russians.
The Arab princes and Emirs could just turn off the oil, send prices skyrocketing and force the U.S and the West to stop aiding Israel. They won't do it because they're a bunch of corrupt, inbred degenerates who spend their lives chasing white women, drinking and sunning themselves on their yachts on the riviera. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 11 April 2010 12:34:08 AM
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Jay,your generalisations don't fit most of Iranians.They have families and aspirations like any other nation.They have the right to self determination and not to be invaded under false pretenses.
Admiral Mike Mullen,Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff USA, has been to Israel in Aug last yr and Feb this yr to tell Israel to behave.He has mentioned on both occasions The US Liberty false flag event and for them not to try any more of these tricks.Admiral Mullen has taken the precaution of having direct military contact with the Iranian Military so that political skull duggery does not cause a disaster. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 11 April 2010 11:05:01 AM
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Arjay, you misinterpret me, I'm agreeing with the first post, Iranians are not like other middle Easterners, we don't call Georgians, Azerbaijanis or Armenians Middle Easterners.
The White Races all came from around the Black Sea and spread out from there into Asia, Europe and Mesopotamia, the term Aryan is out of fashion due to that Muppet Hitler so we use Indo Persian instead. Ever notice that Greek Mythology is more similar to Norse and Babylonian than anything else? Could it be that the weird little ghostly people from the forests and plains and the ancient Greeks were one and the same? The idea that History began in the Middle East and Egypt is being proven wrong with every new discovery, most popular documentaries now put forward both theories in tandem. The Egyptians found out about the Wheel because the White Hyksos came and ran over them in Chariots. They found out about metallurgy when the Mycene bashed their skulls in with metal weapons. The Iranians are different to Europeans but we're more the same, have more in common than we do with those further south. As for your other points we're in perfect agreement, see you at the Anti War Rallies eh! Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 11 April 2010 1:33:58 PM
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You are both right. The Iranians are like no other Arabic country, very westernised and well educated.
They could, if allowed, be the leader and voice for all the middle east making them a threat to Israel. Sure, they have some radical voices and when you see the present leadership you wonder if they are capable of carrying such a burden. But remember where he comes from and you will recall his predecessor, somewhat more radical again. They very nearly had a democratic change recently. Next time, perhaps. They have a great history of being a great nation and will be again I feel sure. They do not deserve how they are being cast by Israel and some in the US as the big bad bear. Remember once again, that it was the US who removed the Shah, installed Khoumeni and created the arch-devil, Saddam and then removed him. The bone points in one direction only. The US may be the world's #1 superpower but that doesn't necessarily make them right, even some of the time. They do have their own agenda and its called energy; hence Iran, (second largest reserves in he world) Afghanistan (pipeline from Turkmenistan to India through Pakistan), Iraq (oil distribution now in US hands). Any attack on Iran and the real press is full of it, Aletho News, Muzzlewatch, veteranstoday, Mondoweiss, Reportersnotebook and on, and you can say farewell to peace in your lifetime, reqardless of your age. After all, as an example, the Palestinian question bas been on the boil since the end of WWII. Posted by rexw, Sunday, 11 April 2010 6:44:51 PM
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Rex the point here is that Persians are not Arabs at all, they don't speak Arabic, they're not as closely related to the Arabs as they are the Caucasians, most of them follow Shia Islam which is despised by most Arabs. They are being portrayed as akin to the most excessive, morally bankrupt despots of the gulf states to dehumanise them, it's a tactic as old as warmaking itself. You have to view each Ethno Racial group as distinct from the others, I know cultural relativism has a strong imprint on this site but it's wrong thinking, in fact in it's current Pathological form it prevents thinking altogether and leaves the door open for moral relativism and all the attendant horrors that that sickness ushers forth. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 11 April 2010 11:28:06 PM
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There is a possible scenario that could see Israel backmail the USA.Israel could threaten to use nuclear weapons on Iran since they do not have the conventional weapons to destroy their nuclear facilities.The USA could be pushed to use their conventional weaponery on Iran,to avert a nuclear conflict.
These are the sort of scenarios we need to expose.Shine the light into all the dark corners. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 12 April 2010 9:57:10 AM
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The title for this article drew my attention. I initially thought it must have been generated by the Iranian Ministry of Information and Foreign Education. << The US is waging war against the wrong country>>
Then I read the bit about << Iran is a country of peace>>. No, Really? It was the reference to John Pilger that finally confirmed my initial speculation, so I closed the page. Er, rexw baby. The septic tanks can and should cop the blame for many things but to blame them for Khomeini’s return? It was the French who did that. Khomeini was in exile in Paris and was a deadly enemy of the US. So the French decided to protect their substantial economic interests in Iran by delivering Khomeini from exile to run the revolution. Lovely lot the French, eh?. Quickie question, off topic but, Can anyone identify the last French Military Victory Posted by spindoc, Monday, 12 April 2010 5:52:27 PM
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Spindoc,alludes to Iranian Misistery of miss information,but what about our media owned by the corporates of miss information,who have cartels in energy,resources,control our Govts by donations,create wars to sell arms,and loan money to our Govts to keep us the tax payers in perpetual debt?
Very few can see the big picture.The parasites can see it but the hosts are still trying to work out why their blood levels are low. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 12 April 2010 7:40:12 PM
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A highly succinct comment of the utter hypocrisy of America's foreign policy in the Middle East with the aid of its Bęte Noir Israel you are to be congratulated on giving voice to a topic that is long overdue.
America seems to be overly concerned with Israel’s security in the face of Iran even more so than Israel. Israel is straining at the bit while America holds them back from attacking Iran to destroy their non-existent nuclear weapons. If Iran had nuclear weapons Israel wouldn't be so eager to go to war. America cannot possibly allow Iran to introduce nuclear weapons into the volatile Middle East we are told. No indeed Israel has already done that a long time ago though everyone pretends otherwise. Iran has a solid, practical reason to fear the situation that it finds itself surrounded by American troops on two borders and American's Arab predominantly Sunni Muslims allies. Iran it should be noted is a non-Arab country in a particularly Arab part of the world. On one border is Iraq that has already waged war against Iran when covertly allied with America it unjustifiably attacked Iran and they fought to a standstill at a staggering human cost. Today America is next door to Iran in Iraq that has now a government that is 100% made in America and American troops on the ground. On another border it faces the Americans in Afghanistan where America controls part of the country. Afghanistan also has a corrupt made in America government. Israel’s continual beating of the drums of war openly warning of an imminent airstrike at Iran’s so called nuclear facilities; Iran must feel extremely isolated and vulnerable. The least that the nuclear powers can do is to take on those countries that already have nuclear weapons and present a serious threat to world peace especially including the irresponsible State of Israel, Pakistan and India before speculating on a country that has none and unless cornered is unlikely to ever have any. Posted by Ulis, Friday, 23 April 2010 2:33:57 AM
As you say, Kourosh, the Americans removed the Shah, then engineered the Khoumeni grand entrance, then jumped into bed with Saddam Hussein, a dictator of their making, then supplied weaponry that killed hundreds of thousands Iranians to remove the man they had put into power and now wonder why they do not have a fiend in that part of the world. No, not even Israel, they are just a cunning user of aid, using their devious national characteristics to exploit the easily-exploitable US.
Through their catch cries, 'anti-Semite' and 'holocaust' they have marketed the weakness in the US government using graft and corruption through AIPAC and appealing to the weak, compliant politicians, 75% of whom signed a letter saying that no one should be allowed to criticise Israel.
How do you like that for free speech. This is the much-lauded "home of freedom". What rubbish! Just a large Jewish puppet state.
So, sadly, the US is just not intelligent enough to see (1) that Israel is raping them every day of every year and has done for the past 65 years and, (2) even worse that that they hate the US as well; (3) that Iran is made up of highly intelligent people with a history of development over centuries and that (4) they have missed their opportunity to make a difference in this part of the world for ever.
No one respects the US any more. The only reason why we haven't seen their bumbling interference in Australia is because they know that as a country we are apathetic, or as Israel called us recently, 'benign'.
Do not expect anything but belligerence from the US towards Iran for with Israel pulling the strings and they will again manipulate the US into being their milking cow. They are past masters of the art.