The Forum > Article Comments > McGorry's 'early intervention' in mental health: a prescription for disaster > Comments
McGorry's 'early intervention' in mental health: a prescription for disaster : Comments
By David Webb and Melissa Raven, published 6/4/2010Australian of the Year Professor Patrick McGorry is calling for major mental health reform.
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Suzie, the topic is about use of antipsychotic medications as an <early intervention>. How early? Why Medications? What about Educational & Behavioural interventions. Our reliance on medications is like being lazy - changing our behaviour is too hard & takes too long, it's much easier & quicker to take a pill.
How is this going to interact with development? It much like the effect of genetically modified foods on our health.
Medications can become unaffordable, or inaccessible to some, who are then faced with having to deal with a condition that they have no real experience with when it comes to to handling the behavioural consequences that arise. It is food for thought that they side-stepped the term 'prevention'.
Yes people who are dysfunctioning due to a mental health disorder nede to take medication, but antipsychotic medication as early intervention? Sounds like an asylum in a pill. They cannot lock them away anymore, but suppress the symptoms with drugs. This is an over-generalised opinion, but that's the beauty of a forum.
I do acknowledge there are some disorders that are not preventable because of faulty body chemistry, or brain development, and an earlier form of drug-based interventions can have long term benefits on a psychosocial level. It's just not a blanket solution for all mental issues.
To condition people to rely on medication as the answer to their mental problems earlier, is not teaching them how to manage themselves. It's creating a whole new issue for the future. Much like the adage, 'give a [person] a fish, and you feed [them] for a day, but teach a [person] how to fish, and you feed [them] for a lifetime.' I say, Teach people how to manage the behaviours and promote community support, don't just prescribe a quick fix that has the transitory effect at the time, and leave the mess for future generations to pick up.
I'm neither for or against McGorry, I just don't agree with the concept.