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Scientific certainty in an uncertain world : Comments
By Kellie Tranter, published 24/3/2010Scientists aren’t scare-mongering when, almost unanimously, they describe the challenges we face with climate change.
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Posted by qanda, Sunday, 28 March 2010 11:23:22 AM
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Sorry, deniers, I think it's you guys sucked in by people saying what you want to hear and you don't know what's credible science and what's not. You are free to keep on denying the scientific basis for AGW even as every indicator of global energy balance shows a warming trend and in spite of the high priests of climate change denialism continuing to fail completely to show it's all or even significantly natural. Except to people like youselves. But you can blame Climatariat bias for failing to take any/all of these failed ideas seriously and continuing to choose the science from the leaders in their fields than off the passed over losers. The latest from McLean, Carter and co was to use a cheap statistical trick to take away the warming trend in global temp data, compare it to (the non-)trend in ENSO and getting a match. Wow. They successfully proved that they are incompetent or dishonest or both. And that's the high end of climate denialism! They promote the fiction that they do real science. But I'm sure lots of people who don't know better will call them brilliant and insightful and hail their paper as the end of the "hoax".
So I'll go on taking science off the institutions and scientists that actually do climate science. They haven't backed off anything. When the vast majority of them are in agreement it's not because of any conspiracy or group-think bias but because the science is almost certaintly correct. Relying on their detractors; the think-tank paid-for opinions and biased bloggers for a fair, true and sceptical analysis is pure delusion. Posted by Ken Fabos, Sunday, 28 March 2010 11:51:05 AM
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An accurate account of the status quo Kellie Tranter but we can’t let the scientific facts on industrial CO2 (the progeny of fossil fuel carcinogens, mutagens and teratogens) screw around with the pseudoscience propagated by corporate villains, scoundrels, criminals and miscreants who profit from human misery, can we?: Posted by Protagoras, Sunday, 28 March 2010 11:53:50 AM
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Protagoras, a very good article written in language that even the most scientifically illiterate of our OLO friends should be able to understand. Thank you.
David Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 29 March 2010 10:34:44 PM
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vk3auu - I see you challenge other people to answer your questions, "Runner, I am still waiting for your reply to my questions about real science and scientists. I'm also not too sure about the scientists to whom you are referring in your last post. Please enlighten us."
So can you answer mine, which you did commit to "RPG. When I have the time, I could go back through the past 12 months of posts on OLO and find a score of people who deny that global warming is happening. Our friend Runner is just one of them. I suggest that you are the one who needs to pay attention. Sorry. David" I'm always happy to be shown to be incorrect, so in your own words. Please enlighten us. Also have a read of what I said, i.e. pay attention, I said people do not deny the climate changes, yet you have changed that to Global Warming .. there is a difference. Who are these people who say the climate does not change, or have you just assumed because they are "DENIERS!", that definitions/propaganda from AGW websites holds true? Can you actually show where runner denies the climate changes? I am paying attention. Sorry. Posted by rpg, Tuesday, 30 March 2010 8:58:47 AM
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You're welcome VK3AUU.
Posted by Protagoras, Tuesday, 30 March 2010 11:32:33 PM
Given the inherent stupidity of the species, I'd say we're stuffed.