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The Forum > Article Comments > The knives are out for the ABC > Comments

The knives are out for the ABC : Comments

By Darce Cassidy, published 18/3/2010

In gunning for the ABC, commercial media are aiming at the wrong target.

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It amazes me that anyone actually considers that the utter crap which is puked out of so called australian commercial channels actually qualifies for being considered as quality content.

My view is that, even though there are some notable quality content exceptions from SBS & ABC, the overall package of what is available in Australia is pitiful.

Admittedly, I am not up to speed on all of the pay tv content currently available but I can tell you what we get here in Bali in terms of 24 hour news channels.

RussiaToday, AlJazeera, EuroNews, Japan NHK, China News, BBC/Sky, and all the usual N.American offerings AND more.

Even though even at this level there are often common concurrent content broadcasts, I ever so much enjoy the different take from different peoples who speak a different language and have entirely different cultural backgrounds, levels of learning etc etc.

Of course IndoSat comes replete with subtitling and multi language tracks, not that many content producers take advantage of it, but some of the better ones do. EXCELLENT!

Of course, tin pot Australian Network does not. Such a shame, as I hold the view that notwithstanding its parochialism, Australia has a valid contribution to make to the advancement of the consciousness of the world and international people want to know what we think, as distinct from that <snip> <snip> murdoch and his ilk.

Thus, if producing a 24hr news channel is done with a view to taking a seat at the international table then it is a worthy pursuit i.m.o., but if it is just more regurgitation of the same sort of crap currently available, then I wouldn't bother in favour of waiting for video and live video on demand.
Posted by DreamOn, Sunday, 21 March 2010 12:00:26 PM
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