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The Forum > Article Comments > Stepping up the fight against childhood s*xualisation > Comments

Stepping up the fight against childhood s*xualisation : Comments

By Elizabeth Willmott Harrop, published 19/2/2010

Championing new initiatives to combat the s*xualisation of children in consumer culture.

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'It is all worth it If just one child is saved....'

I notice that seniors are in the gun too for not acting 'proper' (ie as they are told):

'Health and aged-care professionals have reported a jump in the number of over 65s leading an active sex life, including multiple partners.

The Council on the Ageing is calling for ''safe sex'' workshops and guideline policies to be implemented into aged-care and retirement facilities to help staff deal with promiscuous behaviour.

Council spokeswoman Anne-Maire Elias said over 65s were more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviour than their children.

''They were a generation who missed out on all the safe-sex education that was going on when this generation were in their 50s,'' she said.

''We love that these older people are sexually active but, with an increase in Viagra and multiple partners, aged care facilities should welcome safe-sex workshops for their residents.'''

Where Oh where would we be without the moral majority and the university gender units telling us how to behave. Ban everything, 'people' just can't be expected to do the RIGHT thing, even where they have been programmed as school students to accept the new order of things.
Posted by Cornflower, Sunday, 21 February 2010 8:12:41 AM
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suzeonline, benk was not, denying that boys are being sexualised as well, but merely linking in, to related issues of raising children to be adults, too early. As usual femanists are too busy trying to critique everything an "evil man" says to seriously discuss issues in an "adult manner".

Want a simple solution? How about one that will fix many other problems as well simultaneously? From global warming to binge drinking, other pollution, junk food, tobacco smoking, etc. You simply introduce changes to corporate law and taxation to encourage, "Good Corporate Citizens". The most obvious being company tax, offer a lower rate to businesses that "don't misbehave" or comply with a "good behaviour code" for their industry. EG, children's clothing manufacturers/retailers not sexualising children.

We could also add in individual people by offering lower personal income tax rates to good, or more concerned/committed citizens as opposed to people who merely live or were born here. If you register & vote, volunteer for national service, jury duty, clean up Australia day, don't smoke, drink, do drugs, watch your own weight & keep within a BMI range considered medically healthy, etc, all voluntary of course, if you or your company are happy, paying the higher tax rates, then you don't have to be a good boy or girl, etc.

Now, will you be honest enough to admit that, a man, with his 15% bigger brain solved all your problems for you? Or continue, "the gender wars" like, ChazPropaganda & all the other gender terrorists want you to?
Posted by Formersnag, Sunday, 21 February 2010 12:22:25 PM
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More laws, controls and experts are not needed, this is an industry trying to prop itself up by finding more work to do and more government grants.

Parents already have effective means to ensure to ensure that their children are raised in a wholesome way, while at the same time are proofed against bad influences. Whatever happened to saying 'no', turning off the child-minding tele (always on) and not providing free caccess to the magazines and clothes racks that carry the offending 'sexualising' information and goods?

Here is an excerpt from story from Britain with an example of a fool of a mother who is astonished to find that her daughter follows her own behaviour modelling:

'The mom of Saffron Davies, a young girl who preferred the skinny image of herself, blasted the cult of airbrushed size zero models for making normal children think they were too fat.

"Saffron looks through my magazines and says her legs are fat," Amanda, 40, from Coventry in central England, said.

"There is a worrying culture of girls thinking they're overweight from a very young age." '

It was that woman's choice and that of millions of other parents, mothers in particular, to choose how they raise their children. To demand State intervention through the crude, indiscriminate hammer of laws is an admission of failure and a waste of money. How many parents abuse booze, fags, analgesics and whatever in front of her daughters and sons and then demand government action to control the inevitable outcomes?

For there to be a 'worrying culture' of youth doing the wrong thing there has to be a break-down in parenting and the family (waste of time mentioning the now long-lost, but eminently useful extended family).
Posted by Cornflower, Sunday, 21 February 2010 5:31:43 PM
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Formersnag <”Now, will you be honest enough to admit that, a man, with his 15% bigger brain solved all your problems for you? Or continue, "the gender wars" like, ChazPropaganda & all the other gender terrorists want you to?”

Formerneversnag, always a total pleasure to converse with you!
It might surprise you to know that being a feminist does not necessarily mean that she dislikes men.
It merely means that she is looking for gender equality and dislikes men that hate women. Fair enough?

Yes, a human male brain is larger than a human female’s brain.
You can thank this supposed male megabrain for the predominantly male politicians in Australia who have allowed the drafting of the Family Court Laws and centrelink payments etc
(Oh I forgot,, according to life in formerneversnag’s narrow world, the rabid feminazi paedophiles(?) caused all these things to happen)!

I, on the other hand, tend to believe that this extra male brain capacity is used to direct the activities of their sexual organs myself :)

A little joke for you now, formerneversnag :

God created ADAM and informed him that he had given him a brain and a penis.
The brain was a good gift as it allowed him to do many things.
The penis was also a good thing as it allowed the race to continue. The problem was that He (God) had only given ADAM enough of a blood supply so that he could only use one of them at a time...
Posted by suzeonline, Sunday, 21 February 2010 10:42:52 PM
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suzeonline:"It might surprise you to know that being a feminist does not necessarily mean that she dislikes men."

Silly Suzie, of course she hates men. Have you read any of her rants? She's also pretty stupid, so you shouldn't find it too hard for you.

Cornflower:"Where Oh where would we be without the moral majority and the university gender units telling us how to behave."

Oh, we'd all be rooned, without doubt. After we blokes finished raping and killing all the women, the race would die out. After all, it's not as if we managed without them for the last 300,000 years or so...

Console yourself with the thought that Douglas Adams was right and when it comes time to leave this planet to escape the impending comet collision, along with the social workers they'll be the ones on the "B" ark; the one that's headed straight into the sun...

Your body image example is a good one. My ex is significantly overweight and has always had a tendency to be solid, if not hefty. One of her persistent themes is her "need to lose weight". My 13 year-old daughter, who is naturally slim, having inherited a light frame from my mother's side, is now starting to imitate her. She complains about having "puppy fat" and declines food "because I'm watching my weight", despite being naturally slimmer than most of her contemporaries. She's by no means anorexic, but the meme has been transferred.
Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 22 February 2010 6:55:54 AM
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Oh come off it antiseptic, you cant go around blaming women for anorexia. Everybody knows it's all mens fault for being attracted to woman.


Lovin' the misandrist jokes. I love it when a feminist finally shows a sense of humour once the jokes are denigrating men.

Men, on the whole, just have a thicker skin than women. There may be men on TV with a six pack, but most men laugh happily at each others beer gut, thinning hair etc. A highly valued trait among men is not being vain or precious and being able to laugh at yourself.

Oh, and I can imagine the feminist outcry if women's sexual 'performance' was even discussed on TV, with adverts laughing at their inability to reach orgasm or bemoaning that it takes them too long to do so. It would be an outrage! Men on the other hand seem happy to shrug this kind of nonsense off.

benk is right. Men are taught from an early age not to be so thin skinned. And a good thing too.

For some reason, men seem to be able to distinguish between TV/advertising and reality. Maybe woman cant for some reason. Maybe that's why feminists think porn is so damaging. Women believe their relationships with men should reflect sex and the city and the latest romantic comedy, where men understand not many women look like the airbrushed images in magazines and on the internet.

Maybe most women really can, but it's just we only ever hear from the loud minority of feminists who talk for them. But then, why don't we ever hear anything from masculinists about the sexualisation of men.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 22 February 2010 8:20:14 AM
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