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Australia, Afghanistan and three unanswered questions : Comments

By Kellie Tranter, published 11/2/2010

We should be asking the Rudd Government whether the war in Afghanistan is legal under international law.

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>>So, why does Pericles continue to post to a forum that he insists no-one is reading?<<

But you are reading it, daggett. Doesn't that make it all worth while?

>>I consider the precise amount necessary to pay the saboteurs is a detail that is not essential to this argument.<<

Nor do I. A ballpark estimate would do.

You see, the purpose is not to put a price on the exercise, as you seem to imagine.

>>If the point that you are trying to make is that the amount of money necessary to pay American professional killers to kill American citizens would make the whole cost of 9/11 prohibitively expensive...<<

The idea is to make you think about the detail. Where the devil lies.

I tried to make the point by asking you how much it would take to buy your commitment to blow up the Opera House, and all the people inside it. I chose the Opera House because I suspect that you despise the sort of people who go there, thus making it a little easier to imagine.

But you still can't get your head around it, can you?

If it takes you this long to think of a number, try to contemplate how long it would take your secret cabal of international wossnames to put the team together.

You have this notion that all you need in order to take over the world is a bunch of money. My point is that a bunch of money is still not going to make people sacrifice the rest of their lives to your "cause", after having murdered thousands of fellow-Americans in cold blood.

Especially as you haven't actually said what that "cause" might be.

Motive, remember?

You haven't even got close to means and opportunity, even with your Die Hard screenplays.

You're even further away from a motive

In fact you have zilch.

Not even a ghost of one.

Certainly not one that would stand the slightest chance of motivating hundreds of American citizens to become traitors to their country.

And kill their neighbour in the process.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 9 April 2010 11:59:47 AM
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Pericles expects me to believe that he continues to post here for my benefit alone.

I can certainly assure him that I am not posting here just for his benefit.


I note Pericles no longer insists that I admitted I don't have a clue how it was done.

The fact is I never made that admission and Pericles lied when he made that claim.


It's really beside the point that Pericles claims to be unable to believe that the necessary number of Americans willing and able to murder their fellow Americans could have been found to carry out 9/11.

That is the only way that the observations of the WTC 'collapses' of 9/11 can be explained. Certainly how WTC 7 'collapsed' to dust in 6.6 seconds in a manner exactly like a controlled demolition simply as a result of fire alone has not been explained anywhere and certainly not here by Pericles.

If Pericles wishes to either explain to us how WTC 7 did collapse as it did without explosives having been planted or if he can offer some other explanation of what happened which does not require explosives being planted by domestic saboteurs, then he is welcome to do so.


The remainder of Pericles' latest 'contribution' consists of no more than the restatement of lies that have been answered many times before and I don't intend to respond further.
Posted by daggett, Friday, 9 April 2010 12:58:42 PM
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I've heard that promise before, daggett.

>>I don't intend to respond further.<<

But you always seem to.

>>I can certainly assure him that I am not posting here just for his benefit.<<

Of course not. That would be a silly thing to do. You are posting here because you like to see yourself in print. It's a form of validation, that you are somehow... significant.

I quite understand.

>>I note Pericles no longer insists that I admitted I don't have a clue how it was done. The fact is I never made that admission and Pericles lied when he made that claim.<<

You said that with a straight face. Classic.

>>It's really beside the point that Pericles claims to be unable to believe that the necessary number of Americans willing and able to murder their fellow Americans could have been found to carry out 9/11.<<

I only asked for the price of one, daggett.

Just one.

Before you go jumping to conclusions about the "necessary number", just explain to me how just one person would handle it.

That's what I mean when I point out that the devil is in the detail.

It always is.

And while you insist on imagining there is a conspiracy of global elites, instead of building the picture from first principles, you will always fail to see the fundamental reasons why your theories are nonsense.

At some point you are going to have to face the reality, that you cannot find the slightest trace of a motive for your version of events.

The fact is, you start by imagining the existence of this all-powerful, secret cabal of international elites, with the ability to suck trillions of dollars at will from the US economy.

Everything you then imagine, flows from this.

I put it to you, that if you have managed to suck trillions of dollars out of the US economy without anyone noticing, you'd have very little motive to do anything as dangerous as murdering thousands of your fellow citizens.

You'd buy a small Carribean island, and retire in comfort.

Wouldn't you?
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 9 April 2010 2:01:49 PM
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I note Pericles has, yet again, declined to offer any alternative explanation of how WTC 7 'collapsed' to dust in 6.6 seconds in a manner exactly like a controlled demolition simply as a result of fire alone.

And he has also failed to either restate his lie that I admitted I don't have a clue how it was done or withdraw it.


Just to make myself clear, Pericles:

When I see a post that warrants a response, or if someone else were to point out to me where I have not already answered any substantive contribution you have made, I will consider responding.
Posted by daggett, Friday, 9 April 2010 2:23:56 PM
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For the hundred and fiftieth time, daggett, there is absolutely no reason why I should do so.

>>I note Pericles has, yet again, declined to offer any alternative explanation of how WTC 7 'collapsed' to dust in 6.6 seconds in a manner exactly like a controlled demolition simply as a result of fire alone.<<

How can I best illustrate this very fundamental, but extremely simple point?

Imagine for a moment that you have hunted down a couple of sabre-toothed tigers and are sitting outside a cave waiting for your wife to make tigerburgers. You are in a contemplative mood.

"You know" says daggett, turning to his neighbour after another toke from the dried leaves he is burning, "you know how they tell us that when the sun goes down, it sits inside Hathor the cow, and is reborn each morning as her son?"

"Yes indeed" says Pericles - for it is he.

"Well..." daggett leans forward, ready to share his great secret for the first time. "I happen to know that the sun is actually carried across the sky in a chariot. What do you say to that then?"

"Errr. How do they get the sun inside the chariot, daggett? How do they make it stay there - won't it keep falling out? And who is driving the chariot anyway?

"That's easy" says daggett, triumphantly, "it's a secret cabal of international wossnames. They can do anything. Keeping a stupid old sun in a chariot to drive across the sky every day is nothing to them. Why they can...."

His eyes narrowed for a moment against the acrid smoke.

"You're not one of them, are you? Are they paying you to disagree with me"

His eyes rolled up into his forehead.

"So, smartypants, tell me why it ain't so. See, I told you, you can't tell me why it can't be true, so it must be true, nyah nyah upyabum."

I hope this little vignette describes our relative positions on the topic adequately for you, daggett.

I'll try to work up a scenario using Sesame Street characters, if that will help.
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 10 April 2010 11:09:37 AM
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What kind of despicable creep would be capable of introducing this vicious libel into the discussion, Pericles?:

"I tried to make the point by asking you how much it would take to buy your commitment to blow up the Opera House, and all the people inside it. I chose the Opera House because I suspect that you despise the sort of people who go there, thus making it a little easier to imagine."

It adds no more to the discussion than if I were to ask Pericles how much he would have to be paid to rape his grandmother.

So, who put you up to planting this sick suggestion in people's minds, Pericles?
Posted by daggett, Sunday, 11 April 2010 8:25:53 AM
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