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Australia, Afghanistan and three unanswered questions : Comments

By Kellie Tranter, published 11/2/2010

We should be asking the Rudd Government whether the war in Afghanistan is legal under international law.

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Sorry I missed your post earlier, RobP.

You have asked some good questions.

The motivation for the US Government to kill its own citizens is simply to provide a pretext to launch its foreign wars, attack the US constitution and implement its domestic agenda of theft of Treasury funds and wealth of ordinary people to line the pockets of the croney capitalists behind Bush.

The Project for a New American Century ( openly stated that they needed a new Pearl Harbout to win acceptance of their agenda:

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. ( 850K)

The Project for a New American Century was the cabal for whom President George W. Bush was the front man.

In 1962, The US Joint Chiefs of Staff planned to stage terrorist attacks on US soil and hijackings and blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba.

However President Kennedy stopped in and removed from his post (see


It's inconceivable that al Qaeda operatives could have penetrated the security of the three towers at the WTC and have been able to have planted all the necessary explosives.

But if they somehow, by some miracle had, how they did so, would have been very easily discovered by a proper investigation.

However, most of the evidence that would have pointed to the guilt of al Qaeda, that is, if they had, indeed, planted the explosives, was destroyed. It was shipped away to China and melted, as Erik Lawyer explains in that talk, which I linked to above.

Whoever it was who planted the explosives had to have been protected from being unmasked by whoever it was that set up the investigations.
Posted by daggett, Sunday, 7 March 2010 2:39:49 PM
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The 'investigations' were set up so that it would cover up the true causes of the 'collapses' (i.e. controlled demolition) and, instead, claim that the mere impact of two aircraft on the two towers and the fires caused by the residual aviation fuel was enough to cause three steel framed buildings to collapse completely at near free fall speeds for the first and last time in history.

The only people with the power to turn the NIST investigation into the cover-up that it was would have had to have been highly placed in the Bush administration.
Posted by daggett, Sunday, 7 March 2010 2:40:45 PM
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Ok daggett, here goes.

>>How hard would it be for Pericles to simply copy an example of what he tells us is "the farrago of circumstantial innuendo, wild imagination and self-fulfilling, circular arguments" on and paste it here for all to see?<<

There it is, in all its glory.

Mind you, you yourself make a fabulous case for ignoring it, with your classic responses to RobP's questions.

>>The motivation for the US Government to kill its own citizens is simply to provide a pretext to launch its foreign wars, attack the US constitution and implement its domestic agenda of theft of Treasury funds and wealth of ordinary people to line the pockets of the croney capitalists behind Bush.<<

Well of course! Why didn't I think of that?

Probably (answering own question) because it is so utterly nonsensical, that only a dedicated conspiracy-dweeb could be bothered to form the sentence.

>>The Project for a New American Century ( openly stated that they needed a new Pearl Harbout to win acceptance of their agenda:<<


They “openly stated” as follows:

“Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions.”

This is the sentence immediately following the one that you conspiracy-nuts believe shows the intent of the short-lived, politically sterile bunch of nobodies to create a “Pearl Harbor” incident. (p51)

You'd be better off quoting the political views of the Windorah Ladies Bowling Club for all the relevance they have to 9/11.

>>It's inconceivable that al Qaeda operatives could have penetrated the security of the three towers at the WTC and have been able to have planted all the necessary explosives.<<

But daggett, what happened to your claim that it was mere a matter of fixing the elevator maintenance programme?

>>The 'investigations' were set up so that it would cover up the true causes of the 'collapses'<<

Yup. The conspiracy-wally's answer to everything:

"Of course it was a conspiracy. The fact that there is no evidence proves it - it shows they had something to hide"
Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 7 March 2010 4:27:11 PM
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As I already said, Pericles:

So, Pericles now openly concedes that he has not even bothered to check any of the facts on yet wants us to accept his word that the content of that site is fallacious.
Posted by daggett, Monday, 8 March 2010 2:25:06 AM
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Is it my imagination daggett, or are you running out of ideas?

You keep asking the same ridiculous question. I keep giving you the same, carefully considered answer.

When will it occur to you that I am not about to buy into your fantasy?

What pleasure do you get from banging your head against the brick wall of reality?

It's a fascinating case study in futility, really. You must have realized by now that your chances of converting anyone here to believe in your wacko theories is minuscule.

As I have said before, you start from someone else's imagined "anomaly", and, with the help of the internet and a bunch of conspiracy fanatics, build it into a full-blown fiction involving everyone you hate - Bush, the "banksters", the neocons, the new World Order...

If you step back and look at it as a whole, you (sorry, everybiody else) can see that your theories cannot possibly survive the light of reason and rational thought.

But have a nice day anyway.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 8 March 2010 5:11:08 AM
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Pericles wrote, "Is it my imagination daggett, or are you running out of ideas?"

As they say about people in glass houses, ...

The only ideas, that I can recall Pericles contributing to this discussion, are:

1. His claim that it is inconceivable that the necessary demolition charges could have been planted and wired in the WTC towers without the perpetrators having been found out and exposed.

2. That the rulers of the US stood to gain nothing from 9/11.

3. That the rulers of the US would not be capable of deliberately murdering so many of their own citizens in order to advance their geo-political agendas.

4. That people who dispute the official account of 9/11 are nutters.

Have I missed anything Pericles?

From this it necessarily follows that:

1. Everything that George Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney et al have claimed about 9/11 should be accepted without question, that is:

(i) people in Afghanistan plotted 9/11, trained the perpetrators and provided them with all the necessary resources, even though not one person has been captured in Afghanistan after more than 8 years of military occupation of that country with a proven link to 9/11;

(ii) that there is a global network of terrorist cells, directed from Afghanistan which have the intention and capability of perpetrating more 9/11's, 7/7's, Bali bombings, 12/25's, etc.;

(iii) in order to prevent a recurrence of 9/11 it is necessary for (a) countries including Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, etc. to be invaded with the consequent loss of life of hundreds of thousands of their citzens and (b) remove ordinary citizens' guarantees of democratic freedoms and human rights, (c) divert almost unlimited resources in claimed efforts to thwart further such attacks, e.g. nearly $200 million to be spent on full body scanners, $ million on APEC in September 2007 [1], (d) impose martial law at will as occurred in the Sydney CBD during APEC in September 2007.

2. Any evidence claimed to be contrary to the claims of Bush et al about 9/11, such as that on should not even be considered.

Posted by daggett, Monday, 8 March 2010 4:32:17 PM
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