The Forum > General Discussion > BAIL-IN is now law, not good if you are a self funded retiree or money in the bank.
BAIL-IN is now law, not good if you are a self funded retiree or money in the bank.
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Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 3 August 2019 6:53:59 PM
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More government interference of the kind that wrecks economies and people.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 4 August 2019 7:37:13 PM
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True but this one is very serious becuase it attacks our every day security and financial well being. From what I know about it, if the banks, (the too big to fail banks) can access our accounts, and take money to keep the banks afloat. I assume it will be those accounts or deposits that are in some special higher interest earning facility. The reasoning as I have been able to ascertain is that because you invested your money in a speculative product, that product is subject to amongst other things, rise and falls according to market movements. Therefore you knew you were investing in a risky product, so when things were good you gained, but when things go bad, you lose. This has been done because the rumour has it that we will be going into or close to negative interest rates. As I have mentioned I chose to do a housing development as it seemed the lesser of the many evils when looking at banks. I will say this to all, do not be tempted to put your money into ANYTHING, including a business. Myself I will consider renting these houses, as much as I said many years ago, I would not go near domestic rentals again. I sold whatever houses I had at the time, (around 45 years ago) and went into industrials. Never looked back. One of my better decisions. So I hope OLO'ens take heed and check out this insidious new law. I can't "link" but if you look up the CEC, I think the website is; It stands for Citizens Electoral Council of Australia. Once in you can search through the many articles and discussions, with references and explanations. Good luck. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 4 August 2019 8:28:02 PM
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BailIn has been in operation for a few years. It is operated by the
Financial Stability Board of the IMF. They will take depositors funds from any bank to pay the debts of the bank that is in distress. The only way to protect yourself is put your money in a non bank such as a Building Society. One proviso, it must not be a subsidiary of a bank or associated with a bank. I moved half my deposits to a building society after asking if they were connected to a bank. That took them aback and could not answer for two days. I believe shareholders in listed companies are OK. AFAIK ! Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 4 August 2019 11:27:55 PM
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how can any sane person justify or try to justify the logic and reasoning behind BAIL-IN? It beggars belief, it just cannot be possible, why aren't we kicking in the doors of parliament and dragging these bastards out kicking and screaming. There is no other way to describe it, other than THEFT! I would really like to have been in that room when these scumbags came up with this one. So your telling us that the only choice we have is jumping from frying pan into the fire. I learned, many years ago that building societies were not a safe institution with a reliable enough record to risk putting money into. I would like to know what the minimum amount is before they don't touch your account. In the meantime, as I said, I'll have to go with the building/renting option, as much as I hate it. You do realise this is all the doing of one sh!tty mob, well the banks are the ones pulling the strings, so they should be lynched up with the govt. Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 5 August 2019 1:53:11 AM
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This was agreed by the G20 which met on the Gold Coast a few years ago, but got little attention in the press at the time. Now the Australian government has agreed to adopt a guarantee that covers all personal accounts up to the value of $250,000 at all authorised financial institutions. Posted by snake, Monday, 5 August 2019 9:05:14 AM
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Snake, tks for the link. Interesting was that each partner of a joint
account have their own guarantee. It was first greed to by Wayne Swann at the G20 meeting in St Petersburg in 2012. Joe Hockey signed the final documents in Brisbane in 2013. That guarantee is a movable feast as it disappeared for a few years. One case in Italy a depositor who had Eu150000 taken walked up onto the steps of the bank and shot himself dead. They might give you some shares in the defunct bank as compensation, hmmm. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 5 August 2019 11:14:01 AM
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I might ask did anyone check on that govt guarantee, as to how much money was set aside for it? As I recall, it was a pathetic amount of X millions, and when people in the know looked into it and did the numbers, it was found that it was a con! The fund was so small it barely covered a very small percentage of the banking population. It was just another BS statement from the govt, to try and allay any fears and rejection that may have risen over the announcement. I checked out your website link. It does not curiously mention how much is set aside for this purpose. It was mentioned in the beginning, but then I think the govt started getting exposed for the fact it was misrepresenting this bank guarantee thing, and obviously felt it best not to draw attention to it any more. Basically the amount in this fund?, was nowhere near enough to really be of any use. I wish I could remember the amount, but it was some time ago. I find, the CEC reports to be a valuable source of info, and they have a presence in govt so we get info first hand and up front. I for one am very committed to keeping an eye on this latest govt/banking attempt at 'grand theft public'. I might ask, if anyone finds out anything about this latest scam/con, that they put it on OLO for all to see. Our very lifestyle/life depends on this. Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 5 August 2019 12:35:08 PM
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Thanks for bringing this to our attention ALTRAV.
I'd heard about this 'bail-in' thing a number of years ago, but haven't thought or heard anything about it since. It's was spoken about and criticised on Alex Jones and other alt-right conspiratorial-type websites. They said it was coming, and I'd forgotten all about it. Now without reading this article; (Which I just found to confirm it's true - I haven't read it yet) - What I understand from memory is that this is a provision of the central banks, to help themselves to the funds in everyone's accounts in the event of a financial collapse? Is that correct? You'd probably find that it's some sort of 'provision' for 'continuity of government' i.e. it relates to being 'a matter of national security'. But yes, the banks win, the people lose, and the bureaucrats remain in place. All I can say at this point is that Bernanke said the US economy is 'going off a cliff in 2020'. And 'The Economist' said we'd have a global currency in 2018 (They said that 30 years ago) Which is why I keep telling you all but you won't listen. - They didn't put this on the US dollar bill for no reason. It means something - In 1950 the son of Paul Warburg (One of the founding members of the US Federal Reserve, and also one of founders of the the Council on Foreign Relations) James Warburg emphatically decreed to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent." I keep telling you all this stuff is by design. - Albert Pikes 3 World Wars - Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 5 August 2019 12:55:20 PM
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your not the only one who has been warning people of these bastards. If you can recall, some time ago and every now and then, I have mentioned groups like, the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, the Elite, the King makers, and so on. I have been looking into the Rothschilds for many years and it has awakened me to the fact that the Jews were/are The greatest threat to mankind. I have given up trying to broadcast my findings, which are well hidden, because I would get one hell of a 'push-back' by the usual clowns on OLO. I am very pleased and relieved you came up with the links which go a long way to making my submissions credible. Suffice to say that the particular Jews in question, actually and happily, sacrificed millions of their own so they could get one up on everyone else. They are seriously mentally ill. They are still run by the Rothschilds, who have been responsible for nearly all the major world wars and life consuming events, such as 9/11. Your link provides much fodder to back my findings. I have backed off a little because I fear if I push too hard I will lose whatever cred I have left. But really, these people are like lambs to the slaughter. They get all invested in some useless and pathetic minor discovery of some bloody rocks, but refuse to accept an inconvenient, uncomfortable truth, which is real and here and now, which is critical to their well being in both health and wealth, compared to some imaginary story about something which might have been. Honestly I have learned so much about people since finding OLO, and it's not good. Not good at all. It has reinforced and confirmed my opinion and findings about people, or should I say Aussies. Anyway, I must give you full marks for following up and confirming the fact that the govt and the banks are in it together and up to their necks in it. Damn shame they are not up to their eyes in it. Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 5 August 2019 9:52:47 PM
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I always thought you were pretty cluey. "I have been looking into the Rothschilds for many years and it has awakened me to the fact that the Jews were/are The greatest threat to mankind." Obviously the Rothschild private central bankers (by their own admission) have a hand in these plans, but you could get yourself into trouble saying 'Jews'. The best I can figure it out, is that it does mostly goes back to the Talmud. But not all people who identify as 'Jews' are religious, such as 'Secular Jews' and not all 'Jews' support Zionism. - Yes terminology's a minefield, and I think they like it that way - One part of all of this I haven't really looked at is connecting up all the round table groups. "Suffice to say that the particular Jews in question, actually and happily, sacrificed millions of their own so they could get one up on everyone else." That's interesting. I remember a video where they spoke about Hitler and Ingolstadt (birthplace of the Illuminati) but I can't remember the details. This is that video. What You're Not Supposed to Know About America's Founding Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 1:24:38 AM
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I also heard that Hitler was a Zionist and stuck to a strict Kosher diet. (I have no idea if it's true, and on face value sounds unbelieveable) But I got curious and did some clicking... Found this: "Like many others examining the 'suicide' of Geli Raubal, Stevenson speculates that Adolf Hitler in a fit of blind rage after Geli had threatened to expose the fact that his grandmother had born a child from Baron Rothschild of Vienna, had killed his neice with a pistol and fled the scene in a panic, and appealed to Bormann for help." So I looked a bit more and found this; - You'll have to read the whole article "I have backed off a little because I fear if I push too hard I will lose whatever cred I have left. But really, these people are like lambs to the slaughter." Sorry if I prompted you to respond with more details than what you would've liked. What they don't seem to realise is were all in it together and they'll take the rest of us along for their foolish ride nonetheless. "Honestly I have learned so much about people since finding OLO, and it's not good." Same, but that's certainly not saying I think the people here are bad; I don't think that, but I think OLO gives a kind of broad level of insight into our nations citizens. Check these out: The Jerusalem Conspiracy Sorry if I digressed a little off topic.. You want know another hand in hand measure of the bail-in? If I recall correctly, they will try to stop people moving their savings to safety, by banning the sales of precious metals to the public. I wonder if the Ainslie bullion article I posted earlier mentioned this... Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 1:34:19 AM
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I am pleased to see that you too have been following your own lines of enquiry which you have thankfully shared here with us all. I must confess, your observations on my 'broad' statements about the Jews, does sound as if I mean ALLJews. Not so. I take literary license to abbreviate and cut corners, so as to write quicker and save time. NO, the Jews I refer to always are specifically those who are mentally deranged, who would kill their own mother to see themselves ascend to a position of superiority and have the mis-guided mind set to be arrogant enough to dare to control the world and all it's people within. These are sick people, and as such should be rounded up and destroyed, just as they would have us suffer the same fate. I'm not saying that the world and all it's faults is a perfect place, but it is what it is, and unless there is an international vote such as in Europe, any other form of taking control of a country against the will of the people is generally called a "WAR"! This is the way of the Illuminate, and has been since the beginning. AC, I am pleased to see your finding the same reference to Hitler being the illegitimate descendant of a Rothschild. This whole lineage and therefore the Illuminate are of course so driven, they need to be removed from society. They have been, and continue to be a threat to mankind and must be, instead of Illuminated, they should be Eliminated. (pun intended) AC, you have single handedly rekindled my hope in my fellow man. By even knowing what I have been talking about is a huge relief to me and believe it or not makes me feel as though I am not having to carry this burden of information alone. As for your mention of precious metals, if I recall correctly, they took to buying gold as it was mobile and an international currency, so they could 'uproot' and move without loosing any assets. to be continued........... Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 6:24:15 AM
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I know I sound paranoid, but, every time I write about Rothschilds or Jews, I find I am blocked for exceeding the number of words limit, even though when I look at the size of the text it looks no bigger than others before it. Anyway, to carry on. I recall something about our reportable cash limit has been reduced from $10,000 to $5,000. And there is talk that some idiot minister is pushing for it to be reduced to $3,000. I believe this is all part of the push to a "cashless" society, which will not work. I have an article which is of grave concern to me and I believe, anyone who is serious about not succumbing to this vial take over of humanity. And that is a list with the heading, "The Rothschilds own or control 97% of the world banks, and reserve banks". This was enough to convince me these bastards are dangerous. AC, I know you warned me against stereotyping but I don't know who these pricks are, so it's easier to just say Jews and hope that the readers know what I mean. The things I have uncovered/discovered which are serious and actually affect us all, are frightening, even if only half of them are true. This whole story on the Illuminati and the Jews plan to take control of the world is so far fetched, it's ridiculous yet dangerous. If people don't stop and take this seriously, as ridiculous as it is, we will once again be at war, and in our lifetime, and we can blame it on a particular group of Jews. Or we can not have another war and just get rid of the same particular group of Jews, so that this time the people will not have to die aimlessly, to do the bidding for a group of very sick, mentally deficient bastards. Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 6 August 2019 6:24:42 AM
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As currency can be devalued any time, look at ours right now, the only way to protect your self is a hole in the ground, with airtight containers of gold & silver. It won't earn any interest, [neither do bank deposits today], but will keep your assets yours.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 7 August 2019 1:29:04 AM
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quite right. I have tried to think of a way around this dilemma, but the best I could come up with was to do a new housing development. With everything forecast to go South any time soon, I thought, well even though housing is down, I reasoned that people have to live somewhere, so these houses should help eliminate the rental growth which has become a real problem due to the home buyers being rejected by the banks. So in the meantime many people have had to rent waiting for the day when they can afford to buy. But more to the point, AC has done a stirling job of researching and explaining some of the finer points both currently and historically on the bastards who have forced us into this mess in the first place. You might be surprised at some of the details in the links. I have never doubted them, as I have been following this scumbag group and it's founder for some years, and the whole thing just stinks as do the people referenced. Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 7 August 2019 5:42:14 AM
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For those skeptics amongst us, the following link will go all the way to alleviating any beliefs you may hold about the innocence and culpability of the Rothschilds, and the Builderberg Group. Read it and weep, as the saying goes. I have been continually challenged over the veracity of my claims against this vial family and group. They are by far the MOST dangerous people in the world. Or at least up there nudging for top billing. Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 7 August 2019 5:50:34 AM
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Looks like a pretty good list and link. I'll have to check it out some more. "This whole story on the Illuminati and the Jews plan to take control of the world is so far fetched, it's ridiculous yet dangerous." Everyone knows I often bang on about 'arguments based on merit'. Well as a nation and preferably before we go any further: I'd support bringing this stuff out into the open and dismantling every single part of this so-called plan piece by piece 'on the basis of merit' and taking a good hard unbiased look at all the smaller little things that have gotten us to this point in history. I'd support a larger discussion on what we ourselves want for the future of this nation and our place in the world rather than to be dictated by a bankers and bureaucrats of a non-sovereign global ideology; Whether others have plans on our future and whether this goes against what we as citizens of this nation want. I support standing back and having a serious look at the bigger picture with our feet planted firmly on the ground. I'm happy to take all the criticism and crap that I deserve; Just as long as others take a good hard unbiased look for themselves. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 8 August 2019 11:03:33 AM
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- people would say this conspiracy stuff is ridiculous. 'How on earth could they ever manage to carry something like this out?' 'It's preposterous'. That's what they'd say. Take today's main article Hatred, intolerance, malevolence and misguided Islamic piety What you've got to pay attention to is that there's 3 Abraham religions. Christianity is like a religion of pacifism, where the other two have plans to rule. If I could explain what I think the way they go about it; Think of this metaphor: Think of a man and woman in a domestic violence situation. The man being physically stronger, and the woman being physically weaker. The man can fight with the aid of being the one who's physically stronger but the woman can't win in a physical confrontation. How does the weaker person win? They fight using a tactic I call 'fight without fighting'; That is unassumingly move the pieces in the background to undermine the physically stronger person, with a smile on their face. Islam fights by confrontation and open conquest Judaism fights using 'fight without fighting' Now what you got to do is control both the left and the right, so that you don't move either left or right without your influencing it; Play both sides off against the middle and continually shift the goal posts; With the narrative always 2 steps to the left. And then what you do is have all your people hide behind business, regulatory, pro-social-wage type organisations - for the people - If you don't have this in place, create new organisations that gain influence and overthrow the old status quo in place of the new one. Illuminati: "We Control Islam and We'll Use It to Destroy the West." Jews have argued for non-discrimination on the basis of religion; And non-discrimination on the basis of race for immigration; - But that results in bringing Islam, (which is a desired result). If that article recognises the issues with Islam and the Koran, the bigger picture is to look at Judaism and the Talmud. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 9 August 2019 1:05:03 PM
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Thinking on bankers: Firstly if you have a monetary system that loans a nations money into existence, then you profit off the blood, sweat and tears of every nations citizen; And nations are inclined to exploit and pillage other nations to stay afloat. But think bigger: If you own all the nations international banks and money supply; The you also control the exchange rates and can take a profit on all the nations foreign transactions; It's basically a huge pyramid scheme that slowly and incrementally steals a whole nation; As you make money from the national interest, and exchange rates you can buy all a nations infrastructure back (at firesale prices if you fund the causes that steer the nation towards ruin) under 'privatisation', and slowly but surely bleed the nation of everything it owns, as well as dictate it's future. Thinking on democracy. In regards to 'fight without fighting' you have to weaponise it. Also if you always donate to both sides of a political campaign; - The result will be that they become accustomed to the money. As each election cycle comes around each polical party from both sides will hold its hand out and say 'What can we do for you this election cycle' It give you permanent influence over and above the citizens votes and wishes themselves. You can steer society. You can steer it straight down the s-bend of the toilet. Here's an example of using liberal ideas to deliberately steer a nation to economic ruin for a bigger picture reason: There's a script for regime changes too. All like the recipe for baking a cake. I could go on but that'll do for now. - That's how they do it - Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 9 August 2019 1:37:44 PM
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you have presented many examples and articles and articulated the case I have been aware of and attempted to promote for years. Where you have done so very well indeed, I have tried but to no avail. You have, on the other hand succeeded in climbing that unassailable mountain and achieved the near impossible by planting that flag finally exposing the hippocracy of the gutless and mindless, the best examples of negativity and regression. Your research on the issue of the Illuminati, the Builderberg Group, the Rockefellers, and of course, last but not least, the Rothschilds, is exemplary, and I take my hat off to you. As you have a much better grasp and knowledge on these issues than I, I would like to suggest you set up a topic for others to comment on, at the very least it will educate and enlighten those with closed minds and misguided beliefs. I have had little success in trying to warn people of BAIL-IN and that it is a 'here and now' happening thing. With this looming recession, BAIL-IN is now 'locked in' and can and will be activated at the drop of a hat as soon as things get tight, and it won't be long now. Anyway, I hope you find more to post because I am learning more every time. The main thing I am pleased about is that finally there is someone who understands and realises what I too have been aware of and the gravity of this information. Look forward to your next info and starting a discussion on your findings. If I can help, please let me know. Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 9 August 2019 1:54:58 PM
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at the end of the day we are going to die and take nothing with us. Personally I don't know how much has been posted is conspiracy and how much is true. I totally distrust the UN. One thing I do know is that Australia should be almost the most prosperous nation in the world. Socialist (marxist) have succeeded in bring this country a long way down the list and gutless conservatives (a few exceptions) have just stood by feathering their own nest while watching what has happened. I am also 'stupid' enough to believe that God our Creator will have His own way in the end. Man has shown himself to be arrogant, foolish and naive. Somehow commonsense tells me that the clay will not prevail over the Potter. At some stage every knee will bow and every tongue confess to the glory of God that Jesus Christ is Lord. Mercy is available to all who are willing to humble themselves and wake up to the stupidity of lies that they have chosen to believe.
Posted by runner, Friday, 9 August 2019 3:32:11 PM
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What I've written on this thread is the culmination of about 10 years slowly biting off small tiny bits around the edges and each time learning a little bit more. I'm certainly no expert however. It's taken me a long time to be able to learn enough to articulate something coherent, more than irrational tin-foil hat rambling. I haven't ever made any sort of determined effort to deliberately dismantle, document and follow up all of those little bits and put them all together properly. Each time I learned more I had to also to kind of take a step back and acknowledge that I don't have all the answers and also that there's no point worry about things I can't change; - To try to keep my feet on the ground, and so that I don't act irrationally like some people (leftists and progressives as an example) who go nutty over the things they've been taught/learned and believe in. I often talk about truth, ethics and arguments that hold merit. They could call me a 'white male conspiracy theorist who displayed anti-semitic leanings' if they wanted to discredit me and the entire populace would believe whatever they were told, probably reading headlines only. But I'd never be one of these idiots who do something with an 'end's justifies the means' mentality. I won't put my neck on the line for a populace that wish to walk off the cliff, but it does mean I'll get dragged over with them and because of their ignorance. I try to speak up for my true and genuine beliefs; I give my 2 cents just like I should; - In the 'war against stupid ideas'. Take Hasbeens advice and bury some precious metals; - Then maybe trade some crypto on the oil price volatility. (there could be a move to a new global currency in crypto) And stock up on provisions and make a plan, just in case there's a war or the US tanks. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 9 August 2019 3:43:22 PM
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you're not wrong. It is a fool who completely ignores or mocks something they know nothing about or rejects out of hand. Best to keep the information close at hand so when more information surfaces, it may help clarify the previous information and go a long way to either debunking it or confirming it. I believe I am a reasonable man and by definition have the ability to reason. Also by nature am an objective open minded realist with a fair amount of pessimism and optimism so I feel qualified to engage in certain comments on OLO, and so do, when the topics or the mood of the topics require it. AC, It's no wonder you are so well informed, with the years of experience and research you have endured over the time, obviously well spent. I am frustrated at the realisation that I can do nothing to punish these thieves and scumbags, only stand by and watch it all unfold, when I know that if only the general public would just mature up a bit and stop being such gullible, naive and arrogant morons, it just might be possible to amass a large enough number of people in the right cities to attack these individuals who are part of this evil group. By 'attack' I mean kill, yes I know it sounds a bit extreme, but it's not. After all, that is exactly what they intend doing to us. As I have pointed out in the past, when we jail high flyers, they not only live in luxury in jail, but they are still running their evil empires from inside, so not only are they not being punished they are laughing at us. And still their poison keeps flowing killing and ruining good people and their families. So I am more than convinced that death is the least punishment for those who seek to gain at the expense of others and their lives, families and livelihoods. Sorry to be so late in response, unfortunately I live in the West. Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 9 August 2019 11:13:28 PM
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The narrative is always 2 steps to the left. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 9:59:56 PM
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You'd expect all multi-nationals headed to Bilderberg are pushing the same bs agendas into the nations in which they operate.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 10:28:33 PM
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one thing I would like to know, if these idiots are serious, they must be in concert with all the other major populated countries like India and China. The only way they can achieve their goal, of world domination, is with the help of major powers, because to attempt such a thing as singular entities would be impossible as they run the risk of being attacked by the other large and superior power. By comparison if they attempt such folly as a tri-partisan arrangement, the odds of success are far greater. As far fetched as all this sounds, I would reject it if there was not so much written and from so long ago. After what these mongrels have put past generations through, it would be a fitting end if they were dragged out kicking and screaming, lined up and shot, before they get to destroy any more lives. I, for one will keep looking and listening for anything which will further add to the execution of their master plan. I know there will be more, we just have to keep looking in the right places. Hopefully the plebs will start to take note, before it's too late. Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 15 August 2019 1:09:33 AM
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I dunno what it is ALTRAV it's like I've developed some kind of bs detector.
I haven't been staying abreast of global events much lately, but a video popped up in my youtube subscriptions from a trusted source that followed on from the Sara Carter article I linked to yesterday. Google Insider Further Reveals Political Bias (TLAV Listed), Hong Kong, Kashmir & Harris Goes Full Later on in the video he mentions Kamala Harris (Democratic Senator) and links to a twitter post here: "Kamala wants a new law to empower the state to declare American citizens "suspected terrorists" and seize their property without any traditional adjudicatory process. That's what happens when you import the 'terrorism' paradigm into domestic jurisprudence" I thought gees, someone wants to tear up the constitution... You can't build something new unless you destroy the old; Reminds me of 'Order out of Chaos' motto of the masons... But I digress.. So I thought better do a search for 'Kamala Harris Israel' - It's like I've got about a 80% to 90% success rate when I feel the need or curiosity to look. Why is it those who advocate to change the status quo, those who wish to engineer future society seem to always be connected to Jews? Well obviously I'm not surprised. Did you see this comment I made over on the main forum? Speaking of terrorism did you know this? Israel was founded on terrorism, and the ruling Likud Party was founded by terrorists. Likud was founded by Menachem Begin, who was involved in the King David Hotel Bombing. Speaking of terrorism; Did you know that the birth of international terrorism began in 1979 at the Jerusalem Conference by Benjamin Netanyahu? I'd add some links but it's getting real hard to find them with googles algorithms, if you dig you'll find the info. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 15 August 2019 7:04:42 PM
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top shelf as usual. Keep it up, I wish more OLO'ens would read your submissions and firstly accept or believe them, then some responses would be productive. Any response is better than none at least that way we can gauge if someone is being taken seriously or if they need correcting or re-directing. I cannot believe that there are not more people out there who not even a little concerned about the security of their money and or life savings and financial well being. These "criminals" are planning things that will affect us here and now and for the worst, not the better. Everything has a beginning, and we are fortunate to have discovered this massive conspiracy and injustice well ahead of time. The problem is, without the rest of the population joining in, we are helpless, and can do little to even protect ourselves from these filthy, conniving overlords, with evil, egregious, and oppressive intentions. Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 15 August 2019 9:16:31 PM
And you thought the Royal Commission into banking was going to help consumers, far from it.
Anyone with any REAL money in the bank needs to research and investigate this new and very real threat to any self funded retiree's.
They're coming after your money.
Take it out of any speculative account and put it in a simple savings account or take it out altogether.
Check this yourself, it's called, BAIL-IN!