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The Final Eviction, Bronnie Its Time To Leave The House.
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I am speechless now. It sure now looks like it is time to leave The House.
Posted by JF Aus, Saturday, 1 August 2015 4:53:52 PM
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JF Aus,
You have done your best to defend the indefensible, top marks for effort, but you nailed it there me old salt, it certainly is time Bronnie packed up her swag and hopped on the bus and forget about us, there will be no yellow ribbon tied around the old oak tree for this old porker! Poirot, She spent 6 grand flying in a charter from Sydney to Nowra attended another one of those "Secret Bronnie Business" a euphe for private Liberal Party business! Again no comment, no apology. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 1 August 2015 6:35:31 PM
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At the risk of overkill... (they just keep on coming)
Murdoch certainly has taken the gloves off regarding Bronnie and her taxpayer-funded largesse to herself. Here's a good one: "TONY Abbott’s own frontbench believes Speaker Bronwyn Bishop must go as her entitlement scandal escalates, with revelations she uses chauffeur-driven cars that allow her to be driven in bus lanes and has splashed huge sums of public money on luxury road trips It has been revealed that high-roller Ms Bishop spent $1071 on two chauffeur-driven car trips in Sydney on the same day she used freebie tickets to attend the opening of Yes, Prime Minister with two staffers. A senior Liberal cabinet minister predicted the matter surrounding the Speaker would be “resolved’’ within days. The Sunday Mail can reveal Ms Bishop was among up to 16 Liberal frontbenchers including Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Treasurer Joe Hockey and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, who flew to Melbourne at taxpayer expense around August 1, 2013, where they attended a $50,000 a table fundraiser. But unlike the Prime Minister, Treasurer and Foreign Minister who combined multiple press conferences, campaign events and official meetings with the fundraiser, Ms Bishop will not detail what she did in Melbourne other than attend the dinner. Ms Bishop, who was a member of the shadow ministry at the time, claimed $251 in travel allowance for “shadow minister – official business” in Melbourne and also billed the taxpayer $1079.07 to get in and out of Melbourne via Sydney and then to Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast." "The Speaker’s expenditure on taxpayer-funded luxury limousines and Comcars has also been laid bare in parliamentary records that confirm costs of up to $1000 a day for the Liberal MP to be ferried around Sydney. Over the past five years, taxpayers have spent $260,237 on chauffeured cars, limousines and private-plated vehicles to drive Ms Bishop around Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and other capital cities." Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 1 August 2015 11:57:33 PM
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It is a total mystery as to what value this woman has been to the parliament, and therefore the taxpayer in all her long years as a member. What has she done, what has she achieved, would she be missed if she left tomorrow? No, not at all.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 2 August 2015 8:16:34 AM
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As expected, politicians are still avoiding any mention and it follows, any informed discussion of the findings and recommendations of the reports of the Government's own auditor, the Australian National Audit Office.
This recent, highly relevant report was submitted to BOTH the Senate and the House of Representatives when Labor's Kevin Rudd aka Kevin 707, was in office: <ANAO Audit Report No.3 2009–10 Administration of Parliamentarians' Entitlements by the Department of Finance and Deregulation -Tabled in the House of Representatives and Senate, 8 September 2009 As a reminder, Rudd Government 2007–10, Gillard 24 June 2010 – 27 June 2013 and Rudd 27 June 2013 - 18 September 2013. For interest, Bill Shorten and some of his colleagues served in the Rudd and Gillard governments. [Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 24 July 2015 12:59:37 AM]> Cynical self-interest rules. Politicians on both sides of the Parliament and in the Reps and Senate, obviously prefer that Bronwyn Bishop should fall on her sword, denying the will and representation of of the electorate who put her into the Parliament. Anything but examining that inviting, wide open door to pollies' entitlements. Conditions that are easily abused and all pollies are quite determined to protect that circumstance. As mentioned earlier, the auditors and the administering department have walked over eggshells for years, diplomatically trying to get interest in some accountability and proposing solutions, but to no avail. Not something the 'fact-checking' (?!) ABC would want to pursue of course. Or at least not while the 'Progressives' can embarrass that hated Abbott, who wanted the ABC to trim its fat a bit like every other public agency. A pox upon the self-serving, cynical, greedy, UNACCOUNTABLE, career politicians in both Houses. Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 2 August 2015 11:31:25 AM
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The heat would not be so much upon BB if she wasn't, bar none, the worst Speaker Australia has ever seen.
Posted by Luciferase, Sunday, 2 August 2015 2:20:41 PM