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Organised Labor, Organised crime.
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Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 7 February 2014 4:53:15 AM
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SM, "With 80% of staff openly either Green or Labor" where did you get that "fact" from 'The Daily Telegraph'? and what are the other 20%, communists!
One thing about conserves, in general they never have a sense of humor! Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 7 February 2014 5:47:46 AM
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SHADOWMINOR QUOTE..<<..This toxic trend demonstrates the ways in which unions have morphed into the businesses they so despise.>>
that was tempting..but from respect for bellY..i couldn't JUMP..on that aspect of criminal institution..that has subverted the role of govt ..from regulating trade/defense etc..into sitting ducks..for the mates running the two party and two half parties..that the same backdoor types helped set up. ITS NOT..that they became that they..despised they were set up by those make it look fair..TO..the disposSed...MANY..Under internationalist intrests ITS a version of judas goat..[where a 'tame'..critter infiltrates a wild herd of lure them to be captured[thus the likes of bob brown..trapped..those like him/litle knowing he was working for cia the minute that got ouT..he left the judas goat[of itself is quite..sincere..yet will at that 'key time'..dO*..A De-moc/rat rat flip[like that gave us gst] i like bob..i liked the dems..met many i like the greens[most my druggie mates vote and did deals with greens..I even allowed them to take 'donations'..when i was receiving govt income[my hemp party has close ties..with the greens..etc I LOVE AND MOSTLY AGREE WITH PAUL..damm caploc virus] but..thats the cost of living out my bEliefs. but it clearly exposed..[as the cec did..just who 'runs the scape goat[sorry judas scheme..that sets up an appearance..of fairness..that then allows demon-autocratic appear..TO BE FAIR..[representative]..when ITS NOT. SO ITs not what they changed..into..but what they were set up to be[a way to install ..a representative talking judas betray us trusting..souls..without the heart nor means to bring back true representative governance sadly..i must speak this as true and both of YOU..know it. CTD Posted by one under god, Friday, 7 February 2014 6:32:54 AM
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one who wants to do real change..must do it..with..a main party
i put it to a few.parties..they are better infiltrating..the main parties..[then becoming a the people..[a breal one..not the fake ones sadly we got now like i recall peters garrot..he DID..the main party thing..but fOUND YET AGAIN..the demon-idiosyncratic..of the numbers demo-grap-sic 'numb'-ers [of..the few entrenched sellouts to special to subvert representing the people[many]..into ongoing perpetual..advantage,,of the elite/few <<What they’ve spent so long opposing – the ruthless and greedy nature of the big corporates – they are now themselves guilty of,>> yes..if only you the shadow man..would I WOULD vote for you..but not ya party..not any party the DEMONIC..representation..of corporate special interest must end but we of the people..are too busy looking for judas the other others their wOrks not woRDS will we know theM..but by then the damage=doNE combine..the heart of the belly..with the wiSDOM..of the shadow..with the persistence..of paul..[man we got a new] the..MAKE THE WORLD..LIKE OLO PARTY. we rule*..LIKE WE to one? how about it guys? together we can bring real change. Posted by one under god, Friday, 7 February 2014 6:33:16 AM
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ITS FUNNY..just as i to change/things
i get an offer of one who yet again wants to speak for me [but do WHAT THEY DO/ represent a believable/but fake opposing MINOR VOICE..WHEN IN THE END THEY inevitably..*do the demo-RAT/CRAT/judas goat..*THING. SEE ITS ALL NUMBERS AND NUMBERS /MONEY/CONTROL/organization..the two main parties DO HAVE its likely a good idea..but wont be allowed to work in fact..if we heard IT..ITS BECAUSE WE CAN WATCH IT...[learn from it] Posted by one under god, Friday, 7 February 2014 6:41:27 AM
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I get the weekly "newsletter" from my union, and the work being constantly done by the union in support of workers is fantastic. This work goes on day in, day out, without any fanfare, without anything being reported, just known to the union and its membership.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 8 February 2014 6:14:30 AM
Don't be so childish. I have seen more adult behaviour from a teenager.
I also listen to the ABC radio every day, but am not stupid enough to think that they are unbiased. With 80% of staff openly either Green or Labor it is virtually impossible to produce balanced programming.