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Verbally Offencius

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Just curious as to why people get offended by words or why some words are more offensive than others, even if those words have nothing to do regarding your beliefs (religion, politics, family value etc).
Posted by DeepBlue Something, Wednesday, 27 November 2013 8:32:49 PM
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I think you may need to give us some idea of what words you mean DeepBlue Something.
One person's offensive words are often someone else's everyday vocabulary!
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 28 November 2013 12:39:34 AM
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Yes welcome and hope to see more of you, but.
Words are for every thing from love to hate.
Without them we would still be in caves and,in the end words crafted to offend usually do.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 28 November 2013 6:00:46 AM
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deep/thinking..deep-thought..i..have attended/
much group-thinking..on..the issue..

see that some words are some
and you make the holy..wholy strikes to the heart..of those holding the word sacred

the obvious..[a..sacred/word=a s/word]
and thus sacred/words cut..thus doth a sharp tongue..cut

so much depends ..upon..the sacred/cow/word.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 28 November 2013 7:29:06 AM
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In some peoples vocabulary the most common word starts with F and ends in K. I do believe that it is caused by the brain working slower than the mouth. So if you want a measure of low intelligence juts count the F's per 100 in the conversation. On the other hand there are those who use the words "you know" "you know" "you know" over and over. I feel like shouting mid sentence "I DON'T F'N KNOW!"
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 28 November 2013 9:25:03 AM
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Our language reflects our view of the world and
so it is always changing. New words are being added
all the time as discoveries are made in medicine,
science and technology. We can probably think of
many examples of this. Words for things no longer
in use are dropped from our everyday language.

In the same ways, new words are used for sociological
changes (changes in the way society functions). For
example, females were expected to behave in ways very
different from men. While "loose morals" were frowned on by
society in general, there was a tendency to "look the
other way" where men were concerned. A man's behaviour
had to be very bad indeed for him to be branded a "rake,"
"libertine," "lecher," or "debaucher."
It was the accepted thing for a man to keep a mistress,
but "gently bred" women were not supposed to be aware of it.
Women whose behaviour was considered too "permissive"
were called "hussies," "trollops," and "sluts."

Nowadays, we don't make such harsh distinctions between the
sexes, and so while some of these words may still be used
at times, the "sting" has been taken out of them.

There are many terms which today are no longer acceptable
to most people - and are considered "outmoded."
Terms such as "n*gger" referring to African negroes.
"B*ong," referring to Australian Aborigines. "D*go" referring
to Italians, "w*g" referring to migrants living in
Australia, and so on.

As we study history we can see how language has changed and
we can compare the language of the extracts from old books
and reports with the way we express ourselves today. And
Further down the track in years to come - we'll possibly be able
to laugh at what we found offensive today.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 28 November 2013 10:27:23 AM
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Paul quite true and funny.
Have been held prisoner at far too many lectures or information givers.
W#$k W*&d bingo was our name for much of it.
However the first time a middle aged gent said *so they say*, and started throwing his hands around moving three fingers on each hand? almost P%#D myself laughing.
We use and abuse words, if only this country had the front to confront the silly ways we all fall for rabbit words to try to impress
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 28 November 2013 1:05:00 PM
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out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Hence the vileness that comes much from entertainment industry and copied by kids. Also very common for vileness to come from National Broadcasters. One of those things unwritten on duty statements but obviously held in high regard.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 28 November 2013 2:12:43 PM
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<<There are many terms which today are no longer acceptable
to most people - and are considered "outmoded."
Terms such as "n*gger" referring to African negroes>>

Not so Foxy, my Brazilian friend tells me that the N word is a term that is used/worn by Brazilians of African descent with a great deal of pride and acceptance.

So you see it is not as cut and dried --black and white-- as those PC text books of yours have had you believe.
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 29 November 2013 12:29:05 PM
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PS: On Verbally Offencius

I reckon that if some of the skits of SBSs "Legally Brown"were to be edited and have the word "white(s)" replaced with any non-white groups name, there would all hell to pay. The PC brigade would --regardless of the skits intent --be calling for it to be banned & its producers to be sacked (after they had first been hanged, drawn and quartered)
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 29 November 2013 12:56:41 PM
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This young man lays out his observations of why some words are controversial even though they're not:
White men are people too:
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 29 November 2013 2:18:39 PM
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Dear SPQR,

Actually those derogatory words were taken from a
social history text-book for high
school students and they refer to the meaning
of the words in the English language. Not in
Portugese, the language of Brazil.

BTW: I'm not a great fan of
political correctness - having worked
through a re-structuring process of libraries
in Victoria under the Kennett government ,
where "buzz words" came into vogue, and
political correctness was the "flovour of the

Of course you'll always find a few people
to whom all sorts of words are quite OK -
however these outmoded words are no longer acceptable
to most people speaking English.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 November 2013 4:57:19 PM
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cont'd ...

I forgot to add that if you Google the hisstory
of the word "n*gger" - it's meaning has been
derogatory - and that was the point that was
being made.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 November 2013 5:10:12 PM
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Political correctness is so prevalent and deeply rooted in Australia that much of the time people do not even realise when they self-censor.

It provides for interesting media watching though. For example, ABC television is rather proud of its 'challenging' of its rather staid, traditional viewers (as it sees them) through abundant use of offensive language and gratuitous porn. I am told there was a show recently where the ABC revelled in its record of shocking its viewers over the years - tres avant garde, 'Progressive' and leftie as it likes to be over the last decade or two. It has moved well away from the satire of Monty Python to one-sided politics and coarseness.

I don't care, but taxpayers should get value for money and reasonable independence. It is hypocritical of the ABC not to publish its rather obvious informal editorial policy, preferring to hide behind that buffed-up, boring formal editorial policy that is only remarkable for what it leaves out.
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 29 November 2013 6:04:53 PM
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Hi Foxy, When it comes to derogatory names no one can hold a match to the names we had for European migrants of the 1950's and 60's. Besides your standard wog, we also had a multitude of other names, dago, reffo, spick, garlic muncher, just to name a few, the best they could come up with was calling us "skippies", no talent that mob. So these days with nothing better than "towel head" for migrants from the Middle East, I think the "standard" of insult has certainly dropped.
I do believe the word Eskimo is no longer acceptable in Canada, its now Inuit, nor is the word Indian in the US, its Native American. Some how I don't think kids play "cowboys and native Americans" has quite the same ring.
I give Te some stick every time she calls me a Pakeha, I've told her the correct term is "person of superior intellect". LOL
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 30 November 2013 7:39:45 AM
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Dear Paul,

Thanks for the reminders and you're right of course
with some words - changes don't quite have the same impact
as in days of old. -
Like "swamp thing" (creature of the deep), today would
be called a "wetlands challenged mutant."
Not the same impact.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 30 November 2013 10:24:55 AM
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kevin07, copped it for his famous attempt at an ockerism "fair suck of the sauce bottle" which seems to have been a botched job on "fair suck of the sav" Kev tried to keep it going, and failed badly. What he should have then said was. "Fair dinkum, stone the crows, come off the grass, fair go mate, strike me lucky can't a bloke make a galah of himself without a bunch of sheilas take'n the piss out of the poor bastard"
“Fair suck of the sav” roughly translates as “fair go”. So if you are at a backyard bbq and one bloke is really pigging out, an Aussie might say “Fair suck of the sav, Mate”, to let them know that they are taking more than their fair share.

It can also be used to express awe or disbelief of something that is perceived as unfair, like “you’ve got to be kidding” As for fair suck of the sauce bottle, well, what kind of nincompoop comes out with that, and then throws a wabble, must be a drongo!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 30 November 2013 12:43:37 PM
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Dear Paul,

The writer Bryce Courtenay wrote sometime ago,
on the topic of words.

I've quoted him in the past and think it appropriate
to do so again.

He spoke about words that spread smooth as picnic butter.
And words that jab hard and suddenly leave your lips
stinging and your head ringing. Words with big, round,
soft, open vowels, and words with tight, hurtful little "sneak."

He pointed out that "there is anatural alluvial language
on our doorstep waiting to be mined. It is as Australian
as a Chiko roll and as familiar as a kookaburra's raucous
laugh. And it's ours to use any way we damn well please.

He then gave an example which he heard on a Friday
afternoon running late to catch the last flight out of

"Sorry, ocker, the Fokker's chocka!"

Here's another:

"Johnno's so laid-back, he's practically fly-blown!"

The point that Bryce was making was that "there is a lust
for life in much of our language. It is covered in yellow
dust and hardened by drought, then made soggy again with too
much rain, rendered tough once more by bad times and fluffy
as a lamington by good fortune yet again restored."

Bryce was encouraging our writers not to become too concerned
with whape and form and ancient purity of language. Instead
he advised them to build a well-constructed plot and tell
a rattling yarn.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 30 November 2013 1:05:50 PM
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I love people who use political Correct speech. I just tell them I don't know what they mean or what they're talking about & could they please explain what they mean. If they ignore me I insist & get everybody else to insist. It's great fun watching them squirm.

I tell them that Politically Correct speech offends me. I can always get people to back me up because people are fed up with it. People usually don't object because they are afraid of being seen as, "not with it." but when other people complain about it they get some courage & speak up also.

Sayings I don't like, "Passed over", for died. "Gay" for Homosexual. "Mentally challenged" for bloody nuts. "Refugees" for boat people. "Obese" for fat. etc, etc.

I don't like Corporate Speak either.

It's all lying.
Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 30 November 2013 1:14:24 PM
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paul/quote..<<..kevin07, copped it for his famous attempt at an ockerism "fair suck of the sauce bottle" which seems to have been a botched job on "fair suck of the sav">>..

i..never got into..sucking sausage
[saucy/new-age sausage/lick/sip/sucking?]

but i..have heard the
park's..say pass the sauce bottle..and sucking empty sause bottle is a..thing only the poor would comprehend..[actual;l;y its watered/down..till the bottle is near clear=..but i can see the sauce bottle a good lick.

[way back then]
before his misses..cleaned up big time on howards sell off of ces

but i guess life experiences are what they are
and if ya adviser says rip the guy..ya have to rip the guy

get a grip
kevin is gone
pass over the sauce bottle
and stop licking ya sanger
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 30 November 2013 1:39:40 PM
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The late Charlton Heston's speech on political correctness (and the culture war) is recognised as an example of great American oratory. It is an eye-opener, especially for the many people who grew up with political correctness being instilled in them from birth and experience difficulty imagining life without it.

Charlton Heston's speech is short. Here it is spoken by the great man and also transcribed,
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 30 November 2013 4:32:58 PM
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Beach, Charlton Heston dead! strewth, strike a light and stone the crows, that's what ya get for play n' Moses and John The Baptist and never play n' god! I thought he was still alive and kick n'.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 30 November 2013 5:56:38 PM
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Dear Paul,

He died of pneumonia having been diagnosed with
alzheimers earlier. I met him backstage at the Mark
Taper Forum in Los Angeles when he
was still in his "salad days" (fresh and green),
and acting in a play called, "The Crucible."
Unfortunately, he was a lousy stage actor - he couldn't
project on stage as he could in the movies where
the camera did the work. On stage he was very different
and out of his depth. But it was exciting nevertheless -
being able to say, "I saw Moses on live on stage!"
And backstage - he was a gentleman. A lovely man
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 30 November 2013 6:11:03 PM
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cont'd ...

My apologies, my husband has just corrected me.
It was the Ahmanson Theatre in Los Angeles,
not the Mark Taper Forum where we met Mr Heston.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 30 November 2013 6:17:18 PM
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A saucer of milk for Foxy who commented, "Unfortunately, he was a lousy stage actor - he couldn't project on stage as he could in the movies where the camera did the work"

All in the vain hope that discrediting the actor might discredit Charlton Heston's speech that has been recognised as an example of superb American rhetoric. He was no fool. It is not just anyone who is invited to address the graduating year of lawyers at Harvard Law School.

However the list of the actor's awards is long,

Meanwhile, Paul 1405 has decided that anyone who is dead is not worth reading. LOL
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 30 November 2013 6:55:59 PM
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Yep. Heston makes some pretty telling points and the worst of it is,similar examples could be found right here in OZ.

Political correctness (and the censorship and intimidation that follows with it) is not just some inconsequential fad, it is highly divisive and damaging.
Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 30 November 2013 7:29:24 PM
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You're at it again.

Assigning things to me that are simply not true.

Why do you persist in doing this?

My comment regarding Charlton Heston was in now way
meant to discredit the actor. I was merely stating an
opinion of the actor's performance in a play that my
husband and I saw in Los Angeles where the actor's
performance (in that particular play) left a lot to be

And you selectively left out the part where I was thrilled
to meet the actor afterwards backstage, and where I stated
what a gentleman he was, and a lovely man.

Yet you continue to assign all these derogatory things to
me. That simply is not playing fair Sir.
And smacks of bullying. Why do you persist in doing it with me?
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 1 December 2013 10:29:48 AM
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cont'd ...

You are causing me a great deal of distress and
I simply don't know what else to do.
Do you get some sort of peverse pleasure from
other people's distress?

Seriously, this has got to stop.

Otherwise for health reasons, I shall be leaving
this forum due to your harrassment.
I simply can't take it anymore!

I am not the person you're painting me out to be
And I can no longer put up with it. I didn't take
you seriously at first - but now it simply has gone
too far. You have to stop it!
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 1 December 2013 10:34:58 AM
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OUG>> the obvious..[a..sacred/word=a s/word]
and thus sacred/words cut..thus doth a sharp tongue..cut

so much depends ..upon..the sacred/cow/word.<<

It's all about history OUG, you are addressing the psychological potential of using certain words, the “effect” but as you know the gravity we place on certain words comes from nurture not nature.

Lets example the term “Yid.”
It is a derivation of the descriptive “Yiddish” used broadly to describe followers of Judaism in Eastern Europe. Yid was used by non Jews to describe Jews; a derogatory sentiment was linked to the descriptive.
Today descendants of those Eastern Europeans who are three generations and 20,000 klms from their origins in Europe recognize that word as offensive and derogatory.

Although most take it as a negative slur I use the term “faggot” to describe male homosexuals with absolutely no connotation other than a descriptive. This comes from growing up in the birth place of the Australian Gay rights movement. I was young, it was young and the colloquial term for homosexuals was faggot or fag. The term “queer” was more offensive to that generation of fags.

I watched as “Camp” came into the Australian vocabulary, camp this camp that, there were locally produced camp newspapers and magazines, camp venues, everything was camp...for about 4 years then Camp was replaced by Gay overnight.

The reason that the pen is mightier than the sword is because emotions are mightier than logic.
Posted by sonofgloin, Sunday, 1 December 2013 10:50:01 AM
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Foxy>> Otherwise for health reasons, I shall be leaving
this forum due to your harrassment.
I simply can't take it anymore!<<

Lay off Beachie...this is not a blood contender has had enough....If you keep it up I will happily dissect and re arrange your offense.
Posted by sonofgloin, Sunday, 1 December 2013 10:55:04 AM
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lay..of lexie..its tiring
<<..Yid was used by non Jews to describe Jews;>>

<<.The earliest mention of the word Yid in print was in The Slang Dictionary published by John Camden Hotten in 1874. Hotten noted that "The Jews use these terms very frequently."[1]

After World War II, most examples of the word Yid are found in the writing of Jewish authors. These occurrences are usually either attempts to accurately portray antisemitic speech, or self-deprecating Jewish humor. In his 1968 bestseller The Joys of Yiddish, Leo Rosten offers a number of anecdotes from the "Borscht Belt" to illustrate such usage.[1]
Usage in Yiddish[edit]

In Yiddish, the word "Yid" Yiddish: &#1497;&#1497;&#1491; is neutral or even complimentary,

<<..a derogatory sentiment was linked to the descriptive.>>

by who..jews..or athiest [anti-religious/jews shrills] [zionists]
when you going to wake up?
its not..the goy..that hate./.

[its the atheist/zionist secular state]..mate
[an atheist demonic/zionista..'standing in..[upon]..the holy of holiest'

name calling and lies
dont cut it,,..only..allow us a the next big/putche*
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 1 December 2013 11:03:14 AM
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OUG>> In Yiddish, the word "Yid" Yiddish: &#1497;&#1497;&#1491; is neutral or even complimentary,<<

OUG all I can say is that the sentiment currently in my stomping ground of Sydneys Eastern Suburbs is of a definate preference to be called a Jew rather than a Yid. We differ in our realities.
Posted by sonofgloin, Sunday, 1 December 2013 11:09:45 AM
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...*..<<..Yid was*..used..*by non Jews..>>..*..

next excuse?

anyhow..its just confusion..
sure jews got a gods land

but zionists..ARE ATHEIST*..
[god/fre]..get it..secular state..
get it..[before its too late

US-Israeli war game to threaten Iran

The US and Israel are planning to conduct a joint military drill in an effort to threaten Iran towards the end of the six-month period when an interim deal between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany expires.

The drill is aimed at sending a threatening message to Iran while US President Barack Obama says "we cannot commit ourselves to an endless cycle of conflict.”

[no really..they expect apocalypse demons..
to/come through..the gate..[zionists really are confused
Although dependent on the United States for cash, weapons, and political cover, Israel has arrogantly treated the United States as a master treats a slave.

This has resulted in a political climate where, as we head into an election year, more and more US politicians are pulling back from the "friend to Israel" banner as popular support for Israel collapses.

And with the US no longer "Blaster" to Israel's "Master", the rest of the world is now calling Israel to account for its past crimes.
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 1 December 2013 11:35:24 AM
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In the name of Jehovah, I am sorry I used Yid as an example.

OUG, I know about the Zionist agenda and the Zionists manipulation of the U.S Congress....but we are talking about verbiage, and how it is interpreted by different individuals.
But your point about Zionists no being Jews is spot on...there are Jews, there are Zionists, and there is Israel.
Posted by sonofgloin, Sunday, 1 December 2013 1:41:05 PM
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Interestingly enough, at the same time symbols of the birth of Jesus are torn down, symbols of anti-Christian Judaism are erected.

Judaism teaches that Christ was an idolater and that idolaters should be murdered. Most Christians don’t know the fact that the chief Jewish religious book is the Talmud. It sets the entire course of law by which Jews must live, boasting that Jews themselves were the ones who executed Jesus, not the Romans. It also claims that Jewish priests in the afterworld have conjured up Jesus where they are boiling him in excrement for eternity.

jesus-in-talmudI know this sounds ludicrous and impossible to the average Christian today, but this Judaic hatred of Jesus is easily proven. Recently a book was published on that very subject by the head of Princeton University’s Jewish Studies Department, Peter Schafer, called Jesus in the Talmud. The book is endorsed by prominent Jewish rabbis. Here’s a quote from a review of the book in Publishers Weekly:

What exactly is so scandalous? How about Jesus punished in Hell for eternity by being made to sit in a cauldron of boiling excrement? That image appears in early manuscripts of the Babylonian Talmud, as does a brief account of Jesus’ trial and execution—not by the Romans but by the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin. …

Jewish hatred of Christ and Christianity can be seen in a never-ending parade of vicious Jewish attacks on Jesus and Christianity in the media. It is illustrated by Larry David’s HBO television program “Curb Your Enthusiasm” where this Jew urinates on a picture of Jesus. Two pious Christian women are then mocked and ridiculed for thinking that the liquid on the face of Jesus is a tear.


It is impossible to list every Jewish anti-Christian effort, but some shocking evidence of deep Jewish hatred toward Christians is exposed in a paper by Jewish professor Nathan Abrams. In the Jewish Intellectual Quarterly Abrams boasts that Jews founded and still dominate pornographic films. He quotes Jewish porn kings saying that they are motivated by an “atavistic hatred” against our heritage:
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 1 December 2013 3:31:23 PM
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The Politically Correct Version of Little Red Riding Hood
Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 1 December 2013 4:49:10 PM
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the terminology and notions..that are involved/in the debate
over Palestine..and expose once/again..the deceitful nature..that is unfortunately the contemporary/progressive discourse.

Zionism – Palestinian solidarity members

*are required to avoid the ‘J’ word
and to use..the word 'Zionism' instead.

"to refer to Zion..when I really think Jewish
so he..and I “might find grounds..for a lot of agreement….”

The truth of the that Israeli
*politics..has little to/do with Zionism.

Israelis..are hardly familiar..with Zionist ideology,
nor they/are concerned..or motivated by Zionist praxis. Zionism is largely a Jewish Diaspora/discourse that vows to establish a Jewish National home in Palestine..and to civilize..*the means of nationalism.

Israel is obviously/the product..of the Zionist project;
however,.the Israelis see/ post-revolutionary/subjects

*they transformed/*the Zionist dream..into a practical reality.

Thus,..criticism of Zionism/per se..hardly touches Israelis or Israeli politics...If anything, actually diverts/the attention from..*the crimes that/are the the name of the Jewish people.

why do/we..use the term Zionism..instead/of Jewish power,..*Jewish politics..or/the Jewish State?

Simple:..we do/not..want to offend..the..‘anti-Zionist'
Jews..and general...We consciously..* Israel off the hook.

Apparently/we much.;.prefer to target..a phantasmic/imaginary object that..means very/little..rather than simply..calling spade a spade.

josefuss..this..would/be?..your..previous-xmass/ chance?


REDIRECTING,[name-CHANGING]..the..true meaning..of laban>\?

<<..Hence..we/have..come full-circle,..with some
dreaming.-of a white-Christmas,..[wink/wink].where..the cultural celebration..#is/not..complete..without Laban*..[yogurt/read the words]..*illuminating..the banquet.>>


..Laban represents..[loben ha-elyon,]...the "supernal whiteness"[de-light]..that transcends/..all "color"..and classification.

<<..Thus."Laban"..embodies..the power/of transformation..>>


<< is..beyond/classification,>>

jehovuss/said<<The [yogurt]-culture not..only sustains the generations. ..It preserves..a renationalisation.>>

but..the leson/isnt yogert

its about LABON*

laban's father, Bethuel,
was the son of Nachor, Abraham's older brother.

In addition, Laban was thrice/related
by marriage to Abraham's family: his sister Rebecca married Isaac, and his two daughters, Leah and Rachel, both married Jacob.

Thus Laban was Abraham's great-nephew,
Isaac's cousin and brother-in-law, and Jacob's uncle and father-in-law.

We first encounter Laban..welcoming Abraham's servant Eliezer when the latter comes to Charan to find a bride for Isaac...

hint hint

A generation later,..Isaac...and Rebecca
send their younger son Jacob to Charan

to "take a wife
from the daughters of Laban,..*your mother's-brother."

it seems..a white wash

just/like this conceal..their/our/shame...under a name

Posted by one under god, Monday, 2 December 2013 6:53:34 AM
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Foxy, I hate to see you getting upset, especially due to OTB.
Use the little red cross under his comments that offend you, and ask Graham to send him to the sin bin...
Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 2 December 2013 10:03:57 AM
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I really don't care if Jews get called "Yid." I thought Yiddish was a language that came about when the Jews were shifted out of Spain into Northern Europe where it developed. As someone said, to some Jews, it is regarded as good, some bad. This isn't about Jews anyway, UOG. Back in ya box!

What I care about is the politically Correct claptrap that we have to put up with these days. It seems to have become a sport to see who can get more politically correct than the next person.

When I ask these people to "please explain" & they look around for support I don't let them get away with that either. Then they tell me that I'm being "inappropriate." then I ask "how, please explain." I love to watch them squirm. When I tell them that I can't comprehend Politically Correct speech, that's when I start to get a few backers. Unfortunately, one lady started to cry but I said it was a Woman thing to gain sympathy & support. Which it was, because she then became violent, which I reminded her was offensive & inappropriate & we could see through her ploy. Another Guy left & said he wouldn't come back until I was removed but the people backed me. They could see that they were trying to bamboozle us with Gobble de gook & double meanings as Politicians do.

We wanted it explained in straight forward language with exact meanings. They weren't interested in doing that. It was a great day.

All some time ago now.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 2 December 2013 11:04:10 AM
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Dear Suse,

Thanks for your advice and
I appreciate your concern.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 December 2013 12:25:58 PM
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Jayb, "Unfortunately, one lady started to cry but I said it was a Woman thing to gain sympathy & support"

It is manipulative behaviour to stimulate the 'White Knight' response in any males present who are unaware of their own response, why it might occur and how such response is self-limiting, and is constantly turned against them.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 2 December 2013 7:14:25 PM
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Jayb, "Unfortunately, one lady started to cry but I said it was a Woman thing to gain sympathy & support"

These people were trying to sell us a "pig in a poke" or scam, so to say. I just pointed out what they were doing. Advertising Words like "Could, should, might, etc. They were making all sorts of promises without any substance. The woman was there to sway the women & get the sympathy vote of the men. All I did was insist on some positive assurance, which they couldn't give us & used even more Politically Correct words, then tried to make out that if we didn't understand them that we were unintelligent morons.

I thrive in those sort of conditions. ;-)

I might add I didn't intend to make the lady cry. She bunged on an act which was Sooo bloody obvious it was ridicules. She only got angry when it was pointed out.

I do hate to be talked "down" to, which is what happens when smug people use Political Correctness to blatantly lie to you.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 2 December 2013 9:42:48 PM
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its annoying..when we hear DOUBLE speak
abuse by inference..[SKITING.boasting/threat?]

lego/quote..<<..the Jews can find..more socially acceptable get rid..of their unwanted minorities.>> in
but just watch..the big..edit..
the mossad/french doing as we speak

then..poor lego..goes off into..fantasia

<<..spend centuries making it plain>>

israel..already HALF there..50..year oppression/block-head

<<to all non Jews that they had better convert to Judaism>>

how ignorant you are
[NO JEW MOTHER=no jew]

[you cant be that stupid]

but/ya..made..your threat..[point]<<or get out>>.

<<putting special taxes on non Jews.>>

<Kill the odd non Jewish religious leader.>>

<<Look the other way when some small massacre of non Jews happens somewhere.>>

lego/block-head..your clearly so deluded
its not worth even thinking about your dis-info
let alone the boastful..underlying threat..implicit in your crimes

<<....Have a legal system which considers any evidence by non Jews to be unreliable.>>

<<Make certain that all non Jews live in fear.>>

done..and done too death

<<Rape their women at every opportunity.>>

in process [[it sure seemed to work
they fled their houses for some reason
now we know why

<<Force the non Jews to form special army units..that will be in the front lines and will get killed off first in any war.>>


<<Build a synagogue on top of every significant non Jewish site to prevent non Jews from accessing their holy places.>>


<<Finally, have your western supporters always scream>>

done to death
we got 8 of you..just on the one thread

i hope..they got less fact
more imagination..but im..not holding my breath

mate where does the threat/implicit end?
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 6:35:45 AM
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Ya got me UOG. I lost your train of thought about 5 posts ago.
Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 7 December 2013 10:55:23 AM
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