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The Forum > General Discussion > Are the Greens responsible for loss of property due to fire?

Are the Greens responsible for loss of property due to fire?

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OTB have no sound until a trip to PC Doctor.
I saw that Poirot few know every Army range has live ammo in the ground, so bush fire and walking around them is a risk.
One of so many fires it plays little roll in this thread.
I am sickened to report last month a fire fighter went to prison for lighting many fires.
Another just caught and then the two 8 year olds.
Along with an 11 year old and 16 year old our fires are more than often the work of *piro maniacs* a term PC seems to have smothered.
Hate to say it.
But our true fire danger period has not yet arrived.
IF ONLY we can see the true job of bush fire fighters is burning the bush in cold fires not fighting fire storms.
Climate change is real more fires will come harsher and more damaging we must confront that.
And understand, read the Murdock press big money and interests are prepared to lie to stop true action.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 25 October 2013 6:50:36 AM
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"But our true fire danger period has not yet arrived."


The fire season extends, leaving less and less time to prepare, especially after sufficient rain followed by warmer and dryer conditions.

"Abbott is partly right — wildfires are part of the landscape in Australia, and scientists haven’t yet said whether man-made warming played a specific, detectable role in these fires. Such climate-attribution studies can take years. Records in Australia on wildfires aren’t very deep, which makes it difficult to make judgments about what’s normal and what’s not. But scientists have studied how warming might make wildfires in Australia more common and more destructive. A study published last year in the International Journal of Climatology looked at fire-danger data from 38 sites around Australia between 1973 and 2010, and found that 16 of them showed a significant increase in fire weather. (None of the sites showed a decrease.) The study also found distinct increases in fire risk during the spring and autumn, meaning the fire season was getting longer.

Another study, published in 2007, found that Australia was experiencing increases of 10% to 40% on fire-prone days between 1980 to 2000 and 2001 to 2007. A third study, published in 2012 in the journal Ecosphere, predicted that climate change will cause dry parts in the middle latitudes and Australia to experience more fires in the future."
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 25 October 2013 8:37:40 AM
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Belly, "OTB have no sound until a trip to PC Doctor."

Thanks for the courtesy of letting me know. I hope it is only a minor fix.
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 25 October 2013 8:43:36 AM
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"One of the most interesting things we found in talking to the emergency service workers was an overwhelming acceptance and concern that climate change was already affecting Australia, based on their personal experiences with disasters.

As a Western Australian fire officer told our research team, we need to “get the scientists, who have a lot to share about climate change and climate change adaptation, talking to the operational people” - a suggestion backed by many of our interviewees."

"In the same year, the United Firefighters Union’s national secretary wrote to then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd:

On behalf of more than 13,000 firefighters and support staff in Australia, I write this open letter to request a review of Australia’s fire risk… As we battle blazes here in Victoria, firefighters are busy rescuing people from floods in Queensland. Without a massive turnaround in policies, aside from the tragic loss of life and property, we will be asking firefighters to put themselves at an unacceptable risk.

Firefighters know that it is better to prevent an emergency than to have to rescue people from it, and we urge state and federal governments to follow scientific advice and keep firefighters and the community safe by halving the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2020."
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 25 October 2013 9:04:30 AM
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Belly should be able to shed some light on the Greens under-cutting Labor to get support from unions.

There is no surprise the Union supports the Bandt and the Greens for deals done:

<The vocal firefighters union is backing Greens MP Adam Bandt for re-election at the September ballot, joining the National Tertiary Education Union in supporting the party's sole lower house member.

The United Firefighters Union supported Mr Bandt at the 2010 election when he first seized Melbourne from Labor's grasp.

UFU national secretary Peter Marshall – who is a member of the Australian Council of Trade Union executive – said Mr Bandt had been a loyal advocate of firefighters as well as being the union's lawyer for a decade.

In 2011, Mr Bandt successfully introduced legislation to the federal parliament that removed the onus of proof for Commonwealth employed firefighters that contracted certain types of cancers.

Mr Bandt's laws passed because he secured support for the bills from Labor and the Coalition.

''With the firefighters compensation, he put aside his ego and got tri-partisan support for the bill,'' Mr Marshall said.

''Clearly our loyalties lie with Adam.''

Studies have shown that rates of cancer are higher in firefighters because of exposure to chemicals.

Several states have introduced similar legislation – in Victoria the Greens are pushing for the laws, with the Labor opposition giving in-principle support, but the government is yet commit.

The firefighters support follows news that the NTEU would spend $1 million on a pro-Greens election campaign. The NTEU is frustrated with billions of dollars worth of Labor cuts to the sector and Mr Bandt has been a vocal critic of the $2.3 billion cut to university funding.

Labor's candidate for Melbourne, Cath Bowtell, is a former assistant state secretary of the NTEU.>
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 25 October 2013 9:35:49 AM
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OTB it is actualy a forum rule *do not divert threads*
To do so by such a lurch away from the threads path? just to score points?
May I say start a thread.
Poirot yes saw that, we rural livers nearly never see town brigades at bush firers.
Truth is Forest Parks and volunteer bush fire brigades do the job.
Any list not written in the PC ink that stops bad fires needs to address line of command issues.
Bosses from the top down cover their own body parts always.
So what to do?
One man inspect place to be burned and he gives the go ahead,his job rely,s on him getting the cold burns done,it now seems not letting it is the duty.
Leave fire fighters to do the on the ground job take the paper work away.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 25 October 2013 5:38:26 PM
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