The Forum > General Discussion > We're going over the cliff - in style!
We're going over the cliff - in style!
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Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 9 September 2010 8:09:54 PM
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This really is the question of our generation, "the great morale dilemma".
We are getting richer and living longer because we are destroying the environment. This maybe a big statement but follow the thinking. We rape the environment for all sorts of things, minerals, fish, food, timber products we also pollute it with our waste products. These activities are what makes us rich and as we have made it clear by our attitude towards any action on the environment that requires us to make a sacrifice, we don't really care if we destroy it. These riches that are made from raping the planet are what allows us to develop medicine and automation that is allowing us to live longer, pollute more and consume more. Man will come up with ways of surviving, be it terraforming, bio-spheres or even as Stephen Hawkins suggested colonising outer space. The question is; Do we want to live on a waste land devoid of the rich blend of forna and flora that we currently enjoy? Is the current standard of living destroying our quality of life? How do we want the future generations to live and do we really care? Posted by nairbe, Friday, 10 September 2010 7:47:16 AM
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@nairbe, “We rape the environment for all sorts of things, minerals, fish, food, timber products we also pollute it with our waste products.”
Basically, I agree with you, though one does not automatically mean the other…though we do rape the planet and that allows us to develop technologies and live longer, in itself is not the cause of the pollution, but the pollution is caused by our attitude of endless “clean” water, clean air etc. and our traditional lack of concern of polluting anything…nature will take care of our mess. Yes, and it may well take care of us at the same time. Here in Sydney, is a classic example…we pump sewerage out to sea, polluting a resource, instead of spending a bit more on pipelines and pumping it in-land to reclaim lost lands as fertilizer. It’s a double whammy! Our management is dumb! So we lose the opportunity of reclamation, while polluting our immediate ocean resources, and when the wind and tide is right, our beaches!! Most of the arable land around Sydney is now zoned residential. We’re killing our market gardens, and placing dwellings on arable land, instead of utilizing that land for its best purpose….food production. No, we change it to people production, and decrease the capacity for food production, pushing it further out from the city to lands that are not as arable, or large distances to increase transport costs and create “freshness” issues in the products. We’re so smart that we can put a man on the moon, but not feed and water a city from mismanaging resources. TBC... Posted by MindlessCruelty, Friday, 10 September 2010 9:16:09 AM
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I watched a docco whereby in the rag-trade, dyes have become an issue due to their pollutants. So a company in Europe spent a lot of time and money developing new dyes that are environmentally friendly, but still are able to produce the vibrant colours. That was about 10 years ago…what’s changed? Nothing, that I can see. The rag-trade still uses the pollutant dyes instead of the now developed non-pollutant ones. People that have developed whatever systems for whatever reasons, are reluctant to change. It’s not that we can’t develop better technologies, systems and attitudes, but that we are reluctant to as a species. We change when we are forced to, and basically, not before. It’s an unfortunate human trait.
About 5 years ago, Warragamba Dam got down to about 27% capacity, which apparently means only about 12% useable water due to pressures and sludge. In real terms, that’s but a pubic-hair short of disaster, but has anyone suggested that Sydney look at building another dam or two? Of course not!! That would be prudent planning rather than reacting when it’s too late! But our population grows, food and clean water resources diminish, and we do nothing…not even talk about it. It’s not that I hate politicians, for “hate” is too insipid a word to describe how I feel towards their self-serving incompetence on all sides of the political arena. Let’s just agree that they’re all lower than whale excrement, and could crawl under a snake’s belly wearing ten-gallon hats, unnoticed. But that’s my measured opinion, let me know when you want to hear what I REALLY think. :-) :-) :-) Posted by MindlessCruelty, Friday, 10 September 2010 9:16:13 AM
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is..[if anything]...a lie see how..before..the scare..was the OZONE_HOLE now its carbon...[but remember..them cfc's].. many times worse..than co2 then there are so/many..others methane/benzines/ethinol but you cant tax them but we/.can tax...co2 emission [but thats not..the real-cause] thus the cure..isnt..the real-cure we should tax..home-composting.../ethinol/benzine or those..scientists..doing tricks..with pure co2[dry-ice] we are being conned..big-time if it/is heating..its the other..worse* gasses but there is another point we see industry..shuting down..globally so then..co2 will reduce...naturally* but back-up... [to wind/turbines... will only demand ever-more..co2 to be] thats what/they* need..the new tax for to close down...a briton then build a new* china..or india many times..bigger* come-on..people..its a con* see how..ross/garnishu..runs..his papua pumps..tioxin..directly..into the deep-sea he is an ECONO-mist.. for egsample he has an economic..cure.. to make more industry to get the next-phase..of polution...going who...has the GOVT-subsidies,,solar-cells..on their roofs? you know..the cleaner..used to make..them is 200..times worse*..than co2..!..! then all that carbon..mining/making..them ITS A CON>>FOLKS wake-up they tricked..the data bought-out the media bribed..the greenies...[funded/them] own..all the carbobn-trading..houses and waste..your super/contributions they are directly about your own land they will gradually increase..the private/tax burden.. while coping govt hand-outs/govt subsidy/bail-outs its time you recalled..all the media scares and stopped believing everything you read or hear... you know its all tested.. in work-groups..then/that..which works.. is given to..the decieving media.. either as a survey..or special feature or to your make it law Posted by one under god, Friday, 10 September 2010 9:18:05 AM
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Human beings are destroying the environment. They are noxious pests who should be machine-gunned (except me).
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 10 September 2010 10:04:19 AM
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Ludwig Wrote:
""" And yet, at the same time, human well being has never been better. People are living longer, healthier and richer lives. """ It's all a temporary illusion. The richness you're experiencing has come at the expense of others sacrificing their quality of life so that you can live the illusion that yours will always be better. For every Australian who's life has improved, there are literally millions dying and suffering for you. The ratio of people who's lives have improved to those that have gone the other way is increasing in case you haven't noticed? The constant screaming about the environment and sustainability is all about scamming people into giving something up so that the rich can have more for themselves. What you're experiencing is the exponential growth of disciples prepared to spread their poisonous religion! There's plenty for everyone if the selfish rich would accept a little less for themselves and begin to demand ways of recycling more and improving the way we do things. If they would just relinquish their grip on technology through their BS patents, copyrights, government sanctioned monopolies and stop indoctrinating our young through their propaganda machines, we could move forward and improve everyone's life including the planets! This is what you should be harping about and not your constant whining about population and BS global warming. We have the means, we just need to instill the will on the rich, not the poor! Posted by RawMustard, Friday, 10 September 2010 4:17:30 PM
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Animals tend to live longer in zoos than in their natural habitat too.
I suppose it comes down to quality versus quantity in years lived - but we are becoming more and more powerless to have an effect on one of these factors. Also, this "living longer" is not a world-wide phenomenon. Our extra years may well be at the expense of somebody else's. Posted by wobbles, Friday, 10 September 2010 6:08:39 PM
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Climate change is part of the planet's makeup. The present change is merely sped up by industry & warfare. Instead of another ice-age every 10,000 years we now get one every 8000.
I only hope Anna Bligh isn't going to hit us with an early ice-age tax. I wouldn't have enough money left to buy coal for heating. Posted by individual, Friday, 10 September 2010 6:24:10 PM
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Dear Ludwig,
What does the future hold? Some foresee a new era of scarcity, in which economic growth would be replaced, at best, by economic stability - and at worst, by economic shrinkage. Others, are highly optimistic that we can continue on our present path, relying on technological innovations to solve problems in the future as they have in the past. But predicting the future is a risky business at the best of times, and to project highly complex trends for many decades into the future, when one cannot be aware of subsequent technological and other factors that might affect them, is not a very reliable way of making forecasts. If data on agricultural production a century ago had been used to project trends into the 1980s, they would have pointed to global mass starvation. But the introduction of new hybrid species of high-yield grain and highly mechanized agricultural techniques have greatly increased food production in a way that could not have been anticipated. Nobody denies that the planet has a finite amount of resources or that it can tolerate only a limited amount of pollution. If world population continues to grow rapidly, if industrialism spreads around the world, and if pollution and resource depletion continue at an increasing rate - the most optimistic answer to where is human society headed? would be that, one way or another, sweeping social changes await us all. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 10 September 2010 7:35:20 PM
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Climate change or not - I think it's insane to be digging up our non-renewable resources at an ever increasing rate and pretty much turning them all into junk that will eventually become landfill.
At this rate the following generations will have a lot more to worry about than the effects of climate change alone. Posted by rache, Saturday, 11 September 2010 2:12:34 AM
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your wrong...jardine
we are all gods/image thus deserve to be respected... yes even those decievers..who lord it over us everything has its cost/price the demon-moc-rats... who allowed give-us..the gst[shaft] are no longer in politics we hear/much..ado..about budget/honesty but there is no poli-tricks its the two/party-line..all the way serve..the get richer thus we remove..'death-duties' ending in the big-new GST-tax..sold us via focus-groups its a grand-scam.. how it was by shutting-down news-papers...and bying up..the visual media [seems if we see it we believe-it] so had to be seen..doing/normal..things like walking...seemingly..alone..without fear for us to think..he has a clear/concious see how he sold..telstra[telecom] then put the proffits...we all paid..for into super..for him..and the public..sir-vice its a grand/deception..of horendous proportions it runs hinges on sport-destractions fund..the local footy-team..and they man..the voter-booths [one-hand ..washes the other] see more than half of or were lawyers [they are used to taking-orders/are used to working..for criminals] but in being sworn/ the british-law..society shouldnt..even be allowed to vote..let elected see how/media got all that free-spectrum keeping the police-style..enter-taint-ment fear inducing and sport its al very-neat..fot those lawyers..creating laws then former lawyers[now..judges] judging the laws but the laws..are for the person..not the coorperations [who dont like paying taxes..on their income..prefering we pay taxes..on our meager..wages..see wage/income..are two different-things] see how we fill their courts and the coorperations..get a great deal.. plus no regulation they self regulate... and we are over-regulated by such drug-laws or trickey...moral/policing...see in law..there are two forms criminal..[where there is an in-jured-party] and civil/law..[where there is a contract] we been the lawyers/into creating..contract see a sig-nature[sign/here] make..your mark...[its the mark of civil.cooruption..not the beast] see we apply..for a licence [ do-that..other-wise..deemed illegal..[under the act]...and by applying..under the licencing act..we fall all acts... [we signed..created a uni-lateral[but enforcable-con-tract]... we begged for a licence/advantage.. and got..what we begged for[serfdom/slavery..bondage but its all..immoral..unconstitutional but in criminal..or civil...the constitutions..dont apply we have equity-courts..meaning it volentary ever notice..our names are in capital/letters [in caps means..its a a fiction..we bought into] Posted by one under god, Saturday, 11 September 2010 3:17:31 AM
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your name capital/letter
not all caps..only corperations need to/do that to tell the dead..from the living.. but no going to tell you/that i dont think..they are even taught..that anymore but then such a great earner[for lawyers] its not unheard..for them to get 5000..for a mornings work simply get plead-guilty when..THEY..SHOULD BE SAYING.. NOT A COORPERATION not a person..[a a coorperation].. contract/created..via in-informed-concent i seek no remedy but/via a trickey..form of law..called inclusion.. via the deceptive word..include/includes/including.. which limits..that to-that included.. the acts are only for public-servants.. or specificly..that following includes but trickey to read..but read it all the same ignorance of the no excuse but any act..only applies to those..seeking powwers.. advabntages//licence..under the act not law.. but no lawyer/can tell-you..that.. [they are treason..sorry secrecy..] there is so much/more..but it all involves..wanting to know and quite simply..govt has dont want to know or you would ask questions but its all [pearl/before...well how goes it?] recall what mr how-hard and sherryl../kkk-earner dont get too clever in lue of talking to the media...what worked..for john mate..the people may elect fools//but they do your risk Posted by one under god, Saturday, 11 September 2010 3:24:53 AM
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One word, WAR!
With the terrible shape most other countries are in I think it may well be in the winds. After all, it will curb population, it will create jobs for the masses, the list goes on. BUT! I hope I am terribly wrong! Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 11 September 2010 6:51:13 AM
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The history of humanity is littered with enormous paradoxes. But they all point to one thing – an absolute inability for us to get it through our thick heads that the most important thing of all is to just strive to live in balance with our environment and resource base.
Some of the paradoxes have been: Agriculture. This made our lives easier, with more reliable food supplies, more easily won than hunting and gathering. But it led to big population increases and the over utilisation of regional land and water resources and made people vulnerable to famine when their crops failed. Medicine. Huge improvements have led to millions of lives being saved especially with massive reductions in infant mortality. But this has led directly to huge increases in population which has kept many hundreds of millions on the edge of starvation and in abject poverty. Fossil fuels. This has allowed populations to further burgeon and the quality of life to increase in many countries. But it is all built on a house of cards, which cannot be held together when oil becomes scarce, or well before it becomes scarce, due to increasing prices. Highly flawed economics. We’ve just seen the GFC. But by all accounts, we haven’t learnt the lessons of this crisis and we certainly haven’t learnt that an economic system based on continuous growth is madness. Apparently, a vastly bigger crash is on the way, and soon. So where does it all leave us? Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 11 September 2010 7:10:43 AM
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Nature had its own population control by way of decease but man it his infinite wisdom has gone against nature as always & doesn't know how to deal with all of us. Three solutions only. War, decease or birth control. Make your choice.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 11 September 2010 7:35:10 AM
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individual/quote..<<..Three-solutions..only...War,..decease/or birth-control...Make..your choice.>>all pretty/much-as..ludwig..out-lines
but..your/ error war...HASNT/worked..its just..the current-way there-are..egsamples.. that..2 percent of war-funding..alone ..could feed/the world the machinery..of war..into plough-shares... so lets/think..they sort-of..may-have..had..some insight they also/put-in place..the LAW.. about not/doing..murder [its..not/thou..shalt/not kill].. but/thou..shalt-not..murder..[ie/war] murder.. [how-ever/much..we may/ see/] but..if you feel/guilt.. know..god is..most..forgiving he knows...the reasons/behind..every-choice.. [and do.. as why..we chose to-do..this or that] another/thing is god..dont judge... its time..we/got over..that see we/were..each/..given a gift...of life it is/only..respons-able/ give..the gift-on the..'sin' homo-sexuality.. isnt as/much about..loving..the same-sex but..not/continuing...the circle..[gift]..of life science..has repeatedly..confirmed.. life comes..only from life.. so the crime..[if any]..isnt living/loving thing/is..we are not*..too many but that/ few..have so much lest we forget.. about fear and there/is plenty..of fossil-fuels.. despite the deciete..sold in the press then there are fossil fuel [like the joe-fuel..cell]..that makes fuel..from water but greed..needs/ need..that they hoard we come..across a simular fear-based medicine where cheap-cures..are suppressed.. so they/can keep sicknes/INCOME dental decay..[for egsample]..could easilly be erradicated.. via anti-biotics...killing it extinct [just like we got rid/of small pox..polio] but then/many allready ritch..dentists.. wouldnt get..their new penthouse..on sydney-harbour its the cancer..mans/biggest killer able to be cured..simply by sound/vibration/ or..high alcalinty/even by colour spectrophy... and electo-lisis..plates..we use to plate metals [that disolve..and suck it..out/in hours..effortlesly] same most of our problems except those of glutteny[diabetis/obesity..self inflicted yet still creted// his image they-too..are so easilly previously mentioned but the thing is..the 3 percent..who now owns..97 percent..of it all want us gone... and as they/think..they..control it all.. they will in the end succeed...[see this is the new hell.../watched tv lately]...and god has a new plan...[well not actually..god..but demons]but as you/dont may just grasp..demons living in a demon-autocratic..system they want..this reality..into..a prison-planet they-WILL..get it...why let them/have eternity.. when we..can let them have but dont-let/ know just watch and see/how..their plans/planning back-fire...SSS its know.. you-too are an eternal/spirit..having a life-sentenance they..are then...when/you have..served/your..time more shall-be fact based on loved to/do.. here/ Posted by one under god, Saturday, 11 September 2010 10:30:19 AM
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under one god,
what do you mean it hasn't worked ? Didn't the plague & others & wars keep the population down. I know war is man-made but who created the deceases ? Surely it was that creator who created those or who or what was it then ? If Eve hadn't handed that apple to Adam then there sure wouldn't be a population problem. So, who do we blame , Eve ? Posted by individual, Saturday, 11 September 2010 10:39:57 AM
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Dear Individual,
Ever since Eve gave Adam the apple, there's been a misunderstanding between the sexes about gifts. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 September 2010 11:55:14 AM
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there isnt much more i could add..but will try you/said..,<<..what/'t worked..?>> just that..the rich/..get richer and the poor..stay poor..regardless many/wars see wars..used to be/ king.lost-control..over his/'serfs and sent his cousen/king re-establish the statis quo..via war/murder/mayhem in the dont/do ..a real lot.. but keep/what is..the way it-is <<Didn't the plague &..others..& wars keep/the population down.>>..thats debatable recent research reveals..children.. [regardles of how/many survive] depends directly on income... we wont see/the birth-rate go-up..much.. if we all/get a bit more seems..unlikely.. but people been/dying..forever and dead aint...dead god knows that..for a..certainty yes..the body-dies..but our/ eternal <<I know war/is man-made..but who created..the deceases?>> names arnt..important... [that we do/did to the least,we do/ god... [is much/more important].. if only..the elites..would wake.. and see how much they have-been given.. is proportuinate-to..the risk,..they/ the next-life [as jesus revealed..its harder..for a enter gods/kingdom. ..this is mainly..because wealth...belongs equally to the the master]..but we/ just..isnt so <<Surely it/was that creator..who created/those.. or..who or/what..was it..then?>> we largly chose/ourselves by chosing..our..parents see..we are spirits/evolving... [this huh-man/form..isnt our first..incarnation..] we have had/each..many/other..incarnations... [some..huh-mans..still much reflect.. the beast of their last incarnation..simply via their brutish/natures...others have been given..a second,..go] <<If Eve..hadn't handed/ to Adam then..there sure..wouldn't be a population-problem>> yes and no. spirits...dont have offspring.. becoming..outcast.. [joining the serphant..] the garden children wernt an option.. but from the monment..they hit the garden.. breeding was an just took them..a while/ to figure it all out./.from then on..well we/see..the fruit's <<So,..who do/we blame..Eve?>> eve has/been wronged..too much..for too long be your great/great..etc..grand-ma recall adam..gave life..[living-sperm] that eve..made into child..[life from life] eve has been wronged..too much she was/ be forgiven...a foolishness.. under the mosaic-laws..of mosus..5 ways... to wit..her father..adam..[X/y]..[he gave the/rib] her brother....we now..know..eve[X/X}.. was a clone..[with the..'y'..chromosone..deleted] the husband..[adam..[X/y]..could have forgiven..[X/X] the serphant..did ask..[X/X] "dids't..god forbid"? and the no/..god..did-not for eve..was still..a the time so has eve/..and her-kind..[X/X].. been wrongl-y/..wronged.. unjustly.. for far/..too long AHHH-men Posted by one under god, Saturday, 11 September 2010 2:45:25 PM
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How do you get more souls when you haven't enough space for the bodies to house & feed them for 8 decades ?
I'm not denouncing nor professing that there is a superior being commonly referred to as God. I can't crank up the amount of faith needed due to so much mayhem & misery around me. I desperately wish that there was a power which had some control over the countless miserable sods who make life so difficult for most of us. God has more tolerance than I could ever muster towards those god damned morons out there. Why does God allow these idiots to exist ? Fair enough to give man his own free will but surely even God would realise by now that mankind needs redesigning. I only hope a Mark2 is on the drawing board. Posted by individual, Saturday, 11 September 2010 7:23:24 PM
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individual/quote..<<....surely..even/God..would..realise/by-now..that mankind..needs re-designing.>> wish/..for
remember..we/ gods-image your missing/ see/how..angels/fell from..the heavens [satan..and half-of..the angels...decided they/ got/it then adam/failed..the free-will-test and got/it..too but see..EVEN/today...spirits.. confirm..they..get-it/too and then..a new-life/'born'.. <<I only/ drawing-board>. god..took-care of/that..a long-time ago... you may have/heard..of the sons/of light..[son's..of god] well that/awaits..the levels..of evolution...abouve angels the heavens..all/radiating..gods-light look/at..the uncountable..enlightened..suns..of the/father each..having/their-own..let/there-be/light..moment <<..How do/you get..more/souls.. when/you..haven't enough/space..for the/ house..& feed..them..>> your forgetting...flesh/blood/bodies.. is only..temporary..the..means/to..the end we form..our/ then enter..the..astral-plane.. in/our..astral/body[soul-body]soul that/ time..into a/body..of light as we..resolve/balance..the errors..we [or alternatly..decide,,to/not..change.. and sink...naturally.. as..far/as..our morals/ sink..into.the..hells] seek-ou.. the rejecting..the light deneying..what/we..have..allways/been <<I can't/crank-up..the amount/ much/mayhem..& misery..around me.>> its not about-faith/ as jesus revealed..its what did/ try and make..things better did you/ god by loving/..neighbour [that..sort-of/thing] see..we be allowed..huh-man/incarnation help..end all-that..suffering unprepared..for the seeming..reality..of this/realm and many..found..them-selves..accepting,,this...dimentions-realities forgetting..we are..eternal-spirit..building..a soul <<I desperately/wish/that..there was..a power..which-had..some/control over the..countless..miserable-sods..who/ so difficult..for most/of us.>>. this reality..confirms.. that even they..have/free-will it/ or it's, have/ the..end..many will/see..the light seek to know..the good..truth..of god..the light seek to/ light to live/love..the good..of the light god dont/want slaves he as the..perfect-host..loves serving..usall indeed serves..even..the least.. their gift..[of-life] he serves/to live..the most <<God has more/tolerance..than..I could ever/muster..towards/those god..damned..morons..out/there.>>>god..damms no-one you must learn...we are..they.. them..we/most despise simply by hating...'them'.. we hate see/ in..all living we get/ giving..grace you are..forgiven..come/to..the fear/here but the price..of the/ forgiving..those..we/ them all are/ god who sees..the truth knows the..truth we/ time..repent.. that we/did..that hurt-others that..[only really/hurt..ourselves] slipping/ [as tony..will shortly..realise] <<Why does/God..allow these/ exist>> think/of them as..children till they saw/ they couldnt.,.see any-reason..why-to..even/try <<Fair own free-will..but>> which of..gods-children..will/you..deney? we were/all born..ignorant i have/much..i..regret... but regret..without..repentance.. is...just/talk... [talk is cheap] by...our/works.. are we..revealed..or reviled Posted by one under god, Sunday, 12 September 2010 11:43:05 AM
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Dear Individual,
There may well be something else on the drawing board - as you suggest. But perhaps, it will be man-created not God. Look at the inovations that technology is currently making. The age of the "bionic man/woman," is already here. Artificial Intelligence is making massive contributions (robots caring for the elderly in Japan). You never know what the future may hold for us, and as OUG said - we'd better be very careful what we wish for. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 12 September 2010 12:45:33 PM
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we'd better be very careful
what we wish for. Foxy, I couldn't agree more. I for one wish the megalomaniac do-gooder ignoramuses are being redesigned as we speak. So far as those who constantly impose their ignorance onto others are concerned, aren't they primarily left wing ? I'm not entirely blameless but I wonder how they'll be assessed. Let's hope integrity triumphs over what we have now. Posted by individual, Sunday, 12 September 2010 1:00:22 PM
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Dear Individual,
I'm not sure if all the ignoramuses are primarily left wing. I'm even beginning to wonder what on earth does that mean? Some people claim to be right wing, and yet some of their views vary, the same goes for left wing, centre wing and so on. Maybe people that are ignorant - are simply just that - ignorant. What this last election has shown us is that most people, are somewhat disatisfied with both parties. What does depress the heck out of me for example is - why can't parliamentarians work for the good of the country - if its a good idea - support it, regardless of who suggested it - why the adversarial conflicts all the time, and putting party politics first instead of the nation. I'd better stop - I'm beginning to sound like a whinger - but I certainly can identify with your frustration with certain people. Still, I suppose if we all agreed, we'd complain how dull and boring things are? Humans are a conundrum, that's for sure. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 12 September 2010 1:29:05 PM
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Foxy wrote:
""" why can't parliamentarians work for the good of the country """ Hi Foxy. Because there's only one true God today in the eyes of most, particularly our poly-ticks. He's called MONEY and his symbol is no longer the cross but the $$$. At the end of the day, they will sell their own mothers for the $$$. We're all doomed to be consumed by the great almighty $$$! Posted by RawMustard, Sunday, 12 September 2010 2:11:28 PM
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Dear Foxy,
Just reading the words, "robots caring for the elderly in Japan" sent shivers down my spine. Have we come so far technologically that we would slap ourselves on the back at the implementation of such an "innovation". In my opinion, there is something ethically questionable about such a method of care - surely a human deserves another human as a caregiver. No doubt, there are roles for robotic or artificial intelligence in our world...caring for a frail vulnerable human being is not one of them. Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 12 September 2010 3:22:24 PM
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we do our old-rage..than robots i have/seen glimses..of the future and more of it/will uniting..the old/new the young..look after the old schools..will cure..the numbers/ratio's..of pupils/teachers by joining school's further..govt..wil be adminesterd..locally..via school govt services..will centralise..around..schools if you need anything..we need only get to a school they run/ teach people parenting/skills link..people to baby-sitting..[and old people-care] students go arround testing the waters students study..the local research... even approve homes/ [guided of the elders] who strangly enough get vitalised.. by the energy/enthusiasm..of the youth anyhow i have seen the future..and its much more decentralised [yet centralised around school/districts] they turn..high-rises..into fields to grow food beef..isnt so much feedlot/grain-fed as much as fed on sprouted..grains needs to get worse/before it can get better se we have built..all we need.. but as..RM..says..its currently..all about..$ and that by decree[thats what fiat...means] its only money..because govt declares/ legal tender but the bwankers stole..the means.. for generate..its own tender and have grossly miss-used..abused..any trust..they might have had they run-out..of money..long ago the bail-outs..that capitalised..them..isnt near enough.. for the inflated..values..put on the few assets..they actually do hold see they have paper-securities..[basiclly anything..we signed] thus our mort-gauges...have long-ago..been cashed-in in fact..the banks dont when you hear of repossesions,,they need..THE ORIGONAL[blue-ink]document..but dont have it[only recently..they make people sign..two] see if the origonal/document..isnt in court..the judge must throw-out the case..but no-one is in court,,,to make the law work..this is what govt should be seeing done..but isnt i should stop breath i have long talked of these things and nothing much changes.. ok kevi..listend..briefly but look where the rest/of the..idea's where we need a new the rest of us..can use the banking system to help the poor..the rich..well they deserve all they wont-get..when it inevitably falls in a heap... [ok you loose your super..too].. but didnt want/to know/what they were doing/bying..with your cash...stolen from your wage..[wage..isnt income] you put/your men jesus warned..about ursury..[intrest] read..the..secret/bankers..manuel or the many/other books..i have recomended Posted by one under god, Sunday, 12 September 2010 5:20:29 PM
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I get what you are at but i don't agree. Surely you see that by the use of robotics and computerisation into the future the elderly will be able to maintain their independence and dignity for longer before a human carer would be required. I do agree that once mobility has been compromised or the situation becomes palliative, human decency requires the human touch. I don't think anyone would like the idea that they will be treated like a product in a store house because they have dementia. Posted by nairbe, Sunday, 12 September 2010 5:43:19 PM
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will be treated like a product ,
nairbe, you obviously haven't heard of person called Anna Bligh. Posted by individual, Sunday, 12 September 2010 5:57:20 PM
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"The planet's ecosystems are in terrible shape..."
This is just fanatical doomsday religious doctrine. Posted by Jefferson, Sunday, 12 September 2010 6:44:38 PM
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jefferson/quote..<<The planet's ecosystems are in terrible shape..."
This is just..fanatical/doomsday religious doctrine.>> hey easy on the religious...think zeal-ot like greenie/left-wing..fanatics calling us holow-caust..deneyers for not believing their fear/spin/propaganda to bring-in the new tax a clue lies in those who couldnt deliver/the new big-tax the finance..[how obvious is that] and the gar-rot..who lives in a mansion heavilly invested in certain carbon/trading firms re-education..that taught/us..the lie-of evolution out of genus..which has never..been recorded, ,nor observed..nor is able to be replicated.. thus isnt a propper-science.. only a god-less/theory we get sold so much...spin..from the ozone-hole [that was said to desertify/australia] to the bird/swine/flue..sars..aids..the list of govt scare propaganda..runs deep we have the lie of smoking causing cancer[while caners is ever increasing..and smokers have halved..and asbestosis,runs rampent [while we base this on docters..reporting..a cause of death not exposing the real-cause..of the wit diesal-particulate..wood-smoke..and benzzine..that was dumbing-us down while benzine is a known car-sin-ogene] its all a huge/scam, it through a test-group then sell us on the most justify..their new law..or new tax.. or new vacination..instant..bacteria/mutagene] [that also is mutating-our children..into imbisility[..autism] that the elites..are doing is scandalouse that we elect[give..govt''powers..of attourinity' to act in our collective/best-intrests.. while they/actually are doing service to the boys-club..big..multinationalistic..[duel pasport/holding..fat-cats..escaping..the worlds/hell-holes]... to do treason here..thats beyond reason..or treason its criminal... but they sell off public assets..while doubling its price just to put...their a safe-place while making ours..under-pin..the scam.. bying..up their mates..faulse promises Posted by one under god, Monday, 13 September 2010 7:52:41 AM
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Dear nairbe,
"Surely you see that by the use of robotics and computerisation into the future the elderly will be able to maintain their independence and dignity for longer before a human carer would be required." Yes, I do see that....I also see that the same innovative society that would provide a non-human entity to assist the elderly to maintain their "independence" and "dignity" is also the one that isolates and segregates them in the first place - what's dignified about that? Posted by Poirot, Monday, 13 September 2010 8:19:01 AM
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Dear Ludwig,
did it never occur to you that it's not just about us humans? So as long as we're doing ok it must be right, hey? In any case we're not doing ok; oops, sorry, I forgot, you're only talking about the quality, who think they're doing ok (who are in fact neurotic shrunken heads) Dear individual, the vast majority of ignoramuses are just like you :-) But hark, do I hear a human voice? 'Tis Poirot, spruiking the heresy that our elderly should be cared for by non-robotic hands. You do realise, Poirot, that such radical recourse might negatively impact the lifestyles of the carers? I imagine it will come down to economics; in a free market it will come to down to who's the cheapest, robots or bozos on the minimum wage, perhaps we should let our loved ones choose, so long as it's economic. The real worry with the elderly is that we can't somehow get them to turn a profit, I mean given their increasing numbers and all. There's a valuable resource going begging there that some entrepreneur is sure to light upon. I foresee a future when the elderly will be intensively farmed by cheap robotic technology, scrupulously humane of course (or at least a simulated version thereof). Unless those bloody Lefties intervene with their radical ideas. Unconscionable idiots! Posted by Squeers, Monday, 13 September 2010 6:39:51 PM
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Hellow Squeers
Not sure I get your drift. Could you please elaborate a bit and I'll engage you in a healthy friendly discussion. Thanks Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 24 September 2010 9:37:19 PM
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Dear Ludwig,
I didn't read the whole thread when I posted, only enough to get peeved, including the article. OLO strikes me lately as mostly conservative and complacent, and in such a context I'm a pariah. Reading your posts now, I see you at least acknowledge we have major problems--though not necessarily the author of the article, who doesn't seem to mind that Earth might end up like Asimov's "Trantor"; a dead planet kept habitable for humans via technology, that is encasing the whole sphere in metal-plating and maintaining artificial life supports (for humans) within. It's parochial and anthropocentric to suggest "People are living longer, healthier and richer lives" when this only applies to wealthy countries and is a major cause of species extinction. Moreover, we may be living longer in the West but our lives are neither "healthier" nor "richer". So-called mental illness, in its myriad forms, is the modern plague and our lives are impoverished in any qualitative sense. We are estranged from nature, addicted to trivial sensation (commodity fetishism), culturally homogenised, and devoid of community spirit. Modern man is proof that evolution is arbitrary, in our case signifying degeneration rather than what in our conceit we call "progress". What really irked me, I think, is that you and the author seemed merely infatuated with the "paradox" of human "prosperity" (as I say a misnomer in any case) but indifferent in any ethical or humane sense beyond anthropocentrism. Still others didn't appear to even care about their own kind; robot carers for the elderly and an expectant extropianism, as if technological transcendence is the only hope for bestial humanity, rather than its simply practicing moderation and sustainable economy (but these of course are anathema to a system that depends upon excess). And while Individual blames it all on ignoramus lefties, I see her "Three solutions .... War, decease or birth control" as callous at best and fascist at worst. Posted by Squeers, Saturday, 25 September 2010 3:16:12 AM
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Squeers, I appreciate your frustration VERY much indeed.
It is a crying shame that subjects such as this don’t attract a whole lot of attention on a forum like OLO, while vastly less important things get discussed ad-nauseum. It is much more of a crying shame that this sort of thing doesn't generate great concern in the general community and at the state and federal political levels. I was utterly dismayed that there was just about nothing by way of policies espoused from either major party, or the Greens, to do with the really big sustainability and population issues in the lead-up to the recent federal election or in the extraordinary post-election carry-on. Yep, we’ve really lost our way badly. And it is BOUND to end in a great deal of pain. Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 25 September 2010 8:11:09 AM
The planet's ecosystems are in terrible shape, and this is widely believed to have negative consequences for humanity. And yet, at the same time, human wellbeing has never been better. People are living longer, healthier and richer lives.
So what gives? Why the disparity? And does this mean that we shouldn't worry too much about global warming, ocean acidification, and other ecological crises-in-waiting, since it looks like we'll just continue to get richer even as we cause irreversible damage to the planet?
How do we reconcile this greatest of paradoxes?