The Forum > General Discussion > Not one single word out of any of you
Not one single word out of any of you
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Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 2 July 2009 9:25:04 PM
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The problem is, rehctub, that there is no viable alternative in Queensland. The LNP are a shambles, and the unicameral, optionally prferential electoral system is designed to keep out the minor parties and independents.
Mind you, I think that the axing of the fuel subsidy, increases in car registration and even cat registrations are justifiable. I'm with you on the sell-offs, and I agree that they are liars. However, like most people in Queensland, I'm forced to trust them in the face of no credible alternative. Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 3 July 2009 12:53:43 AM
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C J Morgan has got it about right rectub.
We however do not all live in Queensland, the fuel thing had to come it was a handout. In my state I a welded on ALP voter have taken the short stick to the foolish ones who are destroying it. But recent moves by the colourless leader, direction less, leadership of the conservatives is frightening. A massive attempt to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory , may yet succeed. No good looking at issue only from your point of view, none of us have all the answers. my state? Well it takes no great mind to see Labour will bump our leader before the election, one day later than today is too long to wait. If they replace him with Sator? We may hold very few seats in the next Parliament, just maybe less than the greens and independents. Strange to say our only friend is,,,,,,,,,leader of the opposition Posted by Belly, Friday, 3 July 2009 5:00:18 AM
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Yes I do agree there is no real alternative and that's a shame.
The problems with our political system is that parties can gain office bassed on lies. (Both sides). Now if an election promise is broken then perhaps we could stop paying a portion of our taxes, or, perhaps the sitting parties should have to contribute to the extra wasted taxes, after all, they betrayed us when we voted for them. The failed grocery price site and fuel watch are two recent examples of wasted taxes and nobody but we the tax payers are futting the bill. $4 million has been granted for a study into a rail to Redcliffe. This has been going on for 30 years. How many $4 millions have been wasted on this? If you apply for work and tell lies then you may well be sacked, or, if you over state your qualifications you may well be demoted. Why can't this happen to pollies? I think it's time that pollies be accountable for their blunders and the consultants that advise on these projects should also be finned if they fail. They often get paid millions just to say it's ok, then they go off to plan another disaster without any retribution. We must stop wasting money. As for cat rego, I also agree with it, I was just using this as another example. Posted by rehctub, Friday, 3 July 2009 6:50:33 AM
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Yes I do agree there is no real alternative and that's a shame.
The problems with our political system is that parties can gain office bassed on lies. (Both sides). Now if an election promise is broken then perhaps we could stop paying a portion of our taxes, or, perhaps the sitting parties should have to contribute to the extra wasted taxes, after all, they betrayed us when we voted for them. The failed grocery price site and fuel watch are two recent examples of wasted taxes and nobody but we the tax payers are futting the bill. $4 million has been granted for a study into a rail to Redcliffe. This has been going on for 30 years. How many $4 millions have been wasted on this? If you apply for work and tell lies then you may well be sacked, or, if you over state your qualifications you may well be demoted. Why can't this happen to pollies? I think it's time that pollies be accountable for their blunders and the consultants that advise on these projects should also be finned if they fail. They often get paid millions just to say it's ok, then they go off to plan another disaster without any retribution. We must stop wasting money. As for cat rego, I also agree with it, I was just using this as another example. So back on topic. I remember all the crowing before and after the qld election. Where are you all now? Posted by rehctub, Friday, 3 July 2009 6:51:06 AM
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Try SA! The Rann Labor Government has been in so long that it is a virtual dictatorship, but the Opposition has stupidly decided to have a leadership spill tomorrow. Any party that thinks it's a good idea to change the leader less than a year from an election deserves all it gets.
Labor stinks, federally and state-wise;but the Liberals and Coalition keep shooting themselves in the foot, and it seems that we are going to be cursed with Labor for a long, long time. Except in WA, of course, we they seem to have more sense than the rest of us. Posted by Leigh, Friday, 3 July 2009 12:16:39 PM
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Oh how easy it is to throw brick-bats. I think that most politicians put themselves up for election because they genuinely feel they can improve people's lives. Why else would they do this when the majority have sufficient qualifications and experience to earn a great deal more money outside parliament.
Politicians are constantly accused of telling lies. When they seek election, they announce policies which they think are attainable. Circumstances change that are not always foreseeable and this unavoidably alters the policies that then have to be scrapped or modified. They can't see the future any more than you or I can. Of course there are politicians that sometimes abuse the system as in every walk of life, but they are put under such constant scrutiny every day of their lives, it can't be easy, whatever side of politics they are on. I certainly wouldn't want to be put under the spotlight the way most of them are. Give them a break, most are trying hard to do the right thing. Posted by snake, Friday, 3 July 2009 7:01:41 PM
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Talk about living in the deep past, when will people wake up and realise the lib/lab coalition and it's hangers on are incapable of running this country in any way, other than to the benefit of corporate and elitist wealth. There are alternatives and to get them we have to vote for non aligned independents, 90% would have real life experience and knowledge. Currently all you see in politics is millionaires, bureaucrats, academics, lawyers and union officials, none have any working knowledge or experience in real life outside their bubble.
The only options the incumbents both offer is more of the same, higher costs and failing services. Every bit of legislation they introduce gives more money into vested interests hands. The stimulus packages were designed to prop up consumerism, maintain and grow profit margins, not provide for realistic future needs of society. When people complained years ago about the influence of corporations and vested interests in government, they introduced legislation to combat it by providing public funds for candidates. However you have to retrieve a certain percentage to receive these funds, which means 98% goes into the coffers of major parties. Yet vested corporate donations continue to grow and the people got conned again. Did the people learn, no they still have blind faith the lies, cheating, corruption and suppression of opposing views will stop, yet they continue worse than ever. Ideologists always get the opposite result they expect, there can be no other outcome when you deny reality and cling to straw-men. Posted by stormbay, Saturday, 4 July 2009 12:36:10 PM
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Do not worry, we, The Democrats have opened our doors for new blood, for new members, I am one of them and we have started rebuilding the party and promote people' interests.
It is not enouph to find that Liberals and labours are not good, stop crying and give a hand to democrats! Leigh I thought you are ...labour! Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 4 July 2009 2:05:31 PM
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clubman in qld we have learned to only worry about things we can change...and mate we got bucklies of changing anything..[sure we could do as others do..[organise busloads of ours to get our guy nominated...but after a few branch meetings we would only get exposed
besides im not sure if your one of us..nothing personal..[none of us could be...the second 'we' started 'organising'.. we get infiltrated...its just how the game is played here...besides words cant change whats been going down for thousands of years...the rich get their guy in power...only to pull off their next big scam i wish i could offer more..[but i sure as hell dont want to serve the ignorants/nor the multinationals/nor the 2 party short there aint a lot i can do..[or say].. i have known a few independants that got in...[but the first thing their told is you wont be allowed to change a thing...the state has been bankrupt since before sir joe,.. thats why the 2 parties do as they chose...who ever does get elected..has to do as the bankers say..[or have it said they bankrupted the state]...the total debt of the state is huge...just look at the state payrol..[let alone govt/pension obligations to the public service]... fraid were flogging a dead horse..thinking we could do any least this way we can blame..'others'...let them condem their souls Posted by one under god, Saturday, 4 July 2009 5:42:01 PM
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So where are the labor supporters. Are you able to offer any explanation as to why we have been lied to here in qld durring the election?
Do you agree that we.,the voting public, have been lied to by the premier? Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 4 July 2009 6:23:26 PM
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In "politics" one man's lie is another man's truth.
The most "truthful" thing written in this topic so far is the fact that a weak opposition enables the govternment, be it State or Federal, an easy ride. Just look at the woefully incompetent Liberal Federal opposition. Every time one of then screams across the Parliament floor they make Kevin Rudd and co. look like geniuses. The highly successful Labour government makes J Hockey, W Tuckey, the merchant banker leader, and the failed doctor ex-leader look like amateurs. Labour are highly successful in Parliament, and the opinion polls, NOT because they are exceptionally great leaders - - - No sireeee - - - They are successful because the Liberal opposition couldn't debate or plan their way out of a paper bag. And that's a damn shame, they're letting the country down badly. The Old. opposition is not much better. Posted by Master, Saturday, 4 July 2009 8:13:23 PM
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i got as far as when CJ Morgan
mentioned unicameral and knew i could sleep safe in Australia tonight. Posted by whistler, Saturday, 4 July 2009 11:53:22 PM
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rechtub, do not let your dislike of all things ALP blind you.
Voters who put them back in power knew what they wanted. You should confront the truth. The other side has been so bad for so long they could not win. In NSW my leader the head lemming is so bad I fear him more than his opponent. In fact the only chance so very slight as it is, is that voters may think he [the opposition leader] can not be trusted! Believe me Barry O,Farrell is trying hard to convince us he is an idiot. In asking why Labor is doing so bad, if that is what you think, ask why your side has done much worse for so long. And if your team was in power? for a start the well known adversity to debt may well see much savager cuts to spending and tax hikes, that from either side is the best outcome. No gain without pain. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 5 July 2009 5:22:41 AM
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I think that the discussion "How to restore democracy in Queensland" at may also be relevant to this discussion.
To rehctub and Belly, I did stand as an independent because it seemed to me that no other candidate would raise all the important issues that I believed to be at stake in that election. To my knowledge I was the only candidate to have anticipated that the Labor Government would attempt to privatise even more of Queensland's publicly owned assets (although Greens candidate Robert Huston did point out how the privatisation of the retail arms of Queensland's electricity had been a total shambles (see I e-mailed both Fraser and Bligh before the start of the election campaign and asked them to tell the Queensland public of any intentions to privatise any assets during the election campaign, but was ignored. I repeatedly tried to get Fraser, Bligh and Opposition leader Lawrence Springborg to debate privatisation, but was ignored by them and by the newsmedia. For Further information, see: "Brisbane ABC suppresses alternative candidates in state elections despite listener dismay with major parties" at "Survey of candidates' stances on privatisation, population growth, the environment, etc." at "Andrew Fraser's three different responses to a question on privatisation" at "Independent candidate seeks categorical assurance against privatisation from Laurence Springborg" at "Why I am contesting the Queensland state elections as an independent" at Posted by daggett, Sunday, 5 July 2009 10:42:09 PM
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i thought it would be benifitial to expose the media/role in govt fraud[using the cap and trade reveal how easy media manipulates all of us[no doudt the reason many of the real news papers got shut down under joe/peter and wayne/gloss..blight/the tosser in hardhat[the final hardmadhatter]
there is little doudt some major media deceptions going on,here is some more of the other story revealed..cap and tyraid extracted from Obama,..who was instrumental in helping set up the Chicago Climate Exchange for his political cronies like Al Gore, who already has a company which he uses to buy carbon credits from himself and the smartest guys in the room who helped concieve this enron scam,02898.cfm and the same boys club all ready plundered 12 trillion and who had made multi-million dollar investments in companies developing carbon tracking software that will be essential to the new carbon-swindle economy. the entire idea of “cleaning” the atmosphere of carbon dioxide seems a bit ridiculous when you realize that by historical levels we are living in a CO2-starved environment, that global surface temperatures are dropping, that global ocean temperatures are dropping, that key proponents of the manmade global warming theory have been caught faking data to support their arguments, that Arctic sea ice is expanding, and that sea levels are not rising. But why let actual science get in the way of a good scare story, especially when that scare story can be used to create a new trillion dollar industry for the banksters? Posted by one under god, Monday, 6 July 2009 9:15:13 AM
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Australia will continue to suffer as long as we continue to believe that we can have nine Gods in this Country, and God is a majority in Parliament. Most of what you are suffering in Queensland is because you are enslaved by the legal profession.
In a widespread and systematic attack on the civilian population, the legal profession has used its influence in the Queensland Parliament to establish a regime where no one is safe anymore. When Wayne Goss abolished the Supreme Court in Queensland in 1991,democracy died. On persistent complaints that he could not do this, the Parliament enacted a declaratory Act the Supreme Court Act 1995, but the lawyers who are Judges in Queensland have continued to oppress and enslave everyone, without any fear of the Commonwealth. Anyone who has been before a Queensland Magistrate and mentioned the Constitution,knows that you may as well talk to a post. The Commonwealth Parliament has made this conduct a crime. It carries 25 years imprisonment,and every Supreme Court Judge and District Court Judge should be charged, lose his or her superannuation, and be reduced to the status of a criminal. Has Kevin Rudd got the will. That is the question that requires an answer. He is an Australian but has he the ticker to do the right thing by all Australians and let the Federal Court loose. They have the power, but are too palsy walsy with their State Judge Mates, to make democracy work. Posted by Peter the Believer, Tuesday, 7 July 2009 9:45:17 AM
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your correct peter..[i have attempted to use the constitution in qld and act/court's...i never got real far...i was going to try to appeal the high court...[re divergence states laws/clause]..falling subject to fed juristiction...but fed hasnt made laws re the plant
anyhow on to exposing the shenanigins of qld/ can bet your boots they are involved with this one..[reading the finantial declerations they allways have a clause under investments [this 7.30 report clarifies just what their investments are..[and prophecize an upcomming eventuality...that means more debt to the mug tax payers...when will the public service pension sceme be held to account public service malfeasence transcript and vidio here selected quote noting the 4 only counting some of the council debts..[add in state debt/fed debt..[and deptmental debt...they all been playing the game..[world wide]..[globally its 3 trillion] <<<Legal action hopes to rescue councils from toxic debt Hundreds of local councils, charities and other institutions around Australia are inching closer to financial disaster, what they thought were gilt-edged investments,..collateralised debt obligations or CDOs turn out to be anything but gilt-edged.>> get ready for more tax payer bailout's..of the Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 7 July 2009 11:00:38 AM
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rechtub, do not let your dislike of all things ALP blind you.
Voters who put them back in power knew what they wanted. You should confront the truth. The other side has been so bad for so long they could not win. Well Belly, all I can say is that prior to Krud, very few workers feared for the security of their jobs. Very few workers were complaining about the pay and conditions, or the amount of job opportunities that were out there. In fact, the majority of employer bashing was comming from outsiders who were not effected by the working conditions, they just made it their business. Now if the 6 to 8 years preceeding 07 were 'bad years', as you saw them, then all I can say is 'bring on the good times Krud'! As for qld, how any government, being the recipient of billions of dollars in excess revenue from abnormal mining activity and the property boom spoils now find themselves 'Broke' defies belief in my view. I have worked for over 30 years, created in excess of 300 jobs, paid S-loads of tax and now look like forking out more taxes due to imcompitent leaders. At least I didn't vote for them and thank god for that! Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 7 July 2009 9:06:02 PM
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Well dear Queensland taxpayers, someone has to pay up front ($34 million?) for an oil spill from yet another filthy ship which flies a flag of convenience.
Posted by Protagoras, Wednesday, 8 July 2009 12:03:52 PM
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"The problems with our political system is that parties can gain office based on lies". (Both sides).
"The most "truthful" thing written in this topic so far is the fact that a weak opposition enables the government, be it State or Federal, an easy ride." While we can all agree with the above OLO writers; the biggest issue is media bias. In the USA books are being written about this fact. Journalism is so corrupted that the prevailing standard is nearly the opposite of what a democracy requires. Not content to report the boring facts journalists have to manufacture carefully worded reports with strategic omissions so that sheep like individuals who constitute the winning percentages may be led to vote the way journalists feel is appropriate. Then the camp dogs of journalism, celebrities, become involved and reinforce the media view with innuendo, derision and contemptuousness and subtle messages in TV drama. Then we wonder why we have the governments we get. BTW. The Coalition, why do we not refer to Labor as the LGP, the Labor Green Party? It is just as much a Coalition as the LNP is. Posted by Cowboy Joe, Saturday, 11 July 2009 1:58:45 AM
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Cowboy Joe: << The Coalition, why do we not refer to Labor as the LGP, the Labor Green Party? It is just as much a Coalition as the LNP is. >>
Joe, in Queensland there is no Coalition at the moment at State level. The Quensland divisions of the Liberal and National parties merged in 2008 to form the Liberal National Party (LNP). At the federal level in Australia the Liberal and National parties are allied formally in a Coalition, whereby they govern jointly when in power and act generally in unison when in Oppposition. There is no equivalent cooperation betweeen the ALP and Greens in any State in Australia, nor at the Federal level. During elections, the Greens often direct preferences to the ALP, and vice versa - but certainly not always (indeed, Family Farce Senator Steve Fielding was only elected because the ALP preferenced his party over the Greens in Victoria). Preferencing is always renegotiated at each election, and neither the ALP nor the Greens can automatically count on each other's support. In parliaments, ALP governments can't depend on Greens support for Bills that contravene Green policies - which are quite divergent from those of the ALP. I hope this helps. Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 11 July 2009 9:00:30 AM
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staying with the theme of not a word out of any...let me expand the concept...often we hear about the military/industrial complex that seems to rule us via the decieving media...the two party system and ever more laws/ seems to have escaped the attention of posters as well as the media ..the take-over of govt by armed forces throughout the world
there are many egsamples of it..[from burma to indonesia to china and egypt...even the yankis/brits are under marshal law...last week was the case of the dude..kicked out of some south american country..[by his military...who actually refused to let him land i could go on with the likes of fidel castro..and many african/south americano countries..[or even how we send our troops end dictatorship rule,lol..i recall quite a few autrocities where the so called armed forces[un]..simply stood by while murder of civilians took place i recall even the web belongs to the military/industrial complex..[im sure nasa has links..into the media invisable octopuss..slowly by it deliberatly taking over the free state's of the world and installing defacto marshal law.. the usa currently is seeing troops on their streets..under the excuse of how they will help police at road accidents and such..there are military check points in the southern well as their armed forces scattered throughout the world...they rebuilt germany/japan/.. not sure if you heard the recent kerfuffle with our own armed forces minester..[with the army acually feeding info to the the links egsist/.of course there will be those who say its nothing[they are..our armed troops..after all... its just im sick of war...and think its time we stopped training our youth to kill...arnt some of you pleased..i didnt mention israel's police state[or the mossad/cia/al-cia-da/fatah/hamas forces... anyhow..expect troops in the steeet before 20/ seems to be a well financed and fast growing trend...dont the media just love beating up the drums..of other peoples wars Posted by one under god, Saturday, 11 July 2009 11:22:50 AM
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I have been wondering for some time where all the Labor voters are hiding. I live in a city divided into three seats, all of which are held by Labor. Yet of all the people I know, only one is willing to admit that she voted Labor.
As for the opposition, surely they couldn't be too much worse than the present bunch? The LNP is a bunch of clowns, but so is the ALP in Queensland. I wouldn't mind seeing some new clowns on TV occasionally. Alternatively, I would love to see (and I know this will never happen) the abolition of political parties in this state. Vote in a bunch of independents - then they might support good ideas rather than party ideas. Of course, they would form alliances over time, but at least these alliances would be informal. Rather than paying more taxes to reinstate an upper house, we could elect some thinking politicians rather than mindless drones. Just a thought. Posted by Otokonoko, Saturday, 18 July 2009 12:30:30 AM
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There is no absolute right or absolute wrong in regard to how people should have voted. The real problem is the absolute lack of democracy and accountability once one party or the other obtains an outright majority in Parliament. Given that conservative governments succeeding inept Labor Governments have often assumed the right to do whatever the bloody well please regardless of what was said in the course of the election campaign, Queensland electors also had good reason to be apprehensive about the prospect of the election of the LNP. I think many who voted Labor may have had at the backs of their minds the sheer nastiness of the Greiner and Kennett state Governments and the Howard Federal Government upon winning office. There is no way they could have known that a Springborg LNP government would have turned out fundamentally differently to those. That said, as I have said before, I am as disgusted as anyone at the conduct of this 'Labor' Government. It now seems unlikely that a Springborg LNP Government could have turned out worse than this Labor Government has turned out. Posted by daggett, Saturday, 18 July 2009 1:25:58 AM
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the multiheaded hydra is exposed inherant in the two party system of voter abuses...not to mention the fed v state levels of 2 party abuse
the party system aint it neat..[just as neat as the divide of state/national..feed-de-rat/federal]...just as neat that sees reduction of smoking result in ever higher cancer statistic... its funny how a case is made in the courts[ie in private by the boys club lawyers]...and the news reports one party conspired to decieve us in a conspiricy..while selling us the new tax on smoking..[isnt a and the sukkers[sorry voters just do as their told..[by lawyers running govt as their own 2 party franchise and their own law making state /fed frannchise..and the fools[sorry voters..are none the wiser just as neat as carbon taxes..being the cure for global warming[oops sorry carbon blamed climate change...that will be made by lawyers and never tested in courts...but even if they were,they would be tested by yet other lawyers[so much for the sepperation of powers lol] lawyers making laws...any of you ever study the shear ammount of law beaty passed/changed and adopted...his over two hundred secerataries wernt all needed to monitor the ever reducing media...but as usual not a word from the sheeple of the media... nor those godheads of virtue on talkback radio/blogs or letters to the editor..[no doudt a lawyer in the boys club as well]..discussing sports as news lol.. just like rome old boy..just like rome...any wonder history isnt taught in school come smokers/ their tax,.how come boozers//.got their tax.. how come we are now paying gst come we soon will be paying carbon tax figure...shhhh dont wake the sheeple...but its NOT/sepperation of law..from lawyers running the two party/two states scam Posted by one under god, Saturday, 18 July 2009 7:41:05 AM
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QLD is still suffering the effects of belchin joe.
It's about time ya paid ya dues on petrol, and it should be back dated about 25 years. Posted by Desmond, Wednesday, 29 July 2009 5:02:55 PM
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In a sense, we have been paying our dues on petrol. With the government subsidising fuel, they have spent money that could have been used in hospitals, schools, roads, emergency services, capital works . . . everything we DON'T have here in Queensland can be considered part of the price of the fuel subsidy. Posted by Otokonoko, Thursday, 30 July 2009 8:01:29 PM
I live in QLD and I tell you that this doctor jeckle and mrs bligh we have here must cause mass embaresment for even the hardened labor voters.
Rego's up by 20%
Fuel up by 10c
Taxes raised through rates, cat registrations etc
Not to mention the fact that she is selling anything that isn't bolted down. All because they are incompitent liers.
Is there a light at the end of their tunnel? Anyone?