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The Fall Of The American :

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There is no doubt post WWII, America has been the 'Super Power' of the planet. With the defeat of the Soviet Union in the 'Cold War' America has been able to establish itself as, militarily and economically, the Worlds dominant power without rival. But, as the Bob Dylan classic says; Times They Are a-Changin', and that is certainly the case today, as China rises to challenge American world dominance.

My question is; Is the youthful Australia making a huge mistake to wed itself to an ageing grandmother, in the form of the United States?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 18 March 2023 5:30:31 AM
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The apologists for totalitarian regimes have been declaring the imminent end of the great Satan for as long as I can recall. According to them....

1960s - the USSR was winning the space race which showed its superior system. The great Satan was on the way out. (they said)

1970s - the oil crisis and the Carter recession. The great Satan was on the way out. The Soviets were so far ahead economically, that the capitalists stood no chance. (they said)

1980s - oops, Gorby was admitting that the USSR wasn't all sugar and cream. No worry, because here comes Japan and its going to overwhelm the US with its new guided economy. The great Satan was finished (they said).

1990s - oh know. The USSR is no more. And Japan has stagnated. But look over there...The EU is coming to overwhelm the upstarts. The great Satan is finished (they said).

2000s - uh-oh the EU is falling apart. But hurrah, here comes China. Growth rates twice or more that of the US. It'll become the biggest economy in the world in (think of number and halve it) years. Never mind that it's entirely dependent on the US markets to stay open and the US to keep world trade routes safe. Nosiree. China's gunna win and that's the end of the great Satan (they said).

As so here we are. The US currently led by perhaps the worst set of morons and charlatans in its history and things aren't looking great for the great Satan.(they said)

and the usual suspects look at the short term problems and proclaim to be long term trends. T'was always thus. (they said)

Where is that rudimentary historic understanding? Just a few droplets of it might open their blinded eyes.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 18 March 2023 10:15:41 AM
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"The Fall Of The American:" Which American has fallen? Joe Biden up the aircraft steps? Joe Biden falling off a bike? Or, in your haste to criticise America, did you just leave off half your title?
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 18 March 2023 10:25:27 AM
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The title was; The Fall of the American "Empire". but this old software here doesn't like "...." in the title, so it seems.

My question is what position Australia should be taking, if indeed America is in a downward spiral, is it wise for us to be shackling ourselves to such a sinking ship? Is it not a mistake for us to align ourselves so closely with the US if it would drag us down with itself? Maybe Australia should put self interest first, and not some mistaken loyalty. How about we tear up those ridiculous treaties, declare ourselves a neutral country, and make our own way in the World. I think that's a reasonable propositioned.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 18 March 2023 12:57:27 PM
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The US has achieved a 5.6% growth rate over the last year, better even than China and is one of the strongest and most robust economies in the world. However, whenever there is a hiccup there will be a horde of village idiots predicting the demise of the US.

The countries in trouble now are the corrupt autocracies such as China, North Korea, Pakistan, Turkey and Russia.
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 18 March 2023 2:06:12 PM
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Well Russia has found a quick way of improving it's GDP per head of population. Ship a large number of breeding age men to the Ukraine.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 18 March 2023 2:22:20 PM
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McCarthy Sounds the Alarm over National Debt:
“Every Great Society Collapses When They Overextend”

The US has paid 9 Trillion in interest since WWII
At current debt levels the US will have to pay more than 10 Trillion in interest in the next 10 years.
Biden has added 6 Trillion in debt since coming into office.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 18 March 2023 3:35:25 PM
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"Maybe Australia should put self interest first, and not some mistaken loyalty. How about we tear up those ridiculous treaties, declare ourselves a neutral country, and make our own way in the World. I think that's a reasonable propositioned."

Holy crap, a Greens supporter with views I support, well done Paul.
Many in this mob are just begging to be subservient US lapdogs.
Like carp, that live on the bottom off the other fishes shite.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 18 March 2023 3:43:20 PM
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USA GDP = 26.695 Trillion US dollars.
The Gross Domestic Product ( GDP) in the United States was worth 26.695 Trillion US dollars in 2023, according to official data from the IMF. The GDP value of the United States represents 17.20 % of the world economy. U.S. GDP for 2023 was $26.695 trillion a $1.34 trillion increase from 2022.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 18 March 2023 3:50:43 PM
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Hi AC,

I see three possibilities.

One, we stick with America, and get BLOWN UP BY THE CHINESE.
Two, we join with China, and get BLOWN UP BY THE AMERICANS.

Options one and two, could take more than a week. Option three could be over in a day, much better for us!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 18 March 2023 4:31:23 PM
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The future looks pretty grim, n great options there.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 18 March 2023 4:51:28 PM
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I meant 'The future looks pretty grim, NO great options there.'
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 18 March 2023 4:52:46 PM
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Well, if China and India don't surpass the great Satan, there is always climate change. Nature, after all, abhors the United States and especially capitalism. What I observe is that countries with a long history of democracy that offer greater freedoms to individuals tend to be more prosperous.

I think it high time for Australia to commission a few nuclear power stations. I've already been told that I'd die by the end of 2022 because of my covid vaccinations. Now I'd like to hear how I will die from a nuclear power station accident. In the event of not being nuked by another country Australia surely needs a plan B?
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 18 March 2023 5:32:38 PM
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The Us is a mess in the throws of imploding ! Don't be surprised if in the end they'll buddy-up with Russia to save their bacon !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 19 March 2023 10:49:08 AM
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Conspiracy theorists astound me. PNG for example: Doesn't it make sense to think a country for the most part thrives or fails on its intrinsic merits rather than from the covert influence of another country? PNG's problems started when the overt ties with Australia were cut.

Antivax, antiUS or antinuke, it all seems to rely on the conspiracy of covert malevolence. So strange.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 19 March 2023 11:54:49 AM
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None of the idiots set on rubbishing the US has any clue as to China being in the biggest financial crisis of its existence.

China has a GDP of about 70% of the USA and about 130% of debt. Also, its housing industry has collapsed, and its export markets are shrinking.

"China's surveyed urban unemployment rate edged up to 5.6% in February from 5.5% in the previous three months, pointing to the highest level since last November. The unemployment rate of the population aged 16-24 and 25-59 was 18.1% and 4.8%, respectively. Meanwhile, the jobless rate in 31 large cities and towns stood at 5.7%."
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 20 March 2023 6:29:55 AM
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You are right about the idiots. The information is even in the MSM, their only source of information. Apparently they skip what doesn't suit them.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 20 March 2023 8:42:34 AM
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A US weasel cries. Russia and China disrupt the world order, the US' "rules-based order." Kirby
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 20 March 2023 11:47:42 AM
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You need to wind back your Russian propaganda a bit.

The "Rules-based Order" is not a US-based formula, it is a series of treaties covering the oceans, trade, space etc. that have been negotiated and signed by most countries on the earth including Russia and China.

The problem with Russia and China is that like petulant children they would like these treaties and rules to apply only to other countries and
they should be allowed to ignore them if they are inconvenient.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 20 March 2023 1:42:25 PM
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Hi AC,

How sickening was it to hear Richard Marles our Minister for "Buy American" waffle on about "Rules Based Order", and how it must be respected and obeyed. This is an American phrase trotted out by Biden an co, and now by the sycophantic Marles and other politicians in Australia to justify wasting billions on nuk subs. In fact the meaning of "Rules Based Order" is whatever the Americans say it is at the time to justify what they do to get their own way in the world. Whenever has the Americans stuck to international rules when taking action against others?
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 20 March 2023 9:48:07 PM
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"In fact the meaning of "Rules Based Order" is whatever the Americans say it is at the time to justify what they do to get their own way in the world. Whenever has the Americans stuck to international rules when taking action against others?"
- Yes, exactly.

Just watched this video.
- It's about China becoming the worlds peacekeeper and guardian of international law, in a multipolar world.
That it's not aiming to be the worlds policeman or project power like the US does.
And even that China is a one party nation that supports democracy in other nations, respects religious practices and does not involve itself in other nations internal affairs and is helping to build up third world nations where the west keeps nations down and exploits them.
It's a great video, well worth watching.

China-Russia meeting; deepening economic, energy and military cooperation

- I'd like to hear what others think.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 21 March 2023 11:00:32 PM
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More bollocks from you. China instigated the Korean war, invaded Vietnam, invaded India, had a war with Russia, occupies Tibet, imprisons, tortured 1500000 Uighurs, built illegal islands in the South China sea etc.

So, this video is fictional at best.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 2:42:32 AM
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Well lets just hope it is, because the other option is WWIII
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 4:51:04 AM
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Tell me shadowminister,
How do you think this plays out
- with Ukraine, NATO and the US winning,
And Russia and China losing?

What scenario do you see playing out where that is the outcome?
Putins just going to go back to Moscow with his army and all the Russian speaking people in Ukraine with his tail between his legs
He's going to be removed from power from his own people and a western puppet government installed
- And dragged before the ICC?

Good luck with that.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 7:39:07 AM
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The latest rumour on Ukraine is that the US wants the conflict to continue until there is a regime change in Russia.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 10:12:14 AM
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China will not lose because other than supportive words it won't get involved. Its economy is too fragile to risk EU and US sanctions which make up nearly half its exports by volume.

Russia is certainly not winning. It is losing equipment at more than 5x the pace it can replace them, and it is not replacing the aircraft or helicopters it has lost, nor the ships. The much-vaunted Russian attack has gained a few 10s of square km at a vast cost. In the south vast attacks have gained the Russians not one inch and left the battlefield littered with destroyed tanks and BMPs and hundreds of dead Russian soldiers.

Ukraine has special units with infrared cameras that are hunting tanks at night and sleeping Russians. Their modified Chinese drones just destroyed a Russian supply train in Crimea.

The Russian army is getting weaker and weaker and at some point, will simply collapse.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 5:54:09 PM
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Hey ttbn,
"The latest rumour on Ukraine is that the US wants the conflict to continue until there is a regime change in Russia."
- Yes, John Kirby came out and said that the US won't allow Zelensky to accept any peace plans proposed by the Chinese delegation in Moscow this week.
Also China's said that if Kiev refuses the peace plan that they'll start sending arms to Russia to use in Ukraine.
China's putting it's foot down and trying to force peace negotiations, the US opposes it but it makes them clearly look like the party who wants the war to continue
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 7:27:46 PM
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Hey shadowminister,
"The Russian army is getting weaker and weaker and at some point, will simply collapse."
- I told you a long time ago, it's all just a narrative.

"The Russian army is getting weaker and weaker and at some point, will simply collapse."
Ukraine short of skilled troops and munitions as losses, pessimism grow

>>Statistics aside, an influx of inexperienced draftees, brought in to plug the losses, has changed the profile of the Ukrainian force, which is also suffering from basic shortages of ammunition, including artillery shells and mortar bombs, according to military personnel in the field.

“The most valuable thing in war is combat experience,” said a battalion commander in the 46th Air Assault Brigade, who is being identified only by his call sign, Kupol, in keeping with Ukrainian military protocol. “A soldier who has survived six months of combat and a soldier who came from a firing range are two different soldiers. It’s heaven and earth.”

“And there are only a few soldiers with combat experience,” Kupol added. “Unfortunately, they are all already dead or wounded.”<<

And don't bother with that numbers on the Russian side, it's not the number the Russian Ministry of Defense gives. Most of the dead and wounded on the Russian side are probably Wagner PMC not regular Russian troops. They're only giving that number out for Ukrainian troop morale and so that Pro-Western Russians will use it in Russia to try and start protests and civil unrest.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 7:28:01 PM
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From the same article:

"The situation on the battlefield now may not reflect a full picture of Ukraine’s forces, because Kyiv is training troops for the coming counteroffensive separately and deliberately holding them back from current fighting, including the defense of Bakhmut, a U.S. official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to be candid... And the situation for Russia may be worse. During a NATO meeting last month, U.K. Defense Minister Ben Wallace said that 97 per cent of Russia’s army was already deployed in Ukraine and that Moscow was suffering “First World War levels of attrition.”

Andriy Yermak, head of Ukraine’s presidential office, said the state of the Ukrainian force does not diminish his optimism about a coming counteroffensive. “I don’t think we’ve exhausted our potential,” Yermak said. “I think that in any war, there comes a time when you have to prepare new personnel, which is what is happening right now.”

The EU has put contracts in place to supply Ukraine with a million 155mm shells this year on top of what the US, Canada and the UK are providing as well as HIMARS extended range ammunition (150km) Excalibur artillery shells, 70km extended range guided 1000kg bombs,
HARM (S400 destroyers) missiles and harpoon anti-ship missiles.

Russia has been committing all its best forces and tanks to the offensive and as a result, have been losing nearly 1000 men a day and about tanks a day. In Jan they started with 1800 tanks and have lost more 300 with about 30 replacements.

At this rate Russia's tank force will be ineffective in 6 months when Ukraine will have about new tanks.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 23 March 2023 12:12:01 PM
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Rishi Sunak is sending depleted Uranium rounds to Ukraine.
So now they are going to poison the land they're claiming to be defending.
The people on the Russian held territory are going to face years of cancers and birth deformities.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 23 March 2023 4:44:17 PM
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Why is America, oh! and Ukraine, so opposed to China's 12 point peace plan for the country?

President Putin met Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday in Moscow to discuss the war and the peace plan. Why doesn't Ukrainian President Zelenskyy also meet with President Xi and discuss the proposed Chinese plan?
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 24 March 2023 7:08:19 AM
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Ditto repeato: the Yanks and most of the West are keeping the war going in the hope that there will be a regime change in Russia. Now Sunak.

To ginger things up without being outright aggressive, the US swung a drone close to the area, then a couple of B52s.

If they keep supplying Ukraine the way they are, Beijing has said in the last few days that they will supply Russia.

If the West is not careful, it will get the World War that it thinks it can avoid when one of the lunatics involved suddenly snaps.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 24 March 2023 8:43:11 AM
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Only an idiot or a fanboy of the war criminal Putin would miss that the terms hugely favour Russia in that Russia would keep all of Ukraine that it had invaded and would suffer no punishment whatsoever.

Point 1 is "Respecting the sovereignty of all countries" but the rest of this peace proposal trashes this.

Ukraine wishes to continue until Russia relinquishes its occupation of all of Ukraine and the west intends to support them to do this.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 24 March 2023 1:16:50 PM
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Hi shadowminister,
"Only an idiot or a fanboy of the war criminal Putin would miss that the terms hugely favour Russia in that Russia would keep all of Ukraine that it had invaded and would suffer no punishment whatsoever."

Actually, China really does want peace as their Belt and Road Project is to go through Ukraine, but China's also playing hardball with the US. If the US keeps loading Taiwan with weapons, then China will provide weapons to Russia, and Russia in return will support China with Taiwan.

"Point 1 is 'Respecting the sovereignty of all countries' but the rest of this peace proposal trashes this."

China has changed it's official foreign policy stance.
Old Position = Respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries
New Position = Respect legitimate security concerns of all countries"

- This is aligns both Russia and China's security interests in Ukraine and Taiwan, it's outlined in the video below.

West alarmed as Xi tweaks China's position on war; Putin-Jinping hold marathon talks | Watch

"Ukraine wishes to continue until Russia relinquishes its occupation of all of Ukraine and the west intends to support them to do this."

The West does not have a solution to oust Putin nor do they have a solution to take back the Russian held territory or Crimea, their next counter-offensive is do or die. They don't really have enough troops, weapons or ammunition to defend Bakhmut and conduct their upcoming counter offensive.

- And I told you China would provide military support before it lets Russia lose, they need each other.
- But China really does want peace, not war.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 24 March 2023 1:57:11 PM
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Again, if China has offered a starting point for piece negotiations, why wont America, sorry Ukraine, take the opportunity for such a negotiated settlement?

Where is the "American Peace Plan"? I'll tell you, it doesn't exist, as the United States is the world biggest warmonger, and they have demonstrated that time and time again.

Thanks AC, you're the only one here with a real understanding of the situation, SM is blinded by his sycophantic love of America.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 24 March 2023 4:16:04 PM
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Paul and AC

Oh Russia. Such a peaceful country with a very fair and reasonable president. They didn't want to send the army into Ukraine. They didn't want to level countless cities and villages, murder and deport Ukrainians by the tens of thousands. They had no desire to destroy Ukraine's infrastructure, leaving the people cold and miserable. And now all Russia wishes is to leave its kind and protective army in occupied Ukraine and negotiate a reasonable and long lasting peace. Such a lovely place Russia:

Now I know what you will say, something along the lines of it being propaganda of the great Satan, and such things happen all the time in puppet countries like Australia, but the biased media covers it all up so plebs like us never hear of it.

I think Putin and his cronies a disaster for for the world, especially Russia, and Ukraine would sooner negotiate a meaningful peace with Nazi Germany than with Putin's Russia.
Posted by Fester, Friday, 24 March 2023 5:09:31 PM
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"Now I know what you will say" Are you some kind of clairvoyant, or just putting words into others mouths. If there is a possibility of peace in Ukraine through a Chinese initiative then I say why not go for it. America who clams to be, "The Great Peacemaker" of the world, although their track record says otherwise, appears to be totally disinterested in a peaceful outcome.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 March 2023 5:52:05 AM
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Stop being such a fwit. The US does have a peace plan that it has openly stated involving Russia leaving the whole of Ukraine and abandoning its illegal and imperial aims and keeping to the 1994 treaty where it agreed to protect and respect Ukraine's borders and sovereignty.

AC, aren't you tired of being wrong so often?

The battle for Bakhmut has bled Wagner and Russia dry, and Russia's offensive has failed; about 40km2 Russia has lost 20% of its remaining tanks and about 20 000 soldiers killed.

"After 13 months of hard fighting, the Ukrainian military has destroyed or captured nearly 1,900 Russian and separatist tanks. As their losses deepened, the Russians scrambled to source replacements. The only factory in Russia that makes new tank hulls—Uralvagonzavod in Sverdlovsk Oblast—has struggled to acquire the modern Sosna-U digital sights it needs to assemble new T-90Ms and T-72B3s to the best standard. Output at Uralvagonzavod seems to have peaked at just a handful of new tanks a month."

A recent video showed refurbished T54 and T55s heading to the front as well as 70yr old ATVs that can't even stop machine gun bullets. In the meantime, modern new tanks and replacement aircraft are arriving in Ukraine along with 1000 000 Shells, long-range missiles, drones, 30 000 NATO-trained Ukrainian soldiers etc.

If the US plan was to beat the Russian army into scrap iron, then it is achieving its purpose. The Russian army will collapse, maybe even by the end of the year, and then the US's peace plan can be implemented.
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 25 March 2023 6:44:47 AM
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Hi Fester,
I'm going to assume the story is true, but I'd argue that it's a part of Putins clampdown on any kind of western attempts to create dissent and topple the Russian government. That's why I said the West doesn't have a viable regime change plan.

I've told you all so many times the full story.
At The NATO summit in Budapest in 2008 it was the West who said they wanted Georgia and Ukraine to become a part of NATO. The US most certainly knew that this would be a redline for Russia see the diplomatic cable here
Putin opposed them joining NATO and said if Ukraine were to become a part of NATO he would take Crimea. Then you had the war in Georgia, and the Western sponsored coup 'Maidan' in late 2013 / early 2014. Putin took Crime and it voted to become independent, then a part of Russia.
Russian speaking people never wanted to be ruled by the new Kiev regime, became separatists and a war started. The separatists encircled a whole heap of Ukrainian troops and Merkel suggested the Minsk agreements, which would've given the LPR and DPR autonomy (internal right to self determination), but they would've stayed a part of Ukraine, this deal was negotiated in bad faith, Ukraine never honoured it, the war continued and the west continued to militarise Ukraine in 2022 Putin regocnised the independence of these places and invaded under the pretext of collective right to self defence, which the west made a precedent of in Serbia and Kosovo.

And China does want peace, and Russia has always left the door open to negotiations. Russia wants a new security arrangement between themselves and Europe.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 March 2023 6:54:18 AM
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Seymour Hersh has come out with a new article about the destruction of the Nordstream pipelines.

Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 March 2023 6:55:44 AM
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I like all this military opinion from you, ( makes a change from your worthless stupid legal opinions), if a Russian came within cooee, with as much as a 'pop' gun you'd start running with your tail between your legs, and wouldn't stop until you reached Antarctica ,and then you'd be begging for protection from the penguins!

You give new meaning to the phrase "keyboard warrior" with all your smug assessments from the safety of your computer desk, whilst people are dying in Ukraine because of a horrific senseless war.

Call me a "fwit" all you like, at least I'm not a warmonger like you, who is happy to trade on other peoples misery.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 March 2023 7:05:39 AM
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Hi Paul,

Yes, peace is what everyone wants, but Russian peace tends to last for as long as it takes to regroup the army. I don't think peace a simple achievement, but it is much easier to achieve if the conflict is between two nations. The United States certainly had a great role in establishing peaceful democracies in Italy, Germany and Japan, but has had a great many failures as you point out, especially when intervening in civil conflicts.

"Are you some kind of clairvoyant, or just putting words into others mouths."

For me Paul, the way a country advocating peace treats its own citizens is pertinent. What sort of peace would you expect from a country where a kid's political drawing could see you charged and placed under house arrest and your child removed from your care and contact?

The current conflict in Ukraine is where Stalin killed more Ukrainians than Hitler killed Jews. That would hardly bolster a Ukrainian belief in Russia's peaceful credentials.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 25 March 2023 7:32:01 AM
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Hi AC,

You are well versed in the Russian narrative, but much of it doesn't seem logical to me, not least the dprs being established independently of Russian influence. Similarly, citing discrimination for speaking Russian seems a stretch in an essentially bilingual country, but I commend you for having the interest and care to form and share your substantial knowledge.

On the war front, the Russians still have great advantage in troop numbers, artillery and ammunition. Of late they have been experimenting with concentrated armoured attacks using older equipment, and it seems to have been more successful than sending waves of infantry, especially since the Ukrainian army began deploying Maxim guns. The Ukrainians are becoming much better at targeting Russian forces as they are preparing to attack, have prioritised the targeting of artillery detection radar as well as anti-aircraft and anti-tank guided missile systems, and are improving the capability of drones. Russian mortar squads have been more difficult to combat. The biggest problem for Russia is that they are losing their electronic surveillance and combat systems faster than they can be replaced. Russia will be at an increasing disadvantage if they cant see where the Ukrainians are.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 25 March 2023 9:20:00 AM
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Considering that you are happy for Ukraine to surrender their land and people to the Russians to be subjugated, tortured, and murdered I consider that fwittery of the first order. Also, the assumption that once Russia rebuilds its army that it won't come for more is the height of delusion.


Most of the people in Crimea and Donbas voted overwhelmingly to leave the USSR and Russia in 1991. The Russian soldiers dressing up as separatists and phoney referendums don't fool anyone.

Russia is prepared to negotiate only if Ukraine surrenders Crimea and the other 4 oblasts that Russia has partially occupied. What a joke.

Russia is going to lose this war and Ukraine will get its lands back and with NATO's help have an army that Russia cannot match.
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 25 March 2023 9:50:41 AM
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Hi again Fester,

Until people of goodwill on both sides sit down at the negotiating table and present their arguments, and then look to compromise, there can be no end to this murder and destruction. As for the sticking point over disputed territory, let those living there exercise 'self determination' and choose their future, be it with Ukraine, or be it with Russia. As for Putin, he is the undisputed leader of Russia, love him or hate him, he has to be negotiated with, just like any other world leader.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 March 2023 12:31:54 PM
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US commentator, Dave Rubin, says that the America's spending of $160 billion to help Ukraine means that the US is obviously at war with Russia. Just an opinion, I suppose, but a well informed one. Pay other people to kill and get killed.

It has been said earlier that the US wants the conflict to continue until there is a regime change in Russia. But, China has already said that it might help Russia in the same way as the US is helping Ukraine. If this stuff keeps going, the US - and probably the rest of the West - mind find itself doing a lot more than just paying Ukraine.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 25 March 2023 1:14:11 PM
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Hi Paul,

Yes, it is a horrible conflict, and after all the years of occupation with controlled media, I don't think that the Ukrainian army will be welcomed as liberators if they manage to drive out the Russian army. I don't see either country interested in negotiation at present, at least not until after a Ukrainian counteroffensive.

It is much worse for Ukraine than Russia at present. Further, Russia faces no threat of invasion, so I don't buy them playing the victim.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 25 March 2023 2:45:44 PM
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All I can say is to watch this.
This girl Masha, hated the invasion of Ukraine, so much so she packed up her stuff in Moscow or St Petersberg or wherever she was at the time, and went to Russia's far east.
To her, the 'Z' symbols everywhere were like swastikas.
She couldn't take it and left.
She was also good with english and by fate she met a western reporter who was going to the Donbass who needed an interpreter, she had to know the truth and agreed to go.
This is her story, if you watch it, you'll get a much better insight into what the people there actually think.

I took a LIBERAL, ANTI WAR Protester to see the truth in Donbass, and THIS Happened!
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 March 2023 3:05:02 PM
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"It is much worse for Ukraine than Russia at present. Further, Russia faces no threat of invasion, so I don't buy them playing the victim."

Watch the video, the people in the Donbass say the war was unavoidable.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 March 2023 3:06:28 PM
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Hi AC,

Yes, I have seen the video. Propaganda is very convincing. It left an enduring legacy of antisemitism after the second world war. I agree that the Ukrainian army will be perceived as an invading force in much of occupied Ukraine.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 25 March 2023 3:32:23 PM
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I've got some questions

It's about regime changes, sponsored coups, liberal interventionism
What do you other forum members think of this, do you think its right?

Is it right for one group or nation to spend money, organise people to engage in civil disobedience including criminal acts or support an armed opposition for the purposes of showing a government response or crackdown on a complicit western or democratic leaning media in order to remove a leader from power and install one that is more favorable to the west as well as western business and financial interests?

The west has done this in so many countries, sometimes successful other times not using many different issues, gay rights, womens rights come to mind. What if it's a muslim or christian nation for example, maybe we all think that a secular country is best with a seperation of church and state, but is it right to impose our ideals on others?

Is it right to use these issues to set about a change of government in another country?

Is it right to use money and trade as weapons?

Is it right to impose our worldview on others?

Is it right to do this knowing some people will get killed or injured for the sake of a 'greater good'?

Is it right to seek to expand NATO if it means profits for US companies?

Is it right to destroy gas pipelines of another country to gain a favorable advantage for your own country?

Is deliberately cousing civil unrest and conflicts and waging collective punishment by sanctions on the people of another country?

What do you all think of these things?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 March 2023 12:19:32 AM
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- I made a mistake in that last sentence, I meant to say:

Is deliberately causing civil unrest and conflicts and waging collective punishment by sanctions on the people of another country something we should support?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 March 2023 12:23:24 AM
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Hi AC,

The sanctions are to make it harder for Russia to make weapons for its war in Ukraine, a war it initiated in part because it didn't approve of the political system in Ukraine. Most your points relate directly to Russian conduct.

I think it a smart move by Russia to employ older tanks as they are being used as self propelled artillery, but the Russian invasion is being hampered by a lack of ammunition and difficulties in mounting frontal assaults. It will be interesting to see how well the Ukrainians can deal with mines and cluster munitions. I think that will be essential for a successful counteroffensive.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 26 March 2023 9:54:07 AM
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"The sanctions are to make it harder for Russia to make weapons for its war in Ukraine, a war it initiated in part because it didn't approve of the political system in Ukraine."

I think one needs to recognise that the war started in 2014 not 2022, and I also think one needs to recognise that 'it didn't approve of the political system in Ukraine' that the west engineered through a bloody coup to depose the existing democratically elected leaders.

- If we're going to make an argument then may as well tell the whole story not part of it.

As for the comments regarding the war, I just wish they could come to some agreement, too many people have been killed and wounded more or less needlessly. I'm not sure how Ukraine's spring counteroffensive will go, I've seen reports that even Zelensky has his doubts, but my main sources are probably pro-Russian leaning.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 March 2023 11:16:24 AM
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"The sanctions are to make it harder for Russia to make weapons for its war in Ukraine"
- No, that's the 'official' story, but I accept the argument about weapons production.
The unofficial one is that they want to make life hard for the Russian people in order to ferment dissent, civil unreast and the people rising up against Putin to oust him themselves.
That's the Wests Modus Operandi, and this is the real purpose of sanctions.

I'm not saying that Russia may have done some of those things as you suggested, but the West does it everywhere.
- It's like a standard part of their foreign policy in the way they treat other nations.

Take a look here:
>>At the Dushanbe summit, members agreed to "oppose intervention in other countries' internal affairs on the reason of 'humanitarianism' and 'protecting human rights;' and support the efforts of one another in safeguarding the five countries' national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and social stability."<<

Why did they discuss and agree to this?
- Because that's what the West does.

I've always wondered if some of these countries would be move to become more democratic leaning if they did not have to take steps to prevent the West acting this way. The second they give the West an opening, the West will move to try to exploit it cause civil unrest and install it's own puppet rulers, just as they did in Ukraine.

Do you remember the Geoffrey Pratt and Victoria Nuland phone call discussing the leaders whom they were considering to install?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 March 2023 11:26:47 AM
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You have yet to provide any concrete evidence that the US instigated the Maidan uprising. Whereas Russia illegally occupied Crimea and instigated the separatist movement in Donbas.

I see that Russia is now sending T54s and T55s to the front. Here's a picture of a T55 against a Challenger 2.


The flaws in your plan are:
-The Russians are presently refusing anything that might cause them to return territory to Ukraine.
- The Russians can't be trusted to run a free and fair poll in Ukraine states.
- The Russians have imported Russians to Ukraine and transferred Ukrainians to Russia.
- The Ukrainians are busy giving the Russians a thrashing and soon will have recovered all their territory.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 26 March 2023 1:13:54 PM
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"You have yet to provide any concrete evidence that the US instigated the Maidan uprising. Whereas Russia illegally occupied Crimea and instigated the separatist movement in Donbas."

What are you, stupid?
- Did you even read the last thing I wrote?

"Do you remember the Geoffrey Pratt and Victoria Nuland phone call discussing the leaders whom they were considering to install?"

So you're saying in shadowministers La-la Land, that the Maidan was completely grassroots, no foreign help whatsoever, and then the US just comes in afterwards and decides who the leader of the country is going to be, not the protesters of the Ukrainian citizens or a referendum, it's members of US State who department decide the new leader?

Is that how it works in your jellyfish brain?

F* the EU: Alleged audio of US diplomat Victoria Nuland swearing

Victoria Nuland US has invested $5 billion in Ukraine 26 April 2014 - 4mths after the Maidan
Victoria Nuland gives a speech at the National Press Club, Washington DC confirming that the USA had spent $5 billion promoting 'democracy' in the Ukraine. The speech was sponsored by Chevron Oil, the US oil giant

Nov 2013 Pre-Maidan! Ukraine Deputy has proof of USA staging civil war in Ukraine - Read the Transcript

TechCamp Kyiv 2012
The U.S. Embassy hosted TechCamp Kyiv at Master Klass Cultural Center in Kyiv, Ukraine on September 12 and 13. TechCamp Kyiv marks the 14th TechCamp supporting Secretary Clinton's Civil Society 2.0, an initiative which builds the digital literacy of civil society organizations around the world.

What is Civil Society 2.0

Civil Society 2.0?: How the Internet Changes State-Society Relations in Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Cuba
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 March 2023 2:12:30 PM
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I also once saw a video of one of the Maidan active shooters saying he was a part of Right Sector and working on behalf of the US, but I don't have the video anymore (and there was no way to prove it was authentic)

I've also showed you how the US uses the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and USAID to fund 5th column operations around the world

And you also have George Soros with his Open Society Foundation helping efforts around the World and he's the largest donor to the Democratic Party.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 March 2023 2:13:25 PM
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I see that the Russian economy ran at a deficit of $35bn on Feb 23 after a $25bn deficit in January. This is due to the sanctions and price caps on oil and refined products and the general sanctions that have seen Russian export shrink drastically.

Symptoms of this include Russian soldiers not getting paid and part of the Baikonur space hub being seized by Kazakhstan for non-payment of debts. While this may affect ordinary Russians, Russia needs vast amounts of money to wage this war.

The massive increase in spending on Russia's illegal war is presently being funded from the Wealth fund which at this rate won't survive until July.

Ukrainians have become very proficient at killing Russian tanks, with the result that many tank battalions have simply disappeared.

Russia is losing this war.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 26 March 2023 2:18:44 PM
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"Russia is losing this war."

You're like a bloody cracked record mate.
Whare's all your military gains?
You don't have any, and China will provide arms to Russia if need be.

I want the killing to stop and you want it to continue.
- So like just shut up already.
And btw, I think overthrowing democraticaaly elected leaders of countries in armed coups sponsored by the West should be legal, and I don't blame Russia for moving to protect Russian speaking people after a western installed regime has been killing them for 8 years.

Ukraine certainly isn't winning this war.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 March 2023 3:41:01 PM
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Hi AC,

I find the idea of a country like Ukraine provoking Russia with acts of genocide against Russian speaking residents quite fanciful, even nonsensical, and Russia has not received endorsement of its claims from internationally recognised organisations like the ICC. Also, democracies are less engaged in a dialogue of falsehoods over controlled media and reinforced with restricted speech and freedoms than are autocratic regimes.

I disagree with Shadowminister about Russia and the Russian army being destroyed and beaten. They are faring much better than Ukraine, but I think that the future of the conflict will depend on the type and quantity of weapons available to each side. If Russia starts losing its electronic capabilities it could find itself vulnerable. I note that Ukraine has started experimenting with drone swarms.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 26 March 2023 4:05:50 PM
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Hi Fester,
"Also, democracies are less engaged in a dialogue of falsehoods over controlled media and reinforced with restricted speech and freedoms than are autocratic regimes."

I don't know about that, I think it's a bit of a furphy to be honest.
- I mean honestly, when has any of our media informed the public of the things I'm saying?

There IS another side of the story, but you'll NEVER hear it on our media.
They call that 'Russian propaganda'

When does any of our western media tell the full story?
When do they talk about the deal made at the end of the cold war 'Not 1 inch eastwards'
When did they tell you about the 2008 NATO conference where they spoke about expanding NATO?
- And Putin opposing it, saying he would take crimea if Ukraine moved to become a part of NATO
When did they tell us about the wikileaks exposed cable where William Burns stated the Russian position was Nyet Means Nyet?
When do they talk about the coup being sponsored by the west to overthrow a democratically elected leader?
When did they tell us about the Minsk agreements (internal right to self-determination) never being honoured?
When do they ever talk about the war in Ukraine starting in 2014 not 2022?
When do they respect the wishes of the people living in Crimea not wanting to be a part of the Western puppet Kiev regime?
- That they first voted for independence and then voted to join Russia
When do they talk about Putin accepting the independence of the LPR and DPR after Ukrainian armed forced bombed their cities for 8 years
How many western journalists are in the Donbass
When did they talk about Russia 'invading' their term - or defending the LPR and DPR under a pretext of collective self defence?

You won't hear those stories, they don't inform us at all.
The western corporate medias job is to mislead, misinform or persuade the general public.
They do stories built around emotions meant to persuade public opinion, not inform.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 March 2023 6:05:28 PM
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Hi AC,

The only puppet presidents in Ukraine were put there with Russian approval, with Yanukovych now in Russian exile after his snipers killed a hundred odd citizens protesting for an end to Soviet era corruption and for closer ties with Europe. If you want to see the type of corrupt autocratic puppet ruler Russia likes, look a little north and behold Lukashenko.

Russian despots fear the dreams of its citizens that Ukrainian democracy and freedom might provoke.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 26 March 2023 9:01:06 PM
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"Yanukovych now in Russian exile after his snipers killed a hundred odd citizens protesting for an end to Soviet era corruption and for closer ties with Europe."

Why would Yanukovych shoot his own people?
How does it make sense?
Let's say there were protestors all over the front lawn of parliament house.
How does it help Albo's political future to start shooting the protesters? It doesn't.
It only helps an opposition group if they can make you think Albo did it, then it's bye-bye Albo and opposition group takes power.

Ukraine protests after Yanukovych EU deal rejection

"If you want to see the type of corrupt autocratic puppet ruler Russia likes, look a little north and behold Lukashenko."

Lukashenko had decent ties with Europe and wasn't as friendly towards Russia as it is now, until the US tried to overthrow him too.
After that, it was like the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so he buddied up with Russia.

US tried to get rid of Erdogan and has started trouble in Georgia as well.
Some of this is part of a policy paper 'Extending Russia' 2019 from RAND corporation

Measure 2: Reduce Natural Gas Exports and Hinder
Pipeline Expansions
vi Extending Russia: Competing from Advantageous Ground
Measure 3: Impose Sanctions
Measure 4: Enhance Russian Brain Drain
Measure 1: Provide Lethal Aid to Ukraine
Measure 2: Increase Support to the Syrian Rebels
Measure 3: Promote Regime Change in Belarus
Measure 4: Exploit Tensions in the South Caucasus
Measure 5: Reduce Russian Influence in Central Asia
Measure 6: Challenge Russian Presence in Moldova

Here's a good video I just watched discussing the fall of the US empire, AUKUS discussed.

People like shadowminister are like 'Prove the west helped conduct regime change dammit!'
- It's like right there in their own policy papers.
*Note 'Sanctions' & 'Hinder pipeline expansions' Lol
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 March 2023 12:54:29 AM
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Republican Lawmakers Press Biden to Send Cluster Bombs to Ukraine - Letter

Australia is a signatory to the convention on cluster munitions
- Is Australia and other western signatory nations going to stop military support to Ukraine if the US sends cluster bombs to Ukraine?

Convention on Cluster Munitions

Maidan snipers & Ukrainian proxies w/ Ivan Katchanovski, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen
(Haven't watched this video yet - it just came out a few hours ago)

Zelensky to surrender before Russia? Ukraine President says, 'Troops running out of ammunition'

The media learned what Zelensky pleaded with European leaders at the EU summit
"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky pleaded with European leaders gathered at the EU summit to provide as many weapons as possible to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the shortest possible time, columnists for the newspaper El País wrote."
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 March 2023 1:21:06 AM
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In a new and dangerous move Russia will deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. Putin compared this move to the US stationing its weapons in Europe. All this is INSANITY! Russians killing Ukrainians, Ukrainians killing Russians, MADNESS!

Hi AC,

I watched that 40 minute video you posted of the Russian girl and her story in the war zone. I think she was being truthful about what happens in the war, it happens in all wars.

I recall my old uncle Frank years ago, he fought in New Guinea during WWII, casually saying; "We (Australians) murdered Japanese in NG, but they murdered our boys as well." He seemed to think nothing of it.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 27 March 2023 4:04:25 AM
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Russia has been rattling the nuclear saber since the beginning. Russia won't do this because the consequences will far outweigh any benefits they could get from this, and there is no intelligence indicating that they would be that stupid.


That Yanukovych or his supporters organized the snipers to kill protesters is not in dispute. Also, there is no evidence (other than that cooked up by Russia) that the US gave the protesters any more than moral support.

As for the appeal for cluster bombs, this is based on the use of cluster munitions by Russians on Ukrainian civilians. Again there is the clear video and other evidence of this.

Lukashenko was friendly with the EU until he rigged elections to maintain power and Russia helped him put down protests against his corruption. As a result Belarus now has one of the lowest living standards in Europe. Lukashenko is a tyrant.

That Russia is resorting to using T54s shows that they are losing this war.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 27 March 2023 11:51:43 AM
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Hey Paul1405,
"In a new and dangerous move Russia will deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. Putin compared this move to the US stationing its weapons in Europe."

Yes I heard about this.
This is probably a response to the UK sending depleted Uranium rounds and the US sending a new special envoy to Belarus to try to cause more civil unrest there.
It's true the US has had nukes stationed in Turkey Incirlik air base for years.
"The primary unit stationed at Incirlik Air Base is the 39th Air Base Wing (39 ABW) of the U.S. Air Force. Incirlik Air Base has one 3,048 m (10,000 ft)-long runway, located among about 57 hardened aircraft shelters. Tactical nuclear weapons are stored at the base. Among them are "up to" 50 B61 nuclear bombs."

Hey shadowminister
"That Yanukovych or his supporters organized the snipers to kill protesters is not in dispute."
- No, it's just not in dispute by you.
Seems I got it wrong, it wasn't people from with 'Right Sector' it was people from 'Svoboda', I knew it was one of the two.

"Also, there is no evidence (other than that cooked up by Russia) that the US gave the protesters any more than moral support."

You live in a world of ignorance of the world around you SM.
"It is largely financed by the U.S. government"
"The RAND Corporation was originally founded in 1948 by Douglas Aircraft Company (predecessor of Boeing) to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces."

Even when RAND corporation (a US government funded think tank / advocacy tank) puts out in it's own documents advocating for the US government to conduct regime changes, you're incapable of believing it's true, even when you have phone calls of Victoria Nuland US Undersecretary of State discussing on the phone which leader they will install and saying how much money they spent to do it, you refuse to believe it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 March 2023 5:51:46 PM
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Extending Russia - Competing from Advantageous Ground 2019

Page 62 Economic Measures Measure 2: Reduce Natural Gas Exports and Hinder Pipeline Expansions

"A variety of options exist for diversifying European gas supplies and extending Russia economically, although it is not clear how much control the United States has over them. A first step would involve stopping Nord Stream 2. In 2015, the EU imported 410.6 bcm of natural gas, of which 121.7 bcm came from Russia.
Nord Stream 2 at full capacity would account for 45 percent of 2015 imports from Russia — 14 percent of total imports. Europe would still need to import the gas, and that gas might still come from Russia, but at minimum it would have to pass through other countries, such as Ukraine, which would earn transport fees.
A second option is to encourage new pipelines from other gas sources. Chief among these are the Southern Gas Corridor and EastMed."

Page 111 Measure 3: Promote Regime Change in Belarus

"From a U.S. policy standpoint, Belarus’ unrest might present an opportunity to extend Russia by aiding the opposition, removing a long-standing Russian-allied dictator, and supporting liberalization.
This aid to Lukashenko’s opposition could come in a variety of forms, ranging from public declarations of support by U.S. leaders to more direct financial and organizational assistance helping the opposition parties reach the end state of being a free and democratic Belarus."

No SM, this isn't a document from a US govt funded thinktank and it's not a US policy to stop Nordstream 2 or provide funding or assistance to opposition groups to cause or capitalise on civil unrest to conduct regime change in Belarus.
The US would never provide any support to conduct regime changes, it's all grassroots I tell you!
- 354 pages, they just fund this research for the fun of it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 March 2023 9:47:43 PM
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 March 2023 5:31:12 AM
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 March 2023 7:09:08 AM
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The BRICS Has Overtaken The G7 In Global GDP
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 March 2023 12:34:22 PM
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You post a lot of pure crap. Do BRICs have a bigger GDP than the G7? You will believe anything.

"Combined, the BRICS bloc has a GDP over 24.73 trillion U.S. dollars in 2021, which is slightly more than the United States.15/02/2023"


Russia's latest weapons are the T54 tanks from the 1950s. Russia is losing this war.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 28 March 2023 5:09:22 PM
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I didn't get the info from that link, I just used the link to show the info was real as it also has a chart.
I got the info here,

"Combined, the BRICS bloc has a GDP over 24.73 trillion U.S. dollars in 2021"

Hmmm, what year is it again? [rolls eyes]

In other news I saw Ukraine got 18 x German 2A6 Leopard 2 and some Challenger 2 tanks delivered.
Maybe that will get you all excited in the pant area? Lol
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 March 2023 10:15:27 PM
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China Lent Heavily to Developing Nations. Now It’s Helping Them Manage Their Debt

March 27, 2023

"A new study shows that the People’s Bank of China has deployed at least $240 billion since 2000 to assist foreign borrowers.
Over the course of a generation China has become the world’s biggest sovereign lender to developing economies as part of a push for business and influence that mirrors the 20th century spread of US economic power. Now comes the next chapter: With a growing list of poor countries facing debt problems, China is drawing on its enormous central bank reserves to establish itself as a source of emergency funds to bail out some of the very nations it spent years lending to."

China Overtakes US With $306 Billion Corporate Credit Boom

"Diverging central bank policies are behind shift in rankings
Debt sales in dollars are running at their lowest in 11 years

September 7, 2022

China has surged ahead of the US for corporate bond deals in its yuan credit market in recent months, a rare shift that highlights the deepening impact of the two countries’ diverging monetary policies.

Yuan-denominated bond issuance by non-financial firms exceeded that in the greenback in both July and August, a first for two consecutive months, according to Bloomberg-compiled data. The momentum has started building since the Federal Reserve kicked off its tightening cycle in March: Sales of yuan notes, almost entirely by Chinese firms, totaled 2.04 trillion yuan ($306 billion based on exchange rates at the time of deals) between April and August, versus $283 billion of dollar debt worldwide."
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 March 2023 11:23:53 PM
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"(Vice President) Harris (on an African tour) announced $100 million in assistance for the region and pledged that the United States would be "strengthening our partnerships across the continent of Africa." The administration also is requesting another $139 million from Congress to help Ghana with a security deal"....NPR News.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 29 March 2023 5:43:41 AM
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Hi Paul,
NPR is known to have a bias towards US interests, so they may not always tell the full unbiased story, (what media these days does?)
I'm not necessarily saying the info is wrong (which it isn't) but just in the same way that Russian media does also tell the truth, it may present that truth in a way that is more favourable to its own interests.

Kamala Harris starts Africa tour in Ghana, announces security aid

U.S. vice president starts three-nation Africa tour
Washington seeking to counter Chinese, Russian influence
Harris says she raised LGBT rights issue

A better way of telling that story, is that the US is trying to counter Russian / Chinese influence in the global south, and that the US doesn't do anything without wanting something in return.
- In this case the promotion of LGBT rights, which many might see as human rights, but the US would also see and use as a lever to start protests and civil unrest later if they decided they wanted a regime change.

The US economy is tied heavily to perpetual war, so if they can move to dislodge the Russian Wagner group in Africa in order to give US forces something to do, then this also benefits the US.

Also, because much of the US power comes from it hegemony, and monetary system, which it wields against other countries when needed, it automatically sees any rival to that power as an enemy.

Recently, with the Chinese negotiated Saudi Arabia / Iran resumption of diplomatic relations, the US has lost a lot of influence (and hegemony) in the Middle East

The US ruled Unipolar world model is slipping away in favour of a Multipolar world.
Global conquest is a stupid idea that history says never lasts anyway.

US imperialism is just another stupid model that in some part came about after British Colonialism.
The world needs to learn to treat nations as they would like to be treated and stay out of meddling in countries internal affairs.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 29 March 2023 8:36:45 AM
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Russia’s Diesel Exports Heading for Record Despite EU Sanctions
March shipments have averaged about 1.5 million barrels a day
Turkey, Morocco and other nations have stepped up purchases

March 27, 2023

>>Russia’s diesel exports are on course to hit a record this month despite European Union sanctions depriving the country of its biggest market.

Moscow is so far shrugging off concern that the bloc’s recent import ban would force it to reduce exports amid a lack of alternative buyers. Instead, Turkey, Morocco and other nations have stepped up purchases — though some cargoes from Russia are also being held in floating storage.<<

- Who would've thought that Russia would have no problems whatsoever finding other markets for it's products?

It's no coincidence that both CNN and Fox news ran stories about the catastrophe that is coming the US's way due to de-dollarisation.
(Check the twitter links above I added yesterday)
The US public are being prepared for what's coming.
- It's the end of the US as the worlds dominant power.
(And I said that a few weeks ago too)

Also know BRICS countries are now more wealthier than the G7 based on GDP, I heard it on another radio show I listen to this morning.
The US will be remembered as ultimately being destroyed by their own sanctions against others.
- Hoisted by their own petard.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 29 March 2023 1:18:05 PM
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Clown of the Day

Kaya Kallis - Current Prime Minister of Estonia

"The approval of each package of sanctions against Russia is a complex process that involves all EU members. It takes weeks, months to approve new sanctions. Nevertheless, Russians allow themselves to joke on the internet about each new package of sanctions, they openly mock our work. I beg them to take this seriously and show at least some respect"

Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 29 March 2023 1:50:24 PM
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This is because the Russian propagandists desperately try to pretend that the sanctions aren't hurting Russia. However, Russia's central bank posted a deficit of $45bn in Feb following the $25bn deficit for Jan 23.

The peak in Russian diesel sales is due to the ban and cap not affecting orders prior to the 5th of Feb up to 60 days up to the 4th of April. So while there is a surge in last-minute orders these will crash in March/April exactly as with crude oil.

Meanwhile, the Ukraine army is still holding in Bakhmut, and beginning an assault in the south.

Russia is losing this war.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 29 March 2023 4:05:13 PM
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"This is because the Russian propagandists desperately try to pretend that the sanctions aren't hurting Russia. However, Russia's central bank posted a deficit of $45bn in Feb following the $25bn deficit for Jan 23."

Who even cares, it doesn't matter
China will loan them money and give them weapons if it comes to it.
And how much of their oil trade is now off the books?
How is the west tracking trade and payments in other currencies outside of swift?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 29 March 2023 6:00:05 PM
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Oh and btw, Ukraine is losing the war.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 29 March 2023 6:00:43 PM
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Western leaders are total hypocrites
They use protests to get the regime changes they want, decrying when governments act heavy handed against protesters, many doing so against the Belarusian government, but its a completely different story when protestors are going against a government they support, like in France right now, they say nothing.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 March 2023 5:42:14 AM
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Ukraine urges Russians not to adopt 'stolen' Ukrainian children

You know I think this is total bs, by Ukrainian nationalists consumed over race.

If I was on the Pro-Ukraianian side and was separated from my kids, now living in the western half of Ukraine in a camp, of course I would want my kids back with me, but beyond that, I most certainly wouldn't want them trapped in the middle of a warzone, with bombs dropping around them. If I knew thay were in Russia being well treated and cared for, then that would be enough for me at least temporarily to know that they're safe from harm and being adequetely cared for, regardless of whether or not they were being raised with a pro-Russian point of view.

Or even if I was dead and my kids were orphaned, looking down from wherever you go when your no longer a part of this world, my first thoughts would be that my kids wherever they were were out of a warzone, out of harms way and having food clothing and shelter and being adequetely cared for, by caring well meaning people, again, regardless of whether they were in Ukraine or Russia or that they were being subjected to a Pro-Russian point of view.

What the hell does Zelensky and the Kiev regime give a crap about these kids for anyway, they're quite happy to conscript thousands of 16 - 18 year olds off the street, send them to Kharkiv for two weeks training to fire off a few clips and then send them to the front, where the life expectancy of untrained troops is quoted to be about 4 hours.

- So I'm calling total BS on all this 'welfare of kids' narrative by the Kiev regime.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 March 2023 10:25:32 AM
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The whole entire west act like children.
- Like a bunch of adolescent girls trying to ostracise other girls they don't like.
If it wasn't so serious it would be both sad and pathetic.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 March 2023 12:56:13 PM
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Riyadh joins Shanghai Cooperation Organization as ties with Beijing grow

20 years ago Saudi / US trade was almost 5x Saudi / China trade
Now, Saudi / Chines trade will soon be 4 x Saudi / US trade
- And ascension into the SCO will only accelerate the trend.

Brazil, China strike trade deal agreement to ditch US dollar

UAE - China completes first yuan-settled LNG trade

Chad nationalizes assets by oil giant Exxon, says government

Kenya to Buy Oil Using Local Currency Instead of US Dollars

China’s ‘sharp increase’ in car exports leaves South Korea searching for a solution
China is worlds #1 manufacturer or cars and worlds #2 exporter of cars
- And Russia is Chinas largest importer of cars, importing 80,000 cars in the first 2 months of 2023

Jan 6 Repeat in Tennessee - Leftwing Insurrection taking place at Tennessee State Capitol
Three Democrat state lawmakers join protesters invading Tennessee state capitol

RBI allows India and Tanzania to use national currencies for trading
An iftar banquet in Iraq brought together the Syrian, Iranian and Saudi ambassadors this evening at the Iranian embassy in Baghdad

How Many Mass Shootings Have Been Carried Out by Transgender People?
- If Alex Jones was sued for Sandy Hook, then will all leftists promoting 'trans' narratives be sued for empowering the mentally ill?

BREAKING: Biden Says Transgenders ‘Shape Our Nation’s Soul’ Just Days After Trans Killer Shoots Up Christian School
KJP "Our hearts go out to the trans community, as they are under attack right now."
Austrian politicians walk out of the parliament hall in protest as Ukrainian President Zelensky begins to give them a speech.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 31 March 2023 7:08:43 AM
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NEW: Saudi Arabia has inked an 80 billion yuan deal with China to build a Chinese oil refinery.

Are you paying attention yet?

Our adversaries are teaming up.

China is loading up on gold.

China and Russia have penned their alliance.

China has mediated a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is considering accepting the Yuan instead of the U.S. dollar.

Our adversaries want to crash our economy and the U.S. dollar is on the path to lose its world reserve currency status.

All this in just 2 years of a Joe Biden presidency.

Buckle up.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 31 March 2023 7:11:44 AM
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"Yes, Russia’s exports remained unaffected by Western sanctions—
—but now those exports are sold in currencies *other* than the dollar or the euro. Which is catastrophic for Western economies that are overindebted and need foreigners to buy their debt.
Sanctions killed the West."

- Just as I said.

"A public execution by American police.
This does not happen in Russia, or China, or India, or Iran.
Americans are all cowboy savages, or sexual degenerates.
The US should be denuclearized, and isolated from the civilized world."
- What 'trans' people think about 'transphobes'

"Ukrainian channel Legitimny:
Our source reports that the West handed over new tanks under the conditions that they would not be used in the forefront of an offensive / defensive operation.
The Office of the President is categorically dissatisfied with this behind-the-scenes requirement. But he promised to keep it."
BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Uncovers Potential MASSIVE Money Laundering into Political Campaigns
- Funny tweet from leader of Wagner PMC
"Prigozhin’s trolling on point.
(Whatever side of the conflict you’re on, you gotta hand it to the Russians — they know how to troll.)"

US Experts Grapple with Ukraine End Game: Admit War of Attrition is Unwinnable

The US has DEFEATED Germany, not Russia, in Ukraine

“Kremlin Intermediary” TELLS ALL About NSA Spying On Tucker Carlson

Russia Storms Central Bakhmut; Kiev, US in Denial; Zelensky Depressed; Putin Upbeat Econ; EU NatGas

Everywhere you look, the west is crumbling down to the scrapheap of history.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 31 March 2023 7:54:16 AM
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I don't know where you dredge up all these idiots that you quote. Even Putin and the Russian state bank clearly show that sanctions hurt Russia. With a $70bn deficit over Jan/Feb 2023. Also, the Chinese currency is used for trading less than 1/2 as much as the British pound and 1/30th as much as the US$

Russia's huge offensive has achieved virtually nothing with massive casualties.

Russia is losing the war.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 31 March 2023 3:16:46 PM
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"I don't know where you dredge up all these idiots that you quote."
- Certainly not from the news sources you get your info from shadowminister
"Even Putin and the Russian state bank clearly show that sanctions hurt Russia."
I keep telling you it's not important, China will help Russia if need be, what they're doing is too important to both their countries.
You don't seem to see the bigger picture in anything that's going on.


- So much for your spring counteroffensive
I guess that's like your Bakhmut counteroffensive and The Great Kherson counteroffensive.

Make Bakhmut Artyomovsk Again... wont be long now.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 31 March 2023 7:21:14 PM
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Your source is a troll reading Russian propaganda only an idiot would take him seriously.
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 1 April 2023 3:05:57 AM
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Hmm, that's a bit rich don't you think?
- Considering the crap 99% of people entertain right from their TV's

What was it all over the TV the last few days?
- Poor 'trans' people are victims
Never mind that one went into a Christian school and murdered 6 people including three 9 year olds.
- But hey don't let the truth get in the way of a good narrative.

All so brainwashed these days they literally don't know whether they're Arthur or Martha
I don't really pay much attention to Mark Latham, but they're all carrying on because he dared say it's disgusting to put your dick up another mans arse and get shite all over it.

How dare someone have an opinion in a 'democratic' country or speak truth to narratives,
Nothing to do with free speech, it's all about protecting people from not being offended
- The worlds gone completely crazy, yet you talk about idiots that no-one would treat seriously, look around.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 1 April 2023 7:59:26 AM
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The whole entire west is just acting out against anyone that poses a threat to their power and ideology, whether that be Trump, Putin, China, Mark Latham or anyone else, climate deniers, people who don't celebrate the idea there's more than one gender, transphobes, people who oppose immigration.

It's just rule by big government, big business, global institutions and the elite.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 1 April 2023 8:37:02 AM
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two genders sorry, Lol
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 1 April 2023 8:41:39 AM
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URGENT: "Once the Dollar Loses Reserve Currency Status - There's NO GOING BACK"
“We are abusing this great privilege that we had, and with this abuse - once we lose the world reserve currency status…there’s no going back. We won’t get that prosperity that we’ve been able to enjoy. It’s going to be a very, very different world in the United States of America.” - Mike Maloney
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 1 April 2023 9:22:10 AM
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Hi AC,

It will be interesting to see how any Ukrainian counteroffensive evolves. Both sides have been developing offensive and defensive strategies, but I have heard that the Russian forces have been hampered by internal bickering and a regimented command structure. I suspect that the Ukrainians will use swarms of drones and concentrated artillery and Himars strikes, but I am not sure of how they plan to deal getting through the Russian mine fields, which will be critical if they want to utilise their armoured vehicles.

I guess the biggest question is what does each side have in reserve? Russia certainly has heaps of troops, armoured vehicles and artillery, but it has been unable to use them to gain much territory. I think that the Ukrainians would like to cut the Russian forces in three, but that will require a lot of resources.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 1 April 2023 12:16:24 PM
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"I have heard that the Russian forces have been hampered by internal bickering and a regimented command structure."

There is a bit of rivalry between Russian forces and Wagner PMC
- Wagner group generally have better equipment and are better paid, if I remember correctly.

"I suspect that the Ukrainians will use swarms of drones and concentrated artillery and Himars strikes, but I am not sure of how they plan to deal getting through the Russian mine fields, which will be critical if they want to utilise their armoured vehicles."

Ukrainian FM downplays importance of ‘counteroffensive’

>>“We should counter by all means the perception of the counteroffensive as the decisive battle of the war,” he told the Financial Times, as quoted on Wednesday.

He said Kiev was concerned that the operation would not result in Ukrainian troops pushing Russia “100%” out of the territory it wishes to reclaim. However, in this scenario of underachievement, he feared, “some people may say this was the last decisive battle and now we have to think of an alternative scenario.”<<

"I guess the biggest question is what does each side have in reserve? Russia certainly has heaps of troops, armoured vehicles and artillery, but it has been unable to use them to gain much territory. I think that the Ukrainians would like to cut the Russian forces in three, but that will require a lot of resources."

I think Russia has at least 130K troops from the mobilization that haven't yet been committed to the war. And they may not have taken a lot of territory, but they have inflicted huge amount of destruction on Ukrainian forces, much of the Ukrainian military that was built up over 8 years has now been destroyed, all they have is recently trained conscripts with little long term experience.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 1 April 2023 12:56:13 PM
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Russian Army Has Received Hundreds of T-90M Tanks Under Surged Production - Reports
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 1 April 2023 2:46:09 PM
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Good points AC. The devastation in Ukraine is evident, and Russia still has a very large invading army, but if they want to claim more territory they will need to use their tanks, and that has so far proved to be suicidal for them. Their tactic of protecting their armour with infantry is causing large casualties, so they will need to make sure they have plenty of fresh troops to send to the front lines lest they get too thin on the ground and suffer ground losses in a counteroffensive like they did in September. Meanwhile the Ukrainians seem to be developing their drone warfare capability to a considerable degree.

The state of both sides should become clearer in the coming months.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 1 April 2023 3:36:23 PM
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More on the 'Stolen Ukrainian Children' narrative.
Bunch of Liars - Just like I told you all

ICC’s Putin arrest warrant based on US State Dept-funded report that debunked itself

"Unlike the Yale investigators who inspired the ICC’s arrest warrant, Loffredo gained unfettered access to a Russian government camp in Moscow that houses youth from the war-torn Donbas region. Though it is precisely the kind of center that Yale HRL – and by extension, the ICC – have portrayed as a “re-education camp” for Ukrainian child hostages, he found a hotel full of happy campers receiving free classical music lessons in their native Russian language from first-class instructors – a “teddy bear,” as Raymond called it.

At The Donbas Express music camp located just outside of Moscow, youth told Loffredo they were grateful to have found refuge from the Ukrainian army’s years-long campaign of shelling and besiegement of their homeland. By fleeing the war in Donbas, these children had escaped a nightmarish military conflict for which Yale HRL and the ICC have demonstrated little to no concern."

Inside a Russian youth camp condemned by the ICC

You all listen to the Western media
Well where is the Western media reporting this.
- Non Existent - except independent news sources

You'd think you'd all wake up by now, BUT NO
This is why our way of life is falling apart
- Because you people believe whatever BS the feed you

And there's not enough people like me setting the real story straight.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 2 April 2023 10:18:47 AM
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‘It’s not a pretty picture’: Russia’s support is growing in the developing world
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 2 April 2023 11:01:50 AM
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Hi AC,

I tend to follow the battle because in many respects it is the hardest thing to lie about. Ukraine is on the other side of the world, so what makes you so sure that you know what the truth is?

A while ago I had an argument with a fellow who seemed to think he knew more about my psoriasis treatment than either myself or my treating doctor, despite being on the other side of the world and having had no experience with the drug that I take (for over nine years at the time). He seemed convinced that other people would copy what I did and come to great harm because of me. I responded that as he himself was about as likely to take a cyanide capsule from Friends of the Fuhrer Pharmacies then why did he believe that anyone would want to copy me? I got barred from the site for that as the fellow was a moderator.

You shouldn't be upset that people don't see the world exactly as you do. You make a big effort to form an understanding of things and that is admirable.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 2 April 2023 3:01:30 PM
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Posted by Fester, Sunday, 2 April 2023 3:12:10 PM
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Hi Fester,
I certainly don't know the truth about all things...
And I'd never want to be the type of person that claims they do.

After looking at what the west has been doing for years I for one know that 80% of what the corporate media says is propaganda, whereas the average Joe just believes what they're told.
- The corporate media's job is to mislead, misinform or persuade the general public.

Also I have a kind of a 6th sense, maybe a kind of feeling into smelling BS when it comes to some of this stuff.
- Because I've watched a lot of stuff over the years that has maybe taught me to understand the Wests modus operandi.

Even in this forum thread and maybe the earlier Russian related one, I said from the start I didn't buy into this 'stolen Ukrainian children narrative, a few days ago I argued against the likeliness of what was said, and then this morning I read and shared an article where the truth was laid out, and it was just as I had earlier said, that it was BS.

As for that BBC article you added, what they're actually saying is this:
'The west has no opportunity to conduct regime change in Russia to install a leader more favorable to our interests'.

The people in question are probably either western aligned / sponsored opposition, or stupid.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 2 April 2023 5:23:20 PM
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Hi AC,

We are the peanut gallery. Not truth diviners, but patrons. At least we want to know what is happening. The father of that kid who did the unpatriotic drawing got caught in Belarus: Used his phone unfortunately, although he was told not to.

I think that Bakhmut has been a nasty trap for the Russians and has probably been instructive for the Ukrainians. Difficult months ahead.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 2 April 2023 8:43:45 PM
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Hi Fester,
Even Progozhin (Head of Wagner Group) said that Alexei Moskalyov's treatment was unfair, and I agree.
- But Russia is being so careful not to allow any dissent whatsoever, or else there will be thousands of western sponsored / aligned Russians causing civil unrest i.e regime change, and that's exactly the type of trouble the West would love nothing better than to help cause.

It's unfair, but just the way it has to be, for if they give an inch others will soon take a mile.
It sends a message 'Don't do this'
I seriously doubt Russia would act this way unless it was imperative they defend against Western sponsored civil unrest.
- The West would love to cause a 'Moscow Maidan'.

"The founder of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, called the court's decision unfair and asked for a review. Wagner Group is Russia's most fierce mercenary group involved in the war in Ukraine. He wrote a letter to the case prosecutor and published it on the Telegram account of his press service. He wrote, "Especially because his daughter Masha will be forced to grow up in an orphanage."

Prigozhin called for lawyers associated with Wagner to be allowed to work for the defender in a joint appeal. Furthermore, the banned human rights group Memorial referred to Moskalyov as a political prisoner."

- Alexei Moskalyov was located and detained in Belarus a few days ago.

Belarus detains Russian over daughter's Ukraine sketch
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 2 April 2023 10:54:55 PM
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"I think that Bakhmut has been a nasty trap for the Russians and has probably been instructive for the Ukrainians."

- Russia has more or less completely destroyed the Ukrainian military in Bakhmut. Ukraine is now short on troops, they've been relocating them from other fronts to try to defend Bakmut. I saw a chart a few days ago that showed population by age group comparing 2021 to 2023, there's hardly any 20 - 25 year old young blokes left, a great many have been killed already.

Zelensky's defense of Bakmut is all about PR.

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy: Any Russian victory could be perilous
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 2 April 2023 11:09:16 PM
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Hi AC,

"I seriously doubt Russia would act this way unless it was imperative they defend against Western sponsored civil unrest."

As Russia does not have a separation of powers it reflects Putin's fear of dissent. People will have a range of opinions on all manner of things. Was Alexei Moskalyov's part of some western plot? I think it highly unlikely, but being on the other side of the world I have no eyes and ears there. What I note is that it was the reaction of authorities that attracted media attention, not the drawing.

The status of the armies will become more apparent in the coming months. What is known with certainty is that the Russian army has been unable to capture Bakhmut thus far.
Posted by Fester, Monday, 3 April 2023 7:31:05 AM
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What is certain is there will be many more deaths before there is peace in Ukraine. It is a dangerous path we tread when we we go to war. No one knows where it will lead, and the consequences are catastrophic, there are no "winners" only losers!

John McCrae ‘In Flanders Fields‘.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 3 April 2023 7:48:19 AM
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One thing is clear, the Russian offensive has been a total flop, for about 50 square km the Russians have lost nearly 30 000 men roughly 5 Russians killed for 1 Ukrainian, and hundreds of tanks, and other equipment that they cannot replace. The drastic drop in attacks and their 2nd mobilisation push for another 147000 conscripts show that the Russians have culminated. The sending of T55 tanks to Ukraine is a clear sign of Russian desperation.

As for your fantasy that the Ukrainian army has been destroyed at Bakhmut, that's a joke. The defence of the city has been carried out by a few 1000 Ukrainian soldiers with many well-trained snipers in the buildings culling the herd of Russians trying to advance.

The policy of the Ukrainians in the face of the Russian human waves has been to set up a well-defended killing ground to cause Russian mass casualties, then move back when overwhelmed to the next defensive line and killing ground.

Russia is losing this war.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 3 April 2023 7:57:55 AM
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Still believing the lies SM?
Ukraine's haddit, they wont last another 6 months before they face total collapse and Russia's on Kievs doorstep.
They don't have the troops, weapons, ammunition, tanks, airforce or anything else to keep this thing going any longer than that.
They don't even have enough in the tank to launch their spring counteroffensive with any real hope of success.

It's over for Ukraine, its simply but a matter of time.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 3 April 2023 2:23:22 PM
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As every prediction of yours so far has been wrong, I look forward to rubbing your face in it once again.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 3 April 2023 2:41:39 PM
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McDonald’s reportedly temporarily shuts its U.S. offices and prepares layoff notices

Maybe they shouldn't have closed those 800 restaurants in Russia
- Well you know what they say, go woke, go broke.

SM, You forgot your standard violin playing ending, that's new.
Russia can still make 1000 new and refurbished tanks per year
Where you gunna get yours from, and artillery and air defense and ammunition and airplanes from... stuff like that?
There won't be any more tanks after this lot your getting.

Norwegian company says TikTok data centre is limiting energy for manufacturing Ukraine ammunition

Germany rules out any further weapons deliveries to Ukraine

There's hardly any more kids left in Ukraine to be rounded up
- Sent for 2 weeks training in Kharkov to fire off 2 clips and sent to the front.
- Who's going to fight your war ?

Ukraines got more troops defending Bakhmut that exists in the entire British armed forces.
(And they're losing territory every day - nice way to lose 200,000 to 300,000 men defending a town you're going to lose anyway btw)

Don't worry, another hundred thousand or two Ukrainians will die so you can cling on to hope a little longer.
Don't hold your breath hoping for a successful outcome though, it's not going to happen.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 3 April 2023 3:16:24 PM
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Maybe you'll find this terrorist attack in St Petersburg pleasing SM?

Vladlen Tatarsky: Killing of pro-Kremlin blogger investigated as murder
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 3 April 2023 3:26:39 PM
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Hi AC,

Is it true when 'Mc Donalds' closed their 800 stores in Russia, the Russians then open 800 'Mc Vlads' on the same sites? With the "Golden Arcks" instead of the "Golden Arches" A Big Vlad is "Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a bun." The important difference being, no sesame seeds on the bun at Mc Vlads! Taken from Mc Dowell's Coming To America. SM has got a job with Mc Vlad's, he's only a cleaner, but after 5 years he expects to be promoted to cooking French fries!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 3 April 2023 3:31:46 PM
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Hi AC,

You may be right about the Ukrainian army being on the verge of collapse, but they seem to still be a force as the Russian army is making very small advances and might be suffering losses of at least 30,000 killed or wounded and six btgs of hardware every month. I note that the Ukrainians are prioritising command posts, barracks, ammunition, equipment stockpiles and electronic warfare systems. They are also developing their drone capability.

Perhaps I am being duped by western propaganda as you suggest, but according to the information I have the Ukrainians intend to use a similar strategy as they did with their last counteroffensive, so there might still be a few months to wait.
Posted by Fester, Monday, 3 April 2023 3:40:33 PM
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OPEC + to cut oil production by one million barrels per day

America will be displeased about this, they've been wanting an increase to production since the war began, guess that means more inflation for all of us.

Wagner has taken over the city administration building in Bakhmut, and claiming 'legal' capture
- But it's a long slow grind.

Russian forces were spread thin during the last successful counteroffensive, this time they have adequate troops numbers and well established defensive lines.
They also have several hundred thousand troops which are still undergoing training (unlike the 2 weeks Ukrainian conscripts are getting but not including 50k being trained by the west) and have not yet been committed to the war yet.
There's a short run down of events here
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 3 April 2023 5:31:52 PM
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You made great play about a couple of building failures in China. Anything to say about the collapse of over 100 building companies in Australia over the past 12 months.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 3 April 2023 6:42:06 PM
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Western sanctions against Russia destroying the West

'Slap In West's face': NATO Nation France after Putin's Arab friends cut oil output

OPEC + nations will sell less oil, but at a higher price, while all western countries who rely on that oil and sought to destroy the Russian economy are now paying a much higher price for oil which will destroy our economies.
- Every business that fails will mean more people out of work and relying on welfare, it's a downward spiral for the west.

French minister ‘slapped in face’ over Russia sanctions – party leader

"The upcoming change in production rate has led to a spike in prices, with West Texas Intermediate rising by as much as 8%, according to Gulf News. The surge comes as the US and EU continue to grapple with an energy crisis."
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 4 April 2023 11:28:13 PM
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Village idiot,

You are really stupid. In Aus, the construction industry is about 9% of the economy and there are about 430 000 construction companies and 100 have gone bankrupt which is about 0.02% of the companies.

In China, the construction industry is about 29% of the economy and most construction companies are technically bankrupt. The only reason most of these companies haven't folded taking the banks with them is that the CCP is pouring $Ts into the industry to prevent a crisis that would dwarf the GFC.

The knock-on effect is that China has lost nearly 20% of its tax revenue and most local governments are running huge deficits.

So there is no real comparison.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 2:38:33 AM
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It's amusing to think of Biden as an ageing grandmother as in Paul1405's initial post.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 7:45:15 AM
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Biden is just another toady president to the American 'Military–Industrial Complex'. Trump is also a toady, but a complete wacko as well, the bloke from Florida, I forget his name, if he becomes the next President he to will also be a toady, as in the long tradition of only electing toady's as the front men for MIC.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 8:22:51 AM
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The dangers of the American 'Military–Industrial Complex'
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 8:41:59 AM
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The OPEC cut is in line with the oil price falling to $70/barrel and the US ramping up production by 1.1 million barrels daily. The Russians, however, are still only getting $50/b or less.

The US does not have energy issues as it produces what it uses. The EU has found other suppliers at a lower price than last year, and all their economies are growing while Russia's is shrinking.

Russia is running out of tanks, IFVs, trucks helicopters, ammunition manpower etc.

Russia is losing this war.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 4:11:40 PM
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As for the Russian mil blogger that was assassinated, well it couldn't have happened to a nicer person. There is so much fighting in Russia that it was most likely another Russian that did it. People like that who celebrate the killing of civilians deserve a special place in hell.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 4:16:09 PM
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"There is so much fighting in Russia that it was most likely another Russian that did it."

If you believe that, then you'd believe anything.
- And I've come to expect as much from you.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 5:42:26 PM
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So you are saying that the Ukrainians are going to send someone deep into Russia to assassinate an idiot troll with no military value whatsoever? That the guy was a complete prick doesn't mean that he has any real value.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 5:58:29 PM
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Hi shadowminister,

"So you are saying that the Ukrainians are going to send someone deep into Russia to assassinate an idiot troll with no military value whatsoever?"

- Of course they are, they've been waging war against any journalist that reports things from the Russian perspective.
Have you not heard of Myrotvorets, what about Daria Dugin?

The corporate medias job is to mislead, misinform or persuade the general public, and you fall for it every time.
- It really surprises me that you still haven't figured this out.

Why would Russians kill Vladlen Tatarsky, a Pro-Russian blogger and close friend of Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of Wagner PMC in a cafe Prigozhin once owned?

You should watch a couple of minutes of this, it describes your own attitude, an unwavering belief that Russia will lose and it also talks about the National Endowment for Democracy as being a 'coloured revolution headquarters' things I've shared with all of you for a long time, but you seem to think everything is 'grassroots'.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 6 April 2023 8:49:37 AM
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Russia has imprisoned every dissenting journalist it can get its hands on. There is also an epidemic of oligarchs and opposition politicians falling out of windows, getting riddled with bullets poisoned etc all within Russia. Also, there is zero evidence of Ukraine assassinating journalists in either case in either case or anywhere else.

Finally calling Vladlen Tatarsky is a bit of a stretch as he was essentially employed by the government as a mouthpiece for its propaganda.

Russia is losing this war.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 6 April 2023 11:58:29 AM
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Hi AC,

The "cctv" footage of the suspect could have been a hand held camera. The footage was released by Russian police.

And Putin only knows what is happening via his advisors and Russian television.
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 6 April 2023 12:14:20 PM
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"Russia has imprisoned every dissenting journalist it can get its hands on."

- Well that's what they get for working in their capacity equal to being / or actually being agents of the west trying to topple the Russian government.
What did they think was going to happen for disloyalty during a time of war against them by the West, and if you disagree go read 'Extending Russia' by RAND corporation again.

"There is also an epidemic of oligarchs and opposition politicians falling out of windows, getting riddled with bullets poisoned etc all within Russia."

Some may have been working with the West, and walked out the window or stepped in front of a truck or been poisoned in typical soviet fashion, others might have been US targets to make Russia look bad. None of us know the truth, but rest assured the west is actively trying to undermine the Russian government, the exact thing the West complains about and accuses others of doing to it's own government.
- Pot calling kettle black.

FFS don't pay any attention to the woman who admitted bringing the staute into the cafe, who was an activist against the Russian government, and whose husband was close to the Alexei Navalny, well known opposition figure supportive to the west and currently impassioned in Russia.

"The 'cctv' footage of the suspect could have been a hand held camera. The footage was released by Russian police."
- Maybe it was Tatarsky's security team. He did have one there, I wouldn't be surprised if they were videoing everyone that came in and out. The security team advised him to leave the statue at the door but some woman (not the one who delivered it) wanted to bignote and picked it up and took it to him.

As for the ABC article Fester, why would I believe anything a traitor says?
Looks like his defection is at least 6 months old.
Conscientious objector, or compromised by the west?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 6 April 2023 1:46:02 PM
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Hi AC,

If Trepova did get the bomb delivered, then it's a job well done. If the video was taken by Tatarsky's security then they seem very incompetent. Also, what sort of person was Tatarsky if this attributed comment was accurate: "We will defeat everyone, we will kill everyone, we will rob everyone as necessary. Just as we like it.". Good riddance to a bad rubbish I think, and what an incredibly brave person Daria Trepova is to oppose Russia's gangsta regime, although I for one am glad to be living on the other side of the world.
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 6 April 2023 5:20:15 PM
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"If Trepova did get the bomb delivered, then it's a job well done."
- wetwork... such nasty business in my opinion, I don't support 'ends justify the means' mentality of terrorists
- but I'd agree it was a successful assassination.

"We will defeat everyone, we will kill everyone, we will rob everyone as necessary. Just as we like it."
- Seems a bit over the top doesn't it.
But I guess they're at war, and he is a well known blogger - who knows what stories and how many he's heard of, with innocent women and kids being targeted in the Donbass over the last 8 - 9 years, I think he actually served in the military there at some point in the early days of the conflict, so I'm sure he has plenty of stories known to him.

Ukrainian nationalists probably say the exact same things talking about killing collaborators etc with their Myrotvorets hit list, I guess in times of war it's probably somewhat normal to dehumanise your enemy, especially when you hear stories of what the other sides done.

And especially when the Ukrainians openly have a hit list
"The Myrotvorets website was allegedly backed by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and published the personal data of those deemed to be “enemies of Ukraine” on several occasions. In May 2016, it published the personal data of 4,508 journalists and other media members from all over the world who had worked or had received accreditation to work in the eastern Donbass region."
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 6 April 2023 9:05:41 PM
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So Russian journalists who call the war a war and not a special military operation deserve to be jailed for 10 years?

you said "and walked out the window or stepped in front of a truck or been poisoned in typical Soviet fashion" so you admit the Russians are happily assassinating each other. Thus the blogger getting knocked off by a Russian is more than likely.

From the video, the woman that brought the bomb happily sat next to the troll. I don't believe that she knew it was a bomb.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 7 April 2023 5:08:49 AM
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Is there any truth to the story that the Ukrainian War Room is located in your back garden shed down there in Moonee Ponds. And you are sending and receiving vital information by smoke signals to and from Mr Zelenskyy in Kyiv, all from your barbecue. I beg you not to burn the snags on the "Little Beef Eater" as it may cause World War Three to break out unintentionally.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 7 April 2023 6:14:09 AM
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Hi AC,

Yes, it is a nasty business. That is the nature of war, and Tatarsky went the extra mile by advocating war crimes, so I'd say he was hoist by his own petard.

I believe there to be little likelihood of knowing what happened. Russian justice is more about narrative than truth. As much as I'd like to believe that Trepova successfully carried out a special military operation, I note that the smoke had barely cleared before the Russian cops knew what happened. I don't think Russian cops are so savvy.
Posted by Fester, Friday, 7 April 2023 8:10:25 AM
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"So Russian journalists who call the war a war and not a special military operation deserve to be jailed for 10 years?"

- I'd probably argue that Russian journalists should obey the law especially in wartimes and not parrot western narratives if they don't wish to gain the attention of their government.

"you said 'and walked out the window or stepped in front of a truck or been poisoned in typical Soviet fashion' so you admit the Russians are happily assassinating each other.

No I didn't say that, I said that these are the types of things that are in line with a soviet way of dealing with things.
I don't know what's going on, I said earlier none of us know what the truth is, but if there was a little bit of these goings on here and there it wouldn't surprise me, but just as equally it could be the west doing it.

"From the video, the woman that brought the bomb happily sat next to the troll. I don't believe that she knew it was a bomb."

I haven't seen the video, but just on what you've stated I'd argue that if she was blown up too, then you could say 'I don't believe that she knew it was a bomb'.
Use some logic, if you have any.
How come the woman who admittedly delivered the statue don't have a scratch on her?
I guess she didn't want to hang around for the presentation, Hmm?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 7 April 2023 12:58:17 PM
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"I believe there to be little likelihood of knowing what happened."

FSB are quite competent I'm lead to believe.
I'm sure they'll get to the bottom of it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 7 April 2023 1:01:30 PM
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"FSB are quite competent I'm lead to believe.
I'm sure they'll get to the bottom of it."

Perhaps, but that doesn't mean they would share the facts with anyone, and they did an apartment bombing in Moscow which they blamed on Chechen terrorists, so they have form for false attribution.
Posted by Fester, Friday, 7 April 2023 2:36:37 PM
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I'm not familiar with all the facts of this particular event, but I can add this info below for some context.

"Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) is a United States government funded organization that broadcasts and reports news, information, and analysis to countries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Caucasus, and the Middle East where it says that "the free flow of information is either banned by government authorities or not fully developed."

- So it's essentially US 5th column media.

America’s Economic Empire Is Done
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 7 April 2023 3:02:52 PM
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It's not just about the information you read,
but the motivations and goals of those people who are writing it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 7 April 2023 3:04:18 PM
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Hi AC,

Are you of the belief that non-Russian media is as controlled as Russian media? Here is a media organisation that focuses on debunking Russian propaganda.

A well functioning media can be protective.
Posted by Fester, Friday, 7 April 2023 3:52:50 PM
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The only smoke signals are from your backside. Is it true that you are not allowed near schools?


From what I heard the woman that brought the statue was hospitalised because she was sitting close to the Russian troll. Not the normal action of a bomber.

The FSB are capable, but frequently imprisons people on trumped-up charges.

It looks as though Russia's great offence has wimped out and with obvious signs that the Russian economy is in trouble Russia is going to lose this war, and the longer it lasts the worse condition Russia will be in.
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 8 April 2023 11:57:05 AM
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"Is it true that you are not allowed near schools?"

Spell it out, you TCS. Claim you are a "boss" and a legal egg with letters, you can fool some folks, but not me. You TCS.

This site is getting so predictable and boring.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 8 April 2023 12:49:15 PM
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You couldn't find your arse in dark with both hands and a torch. Your level of stupidity and mendacity reaches new levels. No wonder you spent time in jail.

I did an MBA which includes some law subjects, this does not make me a lawyer, but I know a lot more than a fwit with an ankle bracelet
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 8 April 2023 2:16:23 PM
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Kudos Shadow Minister.

It's interesting that Armchair Critic appears to have moved a little politically over the last few years- possibly in an attempt to understand the Ukrainian situation.

Not sure if George Webb has changed his political position.

When you see the rise of communism and the manufactured turbulence in the US I can understand the confusion. You can feel the nefarious influence of Hilary Clinton's mentor Saul Alinsky at the highest levels of world power.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 9 April 2023 6:23:46 PM
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Kudos Kid,

Are you fair dinkum with your paranoia that the "communists" are everywhere. You have this most unhealthy belief of your own garbage, about the influence of nonexistent "communists" in society. Hardly a post where you don't express delusional thinking about "communist". You must be some kind of hangover from the days of the cold war. Can you name any "communists" with influence in Australia. When the question is asked, you simply clam up, and don't, or can't reply. Very strange fella.

BTW; Are you still claiming I'm a "communists"?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 9 April 2023 8:20:10 PM
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