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In defence of Muslims : Comments

By Keysar Trad, published 28/11/2008

The Muslim community is, once again, in the dock, defending itself against a myriad of allegations.

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The main group that demonstrates violence as much as Muslims is the Secularist. They kill the unborn at a rapid rate. No wonder they are often apologist for Islam. I noticed it took ABC nearly 2 days to even admit the killers in India were Muslims. They had to first ensure it was not the Salvation Army. Many secularist are finding out the hard way that their denials is not making the world a better place. Then again they can continue to blame GWB and JHW for bombings in Spain, Bali, India, London, Philippines, USA, Pakistan, etc etc etc.
Posted by runner, Friday, 28 November 2008 9:10:18 PM
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The opposite of Muslims is not Christians but non-Muslims. The struggle is not between Muslims and Christians but the whole non-Muslim world (dar al-Islam, the house of Islam and dar al-Harb, the house of war). Granted, a large portion of Muslim people are peace-loving but what classical Islam stands for turns the peace-loving Muslim into jihadists (mujahideen) and suicide-bombers. To kill is wrong, but to kill in the cause of Islam is justified and sanctioned by the Koran.

The Western media almost always misses the point. For the sake of political correctness, they would blame it on other factors, e.g. poverty, discrimination, etc.

The recent orgy of killing in Mumbai was described by BBC as action carried out by “a group of young people”, leaving out any mention of links to Islamic militants. The CNN said that what caused this mayhem was a reaction to actions by “right-wing Hindus”; blaming it on “Muslim rage run deep in India”.,8599,1862650,00.html?cnn=yes

The real situation is that the Islamists were targeting British (White), Americans (White), Jews and any non-Muslim. However, of the 100 over killed, over 80% were local Indians. Now if Muslims in India were angry with the “right-wing Hindus”, home come they specifically targeted a Jewish Centre? Perhaps the Bhagavata Purana is contained within the Talmud (Tanach and related books)!

The best refutation to this article, “In defence of Muslims” is this current situation (27/11/2008) in Mumbai.

Islam, mosques, maddrasahs and al Koran is the Muslim’s worst enemy, they keep the Muslims financially, mentally, socially, psychologically and healthily backward.
Posted by Philip Tang, Friday, 28 November 2008 9:51:08 PM
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Runner you really are a fool. Any place in the world where religious people have control, you see them for what they really are. When the fundies take control no matter what faith or lack of faith only bad happens. In Africa both Christians and Moslems are trying to outdo each other. Burning witches seems to be the common theme.
As for the article as a few have commented he does himself and his faith no favours. When it comes to rights there should be one set of rules for everyone. No matter what your faith, in fact in this day and age all religions should be judged harshly the further they are away from them. I would also like to point out that he has been quite loose on some of his facts and perhaps he should reread some of his supporting links.
Moslems have got to do something about their nutters like the Christians largely have, because if it comes to a head and the far right in the west start getting their way, what the Germans did to the Jews will seem like a rehearsal
Posted by Kenny, Friday, 28 November 2008 11:19:34 PM
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When Kaysar mentions domestic violence, he ignores the Quran's permission for husbands to beat their wives.

Why does Kaysar quote 'general statistics'? Wife beating is illegal in Australia, but not in Islam.

Surah 4:34 "and lastly... beat them" There is no 'lightly' in the Arabic. There ARE however detailed explainations of how to beat your wife on youtube, from prominent and confident imams.

Private Space in Mosques. Kaysar simply does the usual rationalizing and seeks to potray this as something positive.. 'earned'? hah.. surely it has nothing to do with the fact (not the supposition or speculation) that Mohammad is reported to have said most of the inhabitants of hell are women, and that they are snare to men? Or that 2 women's testimony is required but only one mans?

Muslims need defending for sure..but not from Christians.. or secularists.. they need protection from themselves!

BUSHBASHER.. no, you may NOT speak about 'Christian Fanatics' in Uganda. Not without being taken to task by me at least.

1/ Do you know what a Christian is?
2/ Do you know anything about the LRA? (presumably they are who you mean)
3/ Do you know what Jesus taught and how he lived?

Clearly not...becuase if you did, you would not make such erroneous, vilifiying and outrageous statements.

MAC.. good post!
Posted by Polycarp, Saturday, 29 November 2008 7:59:35 AM
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'Runner you really are a fool. ' Coming from the intelligence shown in your posts I don't think I will be seeking counseling.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 29 November 2008 9:37:18 AM
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forgive me, polycarp. i meant "christian" fanatics. I forgot my quotes. as did you, oh, about a thousand times, you poisonous, special-pleading little dweeb.
Posted by bushbasher, Saturday, 29 November 2008 2:28:30 PM
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