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The politics we deserve : Comments

By Peter McMahon, published 19/6/2006

Why is politics in Australia so debased? We should be demanding better.

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“The end result is that the Australian political system neither represents popular opinion (whatever that is) nor does it respond to substantive problems. It is entirely dysfunctional, neither democratic nor providing good governance, while making a great show of doing both.”

A succinct and correct summary, applying to all political shades in Australia.
Posted by Leigh, Monday, 19 June 2006 11:21:34 AM
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A bit of a random spray rather than a coherent attack on the iniquities of the system we have willed upon ourselves, but nonetheless a fair start to a critically important debate.

(Undoubtedly this thread will degenerate into a microcosm of the problem at large, offering incisive comments such as “Howard sucks”, “Beazley's incompetent”, “Howard's a hero”, “Beazley and Labor are our only hope” etc. none of which will contribute one iota to the discussion.)

But before diving in, just a point or two about leading with one's chin.

Pinning the theme to a reading of Latham's diaries allows Howard's lackeys and lickspittles an easy target with which to divert attention from the issues. Just watch.

Equally, careless soundbites such as "... the structural changes in the national economy (read: globalisation) has [the Nationals] fatally weakened" are meat and drink to the non-thinkers, since it is essentially a non-thinking comment in itself.

Globalisation is not the cause of the weakening of the National's influence - that's mere sloganeering.

Simple economics are the reason for the decline in power of the agricultural community in Australia, just as it is the case around the world. The CAP in Europe is only held together with old bits of string, and the US farmer's voice is steadily weakening too, despite the direct support of their president in overseas negotiations.

Despite those blemishes, the article manages to raise the key questions about our political future. Are we going to sit back and allow the current combination of blatant careerism, media pandering and personal nest-feathering to pass for a democratic form of government? Shall we just sit back and mouth off about whomever we happen to dislike at the moment, then slump back to watch the soccer? Or will we decide that enough is enough, and actually do something about it?

I know which one I'd bet on.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 19 June 2006 11:55:07 AM
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Our current society is a product of a decade of the politics of fear and division, where Governments of either colour seeming endlessly are cutting back on the services they provide, while increasing our tax budren. Where is all of that brevenue going, certainly not to the average family on a median income.

Nothing was ever achieved without fighting for it, now is the time to fight, and fight hard.
Posted by SHONGA, Monday, 19 June 2006 12:25:23 PM
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When the press gallery is sought on google it comes up at the PM's office - most of the gallery haven't set foot out of the rarified atmosphere of the big house for years and have no idea what is going on.

They really seem to believe that Howard's deceit, dishonesty and outright lies are "clever" politics and refuse to dig beneath the circus.

Every time a policy statement is made from the ALP, everytime a position is taken such as with AWA's they don't let the ALP explain they ask Howard for his opinion.

Everytime I hear the man's voice I have a reaction that is evisceral - I want to gut him and if I can't I say "f...k off" and switch off the voice.

Howard spends all his time living in 2 tax payer funded houses, he travels first class all over the world at our expense, sends soldiers to illegally invade other countries, murder in anyone's language, doesn't read cables, wants to be a dictator and kisses the arse of anyone who wants a say in our politics.

Bush decides our foreign policy and now Indonesia is to decide our refugee policy - it is not a migration policy as refugees are not migrants.

The ALP would be no better.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Monday, 19 June 2006 12:40:34 PM
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The debasing of our political systems is firstly a result of immigrational, branch-stacing and seat-stackng gerrymanders. How else could NSW end up with 5 Italian descendants running the state like their own personal monopoly board, complete with a stack of get out of jail free cards. It is exacerbated by mulligan-stew style global corporatism which is becoming bolder in its disdain for public interests. Put the two together and you get GPDs (Government-Private-Dicatorships) where democracy is a sick and frustrating illusion with little hope of fair electoral processes.

Solution: Halt big government sponsored property debvelopment in Sydney. The entire Australian immigration program will collapse as migrants only want to come to Sydney where they have disproportinate political clout.

It is true that immigration gives Australia benefits at a modest dollar cost to our economy and a huge boon to our property markets. But at what cost socially and spiritually if we lose our democratic freedoms while interest rates rise and property prices fall into a black hole Costellation?

We don't have to be funnelled into this slavery and serfdom. But we need to act quickly as the final plans are surely on Macquarie street drawing boards and will unfold rapidly if Labor wins another term in March.
Posted by KAEP, Monday, 19 June 2006 12:53:43 PM
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"Warren" - Neerh! "What's up Doc"

The implementing process of the Liberal Governments "New Work Choice" regime has begun to impact on Australian Workers wages and entitlements.

Employers have three years to change over to the Work Choice and old awards have been frozen.

A.W.A's are a Federal Agreements. The States of Australia have their own Workplace agreement system.

There are three choices in which Employers will now contract their labour. A.W.A, A.P.A or a legal formated contract.

It has been found that 63% of A.W.A' workplace agreements do not pass wage requirements, omitting entitlements and leaving the Australian worker worse off.

The abolishment of the unfair dismissal laws relating to Small Businesses with less that 100 employees have begun a supremacy of terminations of the "Mature aged Employee".

Australian workers have a new definition in "sacking" in which you are sacked and offered your job back with lower wages.

This is also concern for Australian workers when a lack of leadership and vision has put Australia in a position of needing a new wave of Industrial changes in which Australian workers are now competing with Imported migrant labour.

Queensland Liberal Warren Entsch has been quoted as saying that the sky did not fall in when the Liberal Government introduced the GST.

We would like to tell Warren, nor did all of the taxes it was supposed to abolish.

The latest opinion polls in which Labor is leading the fight is reflecting that the Australian people do not want a lowering of their wage standards.

Another Carrot on the Barbie, Warren?
Posted by Suebdootwo, Monday, 19 June 2006 1:18:05 PM
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