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The Forum > Article Comments > The David McBride case: whistleblowing, Afghanistan and Australian war crimes > Comments

The David McBride case: whistleblowing, Afghanistan and Australian war crimes : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 4/12/2020

In 2017, the material gathered by McBride became the trove of documents and revelations called The Afghan Files.

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Sex changes, identity politics, gutless senior officers; heaven help us if these idiots are ever called on to defend Australia. They are too busy attacking their own personnel and expounding political correctness.

"The recommendation (stripping a whole unit of honours), accepted by Chief of Defence General Angus Campbell, is an affront to basic fairness. The notion that thousands of soldiers on different rotations into Afghanistan should bear collective responsibility for the alleged evil actions of 19 soldiers is preposterous. It taints and punishes decent soldiers who were not part of the atrocious findings in the Brereton report." (Janet Albrechtsen)

Campbell should be sacked.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 4 December 2020 10:06:58 AM
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It's not too often that I agree with, Binroy, but this time I do!

We cannot condone the murder of unarmed compliant civilians and Children! During the so-called, fog of war? We are not a nation nor people who do that!

Nor should we sit still while the government seemingly seeks to prosecute the whistleblower(s) in our name, for not losing his/their moral compass nor Christian conscience/duty!

We are not all Nazis or psychopaths! Devoid of empathy or conscience!

By their fruits ye shall know them!

Let's not allow the propagandised Chinese depiction of an Australian soldier (Satans servant) holding a knife to the throat of a child, become our epitaph, based on how we deal with what has been exposed and react to, as avowed Christians!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 4 December 2020 11:00:29 AM
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I just finished reading a book about the two Australian Divisions (7th and (9th) who attacked Lae in New Guinea and who drove the Japanese out of the town and over the snow capped Surawgad ranges. The Australians knew that thousands of Japanese would perish attempting the crossing as there was no food and the Japanese soldiers were not clothed to survive the below freezing temperatures.

Some Australians soldiers followed up the retreating Japanese and came across thousands of Japanese corpses, along with dozens of Japanese soldiers who were too weak go no any further and who were completely helpless.

These the Australian soldiers finished off.

It is a god thing that Binoy Kampmark was not around in 1943 to hurl brickbats at the Australian soldiers into who's country he and his family have chosen to live.

I think what Binoy is really getting at with his article criticizing the fact that no political or military leaders have been considered responsible for this alleged offence, is that there might still be some real soldiers left in the Australian Defense Forces who are not woke or transgender, and they won't have a bar of their soldiers undergoing sensitivity training.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 4 December 2020 11:28:29 AM
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It’s like this in reality; which is a reality totally the reverse of the Canberra cowboys.

The SAS mission for the night is to take captive a Taliban suspect and return him to the compound for questioning. Simple enough on the surface of it.

Off we go in total darkness, guided by technology, to the village of the suspect. A village well known for its sympathies towards the Taliban. Hostile country.

The first object is the village sentry, usually sleeping, and easily dispensed with, but not always.
The second objective is the hut of the suspect in the village. Again with the practiced art of stealth, the hut is entered without raising alarm.
The suspect is woken from his sleep by the tap of a muzzle at his face, and given the order to stand.
So far so good. Only one or two Taliban killed on this night.

The sleeping woman beside the suspected Taliban operative is his wife.
During the day, this suspect has been at war with our troops, with the firm intentions of killing them; at night he returns to the village for the comfort of his family.

The above is an ideal account of a typical night mission. But if you were one of the special forces tasked with the mission, and had recently lost a good mate to the Taliban evil forces, what might you do?

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 4 December 2020 11:54:05 AM
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1. Bushfire Hawaiin Holiday in Denial last Summer.

2(a) Now Morrison is wedged between a Chinese Propaganda Photo on the Afghan Inquiry


2(b) the Morrison Government's unravelling attempt to distance Politicians'/Offiacialdoms' responsibility for Australia's ONGOING, near 20 year, presence in Afghanistan.
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 4 December 2020 2:06:02 PM
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See "Afghanistan – Operation Highroad"


"COMMITTMENT" [includes]

"...Special Operations Advisory Group, NATO Special Operations Component Command – Afghanistan and the Afghan General Command of Police Special Units Special Forces.

A small contingent of Australian Special Forces personnel provide support to NATO Special Operations Component Command – Afghanistan (NSOCC-A) and the Afghan General Command of Police Special Units (GCPSU) Special Forces."


should get an opportunity to interview CURRENT "Australian Special Forces personnel" still in Afghanistan

about how this Self-Flaggelating Afgan Enquiry is effecting their mental health!
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 4 December 2020 2:17:52 PM
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Dan, if you have proof, like a witnessed confession, then surrender him to the local authorities.

You are never ever judge, jury and executioner! Learn to live with the other stuff. Others who've seen similar stuff did.

We're not animals nor do we defeat an enemy by resorting to their excesses.

If you are sent in to eliminate a target, with extreme prejudice? Then that is the mission. And needs to be written and signed!

All wars take lives and brothers in arms. That's the nature of armed conflict! As distressing as that might be!

Sorry for your loss!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 4 December 2020 3:18:28 PM
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We have no business in Afghanistan, and never have. The warmongers are not the front line expendables, although some of those guys are to gung-ho for their own good. The warmongers are thousands of miles away in Canberra and in their corporate offices. As for medals and citations, they are only BS to help justify the crazy actions of war.

They like pinning medals on people, pin one on McBride for doing a good job!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 4 December 2020 5:16:26 PM
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Australia has every business being in Afghanistan on account of our ANZUS alliance which states that in the event of any signatory beuing the victim of military aggression, the other signatories have an obligation to render military aid and assistance. Same for all NATO nations all of whom have sent forces to Afghanistan in compliance with their treaty obligations. Even the Swedes got in on the fun, and so too the normally wimpy Canadians.

The Afghan war is what professional soldiers would call "a lovely war" where professional soldiers who utterly despise Muslims anyway get to kill tens of thousands of the worst of them, something they are forbidden from doing in their own countries where through utter stupidity, Muslims have been allowed to immigrate.

Had we not been stupid enough to import Muslims, there would never have been any Muslim terrorism in the western world, and no reason to sort out Muslim terrorists in their hideouts and bases in Muslim countries.

I personally hope that the war lasts forever. It is the most excellent training ground for allied soldiers where new weapons are being tested on a real enemy who is worth killing, and where professional allied soldiers who have not been in a decent scrap since WW2 can get to ply their trade. Casualties on the good guys side have been trifling while casualties on the bad guys side are so bad that Allah is running out of virgins.

The cost of the war is insignificant. No matter whether soldiers and airmen are fighting or training they still need to be paid, and what better way to train soldiers to expend valuable munitions then to have them throw them in the face of our enemies?

One lesson that the Muslim terrorists are learning is that being a terrorist where our allied armed forces can get to you is a real health hazard.
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 5 December 2020 3:41:37 AM
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"on account of our ANZUS alliance which states that in the event of any signatory beuing the victim of military aggression, the other signatories have an obligation to render military aid and assistance."

What a load of rubbish!

Art 3; The Parties will consult together whenever in the opinion of any of them the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened in the Pacific.

The ANZAS Treaty doesn't even cover Afghanistan.

LEGO, of the couple of billion Muslims in the world, how many do you recommend be killed?

In your opinion "kill tens of thousands of the worst of them" does that include children?

From the above its seems given the opportunity you favour killing Muslims in Australia, if so which ones and how many, and does that also include children?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 5 December 2020 5:17:17 AM
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Do you think anyone killed by a child is somehow less dead ?
Posted by individual, Saturday, 5 December 2020 6:17:32 AM
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My account above is not a personal one. It was a situational account, extracted from an autobiography by a Australian Special Forces operative in Afghanistan.

The account was intended to highlight the efforts made to keep a dangerous situation from escalating into a fire fight, to achieve the same aim.

It also highlighted the tenuous existence of those in the same room if they were alerted to the SAS intrusion. These are the choices our special forces confront as “all in a days work”.

In the case of the M˙ Lai Massacre, where the platoon pulled up for lunch break mid massacre; that act showed the suppression of empathy for fellow humans, replaced by dealing with the vagaries of who the enemy actually was.
Who in the village was friend or foe, became an impossible task to distinguish.

It then becomes easier and safer, to treat everything that moves as the enemy, as was done in M˙ Lai.
It’s also a familiar scenario in Afghanistan, as historically in war generally.

The time consuming need for interrogation can then be dispensed with.
Massacre becomes an efficiency dictate; and who doesn’t want efficiency in their day to day life?

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 5 December 2020 8:40:52 AM
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The ANZUS treaty is a military alliance, Paul1407, the same as NATO who's members have also sent troops to Afghanistan. That means if you commit aggression against one member, you take us all on. That is what military alliances are for. If you are claiming that ANZUS and NATO are something different, I think you will have trouble convincing anybody who has a triple digit IQ of that.

The importation of Muslims into western society has quite obviously been a social catastrophe which is destabilising the western world. The unacceptable behaviour of Muslims in the western world is provoking a backlash against the entire failed idea of multiculturalism and right wing political parties are on the ascendant in every European country. The worse the Muslims and Africans behave, the more the majority of white Europeans reject anti white political correctness.

This is coming to a head in the USA where basically the nation is now so divided through "diversity" that both sides are beginning to hate the other side. The Left has been extremely successful in using the Christian tolerance of the west to import millions of third world voters into western countries who have very high levels of welfare dependency and criminal behaviour. And now add terrorism. This can not continue forever and something has to give. I have always said that multiculturalism will result in division, ethnic and religious separatism, demands from troublesome minorities for exemptions from the common law, and finally, civil war.

Civil wars tend to be very bad wars and ethnic cleansing by both sides tends to be a feature of such wars. The end result is that one side ethnically cleanses the other, or the warring multicultural state divides into two at peace monocultural states, proving that monoculturalism was the best idea all along.
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 5 December 2020 9:46:17 AM
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BINGO, you don't understand the wording of the ANZAS Treaty, its not the same as NATO, the obligations of the parties in both are completely different, obviously you make assumptions without having read the 11 articles of the ANZAS Treaty.

You didn't answer the questions.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 5 December 2020 9:56:00 AM
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Lego take no notice of Paul 1405.

He is another of those pro-Russian operatives here to simply stir or do mischief? Our allies, many of them are also in NATO and where we take an honorary place due to those alliances.

The U.S.A., being front and centre with them and us. There have been two world wars in Europe and we were there both times.

And you are correct in highlighting the fact that we fight our longest war in Afghanistan alongside NATO!

Paul1405, would do well to talk from a little higher up!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 5 December 2020 10:54:37 AM
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"He (Paul1405) is another of those pro-Russian operatives here to simply stir or do mischief?"

Didn't realise AB you like to throw BS around. Do you care to provide evidence for that claim. Are you also a far right Muslim etc hating fanatic like your buddy, on here to spread the gospel?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 5 December 2020 6:06:43 PM
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Bingo yourself, Paul1408. You are obviously so intellectually challenged that you have no idea what a military alliance is.

As for me being a "far right Muslim hating fanatic". Unlike your good self who like the Komsomol or the Hitler Youth got programmed by your left wing teachers to think that anybody who attacks Islam is a cretin. I was once a anti racist activist like you. But unlike you, I have a triple digit IQ and it did not take me long to figure out that those who claim to be "anti racist" were very racist against white people.

When I figured out there are totalitarian crackpots on the right and the left, I began to look impartially at all issues, something you have yet to master.

Islam is a religion started by a warlord to justify imperial expansion and to make his warriors invincible in battle. If you really were a progressive liberal (which you are not) you would recognise just how dangerous such a religion is. You would note that it is a religion which treats women as the slaves of men, and justifies the rape of women who do not follow the teachings of Mohammad. Naturally, the rape of western women by Muslim men in western societies is a serious ongoing problem.

But naturally, you can't see that because you were programmed to think that "intelligent" people like yourself defend Muslims, and you can't see past your inculcated mental boundaries.

How is it that the Left were stupid enough to import millions of people into western societies who's value system is diametrically opposed to what "progressive liberals" believe? Easy. The Left wants absolute power and they see Muslims as their allies in undermining the western free market economies which they despise but which they choose to live under.

And you fell for their propaganda. Hook, line and sinker. You remind me of the "progressive lefties" who cheered on Pol Pot, and Kim il Sung, and Lenin. The same ones who were confounded when the people they helped attain power led them to the execution grounds.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 6 December 2020 7:10:33 AM
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You are indeed intelligent. And, if I may say so, far too smart to be arguing with the likes of Paul 1405.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 6 December 2020 7:23:36 AM
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Our PM didn't help the situation when he described mere allegations as "brutal truths". An Ad Man who who can't even market himself. Not to be relied upon by the ADF or by the citizenry.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 6 December 2020 8:02:11 AM
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Now I’m going to take you to task Lego

As Donald Trump had little loyalty towards any political group, it’s unremarkable he arrived at a Republican President.

And since Christendom through the ages was bridled and led by a succession of unchristian brutal thugs called Popes, it’s also unremarkable that Islam sprang from a disagreement with its embryonic followers, and a Christian sect they disagreed with, in the sandy wastelands of the ME.

It’s good to remember before taking the high moral road to salvation, the West was won not by meekly pacifist Christian followers, but by Roman Catholic thugs in robes called Popes.
Remember, the earth was flat and the sun rotated around that flat earth.

Now I hope that puts the comparison between Islam and Christianity in a brighter light for you.

Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 6 December 2020 8:08:53 AM
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BOZO, how easy it is to con those who think they are too smart to be conned. Reading and regurgitating lots of far right hate speak does not make you intelligent. I agree, extremists of all persuasions left, right whatever, present a danger to society, and Australian government security agents have identified your far right groups as being of particular danger. Add the "rightness" of religion to the mix of extremism and such a person or group becomes extremely dangerous to the point that they may act. However that's not to say the vast majority of religious adherents, be they Muslim, Christian or Jewish present any real danger to society. By your thinking all Muslims should be persecuted for their religion, and/or for the actions of a small minority within that religion. Islam has been in Europe for about 1200 years.

Can you help poor old ttbn, he wants to know if you are the promised Messiah from the far right? His last Messiah, Corny Banana, short changed the poor old sod, and left him out in the cold. He plays the part of the sycophant perfectly. He'll make your tea, shine your boots, wipe your....he'll do anything to please.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 6 December 2020 8:14:26 AM
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You seem to be overlooking that everyone was vicous in the days you speak of, but the Muslims have remained that way while Christians have not.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 6 December 2020 8:58:43 AM
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The glaring absence, under Trump, in considering Russia a major power vacuum threat

(eg. in the Middle East/Afghanistan) will need to be addressed by Biden.

- with a major strain on the US's AND (its follower) AUSTRALIA's limited Defense Budget

and manpower.

This is in addition to the high profile China strategic threat.

A boost/return in Australian Special Forces numbers in Afghanistan and Iraq is likely in 2021.

Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 6 December 2020 11:56:34 AM
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The Brereton Report's Political DISTANCING of the CDF and ARMY HIGH COMMAND from RESPONSIBILITY for

Special Forces presence and actions in Afghanistan will complicate the Mid-East/Afgh deployments

and continue to lead to high VETERAN SUICIDES.

Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 6 December 2020 12:01:09 PM
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Dear Diver Dan,

You say "Massacre becomes an efficiency dictate; and who doesn’t want efficiency in their day to day life?"

Well the 9/11 attackers just used box cutters and the planes of their enemies to force the removal of US troops from the so call holy land of Saudi Arabia. They ultimately succeeded.

Obviously something you can admire and applaud.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 6 December 2020 3:04:17 PM
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*...but the Muslims have remained that way while Christians have not...*

I should not have a need to remind you of the slaughter in NZ last year, of fifty Muslims in a Mosque in Christchurch, by Tarrent, a Christian, then.

And in the good old US of A, mass shootings are invariable the preserve of white Christians.


*... Obviously something you can admire and applaud...*

Not my call to like it or not, only to state the facts.
Vietnam war was renowned for its killing efficiency of civilians. The simple explanation for that was the vagueness of who was the enemy.

If, in that case, the enemy wished to put guns and bombs in the hands of civilians to use against allied troops, then the temptation was great to show scant regard for civilian welfare.

Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 6 December 2020 3:52:25 PM
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Here is a history lesson for you, Diver Dan. Christianity and Islam are two completely different religions that began in two different ways, and who's scriptures are fundamentally different.

Christianity was started by a Jewish pacifist and it was originally a completely pacifist religion. That was why the Romans hated Christians. The Romans were a martial race who worshipped the qualities of manliness, and they loved watching gladiatorial contests where real me fought to the death for the entertainment of Romans. But when Christianity eventually triumphed and became the state religion, it became just like every other supposedly enlightened revolutionary movement where the people in authority had absolute control. It became just as intolerant and violent as the people it once condemned.

The written Christian message of peace, love, and mung beans was soon ruthlessly suppressed by the Catholic clergy who were only concerned with their power and prestige. The Reformation was all about Christians ignoring the corrupt priests in Rome and returning to the original written words of their prophet. That did not mean that Christians suddenly all became pacifists, but Christianity is the reason why post reformation Protestant Christian societies were noted for their relative peacefulness.

Islam was completely different. It was created by a warlord to justify imperial expansion and make his soldiers invincible in battle by promising them all kinds of rewards if they were killed fighting for Islam. It's written scriptures orders all Muslims to kill, terrorise, and humiliate non Muslims.

Christianity was reformable because the original teachings of it's prophet emphasised pacifism and tolerance, even towards those who were of a different religion. (The Parable of the Good Samaritan) Islam is not reformable. The Prophet declared that Islam was perfect as it was and it could never be changed. That is why Islamic societies and Islamic people are so violent and do not tolerate criticism of Islam. They are locked in a religion more appropriate to caravan robbers in the 6th Century rather than a modern, technologically advanced state. The More Islamic a country is, the more of a backward sheethole it is
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 6 December 2020 5:58:55 PM
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To Paul1408

By last count there were 52 Muslim terrorists serving jail sentences in Australia for terrorism related offences, and 0 "far right" people serving jail sentences for terrorist related offences in Australia. So how you equate "right wing" people with Muslim extremists is beyond me. It reminds me of the CNN report where they called BLM and ANTIFA rioters burning police stations, attacking courts and Federal government buildings, "mostly peaceful", while the "right wing" groups who did demonstrate peacefully, CNN called them "domestic terrorists."

You have to have an amazing capacity for ignoring complete double standards to be a lefty.

You seem to be advocating the position that extremists exist in every religion. while such a conclusion has some truth, it completely neglects the concept of proportions of extremism.

Christians would consider other Christians who preach violence towards other religions to be non Christian. Because of Christianity's pacifist roots, "fundamentalist" Christians tend to be completely pacifist like the Quakers or Mormons. Hardly suicide bomber material.

If you are claiming that most Muslims are "moderate" and do not think that non Muslims should be forcibly converted or killed, or that they don't think that homosexuals should be executed, or that women are not inferior to men, or that women who do not follow the dictates of Islam do not deserve to be raped, and if they are raped it is their own fault and they should be punished, or that anybody who criticises Islam should not be killed, then whatever these people are, they are not Muslims.

On the subject of group guilt, you seem to be saying that most Muslims are moderate and there are just a few extremists. Would you apply the same standard to Nazis and Ku Klux Klansmen? I think not. Once again we see this amazing capacity you lefties have for double standards.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 6 December 2020 6:29:04 PM
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Dear diver dan,

Sure. So weren't the 9/11 attackers and the Australian troop who broke the rules of engagement and shot or beat to death unarmed detainees both engaged in a form of terror?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 6 December 2020 8:09:20 PM
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"Christianity was started by a Jewish pacifist and it was originally a completely pacifist religion" Gee BOZO, you need to brush up on the origins of Christianity. One of the great myths surrounding the Christian religion is the completely false notion that it was started by Jesus Christ. Not so, the early adherents were exclusively Jews led by the brother of Jesus, James. Like other sects they followed the beliefs and practices of Judaism, these followers were not excluded from the orthodox Jewish religion, in fact were part of it. If "Christianity" had been left in the hands of James and his followers then most likely it would have simply been re-absorbed back into orthodox Judaism, and there would be no word of Jesus today. Along came the true creator of Christianity, Paul (Saul of Tarsus), not me, the one I'm named after. It was the fact Paul, who incidentally never knew Jesus, allowed gentiles, and progressively their practices into the new religion, which was totally opposed by the Jerusalem sect. Paul was a Diaspora Jew (from exiled Jews) and a committed Roman citizen. It was Paul and his followers that created the myths surrounding Jesus. Paul went as far as making Jesus divine, the James followers never bestowed divinity onto Jesus. Paul the Apostle claimed Jesus spoke through him, he can be credited with almost half of the writings of the New Testament, and much of the rest was written by scholars associated with Paul.

One of the master strokes of Paul's Christianity was to shift blame for the death of Christ onto the leadership of orthodox Judaism, and in some convoluted fashion absolve the Romans, even though they executed Jesus. That made Christianity acceptable to the Roman establishment.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 6 December 2020 9:14:51 PM
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Referring to Tarrant as a Christian is absurd.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 6 December 2020 10:34:41 PM
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Getting desperate, Paul1409?

Instead of focusing upon the undeniable truth that I wrote which explained why Islam and Christianity are entirely different religions, you engaged in hair splitting.

You focused upon what I wrote which simply for brevity was not entirely correct as your red herring to lead your opponent away from where you fear to go. Your dishonest tactic would possibly work on inexperienced debaters but it will not work with me.

Islam and Christianity are two entirely different religions based upon two entirely different philosophies. That is something you fear to examine. Post Reformation Protestant Christianity promotes peace and tolerance while Islam promotes intolerance, war, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing to spread Islam. ISIS claim that they are doing exactly what Mohammad and the Koran tells them to do. And they are correct, they are. These crackpots believe that the only possible reason why the west has eclipsed Islam as a great power is because Muslims are not expanding Islam through warfare, terrorism and ethnic cleansing, as decreed as Allah's will by the prophet.

And this is the religion you defend?

You are not an intelligent social progressive if you take such a view. Your position is akin to so called "feminists" who claim that western civilisation is unspeakably evil unless 50% of CEO's, and 50% of infantrymen, and 50% of fighter pilots are women. Meanwhile, Islam which openly declares that women are simply chattels and the property of men, not only gets a free pass, the feminist idiots destroyed their own credibility by defending it.

If your only motivation for defending Islam is because you have been programmed (brain washed) into thinking that "intelligent, far seeing social progressives" defend Islam while "far right cretins" attack it, then could I suggest you are simply making a fool of yourself? You would be better off jumping ship right now instead of trying to defend the indefensible. Islam is an evil religion which is holding back the social development of about a fifth of the world's population. Real social progressives attack Islam, but such a term does not apply to you.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 7 December 2020 3:53:49 AM
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LULU, I have to admit I don't often read your posts entirely, I invoke the three line rule, sometimes four or five lines, but never the 50 line rule. Is it laziness on my part, or is it the predictability of your material, I don't know. I did read a little more of your last effort, and something that struck me was your question; "And this (Islam) is the religion you defend?" No, I don't believe in my many posts to you, is there one word in defence of the Islamic religion as such. The vast majority of adherents, like Christians and Jews, are simply stamped with the religion at birth, or at an early age thereafter. Do they understand their religion, me thinks in the vast majority of cases no, only superficially at best and fortunately for us the stamp has no long lasting ill-effects. That may be a good thing, the vast majority are not zealots and ratbags, and don't present a substantive threat to the rest of society. I think we just have to learn to live with others as we have learned to live with people like you. I consider you with your "intelligent" extremist views as a far more dangerous commodity than the average Muslim or Christian.

I would dispute your claim that Christianity is not a violent religion, has been for 2000 years. How often do professed Christian political leaders invoke the name of the Christian god, before some pre-emptive attack on dirt poor individuals in some god forsaken locality. George W Bush and his infamous "Crusade" speech after 9/11. George was going to get one back for Team Christian.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 7 December 2020 5:50:10 AM
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Hi Paul1405

To help you and other readers understand LEGO's sad PSYCHOLOGY

the following article offers some social media security observations:


of 24 November 2020,


Some excerpts:

"...The content often conceals its revolutionary anti-government agenda behind appeals to nationalism

and “traditional” Australian values. These extremist perspectives are often presented through

online content that is entertaining, provocative and supposedly ironic.

These conspiracy theories create an alternative reality that instils a sense of unprecedented crisis

in the audience and the need for an authoritarian response.

Conspiracy theories serve to delegitimise government, present right-wing extremists as protectors

of the social good, and opponents as belonging to an international cabal that is inherently evil.

The theme of “white identity under threat”

was observed in some form across all platforms, relying on a shared narrative that posits

white identity as vulnerable and requiring robust authoritarian defence from hostile others.

However expressed, these narratives consistently seek to delegitimise liberal democratic government

while dehumanising the “other”, in particular Muslims, Asians, Jews, women, liberals

and members of the LGBT+ community.

On low-risk platforms, references to “Trumpism”

and conspiracy theories such as #QAnon provide users with an opportunity to engage

with content that references the defence of a “white identity under threat”

without violating platform moderation policies.

On high-risk platforms, this theme is framed in far more explicit terms that consistently draw

on antisemitism, Islamophobia

and other forms of violent “othering”..."

More see
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 7 December 2020 10:44:05 AM
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OK Plantagenet, paul1409 is on the run, now to ream you out.

What the western world has seen in the past 50 years is a period of unprecedented immigration from third world countries into western countries. Please note, South Americans are not immigrating into Arab countries. Arab Muslims are not immigrating into India. Indians are not immigrating into China. The Chinese are not immigrating into Africa. And Africans are not immigrating into South America.

All of these people want to live in the white western world.

Now it is flattering to know that everybody on planet earth likes the white western world so much that they all want to live with us. But there has to be a limit or the white western world is going to turn into the very third world sheetholes that most of these people hail from.

This is already happening. San Francisco and Los Angeles are now third world cities with human sheet all over the streets and homeless encampments everywhere. Unsurprisingly, these two cities are Democrat ruled cities where the ruling Democrats could not care less about the state of their cities. They just keep directing their policies towards bringing ever more third worlders in to their cities as a way of keeping political power forever.

London, once the safest city in the world now has a homicide rate higher than New York. Most of this crime rise can be directly blamed on African "yardie" crime gangs who's primary pastime appears to be stabbing each other. Similarly, London is full of large number of Muslim terrorists.

And your premise is that this unacceptable situation should go on forever until all of the productive white people who once lived in these cities (but who are fleeing) go elsewhere to get away from the multiculturalism you advocate and which they are forced to pay for?

And you justify your premise with some psychological mumbo jumbo where once again, the idea is to portray the opponents of multiculturalism as cretins while the people who support the self suicide of their own culture and civilisation as "smart."
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 7 December 2020 5:15:08 PM
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Hi Pete,

Your link was an interesting read, LEGO fits the bill. He is a classic White Supremacists. Claims to be of superior intelligence, with superior knowledge of Islam. His knowledge on the subject is half baked material straight out of the Nazi textbook. He goes on to claim he to, like the majority, was once fooled into believing as most do today, but due to his superior intellect and his acquisition of superior knowledge he has seen the light and now is superior to us inferiors.

Take this from his last post; "All of these people want to live in the white western world" Is there evidence that all third world people want to live in the white western world. No, just made it up, like most of his claims, never provides evidence other than his his superior intellect and superior knowledge.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 7 December 2020 5:57:15 PM
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The article is from others.

My main concern is you feel increasingly out of place in Australia's multicultural society, where there isn't the racial tension you're looking for.

Instead you write about South Americans and North America.

Maybe return to your specialty - racial tension in the USA - about which you write - or live in already...

You might meet Trump over the back fence, or wherever he's going.

Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 7 December 2020 6:53:56 PM
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Hi Paul

You're right.

But even without the race thing many middle-aged blokes feel they've missed out on the expected wealthy-patriach of the family gravy train of life. Thats not me - and I don't mind.

Wouldbe rich patriachs want someone to blame ie. everyone who's different from them.

If the arch-racist Hitler was so good why did his policies flatten his country leading to the deaths of about 4 million Germans. Clearly neither Hitler nor Trump were geniuses. They were only "good" at causing deaths.

I reckon intelligence is basically realising how much you don't know - but still happily seeking to learn it. Continuous learning rather than Bitter and Twisted is a better way - I think.


Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 7 December 2020 7:34:03 PM
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Hiya Plantagenet

In the last twenty years, tens of thousands of Christians have been murdered by Muslims and then you get all self righteous when a white man returns the complement and kills a few dozen Muslims in NZ. A week after the NZ massacre, Muslims in Sri Lanka set off a bomb in a Christian church and killed 200 Christians.

I am not the only one who feels out of place in our culturally divided Australia. No matter what dimwits like you and Paul want so desperately to believe, birds of a feather just keep flocking together. My own city of Sydney is breaking up into ethnic ghettoes because what you and your humanitarian social regressives refuse to accept, is that people prefer to live amongst their own. People with whom they feel kinship and with whom they feel safe. That is part of your DNA and there is nothing wrong with that.

So if you want to attack those who reject multiculturalism, you could start with immigrant groups themselves. Only a few miles from me is the now almost exclusively "Asian" suburb of Eastwood, which is split in two by the North-South railway. The Chinese people in Eastwood live exclusively in the west of Eastwood and the Koreans in the east. Even the Asians do not mix and prefer to keep their distance from one another.

Same for all of Sydney. The Jews live in Bondi, the Turks in Lakemba (which has Sydney's highest rate of spousal abuse), the Iraqi's in Fairfield, the Lebanese in Bankstown, the Vietnamese in Cabramatta. In the year 2000, the Cabramatta and Bankstown ghettoes had 55% of the handgun shootings in the entire state of NSW. I personally know Australians who fled Bankstown because of the intimidation of Lebanese towards white Australians.

Meanwhile the white people, your people, continue to flee multicultural suburbs with their high rates of welfare dependency and violent crime, to the outer fringes of Sydney. And then ratbags like you criticise them when some of these minorities try to muscle in to these new white suburbs by building mosques.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 7 December 2020 7:59:29 PM
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To paul1410

Back for another bit of deprogramming?

According to US cognitive metricians who have studied racial IQ's in the USA for almost 100 years, Jews are the smartest race with a mean IQ of 130. Asians have a mean IQ of 106, white people 103, Hispanics 93, and Africans 70-85. I accept these figures, so I must be a Jewish supremacist or an Asian supremacist.

Needless to say, these IQ comparisons are a convincing argument as to why Jews, Asians, and whites tend to be successful people, and Hispanics and Africans are very disproportionately represented in the welfare and criminal classes.

I keep banging on about your lack of intellect because I am convinced that the reason why you, and so many other lefties like yourself believe in absolute nonsense, is because you have been programmed to think that "smart" people think like lefties and "dumb" people think like right wingers. And because your self esteem and social standing among your peers is very important to you, you have unquestionably accepted the left wing party line.

My job is to make you realise that your logic is bankrupt and if you really are smart, then you had better start thinking smart. Left wing ideology is based upon double standards and complete contradictions, which you and your friend plantagenet are unable to discern. Maybe it is because you pair are just not smart enough to tell when somebody is pisssing on your leg and telling you it is raining? Or maybe the programmers turned you pair into Manchurian Candidates?

How you ever accepted that destroying your own white civilisation, the civilisation which invented the modern world and which became the model for every prosperous society in the world, is a good thing, and something which "smart" people advocate, is beyond me.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 7 December 2020 8:24:35 PM
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LEGO, far right extremist arrested in NSW! What can you tell us? BTW, I got an odd phone call a couple of nights ago.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 9 December 2020 2:26:44 PM
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Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 9 December 2020 4:08:31 PM
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Dear paul 1410,

LEGO craps on with: “According to US cognitive metricians who have studied racial IQ's in the USA for almost 100 years, Jews are the smartest race with a mean IQ of 130. Asians have a mean IQ of 106, white people 103, Hispanics 93, and Africans 70-85. I accept these figures, so I must be a Jewish supremacist or an Asian supremacist. Needless to say, these IQ comparisons are a convincing argument as to why Jews, Asians, and whites tend to be successful people, and Hispanics and Africans are very disproportionately represented in the welfare and criminal classes.”

Which is all a total crock of course, it is the Nigerians who are currently regarded as the most successful immigrant group in the US with degree rates of those over 25 at over 60%. Even taken as a whole Africans do astoundingly well in the education stakes.

“According to the U.S census about 43.8 percent of African immigrants achieved the most college degrees, compared to 42.5 percent of Asian-Americans, 28.9 percent for immigrants from Europe, Russia and Canada and 23.1 percent of the U.S. population as a whole.” Wikipedia

He gets this stuff wrong with such monotony it makes wading through it an utterly numbing exercise. He really is as thick as a brick. But good on you for at least trying to engage. Better man than I.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 9 December 2020 4:23:55 PM
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"Post Reformation Protestant Christianity promotes peace and tolerance while..."

Ah! Sure now that clears up a few things for me, now here's me been thinkin' that the continuing Protestant occupation after the Catholic invasion of Ireland and the ongoing occupation of part of Ulster was just unjustified aggression.

Sure it's good to know that it was just an example of peace and tolerance.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 10 December 2020 8:26:21 PM
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