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How the message gets embedded : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 28/6/2019

Scientists like Lindzen, Happer, Curry, Kininmonth and Paltridge in our country, and many others around the world, cannot be dismissed as ignorant, so the orthodoxy simply takes no notice of them.

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You really are a blind fool Alan.

Most of us have no objection to nuclear, or any other new source of power generation, simply we realise coal is a great fuel, & CO2 can not do most of what the warmists claim.

Most thinking people simply want economical power, obviously you only want some pie in the say, non existent system.

Time to grow up laddie.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 29 June 2019 11:57:27 AM
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An MSR thorium reactor was operated between the '50s and '70s at Oak Ridge Tenessee, without accident or incident.

The chief operating scientist was at first, Alvin Weinberg, the patent holder and inventor of the first operational nuclear reactor.

Alvin is on the public record saying we made a wrong turn choosing uranium over thorium as our future fuel. And he of all people would know!

Moreover, fired for expressing such heretical sentiments to the nuclear agency?

Thorium is as common as lead and 5,000 tons of thorium contains as much energy as 65,000 tons of uranium plus 5billion tons of coal plus 31 billion barrels of oil plus 5 trillion cubic metres of gas!

It is the most energy dense material in the world and delivers everything fusion promised but could never ever deliver

Further, a halflife of 15 billion years or 2 billion years longer than the projected life of the universe, means we can never ever run out of the stuff!

One nuclear reaction inside a safe nuclear reactor,(MSR) is 5 million times more powerful than anything produced by coal.

MSR thorium as demonstrated by Avin Weinberg at Oak Ridge is not a pipe dream. But a most impressive demonstration of where we would be heading but for congresses prohibition?

Enacted one believes to protect the interests of the fossil fuel industry, big nuclear and big pharma alike.

All of who would be seriously damaged or destroyed by a successful rollout of MSR thorium. The most plausible reason we still don't have here or there and why Uncle Donald, another coal oil and gas enthusiast/investor? Is so keen to win back stolen intellectual property, one believes, from the Chinese who basically took all the data and notes from Oak Ridge and are spending billions on MSR thorium development!

Imagine what the successful deployment of MSR thorium would do to OPEC, Russian oil and gas, and the oil oligarchs the world over.

I have posted a couple of videos to Facebook and for public viewing. At least look and then learn, if that's possible?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 29 June 2019 8:03:40 PM
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Hey Don, and the rest of you.
Are you all so engrossed in this topic with your heads in your keyboards, that you just missed a blatant attack of shear arrogance in the form of an advertisement on this medium, by Mr R PERKINS, on page 2.
Don, it is a blatant breach of the rules and proto-col.
I respectfully demand that the advertisement be removed forthwith.
I thought you guys were a bit quicker than this.
I picked it up straight away as I just locked onto this topic.
Had I gotten on sooner or been following it, I would have jumped on it then.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 29 June 2019 10:46:16 PM
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Hey ALTRAV I was straight onto it, didn’t you notice my post immediately below it.

By the way, I am still waiting for my wood :-)

Posted by Galen, Sunday, 30 June 2019 12:49:33 AM
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Galen, sorry, I yield to a better man.
I cannot deny that I did read your comments but did not make the connection.
I actually thought you were using the reference to wood as part of an explanation about GW or CC.
Sorry, I give you full marks for your quick action.
As I said, I wish I had come onto this topic sooner I would have gotten pole on this one.
I note your in Perth as well, and I also note that it's 12:46 here and the 'advertisement' is still up.
What does a guy have to do to get consistency on the adherence to the rules?
Hello, anyone awake at OLO headquarters?
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 30 June 2019 2:51:42 AM
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Hasbeen. Engineers or former engineers like yourself usually deal in facts/figures!


The great nuclear furnace in the sky normally controls our planet's climate, with small variations due to an elliptical orbit.


Under normal cyclical variations, a waxing sun (more solar activity) makes things warmer. Right? With me so far old timer?

Under those same normal variants, a waning sun (less solar activity and at the bottom of such a cyclical variation, the typical fried egg look that demonstrates unusual lack of activity) Usually accompanied by a cooling period!

Still with me thus far old mate?

The latter heralding in all of our historical ice ages,
some short (mini) some long.

Given the sun has been in a waning phase since the mid-seventies! (NASA) should have heralded a new cooler period or the start or dawn of new ice age!

Now stop and rest if you are struggling with any of these facts.

Moreover, NASA published a recent photograph of the sun at the bottom of a normal 11-year cycle, demonstrating the typical fried egg appearance, for anyone with eyes to see, the typical fried egg look that indicates lack of thermal activity! Ok?

So, explain to me in light of these peer-reviewed, published findings, why is the joint is warming up, with record heatwaves and fire events! Accentuated by other extreme weather events and massive cold spell cold spot and simultaneous record-breaking heat waves, only explainable by increased global convection/recorded CO2 increase!? Sometimes described as the greenhouse effect!

Moreover, if we would reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere to pre-industrial levels? we need to produce far less of it!

The Sahara was once the granary of Rome. Look at it now and what remains of the Mayan culture after they changed their climate via extensive logging of their immediate rainforest.

Producing far-far less means changing our fuel usage to that which produces far less CO2 without tanking the economy! For mine that leaves only the nuclear option! One, we need to crack on with now, while we're able!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 30 June 2019 11:34:50 AM
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