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The Settlements: self-entrapment of existential proportions : Comments
By Alon Ben-Meir, published 12/9/2016Why should he worry about it now, when the international community is preoccupied with so many other conflicts in the Middle East?
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Referundemdrivensocienty and Lego appear in need of time in an enforced internment camp for re-education and some history lessons. Some long term psychotherapy and perhaps a heart transplant couldn't hurt either.
1 + 1 = 1 + 1 And the abuse of power is the abuse of power. That's known as logic in case readers hadn't seen it before.
For example Hitler's Fascist Regime stole other people's property and businesses, then their citizenship rights, and then people's land, and eventually their lives - first in Germany and then all across Europe. Theft, War Crimes, Terrorism and Murder are what they are - it doesn't matter who does it, nor what their 'mythical religion' is, nor who their 'allies' are or are not.
Logic and History then elucidates what happened to the Hitlers, Pol Pots, the US in Vietnam, and the modern day Pinochets will happen to others who do the same thing and place their faith in fraudulent ideologies and religious mythologies and then use FORCE to have their way.
I got over Israel long ago. Unfortunately it has been a constant my whole life and frankly I am sick of it and decades of lies and manipulation of the whole world (and Judaism itself) by these Psychopathic Zionist creeps that infest this planet everywhere and not just in Israel proper.
I got over it because eventually I realized what the future would be.
I saw that one day there would be one nation state upon the land of Palestine.
A real functional democracy based upon a true Constitution under Law
Equal rights for all citizens and it's name would not be Israel.
That days is coming soon despite of all 'appearances' to the contrary.
Psychopaths on all sides of this insidious evil will fall as fast as the Berlin Wall fell, and just as Hitler and his band of Psychopaths fell.