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Iraq: the ISIS crisis : Comments

By Peter Coates, published 20/6/2014

Australia, if it wants to be active in Iraq, cannot act alone so it must follow some country’s lead.

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@Jay Of Melbourne

Looks like you haven't been looking at Turkey's recent history.

Turkey keeps out of Shiite vs Sunni regional clashes. During the 2003 Western invasion of Iraq Turkey minimised involvement.

Turkey carries out limited incursions into Iraq now and then to beat up the Kurds (PKK). Those incursions are probably arranged with the Baghdad Government and in consultation with most other states.

Turkey has also exercised a measured response to the Syrian Civil War which also borders Turkey.
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 9:01:57 PM
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centrist moderate/challange..:<<..OUG,if you read the Koran in context,..>>

please explain/this context\..what context,,[the times[the people..the messengers prior calling/his decendants version,,or his priests version[you got a saudi thats the decendants of the messengers opinion of his words ;,,right?

if not please be more clear;..context shouldnt be that comn=plicated;if its really the be all;..=end all,,

<<as i said, there is NO room for interpretation at all,>>

thats plainly absurd[to begin with its translation;
and many of the cultural stuff..dont transcribe

<<..Allah & the Prophet Mohammad's intention is clear,,>>

HOW SO..WHERE IS GODS HAND IN THIS[im assured the angel michael dontated much/directly to the messenger[may peace be upon them all]

you claim to have studdied/i see no proofs in your words
so what was 'gods'..intention
indeed what was mahomouds?
[peace be upon all gods mesSangers..]

THING IS sunni?..or what?
<<..According to Shia and some Sunni scholars, Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661CE) compiled a complete version of the Quran shortly after Muhammad's death...The order of this text differed from that gathered later during Uthman's era in that this version had been collected in chronological order.>>

[you have noted of course..that russia/has offerd full support to malarki/it loks like mossad..forcing yankies/to arm up the isis..[divide and conquer]..has failed/but\the media silence=deafening.


<<..Muslims believe..that the Quran was verbally/revealed from God to Muhammad..*through the angel Gabriel..(Jibril),..gradually over a period of approximately 23 years,..beginning on 22 December/609 CE,[8]>>

<<..The Quran..describes a book of guidance...It sometimes offers detailed accounts/of specific historical events,..and it often emphasizes*..*the moral significance*..of an event over its narrative sequence>>

<<>.The Quran =.describes it*self*"the discernment
or the criterion..between truth/LIGHT..and..falsehood"..(al-furq/"the mother book" (umm al-kit="the guide" =,,(huda),.."the wisdom"..hikmah),>>..

..<<"the remembrance"..(dhikr) and "the revelation" (tanz;..something sent down,..signifying the descent..of *an object*..from a higher place/to lower place)..>>

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 9:25:16 PM
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<<>.Muhammad's first revelation,..according to the Quran,
was accompanied with a vision...The agent of revelation /*the "one..mighty in power">>

<<..The first sura of the repeated in daily prayers
and..*in ]..[as IN;PART-OF'..other..occasions...This sura, which consists of seven verses, the most often recited sura..of the Quran:

"All praise/belongs\to God,..[god=sun*]

thus/unto/the Lord of the Universe,[the/holy/LIGHT\sprite*LOKI]
the triune;..the Beneficent,..the Merciful..and Master of the Day of Judgment, ..[that/takes..50,000/years]..

lord/ unto/You alone..that\We do give/true;..worship..
and..*from You..alone..we do seek guideance,..[IT CANT HURT/TO ASK;] .BUT..]lord[ the right path,[ta0]..the path of those.. un*to whom..*you have heaped bounty..*[excellence/in\all relations].. including especially..;..those..who are neither subject..[to Your anger]..nor/THOSE..WHO..;..have gone astray.

<<..The Quran consists of 114 chapters of varying lengths, each known as a sura. Suras are classified as Meccan or Medinan, depending on whether the verses were revealed before or after the migration of Muhammad to the city of Medina. However, a sura classified as Medinan may contain Meccan verses in it and vice versa.>>

<<>.Sura titles are derived from a name or quality discussed in the text, or from the first letters or words of the surah. Suras are arranged roughly in order of decreasing size.>>

<<>.The sura arrangement is thus IS/NOT
not the sequence of revelation>>

<<>.The word(s) "vain" appears 29 time(s) in 29 verse(s) in Quran in Muhammad Pickthal translation.
(1) Thus We have appointed you a middle nation, that ye may be witnesses against mankind, and that the messenger may be a witness against you. And We appointed the qiblah which ye formerly observed only that We might know him who followeth the messenger, from him who turneth on his heels.>>

<<..In truth it was a hard (test) save for those whom Allah guided. But it was not Allah's purpose that your faith should be in vain, for Allah is Full of Pity, Merciful toward mankind.

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 9:28:44 PM
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But they're not staying out of it, the Turkish government are in it up to their necks:
The Turks are backing the FSA and other forces who are not necessarily friendly to ISIS and some like Al Nusra who are their enemies. If Syria falls to ISIS then Turkey will have to act, either try to make peace with the revolutionaries or fight them because once the new "Caliphate" is in place it's armies will turn northwards and it's supporters in Turkey will rise against the government.

What I want to point out is that I don't think a western city could cope with even a minor Muslim uprising, the Beslan atrocity involved about 30 insurgents, the Moscow theatre siege about 40.
What happens if ten such attacks occur simultaneously in a major European city? That's only 400 radical militant Muslims and we know there are thousands of them in every European capital, could you imagine the Leftist Danish or Swedish governments trying to deal with something like that?
Look what one man did in Norway and how he humiliated the Oslo police and National Security Authority? Imagine five, or ten or one hundred Utoya massacres kicking off simultaneously? Can you say chaos kids?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 9:54:19 PM
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The difference with Turkey is that they are not Arabs and would tend to
act more sensibly.
As far as European cities are concerned, maybe the politicians and the
lefties would then realise that they have been at war for many years.
They would have no alternative than to call out the army.
It could even activate NATO.

Certainly they would have to watch out for an invasion from the Middle East.
This is the reason why what is going on in Syria and Iraq is making
everyone nervous.
Even here we are concerned about those that might return.
All it will be for someone to draw a cartoon.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 11:20:25 PM
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Bazz,It's already happening;
At some point there's going to be a backlash, some White or Jewish group will fight back and can you imagine what will happen when a Mosque or an Islamic school is the target?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 6:53:39 AM
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