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Super the next sacrificial lamb in failed infrastructure model : Comments
By Karl Fitzgerald, published 11/4/2014Now that investors smell a rat, workers are being lined up to foot the bill via their superannuation. But what of the economics?
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Excellent analysis, Karl Fitzgerald! The Brisbane to Gold Coast light rail was said to have increased local land values by up to $100,000, so land value capture makes eminent sense for self-funding this sort of infrastructure. Yes, why not grab back a bit of this increase in land values? That's the way we once funded our dams bridges and roads, but it's not fashionable in these days of sell-offs and PPPs. We can only assume capturing back some of the increased land values doesn't suit those who promote PPPs and selling off our public assets because selfish interests seem to continually trump the interests of the broader community. We need to wake up to the tactics of the rip-off merchants!
Posted by freddington, Friday, 11 April 2014 10:33:06 AM
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Good critical thinking Karl!
However, we do need to change some investment models, so that our trillion plus super is invested here, rather than overseas, where we lose out every which way! We not only lose the infrastructure this money could build, but the tax receipts created by the accelerated non mining economy! Simply put, returns from Australian self terminating thirty year bonds should be tax free! The return as interest payment/capital returns, could be federally guaranteed; meaning, the funds would be both safe, and know, what the guaranteed, thirty year returns would be! The first infrastructure we need to build with this money is rapid rail, along the eastern corridor, and a few exceptionally busy commutes! Resumed rural land can also be eventually rezoned alongside as urban, by the rail authority, in a large enough scale to virtually pay for most of this!? Leaving the rail authority, with considerable profits to plow back in other essential projects/corridors? If we leave rapid rail for a decade, the cost to us will double, ditto and again, if we leave it for another decade after that. The better managed airlines will both adapt and survive, by helping to develop regional Australia. Once we have completed this initial roll out, we should begin to build an inland shipping canal. This will, just for starters, allow most Australian in/outbound shipping, to avoid the reef and occasional cyclones! With the canal completed, we should crack on with a fleet of roll on roll off ferries, which ideally, would be both nuclear powered and submersible. After that, literally dozens of new inland cities, made economically possible by this same new reliable water! In other words, we have some very big visionary projects that our huge and growing super funds, could underwrite! And serve us very profitably, well into the next century! And with that investment, quite massively grow the economy, our sustainable size and positive economic prospects as far into the foreseeable future, as it is possible to envisage! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 11 April 2014 10:39:45 AM
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‘morning Karl,
Whilst you seem to have some support already for this article, and clearly from those with superior understanding to mine, I have to admit being utterly confused by it. So perhaps you or those on OLO who seem to understand it better than me might help answer my queries. The article by Steve Bracks doesn’t seem to correlate at all with your landowner tax proposal, in fact as I see it, industry super funds would both compete and be a threat to investment by them. It is just an “advertorial” for Cbus super where he is Chairman. So what exactly are we to draw from this reference? Whilst your “wealth redistribution levy” of a new tax on landowners might not be original, I still don’t understand the mechanism. Is this “levy” collected by those who value land, i.e. local councils, is this just another rate hike? What is meant by the term “landowner”? Does this include leaseholders? What will the tax collection burden be and to whom? Who decides the investment priorities from this money? Does this money go into general revenue? Would Local, State or Federal collections be prioritized for “home” projects? What would be the financial impact on land valuations and resale values? What National legislation needs to be enacted across all states and territories. There are so many financial and economic questions that need to be answered however, it is just possible that the Green left just don’t bother thinking anything through, especially when your proposals are to spend other peoples’ money. Perhaps some kind OLO’ers might clarify Posted by spindoc, Friday, 11 April 2014 11:31:29 AM
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I find it pretty hard to argue against Karl's logic here. What a novel suggestion, that those who will benefit, financially, & in comfort, from an infrastructure development should pay for it. Hell he even has examples to prove his logic.
This makes much more sense to me than the coal miners paying for Gold Coast/Brisbane roads, or the rate payers of Beenleigh paying for Gold Coast beach repairs. With the rapidly increasing health, welfare & education costs, governments have little money left today for the infrastructure projects today. Could we actually finance a Snowy project today, even if we could get it passed the ratbag greenies? I actually see nothing wrong in flogging off the existing gateway bridge, to fund it's duplication, or an old school with much reduced student numbers to build a new one in a place of need. Still, that will not cover all developmental costs, although with stopping immigration, it just might. Meanwhile super is a government forced private investment, ploiticians who stick their fingers into it, will find a backlash they deserve Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 11 April 2014 12:03:52 PM
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‘morning Hasbeen,
You seem to be defining infrastructure in the narrow context of roads and beaches. I agree that selling off many road projects is a good idea, most of which failed anyway due to State government incompetence and underestimation of real costs. I’m much more interested in infrastructure in the broader context. Who benefits from ports, resource access, national transportation, passenger and freight rail, water catchments, hydro, airports, water and energy distribution, logistics management, urban and rural connectivity? The answer is all Australians and not just land owners! The big issues of funding sources remain. Karl’s “land tax/levy” remains unexplained, unless you can tell us otherwise Posted by spindoc, Friday, 11 April 2014 12:17:32 PM
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Good analysis, Karl. Selling ports and now selling water supplies etc. are the failed politicians' method to get out of their debt. Their debt has arisen because of lack of land tax, and also because of waste and luxury. Plus the sellout of assets below cost is becoming more and more common, even here in Western Australia. In WA a $90 million block of land at Burswood, Perth suburb, was sold by the Liberal-National coalition for $60 million to, you guessed it, a billionaire.
Keep up the good work! Posted by John C. Massam, Friday, 11 April 2014 2:38:59 PM
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Hi Spindoc, sorry I have to disagree with you. Main roads & bridges are 2 things government should provide, & they should be toll free. Lesser suburban roads are developer built, & become a council, [IE. local resident] responsibility.
Other transport infrastructure should be the responsibility of the user, with building & running the things a simple business decision. Gladstone port authority is perhaps a model of local control, & profit from efficient provision of a facility, run as a business. Any involvement by bureaucrats would only bring disaster. The last thing we need is more ridiculous featherbedding of government run things like railways, & telecommunications. As long as bureaucrats are involved, rail will not work. Manning at the public service rate makes profitable or economic operation impossible. Water was rather like roads, before broke governments like Beattie's stuffed it up. State owned dams, & local council distribution worked, but I doubt it can be reinstated now. Sorry also John C. Massam, the debt has developed because of bureaucratic bungling of things they don't understand, & featherbedding in public service departments. Get these leaches off the public's back, & put them to work sweeping the streets, at a wage rate that reflects their ability, & our budgets will start to improve. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 11 April 2014 4:17:12 PM
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Right back in 1990, when super first came in for employees, I said that the money should be used to fund infrastructure and not be allowed to be put at risk, often high risk, by blood sucking leaches. Had we gone that way we would be sitting pretty today.
But then again, it scary when one thinks of just how much the previous government coukdnhave wasted, had the debt not go so high. Then there's thenissue of trust, as we were told way back in the mid 80's that once the gateway waspaid off, tolls woukd cease, yea right, pull the other one. In fact, having commenced at about 40cents, and now over $4.00, can you imagine how happy oir farmers would be if they had a price hike in their goods to the tune of 11 or 12 times in this time frame. The biggest problem we face is that governments from all sides TELL LIES and as such can't be trusted. As fiorsuper, I started a similar thead some time ago, it didn't gain legs but my main message then was watch your super very closely, I hold the same view today because governments simply won't be able to resist, especially when the TRILLIONS start to multiply. It's only a matter of time. Posted by rehctub, Friday, 11 April 2014 5:30:12 PM
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I do not know enough of the economics of PPPs to be able to say whether Karl's proposal is better than a PPP.
I do know that if John Howard, and a reluctant Peter Costello, had not frittered away almost all of the profits of a lengthy mining boom in tax breaks and middle class welfare, we would not need to be having this conversation as much of the infrastructure we are lacking could have been built. The "most profligate" Prime Minister in Australia's history richly deserved the title he was given by the OECD and the IMF. Posted by Brian of Buderim, Friday, 11 April 2014 9:29:05 PM
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I smell another big rat in this "Earth Sharing " movement that Karl belongs to. It supports the UN's Agenda 21 in which no one will own property. This is a communist manifesto.
Also Karl makes no mention of the fatal flaw in our system ie the Global Central Banks who create money as debt. No mention of stopping the theft of our assets by these criminals. No way. We must give up what little assets we have to appease this insane Globalist Agenda controlled by our financial elites.. It is these Banks who premote Agenda 21 and probably own Karl as well. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 11 April 2014 11:30:18 PM
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Yep rehctub a pretty huge increase, but there are others much larger, in the same time frame.
In the mid 80s I bought a bit of land. After a disagreement about how much rates have increased with my wife, [she wouldn't believe me], I actually dug out the first rate notice. $132.00 annually. It seemed pretty fair, when our only council service within 26 kilometers, was an unmanned, unserviced tip, & 3 hours of library on Saturday morning, in an annex off our community funded hall. Today it is $1280.00 every 6 months, so $2560.00 annually. And some clown here was suggesting we should be paying land tax. I wonder what the hell he thinks these ridiculous rates are. They certainly aren't for anything like useful service. For that we now get 2 hours of a mobile library, at a time most can not use it, & our tip was closed, when state government made transfer stations mandatory. That is, would you believe a 1839% increase in under 30 years, for sweet F/A, & people wonder why we find bureaucrats disgusting. At least with the Newman government we have had one win. The maternity service has been reinstated in our local hospital. Big tooth Beattie had closed it in a fit of viciousness, when the a LNP candidate was elected here. Most of the districts women can now get to help within an hour or less. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 12 April 2014 12:53:28 AM
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Karl there is nothing wrong with giving people the option of using their super to invest in infrastructure. I've suggested to Tony Abbott that he issue infrastructure bonds. Your super fund can then own a real asset rather than over inflated shares that will collapse very soon and not rebound this time because the money printing as debt won't work any more.
You are against this because 'Earth Sharing' do not want ordinary people to prosper. Only Central Bankers are allowed to do this in your view. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 12 April 2014 7:44:22 AM
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its annoying enough/rates are based on land values
and that putting in light rail somehow majicly double the rateable value you need pay/for from your super or that our super is paid for by our tolls its one hand taking that the other give back less so you build a light rail/i will never use/my rates go up and its just too far..[we sold off for 800 million forestry LAND..40,000 HECTARES..THAT IF THE LAND HAD BEEN REZONED FUTURE URBAN/AFTER TREE HARVESTING..THEY COULD HAVE CLEARED THE WHOLE DEBT..IN ONE the super guys desperate to invest/cause their not builders yes we have trillions in super obligations..coming up/they need cash flow..[so tax lump payments/that need that cash[the whole super scam makes me so angry you take my kids SUPER/then you use it to double the cost..of whatever they it power or tollway..or light rail/you took my i pay acces that my compulsory payment paid to build..huh? govt does high treason/ can simply issue its own money this lie that we need pay today..cause govt cant pay a scam thunk up by clever..enron-thinkers the reality is today..we are not only paying pensions/but paying for tomorrows pensions too/..which works out nicely for those getting huge govt top-ups/when they already were ineligible for future pension cause their already too rich the insanity is most of the 25 billion we top up never would have qualified for any pension tomorrow but they still got discounts/via clever money management so many tax exemptions/close off tax exemption..oF ANY SORT Going to the rich/for any reason//stop giving welfare[read govt sin tax-money] the any form. you got a nice comfortable cash cow[our wages/tolls and taxes] but your destroying us to death/by tippling our costs we bailed you out for too long its as us bailing out the bankers/by borrowing from give to the if new money/bankers..THEN..leverage into high interest credit card debt.. just so govt..can build more can buy at quarter cost build price...just so you can..collect the TOLL./..IN TOMORROWS WEALTH.[INFLATED/AMOUNTS] please explain.. ok..i..will try...AGAIN Posted by one under god, Saturday, 12 April 2014 9:50:28 AM
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you got.our money pre hyper inflation cash flow plus the service fees..paid deflating awaY the value..of the pension..your still leeching away again i worked all mt life giving you my money for the huge[at the time]..lump sum of 2000 pounds that became 4000 dollars..[when i began paying you/2000 pound could have bought near any house/land in surfers..when i got it it didnt even pay a years rates/services]..its a great scam till that day soon to come/when the bubbles burst and a loaf of bread costs one bilion deutch marks//or nigerian pounds you clever guys are too clever and our politicians to corrupt our police/too busy busting kids for drugs..and our courts subservient to the public service..[any govt member getting any job in an area they over saw is doing high treason]..lobby is criminal/and party systems are corrupt. but you will hate being poor we are used to it....its time..the rich paid full COSTS. tax their income streams..with a transaction tax/death duties and that all trusts/business etc [ie LEGAL'persons'..created under any act/STOP non living leeching identities that never die/LEECHING OUR WEALTH ANYWAY well make a law they must die/every 10 or so years/plus pay death duties...but no..the leeches suc at our pay/ that to survive..we need live off credit/high intrest to meet the pension out;lay go away..the dead must stop bleeding us dry sin tax leeches..not our morality...nor our pay..go away.ENRON ESQ PRICING HAS HAD ITS DAY Posted by one under god, Saturday, 12 April 2014 9:50:48 AM
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exit 118 Approved by Federal Highway Administration The City of Mesquite, The Nevada Department of Transportation and the Regional Transportation Commission are pleased to announce that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has approved the installation of Exit 118 along Interstate 15 in Mesquite, Nevada. Webmaster's Commentary: Right near the Bundy Ranch, which means the plan is to seize the open lands and sell them to developers for shopping centers, etc. KEEPING IT IN THE FAMILY Son Representing Chinese Solar Panel Plant in $5 Billion Nevada Deal The son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Rory Reid, is the primary representative for ENN Energy Group, a Chinese energy company seeking to build a $5 billion solar panel plant on a 9,000-acre Clark County desert plot in Laughlin, Nevada. ENN scored big when Clark County commissioners unanimously voted to sell the Chinese company the public land for just $4.5 million, despite the fact that it was appraised at $38.6 million. PLUS THE FRAKKERS/LEASES NEED THE WATER RIGHTS REGARDLESS OF COST thing is the bigger the bribe..the more in on the scam we build it..with your money then you can pay the rent..once the gard work is done all superannuation for the masses has cash up criminals to steal public utilities like commonwealth ban telstra quasi privatization gas water power..the price triples and thats a great way to get you to pay your own interest any govt that borrows its own money from banlers does treason ignorance of the law is no excuse..[if you make the laws...then you must die by the law] steal our super steal..our public assets..steal our govt make our wages short lend us back our own super at 15 win for the money men..bah Posted by one under god, Saturday, 12 April 2014 4:56:15 PM
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UOG. Some helpful advice. Do not give so much information in such lengthy diatribes. Crystalise your points in a few succinct short sentences and then more people will pay attention.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 12 April 2014 7:06:24 PM
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what have you done with arjay?
anyhow old sun..i always admired the way you can say things so briefly [if only i could post briefly/and still the voice/but then i would tweet..but i hate tweeting..if people read or not isnt up to me/all i can control is the info i put up..and things are so intermingled/interrelated. /ie govt used to sell us power..sewerage/water rego DOOUR BANKING OUR INSURANCE OUR PENSIONS ETC/BUT then they got offerd deals..[like sell us your sewer..for 50 million..and we rent it back to you..[they didnt mention that in case of a default..the lot became due but they dudnt have 'the lot'..when they went into default so they signed ever bigger debt..onto the public books/followed the law the money chasngers laid down/changed the law/and now we got near nothing we own and i gotta shorten that/i havnt mentioned half these scum/took our wages/got a lovely cash flow and bonus and fee structure then used that cash to bribe our polititions send us broke..borrow back our compulsory cash money thieved by clever scaming colluding hufe treasons..and i get told simplify it for zombies not even reading the danger their greed..has set us up fot why the govt sweeteners why govt topping ip dollar for dollar for ifiots that wouldnt qualify for the pension ever yet they get free cash today....what have you done to arjay?.. how much they offer I TURTNED them down.. kept IT/brief..etc..but havnt told the fuLL-evil these scum did globally.thats what happens when marfia and security agencies declare war on the sheeple..[anyhow the only ones reading are trolls and industry shills] who have no the game is really played once upon a time you would have posted a link/..before they hijacked your id..?[are you now..just a computer program?..a lot/of bloggers are/usually the short..shaRp replies..OR..THEM HOOK-UP computer freezing /LINKS raving..[its all linked/to my anger the more angry...the longer..the voices need unload if/im really angry..i listen to alex..knowing he/is still angry allows let it you/took..a few changed man ANYHOW.IM CALM..NOW. BRIEF..BRief/.whERE..I PUT ME BRIEFS Posted by one under god, Saturday, 12 April 2014 7:56:46 PM
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Hi all,
thanks for the supportive comments and sorry for the delay, I am away in the bush. This primer will give more detail on the value capture methodology: The levy could be collected via rates or as Perth does it via a Land Tax on all property - A Metropolitan Regional Improvement Tax. As you can see on the primer there are plenty of examples of huge windfall gains. Some can complain about rates but would you complain of a $200K windfall gain? Just share some of this and we can have the infrastructure we need. This is paid by the landholder. This amount taxed away would come off the re-sale price. Watch to see if this is socialist or not. i'm confident you will see beyond that. Posted by Karl Fitzgerald, Saturday, 12 April 2014 8:30:32 PM
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Sorry Karl, you are having an apples & oranges problem here. While some special cases can be considered as windfall gains, most definitely can not.
A new road, rail line or the gentrification of some suburbs can give such gains, but most increase in prices of real estate are no such thing. They are merely imaginary gains, maintaining the status quo. There is no gain when any replacement real estate will have had a similar increase in price. Taxing people for some imaginary gain is just another socialist plot to spend more of others money, & to try to hide the rip off with some false economics twaddle is merely dishonest. I know it is difficult, but you do have to learn. Spending other peoples money on projects you desire is basically robbery, & trying to hide this with a half truth is just another way of lying. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 13 April 2014 11:59:22 AM
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SOME BACKGROUND REFERENCES SELF Governance is preferable to trusting public services TO CAPITALISTS..OH uNFAITHFull servants nest feathering the home bying strike seems contra THIS Increasing..'home'..VALUE THING if you never ' need to find ever more cash..just to stay in the SAME PLACE..regardless of how much..'VALUE'..[WHY AM I REMINDED OF Scarcity/demand..deterring value..[wHAT TYPE ARE WE BRINGIN IN with the value adding. i find it HARD TO GET BEYOND YOU TAKING 10/12 PERCENT..OF MY WAGES..TO INCREASE MY FURTHER DEBT OBLIGATION..i need buy VIA credit my compulsory deductible PUT INTO YOUR KITTY.. MY PAY IS YOUR ONLY INCOME STREAM/HYPERINFLATION COSTS Is'nt HELPING ME..starting ever DAY OF MY WORKING LIFE MINUS 12 percent..built on tHE LIE..of no future pensions..because you investors bought it alL AND INCREASED THE PRICE listen to the tape HOW DO WE STOP YOU SELLING OUT OUR cash..for rubbish paper derivatives once the bust comes ALL YOUR TOLL INCOME STREAMS STOP is safer in our home..or in our hands how would you feel if i rook 12 PERCENT OF YOUR WAGES on some vague pie in the sky drEAM..THAT YOU NEED PAY OFF FOREVER. Posted by one under god, Sunday, 13 April 2014 12:00:38 PM
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...In reality, you complain of inflation. Inflation is what Governments love; it reduces their debt and buffers real estate values against collapse. No Government is popular during periods of deflation! ...Therefore, the best strategy to impose a steady inflation rate, is for Governments to throw money into the market! (Your money Super money of course will carry less risk to them)! ...And of course, as you pointed out “Corruption” will be further entrenched as the Obeids of this life scam-on with impunity in high places, (also as you pointed out). Another great post OUG! Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 13 April 2014 12:31:27 PM
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If we simply ended welfare for the rich, we could plow an additional 26 billion per, into infrastructure roll outs!
Another idea worth consideration, particularly if there's no stomach to introduce real revenue raising reform, is spreading the GST base to include everything, including medicine. Currently, the GST raises around fifty billion per. However, if it were on all goods and services, it would raise around 130-150 billion per. Pensions could be literally doubled to more than offset any additional expenses on the part of pensioners, and still leave the budget bottom line better of by at least 20-40 billion per! Alternatively, we could jettison our current tax system, and indeed all those who derive a living from its very complexity, and introduce a single stand alone expenditure tax, harvested by the banking sector, and electronically transferred overnight, to treasury, almost as if it were just another bank. If a 2% transfer tax would replace all our current tax harvesting, then an unavoidable 4.8-5% expenditure tax, would improve the budget position, by around or better than 100 billion per. It would do this by eliminating avoidance; and, by including all those in the collection net, who currently use the vagaries of the global economy, to avoid all tax responsibility! Yet earn considerable virtually tax free revenue, doing business, repatriating profits from, or conducting commercial activities/enterprise, inside Australian territory! And we remain one of the few economies, that doesn't have self terminating government guaranteed, thirty year bonds. That is because, I believe, we are governed by incompetents, who duck shove their responsibility, by trying to outsource everything, even though that makes all essential service, quite massively more expensive. Then we wounder, why rates etc, have climbed so high? Could it be, we the mugs out therein mugsville, are simply paying for some very bad decisions, like substituting worthless derivatives, for income earning Government bonds? And given those purchases occurred in times of surplus, have left too many municipalities, with huge financial egg on their collective faces, and no income earning instruments, to make up current revenue shortfalls!? Rhrosty Posted by Rhrosty, Sunday, 13 April 2014 1:20:03 PM
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…The problem is Rhrosty , nobody in politics goes down to the factory floor to ask a process worker what should be done to improve the lives of those in society.
…There were once Unions; there was once a proud and effective Labor party, with connections to the “Ordinary” man. Now… the truth is not a necessary embodiment of political necessity among politicians of any colour. (With the exception of Pauline Hanson, Clive Palmer, Bob Katter, just to name a few individual exceptions). …And Rhrosty, we are by no means the “Mugs” as you say; we are simply the “suckers” on the slippery end of the stick: And now come the scammers to scoop up the life savings of the workers for “Re-investment”…. What a rip-off…!! Make a bet with you… the big winners will be Chinese! ...Australia has a history of serious problems with Chinese that is currently ignored, for economic convenience…That will be to our peril! Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 13 April 2014 3:34:24 PM
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Rhrosty, if we end welfare for the rich you say. Why?
They usually work harder, often take additional risks, go without much of what the lower paid receive, despite having paid for most of it anyway, and without them, the lower paid families couldn't afford to see their local doctor, not to mention have prescriptions unaffordable to them. As for your finacial tax, I have been suggesting this for years, I call it a transaction tax, which is the same thing. Why they won't even look at it is beyond me. It would stimulate the economy like nothing else, as we would get most of our income tax back, to spend. I pay upwards of $2000 in tax some weeks, so I would love to have most of that back I can tell you. Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 13 April 2014 3:46:32 PM
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Rhrosty you have it totally wrong, back to front in fact. The last thing we should be considering is any increase in tax. Every increase, no matter where it is from seems to simply buy more bureaucrats, not infrastructure.
Sure lets cut not only middle class welfare, but all welfare. At the same time, lets get rid of a heap of bureaucrats, & cut their unfunded pensions back to that of the average grunt. That fly on the wall at cabinet meetings would be well aware that the costs of future pensions will be but a flea bite, compared to the huge hole public service pensions will make. They won't say so, but that is one of their big worries. It is not a matter of giving government more money to waste, it is a matter of making government operate on less that we need to achieve. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 13 April 2014 4:13:02 PM
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No, the cost of government and bureaucrats is NOT the main problem. What is gumming up the works are taxes like income tax and company tax which are large amounts for honest folks. We tax people for working or being successful in a profession, farm, fishing, or other business - instead, we ought to be praising them!
Another jackass tax is payroll tax. We tax employers for giving some people jobs, so that they can have self-respect and add to production etc. That's the opposite of what we ought to do! Land prices go up far faster than inflation. That is a fact. So the increase is really unearned money. In recent years the Capital Gains Tax was introduced, and it partly covered that. Stamp duty is charged on land transfers which could be to get closer to work, and it is also charged on insurance premiums. Stamp duty thus penalises people in later life who want to downsize their homes, and it punishes people who pay insurance so that they will not be a burden on society if accidents or calamities occur. Instead of all these taxes, impose one simple 10 per cent land tax on all land that is not held by the Crown. Do NOT tax or rate people for erecting buildings or making other improvements to the land - just charge on the SITE VALUE only. Posted by John C. Massam, Sunday, 13 April 2014 7:09:53 PM
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John C, rates have always been an issue as they simply rise with the value of the land. What should happen in my view is that rates should be capped after five years of ownership, then stay capped until the house is either sold, no longer used as the principle place of residence, or the owner passes on. At that point the ratable value can be re valued for the incoming owner, then this new figure can be advised as part of the buying process. At least this way people would not be forced from their homes due to unaffordable rates.
As for taxes, it is my view we must switch over to a financial tax, one that taxes money, not people. At least then, the more money one has to spend, the more tax they pay. Implemented properly, it would see and end to all other forms of tax including GST, stamp duty, income and company taxes (including pay roll tax) , it would even negate the need for most people to engage an accountant. As an example, at just 2%, it would see a wage earner on $2100 per week receive an additional $540 in their pay packet to spend. What better way to stimulate an economy! Finally, as fir pensions, I am filthy with the way successful people get treated in this country, because in most cases, they work harder than most, receive less support, pay far more in taxes, yet receive nothing for their efforts. It sucks! A far better system (apart from a TT) would be to reward high tax payers with a larger pension, because after all, they are the ones who have carried the can. Paying taxes is about the only effort one does without reward. The sad part of all this is that we are now seeing the fall out from six years of labor waste and miss management. Brace yourself! Posted by rehctub, Monday, 14 April 2014 8:33:00 AM
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John C, this also brings me back to inheritance tax.
I hold the view that anyone whom inherits more than say $500K should pay inheritance tax. That's $500K per sibling, not per asset, because let's face it, nobody needs any more than that as what is essentially a gift. At least this would help redistribute the wealth without expecting pensioners to dig deeper in their retirement years. I personally know of several families where the asset bases today exceeds twenty million, so to expect to inherit a share of that 'tax free' is greedy. Of cause there would be issues to consider such as taking on the family business, however, if a business is owned by a trust (for tax minimization purposes) and is passed on, then it's hardly a family business. Either way, we must find ways to increase tax revenues without prejudicing current tax payers. Posted by rehctub, Monday, 14 April 2014 11:32:14 AM
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Gee there are some charmers on this forum, but Hasbeen, you take the cake.
Apples & oranges you say when writing off the incredible capital gains in real estate. As stated at the top of my article, there was a $187bn gain for those lucky enough to own property, in just three months. Your apples & oranges sees this as irrelevant because those who already own property have to pay for their 'replacement property'. What about those who dont own property? Even more to the point, what hard work did these people do? Next to none. Keep the profits form your house renovations (largely keeping pace with depreciation) but the locational value is created by the existence of the community. If nobody lived in your capital city, land values would plummet. If everyone moved back, they would skyrocket. All for what? Something they never created, access to the earth. This is why economists from Adam Smith, David Ricardo, JS Mill, James Tobin, Milton Friedman, Joseph Stiglitz & Dr Ken Henry have all suggested Land Taxes on economic rent (unearned income) are the fairest tax. There is enough free lunch there to remove all taxes on productive activity, instead capturing these unearned incomes. Value capture surrounding new infrastructure is a simple way for those who benefit from new public services to pay something back to the rest of the community as a thankyou (spread over 20 years). Without closing this loop, the leakage impedes the structure that financed so much of our infrastructure back in the era when we actually built it. Using our super as a means of financing such activity risks workers savings (as we have seen in Syd & Bris) whilst insiders are given the nod on where to buy land before the project is announced. They buy and wait for great profit. That is where the real robbery lies. I for one would prefer a society where we aren't penalised for working and creating. Instead so many fall into line with the Murdochracy, defending the right of monopoly for the privileged. Further detail: Posted by Karl Fitzgerald, Monday, 14 April 2014 1:04:16 PM
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dear KARL/QUOTE..<<..>>.Value capture...surrounding new a simple way for those who benefit from new public services..>>..till they get privatised?..<< pay something back to the rest of the community.>>
v.c..SOUNDS LIKE..A NASTY WORD IT..MORE DEFINES..THIS..FURTHER/QUOTE <<..>>whilst insiders..are given the nod..on where to before the announced...They buy..and wait.for great profit...That is where..the real robbery lies...>>.. AND WE ALL..COULD AGREE but clearly/these things..are time sensitive /thus simply apply..these/taxe. retroactively..comes to mind .[for cooperate resale/to cash in the value]..this idea..that we get sOME implied benefit..BECAUSE SOME FOOL..BUILDS A RACE-way next door..OR A BILLION DOLLAR GOVT/SUBSIDIZED..footy stadium..[THESE MAKE ME REALLY ANGRY] depends..on those.....'in the know'..paying and because their 'in the knOW'..*know..IT WONT HAPPEN..[full stop] <<..Using our a means of financing..such activity risks workers savings..(as we have Syd & Bris)>> yes and we stilL...*must pay..12 percenT..OF OUR Wages/plus..govts..overly and anything..OF VALUE HAS ALREADY BEEN BOUGHT..AT NEAR TWICE REAL VALUES..THIS ILLUSION THAT..[WE REAP A WINDFALL..IS PIE IN the sky..[when real-estate..shrinks back near normality..once china stops bU[wying real estateith bailout/yanki-pAPER.. ..the thing is karl..there is too much money..floating around/looking foR ASSETS...PRE THE HYPERINFLATION/phase..beginning..any-DAY/NOw.. we get..a lot of dreamers here..i recall one guy spending..our carbon credit on building..him/a pipeline to china.. the thing is mate..YOU SOUND CLEVER ..we need less off our wages and..sin-taxeS..not people building windmills...with our money...THATS What govt can do..[its your model thats wrong govt can build it cheaper/get money without adding burden..on us and provide roads toll free/we pay tax on our fees fines levies..on our sins..we are forced into commerce..we can only pay for on credit..[at 3 times or more govt even today..can lend it for. mate there's enough vile vampires getting wealthy off OUR PURSE its them blood/sucking leeches/just making things worse. yes our super is a cash cow/you dont gone and stole decades OF OUR WAGES.. for what?.. ONLY TO DOUBLE THE COST OF RETIRING..HEATINGcooling Warming//traveling/drinking smoking working playing..watcHING LISTENING even communicating..then wew must insure MUST REGESTER MUST OBEY..while those in the know reap in our ever more meager pay [not you personally..yet/Of course] BUT AMBITION/MEANS YOU WILL. Posted by one under god, Monday, 14 April 2014 2:09:48 PM
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Karl your super is in a very dangerous position at the moment. QE created $ trillions to re- inflate the share market and it is ongoing. The derivative market which our banks have $21 trillion exposure,will soon destroy our western economies and you'll have no super.
Western exposure to the gambling derivative market is $750 trillion with world GDP of $ 70 trillion. Not a good ratio. It would be better that our Govt issue infrastructure bonds that our super funds could then own real assets in,rather than this false economy of BS toxic derivatives. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 14 April 2014 8:53:20 PM
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What utter garbage Karl. May be a few of our silver spoons are lucky to have inherited property, but most of us worked damn hard, went without most of the glitter, & invested wisely to own what we have bought. Luck had not a damn thing to do with it.
Anyone who has sympathy for any non property owner over 30 years of age is a fool. Anyone over thirty who does not own property is a bloody idiot. Again, in very few cases did luck have anything to do with it. I do believe it has got harder for the younger generation, all the more reason for us to preserve what we have earned to help our own, rather than your favorites. Those who chose to drink, smoke, drive flash cars, & take expensive holidays have no right to now expect those who went without these things, to be able to buy a home, to now contribute to their well being. Why is it that socialists expect the ne'er-do-well to be allowed to double dip. Spend everything they earn on personal gratification, then come back for a second helping from those more prudent. Why is it that they believe they have some right to spend other people's money on their hobby horses? I can accept that I would be much richer if I had worker harder, & indulged myself less, why can't you accept that those who worked less hard, & indulged themselves more should be less well off than I am? Why should anyone expect to share in the results of my careful living? If you want to be a sucker for some sob story go for it, but mind your own business when it comes to other people. Dropping the names of a bunch of socialist economists does nothing for your case, nor do your insults. If you don't like the people on this forum, you are welcome to go jump onto another, with my blessing. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 12:15:05 AM
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Rehctub I can't agree with your $500K idea. That is a recipe for seeing all our farms become corporate owned.
The purchase price of a farm may be a well over a million, but that all to often that has no relationship to it's earning capacity. Often it can only supply a living income long term if debt free. Unless it can be left intact to a single descendent it would only be corporations that could buy it. I know a number of properties valued over 1.5 million, where the income is marginal to support a youngish farmer, & his retired parents. This is often the case, even when the so called retired aging farmer provides labour at planting & harvest. Are you suggesting that someone leaving a 2 million farm should surrender 1.5 mill in death duty? I can imagine some I know, who are fourth generation on a property would rather destroy the place than do that. Hell mate, many city homes sell for over a million. Do you really think half of this would put to better use by governments, or dreamers like our author? I would say, from our recent experience with governments spending our money, we should keep as much as possible out of their grasping hands. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 12:44:55 AM
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Hasbeen.....Are you suggesting that someone leaving a 2 million farm should surrender 1.5 mill in death duty? I can imagine some I know, who are fourth generation on a property would rather destroy the place than do that.
No, that's not what I said, I clearly said $500,000 PER SIBLING. Now in further consideration of farming, perhaps this is one sector that could be exempt, or at least subject to a much lesser tax. Now on the subject of 1.5 million being left for death duty, no, that's not what I am suggesting, what I am suggesting, in the event that a couple leave $2mil in assets with only one beneficiary, then that beneficiary gets the $500K and the remainder gets taxed at a rate to be determined. But only if the asset is family owned, not a company, nor a trust, as the tax credits for that asset have already been realized and you just can't have two bites at the cherry. Now if the asset is a business, which is not sold, then any profits should also be subjected to inheritance tax because after all said and done, the inheritors have not actually paid for that business. The Packers and Murdocs of the world are classic examples of this. It's often referred to as , 'born lucky'. Now, once the tax is paid, then the balance goes to the beneficiary/s. This would raise additional taxes, without asking tax payers who are already stretched, to dig even deeper. By the way, this system if implemented would effect me personally, as most of my assets are in trusts, so it not all about me. As for your previous post, to Karl, well said! Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 8:51:40 AM
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Here we sit awaiting with baited breath the decision of cabinet to
build the Badgeries Creek airport. Multi gigadollars are to be spent building something and they have not even considered the most fundamental parameter for the running of airports, ie whether the passenger traffic expected will be able to afford the air fares that will be necessary to operate an airline. Air fares by 2025, the completion date, will have been forced up to levels by fuel prices that travelers will mainly comprise CEOs of big business and politicians. The likes of you and me will not be air travelers. It could of course mean that Kingsford Smith at Mascot would be largely redundant and all air traffic could be moved to Badgeries. Air passenger traffic is now 15% lower that the 2009 projection. Airlines are either going bankrupt or are merging, these are the signs of decay. Geoff Dixon, past QANTAS CEO has said that airlines are finished. Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 1:21:56 PM
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interesting the BAGGERY CREEK LAND GRAB recently they tried thec same in ysa for a solar plant and the land owners won..see globally their taking farmers off farm land..[that and driving PEOPLE off their laND BY WAR ANYHOW THIS IS LIKE BIGGER THAT WHEN MOSUS LEFT EGYPT OR THE EURIKA STOCKADE..bagger creek..will that be militarily TAKEN OVER A LAST STAND.LIKE HIGH NOON? really what is tHE VALUE WE are sacking looting pillaging and plundering..a living example..just before the bubbe burst it began here/of we win..this is why WE CHOSE TO Be thESE TIMES Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 1:38:44 PM
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Yes Bazz, I have to agree, simply because Pre the discount war, early 90's, a fare to say the Whitsundays was around $750 return from Brisbane. Today, they can be found for $49 one way.
Eleven years is a long time to build something, and a lot can go down in that time. I agree it's a huge risk based n the assumption the demand will still be there, and some. Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 1:56:08 PM
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you can help write it right there will be a rainbow trail..created as the rainbow serphant unwinds/that makes a peace trail/where we resque..those abused by over ords/please let them know we shall come knocking.. IN court tomorrow..i will be explaining how everyone is entitled to a base paymrent tax free[complertly tax free.from govt , coin i will explain how it gets rebased..from its treasonous debasement court 20 brisbane majistrait/..c0urt/..stanley st this thread will get special mention[the first will be the last] Posted by one under god, Monday, 5 May 2014 9:12:35 PM