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God and art : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 12/9/2013But do abstract works represent the soul, or is that mere pretension? What does Kandinsky mean by 'soul'?
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Posted by Jon J, Thursday, 12 September 2013 7:09:22 AM
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"It is now a long time since artists proclaimed that their work was "To the glory of God. But what other kind of art is there? Strictly speaking there is no other kind, there is only the pretence of art." I'd be interested in what you think of this: It's a drawing I did in for a friend to render his ideas in image. It's not to the glory of God. More, it's a rendering of man's conundrum - his reality amidst his ideas. I would consider it "art", because there is a message beyond its imagery. Make of it what you will, it's designed to make you think, but more on man's condition methinks than any truth regarding God. Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 12 September 2013 8:11:59 AM
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What happens when The Very Divine Person becomes an artist - specialising in abstract art, who also pointed out that ALL visual representation is an exercise in abstraction, even photography.
Some references by and about His art. There is of course no objective world apart from the process of perception involving light, the mechanisms of the eye, and the brain. Artists statement The Realization of The Beautiful Plus this reference too which is an introduction to The Orpheum Trilogy Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 12 September 2013 9:08:43 AM
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"I hope, for instance, that one day soon articles like this will be universally recognised as the drivelling nonsense they are," says Jon.
I agree with you, Jon. Such articles have no place in intelligent forums. Posted by David G, Thursday, 12 September 2013 9:23:45 AM
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"The dichotomy of the real and the ideal coincides with the creedal language of the visible and the invisible."
It's really the dichotomy of the ideal and the alleged. The history is somewhat visible, and increasingly so as more people delve into early Christian history; but the basis for the claims of reality are less visible. Posted by McReal, Thursday, 12 September 2013 9:50:45 AM
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Such arrogance.
"The filiation of the ideal and the real results in theological language; the only language that is capable of truth since truth exists only when the ideal and the real are integrated." Theological language is the only language capable of truth? Tosh. Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 12 September 2013 9:50:57 AM
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Another load of pseudo mystical hogwash from Sells. I frankly admit to giving up about halfway through, although I will comment that Ockham's razor can best be presented simply in the form that:
'the most simple or obvious explanation consistent with the known facts is the explanation most likely to be correct' It is ironic that this medieval churchman gave rationalists one of their most devastating weapons against the sort of rubbish presented in this article. Posted by GYM-FISH, Thursday, 12 September 2013 10:39:46 AM
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This book The World As Light also introduces Adi Da's Art Some quotes from the book: 1. Reality has no "thing" in it, no "other" in it, no separate "self" in it, no ideas, no constructs of mind or perception, and, altogether, no "point of view". 2. The irreducible paradox of unobservability and unknowability is the actual real state of every one and every thing. These paragaphs describe how seemingly objective things are constructed out of three primary geometric forms, as suggested by Cezanne. Adi Da first came across thus understanding via doing the Learning To Draw with Jon Nagy course when he was a boy. Nagy's method was inspired by Cezanne's insight. "The force of primary geometric forms is everywhere in the world. It is simply that there are so many intersections of primary geometric forms in ordinary perceived reality that it feels as if you cannot see the primary form. It is not that that perceived reality is made out of "four circles" and "three rectangles" and "two triangles" - you cannot see the world that simplistically. But, once you begin to "get" the sense of "shape", then you can see that the world of perception is actually made of primary geometries. It is just that there are so many of them all at once that the natural world seems to have "feathered edges". The natural world does not seem to be hard-edged, in terms of geometry. In fact, the natural world is NOT visible hard edged - when the multiples are in billions, trillions, countless numbers all at once. Then the world of perception has the kind of "feathered edges" you apparently see in the natural world. Thus, the basis of the natural world's construction is primary shape, primary geometry, elemental shape - circular, linear, angular. Everything is one of those three - curved, strictly linear, or angled. The intersection of these three modes of geometry makes virtually every shape. If you take enough triangles, squares, and circles, any form will appear. You put them together in certain conjunctions, and they will make absolutely every form". Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 12 September 2013 11:09:11 AM
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Although Sells pretends to be religious his world-view is obviously completely circumscribed or limited by the reductionist doubt-filled mind-set described in these two references. Originally titled The Psychosis of Doubt All art whatever the seeming subject, including what is usually called religious is an auto-biographical description of the person who creates it - with NO exceptions. These 2003 describe describe the Process that Adi Da had to go through so as to be able to create His Divine Image Art in its later and final forms. " In the traditional setting, sacred art is understand as a Spiritual discipline, not merely a technical or a cultural endeavor in the conventional sense. There are many profound requirements - not only artistic requirements, but also requirements related to Spiritual life. There are esoteric profundities associated with sacred art - profound training, profound readiness, a profound life that has to be lived before you ever do anything to show to anybody else. Sacred art is not just a kind of subject matter. To be an artist in the sacred sense is a profoundly different matter than being an artist in either the secular or conventionally "religious" sense. Sacred art is not ego-art - and, therefore, it takes a lifetime of work. I Myself have engaged a lifetime of Work, in which I have been occupied with art, as well as other aspects of the totality of what I do. And it at this point in My Life that I am prepared to make Works for showing, having done it and considered it since I was a child. So, in this respect, I am functioning very much in the mode of the traditional artist within a sacred circumstance." Healso pointed out that even the showing of sacred art should only be done within the context of an integrated sacred culture. Otherwise what is being communicated will not be understood and thus to one degree another be degraded and banal-ized. Of course there is no such sacred culture in the Western world, nor even a living Spiritual tradition - just spirit-killing left-brained words. Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 12 September 2013 11:51:38 AM
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Unlike other posters so far, I really enjoyed this article - a deft and insightful exploration of the relationship between cultural, ideological and theological aspects of realism/idealism, and their links to the roots of fundamentalisms.
Poirot I like your drawing. I think your description of man’s conundrum – reality amidst ideas – is actually quite close to what Peter’s article is about. Posted by Rhian, Thursday, 12 September 2013 2:47:18 PM
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Daffy Duck has a point about geometry and its subliminal ingestion.
Islamic art celebrates basic geometry, especially in mosque decoration in its quest to give glory to God. Even in the atomic world of chemistry, it appears to be replicated - quasicrystals: ......... Thanks have a point, yet art need not be aimed to the glory of God, and yet still have meaning and be pertinent to human experience. Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 12 September 2013 3:22:57 PM
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where art..thou..god
in every every whisper in..every being..all seeing/all being peter/quote....<<..language that is not formed..from the awareness..of the visible ..and the not language at all..but inarticulate groaning>> told yet not here..where it would count nor here.. where i already replied *this two posts and we each..have 8 to fully debate/relate you said..<<.Evangelism..consists in coaching see the the visible.>> yes the unseen cause..of life able to be knowing living the selfless servant..the most..[great nurture/nature/father the mosyt.. yet..the live..even..the least/beast <<.The decline..of the authority..>> origonates from secrets[see other posts] auth/decline..<<of the the result of..the church's/ do this.>> there is yet time <<..All..we can modernity is: there, you see?..Can you make*..the connection that St. Paul makes..when he sees..that there is more..nailed to the cross...than the body of Jesus?>>.. paulwas one sickpuppy he hopunde..the living christ..right? then obscured his gospil..withhis owenletters/acts that created creed..bah..saulpaul..he peed onchrist..but you fail tosee hanginng what demons do* they alsodrink wine eat holy meat* by their works..will you know/them <<..Do you see..that Christ is..with us still in the logic..of the triune God?>> that trible bible stuff peeter..think emmanuel..what mmeans this? GOD..with us* not jesus..not just in..his sun but..iN/..with-in..everyone[whois not a child of the father? jesus taught* paul..polluted the well..with creed <<..Do you the ideal and the real..are held Him?>> god..ALONE*[forget the imagry rule too] [ye will have no-one..before god..remember?} who..holds us ALL*..together.. BY gods grace <<..The greatest curse..that the prophet can summon that the eye.. and the ears of an unfaithful/ stopped.;.so that they will no longer see nor hear.>> often..they cant cope withthe stuff they saw/heard <<..Is this not..a description/of..our time?>> no..we can finally talk betters <<..Does this not our culture;>> top/down has failed,,us all <<..the noise..and the money,>> <<..the blandness..and boredom>> <<..and worse,..the absence of hope?>> no you shall HEAR..of warts and rumors of wars/warts and all christ said..the good better Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 September 2013 6:56:01 PM
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peter..<<..the ideal..the meaning/of..those events.>>
must be in..context..of the creeds..of their times take the feeding..on/the mount following the canna wedding/before the shew bread.. ie..the hanwash jars.. [you cant eat with..*unclean-hands] so they were much/like a toilet [could you serve thy..maders guests.. even..the very best of wine..FROM A TOILET? [neither did his servants..[but the disciple..*needed to see a.."miracle" his diciples..didnt know this LAW*.. so..WHEN..christ fed..the 4000/5000..twice.. [all*..they wished] eat [lol..note the clever seating,, see/report..on..who would eat.. with..all..their judges sitting opposite them also..WITH..UNCLEAN..HANDS.. [recall..his diciples..eating shew bread /with unclean hands..[and chist replied..its NOT..what a man puts IN..but what blasphemy..but that whichissues forth fromit.. falls out..via our smallest/member the disciples..were too busy notice the teaching by christ..of the DANGER of creed yet plenty..put they saved..[its about how EVEN..the living christ..couldnt/break CREED* mirracles creed/greed and such..<<..This meant that Scripture..could not wander off..into a fantasy world that was disconnected..from the real>> unless they were tricked.. by..him who HOUNDED..the living christ..unto death..[paul/saul] <<..and the real..could not be celebrated at the expense..of the is the our time with scientific or economic rationalism.>> big words big talk..lets talk about works/perks science reveals gods glory science cant even make a cell-membrain life comes ONLY..fromlife..[the best science could suckout the dna..from a LIVING bacteria..toCL:AIM/faulsly..they 'creayted//that only god could create rot-ionalism? rat/nationalism? <<..The New Testament..follows this ethos most the incarnation...>> rational? <<..For in ..the incarnation the Word..(idea) becomes flesh>> works..SILLY FLESH..IS NOT..THE<<(real thing).>> its nothingbut the seen..that hides the unseen <<.The council of Chalcedon..insisted that Christ..had two natures,..>>as do we ALL* <<..the divine/and the human... (ideal and real).>> meme/mene..tell..peter.. the on the wall* lets talk Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 September 2013 7:30:51 PM
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peter..<<..The elements..of the Mass
are at once bread..and wine..>> the booze related damage? why turn water,..[1stmiracle?] [did/not jesus himself say.. ITS..NOT YET..MY TIME*[in-fact..he would have said i couldnt careless..if you fed thy*..masters guests..that filthy-toilet those hand-wash/jars..its himand you that willloose face how gooood the master.. that not feed his own guests how much..lower..the servants go if the drunks drunk..all the wine.. they came to the wrong guy..its just not my time besides at that time..jesus was to/be john <<..and..the body and blood of Christ.>> ohdear..thats what satanists doi too? by..their deeds..we see paulene creed has perverted <<..The central/event of the death..and resurrection of Christ.>> yes..what we saw jesus do..[ie return from death] we all can do..[see the officer/wanderer pdf's] its the reserction..ol'boy the time..dead meant.. waiting till..some future..JUDgement..'day' jesus refuted..that alive as we speak in our fathers house <<The death, historical point>.. judgment refuted..rejoice we ALL*must be born..again death/point..<<in time..>> nothe next life is free of time one long eternalday death/point..<<is the real and the the ideal.>> its assured by christ..HIMSELF..see that ye see me do ie will do day waiting we 'die'..instanntly reborn..some into..the light others into.. various shades of grey..according to how ashamed we are <<..These are not separate events; the resurrection the truth..>> ABSOLUTLY...except we ALLwill even..ur pets..ideas..ego resurrection..revealing all.. <<..of hidden in the crucifixion...>> death resection <<..One cannot exist/without the other.>> ahhhmenn Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 September 2013 7:49:40 PM
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peter..<<..In a time..dominated by..the insistence of
the real..>>.. [resection]..<<..above the ideal,..>> [judgment dfay..when-ever you lot].. it isnt <<..fostered by ..he success..of natural science,>> see 30 years..among the dead pdf <<..the danger to us is blindness.>> absolutly <<..We countenance \..the invisible and the world..becomes a world of surfaces,..>> appearances never dull/boring..yet..endless superficial;ity..<< wanting of ideas as an abstract..or photo-realist painting.>> or pictures of electro-plasm..aura's or the prety/perty pictures of science to...fill in the evolving evolutionary gap/facts.. between science evolutionary/THEORY..and science/falsifiable fact <..This is how..we can give credence to a scientism..that reduces the world to causation.>> imagery how goes the imagery? like corpses statues..the ARISEN...christ eternal tied to his pauline..creed/double cross <<..It is significant..that biblical literalism has large in our time.>> but god FORBADE ALLIMAGRY and any/all..ADULTERATION..of his words! <<...This movement..[pauline creed] essentially a result of a..realist approach to Scripture,..i.e. that all of the events described..therein actually happened.>> ir READ..the true WITNESS the true/gospil's..of witnessed by his works <<..biblical the product of our modern hold the visible..and the invisible together.>>.. no/commment <<>>There is a contradiction ..that runs though much of late/modern thought...Our minds are not cameras; as soon as we..*open our eyes>> after removing..the our own eyes not just..offering to remove..the splinter/from..thyne <<>.we see things..and these things are automatically..associated with ideas.>> see natures/nurture light..sustaining life that love via logus/logic see the life revealed in the light..with love under eternal grace/mrercy thats gods idea see the city/slum/division/derision thats mans workings <<..Seeing the visible and the central to our natures.>> see gods nurture even in..nature <<..when we look at..the world we see the handiwork..of God.>> now..look with..thy minds eye.. see the..inner/workings of men remind peter' the rhyme..of the rosy to..the primate..of the rosery Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 September 2013 8:33:08 PM
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What a load of utter rubbish this article is.
There are many, many wonderful artists and art that has nothing to do with invisible beings or fairy tale gods. One undergod..........sigh...... sometimes, words just escape me when I try to understand posts like these. Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 12 September 2013 11:54:53 PM
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i been trying to figure things out too..suze
my latest research next..the question..i hope to put to source=atheist/commentary <<..Mark/gospel..was an environment where Roman rule..was a constant presence...There are many clear signs that Mark..*has gone to great absolve Romans of the responsibility..for Jesus’ death>> <<..even to the point of..painting Pontius a weak, indecisive leader..rather than the brutal tyrant..that everyone knew him to be.>> my point.. in quoting to point out that it waz first say matthew.. 28;27.. quote.. <<..[now..i have told you]>> but also notice..the later edit.. by same 28;10.. ..<<..JESUS said;,,edit <<..go tell my brothers*..>> GO* [the debate was re disciples/preaching] now lets examin..the OTHER word.. replacing mathews word..christ SAID..brothers ie..the word..[disciple] first/used in 28;12.. [IS..something..HE COULDNT..bear witness to was FIRAST used at 28; the..elders.. who met up..with priests..[even fake/up things.. to poison the well.. and introduce creed/diciples etc via saul/paul/letters creating..the pauline creed [the word..*THEY used..was disciples..] NOT the word..jesus used.."brothers*..[28;10] ok? or correct.. where..i went wrong? Paul's theology..was based on his personal experience ..* the light of contemporary Greek thought. The theory of redemption..was the child of his brain, a belief..entirely the disciples of Jesus. saul..poisons..the well please recall.. he had just DESTROYED..the davidian/levitic? CREED.. of RESECTION judgment day by simply..coming back from death by this..he destroyed..two creeds and freed many..awaiting limbo turning brothers into...disciples..hung jesus..on a cross.. in his own church..drank chists blood..feasted off \..christs flesh or as you put it real/ideal a true artifice its basic karmic balance allow freewill/choice because saul.. [paul]..[christs..mortal-enemy] on..with the job* creating creed*..ideal by creating disciples*.. WHERE clearly..christ.. only brothers* not diciples its no bother/brother we need to clear..things up..soon Posted by one under god, Friday, 13 September 2013 8:24:08 PM
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we find..the*FIRST
*rebuild..christs..divided church [re-unite BY RECOGNIZING..all other..called to christ all xtian..creed/sects..we must re-unite christs torn divided heart appointing..all Abrahamic sects priest/teachers/ as respected equals..and their messengers/prophets..all as saintly elders..each..retaining their own creed./.yet as equal brother put the true servants..into churches and the true saints..on churches..not gargoyles Paul's theory..involved the deification..[imagery/creed]..of Jesus. The Pauline the history of the Pauline Church saw a change of scenes..principles..and principals. In place of brothers paul..made the disciples, who had sat at the feet of Jesus, a new figure, who had not known Jesus, had come to the forefront... The intellectuals..were under the influence of Aristotle... Because of Paul's compromise..with Roman beliefs and legend, Pauline followers grew in number..and grew in strength. To the soldier prince..the different creeds within the Jew and Hebrew were very confusing. In AD 325,..a meeting of all denominations of Paulineism was called at Nicea (Isnik)...Fearful massacre of Hebrews,..who did not believe in Paulineism, was held, where it was ordered..*that all original Hebrew script..*should be destroyed,..and in the year 325 A D, this took place at the Nicene Council. Paul,..also known as Saul,..a zealous Pharisee. Paul was at active opponent..of the Christian movement. He took care of..the cloaks of those who stoned Stephen..(Acts 7:58, 22:20). On his way to persecute Christian believers,..he was a blinding light,..and a voice that REPORTEDLY..said, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?" Paul asked, "who are You Lord?" The reply came, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. In addition,..his zeal to persecute the early Christians was re-channeled into preaching the Gospel. Paul made three missionary journeys around Asia Minor, Macedonia and Achaia. He is the author of thirteen New Testament letters - Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. He might have wrote Hebrews. With the exception of Romans, all of Paul's letters were written to churches or individuals whom he knew personally. The focus of Paul's writings is Jesus,.. through whom SO..PAUL SAYS..God has effected..redemption refuted at more in the morning Posted by one under god, Friday, 13 September 2013 8:27:54 PM
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- Paul seems to have conceived..of God in terms of an Angel;
not surprising,..if he appreciated..the doctrine of the Comforter Angel This is his exhortation..on the deck of the ship: "The Angel of God,..whose..(i.e..the Angel's?) I am, and whom I serve. I believe God (i.e...the Angel), that it shall be..even as it was told me"..(Acts 27:23,25). - "Why tempt ye God, put a yoke upon the neck..of the disciples, which...we were not able to bear?"..(Acts 15:10).is surely language of limitation, as if God..was tempted to make..the Mosaic law obligatory..for all believers yet again. Surely God Himself..would not consider doing so;.. perhaps an Angel..OR a demon..could? or..the house of saul It is interesting..that this action..of God is being due to.."the hand of the Lord"- an Angelic phrase- being..with the people,..encouraging them to believe.. (Acts 11:18,21) thus i thought..more needed Study 13: CHAPTER 13.. is..The Comforter:..An Angel? The point..has been several expositors..that as Israel were a special Angel..through the wilderness, whom Isaiah with..God's Holy Spirit, too..the new Israel were tobe a Holy Spirit Angel,..the Comforter,..who was sent to the Jesus after His assuming..of all power over the Angels..on His ascension. A summary..of the reasons for now attempted: - Is. 63:7-11..describes the Angel..that guided Israel through the the "Holy Spirit"- which is*..the Comforter. - The Comforter..was God and Christ's Name (Jn. 14:26)- the Angel..was God's Name (Ex. 23:21) - The Comforter would teach (Jn. 14:26), guide (16:13), be a judge (16:8) and prophesy (16:13); the Angel..guided through the wilderness, taught God's ways, judged Egypt and the Canaanites,..gave prophecies,.. and represented the Comforter represented Jesus to His people. As the church ..began a new Exodus and was constituted..God's prospect as Israel Sinai, was fitting..that it..too..should also Angel leading them,..representing them. - The Comforter would.."shew you things to come" (Jn. 16:13)- fulfilled by the the John. - The Angel testified to the churches (Rev. 22:16)- "the Comforter. . shall testify..of Me" (Jn. 15:26). Posted by one under god, Friday, 13 September 2013 8:31:00 PM
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Jesus..and the Holy Spirit..together
fall into place..if the Holy Spirit has some degree of a personal being..[in the form of an Angel].. The error..of the doctrine..of the not in identifying the three..common forms..of God manifestation..[life/logic/love] (i.e....through God Himself, lives via the service..of christ Jesus..[love] and the Holy Spirit Angel),..the logic. This idea is worth applying to our understanding..of the baptismal formula. The work of..the Comforter Angel.. is to provide..the logical means the words 'Angel'..and 'Spirit..are ..obviously regarded as the book of Acts(e.g. 8:26,29;..10:3,19,20). In the same the angel of Israel..dwelt in the temple after delivering them, perhaps it is through Christ's..Comforter Angel ..that He the spiritual..temple[works]..of the faith full..callled to christ. - The Revelation.."like the son of man" (i.e...representing Him..but not Him personally)..was this same Comforter Angel..representing Jesus..(Rev. 1:11..cp...22:13,8,16). - We have seen..that our prayers..are presented to God through an Angel..(Rev. 8:4)..and that God answers prayer through commanding..His Angels..(Num. 20:16; Dan. 9:20,21). remembering thatpauline ultimately the..only mediator..(1 Tim. 2:5) it may be..that the mechanical presentation of the incense..of our prayers to done by the Comforter Angel. -The Comforter is called..“the spirit of truth”..(Jn. 14:17; 15:26; 16:13). In the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls literature,.. this phrase describes an Angelic Spirit who is the leader of the “good forces”.. and ‘in whom’..the righteous walk..[Testament of Judah 20, 1-5]. The Aramaic translation..of Job,..and the targums on it,.. uses the term prqlyt to describe the Angelic spokesman [the malak melis]..who makes a Job’s defence (Job 16:19;..19:25-27; 33:23). "Ye have an unction..from the Holy One (the Comforter/ Holy Spirit),and ye know all things"..(1 Jn. 2:20) clearly the promise of..the Comforter in Jn. 14:26; but "Holy One".is Angelic language,.. as if the Holy One was also an Angel. - The'one called alongside'- is this..a reference to the literal,..physical presence of the Angel? Posted by one under god, Friday, 13 September 2013 8:44:18 PM
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You people will have to come up with more than invective to earn a place on these pages. It is not enough to simply label my writing as drivel, tosh, rubbish etc. I am beginning to suspect that you have no arguments at all.
Under One God. Please desist! You are filling these pages with unreadable stuff to such an extent I suspect some pathology. Posted by Sells, Saturday, 14 September 2013 11:00:38 AM
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Hi Peter,
I posed a question to you on the first page - and one of my own drawings. Any opinion on it, as it has religious architectural imagery, although it's not for the glory of God. Still qualifies as art I reckon - do you agree? Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 14 September 2013 12:12:55 PM
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I looked at your drawing and found it interesting. One of the problems in this thread is that commentators have a much narrower understanding of what the word "god" may mean. Indeed they go off into paroxysms when they see it. I wonder if I wrote my articles and replaced "God" with "truth" or any such they would be more amenable to what I am trying to tell them. So to say that your drawing is "to the glory of God" is not to assert some religious connection, even though the architecture is ecclesial, but to say that it points to truth, or rather in the context of my article, that it ties together the invisible and the visible. It is neither entirely representative of the perceptual world nor is it entirely of an ideal world. I think this is what art is all about and I would definitely class your drawing as art and as being to the glory of God Peter Posted by Sells, Saturday, 14 September 2013 2:09:02 PM
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yet right of reply? please sir.. may i speak? dare i..even try? i..feel like jonah 3 the whale... and peter read../.nothing why ask.. if you right of reply? oh well..lets give more try..big guy once i post this..last/first....i will leave your arty festivus fester then..thats it from..the johanine jester anyhow dear piper.. i loved..your drawing but..i..had to..reply it here...[@911/threat]. as i..ran out..of[my-veto] then i presumed..peter..would ignore it seems i was wrong..but lets move on.. forgive me peter [only 3 to go..and im gone.]. [this is karma..for the gave demons./.psss christ indeed who do you poirot/quote<<..I'd be what you..[peter sells?]..think of this:>>.. ..<<It's a drawing I did it..for a friend.. to render..his ideas in image... <<It's not *to the glory..of God. More,'s a rendering..of man's conundrum..>> title*..suggestion *peters conundrumb? <..-his..[mans?]..reality amidst..>> *his last remaining..fears/ideas... anyhow..from..memory [be-cause..the page a blank screen] it completely empty..[*vatican]..library that shows..the last/pope..[paul/..or our peter?]..reading the final creed/imagry..[the ps ss christ-0] out of the one..and only book..[his]..the only the wit..his own book..of life [anyhow thats..what i see../saw] so much imagery..has not been included so..sadly left much to got so..empty i love..its simple-ness..its subdued light..of last light/dusk [of the firm/hand line..drawing]..reminds me of my own etchings we must exchange..etching/scratchings..some time[in..our eternity] pleasure awaits hoping my job got dun it turned out god..did use a special..language that of the simple confounding..the wise and of course the sleeping watchmen continued from poirot..said.. regarding..her worthy work..of heart-art <<..I "art", because.. there is a message..beyond its imagery>> yet peter repeatedly..has EVEn..listen..let alone teach. <<..Make of it what you will, it's designed to make you think..>> hit the wrong..thinker? <<..but more..upon man's..condition me-thinks..than any truth regarding God..>>.. mate..>> its great* i got some..great pictures like the 'imagery'..but not other ones.. blood/gore/torn-flesh..and other such imagery..wrought from hell Posted by one under god, Saturday, 14 September 2013 8:32:18 PM
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never..the less
i..note peters comment..and advise him more..night's posting..and MY*PART..[thankfully]..of this is near..done so...lets get it..over with? [ps..those having trouble..reading the script..go to your toolbox and change..the letter size..[currently im at 18..and its so easy to read][ i finished my edits work since the clearly tells us..that salvation is received by faith alone (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5), there must/be..a different interpretation..of those verses. Scripture does not contradict..Scripture Baptismal not a biblical concept. Baptism does not save..from sin..but..from a bad conscience.In 1 Peter 3:21, Peter clearly taught..that baptism..was not a ceremonial act creed..of physical purification,..but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. Baptism is the symbol..of what has already occurred* the heart and life of one who..has entrusted Christ as Savior..(Romans 6:3-5; Galatians 3:27; Colossians 2:12) an important step..of.. the heart..via affirm..our the will and cleanse the soul.. not into blind..unthinking ritual/creed..big words..indoor educated language a bonding..of soul actions..that every Christian could.can *chose to take... Baptism..thus..*cannot ever b.. a requirement../*for salvation. To make it such.. is an attack..on the sufficiency..of the death..of christ and the in-validation..of his eternal which..these writings affirm what else..has saul got? creed..blood/guts/corpses/imagry this?..<< of Jesus-Christ.>>..? you jest? how is..THE LIVING christ..honerd by his flesh/blood..IMAGE*..fixated..into eternal sufference SAUL>>HATED christ*>> SO MUCH..*!* his destiny then hid-away..under imaghry creed ritual ..that which..he truthfully did..PROVE..judgment day.. [and a..resection day]..fraud is it magic/words..that save? special rites..that sign of repentance huge words..special language? is *of the fathers..mercies..ALONE* by his grace*..alone..because him..most high..dont judge no-one[no judgment day..remember?] indeed GOD..loves..everyone.. as how god alone sustains..EVEN the most mundane living is the love of..the most who serves..even the least..thier living who..proves his infinite love//by..sustaining..EVEN..the most vile..their living TOO The Comforter is..'one called..alongside'- [as opposed to your guide/watching your back] a reference to the literal,..physical presence..of the good of god..spirit..WITH-in -.The language..of personification..of the Spirit is found in..1 Cor. 2:10,11,..suggesting this Eternal Comforter Angel:" recall..paul..he really believed... be mere angel..hence his man/angel.. the trinity confusion thing..that being said..he taught us much.. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 14 September 2013 8:38:01 PM
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*but lets not pretend..he did the diciple/creed..thing..
jesus..only did..the love..of other the love god both loved..but..only one spake..of the father the other of..the angel creed ritual/imagry/angle's god cant be angel<<..God hath revealed ..*them unto us.. by His Spirit..(the Comforter Angel):..for ..the Spirit..searcheth all things,. .yea even..unto..the deep things..of God... [good/grace mercy..the light..sustaining life] that the light.. not the light Angels..are always here the ask..for help... but/not for..utter selfish..material/reason They..can clear..obstacles..for the moment but cant..over-rule..ignorance/stupidity Know..that their do so that..they can do.. [think who loose their/ you can get..*cash..] they CANT..defy..the law..of reason/logic..nor karma and..that it is..your divine/right to ask*..for that help...but have you even Angels..also often/times..can change..the vibrational/energy field..that is..around you.[not..he created] The..vibrational/field..that surrounds you is..created your physical..emotions.. thinking..[only you..can will 2 change..your own thinking]. Your emotions..are the greatest.. and first line of offense as much as defense [of your ego system... Emotions are your perceptions of gods universe..and to loing..humanity. You..created your emotions* determine..your present reality if/you are safe.. Other vibrational/form..find..your emotive/emissions to be..fascinating..[energizing]..even though..they.[or rather..their karmic-balance]..often control..and limit your true-power... free-choice..for good.. [ be..fair..or foul] not have..obvious/emotions.. they=..have learned..not to judge[anyone] trusting..that gods..inherent time will..develop..its intended-fruit..even in..the most revile-able They..are that vibration. but..innately it. song..that..isnt discordant.. yet..others rejoice in it..for angels come..of many/form..and function..serving according as/to..their want/need..even deed "He,..of the/Spirit..of love/grace/mercy (Angel)..of you..into all truth;..for He shall not speak of Himself;.. but..[speak].. whatsoever..He shall..hear,.. that shall/He speak:..(John 16:13). The Angels..being..closely associated..with/inspiration.. the largely achieves..His aims through..the written word..He has inspired... "Things to come" were shown Comforter The Comforter..was to make known everything..that was made Him my comforters.. revealed/unveiled..much all..thank/you oh well..cheers...see you next time for the last time may you leads us..via logic ..into love grace/mercy.. the eternalday the eternal light Posted by one under god, Saturday, 14 September 2013 8:54:21 PM
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even so..the things..of God..*knoweth no man,..
but..the Spirit..of God...knows all living..intimately..personally> [that we the least.. we him,,the most..cause god lies./.within all.. sustaining us live..thus..he lived it all..beside/inside with-in us all Now..we have received,.. not..the spirit..of the world, but..the Spirit..which is..*of God;.. that..we might know the things..that are freely us..*of God.. comparing..the spiritual things,..(in the world)[ideal]..with spiritual"[word].,.[real] If..the Spirit here...refers to the Comforter Angel, then we have././a summary..of much New Testament teaching on the present work..of the Spirit.. individual effort..of our own freewill ("comparing") is required,..for which we will be blessed by the help of..the Spirit-Angel in our..understanding even more. -The tongues sitting like flames..of fire on the apostles at Pentecost..was an Angelic manifestation; of their own guardian/angel/comforters..the Angels can be made.."a flame of fire"... as our eyes may see..a pillar..of dust - <<God.."Granted repentance..unto life">> the record..does not say that He 'granted forgiveness.. as if to suggest..that this softening.. of the heart..*To repent..was the grace of God... it was* This example of tandem with heart/mind with men's spirituality,..verifying..of what..He does through His Angels... all unseen made seen enacting..[more like]..nerve impulse connections with..the good merciful..of life/logic/light.. love..sustaining all life its living Angels..are..gods/liing presence...[present] his..servants..of They..are often..assigned/ missions. [but usually..only..on call/ sign..or design] At..all times..they bring awake..humanity... Seldom..does the..*presence..of an..inactive/bored/rejected angel..stay..on the material/plane..[in Earthly..entangled-energy fields]..for very long. our evil/thoughts..alone..drain..their energetic/being with good thoughts..chasing bad/angels away.. as much as bad..drives the good away may think..of as..a guardian/angel is not..truly..likely to/be..the only one angelic form... often they emitting..of..*mixed emotions[or the other] There are..many such..beautiful..beings..that come and go..through..*your lifetime...all equally as..unseen.. as the demons..and angels..we You will..always/have access, the presence.. of the Angelic Kingdom...A thought..sent out..will always*.. bring..about..the immediate presence....of an angelic/being... according as..what believing..your really needing often..Archangel-Michael..has/said.. ‘we send the angels out.. and they..come back to us..and they say.. what are we to do?..Humanity..doesn’t ask..specifically..for our help... nor do you even seek to answer a call for assistance’ you peter..i will minmimise future posting Posted by one under god, Saturday, 14 September 2013 8:54:33 PM
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<<I'd be interested in what you think of this: It's a drawing I did in for a friend to render his ideas in image.>> Putting on my art critic hat: It reminds me of Rae Dawn Chong in "Quest for Fire" Putting on my Sigmund Freud hat (cigar?): Do you often have fantasies about running around naked in the Alhambra? Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 15 September 2013 7:32:07 AM
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dear peter..[s]
i would enjoy..your feedback on where abstractions..lead i..feel it develops..on your /our..[peters sells]..theme as he espoused here The Interpretation*..of Knowledge from (13 lines/missing) their..missing meaning.. can be restored but no doubt..they exist[in-full] library eg..from The Exegesis ..on the Soul Wise men..of old..gave the spirit..a feminine name. Indeed she is her nature as well...She even has her womb. As long as..she was alone..with the father, she was virgin..and in form androgynous. But when she..[our life spirit]..fell down..into a body and came to this life..then she fell into the hands..of many robbers. And the wanton/creatures passed..'her'..from one to another and [.seduced ..] her.[into wants/needs/urgings of the flesh].. Some made use..of her..[spirits gifts] force, [to do things most vile../..that stain our soul-form..according to our want]..while others did so by seducing her..with a gift/praises/rite/rituals. In short,..they [israel?]..defiled her,..[the holy spirit] and she..[gave up...] her virginity.[innocence] And in her [soul]..body she [we]..prostituted herself [ourselves] and gave herself..[ourselves] one and all,.. considering each one..[life experience]..she was about to be her husband.[god] my guides..advise they dislike..the language but this age..needs the unadulterated ..truth..if not by you..then who? continues/at end The Expository/Treatise..on the Soul ... they came to believe by means of signs..and wonders and fabrications. The likeness..that came to be..through them..followed him, but through reproaches..and humiliations..before they received..the apprehension..of a vision they fled *without having heard.. that the Christ..had been crucified/died.>>.. *and returned..refuting//the dreaded day/of judgment and his return..refuted resection day* ..<<.But our again. .since it does..not yet even believe* that the alive... In order that..our faith may be holy..(and) pure, not relying..upon itself actively,..but maintaining itself..planted in him, do not say.."Whence is the measure faith?", for each the things he believes.* If he dis-believes them,..then he would be unable to be persuaded. But it is a great thing..for a man who has faith,..since he is not in unbelief,..which is that of the world. Now the the place..of unfaith.. and the place of death. And death exists as.. (14 lines missing)... . Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 17 September 2013 7:40:45 AM
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and..they will not..believe. A holy the see..the likeness. The opposite is un the likeness...darkness/nothing The things..that he will grant them..will support them. It was impossible for attain to the imperishability [...] will become [...] loosen [...] those who were sent [...]. For he..who is distressed..will not believe. He is bring..a great church,[body of christ]..since it is gathered..out of a small gathering...less each day He emanation of the trace...[sign]..For also they say..about the likeness..that it is means of his trace. The means of the likeness,.. but God means of his remembers. He knew them before they were begotten,.. and they will know him...thought forgotten And the one..who begot each one..from the first will indwell them... He will rule over them... For it is necessary..for each one ... (25 lines missing)... the Savior removed himself,..since it is fitting. Indeed,..not ignorant..but the word.. who took a husband. And it is he..who an image, since that one..(masc.).also exists, well as that one (fem.)..who brought us forth...And she caused him to know..that she is the Womb. This is a marvel..of hers..[souls].. that she causes transcend patience. But this is the marvel:..he loves the one..who was at permit a virgin.. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 17 September 2013 7:55:54 AM
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[.to remain virginal]
It is fitting to..[...].her [...] unto death [...] desire to practice ... (23 lines missing) Therefore she him in her path. He was fix our eye..upon this virgin..who is fixed to the cross..that those places...[still crucified..though arisen] And we see..that it is her water..which the supreme authority.. granted to the whom there is a sign... This is the water..of immortality..which the great powers will grant to him..while he is the likeness of her young son. She did not stop..on his account. She..[...] the..[...] he became..[...] in the..[...] word..that appears to the [...]. He did not...(13 lines missing)... in[...]through[...]come from those places. Some the path...Others fell in the rocks. Yet still others..he sowed in the thorns...And still others..he gave to drink..[..others chose.]..the shadow. Behold [...] he [...] And this is..the eternal reality.. before the souls come forth..from those..who are being killed... But he..was being that the trace[sigh] the Savior...And he was crucified..and he died..not his own death,..for he did not at all die because of the church of mortals. And he was that they might..keep him in the Church. He answered her..with humiliations,.. since in this way..he had borne the suffering..which he had suffered... For for us..a likeness on account/of ... (14..lines missing). Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 17 September 2013 7:56:12 AM
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Oh dear:)
Planet3 Posted by PLANET3, Wednesday, 18 September 2013 10:47:15 AM
I agree that most modern art is crap. But throughout history most art has been crap, religiously-inspired or otherwise; we're just in the fortunate position of having forgotten all the bad stuff. And again, I'd love to see how you explain Hokusai and Praxelites from your bizarre standpoint that all great art arises in the Christian tradition.
"Does this not explain so much in our culture; the noise and the money, the blandness and boredom and worse, the absence of hope?"
I have plenty of hope. If you don't that's YOUR problem. I hope, for instance, that one day soon articles like this will be universally recognised as the drivelling nonsense they are.