The Forum > Article Comments > Is being a scientist compatible with believing in God? > Comments
Is being a scientist compatible with believing in God? : Comments
By George Virsik, published 19/7/2013Conflicts arise only when religion is seen as ersatz-science and/or science as ersatz-religion.
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Posted by one under god, Friday, 6 September 2013 1:41:16 PM
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Dear David, . « You may not be allergic to daffodils. Typically pretty flowers like daffodils are pollinated by insects or other pollen bearing organisms, and their pollen would not affect you. It is generally those wind pollinated plants like ragweed and the grasses which cause hay fever.” . You’re right, David. Maybe daffodils are OK. I guess I’m just a little touchy because the last time I saw a beautiful bouquet of peonies on my mother-in-law’s mantelpiece, I made the mistake of plunging my face into them to inhale their fragrance. Almost immediately my face swelled up like a red balloon and I could hardly breathe. It was not just hay fever. It nearly killed me. One of my favourite painters is Pierre-Auguste Renoir. For years, I have been trying to buy a bouquet of flowers that resembles his paintings but have never quite succeeded. I have never found anything as beautiful as his paintings. Whenever florists ask me what I want, I usually ask for a bouquet of flowers “à la Renoir”. That generally provokes a somewhat disconcerting look on their faces unless, exceptionally, the florist happens to be an artist. When that occurs, his or her face lightens up and becomes inspired. We then set about combining our efforts in an effort to match the master, hoping to achieve the unachievable. We never do but the exercise is always quite exalting : Of course, I like poetry too. Or should I say, the poetic style. But, compared to “the real thing”, it is only in the domain of painting that I feel that artists occasionally manage to succeed in surpassing real life - particularly some of the impressionists, but also a few expressionists and others such as El Greco in his “View of Toledo”, Cawén’s “The blind musician”, some of Chagall, Maleviche’s “Taking in the rye”, ... “and then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils” as Wordsworth says. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Friday, 6 September 2013 10:10:57 PM
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loki..was rather long-winded
and i coulda deleted his aside puns..but its all important loki/eve or loki/adam or loki/god further i came across this..old post . [ignore the title]..go to the bible bit*# from..An invention..called 'the Jewish people' By Tom Segev Israel's'Declaration_of_Independence' states..that the Jewish people..arose in the Land of Israel..and..were exiled from its..'homeland'. Wrong, says the historian Shlomo-Zand... There never was a'Jewish people', only a Jewish-religion,and the exile also never happened..hence there was no return. #*..Zand rejects most of the stories of national-identity formation..*in the Bible,"* including the exodus..from Egypt,and,the horrors of the conquest under Joshua...>> now even adam/eve? oh..loki* you are the trickster <<..It's all fiction and myth..that served as an excuse for the establishment of the State of Israel,>> or a great way to use the christ*..all of mankind once we become UNCERTAIN..of one thing..what happens to the other things Posted by one under god, Saturday, 7 September 2013 9:03:47 AM
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they..Guide me
by..goading me noted/this.. *only by replying..a slur..on..another/topic poem by John Henry Newman "the Pillar..of/Cloud".. turned into a hymn,.. see Lead,.Kindly Light... A pillar of cloud as one of..*the manifestations of the presence..*of the God..of Israel/in the Torah. According to Exodus, the pillar..of cloud guided the day during the Exodus..from Egypt>> but what if exodus..didnt happen? <<..The pillar of traditionally ..with the manifestation..of the divine presence by night..* as the pillar of fire,*..which..provided they "could travel..*by day..*or night".>> or reveal/the unseen.. after death..removes the cloud..[veil/evil/un-veil] *Exodus 13:21-22..By day the Lord went..ahead of them.. in a pillar of guide them on their way.. and by a pillar of give them light,.. so that they could day..*or night.[life/death] Neither..the pillar of day nor the pillar of night..*left its front of..the people.>> ..key*..demons enter..from behind angels..defend our backs <<.*Numbers 14:14..And they will tell..the inhabitants..of this* it.>>.! ..<<They have already heard that you,..O LORD,..are with* these people and that you, O Lord,..have been seen..face to face,.. that your cloud..stays over them,..and that you go..before them in a pillar of day and a pillar of fire by night/dead. *Deuteronomy 1:33 Who went in the way..before you,to search you out a place to pitch your tents *in, fire by night, to shew you by what way ye should go,..and in a cloud by day.>> but see..the fire at * Psalms 99:7..In a pillar of cloud He spoke to them;..they kept His testimonies..and the statute He gave them. * Nehemiah 9:12 By led them with a pillar of cloud, and by night with a pillar of give them light on the way they were to take.>> after death * Nehemiah 9:19.."Because of your great compassion you did not abandon them in the desert.>>>[ just deserts <<..By day the pillar of cloud..did not cease to guide them* on their path,>>.never/ever..>. <<.nor the pillar of fire by night to shine..*on the way they were to take.>>.. WhICH..we ALL time* Posted by one under god, Saturday, 7 September 2013 9:37:10 AM
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any feedback..?
THE MARK OF THE BEAST THE SIX~POINTED STAR to show the Jewish people that the six-pointed star is the mark of the beast; and that, with this understanding,..many will reject the mark when it comes. Many Jews..and Christians have been deceived by Jewish Kabbalists who would have them believe..that the six-pointed a Jewish symbol. *Nothing could be further from the truth. *It is not a Jewish symbol,..but an occult symbol. The six-pointed a hexagram -a curse mark -no matter what name it may have. :the Star of David, Solomon's Seal, Double Triangle, Shield of David, etc. When the occult practitioner..puts a curse on..some'one,..he uses the hexagram! It is not our condemn the Jewish people, but to condemn the six-pointed star, a curse mark. It is not a Jewish symbol.. but an occult symbol.* SIX straight-lines SIX points of intersection Six ISOLATED fiefdoms..[small isolated/..benumbed] triangles.. *[surrounding a..HEX-ogram] Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is,..that they might be saved. WHY..the mark..? please note broke* This week, we learned that the NSA h ad managed to circumvent much of the encryption that secures online financial transactions and other activities we take for granted on the Internet. How? By inserting backdoor.. into the very commercial software designed to keep sensitive medical records.. bank files and other..ENCRYPTED*..information private..NOT ANY MORE*..who can we trust..only the personal/individual honorable promise..of future VALUE* see the value[..R4V..] see strawmanlink It is our hope that,..during the seven years of the Great Tribulation,[where 2/3 rds willdie the Lord will use this report*.. And I saw…them..that had gotten the victory over the beast, And over his image and..over his mark… ..a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. (Rev. 10:1,2) But ye have born the tabernacle of your Moloch, and Chiun (Remphan) your images, the STAR OF YOUR GOD, which ye made to yourselves. (Amos 5:26-27) The so-called “Star of David” is essentially a “hexagram,.. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 7 September 2013 6:07:07 PM
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Dear david f,
Thank for the link to the long article in The Atlantic Online. I only skimmed through it, but it seems that it conflates “literal truth”, as you call it, (of e.g. the Genesis) with moral, social or political conservatism. The latter is a legitimate position - and when/if I read through the article more thoroughly, I am sure I will find positions that I could identify with. The former is, if I may put it thus, not a Christian, certainly not a Catholic, problem but an American problem. In particular, the “doctrinal statement” of the Wheaton College (that I have never heard of before, so thanks): “We believe that God has revealed Himself … in the Scriptures… and that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired by God and inerrant in the original writing, so that they are fully trustworthy and of supreme and final authority in all they say”. This, is an absurd position to be held in 21st century as it seems to imply that the authority of the Bible is to be placed above the authority of contemporary cosmology, or science in general, in matters where science has earned its indisputable competence. This is seeing religion as ersatz-science, the Bible as an authoritative science textbook, which, as you might remember, I find to be one half of the problem of science vs religion, the other part being science masquerading as ersatz-religion (in the most general sense, including metaphysics). So I share your outrage over the >> aim to get academic credentials and use them to promote to students their belief in the literal truth of the account of creation in Genesis.<< Posted by George, Saturday, 7 September 2013 6:15:44 PM
..<<..and..I/can his/face..or form.>>..
..<<He shimmers..and shines..and
flashes,..and seems..*as if..he were made/of..*fire.
His/robes,..his/face,..his/ it..were *fire.>>..
but..look deeper..
[..recall..the pillar/cloud]
well..let the/veil drop.
.he..IS* talking..about god*...!
no longer..hidden..in_a_cloud..
[yet..we..in_his_image..could..NOT*..see it..him
through..the mortal/veil]..senses.
[watch...the veil/lift]
via AN_ana-gram..
eli*./..lie*../..i El../..eil*
of the..*eternal/immortal..light*..[*eil]..*
/via logic/ live..its inherent love
enjoined..MATERIAL/LIVING heirs..of..the light..[darkness]
yet el..found
even..within...the darkness..of hell.,.[beings as well]
yet 'he''aven....yet..not in..passion
the not *of the light..
nor the*..THE TRUE only LIGHT*
sustaining us ALL..our living..[yet living..within all] the light
<<..Yet..that word..[fire]..
gives but..a faint idea,..nor would..*the word..'light' any nearer...
<<..All color,..too, here...
This..glorious my..teacher.
<<“Hardly..had I..perceived him*..>>
[Elohim../eli/hyme..[ps/alms him]],..
..<<..when..the whole which I stood*..
..*and the people..who were there..seemed to..dissolve..and fade away.
Lo!..I was..*in the most exquisite
scenery imaginable...Every lovely/spot..I had ever/visited/was there, and..countless others..which..I had never/seen—.>>...
<<“‘Where am I?’..I thought,..and
no sooner..had the idea..*entered..[no LEFT].. my mind,>>..
can use..the word],..
.<<..than the..‘Shining One’..seemed to answer..>>
[esp/by*..thought transference]
<<Know..that here comes...every thought..
which you have ever*..thought;..
soon shall/know..that is so,..
to your..sorrow;..>>..[or joy]
<<and,..further, come..also..
the spiritual_form..of all that ever lived...
/pro-mised/fear-red/hated/despised/judged/or hurt/nurtured..etc
as..the past..becomes..
*the eternal/present*..of presences
[ not/ever* god/is alone..[all-one]>>..
..Thus/this..[our life in full] that
we fully..TRULY..*KNOW..for sure...*,cause..we lived it*..[with god as our witness]
this awareness..we call our lives..of which
we [each]..hold..*OUR very own..first_hand/witness..
*cause it happened..TO US*
not..told us..we lived..IT*..!
this/..thus..<< our Spirit World..[we]..built up..>>..
and by which..our UNi-verse..
is yet again..expanded* our perceived divisions..
[of our..divides/sepa-rated..[d's]'s/realities]..
which..even now..*ever drives us..[and thus our..soul/space/universe]..*ever further apart..
lol...failing to see.our that..bit part..
we * by living..our ego' heart/loves/lusts/desperateness/relatedness/ all..just us..
justice of each...playing/living out..our part
..<<..and[spiroit/world]..constantly increases...
All that lives, humble it be..
comes here*..*of itself...
All*..thought forms..of any fixed/obsessed thought..
or intended intent..pretension's..ALL..come here...?>>>....
thoughts/wills/wonts/do's/cants/donts etc etc
all the energy..we thought we lost..
*e..cannot be created..NOR DESTROYED*
so watch..where we put our E/chi
loki..didnt..thats why..were ARE here/now...hear?
oh eve..
is found..with_in..ever*..for'ever
what was is your's..
for-ever thy mum..[not the eve..yet..THE..*eve]