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Palestine - telling the UN some home truths : Comments
By David Singer, published 23/9/2011Six basic truths that Israel’s Prime Minister needs to convey to the UN, at the upcoming meeting in New York.
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What a mess you have got yourselves into.
Posted by Raise the Dust, Friday, 23 September 2011 8:42:56 AM
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Or David as one of your favourite groups in Israel said Tile deeds we have the Bible that's our tile deed,the Settlers David, what would you do with out the armed thugs, happily murdering Arabs harassing them dispossessing them,stealing the Arabs land and homes in Jerusalem.
Ah yes David great people, a semi fascist racist Govt, what more could you ask for,its all coming unstuck old son to much boasting from your PM, and its well known the US congress is corrupt and available to the highest bidder,and the non existent lobby has plenty of cash to throw around. As some one said David may you live in interesting times,supported by The Christian Fundys,the Coruppt Repugs and The Tea Party,what a mix, a more ignorant crooked bunch you could not want to be associated with Posted by John Ryan, Friday, 23 September 2011 11:44:44 AM
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Six basic truths that Israel’s Prime Minister needs to convey to the UN:
1. We have most of the most powerful states at our disposal; we have the US Congress and the US administration in our pockets, along with a range of other quisling states (including Australia). 2. We have created the most successful propaganda network in history (save perhaps for that of the Roman Catholic Church), such that black is now defined as white, and the most absurd claims are accepted as gospel truth or respectable opinion in the media that matters. 3. We have managed to have established the principle of ethnic cleansing as an abiding ethical principle. 4. Subsequently we will continue to treat the UN as of no consequence, save for Resolution 181, whose origins and whose connection to the current (undefined) state of Israel we do not have to go into, thanks to Basic Truths nos. 1 & 2. 5. We will thus continue to occupy Palestine indefinitely. 6. Lebensraum is our motif and it’s still a work in progress. In short, the whole world can buggar off Posted by evan jones, Friday, 23 September 2011 3:27:17 PM
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The previous writers have said it all.
When David Singer emerges periodically to act on instructions from his homeland even though he calls himself an "Australian Lawyer", we know that he and his parasitic friends are feeling that although the brought-and-paid for US President, Obama, a total disgrace, has made it clear that he intends to veto the Palestinian Resolution in the Security Council, which he and his predecessors have done since Truman, the rest of the world is totally supporting Palestine. It doesn't seem to concern them that even though Israel is the most hated state in history, exceeding even the Third Reich in both deeds and sustained hatred and murder and whose cunning people have dined out on the myths of 'anti-semitism' and the 'Holocaust campaigns' for sixty years, now out of steam, the rest of the world is finally aware of their misdeeds and trust they will have justice meted out to them as soon as they are unable to buy out yet another US President through graft and corruption or an assassin's bullet as with Kennedy. Alternatively, the removal of that UN anachronism, the veto, is long overdue and plays right into the hands of the cowardly Israel as it hides behind America's skirts. No country deserves a judicial accounting more. As for Australia's vote...a foregone conclusion from a Prime Minister who owes her position to the Jews of Melbourne and Rudd's demise for the same reason. So, even though Australians unreservedly demand a vote for Palestine, she will instruct our UN Ambassador to either abstain or vote with Israel, her sponsors. Either way it will be just another step in her long overdue political burial. So let Israel and its fanatics do their worst. Their time in finite Posted by rexw, Friday, 23 September 2011 5:15:34 PM
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rexw and hangers on,
Educated online readers and certainly those cognescient with Middle Eastern current affairs have your measure. You consistently and clearly demonstrate this. You are ignorant about Palestinian issues, indeed you would see this as your strength. Your propaganda and intemperance show yourselves to be true heirs of the SturmAbteilung. Posted by Danielle, Friday, 23 September 2011 5:51:46 PM
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The arrogance of people of writers like David Singer does not allow them to realise that even in the case of a veto from the US in the Security Council, thereby complying to Israel's bidding, Jews, Israelis and Zionists of all descriptions, will be the loser in this whole matter.
They have nowhere to go. The level of anti-Israel feeling throughout the world has never been higher and is on the increase. Normally respectful writers in the world's press, that portion of it that is not owned bt Zionists, are far more strident in their criticism of Netanyahu overseeing a local Israli population that is far from satisfied with the way Israel is being managed; the arming of the swill of Europe, called "settlers, armed and paid and totally free (even trained) to murder at will; the lack of opportunity in Israel for employemtn and a future where peace is seen to be avoided by the government. The non-Zionists, the real Jewish people, the majority thankfully, want some level of decency to be shown by their government and to avoid the hardline hatred espoused by the likes of Liebeman, Netanyahu, some academics and religious leaders and to adopt a humane approach to the problems in their country. However, against this we find the Murdoch's at work, his own Likudist extremism reflected in his 'news' sources such as the disgraceful Fox network, now losing its following as people in the US realise that all this hatred, all this militarism and warlike behaviour is not conducive to a decent life there as well. So it is a self-defeating program which Israel has put in place for sixty plus years. They are just not intelligent enough to realise what they have done. Posted by Rhys Stanley, Friday, 23 September 2011 6:00:51 PM
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Dear David,
Let’s leave out the issue of Israel for the moment. The Arab League cynically see accruing benefits, not the least browny points from the Palestinians, however ... As universally recognised, despite the posturing and table thumping, the Arab League have no interest in the Palestinians, other than exploiting their cause as propoganda. Whilst the US fullfil its promises of aid to Palestinians, Arab States have consistently reneged on their promises of funding to them. The current situation of Palestinians in Arab States. In truth, Palestinians are regarded as a ‘blot on the landscape’ and treated appallingly. The example of Egypt: Palestinians are confined to camps. Despite generations born on Egyptian soil, they do not have citizenship, they do not have equitable medical care, their permitted level of education is woeful. For Palestinians, being a taxi-driver or selling second-hand clothes on the streets is a plumb career. Whilst Egypt offers lucrative inducements and high wages to foreign workers, Egypt will not employ Palestinians in these same positions. In Lebanon the situation for Palestinains is worse. Such inequality against Palestinians is repeated throughout the Arab world. What will be the status of Palestinians in Arab States? With the recognition of a Palestinian state, what will be the status of those in Arab territories? Could it be they will be expected to leave, their situation made untenable to stay, or more directly expelled? A Palestinian state does not have the infrastructure to accommodate new arrivals, effectively ‘new peoples’. Abbas' own position is currently unconstitutional and the Palestinian Authority is a corrupt and dysfunctional organization. After the euphoria of the coming down of the Berlin wall, resentment set in as West Germans believed their jobs were being taken by East Germans and the economy dropping. This could well be the scenario in Palestine. Furthermore, the Hamas/PA split is dangerous for any Palestinian state. Hamas and Fatah are armed, terrorist groups; Hamas rules Gaza and has increasing power on the West Bank. Hamas and Fatah will fatten on discord and resentment in these territories. cont ... Posted by Danielle, Friday, 23 September 2011 6:46:09 PM
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Until the above issues are addressed and resolved, a Palestinian state could well be a poisoned challice for the Palestinian people.
The risk of a new, and more vicious Palestinian Civil War cannot be ruled out. Posted by Danielle, Friday, 23 September 2011 6:48:05 PM
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# John Ryan,evan jones, rexw, Rhys Stanley
You all appear to be in a state of complete denial- blaming the Jews for the failings of the Arabs for the last 63 years. Perhaps you need to address and honestly answer the following questions to bring you back to reality: 1. Isn't it ironic that the UN should be approached in 2011 to recognize a Palestinian Arab State in an area of land LESS than was offered by the UN Partition Plan in 1947 and vehemently rejected then by the Arabs? 2. Why was the area of Palestine - whose recognition is now sought from the UN in 2011 - not declared a Palestinian Arab State at any time between 1948-1964 when not one Jew lived there after they had all been driven out by the combined forces of six invading Arab armies? 3. Why did the PLO - following its formation in 1964 and until 1967 - not create a Palestinian Arab State in precisely the same area it now seeks recognition for in 2011 - whilst still not one Jew lived there? 4. Has the death pain and suffering on both sides been worth the rejection by the PLO of the offers made by Israel in 2001 and 2008 ceding its claim in more than 90% of the area which the PLO now demands be recognized in 2011? Its all the Jews' fault according to your posts. What about some of you at least attempting to answer these four questions? Maybe we can then have a constructive discussion. Posted by david singer, Saturday, 24 September 2011 1:45:36 PM
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The treatment of the Palestinian Arabs by their brethren - supported by the UN with the establishment of UNWRA - has been one of the most disgraceful abuses of international humanitarian law in history. No other group of people has been singled out for such inhumane treatment by the UN. The Palestinian Arab refugees and their descendants should be treated as equally as all other refugees throughout the world by closing down UNWRA and bringing them under the umbrella of the UNHCR. Posted by david singer, Saturday, 24 September 2011 2:05:34 PM
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David Singer,
Hamas,schmamas. I don't doubt that, generally,the Palestinians have been very poorly represented by by their political elite, and treated badly by their fellow Arabs, however that doesn't make one atom of difference to the human rights situation in the occupied territories-the PLO and Hamas are not the Palestinian people. Why is the UN invoked, Israel has, usually and with impunity, given the finger to the UN when it chose. The Palestinians have long been pawns in others' power games, the UK and France had effectively sold the Palestinians out to the Zionists before WW2, refer the relevant chapters in "The Arabs" by Eugene Rogan. Why shouldn't the Palestinians have rejected the original UN Plan, should they have accepted the Zionist invasion as a fait accompli and submitted quietly(and disappeared) What collective moral failing on the part of the Palestinians does that initial rejection demonstrate-- shouldn't the inhabitants of a region resist the invader? Why do you bother to make the case for Israel? We all know that Israel is assured of US military and economic support, no matter how atrociously it behaves and unlike Apartheid South Africa, it appears impervious to widespread moral opprobrium. I certainly don't blame the Jews for the tragedy, the real culprits were the mandarins of the UK and French Foreign Offices. Posted by mac, Saturday, 24 September 2011 4:23:19 PM
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Yes, colonial powers divided up the Middle East according to their interests. Yet ... strangely ... not one of these ‘artificial’ Arab states are rushing to dismantle themselves. I'm sure you mean well but go to the primary sources. The area which Israel occupies, and beyond, was a God-forsaken wasteland, with few locals on the ground. I refer you to: Saturday 23, July 2011 Why do Palestinians look with such envious eyes at Israel? Do you think it might be because of the success Israelis have made of that God-forsaken wasteland. Posted by Danielle, Saturday, 24 September 2011 8:17:25 PM
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The tragic predictability of this posting is that the same 4 people revert to slogans. I am a proud Zionist, and don't buy all of David's arguments. Yet, there is no room for intelligent debate when the comments about Israel (read Jews) becomes: You abuse power, everyone else is your victim. You control Australia, the US, the UN. These lines of speaking has a long history. I wonder if the Evan, Rex and Ryans of this world might try talk about the issues, rather than sling mud on the writer and Jews, sorry Israel. Somehow, from your track record, I doubt it. But - Jew hatred doesn't exist either, it is merely manafactured by Jews. By the way, while I am a proud Zionist, I am also a proud supporter of a Palestinian State. Now who paid me to say that one?
Posted by Brian Kollin, Sunday, 25 September 2011 6:57:10 AM
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"Why do Palestinians look with such envious eyes at Israel? Do you think it might be because of the success Israelis have made of that God-forsaken wasteland".
At what cost? One could say that Hitler managed a resurgence of a Germany from what it was to a mighty military and economic power. Look at it now. Again, at what price? Is that price acceptable to you, Danielle? In your mind, the end obviously justifies the means. Your God-forsaken wasteland came about by scheming, murder, ethnic cleansing the marketing campaign of anti-Semitism, the holocaust guilt trips promoted daily and now out of steam, fortunately, and not to be ignored, the multi billions of US aid for sixty years which Israel took willingly, still doing so in 2011. No credit there. Blind Freddy could make a country with that kind of largesse. These hateful energies by Israel, if they had been applied in a humane way, could have transformed that part of the world into a peaceful environment and a shining example to the world. Is Israel interested? Hardly. The likes of Netanyahu, Leibeman and like-minded hate specialists have one thing in mind and that is Eretz Israel, the grand plan for an expanded Israel, their only objective, shown in clear terms over the past sixty years. If they need to continue to murder thousands of Palestinians, let’s just call it collateral damage, Israeli-style. Is that acceptable? Truth is facing the facts and in the past sixty years, the crimes of Israel are second to nothing in history. Anyone who gets any satisfaction or pleasure or tries to justify those activities in any way, is no better than Ariel Sharon of Sabra / Shatila fame, just one of many in the image of Stalin and Hitler. Posted by rexw, Sunday, 25 September 2011 9:21:00 AM
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RexW - Do you extend this must energy on any other topic? We are proud of you for reading about Sabra and Shatilla. Why do you not expend any energy thrusting hate at the Lebanese Christians, whose actual armies did the massacre? Or are you convinced that they are yet another proxy for that extraodinary controlling force plaguing your world - Israel (Jews). What will you do when your hate mongering slogans are finished? So Jews (sorry Israel, sorry Zionists) are the new Hitler - Jews are the most immoral (Sorry Israel, Sorry Zionist). One must wonder why you, and Rex and the usual supporters, consistently ignore the points raised, and revert only to generalisations that fulfil your own simplisitic hate mongering. Maybe all black people are stupid, or Christians like you are all moral? Persistent over-generalisations and prejudice stereotypes are as empty as the minds who spout them - even when they are about Jews, sorry Israel, I forget, only Zionists!
Posted by Brian Kollin, Sunday, 25 September 2011 9:51:26 AM
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Well, those links really don't provide any ethical basis to the Zionist enterprise, which was morally bankrupt from its inception. Apologists for Israel readily assume the moral high ground and argue from there, I, and other commenters on this thread, won't concede that point. I have to agree with rexw's comments in regard to your "wasteland" references, you're presenting a version of the colonialist "terra nullius" justification. "See how Israel has developed the area", in contrast to the 'natives' who have forfeited their claim to Palestine because they were lazy. The idea that the present position of the Palestinians, is totally caused by their intransigence is a self-serving myth promoted by Israel. The 'elimination' of the 'natives' from the area was always on the agenda for at least some of the original Zionists..see my reference "The Arabs". Posted by mac, Sunday, 25 September 2011 9:53:26 AM
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To mac
You state: "Why shouldn't the Palestinians have rejected the original UN Plan, should they have accepted the Zionist invasion as a fait accompli and submitted quietly(and disappeared) What collective moral failing on the part of the Palestinians does that initial rejection demonstrate-- shouldn't the inhabitants of a region resist the invader?" My response: The decision of the Palestinian Arabs and the Arab League to reject the UN Partition Plan was a fatal error of judgement since they now supposedly want to go back to that proposal 64 years later as if nothing had changed since then. Had they in your words "submitted quietly" they would not have "disappeared". They would have had their state in an area far greater than they seek now, the wars in 1948,1956,1967,1967-1970,1973,1978,1982,2006 and 2008 and the intifadas in 1987-1993 and 2000-2005 would not have occurred, the refugee camps and UNWRA would be unknown, hundreds of thousands of people killed or wounded on both sides would have been spared, and the horror of the Holocaust would have been greatly diminished. Classifying the Jews as "invaders" - when they were returning to their biblical and ancestral homeland pursuant to the unanimous approval of the 51 countries comprising the League of Nations - is an outrageous assertion. Sure the Arabs have never accepted the League of Nations decision as confirmed in article 80 of the UN Charter. They are entitled to ignore international law if they choose. But they do so - and have done so - at great cost. You further state: "I certainly don't blame the Jews for the tragedy, the real culprits were the mandarins of the UK and French Foreign Offices." My response: Those mandarins were the ones who gave the Arabs 99.999% of the conquered Ottoman Empire territory captured during World War I and determined that the remaining 0.001% would be set aside for reconstitution of the Jewish National Home. Culprits? - hardly. Attempting to restore justice after 400 years of Ottoman occupation and domination? - certainly. The Arabs unfortunately don't see it that way. Neither do you apparently. Posted by david singer, Sunday, 25 September 2011 1:49:01 PM
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David Singer,
"Classifying the Jews as "invaders" - when they were returning to their biblical and ancestral homeland pursuant to the unanimous approval of the 51 countries comprising the League of Nations - is an outrageous assertion." No it isn't. We all have, only one, 'ancestral homeland', Africa. Appeals to a particular sacred text as justification for the invasion of Palestine is chauvinistic drivel. Human history is a record of migration,settlement and further migration,the notion that, I for example, have a 'right' to return to my 'ancestral homelands' in Western Europe, Eastern Anatolia or north of the Black Sea is absurd, Jews have no special perogative to 'return'. The only people with a right of return are the Palestinians displaced by the Zionist invasion. (1)As to the decisions of the League,it was a colonial era and the 'Jewish Homeland' was just another colony. (2)Re 'international law', Israel has a history of ignoring UN resolutions, with of course, US connivance. "Had they in your words "submitted quietly" they would not have "disappeared". They would have had their state...... hundreds of thousands of people killed or wounded on both sides would have been spared, and the horror of the Holocaust would have been greatly diminished." You're attempting to place all the blame for that tragedy on the Palestinians and exonerate Israel. As to Israel's bountiful good faith, why are the settlements expanding? Is the Zionist project still not finished? "Those mandarins were the ones who gave the Arabs 99.999% of the conquered Ottoman Empire territory captured during World War I and determined that the remaining 0.001% would be set aside for reconstitution of the Jewish National Home." Irrelevant and tendentious statistics, we all know that the quality of land is the critical factor. The implication here is, since the Palestinians are 'Arabs',they could all move out of their homeland and live with other Arabs, they're all the same really. Or perhaps they could move into the Negev,Gaza,the West Bank and the Arava valley, the poorest land in the area. Israel doesn't have the moral high ground. Posted by mac, Sunday, 25 September 2011 4:35:37 PM
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It wasn't that the locals were lazy, they left the area because of the terrain. It required Israeli know-how to get any return from the soil. Do refer to those documents I provided. If you do not wish to source any British documents, there are many many others available, such as correspondence by contemporary Arabs ... if you are indeed interested. However, I suspect you like to follow the easy line ... just listen to the loudest propoganda. I am indeed very pleased that you raised the issue of the settlements. You and your bretheren should take up the matter with the Palestinians themselves. As ever usual, the Palestinians on the ground are not heard by you and yours. Just the raucous political propoganda. Tens of thousands of Palestinians work in Israeli settlements on the West Bank. An important part of the Palestinian economy. Currently, over 22,000 Palestinians are employed by settlements in construction, agriculture and service industries. (Manufacturers Association of Israel) The PA estimate over 12,000 Palestinian workers have been employed from the beginning, Their reports indicate that supporters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad are also involved in such business. Israeli contractors pay Arab workers some 3 times more than Palestinian contractors. Pay from Israeli contractors average NIS 400 ($US100) per day, Palestinian NIS 100 to NIS 150 per day. The 2008 annual report by Kav La Oved found that many Palestinians working on Israeli settlements were employed under Jordanian labour law - no minimum wage, no payment for overtime, no work safety, and no social rights/benefits. The Supreme Court of Israel then ruled that Israeli labor law applied to Palestinians working on the West Bank. They now receive the same protections as Israeli workers in Israel - minimum wages, payment for overtime, work safety as social benefits. cont ... Posted by Danielle, Sunday, 25 September 2011 7:24:06 PM
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The Supreme Court of Israel ruled that applying different rules on the same work, based on differring nationalities, constituted discrimination.
This enabled Palestinian workers to file lawsuits in Israeli courts. In 2008, the average sum claimed stood at 100,000 shekel ("Palestinian workers in Israeli West Bank settlements - 2008". Kav LaOved) In 2010, Palestinian leaders banned Palestinian workers from working on these settlements. The result was whole scale revolt by Palestinian workers, with Labour leaders threatening the PA if they took legal steps against these workers. (Luis Ramirez, Voice of America, 13 May 2010). The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research report that 63% of Palestinians opposed PA plans to prosecute Palestinians who work in the settlements. mac, You might ask yourself, exactly how these settlements get built ... unless by Palestinian workers. Instead of propaganda, Palestinians on the ground should be heard. Indeed, why haven't we heard of an effective ban on Palestinians working on these settlements. Surely, that would have been the first sign of dissatisfaction and protest ... Posted by Danielle, Sunday, 25 September 2011 7:27:14 PM
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My sincere apologies to David Singer for so many of the pathetic rants I’ve read on this topic. OLO usually attracts a far, far higher standard of debate. I suppose a moderator could censor a few of the nastier, more blatantly anti-Semitic passages, but it’s generally better to let the fringies speak their piece. At least then we know who they are -- by screen name only, of course, but they’re usually easy enough to recognise by certain recurrent idiosyncrasies in grammar, spelling, and historical interpretation.
Herewith, six points for those who’d GENUINELY like to support the legitimate aspirations of the long-suffering Palistinian people: 1) By all means, empathise with their tragic predicament. Empathy, however, is NOT demonstrated by parroting the rhetoric of violent extremists calling for extermination of ‘The Zionist Entity’. 2) Avoid hyperbole. Describing Jews as ‘happily murdering Arabs’ isn’t convincing; neither is reference to ‘settlers, armed and paid and totally free (even trained) to murder at will’. 3) Ad hominem arguments never help. Dismissive asides like ‘When David Singer emerges periodically to act on instructions from his homeland...’ and ‘Murdoch’s Likudist extremism’ are an infallible sign of weakness in the writer’s position. 4) Conspiracy theories about Jews secretly running the world can only appeal to the ignorant. If you really believe that Gillard ‘owes her position to the Jews of Melbourne,’ keep silent and save yourself embarrassment. 5) Holocaust denial, e.g. ‘the myths of anti-semitism and the Holocaust campaigns' appeals only to extreme-right fanatics. Do you really want the John Birch Society on side? 6) Associating Jews with Nazi atrocities is simply offensive. Accusing Israel of ‘exceeding even the Third Reich in both deeds and sustained hatred and murder’ achieves ... what? Asserting that ‘Lebensraum is our motif and it’s still a work in progress’ achieves ... what? Peace between Palestine and Israel isn’t impossible; it’s ALMOST been achieved three times in the last 30-odd years. On all three occasions, extremists trumped moderates, and the process failed. It’s sad, and unsettling, to see OLO populated by so many who’ve given up on the prospect. Posted by donkeygod, Monday, 26 September 2011 8:32:26 AM
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I'll accept the data you present, of course many Palestinians benefit from the Israeli economy, however it's not their economy. You and other pro-Israel commentators attempt to use the 'trickle-down- effect' argument while ignoring the ethical aspects of the Zionist invasion and occupation. As an analogy-I'm sure some Indigenous communities do rather well from mining royalties, however that doesn't alter history post 1788. My objection is to those specious, racist, arguments presented in support of the creation of Israel, few people today would use their equivalents as a justification for the occupation of Australia by the British. I'd certainly like to hear from the Palestinians, particularly on the subject of a Palestinian state. "You and your bretheren"- be careful about making ad hominem implications, you will have noticed that I don't make offensive personal remarks Posted by mac, Monday, 26 September 2011 3:49:00 PM
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I had the chance to listen to the UN speeches and thought Abbas carried the day convincingly. This isn't complicated. Most countries in the UN want a Palestinian state and Obama promised to support one, just not yet it seems.
I found Cenk from the Young Turks gives a pretty straightforward summation; All the rest right now is noise. However I do have some slight sympathy for Obama's position since, unlike donkeygod, I recognize the power of lobbying groups, most evidently within American politics where voting blocks and money talks. However I feel any Jewish lobbying for Israel is supported or even overtaken by that of the Christian fundamentalists reach. Where I agree with him is those influences are probably overstated in Australian politics which makes our position on the Palestinian request for statehood so perplexing. The right path of supporting that request is so self evident that only those with a deep self interest would oppose it, yet Australia just might, at least that seems to be Gillard's preference while Rudd would prefer an abstention. How has Australia ended up here? The voting pattern of Australia had been consistent in voting for the annual UN resolution vote calling for an end to Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the call for the Geneva Convention to apply in the Palestinian territories. I sort of get why Howard, after the visceral personal experience of 9/11 chose to either abstain or vote against these resolutions. It was a move that aligned Australia with only the US, Israel, the US Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau and Micronesia. Rudd however had us back on track until now. To me Gillard's stance is a sign of her government's moral bankruptcy evident in other areas such as her pursuit of the Malaysian Solution. There was a time when Australia's support for the underdog was a given, when we knew right from wrong and could hold our heads up high. I want to be a proud Australian again. Come back please Mr Rudd. Posted by csteele, Monday, 26 September 2011 3:54:04 PM
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"My objection is to those specious, racist, arguments presented in support of the creation of Israel" ... Really! It all comes down to the Palestinians recognising the right of Israel to exist, and holding out a genuine hand of peace. No more occupation ... So simple the solution. Since the 1970's many peoples have employed archaeologists to establish their ties to a region, which have had political/social resonance. Archaeology, paleaography and the fact that Jews have always had a considerable continual presence in the area confirm their right to this homeland. Using our indigenous example ... they predate the presence of Arabs. I suggest you do some homework if you wish to travel this route. This is not difficult given the wealth of archaeological and paleaographical research/evidence both online and in texts ... for those are genuinely are interested of course. Again, I recommend that the Palestinians on the ground be heard, not just their political masters. Dr Abbas' doctorate topic was Holocaust denial. This provides insight into from where be comes. Or do you deny the Holocaust also? What is it that makes people like you want to believe the worst propoganda about Israel, when evidence to the contrary is available. If Israel is so oppressive and belligerent to the Palestinians - as you want to believe it to be - then these Palestinians are effectively collaborators. Their future in a Palestinian state bodes ill. Like many, I believe in a two state solution, with peace and goodwill between Israelis and Palestinians. The issue is, do you? Posted by Danielle, Monday, 26 September 2011 4:46:47 PM
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"Like many, I believe in a two state solution, with peace and goodwill between Israelis and Palestinians. The issue is,do you?"
Yes, of course, it's the only hope for the Palestinians. Posted by mac, Monday, 26 September 2011 4:57:36 PM
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And today we hear of the approval granted by Israel for another 1,100 settler homes to be built in the West Bank.
Posted by csteele, Wednesday, 28 September 2011 4:49:14 PM
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As I’ve stage previously, I do not believe Israeli settlements should be built on the West Bank. Palestinian polls conducted in October last year by both the Israel Project (Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research) and the Palestinian Center for Policy, and further analysed by Charney Research found extremely mixed (nuanced) results). These polls were conducted in both Gaza and the West Bank. The majority believed in direct peace negotiations with with Israel, with 36% choosing an armed struggle.The majority also believed in a two state solution. In actual fact a 'two-stage solution" - a temporary Israeli state, the ultimate goal of the establishment of a single Palestinian state. 20% accepted the idea that Israel has "a permanent right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people." The top priority was the PA's responsibility to create new jobs due to the spread of poverty and unemployment. Where does all that aid go to? Only 16% cited the continuation of Israeli occupation and of settlements in the West Bank. Undoubtedly the occupation is onerus, howeverr, considerable benefits have accrued to the Palestinian peoples, agricultural, and water technology .. and not the least financial. Many Israeli and Palestianian business depend upon each other. Their political masters are corrupt. Perhaps this is another reason they want a single state. The following is interesting. Jerusalem Palestinians Would Prefer to Remain in Israel Pechter Polls Thousands of Palestinians apply for Israeli citizenship,7340,L-3468672,00.html "Intensive talks over division of Jerusalem has prompted its Palestinian residents to make a move once considered the ultimate treason ....” We are aware that hundreds of Palestinians enter Israel daily to work, where they receive equitable wages, and social and medical benefits as enjoyed by all other Israelis. Palestinians also prefer Israeli hospitals. I believe in a two state solution with both states living in peace and goodwill. With Israeli know-how and Palestinian energy, what a success and showcase this area would be. Posted by Danielle, Wednesday, 28 September 2011 8:30:47 PM