The Forum > Article Comments > Intelligent design: scientifically and religiously bankrupt > Comments
Intelligent design: scientifically and religiously bankrupt : Comments
By Michael Zimmerman, published 14/5/2010From both a scientific and a religious perspective, intelligent design is dead and buried.
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Posted by McReal, Friday, 14 May 2010 8:34:41 AM
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I agree, a very well articulated article on a topic that has engulfed fundamentalist Christians the world over.
Now, where is OLO's irreducible complex entity? Posted by qanda, Friday, 14 May 2010 9:17:33 AM
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You mean runner?
>>Now, where is OLO's irreducible complex entity?<< He'll be along shortly. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 14 May 2010 9:20:26 AM
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Great, should be fun to watch ;)
Posted by qanda, Friday, 14 May 2010 9:33:35 AM
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Of course the purpose of the ID movement is fundamentally about politics and not at all about Truth and Reality.
It is part of a comprehensive project by right-wing religionists to re-"christianise" the USA. The principal driving force for this project in the USA is the (sic) "Discovery" Institute. Check out the Wiki entry on this charming outfit. Posted by Ho Hum, Friday, 14 May 2010 10:13:18 AM
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Posted by wobbles, Friday, 14 May 2010 10:26:10 AM
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The article is quite right in that ID is nonsense but it was known to be nonsense from the beginning. Additional evidence that it is nonsense will make no impression on the believers. They even have their own journals with impressive sounding titles which they can refer to full of gibberish that has been "refereed" by other IM believers. In any case IM was never about proof but about giving fundamentalists a cover story (in this respect it has eerie similarities with much global warming "research"). While I wish the author well, I don't think his findings are going to alter much.
Posted by Curmudgeon, Friday, 14 May 2010 11:34:41 AM
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The Guardian (UK) Comment-is-Free section ran a recent series of blogs on this, starting here with the subsequent posts below. The below-the-line psoters were pretty scathing, especially of Steve Fuller's article - he was a witness in the Kitzmiller v. Dover-Area-School-District trial where he "essentially attempted a qualified defense of the scientific status of intelligent design" . Posted by McReal, Friday, 14 May 2010 12:25:47 PM
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Intelligent design creationism was always scientifically bankrupt - it was addled in the egg. It has always been obvious that its only supporters are scientifically illiterate and willfully ignorant religionists. The actual science community - in the US, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Academy of Sciences, and essentially every other legitimate science organization - has posted numerous position papers stating that intelligent design creationism is a pseudoscience - not science. This is not news.
Posted by PaulBurnett, Friday, 14 May 2010 1:05:19 PM
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Although I greatly appreciate a well formed bottom it cannot be the product of intelligent design. Felling trees to make toilet paper destroys habitat.
Posted by david f, Friday, 14 May 2010 1:34:55 PM
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Nice article
I particularly like the fact it points out that ID is BOTH scientifically and theologically untenable. In Australia, at least, most mainstream churches accept evolution. ID is very much a fringe preoccupation. Posted by Rhian, Friday, 14 May 2010 2:09:52 PM
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Maybe the intelligent designer intelligently designed us to be flawed?
Otherwise if we were perfect then we'd be the equivilent of the designer. After all if there were such a designer then its intelligence would far surpass ours and therefore us assuming we know how such a being would think is the equivient of an ant assuming it knows how we think. ID is an issue of faith. It can neither be proven nor disproven. The fact that some try simply shows their hubris and their flaws. Equally Darwinism is an isue of faith that can be neither proven nor disproven - well at least not proven scientifically. To my knowledge no one has managed to observe the creation of a new species so the view that they are created naturally is mere assumption, not science. Posted by mhaze, Friday, 14 May 2010 4:01:44 PM
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<<Maybe the intelligent designer intelligently designed us to be flawed?>> Considering some of the flaws in found in different species, the alleged intelligent designer would have to be a pretty malevolent designer. <<Otherwise if we were perfect then we'd be the equivilent of the designer. After all if there were such a designer then its intelligence would far surpass ours and therefore us assuming we know how such a being would think is the equivient of an ant assuming it knows how we think.>> But we still have big enough brains (well, some of us anyway) to see malevolence and just plain carelessness when we see it. Not to mention blatant deceit when everything about the various life forms on Earth adhere perfectly to evolution. <<Equally Darwinism is an isue of faith that can be neither proven nor disproven - well at least not proven scientifically.>> Wrong. The overwhelming body of evidence in support of evolution, and the total absence of any contradicting evidence puts evolution well beyond any reasonable doubt. <<To my knowledge no one has managed to observe the creation of a new species so the view that they are created naturally is mere assumption, not science.>> And if they did, it would disprove evolution. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 14 May 2010 4:35:09 PM
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If I were to say that every sheep on a large farm was white, I could only prove this by checking every single sheep, and then show that there were no sheep hiding.
To disprove this I need only find one black sheep. This would be similar to evolution, here millions of "sheep" have all turned up white, but there in the absence of having absolutely all possible evidence, there will never be absolute proof. The creationists in spite of many "academics" have yet to find a single "non white sheep" However, to equate belief in evolution to a belief in creation, is as absurd as buying a lotto ticket and believing that the chance of winning the jackpot is the same as not winning. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 14 May 2010 4:40:28 PM
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And so the author is either very ignorant or believes in unintelligent design. Then again both these positions can only happen when you twist your observances and are blinded by dogma as evolutionist tend to do. Keep trying guys it won't change the fact that we are all answerable to our Creator. The anti intellectual view is no better demonstrated by those foolish or ignorant enough to believe we got her by chance. To call this science is laughable.
Posted by runner, Friday, 14 May 2010 6:23:08 PM
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Wondering when you'd turn up runner ... but is that all you can come up with?
There are many things that science is not certain about, runner. One thing is certain though, you haven't a clue what science is, or what it is not. Science is certainly not a faith based religion premised on dogma, despite your assertions to the contrary. Btw, I couldn't help but chuckle over your Freudian slip. Over to you :) Posted by qanda, Friday, 14 May 2010 6:56:23 PM
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As a progressive, I can’t believe in the Big Bang Theory.
It relies on three major assumptions: The universe is homogeneous, The universe is isotropic Physical laws are universal Demolishing these assumptions – The universe is homogeneous BUT Diversity is good and homogeneity is bad. Therefore, no progressive intelligent designer would have designed a homogeneous universe. The universe is isotropic BUT Isotropy is just multi-directional homogeneity. Refer above. Physical laws are universal BUT In a progressive universe you would expect a diversity of laws. Therefore, no progressive intelligent designer would have applied the same physical laws throughout the universe, which, as we’ve already proven above, is diverse. Posted by Proxy, Friday, 14 May 2010 8:45:16 PM
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you might like to consider the proposition that ID is bad theology - . Posted by McReal, Saturday, 15 May 2010 7:53:33 PM
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You might like to consider that evolution is extremely poor science. Posted by runner, Saturday, 15 May 2010 10:32:33 PM
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Dear Runner,
Please concider Mat 7-6 and 2 Tim 2-14 to 19 in that order. Regards Richie 10 Posted by Richie 10, Sunday, 16 May 2010 1:07:35 AM
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its a typical piece of redirective pap...talking to its followers
no science evidence of evolution is other words rebut a concept... ..while not proving..the THEORY..of evolution of NOT/explaining..evolution of genus.. irreducable not subject to evolution..cant be..because it is of nill affect on its the steps needed to be evolved..before...the complex/compounded parts..does its evolutionary fruit take a case other opinion piece rebuttals...of a creature...that repoduce...where was its first one...that needed to live to make the 'first'.. even a simple bacteria mentioned in other pieces...its tail...needs a move its tail..even before a tail..can evolve..[consisting of 10 sepperate parts..]...random natural for select from while we are at it....what is science about/ in natural selection...thats not science..only gods/nature....the intel/designer doing it naturally to say imperfection is evidence of no insane..and science deception..preaching to the is usual...or rather the ignorant needing to believe their no god its clever how you idiots jump on these things...lacking critical thinking hang your opinion/belief..on selective pap where is your evidence of no designer.. present your proof...or name the first life that evolved... reveal the root..of your tree of dont have one..why dont it have one...irreducable to evolve..even the ameaba...has many complex proved in yet other debaits...all of you lost you claim science...well present it..just because you can have faith in science..dosnt exclude god many years ago..the masses..thought the earth was flat... and the unthinking..[you lot]..went along with the lie..then..because they had faith in the...'science'..opinion.. but you flat earthers..who know nothing in science... you have your beliefs...and your high priests..thier holy text's..own marters/and own saints.. just like any system..only yours is con-cieved by science/godheads..pretending..they have the only..'true belief'..and sold by fluff and huff present your science Posted by one under god, Sunday, 16 May 2010 6:12:15 AM
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Dear Runner,
Read Ps 14 then ask your self where are all the bones. Once I was one of the vast crowd then Mat 7-13,14 happened to me Richie 10. I met the man who said the above words and I chose to follow him and the longer you travel down thr road the understanding comes for he calles us out of the crowd to walk with him. What a privilege! Posted by Richie 10, Sunday, 16 May 2010 7:22:08 AM
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""consider that evolution is extremely poor science."
runner .. Saturday, 15 May 2010 10:32:33 PM under one god Austrian monk Gregor Mendel provided the first and most significant evidence and proof after Darwin - his work with over 20,000 pea plants makes him the father of genetics. Subsequent development of molecular cell biology, palaeontology, etc has made evolution fact. Moreover, Michael Zimmerman's article was not an essay on evolution that you claim it should be. Posted by McReal, Sunday, 16 May 2010 10:30:51 AM
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runner: << You might like to consider that evolution is extremely poor science. >>
How would you know, runner? As far as I can recall, in all of the idiotic twaddle you've posted at OLO over the years, you've never demonstrated any scientific understanding beyond that of a third grade primary school student. Where's Dan the Meringue? At least his ID sophistry is mildly entertaining. Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 16 May 2010 10:51:32 AM
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runner: << You might like to consider that evolution is extremely poor science. >>
He has lost all credibility with this sort of rubbish, another troll like Cheryl. In future as both have nothing that makes sense will ignore. Posted by PeterA, Sunday, 16 May 2010 1:18:55 PM
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Phew - glad I'm an atheist, now that Proxy has demonstrated that God is a Conservative.
If I had to belong to a religion it would be the Church of Glorious Happenstance and Everlasting Existence - brought to you by the Theory of Evolution and the Laws of Physics. ID was always piffle: what's intelligent about the common cold? Posted by Candide, Sunday, 16 May 2010 2:57:37 PM
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mcreal..thankyou for raising gregor mendle/,..
mendalism is a true science..but your confusing peas..lets get away from gregor..and move a bit into the present..[god does real time] so lets update darwins finches...[current research..reveals the short beak finches/seed eating.,..predominate in good season..and long beaked in poor seasons...balancing between its genomic mean[within its genus] and while on darwin..lets clarify...darwins/pigeons.. and the wildtype[+]..darwin validated..that a mixed population/would RETURN to the wildtyype/ a mixed population..[ie devolve back to the genus mean] im sorry many will have no clue..of what we are talking..yet still espouse..evolution[of valid for validating evolution of genus..WHEN IT CANNOT..and does not your research..and do not be taken in by godless/decievers..[please see..the bleeding obvious..eucalypts are all eucalypts...and no intermediates have been found...nor will and the so-called missing-links/..number less than ten..[when..if missing links were valid..should number millions[ok thousands...and science/frauds..point at we get redirection..presented as proof..via species..WITHIN THE SAME GENUS>>>..LOL<<<..thats how despirite the athiests give us a god-free/belief system [ love..# god is love..lief=love] please inform your belief..with the simple facts..[i love darwin and mendle..[and hollander and levie]...and the many other science teachers..i have extensivly studied... and am/thus..extreemly pained..that their true scientific efforts..have become so twisted/by the godless...seeking only to create..the next goldless/un-belief/system..masked under evolution/THEORY god is the nature/nurture..natural selection is of god..[un-natural science..god yet sustaines..even the decievers their the light god sustains all is a sign of god... no science can create life..from non-life..[it can study dna..but cannot/..even make a cell] .as the koran reveals...first..make one life.. speaking..never has...and never will Posted by one under god, Sunday, 16 May 2010 4:33:46 PM
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This is great, I've only just recently being the least bit interested in Politics, wanting to understand the fundamentals I've done some reading about upper and lower house, how proposals are passed through and how Religion relates to Politics and the law.
So at the core of it it's basically Honourable. Posted by Janna, Sunday, 16 May 2010 4:38:47 PM
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A note about the God of the gaps argument (at the end of the article). This was a very popular idea in the 1960s, when I did my theology degree. However, if God is not responsible for anything at all, if he has no causal interactions with anything, he, or rather it, is not a being which it makes sense to worship. If there are no gaps to be explained, the god of Christians, Muslims and Jews does not exist.
Posted by ozbib, Sunday, 16 May 2010 5:03:48 PM
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Thanks for the advice. It is very hard to keep quite when supposedly intelligent men and woman are so quick to deny their Creator and yet swallow the fantasy of evolution. When they are able to twist simple observations its no wonder they reach such laughable conclusions. They have certainly been given over to their delusions. How they teach this stuff as science with a straight face amazes me. Posted by runner, Sunday, 16 May 2010 7:31:17 PM
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under one god,
First, "no science can create life..from non-life..[it can study dna..but cannot/..even make a cell]" perhaps you should read this Not the creation of life as many define it, how do you define life? Does a virus count? bacterial spores? DNA? Second, Last time we debated this topic you stated "i'm still neutral on how god did it" when questioned about your alternative theory of evolution. Have you made any progress? I'm sure if you have ANY evidence we would all be interested to review your data. Posted by one under god, Monday, 16 November 2009 6:43:34 AM "jesus wasnt a jew live" Gold. Posted by Stezza, Sunday, 16 May 2010 8:55:00 PM
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Question to all protagonists on this thread:
I should care what religiously inspired fruitcakes think about evolution because...? No really, why should I waste headspace on taurine fertiliser like creationism or intelligent design? Posted by stevenlmeyer, Monday, 17 May 2010 8:22:49 AM
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stevenlmeyer<<Question,..I should care what religiously inspired fruitcakes think about evolution because...?>>because even the pope has been decieved via science fraud
evil is so removing god from your minds.. if mankind is..all there least..dont make ANY HUH_man/hero god..without fully comprehending..fully..what their true adgenda is..or asking them..what their evidence..really is..SCIENCE/fact or theory if its so simple..a child can get it... at least get them to actually do it...FIRST... then get them to actually do it presumed to have replicatability..not just push a theory..via buzzwords/spin..and weight of numbers/..yet only having trust/faith/be;lief../in a theory stezza..<<perhaps you should read this Not the creation of life as many define it>>lol..funny girl <<how do you define life?>>able to self its own way/time...acreoos a liniage of time..with its own freewill.. <<Does a virus count?>>if your saying science has made one from scratch..[not using gods dust or method...sure....present it please <<bacterial spores?>>.spores are like seeds...did science create a it hasnt...please present fact..not opinionate theory [putting dna..into an ovem,..isnt creating life...its using gods egg/cellular process...that sciennce cannot replicate <<DNA?>>no dna is not needs other living process' replicte..[its like saying windows is a computer...its simply an cant self replicate..[outside of its conmputer....thus isnt life.. really you are chosing to remain ignorant...sxience cannot replicte its has achieved part's...but a small not life...monkeies can ape humans..but they copy...not concieve their minic's <<Second,..Have you made any progress?>>>i have..SCIENCE HAS NOT <<we would all be interested to review your data.>>.ok sure...i have 30 different species of fish..[all different breeds..go offspring...yet...[ditto..5 species of snails....and 50 trees/sgrubs/flower types till something mates/making a missing link..common decent remains refuted <<"jesus wasnt a jew>>>because he wasnt born in judea live" Posted by one under god, Monday, 17 May 2010 9:11:06 AM
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Good article.
Sad then that we still have the Qld Education Minister refusing to stop the teaching of ID and Creationism in Science classes in public schools up here. It would be good if some of you OLO authors wrote to Geoff Wilson and asked him to try to steer Queensland into the 21st Century within Science. Being a bit of a fundie himself (check his electorate web page to see how he promotes his membership of the church), with a director general who promotes her Catholicism as a mark of coming from a 'good' family on her EQ web site, Wilson will probably be more inclined to listen to Runner than anyone else. The teacher unions also fail to halt this dangerous undermining of science, but then, it's their members who support ID and Creationism being taught, isn't it? We certainly never hear the AEU or the QTU denouncing it, so they must be supporting it. Posted by The Blue Cross, Monday, 17 May 2010 10:20:34 AM
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The Blue Cross,
If intelligent design is to be taught in Queensland schools, it should not be taught as religion. Yet, perhaps, it could be still taught, making comparisons with other creation myths. Or, students could be asked to read Genesis, to ascertain how heavy elements were formed, contrasting the OT with astrophysics. Yes, teach that Biblical fundamentalist believe that Jessica Watson sailed around a flat world; yet, apply inquiry based learning, to test these propositions. If the world was created in 4,004 BCE, ask why are there 10, 000 year old trees and 80,000 year inter-generation root systems? Why would the Intelligent Creator “trick” scientists into being able to show the early universe was very hot and cooled over billions of years by creating background radiation of 2.7 degrees Kelvin? If creating the insect world is intelligent, why is intelligent designer so cruel? I see nothing wrong with interrogating religions, as one might the Theory of Relativity. So, yes, do have a show and tell. But… And it is a big but, the religion must be treated as a scholastic subject. OUG and runner, Was it one of you who answered me once saying no level of evidence would convince you Genesis wrong? Herein, I ask again; What would convince that a god did not create the Universe 6,000 years ago; with the two first humans, animals, stars, light beams from stars starting millions of parsecs away commencing in mid-space with their spectra adjusted, as if the stars were billions of years old, just to fool our instruments? When did the Cambrian exinction occur? Please don't say the Flood. The strata are wrong. Posted by Oliver, Monday, 17 May 2010 12:06:55 PM
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The catch is to religionists,with the "God of the gaps", gaps are held infinitely divisible. A bit like a Zeno parason. If a science once denied religionits, is empirically proven, the religionist will jump horses and claim, "well, it is God that allows the science to work". Just wait and watch the findings from the CERN partical accelerator over the next five years. If it is shown that quantum fluctations exists supporting the spontaneous creation of matter, the religionists (except runner) will forget their old disagreements, say, "we have always known God created physics, even in a closed self sustaining universe" Posted by Oliver, Monday, 17 May 2010 12:25:35 PM
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Oliver...ID/Creationism should be taught in (absolutely) no schools at all, and least of all in public schools.
Maybe a minor distraction in a SOSE class could claim 5 minutes of time for this rubbish, but not in science at all at all. Please avoid pandering to lunatics posing as teachers. Posted by The Blue Cross, Monday, 17 May 2010 1:28:04 PM
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When you or any other person can come up with a plausible explanation for origins (don't give me the big bang fantasy)you might have some scientific basis for your wild assumptions. The track record of evolution is one of twisted observations, deceit and fraud. Only the gullible or deceitful can truely call this science. With the billions spent on trying to disprove a Creator it has proven again to be a total failure and waste of money. One really does have to be very blind not to see design as the god deniers do. Thankfully there are plenty of scientist at the highest levels that know evolution is crap. Unfortunately they will always be critized just as those who opposed the science of the day (spontaneous generation ) were. Most of the scientific 'experts' still held to this dogma many years after being disproved. Nothing has changed as god deniers continue their desperate and yet pathetic attempts to deny the obvious. Posted by runner, Monday, 17 May 2010 2:25:08 PM
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one under god,
Given your scientific illiteracy, I wonder why you even bother posting on these subjects. Just an overview so far: Posted by one under god, Sunday, 16 May 2010 4:33:46 PM "no science can create life..from non-life..[it can study dna..but cannot/..even make a cell]" Posted by Stezza, Sunday, 16 May 2010 8:55:00 PM "perhaps you should read this" = link to peer reviewed scientific paper describing the creation of a cell membrane. 1-0 "we would all be interested to review your data." Posted by one under god, Monday, 17 May 2010 9:11:06 AM "ok sure...i have 30 different species of fish..[all different breeds..go offspring...yet...[ditto..5 species of snails....and 50 trees/sgrubs/flower types...till something mates/making a missing link..common decent remains refuted?" Please explain how having some fish and trees refutes common decent? How long have you observed your fish? oh only a few years... 2-0 Also, you state that you define life as "able to self its own way/time...acreoos a liniage of time..with its own freewill.." Please read this link : = link to peer reviewed paper describing a self replicating peptide If you disagree then you will need to state evidence to support your argument. By the way, are you able to self replicate without "putting dna..into an ovem,..isnt creating life...its using gods egg/cellular process."? You see, using your own definition of life, you yourself are not alive. May want to think that one over. 3-0 (own goal) Can you see how scientific debate works? you make a claim, then back it up with peer reviewed data. If this is too much trouble perhaps you should stick to discussing scripture with Runner and Richie10. Posted by Stezza, Monday, 17 May 2010 2:58:47 PM
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The Blue Cross,
My recent post was a little tongue-in-cheek suggesting that if the Bible is meant to be a definitive explanation, why not treat its suppositions along aside scientfic explanations? The process would allow for some interesting comparisons. One would test religonist claims, rather as science tests hypotheses. Explore questions like, if the Earth is flat, how do geo-stationary satellites stay in the same spot, while travelling at 29,000 kilometres per hour? It might give fundamentalists reason to think. ...I know the satellite and the flat Eath are revolving around heaven (not the sun) at the same constant speed. Or should that be an elephant standing on a stack of giant turtles going down to infinity? Sorri, wrong religion, but, surely it has an equal right to be taught. You are right, of course, I shouldn't encourage the fundamentalists. If the Bible is taught in a secular school, it should be never be taught as divine text. runner, Over the years, heaps of examples relating to the BB and evolution have been provided by OLO posters. Foe example, the COBE photograph. What would you say if the CERN particle proves that matter can be created from quantum fluctuations. OUG, Should Zeus have punished the Titans? Whose intelligent design was better the Titans or the Olympians? Posted by Oliver, Monday, 17 May 2010 3:09:57 PM
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'Over the years, heaps of examples relating to the BB and evolution have been provided by OLO posters. Foe example, the COBE photograph. ' Interesting that many astronomers believe strongly in creation. Posted by runner, Monday, 17 May 2010 3:37:38 PM
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Apologies Oliver... one never knows what angles OLO posters take at times.
I just get a little hot under the collar at times when people either pretend our schools are well run and 'education focused' rather than the cesspits of mediocrity saved only by a few decent staff in each school or they pretend that because the QSA (Qld Studies Authority, who write the curriculum) do not require ID-Creationism to be taught it is not taught. It is, all over Qld, but certainly not in every school. So any vague hint that otherwise intelligent people are somehow allowing this stuff some credibility is a little worrying. Irony doesn't always work in the e-sphere, as I have found out myself from time to time. Thanks Posted by The Blue Cross, Monday, 17 May 2010 3:40:15 PM
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- only four per cent of Queensland Year 4 students reach an "advanced" standard in science compared with 36 per cent in Singapore;
- the interest in science in Australian 15-year-old students was "among the lowest in the world"; - Year 4 teachers reported spending around five per cent of their time teaching science, WITH 78 PER CENT SAYING THEY DID NOT USE A SCIENCE TEXTBOOK. The death of intelligent design is rather amusing, because science is now almost dead, at least in the QLD education system. Who knows what teachers are teaching the students, when so many do not even use a textbook. QLD education: - A hopeless, archaic, pathetic, feminist mess. Posted by vanna, Monday, 17 May 2010 5:48:00 PM
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Can you provide some rational discussion about evolution, or data to support your bald statements such as astronomers support creation? Posted by McReal, Monday, 17 May 2010 6:08:11 PM
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Vanna... a mess, yes, but a 'feminist' mess?
I have yet to meet many feminists within EQ...especially so many fundie women working there. There aren't too many feminist inclined men either, more 'old style' blue collar types, decent enough though most seem to be. EQ is a backwater, a lost snapshot of a frozen-in-aspic era, a peek into a Donald Horne world, still thriving after the inventor of it all has died. Quaint, if it wasn't dangerous.... and pathetic. My remaining child, trapped within, learns mostly from reading on the web around the topic that was faintly whiffed at in class, and going on line to exchange views, plus from his after-school workplace where he learns how adults treat each other decently, and how, if he spoke to a customer as he and others get spoken to at school, he'd be out on his ear. But, in defence of at least some maths and science teachers, they abandon text books because all too frequently the books are inaccurate, wrong, and misleading....but the QSA care not, nor do EQ, and the subject associations seem to tolerate it all without saying boo! English is a totally lost cause, unless your child gets the very rare good teacher, but even then the material is woeful...and it seems that no one within our community is prepared to regard SOSE as a serious subject, so it gets treated accordingly, by staff and students, not to mention parents, who seem to have no idea what it is. The root cause, apart from poorly funded schools, is the almost total failure in management to 'manage', and the abandonment of schools by the better off middle class, who would not tolerate the mess, and be far more inclined to speak up about it than most of the parents who attend the meek gatherings of P&C meetings. The Ministers solution to students who recognise the scam, is to make it easier to expel them, rather than reflect on just what it is that EQ contributes, daily, to the rundown of our school system. Posted by The Blue Cross, Monday, 17 May 2010 9:18:55 PM
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Blue cross,
I would say "feminist mess" because maths and science are considered to be "too male". It is also routine for a teacher to say that “boys do all right later on”, which means that the teacher has no interest in the education of boys when they are at school, and the education system is a highly feminist system. As well as primary school students, I also know of grade 10 science students who do not have a text book, and instead are given hand written notes by their teacher. The teacher has not even bothered to type out their notes with a word processor. I also know of some students in a class who could not understand the teacher because the teacher had a thick Scottish accent, and they couldn't understand the teacher's hand writing either, so the students had no idea of what they had to learn. Most of science is based on a hypothesis that can become a theory if many tests and experiments prove the hypothesis valid. I don't think hand written notes instead of a text book have ever been proven to be an effective method of teaching. Posted by vanna, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 5:49:38 AM
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Good article. Nice to see most folks here support and appear to understand science.
We will never convince the runners of the world as their world-view is based on child indoctrinated faith. This approach is rather fragile as their personal God of the Gaps dies a slow death as more knowledge and understanding is gained. Those that would hold onto the simple "lies to children" must be constantly confused and grieving for their god so I guess this is why runner constantly accuses all scientists, secularists, etc of being corrupt or deliberately misleading him. Evolution is more solid than Gravity as a theory, and so many branches of knowledge rest on it's back that it is patently insane to suggest it does not exist. It is similar to trying to tell a sailor that waves don't exist! Creationism, however does not even stack up as theology. Posted by Ozandy, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 8:39:00 AM
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"Evolution is more solid than Gravity as a theory" Says who? Do a search on "punctuated equilibruim" as a theory that has much more basis than Darwin's origional theory of evolution. The idea that everyone should embrace science is becoming rather thin when science itself is hardly being taught anymore in education systems. Posted by vanna, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 9:05:10 AM
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"Punctuated equilibrium" is a theory about the way Darwinian evolution through natural selection occurred. It does not negate evolution through natural selection. The discoveries of the past decade have revolutionised our understanding of the mechanism underlying evolution at the molecular and, yes, this does lend support to punctuated equilibrium as the main driver of speciation. See for example: Always remember that evolution is science, not religious dogma. Our understanding has moved on from Darwin's time. Most scientists working in the field have probably never even read "On the Origin of the Species." Posted by stevenlmeyer, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 9:30:52 AM
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"Only the gullible or deceitful can truely call this science. With the billions spent on trying to disprove a Creator it has proven again to be a total failure and waste of money." - runner CERN is not conducting a theological experiment, albeit might have theistic consequences. It will take time before the accelerator will reach its maximum capacity. There are issues of aligning magnetics and managing -ultimately- power at fourteen trillion electron votes. No one said simulating the Creation of Matter is easy. Of course, it science. The physcists have made predictions about how nature's most fundamental particles will interact and they are testing it. The hypotheses are falsifiable. Posted by Oliver, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 11:45:18 AM
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Puncutated equilibrium shows that the theories of evolution are not set in concrete. Ironically, theories regards evolution are themselves evolving. Most scientific laws can be proven mathematically, and I have not heard of anyone that has been able to mathematically prove evolution, so evolution remains as a theory only, and is not a scientific law as some would suggest. There is the necessity to keep an open mind regards such theories as evolution. In fact, not keeping an open mind is actually not part of the scientific method. Science and religion can live quite happily together, if both sides keep an open mind. However I do see certain sections of the education system now tying to eliminate both religion and science out of education. Posted by vanna, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 1:30:14 PM
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Vanna wrote:
"Ironically, theories regards evolution are themselves evolving." It would be ironic if scientific theories did not evolve. That is what science is all about. The evolution of scientific theories is what distinguishes science from religious dogma The Scientific American even has a podcast on the topic titled "The Evolution of Evolution" See: Can science and religion co-exist? It depends on the religion. Not with this kind of religion: Here is what the revered Muslim scholar, Al Ghazali has to say about astronomy "Consider Imaam Ghazaali’s position on astronomy and related science. In his view, it is not permissible for all and sundry to learn astronomy. He labels astronomy as futile and trivial. He regards only limited astronomy for a select few to be permissible – such astronomy which is necessary for navigation and finding direction in the land and sea. He argues that astronomy is guesswork and blameworthy. He propagates the truth of the Hadith that it is better to remain ignorant of some branches of learning. This is a position which is unpalatable to the modernist palate soured by mental corruption. He therefore advocates: “Do not indulge in such sciences which the Shariah brands as useless.” Science and religion definitely cannot co-exist as long as al-Ghazali / Sarah Palin style thinking holds sway. Posted by stevenlmeyer, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 2:04:25 PM
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The article in the Christian Science Monitor contained the following:
"Why the connection to water on Earth? The collision that resulted in the formation of the moon 4.5 billion years ago would have heated Earth and vaporized any water the young planet had gathered. Comets had been a leading candidate as sources of replacement water. But the forms of hydrogen in water molecules bound in asteroids are a closer match to those found in seawater than are those found in water comets carry." Water that is vapourised does not leave the earth. It remains in the atmosphere. When the earth cools sufficiently the vapour will again become a liquid. Neither comets nor asteroids need to be a source for replacement water as the water is still around. Is that the level of science writing in a Christian Science publication? Posted by david f, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 2:23:09 PM
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what are you smoking? 'the collision that resulted in the formation of the moon 4.5 billion years ago would have heated Earth and vaporized any water the young planet had gathered.' You have been watching to much science fiction. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 2:29:14 PM
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Scientists don’t use the term ‘theory’ the same way we do, and I think you need to learn the difference between a ‘law’ and a ‘theory’... A law is not a ‘proven’, or a ‘more proven’ theory as you appear to think. You seem to confuse ‘hypothesis’ with ‘theory’ and think that because evolution is referred to as a “theory” that it’s still only a hypothesis. There are some smaller details about evolution that are uncertain and others that are continually being refined as we learn more, but the core fundamentals of evolution are established facts. Evolution is both fact and theory. Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 2:40:25 PM
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OH=liver<<What would convince..that a god did not create the Universe 6,000 years ago;..with the two first humans>>im convinced,the science is clear...
..the bible dosnt say 6000 years old..WHY DO YOU?..typical just like THIS LINK THAT DONT WORK...<<perhaps you should read this" it may link to peer reviewed scientific paper...BUT IT DONT WORK please explain..OR GIVE A LINK THAT DOES's describing the creation of a cell membrane...well explain it HERE here is the message i got <<ERROR:..The requested not currently available on this site.>>>no doo-doo..its typical of your selectivism me <<Please explain how having some fish..and trees refutes common decent?>>>please prove your case 2-0 <<Please read this link : = link to peer reviewed paper describing a self replicating peptide>>>wow...please give me details where IT SITS..ON THE TREE OF LIFE! If you disagree..then you will need to state evidence.. to support your argument...cause your facts are selective 3-0 (own goal) Can you see how scientific debate works? yes i need FACTS.. then link them together..BUT YOU DONT GOT NONE.. if you make a claim,..then back it up..with peer reviewed data! your a deciever as well as decieved...cheers eh...squeers you got ego..ergo you got nuthin.. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 2:43:29 PM
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Dear runner,
It would be good if you could bring yourself to actually read and understand a post before you commented on it. I quoted an article from a Christian publication. Those were not my words that you took issue with. They were the words from that article I quoted. It is generated accepted that the moon was created 4.6 billion years ago, but those were the words of the Christian Science monitor, not mine. Posted by david f, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 3:04:22 PM
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one under god,
Sorry the complete reference is: Positioning Lipid Membrane Domains in Giant Vesicles by Micro-organization of Aqueous Cytoplasm Mimic. Ann-Sofie Cans, Meghan Andes-Koback and Christine D. Keating. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130 (23), pp 7400–7406 DOI: 10.1021/ja710746d You can also read the lay version of this here: This completely disproves your statement that we cannot create a cell membrane in vitro, but I'm sure you won't bother reading it. Its easier to stay ignorant. I've provided ample evidence supporting my case and destroying all of your theories, including using your own logic to prove that you do not count yourself as alive. Therefore I will not waste any more time on someone who believes a scientific debate can be won by stating "you need FACTS...BUT YOU DONT GOT NONE.." Pathetic. Posted by Stezza, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 4:58:04 PM
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my apologies Davidf. I am glad that you agree it is science fiction.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 5:13:50 PM
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AJ Philips
A theory is not a fact. A fact will withstand any test. A theory is based on current experimental data only, and is put into place until something better comes along. The belief that a cell (with the enormous complexity of its organelle) can somehow accidentally form is still a theory, and it would be best to keep an open mind. Who knows what new experimental data will show. David f, So you don’t believe a planet can lose its atmosphere. What happened to the atmosphere of Mars, and would it be worthwhile trying to get an atmosphere back again, so as to put some life onto the planet and teraform the place. Or perhaps that wouldn’t be evolution, so we shouldn’t do it, or even think about it. Posted by vanna, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 5:56:51 PM
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Dear Vanna,
A planet can lose its atmosphere. I pointed out that water vapourising is not lost but merely becomes a gas. When it cools down it becomes liquid again. Dear runner, and give the scientific evidence for the age of the earth. These references also refer to the moon. Unfortunately you confuse science fact with science fiction. Most primitive peoples have some form of creation story. The Aborigines have the Rainbow serpent. The ancient Hebrews had the story of the creation in Genesis. tells some of the many creation myths. One example is that of the Bakuba in Africa. For the Bakuba account the Earth was originally nothing but water and darkness, ruled by the giant Mbombo. This giant, after feeling an intense pain in his stomach one day, vomited up the sun, moon, and stars. The heat and light from the sun evaporated the water covering Earth, creating clouds, and after time, the dry hills emerged from the water. Mbombo vomited once more. Many things were contained in this second vomiting—people (the first man and the first woman), animals (the leopard, the eagle, and the monkey Fumu), trees, the falling star, the anvil, the firmament, the razor, medicine, and lighting. The woman of the waters, Nchienge, lived in the East, and her son, Woto, became the first king of the Bakuba. The Sumerian creation myth is the oldest known. It was found on a fragmentary clay tablet known as the "Eridu Genesis", datable to ca. the 18th century BC. It also includes a flood myth. The creation narrative of Islam is split among many verses in the Qur'an. This narrative is similar to the Judeo-Christian accounts of creation. According to the Qur'an, the skies and the earth were joined together as one "unit of creation", after which they were "cloved asunder". After the parting of both, they simultaneously came into their present shape after going through a phase when they were smoke-like. One need not believe in any of the above. However, they should be recognised as human attempts to explain how we got here. Posted by david f, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 7:03:15 PM
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<<A theory is not a fact.>> A scientific theory can most certainly be a fact. The two are not mutually exclusive. <<A fact will withstand any test.>> Precisely. Try naming one test evolution has failed. <<A theory is based on current experimental data only...>> ...and empirical observation as well. <<...and is put into place until something better comes along.>> Yes, but a theory can also pass the point where we can know that nothing better will come along and that’s what you seem to be having difficulty grasping here. <<The belief that a cell (with the enormous complexity of its organelle) can somehow accidentally form is still a theory...>> Yes, it’s call “abiogenesis”, and no one believes that a complex single-celled organism like the ones we see today “accidentally formed” as you creationists like to claim. And besides, what does this have to do with evolution? <<...and it would be best to keep an open mind. Who knows what new experimental data will show.>> Sorry, but the core fundamentals of evolution surpassed the possibility of new experimental data discrediting them long ago, and arguing otherwise is the equivalent of arguing that gravity may one day be debunked as evolution right up there with gravity as one of the most well-established scientific theories we have. Again, evolution is both fact and theory. Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 7:22:07 PM
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I assumed you would be aware of Bishop James Ussher's calculations based on Biblical genelogies, which was certainly very impressive work, even if it is wrong. I could not open the link. Does it refute something I said? If so, please let me know the journal's citation and I will open the article on my University's database. I have covered cell membranes before on otther threads. And with runner (I think) provided details on HIV mutations. Posted by Oliver, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 7:35:46 PM
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I find it both amusing and sad that these conversations take place so regularly over the internet with such furious rhetoric and passion, yet few of the combatants ever display any level of knowledge in the subject matter at all.
I'm actually willing and able to admit that, scientifically, I'm not capable of assessing the evidence for evolution and intelligent design beyond a very basic level, and I wouldn't be unless I did much more reading and study in the area. I suspect that many of you are in the same boat...except for the admission part ;-). On a theological level, my amatuer understanding is that it is definitely possible to fit evolution into a theological framework. I tentatively agree with the idea that A harmonious relationship between theology and evolution can be achieved. One good article I found in this area is by Tim Keller (who is actually fairly conservative theologically, if you put him in the overall spectrum and can be read here: Posted by Trav, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 8:59:45 PM
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Dear Trav,
One may take the Bible in several ways. One may take it as literal truth. This is incompatible with science, but there are other ways to regard the Bible. One may take it as a narrative containing various spiritual lessons. One may take it as containg allegorical meanings. One may take as containing hidden meanings found by decoding the actual words. Of course like poetry this type of analysis would seem to disappear in translation. However, there is no reason to take the Bible as more authoritative than the Tripitaka, Book of Mormon, the Koran or any other scripture. It depends on the cultural influences we are exposed to. However, science does not have that limitation. It is irrelevant whether a competent scientist has a particular religious belief or lacks one. She or he will follow the evidence wherever it goes. If the evidence contradicts a scientific hypothesis the hypothesis will be abandoned. Any scientific hypothesis can be abandoned if the evidence does not support it. Science is not culture bound. Religious belief is not based on evidence, and its truth or falsity cannot be tested. Religion is culture bound. Posted by david f, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 9:26:54 PM
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The distinction between facts and theories is spurious. Factual claims are theory-laden, for the terms in which they are expressed depend for their meaning on theories. Experience is organised and interpreted using theories. There are no theory-free facts.
That does not mean that beliefs are arbitrary, for there can be good reasons for preferring one theory to another. Mathematical proofs of scientific claims are only possible if an accepted theory is taken for granted. Like the proofs within Newtonian physics, they can be found at fault--disproven if you like, when the underlying theory is replaced by a better. That's a rough, partial account. I'm afraid the philosophy of science is a good deal more complex than is being supposed. And a side issue. One of my students began a thesis on Ghazali. I believe that is his name in Persian. Al Ghazal (no 'i') is the Arabic form, used by Europeans too. He is notable and influential for his view that God created morality according to his arbitrary will--a position later adopted by William of Occam. The reference above is not a good account of his views, but a piece of ideology. Posted by ozbib, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 10:01:36 PM
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<<I'm actually willing and able to admit that, scientifically, I'm not capable of assessing the evidence for evolution and intelligent design beyond a very basic level...>> I’m not sure what you’re getting at here, because the evidence for evolution is so over-whelming and abundant; and the evidence for creationism so completely absent, that a basic level of understanding is all that is required to make an informed decision. Anyone not capable of doing so would have to have a thinking disorder that was bordering on mental retardation. So most of us here are not in that boat... <<I suspect that many of you are in the same boat...except for the admission part ;-).>> ...and neither are you. I’ll give you a little hint: Everything in nature supports evolution and nothing contradicts it, while there is not the slightest shred of evidence for creationism. Not one little bit. <<I tentatively agree with the idea that A harmonious relationship between theology and evolution can be achieved.>> Personally, I disagree and that’s one of the main reasons I could no longer remain a Christian. I simply couldn’t continue to believe in a god that would create everything in a way that made it look as though he didn’t need to exist (and on this level, I can sympathise with creationists) and then punish people for not believing, just as I couldn’t continue to believe in a god that documented his ‘word’ in a way that didn’t appear to need him to exist either. Notice too that god only helps those that help themselves? Funny that. Nope, in a world were god apparently doesn’t need to exist for anything, I just couldn’t keep believing. Of course, you get those who claim that science and religion answer two different questions - one is the ‘how’ and the other is the ‘why’ - but what these people don’t realise is that religion doesn’t answer, or even help to answer the ‘why’ - it only asserts it. Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 10:35:21 PM
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david f, I think some religious beliefs can be tested--that is why there is a problem of evil for theistic religions. As I noted above, if God makes no difference to the world, he does not exist. If he does make a difference, as well as asking where he does, we can reasonably ask why he does not do it more often--when any decent person with his power and knowledge would do so.
The problems with intelligent design are problems for any view that God is the creator of all things visible and invisible--why did he make so many stuff-ups? The discussion of evil in theology is extensive, because the problem is real--it threatens to disprove the existence of any god worthy of worship. I don't believe that there are any good answers. That is, the facts are incompatible with the existence of God. Posted by ozbib, Tuesday, 18 May 2010 10:36:47 PM
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AJ Phillips
“Try naming one test evolution has failed.” I previously have. Punctuated equilibrium. Evolution infers that there must be continuous genetic change in a species. Unfortunately, some species have genetically stayed the same for many millions of years (or for many millions of generations), which exposes a major flaw in evolution theory. Abiogenesis has never proven that organisms can accidentally or spontaneously develop, and has mostly been disbanded as a theory. Evolution theory also has a little difficulty in explaining why an organism seeks to survive and reproduce anyway (particularly an organism with no CNS or neuron cells). I’m no creationist or any “ist”, but there is room for intelligent design in the various theories regards the formation of life on this planet. If you had a bag of seeds, and found an area that was suitable for life, but had no plants in it, what would you do? 1/ According to the theory of “evolution”, you would walk away and not plant anything. 2/ According to the theory of “intelligent design”, you would plant the seeds and purposely introduce some life into that area. So which theory would you follow? The question is not that hypothetical, as it happens all the time with reforestation. TRAV “I tentatively agree with the idea that A harmonious relationship between theology and evolution can be achieved.” I think it is more than tentative. We are now regularly sending up probes and spacecraft, and with a few more technological discoveries, it is quite possible to put some forms of life onto another planet or moon. If we did teraform another planet or moon, we would now be their God, although we probably wouldn’t interfere too much with what those life forms did. Some food for thought. Posted by vanna, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 5:55:39 AM
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STEZZA/the stoner? de-eaming..delusional
i quote the full/extract..but edited for simpleton..comprehention <<Am Chem Soc. 2008 Jun 11;130(23):7400-6. Epub 2008 May 15. Positioning lipid membrane giant vesicles...>>ie god made natural<<by micro-organization of aqueous cytoplasm mimic.>>..the minic.turns out to be a blended/strained extract..of liquified lipotens[also god] Cans AS,..Andes-Koback M,Keating CD. <<Department of Chemistry,..The Pennsylvania State University,..University Park,..Pennsylvania 16802,/USA. Abstract We report localization>>>not manufacture from scratch... <<of lipid membrane microdomains>>>not <<to specific.."poles"..of asymmetric giant vesicles..(GVs)..>>ie bits..not a complete <<in response to local..internal composition.>>.achieved by natural/god <<Interior/aqueous microdomains..were a simple model cytoplasm..composed of a poly(ethyleneglycol)..(PEG)/dextran aqueous..two-phase system(ATPS)..>>>blended <<encapsulated in the vesicles...>>made by god..not <<The GV membrane composition used here>>>lol<<..was a modification of a DOPC/DPPC/cholesterol mixture..>>.possably blended pulverised skin/fat cells..[ie ty cells]..<<known to form micrometer-scale liquid..ordered and liquid disordered domains; we added lipids with PEG 2000 Da-modified headgroups...Osmotically induced budding of the ATPS-containing GVs..led to structures where the PEG-rich and dextran-rich interior aqueous phases..were in contact with different regions of the vesicle membrane. Liquid ordered..(L o)..membrane domains/ in PEG-terminated lipids preferentially coated the PEG-rich aqueous phase vesicle "body",>> .....LOL while coexisting>>>[ie ALLREADY<<liquid disordered..>>>lol...liquified..<<(L d)..membrane domains...coated the dextran-rich aqueous phase.."bud". Membrane domain positioning resulted..from interactions between>>>THE GOD SUSTAINED?LIVING CELLULAR CONMSTITUANTS..<<lipid headgroups..and IE WITHIN<<the PRE+EGSISTANT..interior aqueous polymer solutions, e.g..PEGylated headgroups with PEG and dextran polymers.>>MADE NATURALLY:BY GOD..<<Heating resulted first in patchy membranes...>>LOL... <<where L o..and L d longer showed any preference..for coating the PEG-rich vs dextran-rich interior aqueous volumes,>>>LOL <<and eventually complete lipid mixing.>>>mixing...not creation <<Upon cooling..lipid domains..again coated their preferred interior aqueous microvolume.>>>IE GODS CELLS>>LOL>> <<This work..shows that nonspecific interactions>>LOL,<<between interior aqueous contents>>>LIQUFIED GOD MADE<< and the membrane that encapsulates them>>>BIG POINT>>>PLEASE READ THAT BIT AGAIN.. <<can drive local chemical hetero-geneity,>>>lol please noter con-clusion..<<and offers a primitive experimental model..for membrane and cytoplasmic biological cells.>>PLEASE READ LAST LINE AGAIN dont make up conclusions..that Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 7:17:44 AM
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OZBID...morbid..<<..God makes/no difference..he does not exist.>>>a great statement..but faulse...
[recall;..jesus...[you shall call him...emmanu-EL......god/within... get it..GOD..WITHIN/ live..every cell/its life...sustaining/naturally...every living..their being <<If..he does/make a difference,.asking where he does,>>>think/dear-boy...a cell takes orders/..instructions..via dna...feeding though...many of/the celular=parts...[at least 20/are needed to sustain/one living-cell..its life.. [yet..your body has quadrillions...of individual-cells..each/..doing their thing/naturally..[naturally..god sustains..every/of each..cells actions... [god is logic..sustaining life...via light/to love/ life]...serving..even the most vile/their living...from emmanu-el/god-within.. <<we can/reasonably ask..why he does not/do it..more often>>>the a single-cell..number billions... the actions..of the all living...thats god... dosnt he do enough/..just/sustaining live?....and live unconditionally!...sustaining/even the...most vile..their lives...too? <<--when any decent person>>lol<<..with his power/and knowledge..would do so.>>as jesus said...that/ye see me shall do greater...then...who shall lead you..will serve you/ your servant...just like god/serves each of us..our lives.. <<The problems..with/intelligentdesign..>>>a man made/lable...spin <<are problems..for/any view..that God/is the creator/and/SUSTAINER..of all things..visible/invisible--why did he..make/so many stuff-ups?>>>judge/not...there is logic...[what/you call..stuff/ calls/natural-selection/mutation...S.0.F.. that random/ sees life/survive...thus sickle-cell..provides protection/from maleria etc..and cockroaches..will survive/even the end of time...and species evolve...within their genus... that im-perfect..ion...underpins life/surviving did you/ever appriciate..all your parents..did for you..? thank god/for all he does do/for us all... if god stopped..all living..would end <<The discussion/of extensive,..because..the problem..LOL<<is real->>please vile/evil..or just..more life...its the same to get as simple as giving grace...[as jesus said more shall be given] <<diss-cuss-ion..threatens/to disprove>>LOL<<..the existence of any god..worthy of worship.>..please validate...lets diss=cuss/some more? <<I don't believe...>>this much is clear...what you afraid of/love for?... religions lied...god/is with it...[look at/the most vile/living..god sustains..them/..from within..emmanuel...god within us all..[that ye do/ the do/..did/to god...YET..[give/ get..grace] <<,hard/2/believ..that there are/any good answers...>>LOL<<That is,..the facts/are incompatible with/..the existence of God.>>jesus revealed so many clues...he loved..even the most/vile... [but key being...even a beast..KNOWS.its masters voice.. KNOW/GOD IS LOVE...all good..comes from god..[love the] [god/lives..every single time..all the time... the Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 8:12:34 AM
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vanna et al: << Evolution infers that there must be continuous genetic change in a species. >>
Absolute rubbish. Our most vociferous critic of all things educational obviously understands neither evolution by natural selection, nor 'punctuated equilibrium' - which is a refinement of the general theory. He also doesn't understand science, if he asserts that experimentation is its only valid method. And this is the goose who presumes to continually deride the quality of science education in Australia. How would he know good science from bad? He's in a similar position to idiots like runner who rant and rave about science and evolution without displaying any evidence of understanding either. Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 8:15:39 AM
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"On a theological level, my amatuer understanding is that it is definitely possible to fit evolution into a theological framework. On a theological level, my amatuer understanding is that it is definitely possible to fit evolution into a theological framework." You assume a prioi that the theological framework is Judeo-Christian. That is does not take the guise of an objective observer. If one were to spend a few hours putting together a serious paper on some OLO topics (if time did permit), then there is a fair chance that the fundamentalist Christians would respond with lols, lampoons or jump topic. vanna, Abiogenesis is an extremely rare event which have happened only a few times, perhaps, only once. Mutation on the other hand has been observed, for example, with regards the HIV virus Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 8:17:00 AM
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C J Morgan
I have recommended your post for deletion. It appears that you cannot make a post to any forum without name-calling or abuse of another poster, which is outside of forum rules. Oliver, “Abiogenesis is an extremely rare event which have happened only a few times, perhaps, only once” Exactly. So what other great evidence is there for evolution, or the theory that life evolved out of basic raw materials. The concept that the right chemicals have suddenly appeared. Then the correct conditions and enzymes have also occurred for these chemicals to chemically combine, then the correct amino acids have resulted from these chemical reactions, then the correct proteins have been produced from the amino acids, then the correct tissue has formed from the proteins, then a fully functioning organism has finally been produced from the tissue, then the organism also has to have the knowledge that it has a limited life expectancy and must reproduce, and then the organism also has the means to reproduce and can also produce viable offspring that can also reproduce. The chances of all that occurring without something extra are about zero. There is considerable evidence for speciation, there is limited evidence for the accidental formation of life that is the basis of the theory of evolution. There is also a possibility that life on planet Earth was seeded, but if someone only considers evolution, then every other possibility has to be discounted. Posted by vanna, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 10:24:20 AM
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Precisely, CJ.
Vanna, I’m starting to wonder what on Earth you think punctuated equilibrium is. <<I previously have. Punctuated equilibrium.>> You haven’t. Evolution is fundamentally the fact and theory that species evolve over time, or more specifically, evolve over time via natural selection. Punctuated equilibrium is one way describing how this has taken place - in big bursts here and there, due to sudden geographical or environmental changes, rather than a relatively smooth transition. Both ideas fit evolution just fine, so you are still yet to name a test that evolution has failed. <<Evolution infers that there must be continuous genetic change in a species.>> Wrong. There is nothing about evolution that says that species must continue to evolve at all times. <<Unfortunately, some species have genetically stayed the same for many millions of years (or for many millions of generations), which exposes a major flaw in evolution theory.>> Wrong again. All this means is that the habitats of those species have remained relatively unchanged, or that change was not required for survival. So on the contrary, they help to confirm natural selection. <<Abiogenesis has never proven that organisms can accidentally or spontaneously develop, and has mostly been disbanded as a theory.>> Wrong yet again. Firstly, who is it that claims that “organisms can accidentally or spontaneously develop”? I certainly don’t know of any scientists who claim this. Secondly, abiogenesis has not been disbanded at all. In fact progress is continuously being made in this field of research (that is still in its infancy, mind you) and various stages of abiogenesis have been repeated in labs. And thirdly, what does this have to do with evolution? Continued... Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 10:25:14 AM
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The light elements which constitute human bodies formed in the Big Bang. The heavy elements were formed in post-first generation stars, hence, the late Carl Sagan's dictum, "we are made of star suff". Life did appear on Earth after a relatively short time on astronomical scales, it was 3 billion years ago, 1.6 billion years after the formation of the Earth. The processes were not really sudden on geological or atmospheric time frames. Please consider the chemical composition of the human body: To my eyes there is plenty of evidence an inorganic substratum to life. Although, life basically runs counter the second law of thermodynamics, it does not follow that locally, life cannot occur, because balance is found outside the encaptulated local system. This has been know for decades. I have read that there is research into the old protein and amino acid chicken and egg puzzles. But these are merely problems to be solved. Perhaps, a primitive form RNA being captured in a bubble. Maybe, "two" unlikely events fused:Proto-cell A was invaded by proto-cell B (having the characteristics of a virus), herein, a dormant engine is supplied fuel. HIV mutation is not aboigenesis. Yet, one can trace the handedness of the DNA modecule back billions of years, suggesting a common ancestor for life. Herein,there may have been only one ancestor. Albeit, before the Cambrian expansion 600 million years ogo, there was a mass extinction, which might have destroyed other life forms, but the evidence is not to hand. The window of opportunity for abiogenesis might have been very small, yet nature has subequently provided billions of years for natural selection and mutation to work, afterwards. Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 11:43:59 AM
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I’m guessing that CJ Morgan’s post is going to stay. Yes, he does engage in name calling. And yes, it is an indicator that he doesn’t have much to say. But the people who run this website seem to believe that it is worth letting a fair amount of those kinds of comments through if it is going to encourage vigorous debate. You have to grow a fairly thick skin to be involved in OLO. I’ve been called worse. Note what Keating said, when he was calling people all sorts of names in Parliament. He said, ‘It’s the Australian way; at least in Australia we fight with words and not guns or grenades.’ Name calling nearly always reflects on the caller rather than the recipient. Let it stay as testimony to their vacuity. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 11:47:07 AM
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Dear Michael Zimmerman,
The design argument is not dead. That you keep writing articles about it is testimony to that. You even start off discussing the ‘latest attack’ against ID. Why would anyone raise another attack against something that was dead? The debate certainly is alive and well here at OLO. It attracts quite a bubbly flow of attention. As you say, the design/naturalist debate has bubbled along from the ancient Greeks through Paley and then Darwin and into modern times. It’s not going to disappear soon. The more technology develops to understand the intricacies of biology, the more we marvel at its structure. Even the hardest of all atheists (Dawkins) has noted the appearance of design (describing it as an illusion to be explained away.) Scientific literature today is abounding in comments from researchers who, letting the ball slip, use language describing biological structures as being ‘designed’ in certain ways. If it wasn’t for the philosophical implications, we might just follow the evidence to where it leads. You claim that certain people (without naming any) are calling for scientific investigation to be halted. Who is doing this apart from you? You talk about Darwin claiming that certain organs in the body “bear the plain stamp on inutility”. If the organs are already declared to be useless, then why bother investigating them? It’s this kind of thinking that can discourage scientific investigation. Wouldn’t it be better to say that we suspect that the organs were put there for a reason; so though we don’t currently understand their function, we’ll investigate them further? Those such as Michael Behe, knowledgeable and highly qualified to assess the evidence, able to scrutinise the weaknesses in Darwinian thought, brave enough to stand up to the current establishment, and willing to refine design theory, are likely to be increasing in number in future. By the way, something imperfectly designed is still designed. The design argument is not dead, even if certain people in intellectual circles wish it and declare it to be so. But keep it on your Christmas wish list. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 11:51:38 AM
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The design issue is not dead because its supporters will never accept any reason or evidence, however persuasive, that it is not science. Even if Darwinian evolutionary theory were to be disproved, this would not mean that ID would be vindicated. ID and evolution are not rival scientific theories. One is a scientific theory; the other a faith-based rationalisation of no theological merit. Here’s what’s wrong with ID as (Christian) theology - • It has no serious biblical warrant – here at least the seven-day creationists deserve credit for consistency • It is “god of the gaps” theology that whose raison d’être is not even to explain gaps, but to insist that they exist • It confuses physics and metaphysics • It confuses the natural and the supernatural, hence both trivialising the divine and undermining the foundations of good science as necessarily naturalistic • It proposed a God neither fully immersed in the processes of nature nor completely detached from them – a halfway-house god responsible for eyes but not eyelids • It denies revelation by proposing the natural world as proof of God Posted by Rhian, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 2:27:42 PM
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Dear ozbib,
The problem of evil is not a problem in that the sense that finding out whether light can be treated as a particle or wave is a problem. Evil is an artificial category. It is what a particular society disapproves of. For the Nazis protecting a Jew would be evil. It is a problem in theology as an omnipotent, omniscient God is postulated, and evil according to the definition of a particular society exists. What is evil or good to me is what I define as evil or good. It is essentially what I prefer. I don't regard the existence of evil as a problem in the sense of something inexplicable or contradictory. Theodicy is a Christian concern dependent on the Christian definition of God although Jews have asked the question of "Where was God in Auschwitz." The God of the Jewish Bible is not an omniscient being. Abraham can argue with him as he does in Genesis 18:20-18:32. God as a result changes his mind. Evil is incompatible with the Christian definition of God and a particular definition of evil. I don't believe in any supernatural entity of any kind. However, I believe the mind of humans can imagine a God worthy of worship. I gather Ghazaali regarded non-theological study as trivial and considered ijtihad, the spirit of inquiry, only relevant to religious questions. In the fourteenth century this attitude caused the Islamic world to enter their Dark Ages. The adoption of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire in the fourth century caused the Roman world and the rest of western Europe to enter its Dark Ages. Charles Freeman in "The Closing of the Western Mind" describes the latter process. Posted by david f, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 2:34:42 PM
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<<Evolution theory also has a little difficulty in explaining why an organism seeks to survive and reproduce anyway...>> Firstly, because the desire to survive is advantageous and so any species that didn’t care either way would die out pretty quickly. Secondly, a conscious desire isn’t needed for survival. Either the genetic mutations are right for the conditions, or they are not. If they’re right, they’ll survive, if they’re not, they’ll die out. And thirdly, unanswered questions are not proof of the negative. <<I’m no creationist...>> Yet you use precisely the same arguments and don’t have the slightest clue about what evolution, natural selection, punctuated equilibrium or abiogenesis are. Hmmm? <<...there is room for intelligent design in the various theories regards the formation of life on this planet.>> Forgetting that creationism isn’t even a theory to begin with, why then have you gone out of your way to misunderstand certain sciences? As for the hypothetical you posed to me, that would have to be one of the most asinine arguments against evolution I have every read. It’s right up there with Dan’s argument that the food packaging industry relies on abiogenesis being false. That was a doozy! <<According to the theory of “evolution”, you would walk away and not plant anything.>> Why? Dan, <<The more technology develops to understand the intricacies of biology, the more we marvel at its structure.>> ...and the more we learn about how such intricacies formed from the most basic of beginnings while creationists deliberately and misleadingly perpetuate the myth that scientists believe they just popped into existence from nothing. <<Scientific literature today is abounding in comments from researchers who, letting the ball slip, use language describing biological structures as being ‘designed’ in certain ways.>> Creationist literature today is abounding in comments from creationists who, twisting what scientists say, use misquotes to give the impression that they believe biological structures were designed. <<If it wasn’t for the philosophical implications, we might just follow the evidence to where it leads.>> Name one observation that bypassed the scientific method and is now widely accepted based on philosophical grounds. Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 2:46:44 PM
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Thanks Dan for exposing the dogmas of 'the science is settled' brigade' even know history tells us they will have a different story in 10 years time (at least among those who hold to the same story).
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 2:50:11 PM
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“life basically runs counter the second law of thermodynamics” I would agree with the part regards thermodynamics. According to the laws of entropy, life should reduce in time as disorder increases. However, according to the theory of evolution, life increases and advances in time. So the laws of entropy and the theory of evolution do not match, and there must be a special force that is driving life forward against entropy. If science stays with the theory of evolution, science may never find what that force is. If anything, the theory of evolution is holding science and the pursuit of knowledge back. Dan S de Merengue I would agree that CJ Morgan provides nothing to most forums except name calling and abuse of other posters. This has been occurring for a long time, and so much for his evolution. Perhaps C J Morgan’s continuous and repeated abuse and name calling of other people should be left in, as an example of how evolution does not work. Posted by vanna, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 4:28:48 PM
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I think you're on to something, vannakins. Unlike me, you're a truly "evolved" specimen.
When I first joined OLO some years back, you were Timithy. Then you 'evolved' into Timkins, who 'evolved' into HRS, who in turn 'evolved' into vanna. However, while there have been aspects of 'punctuated equilibrium' and 'design', there hasn't been much apparent intelligence, I'm afraid. I must say that your favourable disposition towards Creationism doesn't add much credibility to your regular pronouncements about science and education. Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 6:38:24 PM
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CJ Morgan,
Like the majority of the posts you make, you have added absolutely nothing to the topic except name calling and abuse of other people. The majority of your posts make no mention of the topic at all, and you have learnt absolutely nothing from your education. It is almost beyond belief how you were once a teacher, but considering the current state of the education system, it is understandable how you accepted into it. Posted by vanna, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 7:14:24 PM
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Can I take your lack of response to me as an admission that evolution has failed no tests so far? <<According to the laws of entropy, life should reduce in time as disorder increases.>> Wrong. This is the old debunked second law of thermodynamics argument you’re getting at. But evolution doesn’t contradict the second law of thermodynamics because the second law refers to closed systems and the Earth is not a closed system. On a clear day, you may notice a big bright ball in the sky that emanates heat and energy... Need I go on? <<However, according to the theory of evolution, life increases and advances in time.>> You’d have to clarify exactly what you mean here by “increases” and “advances”, but if you’re making the classic mistake of thinking that evolution is like a ladder to be climbed, then no, according to the theory of evolution, life does not increase or advance “in time”. <<So the laws of entropy and the theory of evolution do not match, and there must be a special force that is driving life forward against entropy.>> That special force is called the “sun” (just in case you did actually need me to go on earlier), and scientists do in fact know that it's there - thank you. So no, there is no contradiction between the laws of entropy and the theory of evolution. <<If science stays with the theory of evolution, science may never find what that force is.>> With this type of astonishing ignorance... <<If anything, the theory of evolution is holding science and the pursuit of knowledge back.>> ...the only think holding science and the pursuit of knowledge back is the fact that real scientists have to waste time on speaking over, and dispelling the myths perpetuated by a very noisy and very radical and wilfully ignorant minority, rather than getting on with their jobs. Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 7:45:35 PM
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Well I rather appreciate CJ Morgan's contributions to OLO.
I do learn something from his writings, as I do from everyone else's, however 'good' or 'bad' they may be. CJ is more than capable of speaking for himself, but I glean a lot from his scribblings, and without having a clue who he is, I rather appreciate his humour, his writings and the general cut of his jib. Some writings have to be seen as an 'aside', a swift resposte to a fatuous comment, or an oft repeated line, such as we are all wont to do from time to time. The high dudgeon line is one for flimsy politicians, not OLO posters, surely? Getting too high handed and offended on this site is a bit rich, one feels. I am reminded of a quote that might deal with times when we disagree with each other, but cannot recall who it is attributed to: "I do wish you would learn some poetry, your ignorance cramps my conversation". Posted by The Blue Cross, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 8:47:45 PM
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The reason the design issue is not dead is that a lot of people see that design makes more sense in light of the evidence than undirected mutation and selection. You say that ID has problems with Christian theology. Possibly so, but that is largely because the ID movement is not aiming for a Christian theological position. They do not seek to ground their investigations in any particular doctrine. Their brief is the study of patterns in nature that are best explained as a result of intelligence. For example, if we compare it with forensic science, if an investigator found a knife buried in the ground, they could examine the evidence to ascertain what actions, deliberate or otherwise, lead to it being there. They may ascribe the finding to an intelligent agent even without knowing the identity of the person. Similarly, ID proponents are not necessarily ascribing design to a particular God. They’re more aiming for a natural theology. So while I would agree with you that a good theology should acknowledge revelation, I don’t think that revelation stands in opposition to what we can deduce from the natural world. One can complement the other. I’m sure you are familiar with Romans 1:20, which touches on both. Regarding your 4th dot point, good science does not depend on naturalism. In the context of this discussion, such an assertion is question begging. With regard to evolution and ID, you say that if one theory were to be disproved then this would not vindicate the other. If so, could you mention this to Michael Zimmerman? For that is what he argues in the 2nd paragraph of his article. “a relatively neglected category of argument against ID and in favor of evolution: the argument from imperfection, as applied to the human genome,” says Michael Zimmerman. He seems to be playing one off against the other, which is what you say we shouldn’t do. Do you still say he’s written a nice article? Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Wednesday, 19 May 2010 11:59:41 PM
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As a christian, I see the concept of evolution, as just a tool like a hammer and chisel of a sculpture used to create a master piece. In this case good old planet Earth. And the sculpture is God him self! I feel sorry for the individuals in the science community, cleaver as they are. They are border line learned idiots who can't see the forest through the trees! Blinded by their own arrogance. Time I think for them to definitely get out of the square they masturbate in! and start learning the science of God. the greatest scientist and creator of all time and space, thank you very much!
Posted by Peterson, Thursday, 20 May 2010 12:56:54 AM
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vanna et al: << have learnt absolutely nothing from your education. >>
That's pretty droll, coming from someone who has in this thread demonstrated his misunderstanding of evolution, natural selection, punctuated equilibrium and the second law of thermodynamics. Is there anything you got right when you studied science at high school? TBC - thanks for the kind words. Back atcha :) Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 20 May 2010 7:49:01 AM
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1."According to the laws of entropy, life should reduce in time as disorder increases." 2 "However, according to the theory of evolution, life increases and advances in time." These two conditions can co-exist. Life is a sub-sysytem. Living (organised) things release heat energy into a larger system (the universe). It is okay, to have pockets of organisation like living organisms and solar systems. Life is a "closed" system as aptly noted by AJ. It is the total system, where net disorder takes place. Even so, ultimately, we die and so do stars. In the end physics wins, yet, beforehand life can be organised by Nature and sustained for a prolonged time: viz., billions of years. Understanding the sub-systems helps rather than prevents scientists to study evolution. What did you think about the human body's list of inorganic elements? There is nothing listed that was not, as known by physics, to have come from the Big Bang or created in stars. Essentally, you and I are animated Carbon. Peterson, Good sceince is not arrogant, rather it is independent and objective. Maybe, we, humans are not smart enough to crack all the riddles of nature. If so, that is for the same reason dogs can't do calculus. Herein, assigning the gaps in human knowledge to the gods would seem to be the polyfiller of the psyche. Posted by Oliver, Thursday, 20 May 2010 8:28:40 AM
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AJ Phillips,
A cell is a closed system surrounded by a membrane. According to entropy, the contents of a cell should be heading towards the maximum amount of disorder and the minimum amount of energy. The cell should be decaying and decomposing, and sunlight can aid that process. To prove this, just leave your salad sandwich in the sunlight. But instead, the cell is growing, it is building proteins or substances it can secrete, and eventually the cell is trying to subdivide and reproduce. Q How does a cell know to do that. Standard evolution theory answer: - Through DNA. Q How did DNA form? Standard evolution theory answer: - By accident. Q How did genes and codons form in a DNA molecule? Standard evolution theory answer: - By accident. Q How did transcription first occur? Standard evolution theory answer: - By accident. Q How did translation first occur? Standard evolution theory answer: - By accident. Q How did 2 DNA chromatids first coil up, join at a centromere and form a chromosome. Standard evolution theory answer: - By accident. Etc, etc. It must be very convenient to have “accidents” as part of a theory. I have also never heard that abuse (such as your calling people “ignorant” if they disagree with you) is actually a part of the scientific method, but maybe this is done to hide the flaws and gaps in the superficial theory. Posted by vanna, Thursday, 20 May 2010 8:36:10 AM
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Unfortunately, some people think that the purpose of OLO is to deride others who disagree with them. They don’t realise that thinking people might actually want to come here to engage with ideas in a stimulating and civil environment. In my time here at OLO, I’ve met a few people who lean towards name calling when challenged with a view that’s different to theirs. Forgetting that the whole point of OLO is the interaction of different opinion, they take offense that someone may disagree with them and resort to some rather ‘choice’ adjectives. I think it was my grade 3 teacher that told me that ‘empty cans make the loudest noise.’ Experience tells me it’s true. Take courage. The good argument inevitably will shine through in the end. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Thursday, 20 May 2010 9:40:25 AM
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Peterson, Thursday, 20 May 2010 12:56:54 AM
You're point about evolution being "a tool like a hammer and chisel of a sculptor" is a very valid one, yet you then negate that with a rant that is, well, one of the things you allude to. ........................................................ vanna, entropy is a nutty idea. Evolutionary and abiogenesis things didn't happen by accident: they were a function of the covalent bonds that carbon is able to form - varied bonds to varied other atoms to form complicated molecules that can iinteract with other complicated molecules. Theologically, one could say God designed a lot of flexible molecules from malleable atoms (malleable atoms that came out of the nuclear fusion and fission of and in the stars). Posted by McReal, Thursday, 20 May 2010 10:00:51 AM
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A mountain can be formed, and after many years, it will weather away and become rubble, and eventually become dust that blows away in the wind. The mountain has now reached the maximum amount of disorder and the mountain no longer contains any energy (as potential energy). That is entropy. There are many covalent bonds in a protein within a cell, and many of those bonds require the right amount of activation energy and also the correct enzymes to form. If too many atoms in the macromolecule of a protein are not correctly aligned, the protein will not function properly and the protein can do more harm than good to the organism. The underlying theme in the theory of evolution is that everything fits neatly into place through accident or by chance. This negates having to look deeper. But to prove that abiogenesis works, buy a TV set that is in 1000 pieces. Put all the pieces in a box and shake well. After many years of shaking, all the pieces should align and fit together, and you will now have a fully functional TV set. According to the theory of abiogenesis. Posted by vanna, Thursday, 20 May 2010 10:35:56 AM
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Please excuse my earlier typo (vana). You should think in terms of probability and quantum indetreminacy, rather than accident, in a huge universe and a plenty of time. Look at the table (above). Are we composed of inorganic material? Yes/No? Life is inorganic material, that has been orgainised, improbable perhaos, but not impossible. After-all, we are here! McReal, Erwin Schrodinger was able to establish relationships between temperature changes and genes in the 1950s, and, in laboratory situations, using x-rays able to produce mutations; wherein, he developed several reliable formulae on the relationship between temperature and mutation. On the other hand: Instantly changing water into wine. Well, now, that would raise a few issues at the level of atomic chemistry. I'm sure many a Dan Brown character would have been suitable impressed by the energy released.I think we would have a cremation rather than a wedding. runner, Scientists adjusting their theories is good. Darwin's theories have been must refined. Dawins didn't have knowledge of DNA and would not have appreciated we carrying inheritances that go back three billion years, when we were related to bacteria. Tree shrews were epochs in the future, then. Energy created in "closed" systems (AJ) of the oragism allows organisms to evade thermodynmical equlibrium. Of course, it cannot be sustained for ever. Though genes are pretty good au using various species (e.g., us) as transient hosts. We are merely roads and bridges, genes are the travellers. Jesus, if he was made Man, therefore, was a Great Ape, with a biological heritage going back long before bedroom of David or Adam and his garden, to the early bio-sphere of the planet. AJ, I have read the Bible and suspect you have too. I wish some of OLO creationist friends would read some real science references. I assume they receive prepacked rebuttals from their Church magazines or similar. Posted by Oliver, Thursday, 20 May 2010 11:24:03 AM
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it is nutty to apply entropy overwhelmingly to geological or biological events or situations, especially big events or long-time ones. The underlying theme in the theory of evolution is NOT that everything fits neatly into place through accident or by chance. To say "this negates having to look deeper" is mind-numbing. The 747 1,000-plus pieces junkbox/junkyard analogy is pathetic Posted by McReal, Thursday, 20 May 2010 11:47:10 AM
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I hear you, Oliver.
I think it’s a testament to the fact that creationists simply don’t want to know. Dan, <<The reason the design issue is not dead is that a lot of people see that design makes more sense in light of the evidence than undirected mutation and selection.>> Undirected mutation directed by natural select. Seriously, Dan, I’ve told you that close to ten times now. <<...largely because the ID movement is not aiming for a Christian theological position. They do not seek to ground their investigations in any particular doctrine.>> That’s exactly right. And the reason for this was to sneak religion through the backdoor and into science classes when the US constitution forbade it. <<[Detectives] may ascribe the [buried knife] to an intelligent agent even without knowing the identity of the person.>> That’s because knives don’t bury themselves. But chemicals can arrange themselves, genes can mutate by themselves and nature can direct the mutations by itself. <<Regarding your 4th dot point, good science does not depend on naturalism.>> Yes, it does. Science only deals with the natural world because we have no way of distinguishing between something that transcends the natural world and something that doesn’t exist. <<With regard to evolution and ID, you say that if one theory were to be disproved then this would not vindicate the other. If so, could you mention this to Michael Zimmerman? For that is what he argues in the 2nd paragraph of his article.>> Zimmerman does no such thing. There’s a difference between an argument being for something while against another, and claiming that something is true because the other is false. Vanna, <<A cell is a closed system surrounded by a membrane.>> Wrong. A cell accepts energy and nutrients from external sources, so it is not a closed system. <<The cell should be decaying and decomposing...>> No, because it’s receiving energy and nutrients from the sun and food. <<...and sunlight can aid that process.>> Only if it’s dead. <<To prove this, just leave your salad sandwich in the sunlight.>> Continued... Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 20 May 2010 12:52:43 PM
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The salad in a sandwich no longer has the root systems and earth required to continue living. Your analogy is totally invalid as well as completely asinine. As for your questions, you again show your ignorance. McReal has saved me some effort in responding here, but if you could provide some references to where the evolutionary answer to your questions is “by accident”, then I’d be most grateful. Especially after this whopper in your post to McReal: “The underlying theme in the theory of evolution is that everything fits neatly into place through accident or by chance.” <<I have also never heard that abuse (such as your calling people “ignorant” if they disagree with you) is actually a part of the scientific method...>> Neither have I. Pointing out that someone is ignorant is not abuse, ironically this amounts to slander due to the false nature of your accusation. You can choose not to be ignorant about these things but you choose otherwise - and there is nothing wrong with pointing that out. <<...but maybe this is done to hide the flaws and gaps in the superficial theory.>> Bold words for someone who has so far failed to point out a single flaw or gap. << But to prove that abiogenesis works, buy a TV set that is in 1000 pieces. Put all the pieces in a box and shake well. After many years of shaking, all the pieces should align and fit together, and you will now have a fully functional TV set. >> The parts of a TV are inanimate objects that don’t have the same bonds as the building blocks for life. Your analogy is, again, totally invalid as well as completely asinine. You’re not having much luck here, are you Vanna. No Matter. The longer we press on the closer the probability of you getting something right must surely be approaching 1. In the meantime though, I’d like to thank both you and Dan for helping myself and others to demonstrate that creationists not only don't understand science, but don't want to understand it either. Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 20 May 2010 12:52:48 PM
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Oliver<<Are we composed of inorganic material? Yes/No?>>that is the point...just because there is in-organics..CANNOT MEAN minerals=life
the absurdity of<<Life is inorganic material,>>>IS nuts..[take a courps...ALL THE SAME//organics/plus inorganics...yet NOT..NO LIFE sure iorganics..<<that has been orgainised,>>>but iorganised by what...what is this natural...doing the natural selecting <<improbable perhaos,..but not impossible.>>ok mate make life from all your[look at a LIVING sperm..entering a LIVING ovum...[both are living entity...not minerals] After-all,..we are here! gave their living to us..[life comes from life...this is a thing science cannot refute[if you claim it do...well present your..EVi-dense <<relationships between temperature changes..and to produce mutations;exrays...>>gout medicine as well..[but the point being many mutations...BUT ALL RANDOM... its not a predictive/science...this dose..does not do this/repeatedly.....[sure it creates sports/mutation..usually via crossover...because the exray...broke the dna strand..ditto using micro-waves <<changing water into wine.>>i have repeatedly this has been miss-represented..[but only a servant can/get it..[the servants served/their masters..BEST WINE...[saving the masters face] see that you..would not drink/or allowed to be served...even the best wine,,,that came/from a toilet...ditto the handwash jars.. [as jesus is nought to do..with me/its not my time/turn..[he said so what...i dont care..if you give them that/dirty/scummy/handwash water...get it? <<Scientists adjusting their theories is good.>> does...but those...HAVING them dont realise that...thus have been decieved...into thinking its science fact...yet its only THEORY...unable to be scientificly faulsified..or replicated in science conditions...thus fraud <<we carrying inheritances..that go back/three billion years,>>3 billion years..of life/comming from it? <<we were related to bacteria.>>please give your proof....reveal the trans genus LINKS...that are all missing...[what EVIDENCE YOU GOT OF NEW GENUS...[6 theories...missing links...and thousands missing...and science HAS NEVER WITNESSED ONE FIRST-HAND...NEVER EVER RECORDED AN OBSERVED/change of genus <<Energy created in.."closed" systems>>yet another science DECEPTION... define energy...E=MC2...means energy...IS..[equals] mass/times the speed of light/..times the speed of light...LOL... only fools..can believe that is more theory Posted by one under god, Thursday, 20 May 2010 3:51:47 PM
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I didn’t say that ID and evolution are not rivalrous, only that they are not competing scientific theories. Evidence of evolution is evidence against ID, because ID makes particular claims against evolution; but evidence against evolution would not be scientific evidence for ID, because evolutionary theory makes no claims about god. You say defining science as entirely naturalistic begs the question , and I think this is the core of our differences. I believe scientific method must by its nature preclude supernatural explanations of natural phenomena. If it were the case that some phenomena are a product of supernatural divine intervention, then the question of their provenance would cease to be a scientific question and become a theological one. I appreciate how that seems to you begging the question, as my understanding of science precludes yours by definition. But I do not think my understanding of science is unreasonable or unusual. I do not preclude theological reflection on nature or even a theology of the divine in nature, merely one that sees God’s role as supernatural mechanic. Equally, I don’t see naturalistic/scientific investigation or understanding of our origins as precluding a theological one. The different between the two is explored most interestingly by scientist-theologians such as Peacocke and Polkinhorne. Their views are in some ways similar to ID in that they perceive evidence of a divine mind behind creation, not in the sense of denying evolution or arguing for “irreducible complexity”, but in the beauty and symmetry of the underlying organisation of the universe, and humanity’s connection to it. We, and the world in which we live, are the products of certain characteristics of the universe that interact in multiple ways to make our existence possible. They see God’s creativity in nature, not supernatural interventions in biological processes. Scientific and theological understandings of human origins are hence not mutually exclusive. I'm not 100% convinced by these arguments, but they seem to me more nuanced and rational than ID as usually presented. Posted by Rhian, Thursday, 20 May 2010 4:18:49 PM
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I fully understand that we are here, the question is how. Processes such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration are not mutations. They are a sophisticated series of chemical reactions that require the right enzymes and energy transfer mechanisms throughout the reactions. These processes are fundamental to life, but such processes are not covered by the theory of evolution that only considers traits and mutations, and the theory of evolution is simply too lacking. McReal, I have a question for you. Is it a part of the theory of evolution to carry out abuse and insults of others, (eg use of words such as “nutty”, “pathetic” etc)? A J Phillips, Roots and leaves are formed from cells. They don’t just happen. But here is an experiment to test the theory of evolution. Form a cell membrane, and place inside various elements. Now supply energy and agitate, and wait for a required protein to form by chance. Without proteins there will be no cell or organism to carry out your evolution, and if the protein does not have the correct physical structure, then it is useless to an organism and may actually harm the organism. But there is a problem. If the cell membrane ruptures while waiting for a required protein to correctly form (and this could take many years without the right enzymes), then the contents of the cell will drift away and you no longer have a cell. So you have to make sure the cell membrane lasts until a required protein with the correct physical structure forms by chance. You should be able to do all that because you are not ignorant. I also have a question for you. Is it a part of the theory of evolution to carry out abuse and insults of others? Posted by vanna, Thursday, 20 May 2010 4:33:29 PM
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<<Roots and leaves are formed from cells. They don’t just happen.>> Who said they did? It’s time you started providing some peer-reviewed references here, my friend. <<But here is an experiment to test the theory of evolution.>> Oh dear. Here we go. I’m willing to bet this is simply going to be another display of ignorance towards science... <<Form a cell membrane, and place inside various elements. Now supply energy and agitate, and wait for a required protein to form by chance.>> Yep, I was right. That has nothing to do with evolution. Again, it’s time you started providing references rather than uneducated assertions of what you think evolution is. <<Without proteins there will be no cell or organism to carry out your evolution...>> Oh, it’s my evolution now? Well..! <<...and if the protein does not have the correct physical structure, then it is useless to an organism and may actually harm the organism.>> You’ve got that right. It’s just as well this has nothing to do with abiogenesis. <<But there is a problem.>> Uh oh! <<If the cell membrane ruptures while waiting for a required protein to correctly form (and this could take many years without the right enzymes), then the contents of the cell will drift away and you no longer have a cell.>> Wow! It’s just as well cells weren’t so complicated in the early stages. Otherwise none of us would be around, and you’d actually have a point. <<Is it a part of the theory of evolution to carry out abuse and insults of others?>> Rather than trying to smear someone’s name (as creationists spend so much of their time doing to Darwin), how about you provide some peer-reviewed references for your assertions? Thanks. Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 20 May 2010 5:28:03 PM
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OH how desperate men have always been to avoid being accountable to their Creator. The apostle was right when he spoke of God handing men over to their own vain imaginations. The failure of evolutionist to come up with an ounce of logic demonstrates this beautifully. AS one professor of genetics says
'Biologist are simply naive when they talk about experiments designed to test the theory of evolution. It is not testable. They may happen to stumble across the facts which would seem to conflict with its predictions. These facts will invariably be ignored and their discoveries will undoubtedly be deprived of continuing research grants.' Posted by runner, Thursday, 20 May 2010 6:11:58 PM
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To have some rational information for some ration debate, Go back and open the link on the first post on this blog(1), or the links provided on these dates, at these times Friday, 14 May 2010 12:25:47 PM (2) Sunday, 16 May 2010 10:30:51 AM (3) and then provide some comment about the contents therein. (1) (2) ... (3) ... ... Posted by McReal, Thursday, 20 May 2010 6:21:46 PM
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runner, Thursday, 20 May 2010 6:11:58 PM
runner - it is reasonable to expect the reference or link to the quote, to see in what context it was made, and by whom. Posted by McReal, Thursday, 20 May 2010 6:23:21 PM
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A J Phillips,
“It’s just as well cells weren’t so complicated in the early stages” So cells in the past didn’t form proteins? So how did cells grow, and more importantly, why did they grow? Oh never mind. If you want references, look in any of the main biology books (EG Biology by Campbell) HOWEVER, they tend to leave out a lot, and tend to state that evolution occurs over time and through chance. That’s the big excuse to not delve any further. No one would want too many getting worried or all upset about something they can’t actually see or measure. You have not answered the last question I asked. I think this is because you actually get a warm and fuzzy feeling carrying out insults and abuse of others. But you should be very careful giving insults and abuse directly to someone. I have seen what can happen in such circumstances. Not pretty. McReal, I have no connection with organised religion. No one has to have religious connections to wonder about the theory of evolution. I’ve noticed on OLO that people who give a lot of insults generally don’t answer too many questions. You too have not answered the last question I asked. You too should be very careful about giving insults or abuse directly to someone. Regard that as good advice for your own self-preservation. Posted by vanna, Thursday, 20 May 2010 7:24:27 PM
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Oh come on, vannakins. You're writing scientific gibberish, and it's not abuse for anybody to point that out - particularly since you have a record (under various aliases) of posting endless asinine comments that purport to criticise education, and science education in particular.
However, you may be inadvertently proving your own point. If your scientific understanding is the product of an Australian education system, then there is clearly a problem. Assuming you passed high school science, that is. Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 20 May 2010 7:38:59 PM
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You’ve said (more than once) that the ID and evolution positions are somewhat different in nature. Therefore to disprove evolution would not prove ID. This is in contradiction with Zimmerman who wants to compare them, and play them off against each other, “a relatively neglected category of argument against ID and in favor of evolution: the argument from imperfection, as applied to the human genome.” (Zimmerman) Therefore I ask you, do you agree with his reasoning? Are you willing to critique his article? You say evidence for evolution is evidence against ID. Is not therefore evidence for ID evidence against evolution? Or do you want to play with a two headed coin? - First you describe the arguments for ID as ‘untenable’ (14/5). Then you say the argument for ID is inferior to those of Polkinghorne and Peacocke, which ‘seem to me more nuanced and rational than ID as usually presented’ (20/5). I’ll take that as a bit of a concession. A comparison with Polkinghorne is not nearly as bad as being ‘untenable’. However, I’d like suggest that it would be better not to look at any argument ‘as usually presented’ (or often misrepresented) but to analyse the strongest version of that argument. Then if you reject it, at least you will know what you have rejected. While Peacocke and Polkinghorne are entitled to their opinion, and I can respect their scholarly view, I think you would agree that there is room to explore other views. For these reasons, I think it is wise to be a little bit tempered, and not support rash statements from someone who’s gone off a bit half-cocked. When Zimmerman talks of the ‘damage’ ID is doing (despite being ‘dead and buried’), accusing them of ‘heights of arrogance’ and claiming they want ‘scientific investigation to be halted’, you wonder whether someone must have done something nasty to him in another life. He’s being shrill. And when he calls on the ‘God of the gaps’ you should know he hasn’t attempted to understand the ID argument. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Thursday, 20 May 2010 10:13:39 PM
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Wow! So now McReal hurling abuse?! This just keeps getting better.
Vanna, <<So cells in the past didn’t form proteins?>> I didn’t say that at all. I simply responded to your assumption that primitive cells were like the more complex cells we see today. <<So how did cells grow, and more importantly, why did they grow?>> Because they’re made of materials that can replicate themselves. <<If you want references, look in any of the main biology books (EG Biology by Campbell)>> Telling someone to read an entire book is not a reference. Considering none of the “main biology books” agree with you, you’re going to have to give me some quotes with page numbers. Heck, even a web link would do. <<HOWEVER, they tend to leave out a lot, and tend to state that evolution occurs over time and through chance.>> Through chance? There’s a very small element of chance in evolution, but evolution is not a theory of chance. What about that are you finding so difficult to grasp? Again, references. Oh and what’s an example of something they leave out too? <<No one would want too many getting worried or all upset about something they can’t actually see or measure.>> Evolution is observed all the time and yes, even measured... <<You have not answered the last question I asked.>> That’s because your question was nothing more than an insinuation that I’m being abusive. You haven’t answered several of my questions. Would you kindly inform me of why a person who accepts evolution “would would walk away and not plant anything” despite the discovery of suitable land, or whether or not your lack of response earlier was an admission that evolution hasn’t failed any tests? <<But you should be very careful giving insults and abuse directly to someone. I have seen what can happen in such circumstances. Not pretty.>> Whoa! My first OLO threat! You’re really helping to give me a newfound appreciation for Dan, Vanna. Dan may have made some false accusations before but he’s never threatened anyone. Phew! It’s just as well I’m not being abusive. Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 20 May 2010 10:27:02 PM
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ajpillips..<<Telling someone/to read an entire not a reference.>>lol..
so he gives a gimmic... ..a link that..EVENTUALLY..SENDS ONE TO A LIBARY...of redirctive/gibberish/spin <<you’re going to/have to..give me some quotes..with page numbers.>> YES INDEED..YOU MUST..AS-WELL a web link wont do...but here is a quote...from/the first link..of ya link <<Evolution experiments..throughout human-history [picture]'s..the wide range of dog-breed sizes..created using artificial selection.>>..NOT EVOLUTION..micro evolution..WITHIN THE CANUS GENUS <<Unwittingly,>>>LOL<<..humans have carried out evolution experiments>>WITHIN THE GENUS..<<for as long as they have been domesticating plants and animals.>> NOT EVOLUTION...selection..within the species VIA..<<Selective breeding>> EVOLUTION..<<of plants/and animals..has led to varieties>>WITHIN THEIR GENUS>> <<that differ dramatically from their original wild-type ancestors.>>..YET ALL REMAIN IN THEIR GENUS/...yet/evolution CLAIMS..species..evolve into/ genus...thats a lie/unsupported by their own evidence <<Examples are the cabbage varieties,>>ie all in the genus/of cabbage <<maize,..or the large number/of different dog-breeds.>> ..dogs are all in cannus/genus...ditto its genus >>The power..of human create varieties>>WITHIN THEIR GENUS<<with extreme differences...>PLEASE NOTE<<from a single species>>../ IE THEIR ALL..IN THEIR OWN SPECIES... evolution..means change of../FROM/..their GENUS..into new genus <<The Origin of Species..with a chapter on domestic animals./..Darwin discussed in particular the pigeon.>> specificlly...the wild type rock/dove...columbia...A LL PIGIONS ARE IN COLUMBIA/genus/species/liva <<He least a score of pigeons might be chosen,..which if shown to an ornithologist,..and he were told that they were/..wild birds,..would certainly,..I think, ranked by him as well-defined species.>> not even a new genus <<Moreover,..I do not believe..that any ornithologist/..would place the English-carrier,..the short-faced/tumbler,..the runt,..the barb, pouter,..and the same genus;>>>..YET THEY ARE! <<more in each/of these breeds..several truly-inherited sub-breeds,..or species/..>>LOL <<I am fully convinced..that the common opinion..of naturalists is correct,..namely,..that...#.all have descended..from the rock-pigeon*..(Columba livia),[genus columbia.species liva] <<including..under this term..several geographical races--or sub-species*,..which differ from each the most trifling respects.–Charles Darwin,..The Origin of Species Early/..experimental evolution <<William Dallinger...cultivated..small/unicellular organisms..the organisms had adapted>>>..NOT EVOLVED out of genus...let alone species...LOL IE NOT EVOLVED out of their genus/..genious... clever but trickery/gimmic..doth not evidence create/.... lol..your..only decieving..the decieved...bro Posted by one under god, Friday, 21 May 2010 3:56:14 AM
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Photosynthesis is a localised highly phenomenon. The sun is very hot and the earth would be cold, if were not for the sun. Plants are highly organised seemingly defying the second law of thermodynamics. Yet, this not the case: The solar system as whole increases its entropy as the sun fuels down. Plants interact with that system. To explain the same verity, Paul Davies, notes when a refrigerator cools it increases the entropy of the kitchen. To see evolution at work study HIV, because viruses mutate very quickly. Relatedly, HIV genomes have been studied. When some catches a serious virus the immune system cranks up. There is a battle. What actually might actually the host is not the original virus, rather a different genetically different virus, to the original caught. Fundamentalist Christians think otherwise, but mutation is a fact. Regarding, the above, the same principles apply on a longer time scale. Gene sequencing demonstrates that there are currently three forms of life, designated, bacteria, archaea and eucarya (multi-celled). The cross-differences in the RNA suggest that these lines evolved away from each other and that there may have been an earlier more primitive form of an RNA-like replicator. Primitive short sequence replicators are unstable individually, but may have enjoined, as a colony, to make it over the first hump towards continuous replication. runner, What was the first correctly semantic sequenced sentence spoken by Jesus? Do you believe Jesus orated the Sermon the Mount? Posted by Oliver, Friday, 21 May 2010 8:15:50 AM
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TYPICAL..redirections from/ohliver quote..<<..What was the first..correctly semantic/sequenced sentence..spoken by Jesus?>>
sequenced by whom/ohliver...god? what was darwins? interesting you/mention hiv...introduced by their polio/vacine...grown on monkey-liver serum...CHIMP-pansy..serum..then africa/ussr...who still have the..higher prevalance of it fromk your link<<The diagram shows some of the evolutionary history of we know it today...An ancestral virus..(bottom)..evolved into strains..that infected chimpanzees..(SIV). Over time, strains began to infect humans(HIV)...>>when their livers..were blended to extract/the grow polio virus...etc..the science godheads..playing god much like the latest claim to grow nutter/a god wannabe...created a string of dna...inserted IT..into a living cell...and lo..the god-head..claimes he invented life...what a deception its like emtying a train..putting in a new driver..then claiming you invented trains..its insane..but there you for those loving to be decieved..yet again OHliver<<..there may>>LOL<<have been an earlier..more primitive form of an RNA-like replicator>>..lest you be ignorant...please name the which it replicated..[or name this rna..dont grasp at straws] by the way please answer me this...did this first/unnanmed first/ in fresh water..or salt water?.. its a trick question.. but give-up your fact,..not your fiction <<..Photosynthesis;is a localised highly phenomenon.>>..please say again? thats gibberish ohliver..sure you got big words..but no sentance structure then..<<The sun is very hot/and the earth would be cold,>>WOW>>the insight..its out of where are we going with this trickery <<if were not for the sun...Plants are highly organised..seemingly defying the second law of thermodynamics.>>>thermo-dynamics...[its not the heat..bro,,,its the,,,get it? <<Yet,this not the case:>>the suns heat heats the,,mainly because the sun has entrophied...[ie is cooling but earlier it was too hot..but its not heat/sun alone..its clouds//water...rotating earth..distance from the sun...a whole lot of vairiables...then a grow the tree/ claim ..via evolution..yet what it... <<The solar system as whole..increases its entropy>>>following the big bang...suns formed...and entrophied... ..but that natural progress..made other things..also needed for life...its perfect,,just like god planned it <<as the sun fuels down>>>huh? that english? <<Plants interact with that system>>>,,with the fuel/down with..or within..?,...i wish you had a clue..about/what..your trying to say Posted by one under god, Friday, 21 May 2010 8:46:56 AM
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A J Phillips.
I’m not threatening you. You seem to get scared very easily. I’m just giving you some kindly advice. If you directly call someone “ignorant” outside of an online forum, you may find yourself abruptly learning about reality. So it is best not to get into the habit of doing that. But you have convinced me. The theory of evolution requires genetic mutations, and cells must have learnt how to use chlorophyll, through genetic mutations. And cells must have learnt how to use the Krebs cycle, through genetic mutations. And cells must have learnt how to carry out endocytosis and exocytosis, through genetic mutations. Etc,etc. Its all got to do with genetic mutations, although they do have to be very good genetic mutations. I promise I’ll never doubt the theory of evolution every again. No, that not quite right. I still have some nagging question at the back of my mind. You say that cells are “ made of materials that can replicate themselves.”. I guess your thinking of DNA, although you seem reluctant to mention it. So how did cells discover DNA? And what did cells do before they discover DNA.? And how could cells carry out a genetic mutations before they discovered DNA? And Would Cells Have To Have A Genetic Mutation, To Be Able To Discover DNA, So That Cells Could Then Carry Out A Genetic Mutation? I guess I’ll have to wait for someone who doesn’t mindlessly follow the theory of evolution to answer such questions. Under one god, It is interesting that Darwin actually carried out ID, as well as countless other people throughout history. Posted by vanna, Friday, 21 May 2010 8:58:50 AM
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You cannot argue with faith-based reasoning.
In essence the difference is the evidence for evolution is greater. The evidence for ID is non-existent other than in a faith scenario. In addition, while the premise may not change much, evolutionary theory is open to re-evaluation, change, tweaking in accordance with new findings. Evidence for evolution is all around us including the body's adaptation to changing environments shown even by changes in the relevance of some organs and other body parts eg. wisdom teeth and the appendix. Posted by pelican, Friday, 21 May 2010 9:30:40 AM
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Gene sequencing does not demonstrate that there are currently three forms of life, designated, bacteria, archaea and eucarya (multi-celled).
That is one classification scheme derived from gene sequencing. It was derived by the team led by Carl Woese of the University of Illinois. Lynn Margulis rejects that scheme as it doesn't recognise cell symbiosis (fusion of former bacteria). "Five Kingdoms" pages 3-16 contains a discussion of classification systems. Multiticelled is not the same as eucarya. Eucarya have a defined nucleus and other morphological features that distinguish them from procarya. Eucarya may be multicelled or single celled as exemplified by amoebae and paramecia. Posted by david f, Friday, 21 May 2010 9:34:02 AM
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Too funny. I should thank vannakins for posting that last piece of ignorant twaddle.
I'll remind him of it next time he starts babbling about science education. Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 21 May 2010 9:34:29 AM
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Vanna wrote: "It is interesting that Darwin actually carried out ID, as well as countless other people throughout history."
How does one carry out ID? Please cite a reference for anyone carrying out ID. Posted by david f, Friday, 21 May 2010 9:43:35 AM
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Really davidf... what more evidence do you need?
God carried out ID, 6000 years ago. Don't you read runner's posts? Posted by The Blue Cross, Friday, 21 May 2010 9:50:50 AM
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David f,
To see ID in operation, look around you next time you go down to a pet shop. Manipulating the traits of a species for a purpose is ID. Gene splicing is also ID. GE is ID. Etc,etc Perhaps the above is rather primative compared to what it could become in future years. see Posted by vanna, Friday, 21 May 2010 10:46:37 AM
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More twaddle from vannakins - except he's now being obtuse rather than ignorant. Selective breeding and genetic modification are not included in what is generally referred to as "intelligent design" or "ID".
<< Intelligent design is the assertion that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection." It is a modern form of the traditional teleological argument for the existence of God, but one which avoids specifying the nature or identity of the designer. The idea was developed by a group of American creationists who reformulated their argument in the creation–evolution controversy to circumvent court rulings that prohibit the teaching of creationism as science. Intelligent design's leading proponents – all of whom are associated with the Discovery Institute, a politically conservative think tank – believe the designer to be the God of Christianity. Advocates of intelligent design seek to fundamentally redefine science to accept supernatural explanations, arguing that intelligent design is a scientific theory under this new definition of science. The unequivocal consensus in the scientific community is that intelligent design is not science. >> Vannakins should read the Wikipedia article, and the many references to which it links, before posting his next asinine contribution to this debate. Alternatively, he could enrol in an adult secondary science course at TAFE. Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 21 May 2010 11:03:12 AM
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as is usual...cj says one thing...
then quotes another..totally not supporting...his/her..previous statement great one son cjmoregain..quote..<<Selective breeding and genetic modification are not what is generally referred to as "intelligent design" or "ID>>... where in the quote..does it say this? further..he quotes lables...infuring delusion..<<Intelligent design's leading proponents..all of whom are associated with the Discovery Institute,>>... LET ME HAVE NO ASSOSIATION..with the discovery institute...yet another gross not present facts..but we got a dia=tribe/link a link..from the link <<Short discussion on Natural Knowledge>>..[natural knowledge?...that sounds interesting..<<and Natural a contrast to Intelligent Design by Richard Dawkins>>.. so i thought..lets judge this one,129,Natural-Knowledge-and-Natural-Design,Richard-Dawkins it dont work..but i would love to rebut his twaddle thats so typical... rebutting/intel design...dont go as far as to include any evidence..of the alternative..evolution of genus...un-supported by any science genus evolving into new genus but lots re species...vairiations within the species [evolution/micro-eviolution/of species..IS NOT EVOLUTION OF genus] lets get some evidence of genus evolving...but there aint none thus we get the twaddle so many words.. so few..real fact's indeed bnot a single faulsifyable fact..whatsover to of your own <<there are still numerous areas of controversy in evolutionary theory.>>.. thats why they attack creationism... it sure beats proving a THEORY.. more from the quote..<<..Coyne agreed..“For example, we don't understand how species form.”>>>yet..thiose who also dont know...pretend they do <<..His main area of research aims to ascertain whether speciation involves many or only a few genes..whether genetic drift plays a significant role...and whether the movement of transposable elements causes hybrid sterility or whether it undermines viability>>>because thats what the SCIENCE says by far most mutations are injurous..[thus die]..thus not evolved..but see their bones...but bones dont tell much...despite movies saying they do..get some facts...evolve just one new genus....FIRST.. Posted by one under god, Friday, 21 May 2010 12:16:00 PM
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FYI: Also, recall that we humans are made of elements that would have existed for 1.6 billion years before life, as posted to the attention primarily to vanna. Wherein, we are made of existing materials and the religionist's hypothetical divinity used pre-existing elements. davidf, Agree. It would have been tigher to have said Eucarya (included multicelled), but my main focus was on early RNA-like replica. I am aware there are several classification schemes. OUG and runner, My point about the semantic sequencing of Jesus' first sentence was an analogy, perhaps, lost on a Christian. The point was, that even if we assume JC gave the Sermon of the Mount speech, we would also likely conclude that that he learned to speak as a child, and there was a first speech pattern, whose general characteristics could be sensibly postulated by a linguist; yet, no one knows the actual "first sentence"; i.e., the first sequence of words. Where in the archeological or historical record is difinive proof of Jesus' first sentence? Can't produce it? Hmm. Vanna, OUG and runner, Do you believe viruses mutate? Just a simple yes/no or short answer, please. Vanna, Is what AJ and I have been saying about the second law of thermodynmics now better understood by you? You have read the chemical composition of the human body... What do we have, that is not a constituent of inorganic chemstry? Yes, the "selective" breeding dogs can be intelligent. Ants are intelligent in their own way. But that is not where the ID debate sits. Extreme Christisn creationists believe that life was created by divine miracle on a flat earth in 4,004 BCE. Science suggests; (a) that the earth is not flat, (b) geophysics age the earth at 4.6 billion years and (b) very complex replicating molecules can form in nature. Also, please be reminded that some Christians would hold that each breed of dog wa created separately by different miracles. Posted by Oliver, Friday, 21 May 2010 12:31:58 PM
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CJ Morgan,
That you accept what you read on Wikipedia as gospel (or even as an authoritative source) says a lot about you. Please don’t be so condescending as to not call Vanna by his/her preferred name. Once for fun. Twice, and you might be able to laugh at your own joke. To continue after that and it starts to reflect on your own level of maturity. (It shows he/she’s got under your skin.) I’m not sure where you got that quote which defines Intelligent Design. It is more or less Wikipedia standard, that is, roughly in the right ball park, with some accuracies, some obvious errors, but overall opinionative and lacking perspective; a bit like most encyclopedias. If I could just point out one error therein, which is easily verifiable, that is not all fellows associated with the Discovery Institute are Christians. There are also Jews and agnostics and people of other faiths. I was just reading a book by one of them, David Berlinski, who describes himself as something of an unbelieving Jew. Berlinski says that one of his motivations for writing the book was to counter the boasting by some that science somehow supports atheism, or has somehow showed God to be not there or irrelevant. Science has done a lot of things but it hasn’t done that. As for ‘unequivocal consensus’, CJ, that’s more wishful thinking on your part. Scientists have unequivocal consensus about barely anything, except perhaps the most mundane. That the Discovery Institute exists, let alone may be growing, without mentioning the growing number of Darwin Doubters in other scientific circles, shows that there is no exceptional consensus here. Pelican, You say that you cannot argue with faith based reasoning. So why start now? Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Friday, 21 May 2010 12:38:10 PM
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I am seriously in awe of your sophisticated debating techniques, Dan S de Merengue.
One of the neatest is the way that, whenever you wish to avoid an obvious problem for your position, you focus on some piece of irrelevant minutiae from the opposing side, and wave it around like a triumphant matador. But sometimes, in your suerte de muleta, you can trip yourself up. >>If I could just point out one error therein, which is easily verifiable, that is not all fellows associated with the Discovery Institute are Christians. There are also Jews and agnostics and people of other faiths.<< Is it an error? Really? The statement was that they "believe the designer to be the God of Christianity". Would not this include the God envisaged by the Jews? Or even the Muslims, come to that. And frankly, I am unconvinced - as you must be - that an agnostic can simultaneously reserve judgment on whether a God exists, yet still manage to attribute the existence of the universe to one, and remain at all credible. And for some reason, this observation struck me as a classic "straw man". >>Berlinski says that one of his motivations for writing the book was to counter the boasting by some that science somehow supports atheism, or has somehow showed God to be not there or irrelevant.<< First of all, define your target as broadly as possible, leaving the weakest argument - "God is somehow irrelevant" to the end. Then say - entirely correctly - that science has been unable to prove that God is irrelevant. Given the amount of religious strife in the world, I'd agree that "irrelevant" is not an attribute of a God, whether there is one (or many), or not. Truly masterful performance. Keep 'em coming. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 21 May 2010 1:16:22 PM
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Oliver wrote: "Agree. It would have been tigher to have said Eucarya (included multicelled), but my main focus was on early RNA-like replica."
I don't know whether it would have been 'tigher' to have said Eucarya (included multicelled) and I don't see how focusing on early RNA-like replica(tion) justifies misinformation. Procarya and eucarya are morphologically different cells. You also wrote: "Extreme Christisn creationists believe that life was created by divine miracle on a flat earth in 4,004 BCE. Science suggests; (a) that the earth is not flat, (b) geophysics age the earth at 4.6 billion years and (b) very complex replicating molecules can form in nature. " All the Creationists on this string have suggested is that God has guided the creation and development of life. I don't agree with that. However, I have seen no suggestions from them that the earth is flat or only about 6,000 years old. Argue with what they say rather than with what they don't say. You also wrote: "Also, please be reminded that some Christians would hold that each breed of dog wa created separately by different miracles." I know of no Christians who hold that. Please cite your references. On their part the creationists keep bringing in chance. No scientist maintains that our existence is the result of sheer chance. There are some instances where things could have gone one way or the other. If a meteor had not hit the earth about 65 million years ago the dinosaurs would not have become extinct. However, most scientists maintain that the creation of life and its development into various forms is the consequence of the behaviour of matter according to the physics and chemistry of matter. Denying science by calling it pseudoscience as done by runner does not make it pseudoscience. The division between creationists and those who accept the scientific evidence for evolution is probably too great to be resolved, but each side can remember that others are human and entitled to courtesy and kindness. Please forgive me for preaching. When I am discourteous and unkind please call me to account. Posted by david f, Friday, 21 May 2010 1:36:30 PM
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We can always rely on Dan for sophistry.
Firstly, he criticises me for providing a quotation and link from Wikipedia to support my contention that when "Intelligent Design" is being discussed, the term does not refer to such human activities as selective breeding of pets or genetic modification of other organisms. He seems to have missed the fact that I was returning vanna et al's favour of a Wikipedia link in his post to which I was responding, not to mention my suggestion that vanna et al read the many references linked to by the Wikipedia article. I certainly don't regard Wikipedia as "gospel" or "authoritative", but it's a good place for the ignorant to begin to explore a topic, which in this case seems entirely appropriate. Dan claims not to know the provenance of the quotation I provided. I thought it was pretty clear that it's straight from Wikipedia, since I provided the URL immediately after it. Pericles may be in awe of Dan's sophisticated debating techniques, but I regard them as quite typical of the disingenuous sophistry deployed by godbotherers. Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 21 May 2010 1:52:36 PM
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I’m not playing with a two headed coin, the issue comes back to the definition of science again. Supposing there were three theories of why the dinosaurs died out 1) a giant meteor hit the earth, 2) there was abrupt climate change caused by volcanic activity, and 3) God must have done it because he protects the earth from giant meteors. The first two are candidates for scientific theories, the third is not. It is not testable. If it turns out that a giant meteor actually hit the earth, theory 3 is disproven. If it turns out there was no meteor impact, theory 1 is disproven and theory 2 might hold a bit more credibility, but theory 3 is still not science. Hence, if it was certain that there had been no meteor, I believe the overwhelming majority of scientists would choose option 2 over option 3 as the next best explanation. That’s why I said that, even if Darwinian evolutionary theory were to be disproved, this would not mean that ID is vindicated. However, like the meteor, evidence for evolution does discredit ID, which is why I said that ID is scientifically untenable. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming, and ID arguments such as irreducible complexity have been shown to be wrong. I see important distinctions between the theologies of e.g. Polkinghorne and ID, the most important being that 1) Poklkinghorne doesn’t deny evolution or any other accepted scientific explanations of the natural world; 2) his understanding of god’s activity in creation is not physical/supernatural but metaphysical/natural, and 3) his account of god's engagement in creation is theology not a scientific theory. Evolution and the anthropic principle are not mutually incompatible. Evolution and ID are. Posted by Rhian, Friday, 21 May 2010 2:39:30 PM
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Still dodging my questions, Vanna? No matter, we’ll press on. I wouldn’t dream of holding you to providing me with any answers. The last time I held Dan to something, he stomped his feet like a child and said he was never going to play with me again.
<<I’m not threatening you. You seem to get scared very easily.>> Whether or not you were actually threatening me was a side issue. The words you used and the way in which you used them were specifically threatening. <<I’m just giving you some kindly advice. If you directly call someone “ignorant” outside of an online forum...>> The important thing to remember here is that your ignorance is demonstrable. I wouldn’t dream is throwing around unfounded accusations. In fact, I don’t even have to do anything, you do it for me. Observe... <<Its all got to do with genetic mutations, although they do have to be very good genetic mutations.>> It’s nice to know you been absorbing what I’m, saying* <<I promise I’ll never doubt the theory of evolution every again.>> Why? That’s the best way to learn. That’s how I learned when I was a creationist. Unfortunately what you’re doing though doesn’t constitute “doubt”. It’s blind, willful ignorance probably due to childhood indoctrination. <<You say that cells are “ made of materials that can replicate themselves.”. I guess your thinking of DNA, although you seem reluctant to mention it.>> Yes, DNA formed from RNA, formed from polynucleotides, formed from nucleotides, formed from the bonding effect that ribose and phosphate groups have on the four nucleobases adenine, cytosine, thymine, guanine. Lipids eventually formed a protective shell around the DNA to create the first primitive cell. That’s a very abbreviated version. If you want to point out ‘gaps’ or ‘problems’ with this, then go ahead, it won’t mean much considering the theory is still in it’s infancy, and it’s certainly better than doing what appear to prefer - throwing our hands in the air, giving up and simply declaring that a god musta’ dun it. Continued... Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 21 May 2010 2:40:04 PM
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Are you starting to see now what I mean by “ignorance”? Here are some more examples... <<So how did cells discover DNA?>> Cells discover DNA? DNA would have existed long before complete cells did. <<And what did cells do before they discover DNA.?>> They sat around playing poker.* But wait. It gets worse... <<And how could cells carry out a genetic mutations before they discovered DNA?>> Oh dear. I think we’d better stop there. But if you want to know these things, then why don’t you do what I did and look them up? <<I guess I’ll have to wait for someone who doesn’t mindlessly follow the theory of evolution to answer such questions.>> I’m answering your questions. You’re not listening. Actually, one question... Since you’ve mentioned the scientific method several times now, what are your thoughts on the fact that creation “scientists” never adhere to the scientific method as opposed to evolutionary biologists, who adhere to it perfectly? *Denotes sarcasm. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 21 May 2010 2:40:16 PM
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runner and OUG,
Please tell davidf that you believe the earth is over 65 million years old and prove me wrong. Were bears an dogs separate creations? Were whales and hippopotami separate creations? Or did thes creatues evolve from a common ancestor? Davidf, I correctly specified that multicelluar organisms sit on the Eucarya path cited. It was an aside, because the path leads to us. I was clearly discussing RNA diversity between the three paths and earlier hypothesised primitive RNA-like replicators. Equally, a journalist could describe the 200 passangers and 30 crew on an aircraft and not mention the four dogs and two cats in the Hold. De Novo creation of life: Feinberg and Shapiro (1980). There are several references in the Bible that point to a flat earth. Some Christians take the Bible literally. Do you believe you are a Great Ape or something special that a God conjured up? Or, both? I will tick the first box eek, eek. Vanna and davidf, What physical constituent of the human body cannot be broken down to known elements. Where is the error in the link-model. I provided and Vanna has not responded to? Posted by Oliver, Friday, 21 May 2010 3:07:35 PM
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oliver..<<..difinive proof of Jesus' first sentence?>>lol...what was dorkins..or darwins first words,..or redirection/as allways
Can't produce it? cant recall even your own first droll from your link<<We report the design,synthesis,and assembly of the 1.08-Mbp..Mycoplasma mycoides/JCVI-syn1.0..genome>>yet at two oclock this morning was new life..when all that..preceeding goggildy/doo...was about making dna/sequencing... that was inserted..into a living..god created cell.. [that lived..before inserting/their/new dna...and lived after].. thus not life from 4 was reported..on bbc continue quote..<<starting from digitized genome sequence...>>get it/dna... PLUS A LIVING CELL..<<..information..>>ie/..dna <<and its a Mycoplasma capricolum recipient cell>>> get it..<<to create new Mycoplasma mycoides cells...that are controlled only by the synthetic chromosome.>>> only the cells/working bits..still made the cell/myco-plasma;capri-colum..[a bacteria...] that replicated/..lived..pre inserting the new program...and great is god <<The only the cells is the designed synthetic DNA sequence,>>.lol...there must be rna/ the inherant mitrachondia..present..that they didnt scroop out... so this distortion <<including "watermark" sequences/and other designed gene..deletions>>[so deleting bits...and the cell still great god is <<..and poly-morphisms,..and mutations/..acquired during the building process>>[how many other attempts..the usual is to do thousands...then one works...because..mutations/poly-morpisms..are the bateria surviving. <<The original cell..was not completely/"synthetic,"..but its DNA was.>>note..the trickey wording..ALL THEY DID..WAS PUT THEIR DNA IN... not completly synthetic indeed...only their dna <<So not quite the ultimate realization..of the project of organic chemistry,..i.e. to create living matter..from completely lifeless matter,..>>> in fact not even close...first make your/own..cell mem=brain.. till you/can do thus...all else is deception..regardless of how the media spins it of course virus mutates..[as i previously said/in the other evolution/posted in 100 cell divisions mutate..[our body contains millions of mutations] thats why god made pairs... half of the chomosopnal pair/often still does the job... both halves of a dna strand/can/ rna.. [thats what dna does..MAKES..the rna.. rna/that/makes them other bits...that make/life sustain a cell to life/ live...minerals and not life make Posted by one under god, Friday, 21 May 2010 4:04:47 PM
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Dear Oliver,
You correctly asserted the eucarya organisms can be multicellular. However, that is not what differentiates eucarya from procarya. In asserting that the difference is trivial you ignore the main differences between eucarya and procarya. Procarya have both a cell wall and a cell membrane.Eucarya have only a membrane. Eucarya cells have a nucleus in which DNA are enclosed. Procarya do not have a nucleus.The flagellum driving procarya differs in several features from the undulipodium driving the eucarya. The five kingdom scheme divides life into bacteria, Protoctista (nucleated microorganisms), plants, animals and fungi. Whatever scheme one chooses (3 or 5) is a matter of preference. My particular interest at this time is fungi. See for the Queensland Mycological Society website. Our next meeting is Tuesday, 8 June, 2010 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. at the FM Bailey room, Queensland Herbarium,Mt Coot-tha, Brisbane. Anybody on the thread will be welcome to hear John Wrench talk about "Taxonomic Etymology". Posted by david f, Friday, 21 May 2010 4:05:43 PM
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David f,
There is no doubt that genetic mutations do occur, although the vast majority of genetic mutations disadvantage an organism, rather than improve its chances of survival. As more discoveries are made about the cell, it does appear that most cells have not developed their complete functionality because of genetic mutations. It is interesting that organizations such as NASA currently sterilise probes and spacecraft before they land on moons, asteroids and other planets. This is done to ensure that microbes from Earth do not somehow affect those other celestial bodies. The opposite may be possible in the future, where life forms are created on Earth and then seeded onto celestial bodies, so as to spread life. Those life forms would have to be specially designed to enable them to survive in their environment. The spreading of life in this way does seem ethical, as it would be rather selfish to keep it on our planet if there is the possibility to spread life elsewhere. Maybe there will be a debate in future years as to whether or not to seed some other celestial body. Posted by vanna, Friday, 21 May 2010 4:42:32 PM
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"Pelican, You say that you cannot argue with faith based reasoning. So why start now?" I don't really know. Everytime a religious thread comes up I can't help myself even after deciding at some point (based on past experience) there is no point in the same old circular arguments, that I won't involve myself. Perhaps I have some faith myself that reason will one day prevail. :) Posted by pelican, Friday, 21 May 2010 4:59:33 PM
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'Perhaps I have some faith myself that reason will one day prevail. :)' If you believe in evolution then you certainly have plenty of faith. Posted by runner, Friday, 21 May 2010 5:21:33 PM
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>> Perhaps I have some faith myself that reason will one day prevail. << Pigs are already lining up on the tarmac :) Here's one reason that's going to set the pigs flying: Here's another cat for the pidgeons ... or, a question for OLO's irreducible complex entity: What if your 'Designer' designed evolution? Posted by qanda, Friday, 21 May 2010 5:36:58 PM
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Is it ID to create a new bacterium, or evolution by genetic mutation? I would think ID. However, I wonder if this type of thing has actually been done before, (but we are not aware of when, or where it occurred). Posted by vanna, Friday, 21 May 2010 7:29:49 PM
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CJ Morgan,
I’m sorry for saying that you hold Wiki as authoritative. But looking again at your post, that’s the way it reads. So thanks for clarifying. I’m kind of relieved that you don’t hold Wikipedia up as an authority. Oliver, No Christian anywhere takes all of the Bible literally. Christians by and large are fully appreciative that the Bible is rich with literary genre (including history, poetry, prohecy, law, letters, etc.) and contains grammatical devices such as, parables, metaphors, similes, hyperbole, etc. If you know of any Christian that takes all of the Bible literally, then please introduce them to me, as I’ve never met one. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Saturday, 22 May 2010 1:26:18 AM
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Thanks for your kind words. I’m glad someone appreciates my writing. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Saturday, 22 May 2010 1:26:57 AM
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The issue is right here, ‘evidence for evolution does discredit ID’. If the one discredits the other, then they both must be interacting on the same philosophical and logical plane. You say evidence for one is supportive of one theory in preference to the other. Therefore we must be able to measure and evaluate the scientific evidence agaisnt them both. But I feel I’m banging my head agaisnt a wall here. You and I see things very differently. It is difficult finding common ground for communication between we two. As you say, our definitions (or perhaps worldviews) are rather different. You say evidence for your favoured position is overwhelming. I’m rather underwhelmed by it. And there are large sections of the community that remain likewise unconvinced. - I like you’re your explanation regarding the extinction of the dinosaurs. However I think it could have been constructed better. If it was me putting it together, I might have said something like this: Why did the dinosaurs become extinct? A) A giant meteor hit the earth wiping them out. B) A giant meteor didn’t hit the earth, so it must have been something else. What evidence would we look for to confirm or deny the position? There’s another suggestion often been floated, that all human life was wiped out a few thousand years ago by an enormous flood. And that all human life that we now know has descended from the few that survived that flood. I’ll suggest some alternatives. A) A huge flood once covered the earth. B) There was never a huge flood that covered the earth. What evidence would we look for to confirm or deny the position? Now, in your opinion, are these two positions (the meteor dinosaur theory & the people near-extinction flood theory), and the nature of investigation surrounding them, different in any manner? And if so how? I know we could argue for eons about the details of the findings, but my question is whether or not it is theoretically possible to conduct scientific investigation on either, neither, or both of these? Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Saturday, 22 May 2010 1:31:23 AM
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davidf, "there's no reason to take the Bible as more authoritative than the Tripitaka, Book of Mormon, the Koran or any other scripture."
Apparently, "It depends on the cultural influences we are exposed to." So, cultural influence counts for everything but historical evidences, archaelogical evidences, personal experience, hermeneutical study count for nothing? Apparently it would seem that you believe this, as it's the only belief under which your comment would make any sense. And of course, it's a belief which is patently absurd. Correct me if I've misread your epistemological stance and beliefs. aj phillips, "the evidence for evolution is so over-whelming and abundant; and the evidence for creationism so completely absent, that a basic level of understanding is all that is required to make an informed decision." Who said anything about "creationism"? I only referred to Intelligent design. Two different things. "Anyone not capable of doing so would have to have a thinking disorder that was bordering on mental retardation". I guess all those phds who agree that a case can be made for intelligent design must be retarded then? The arrogance of internet know it alls is astounding! haha. Chuckle chuckle. If it wasn't so sad it'd be hilariously funny. Actually, It kind of is anyway.... "I simply couldn’t continue to believe in a god that would create everything in a way that made it look as though he didn’t need to exist (and on this level, I can sympathise with creationists) and then punish people for not believing, just as I couldn’t continue to believe in a god that documented his ‘word’ in a way that didn’t appear to need him to exist either". So what you're effectively saying here is, that if God existed, you'd expect direct scientific evidence that he exists? Is that your view? (I'm trying to cut to the chase of your view here. I strongly disagree with your overplaying the significance of evolution, but I suspect my first response cuts to the core of all of your comments. Posted by Trav, Saturday, 22 May 2010 3:55:04 AM
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"Of course, you get those who claim that science and religion answer two different questions - one is the ‘how’ and the other is the ‘why’ - but what these people don’t realise is that religion doesn’t answer, or even help to answer the ‘why’ - it only asserts it."
Has it occurred to you that it isn't possible for something to be an "answer" to anything without asserting something? Oliver, "You assume a prioi that the theological framework is Judeo-Christian. That is does not take the guise of an objective observer." I'm referring to a Judeo-Christian framework, definitely. This isn't an "a priori assumption" it is simply creating a discussion from the perspective I come from. I have less knowledge and interest in the interplay between science and "other theological frameworks", so why would I write about them? And, does this make me less objective? No. Why? Because no one looks at theology objectively. It is impossible. "If one were to spend a few hours putting together a serious paper on some OLO topics (if time did permit), then there is a fair chance that the fundamentalist Christians would respond with lols, lampoons or jump topic" I think if I wrote a serious paper, I'd have a whole lot of atheists responding with a lot of the same......I think I've demonstrated that a couple of times in this very post (and the one above it) :-). But of course, that is beside the point Posted by Trav, Saturday, 22 May 2010 3:55:14 AM
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ps: Just re reading my replies: An apology is in order. I shouldn't have implied arrogance on AJ Phillips part- I misrepresented him in my reply. Apologies, it's 4am in the morning!
Posted by Trav, Saturday, 22 May 2010 4:00:00 AM
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qanaA...quote<<Pigs are already lining up on the tarmac :)
Here's one reason that's going to set the pigs flying:>> bbc reported last night,..the first modification of dna/removed from a cell..was done 50 years ago...[so pigs have been having wings/spin for many years.. BUT lets egsamine your pig say you have a computer/running on windows...all the link did was remove the software/ie the dna/program...and insert their own dna/program..then calling the faults/error..mess-ages...mutations <<Here's another cat..for the pidgeons ...>>>not sure if yopur will not reply to this inversion <<or,..a question for OLO's..irreducible complex entity:..What if your/'Designer'..designed evolution?>>>as said many times previously...he did further..please note evolution..WITHIN ITS SPECIES/ a faulsifyable[verifiable]..FACT BUT..evolution of a new impossable... evolution out of in EVOLUTION..[as per the tree of life]..HAS NOT EVER BEEN RECORDED...not one single evolution OUT OF ITS darwin..he talks of evolution OF SPECIES... pigions breed pigions/..dogs breed dogs...goats breed gopats...sheep/sheep..fruit-flies breed fruit-flies...humans breed hunmans..apes breed apes..and bacteria bred bacteria... LIFE BREEDS LIFE...[or as the bible breeds like] ...GET IT? as the koran says ..first make just one like it...and science hasnt.. putting a new program...INTO A WORKING computer... ..isnt making a new computer...get it? Posted by one under god, Saturday, 22 May 2010 8:36:40 AM
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Dear Davidf,
Thank you for the further explanation and meeting link. I think we are at crossing purposes. I am happy to acknowledge there are several classification schemes, each with its on merits. I was primarily interested in the trunk and roots of the tree. before divergence to consider primitive replicators. I'm not a Queenslander and have a few seminars on my own to deliver - Not on biology :). Dan, Like you, I know heaps of Christians I would assume do not believe the Bible literally. On the other hand, several times, I have read comments from OLO posters, who are not so open. If I had more time, I would have searched the archive for "Genesis" and "Noah", to illustrate. I even knew (lost contact) and ex-minister you became an athiest when he studied comparative religions for his Masters and assessed Christianity in context with the thousands of others. Some folk do response to evidence. Obviously, others will take a smaller step and say stories are allegories. Yes, people will change their views. Even faithful Christians will recognise the age of the earth and know that OT and NT were written by several authors detatched from alleged events by generations or even centuries. On the other hand, few neo-Christians would recognize how Paul and Constantine morphed Christianity from vartious Jesus missions. There are Christians, who have not adopted scientific explanations. In the US, I understand, one group even has a Theme Park. Lets try again: runner and OUG, Is the Earth over 65 million years old? Just a quick, focused reply, will do. Thanks Posted by Oliver, Saturday, 22 May 2010 8:51:46 AM
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Just for fun, I thought I might play devil's advocate and weigh in on the ID side (although not ID as strictly defined, or quoted by CJ).
Simply because my interest in religion is, Why? It was suggested very early on in this discussion that perhaps the putative Creator deliberately designed us (or Life) to be imperfect. This actually makes sense to me. The Mandlebrot set (and other fractal constructions) is based on a (relatively) simple formula which inevitably builds -through sheer volume and complexity- results almost impossible to fully predict. In the same manner, an intelligent creator may have started with a similar, very simple formula: “Go Forth and Multiply” -and let the cards fall as they will. This seems a far more intelligent thing to do, in that, what would be the point in creating a perfect experiment, with a perfect assurance of a perfectly predictable result? In other words, the important question is if there is a Creator, why did It bother? If the outcome was assured and predictable, what would be the point? I would suggest that such a Creator does not appear to understand the value of morality, judging by our living world; which is typically amoral. We see instances where competition is supremely important to 'success', but also instances where cooperation is equally vital. Which is more important, or more 'moral', or offers a greater guarantee of success? And how would we (or God) define success? This appears to me to be the vital question facing us today (and everyday). Do nice guys inevitably finish last, is competition more important than cooperation, and is “the fish that JW rejects” a deeply profound question, if they number more than 42? Perhaps we were created to answer these questions for a deeply perplexed God. Posted by Grim, Saturday, 22 May 2010 8:55:37 AM
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"This isn't an 'a priori assumption' it is simply creating a discussion from the perspective I come from." I would have thought that the above plenty much represents a definition of an a priori assumption. You assume Christian theological perspectives before making a case. The fact you might know plenty about Moses and Jesus, but little about Apollo or Zeus, is irrelevant. Had you said, "according to a Christian perspective", there would have been less overarching and presumption. Our friend "Sells" also enters into discussions with the Christian ducks lined-up and super glued to the wall. The constant becomes, "the measure of all things". Both of you don't see the forrest for the "tree," singular. It had to view a panarama with one's noise pressing bark. Vanna, The elements in the human body question? (See link several posts back and requests for a reply.) Also, how old are the atoms in your body? Would it be wrong to say all the atoms in your body were once part of inorganic entities on Earth and before that a star? Posted by Oliver, Saturday, 22 May 2010 8:59:48 AM
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Dear Vanna,
I'm not sure what complete functionality means. An organism completely adapted to its environment generally cannot survive if the environment changes. A parasite completely adapted to live off a particular species will become extinct if the host species does. You brought up an interesting idea. You wrote it would be rather selfish to keep life on our planet if there is the possibility to spread life elsewhere. I neither agree nor disagree with you as I have never considered whether it is ethical or unethical to spread life. I may agree with you, but I am not sure. It is hard to be objective since we are examples of life on this planet, and we might want to spread ourselves. That tendency seems to be built into life. A philosopher said it is good to die young. Another said it is better not to be born at all, but not everyone is that lucky. Dear Pelican, I also would like reason to prevail. I am an atheist who is fascinated by religion, its history, its origins, its functions and its psychology. However, I believe with David Hume that reason is the slave of the passions. Dear Dan, I repeat. There's no reason to take the Bible as more authoritative than the Tripitaka, Book of Mormon, the Koran or any other scripture. Have you investigated the truth claims of other religions? Christianity centres around the belief in a humanoid god figure born of a virgin who was capable of miracles and came back from the dead. Belief in the foregoing is superstition. Some Christians such as Bishop Spong do not accept the superstitions but emphasise the ethical teachings of Jesus. Those are not too different from the ethics found in the Jewish religion which Jesus was trained in and never left or the ethics of many other religions. "Love thy neighbour as thyself" is from Leviticus. The archaeological evidence concerns the Jewish Bible which Christians have adopted. However, the miracles and other Christian superstitions remain mumbojumbo. Christianity is basically Judaism plus superstition added to the superstition already in Judaism. Posted by david f, Saturday, 22 May 2010 9:48:55 AM
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Atoms are matter, and of course matter and energy are interchangeable (E=MC^2) However, for a chemical bond to form, there has to be suitable conditions, suitable activation energy, and suitable catalysts should they be required. Just having the right atoms in an enclosed space doesn’t automatically create a chemical compound. David f, I think the theory of evolution does not take into account the metabolic reactions required for an organism to function. While there can be genetic variations of DNA formed by crossing over etc, DNA itself cannot function without specific enzymes (EG highly specific enzymes are required during both transcription and translation). For a cell to reproduce, there are probably a myriad of enzymes involved (not all discovered as yet), and most of these enzymes are actually manufactured by the cell. It becomes incomprehensible that these enzymes are developed by genetic mutation. What are your thoughts regards the new synthetic bacteria. Do you think it should be released into the environment on Earth, or perhaps released somewhere else if suitably modified (& would that be ID) Posted by vanna, Saturday, 22 May 2010 10:59:24 AM
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Oliver<<Is the Earth over 65 million years old?>>as previously declared..the earth is not 6000 years old...
as to being over 65 million..that seems a bit on the light-side..[big bang/let there be said to be 6 billion..or so years who knows... is carbon teqnique/dating a constant..indeed is time a constant..there are too many vairi-ables/ be definitive about anything.. im told that in certain lab conditions..mearly observing an affect/affects the result...and that minute things can be in two/place's at the same time.. science cannot even agree that light is a photon particle...capable of being a particle..or in a wave... im told pressure isnt..simply the orbital planes.. being forced into lower orbitalplanes.. but somehow the THEORY..of particles..somehow shooting off at all angles..banging into the side..thats not science its delusion... i go with orbits//interacting..even if no..'science'..says so..because i dis-believe..the random particle/presure..THEORY GRIM>><<the putative Creator/deliberately designed us..(or Life) be imperfect...This actually makes sense to me.>>>me too... but we can chose..[of our own freewill] love..even the im-perfect]..chose/ over hate..chose/..cooperation over war..chose faith [id]..over..the evo-lution..of genus <<“Go Forth and Multiply” -and let the cards fall as they will.>>jesus didnt judge/..god dont judge...why judge we?... freewill only has any meaning..if we have a free choice <<why did It bother?>>..think of an eternal/immortal... simply passing time...knowing mortality.. by knowing loving its..[her]..mortal/creation...'sss the all loving...all/..[good]..god knowing of hate...without hating anything... [god is all loving..witness;..even the most vile... yet god sustains them/TOO..their living...their lives.. knowing in time they TOO..will turn to love/.. life=[light/logic/love/live]=god... even a beast in the field..can know his creator's voice/.. by these signs... as jesus says..that ye se me do..YE WILL DO GREATER [greater than god?..of course not.. he was man/ life ..from a mother just like us Posted by one under god, Saturday, 22 May 2010 11:20:21 AM
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<<Creator does not appear to understand the value of morality,>>>you werre so close..a judgemental god might..but god dont judge no-one...god alone loves ALL...
best we chose love..CHOOSE TO REJECT HATE GOD DONT JUDGE..<<..our living world;which is typically amoral.>>judge not..lest ye be judged by the same measure/ others..not god... note the fathers house has many rooms...[heaven/hell...and everything in judged by our acts.and the others of like mind...not god <<Which is more important,..or more 'moral',..or offers a greater guarantee of success?>>by what measure judge/you success...[mans measure..or goods/gods] <<And how would we..(or God)..define success?>>>see those who love evil...yet love something... even if the only love they hate..[recall god/..good is the love] <<Do nice guys/inevitably finish last,..>>depends/on..where you think the finish-line is <<is competition/more important than cooperation,>>they arnt opposing.. [it depends on their fruit..if the tree is good etc..] <<and is..“the fish that JW rejects”..>>jehova/witness?... those who judge others yet be the same measure.. self's..a bbbb-itch.. judge not/../ the same measure..we too be judged <<Perhaps/we were answer these questions..for a deeply perplexed God.>>if the big a series of big bangs...[from a the uni-verse].. then god stands outside this grain of sand..[eternal/immortal].. infinite/beyond this finite world.. to put our confusion/our confusion.. our measure/our emoting..on an absurdity.. he has seen it all..again and again..[the friend says destroy mine enemy.. the enemy asks god destroy mine/brrr-other... the christian asks destroy the muslim..the jew asks destroy..the messengers peoples we are all...a child of good/god.. each can know him one to one...a personal/ ever living...ever loving good.. thats the true god jesus came to restore to...all.../..gods children..of good../god... back to the one..who loves each of us equ-ally se the one who/loves all watching the same scenes..same unwindings..same/big big bang conculusions/..debaites/questions/persons...time...scroll...bye.. its all in the book of life...each question noted and replied.../ each life event recorded.. god is beyond..mere big bangs.. and other such temporal things Posted by one under god, Saturday, 22 May 2010 12:21:28 PM
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Dear Vanna,
Any chemical reaction that uses an enzyme can occur without an enzyme. The enzyme does not make the reaction possible. The enzyme speeds up the reaction and makes it much more efficient. For example the process of photosynthesis is different in the five types of photosynthetic bacteria (purple sulfur, green nonsulfur, green sulfur, and oxygenic). These five types use different metabolic pathways and different enzymes. The theory of evolution takes into account the metabolic reactions required for an organism to function. Organisms evolve mechanisms to meet various conditions. Enzymes are proteins which are produced by transcription from DNA as other proteins are. Mutations of the DNA produce different proteins. The synthetic bacterium is not the creation of life. It was the placement of a synthetic chromosome in an existing cell. It may lead to the creation of man made life, but that is a long way away. Intelligent design is the assertion that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection." It is a modern form of the traditional teleological argument for the existence of God, but one which avoids specifying the nature or identity of the designer. Anything produced by humans is not included in that definition. I am cautious about releasing life forms whether synthetic or natural into new environments. Dear OUG, In postulating a god born of a mother Christianity differs from true monotheistic religions like Islam, Judaism and Bahai'i. The ancient Greek, Roman and Norse Gods were human in form. Christianity with its humanoid god is a modification made to Judaism so it would be acceptable to the pagan world by introducing a God like the pagan gods. Posted by david f, Saturday, 22 May 2010 12:27:17 PM
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Oliver- No one believes in Apollo or Zeus. I've never seen anyone discuss theology of evolution from the perspective of Apollo, therefore that's completely irrelevant to the whole ID- Evolution- theology discussion.
Lastly, and most importantly, you seem to have forgotten the fact that I'm replying to this thread which is a discussion on an article. In that article, the author only refers to the Christian faith. Therefore your complaint lacks foundations from the beginning. However, this is all a moot point anyway, so I'll allow you to have the last word with your silly, baseless whinging. Posted by Trav, Saturday, 22 May 2010 12:47:27 PM
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Pigs lining up on the tarmac...where? :) Davidf "reason is the slave of the passions" Gosh we could go off on all sorts of tangents here david, including asking the question is there really such a thing as free will? Or go down the Hobbsien path of determinism. Is morality contrived or natural? Even when contrived (through religion, law etal) it does depend on a certain sense of natural altruism otherwise the man-made creation could not possibly hope to survive even despite the manipulation of emotions like guilt. The fact guilt can be manipulated suggests a 'natural' tendency. The theists among us may see that natural tendency as needing enhancement via a structured supernatural moral framework. runner The difference is that there is more evidence for evolution than creationism. So the faith based argument is not applicable, given that faith is 'belief without reason'. The evidence for natural selection or 'favoured genes' is all around us. I tend to prefer the idea that that religion continues to be just one aspect of an evolutionary process (more social than biological). I have no difficulty in accepting the multitude of religions and spriritual beliefs, but creationism is based purely on faith; there is no room for movement, question or review for many fundamentalists in the face of evidence no matter how compelling. Some may argue that spirituality itself is a natural phenomenon of the human psyche. Atheists tend to knock the religious cherry pickers but I am grateful for them over the fundamentalist anyday. Lest we should turn back the clock and stifle free thought, abstract thinking and with it innovation and resourcefulness. Posted by pelican, Saturday, 22 May 2010 12:49:59 PM
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David f,
Without a biological catalyst, a metabolic reaction may never occur. (EG Without a specific enzyme, a metabolic reaction may require excess heat to initiate it, and either that heat energy is not available, or the heat energy could harm the organism.) Indeed it takes enzymes to actually join the base pairs and create DNA initially, and it takes enzymes to also split the base pairs and enable transcription to occur. Without enzymes, most metabolic reactions inside a cell cannot occur, and without those metabolic reactions, the cell dies. For every metabolic activity, there are normally a series of specific enzymes required, and the production of those enzymes is rarely covered by the theory of evolution. So far as the synthetic cell is concerned -> baby steps. It was only 60 years ago that DNA was discovered. Add another 60 years on, and it may be possible to artificially manufacture DNA that will create a new species, although I don't believe it should be released on Earth, due to the possibility that it could adversely affect existing life forms. So to reduce risk to current species, synthetic life forms developed in the future would have to be released elsewhere. Posted by vanna, Saturday, 22 May 2010 12:50:10 PM
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Dear Vanna,
“Atoms are matter, and of course matter and energy are interchangeable (E=MC^2).However, for a chemical bond to form, there has to be suitable conditions, suitable activation energy, and suitable catalysts should they be required. Just having the right atoms in an enclosed space doesn’t automatically create a chemical compound.” Thanks. But that is not what I was asking: Rather, do you agree that “before” life we have inorganic matter and that after organic life is created, said organic living things are reducible to inorganic matter? I didn’t claim having “the right atoms in an enclosed space doesn’t automatically create a chemical compound”. (Though, compounds can be induced.) Instead, I have made several references to a replicator: Perhaps a primitive form of an RNA-like substance (and there are other theories). Regarding valency, normally, we do not have electron exchanges penetrating any deeper than one shell and, in the case of inert gases, none (that is why inert gases are used in some lights). If, even a amount tiny matter became pure energy released in terms of the Theory of Relativity, there would be a huge explosion: And even here Einstein is discussing an inefficient device compared to real E=mc2. OUG, Thanks for that clarification. Herein, you see the Bible as an allegory and not to be taken literally with regards many of its stories. You hold that Bishop Ussher was wrong. That surprises me in a nice way. Runner ... Do you agree with OUG? How old is the Earth? Trav… How old is the Earth? Hello Davidf, Agree the creation of synthetic life is different to duplicating the historical creation of life. We are just at Kitty Hawke in that regards. It would be good to be alive to see the biologicial Space Shuttle. I guess it depends on grants and the state of other sciences (e.g. quantum mechanics). Posted by Oliver, Saturday, 22 May 2010 12:50:31 PM
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Don’t worry about it. I’m quite comfortable with being labelled “arrogant” on the topic of religion. The reason you’ll often see me say “creationism” rather than “ID”, is because ID is simply a devious and sneaky way of trying to get religion around the constitution and through the backdoor into science classrooms. For all intents and purposes, ID is creationism, so I refuse to legitimise ID due to its deceitful origins. If you want the full story on the birth of ID, simply Google “Of Pandas and People”. Some of it’s actually quite funny, like the word-processing ‘find-and-replace’ bungle when trying to remove the word “god” from the original print of the book, Of Pandas and People. <<I guess all those phds who agree that a case can be made for intelligent design must be retarded then?>> I said “bordering on mental retardation”. But yes, they do certainly have a thinking disorder of some sort, because anyone with a PHD who believes in something for which there is absolutely no evidence, and goes against all the evidence - like creationism - is tot ally delusional. What disappoints me about this remark though is that it suggests that you think creation “scientists” might actually be onto something, when I had always picked you to be one of the more rational Christians who accept evolution. <<So what you're effectively saying here is, that if God existed, you'd expect direct scientific evidence that he exists? Is that your view?>> Yes, that’s my view. Because anything that exists manifests in reality, and anything that manifests in reality is measureable, demonstrable and verifiable. If you want to claim that god transcends all that, then fine, but in that case you have no way of differentiating between your god and something that doesn’t exist. That might be acceptable to you, but it’s not acceptable to me because I care about my beliefs being true. Another point is that you can’t claim that god transcends the known world and then, at the same time, claim to know who this god is. Continued... Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 22 May 2010 12:57:40 PM
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“God is beyond our understanding” is usually just another way of saying, “I don’t have a rational answer for that so I’m just going to make something up because facing the reality that my beliefs don’t make sense is too uncomfortable”. <<Has it occurred to you that it isn't possible for something to be an "answer" to anything without asserting something?>> By “assert”, I mean, without any good reason to believe that the assertion is true. Vanna, I would have thought a thank you was in order considering I answered a question that you seem to have wanted to know for a long time. Perhaps even a retraction of your claim that I “mindlessly follow the theory of evolution”. Instead, you simply continue in your search for a gap in our knowledge that your god can hide in - a search that has so far proven fruitless - as if nothing ever happened. You creationists are very rude people. <<There is no doubt that genetic mutations do occur, although the vast majority of genetic mutations disadvantage an organism, rather than improve its chances of survival.>> Incorrect. The vast majority of genetic mutations are neutral. Only a very small percentage are bad. A very small percentage are good too. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 22 May 2010 12:57:45 PM
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Pelican you are dreaming when you write
'The difference is that there is more evidence for evolution than creationism.' You obviously have to twist observance to fit your theory or you are blind to the obvious. At least you are admitting that their is some evidence for creation unlike other deniers of science. Posted by runner, Saturday, 22 May 2010 2:40:32 PM
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Where? See above :) Posted by qanda, Saturday, 22 May 2010 2:52:26 PM
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Meet your Islamic counterparts. Go on, join up. It's a "marriage made in heaven". You may even qualify for 72 virgins. LOL Posted by stevenlmeyer, Saturday, 22 May 2010 2:54:36 PM
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Millions of people are known to have believed in Apollo and Zeus. Below are some creation myths. No more fantastic the OT. As you may know, the Titans were thrown the Olympians. There is no direct comparison in the OT, however, Jehovah (Elohim?), does overthrow other gods in the OT. On what basis can the OT claim that its creation myths superior to those of the Greeks or Romans? Popper was in an argument with Jung and noted the latter was claiming validity based on his thousandfold experience of (shaky) premise. Popper, replied, would to the effect, “with this discourse we have one thousandfold, plus one”. My point is that if you, the author and one thousandfold others, make the same error, it does correct it. Why should we believe that Genesis before other myths? To the contrary, it all shows from before the Axial Age to the “Alexandrian God Factories” (Wells) and into the Current Era, too many people create myths. Vanna, I don’t recall Davidf ever claiming there is no such thing as a biological catalyst. Vanna will you please answer the question I posed, as I posed it? Thanks. Runner and Trav, How old is the Earth? Dan, Is Jesus walking on water into wine allegorical? Not fully off topic, as the alleged event involves transmutation Posted by Oliver, Saturday, 22 May 2010 3:58:50 PM
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'Runner and Trav, ' How old is the Earth?' Don't be lazy and do the maths. Oh that's right you believe in chaos and chance rather than design and order. You will be flat out getting geologist to agree on the age of the earth. As far as evolutionist are concerned the age will fit with their dogma. Posted by runner, Saturday, 22 May 2010 4:20:19 PM
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I’m not sure of what question you asked, but I am quite aware of shell configuration, and quite aware that carbon forms the basis of organic compounds due primarily to its shell configuration. However, to be able to grow and survive before it reproduces, a cell requires a myriad of chemical compounds and enzymes, many of which the cell knows how to synthesis, because these chemical compounds and enzymes do not come directly from a Big Bang. mRNA mostly serves as a messenger molecule for DNA, and it is interesting that eukaryotic cells enclose their DNA molecules in a cell nucleus to protect them from damage. The cell closely guards its DNA, and uses mRNA to pass genetic code messages through the membrane of the cell nucleus. Why? Any damage to DNA will cause unwanted mutations, and mitosis and meiosis also take place under controlled conditions to avoid damage to chromosomes and chromatids. The cell actually devotes a lot of its resources to control and reduce genetic mutations. However, according to the theory of evolution, mutations create a better species, so the more the better. A major anomaly for the theory of evolution. As more is discovered about the cell, the more outdated the theory of evolution becomes. (Because you seem interested in quantum physics, it would be similar to the Bohr model being found lacking, and eventually becoming superseded by the quantum mechanical model). I’m also aware of people (and there appear to be quite a few on OLO) who automatically think that ID is religion, and they seem to religiously attack ID, because they religiously attack religion. Their religion is to attack religion. Ironic isn't it. Posted by vanna, Saturday, 22 May 2010 4:48:04 PM
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david quote..<<Intelligent design/is the assertion..>>>so you assert...
<<..that"certain features/of the universe/and of living things..are best an intelligent cause,not an undirected process..such as natural selection.">>.. natural selection is hardly..'undirected'... lest we forget...females..can get pretty chosey..[pea=cocks tails..for egsample]..or those magnificent/..birds of paridise..or bower birds.. then there is the practical/..factors of utility/..alowing the fittest to survive...hardly pell-i-can...quote..<<..creationism is based purely on faith;..>>pleeeease...i regard my trust/ creationism...because..the alternative isnt way or the other.. im simply how god did it <<..there is no room for movement,>>> as flexable as the next me evidence for genus the right proofs... simply speaking...its lacking...thus evolution/..out of genus..remains a theory...based on deception...abusing..miss-re-presenting..the natural vairiation..within a species..[within its genomic compliment].. within all being evidence..for evolving out of the science proves..the genus barrier,..holds firm.. there is not one documented case/recorded/witnessed/reported..where ANY/species..evolved..out of..their inherant/parental genus..ever ..<<question or review..for many fundamentalists..>>>im into the much as anyone...but fundimentalists..i got no time for.. please dont lable us/..all the same ..<<in the face of matter how compelling>>>just because you think you have evidence..dosnt mean your facts match your belief in them.. to be saying..what you claim they say... THERE IS NOT ONE REPORTED/scientificlly complete..change of genus...[evolution out of inherant paternal genus..EVER] insane is a warm/bolld..comming from a cold blood...its an intermediate...not able to be realised..if so present one does the bible state..6000 years... i didnt state a length of time..neither does the bible oliver quote..<<..“Atoms are matter,..>>..thats bull/shhh-it...atoms/need nuclie...needing protons/neutrons..etc and atoms are of different weights etc.. i clarify your under/standing..some more.. <<and of energy are interchangeable..(E=MC^2).>>.they are..not the all please dont think/..third grade/school..broad-brush..scamming..can subjicate the facts..simply to make some obsure point... i do not..<<..agree that..“before” have inorganic matter>>..because everything needs a cause/reason/logic/means ...without them...causes..there is man/ an island...minerals <<and that after organic-life is created>> inferance living?..<<,..said organic living things..are reducible to inorganic matter>>.,..not all mater is inorganic..and mineral/inorganic is not living..not life Posted by one under god, Saturday, 22 May 2010 6:29:02 PM
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I agree, intelligent design is a desperate attempt by religion to stay relevant in an increasingly hostile environment (intellectually). There is simply no credible evidence that we are anything but an evolved species on planet Earth. By 'evolved' I don't mean advanced, as 'advanced' buys into the progressive model of human development, and it's more fashionable to put that down as arrogance, rather than subscribe to grand narratives.
However, it's a little purblind of us not to consider the possibility of a trajectory, rather than humbly subscribing to the doctrine of haphazard mutation. Humanity has been so routed and demeaned since the Enlightenment that it (the thinkers, not the religios) now quite literally embraces (on faith, rather than continuing to test the notion) it's indifferent station in the 'scheme of things' (sorry, 'random universe'; Freudian slip). And yet, we are far from knowing where it all ends! Surely the most abiding prejudice we possess is our blind acceptance of the linearity of time; that is that we are on the crest of the wave and the future unfurls as pure affect--predictably. I subscribe, naively, to this doctrine of cause and effect, but that doesn't mean that the here and now is where human history is both consummated and immanent (the present). And if this is not the 'present', then the future may bound off almost endlessly. We base our 'convictions' on what we know now, inductively; and yet we have every reason to suppose that those convictions will be overturned, as they have been, dialectically, hitherto. In other words, there could be meaning or progress in the universe (indeed this is not without precedent) and hence, 'purpose'? Posted by Squeers, Saturday, 22 May 2010 6:46:20 PM
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Dear Squeers,
Which mutations are viable and passed on are not haphazard. I don't agree that Enlightenment demeaned humanity. I see humanity liberated and free to question. The biblical narrative placed humans above other species. Questioning that narrative placed us with the other species and made us realise we are part of nature. Linearity of time is a western gestalt. In eastern philosophy there is the theme of cyclic time. This passed into western philosophy with Schopenhauer. Nietzsche's theme of eternal recurrence expresses this idea. I don't believe in progress. I think the only meaning we can give to life is in our living of it. I think the concept of an ultimate heat death of our universe is valid and makes the idea of progress ultimately meaningless. The twentieth century saw the barbaric Nazis and the murder of possibly 100,000,000 by various communist entities. Even literacy can disappear. Scripts of the Harrapan civilisation cannot be deciphered because no counterpart of a Rosetta Stone has been found. It is estimated that the area lost literacy for about 1,000 years. From Although , Harappa was undoubtedly occupied previously, it was between 2600-1900 B.C. that it reached its height of economic expansion and urban growth. ... Between 2800-2600 B.C. called the Kot Diji period, Harappa grew into a thriving economic center. It expanded into a substantial sized town, covering the area of several large shopping malls. Harappa, along with the other Indus Valley cities, had a level of architectural planning unparalleled in the ancient world. The city was laid out in a grid-like pattern with the orientation of streets and buildings according to the cardinal directions. ... The city had many drinking water wells, and a highly sophisticated system of waste removal. All Harappan houses were equipped with latrines, bathing houses, and sewage drains which emptied into larger mains and eventually deposited the fertile sludge on surrounding agricultural fields. They say the Lion and the Lizard keep The Courts where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep: And Bahram, that great Hunter--the Wild Ass Stamps o'er his Head, but cannot break his Sleep. Posted by david f, Saturday, 22 May 2010 8:10:59 PM
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Davidf: <Which mutations are viable and passed on are not haphazard. I don't agree that Enlightenment demeaned humanity>.
Dear Davidf, on the first point I plead economy of expression; evolution is arguably both haphazard and derivative, probably mainly the latter. On the second point; I meant that enlightenment humanism has been repeatedly demeaned in its original anthropocentrism. Of course if you consider enlightenment an ongoing 'narrative', then the process has been enlightening, as you describe it, or at least naturalistically productive and humbling, though the philosophes were much less objective. <I don't believe in progress. I think the only meaning we can give to life is in our living of it.I think the concept of an ultimate heat death of our universe is valid and makes the idea of progress ultimately meaningless.> This is more the (potential) prejudice I was alluding to; the first sentence is expressive of positivism--faith in the validity of life (the universe and everything) as 'our living of it'. Why must we discount the possibility (probability?) that our senses (Hume's bundles), confabulated by the (hopelessly cultured) brain, are in error or inadequate? Indeed we know the brain is easily fooled, and the mind persuaded. Crude notions of progress are of course rightfully disredited. The second sentence, forgive me, is syllogistic; 'valid' in the context of the present big bang? There has been human progress in techne hitherto, though nothing we can ascribe to 'natural causes', whatever that loaded phrase means; and yet human evolution is now synthetic--who knows where it will end, albeit its origins remain organic (natural). The next sentence is (I think) existential, and we must all partake of the disgrace, though can the criminal never be reformed? Must the past damn us forever? My point is admittedly metaphysical (in a post-metaphysical age); I doubt we as yet have the full benefit of hindsight, or perception, and so we must postpone judgement. I can only assert that my scepticism is not born of wishful thinking, quite the opposite. Indeed, I'd be far happier if the world would conform with my intellectualism of it Posted by Squeers, Saturday, 22 May 2010 10:16:58 PM
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David f,
“I don't believe in progress.” Well. Seems that you don’t believe in “evolution” then. I wonder why cells don’t give up. I wonder why they have been programmed to keep on chooglin. Also “Which mutations are viable and passed on are not haphazard.” Correct. So why does a cell attempt to control or direct genetic variation? Seems like some type of plan has been previously programmed into each cell. Posted by vanna, Saturday, 22 May 2010 10:57:24 PM
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vanna et al: << David f,
“I don't believe in progress.” Well. Seems that you don’t believe in “evolution” then. >> Wrong again. Evolution means change over time. It doesn't mean progress. Admittedly, a common misconception. Have you looked up that TAFE course yet? Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 22 May 2010 11:55:51 PM
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From a book that was never written.
God says to Adam, "I have some good news and some bad news. What do you want to hear first?" Adam says, "Tell me the good news first." God says, "I'm going to give you a penis and a brain. You'll derive from these great pleasure and great intellect." Adam replies, "Wonderful! But what's the bad news?" God says, "I'm only going to give you enough blood supply to work one at a time." People! This maybe the problem. smile. Evolution 1 and creation 0. It doesn't matter how many times you watch this football game, the score is always the same. TTM. Posted by think than move, Sunday, 23 May 2010 5:43:43 AM
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CJ is quite correct to point out that evolution does not necessarily equate with progress; indeed it could be argued quite the opposite.
As Spencer pointed out, evolution shows close parallels to free market economics. Species, like workers, tend to become more and more specialised. This can be quite lucrative for the worker, but at the same time restrictive of employment possibilities, compared to one with more general skills. A Humming bird is more 'highly evolved' than a magpie, but also more vulnerable to extinction. This could be an argument for natural punctuated equilibrium, without requiring external catastrophes. Mass extinctions occur at intervals when species become too evolved; or perhaps just one keystone species becomes too successful, changing the environment to the detriment of those most highly evolved species. Is an inevitable cycle of boom and bust evidence for ID? An economist probably wouldn't think so. Posted by Grim, Sunday, 23 May 2010 6:57:25 AM
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oh-dear/liver<<matter..and energy/interchangeable..(E=MC^2).>>.
they are not the[are you talking/about heat-energy..or some/other..form of precice we/talk about mass...[presuming how many protons/neutrons...wizzing/around..the wtf is this e=mc2/equation..but spin MASS=jules=protons/neutrons../moving..real weight/times the speed of light/times the speed of get nuthin..but a mantra/spin why can ignorantly...make claim/ generic terms? ...and so mindlessly/repeat a non-sense/mantra's..[like evolution/and e=mc2] there any/ORIGONAL=thinking..between your blood/supply? squeers..i resent/being called a<<intelligent/ a desperate religion..>>please be specific...these generalities..are getting wearysome just because your afraid to credit..any id relivant..yet/cant/dont rebut their specific-facts..if you are claiming...CREDIT-able ev=i-dense..for e-volution/of genus..present it i agree..evolved..isnt advanced/..evolutionTHEORY..hasnt evolved beyond darwins/species..trying to avoid..the genus conundrum..! human progres/is yet another buzzword..human stasis..seems more likely...your redirective use..of trajectory...appears subject/and suspect... starts/with a bang..then at its end..falls rapidly/ back to earth..with a thud/..not equal to..the big/noise...which begun it...but spin..lengthens the trad-jury...opps..tra-jectury we agree/ hap-hazard..but we have been science/god-heads..not enlightenment/.. i hold dear]..those/who do/did..real-science,..not just follow the leader/ some science/god-head yet again/we find agreement..[we are far from it ends... but most surely/..for ends sooner/or/later but pure-pose...seems blatently patent..on pur-pose.. as their own..redirective use/..of buzzwords reveales davids/claim..of being..'with nature'/..appears quite absurd... when was the last nature..a la natural...huh...?... the last time/you ate/your food uncooked...are you using your heater/yet? you dig/ the soil..or dig/..into the keys..of your computer...more... we are far from/ all its meanings... and even when/ nature..are the..odd/one out you go..time moves on..just because you think..your still 18...dont mean/..your not older/..or..that/you got any/more wiser [these redirection's..links to the] how are we any-less''barbaric''than the huns,..,see israel starving the palistinians..or the yanks...dropping naplam..on the nips..[killing 20 million/of the true hellfires...using napalm..[just before nuking them..into submission...] or the slaughter of 1/million iraqies?..polpot/bosnia..the list is continues..endlessy/continuesly..[and i never mentioned the 25 milion/xtians..murderd by the georgia/bolchovics..let alone those the womb..[or by adverse reaction to perscribed drugs] death thy the name of humanity.. evolving/on a revolving planet...not via evil-lution it aint the think..then move's..score keeping/..gets so stale seems/he/she...has started from Posted by one under god, Sunday, 23 May 2010 8:50:02 AM
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What I trying to do is look at the fundamentals of the archetype. We know pure water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. If apply electrolysis, we don’t find some mysterious x factor. Hence, I keep coming back to the same question in the various forms I have asked it: Is organic chemistry ultimately reducible to inorganic chemistry? The abve question is not asking about compounds or catalysts. The primary elements found in all life came from either the Big Bang or stars. If you disagree, please name the exception(s). I was puzzled by the context you used The Theory of Relativity in relation to valency. Elections can skip outer atomic orbits and energy is released but this is not the matter turning into energy. To follow on from above, it would be harmless, to use electrolysis to convert a 200 ml water into hydrogen and oxygen. On the other hand, if you were to apply E-mc2, a glass of water, one could wipe a major city off the map. “Progress” is an awkward term. Mutation and adaptation are better. Ecology doesn’t if you are human or a nat. runner, Could please have a more direct reply. I will reframe:x Is the Earth over one million years old? Trav, My typo. Sorry. Above should read: “Popper was in an argument with Jung and noted the latter was claiming validity based on his thousandfold experience of (shaky) premise. Popper, replied, would to the effect, “with this discourse we have one thousandfold, plus one”. My point is that if you, the author and one thousandfold others, make the same error, it does NOT correct it.” Also, Is the Earth over one million years old? Grim, “As Spencer pointed out, evolution shows close parallels to free market economics. Species, like workers, tend to become more and more specialised. This can be quite lucrative for the worker, but at the same time restrictive of employment possibilities, compared to one with more general skills.” Yes. A good tenet… There are more mechanics than blacksmiths these days.x Posted by Oliver, Sunday, 23 May 2010 9:16:57 AM
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OLiver I will answer your question when you tell me how old you think the earth is and how you came to your conclusion.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 23 May 2010 9:47:56 AM
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Now CJ’s pointing out the ways in which you do not understand evolution. I had even pointed that out to you earlier when I said, “if you’re making the classic mistake of thinking that evolution is like a ladder to be climbed, then no, according to the theory of evolution, life does not increase or advance “in time””. This leads me to what I was going to address in this post... <<I’m also aware of people (and there appear to be quite a few on OLO) who automatically think that ID is religion, and they seem to religiously attack ID, because they religiously attack religion.>> ID is certainly a part of a kind of religious belief. Like I suggested to Trav, you should look-up the deceitful origins of ID. That you are not just the sceptic that you’re painting yourself to be is obvious to all here except yourself. Here’s just some of the reasons why: -You don’t understand evolution or abiogenesis; -When someone explains them you resist their explanation with all your might and simply continue to display your lack of knowledge from a new angle; -You have difficulty differentiating between abiogenesis and evolution; -You think the act of attacking religion can be classified as a religion itself; -You’re ‘just sceptical’ of the only two branches of science that conflict with a particular brand of religious belief. Why aren’t you sceptical of plate tectonics, black hole theory, the theory of gravity, germ theory or atomic theory? Your alleged scepticism of evolution is either the result of a current religious belief or of childhood indoctrination. I suspect you’re in the same boat as Proxy - you don’t really believe in a god or any specific god anymore, but you’ve retained some inane beliefs from your indoctrination that you’re unable to let go of. This would also explain your rabid anti-feminism. <<Their religion is to attack religion.>> Attacking religion is not a religion in itself. I suggest you look up the definition of ‘religion’... It is, however, commonsense considering what a destructive force religion has shown itself to be. Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 23 May 2010 9:49:03 AM
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Still pleased to learn you don't believe that the Creation can be accurately dated from the Bible. Energy in E=MC2 is usually desinated in "ergs". I was responding to Vann seems to think matter to enrgy transmutation occues when atoms change valency. david f, "I don't believe in progress. I think the only meaning we can give to life is in our living of it. I think the concept of an ultimate heat death of our universe is valid and makes the idea of progress ultimately meaningless." Yes, But playing devil's advocate to my real agreement with you, at the level of biological systems; we do have the Unmoved Mover (Aristotle) which fits in with the universe running down :). The goal of being motionless, being, perhaps, divine (to the Ancient Greeks). In which case, biological systems are irrelevant to astrophysica progress. If the universe (one model) cools to abolute zero over trillions upon trillions of years. Earth's little trek into life would be a flash in the pan. Posted by Oliver, Sunday, 23 May 2010 9:50:54 AM
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I would like to introduce you to your Islamic counterpart. Meet: kaanansay If you became a Muslim you could be one of the leaders in the Jihad against evolution. It could earn you 72 virgins. LOL ;-) Posted by stevenlmeyer, Sunday, 23 May 2010 11:24:54 AM
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Dear Squeers,
There is progress in some areas. There is regress in other areas. I have the impression that the sum total equates to neither progress nor regress, but I could be wrong. There is definitely progress in science. Theories that prove inadequate are eventually discarded to be replaced by theories that better fit the phenomena described. By its nature science progresses. In religion there is regress. The fairly tolerant pagan religions of antiquity have been replaced in our world by Christianity with its intolerance and narrowness as exhibited on this thread and other places. With its Dark Ages, Inquisitions, Crusades, hate-inspired Holocaust and other horrors Christianity is a definite retreat from paganism. Paganism had its horrors also, but they did not compare in scope with Christianity. Fortunately, secular democratic states can mitigate to some extent the horror of Christianity. There are also Christians such as Bishop Spong who have confronted their bloody history. However, rigid doctrinaires in Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism are still perpetuating horrors. I am considering the ongoing narrative of the Enlightenment. I have read recently or am going to read several books related to Enlightenment - Roy Porter's "Flesh in the Age of Reason" (the British Enlightenment), "The Chinese Enlightenment" and "The Anthropology of the Enlightenment". A Chinese academic is producing a book on the Chinese confrontation with modernity. My part of the study is to evaluate how similar what is called the Chinese Enlightenment is to the Enlightenment in the west. Posted by david f, Sunday, 23 May 2010 12:42:48 PM
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your a funny-boy..steven...[on a lighter-note....if you ever/seen them would know..why they are still virgin..
but..thanks/for the redirection..BUT..[it dosnt bring..back to life/..a single of the 50 million/american babies/..murderd since nixon...nor the 25 million xtians/..murded by the bolchovics[northern/semites].. but then again/where is the sting of death.. if we can joke..about oliver.. In one second, ..a 100 watt light bulb/emits 1000 million ergs of energy. One equal to 10 million ergs/..per second. One also equal to 1 Joule per second of power,.. or 1 Joule/per second of energy consumption..or dissipation. Einstein's/equation..states that/..the amount of have.. is equal to the mass involved..times..the square of/the speed of light. as we can see/ it gives nice big they of course..neednt be that huge.. [we could use jules...or watts..[or even horse/power... but then/..we wouldnt look as would we <<Energy in ergs = 1 gram x( 30,000,000,000.0 cm/sec) x (30,000,000,000.0 cm/sec). This equals 900,000,000,000,000,000,000.0 ergs of energy. to convert this..into other physical units is a bit awkward>>>lol but it fools/the fools quite nicely and is a handy re=direction/mechanism <<this means that a 100 watt bulb..running for 30,000 years produces as much 1 gram of matter/converted into energy.>>>something science hasnt managed yet Or you can think of it/as 30,000 hundred-watt bulbs..burning for one year/the output from a small town lighting system. There are other physical could use as well. If you don't like watts,you could use horse power....1 HP = 745 watts,/so 1 gram of matter converted into energy equals 1 HP expended for about 30,000/7.45 = 3500 years. If you don't like grams,/you could use pounds... 1 pound = 453 1 pound converted to energy gives you 453 x ( 900,000,000,000,000,000,000.0 )ergs. If you like BTUs,..however,..1 BTU = 1055 Joules or 10.55 billion ergs per second over one second of time. 1 BTU = 100 watts( 100 joules/sec) x 10.55 seconds. 1 gram converted to energy..would then equal an expenditure of 1 BTU for: 900,000,000,000.0 / 10.55 = 9,000,000,000.0 seconds or about 300 years.>> SO THIS/..RELATES TO rebutting..ID...HOW EGSACTLY Posted by one under god, Sunday, 23 May 2010 12:55:18 PM
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Symbiotic relationships should also be taken into consideration, but don’t seem to be covered by the theory of evolution. Evolution is normally defined as a genetic change (and a genetic change only) that enables a species to better survive and reproduce in its environment. Change for the sake of it can lead to a waste of resources and energy for an organism, which is why a cell attempts to control genetic variation and limits mutations. Much of what a cell actually does is in direct conflict with the theory of evolution. Oliver, If you are referring to electron valence shells, then carbon contans 4 valence electrons, it seeks 4 more, which means it can readily form covalent bonds, creating straight line, branched and benzene ring type arrangements etc. Some have also proposed that other elements or compounds (eg even ammonia) could theoretically form the basis for living things, but various systems have been used to define a living thing, (eg ability to reproduce, has a metabolism, carries out homeostasis, can sense and respond to stimuli etc). So a piece of graphite is not defined as a living thing. Certainly a mass spectrometer analysis of an organism such as a cell would show its basic atomic structure, but the analysis does not show why the cell wants to grow, survive and finally reproduce. Even an organism with no neurons seems to know that it has a limited life span and must reproduce to continue its species, something the theory of evolution does not delve into much. The theory of evolution tends to avoid such issues (too many deep and meaningfulls I suppose). Davif f, It is interesting that so many are in denial of ID. Breeding hybrid plants and animals is ID. Genetically modified food is ID Genetic engineering is ID There are even people currently employed by their governments to research possible ways of carrying out terraformation. I can imagine if terraformation is actually carried out in the future. No one back on earth can be told, because so many have been made to believe that ID doesn’t exist. Posted by vanna, Sunday, 23 May 2010 1:27:27 PM
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Dear OUG,
"Energy in ergs = 1 gram x( 30,000,000,000.0 cm/sec) x (30,000,000,000.0 cm/sec). This equals 900,000,000,000,000,000,000.0 ergs of energy." -OUG Yes, enormous energy from just one gram of matter. Herein, Vanna doesn't seem realise this fact and introduced E=MC2, where it was not relevant. True, it is possible to convert between units of measurement. However, the "erg" is measurement physicists use with E=MC2. Do you think runner believes the Earth is younger than you think? Thanks for the data. Vanna, The levels of energy OUG and I are citing are many, many times greater than atoms switching electrons. runner, I believe that the Earth is at least as old as the oldest tree. Now your turn' Is the Earth older than one milion years? Hello David f, I think we will find is some OLO posters do take the Bible literally. But, I do not wish, on this thread at least, to have a drawn-out debate on Genesis with these folk. Posted by Oliver, Sunday, 23 May 2010 1:55:47 PM
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Dear Vanna,
There has been extensive work done on the role of symbiosis in evolution. tells of the work Lynn Margulis has done in this area. Two notable examples of symbiosis in evolution are the eucariote call and the lichen. The organelles in the eucariote cell are similar to various procariote cells. It is supposed that the eucariote cell started as a symbiotic relationship of procariote cells that developed into a permanent union. The same process took place with lichen where a symbiotic realtionship between algae and fungi became a permanent union. Posted by david f, Sunday, 23 May 2010 2:08:43 PM
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"your a funny-boy..steven..." I'm not being funny at all. I think you will find many soul mates in Muslim Village. Your new name could be: ذات سفلي الخالق Posted by stevenlmeyer, Sunday, 23 May 2010 2:12:02 PM
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Dear David,
sounds like a fascinating project and hopefully you'll put the odd article up on OLO about it (btw, I thought you were to be hosting a thread on Ethics?) I'm also researching (Western) Enlightenment, it's effects on culture, and enjoying, among others, Raymond Williams's important book "Culture and Society: 1780-1950". While there can be no dispute over humanity's technological progress, it's social, psychological and cultural progress that seems so problematic, and which science fails to address, practically or existentially. A great many early Enlightenment thinkers believed in the perfectibility of the human spirit/mind through the spread of reason and culture, though such thinking was naively universalist. Detractors like Hume and Mendelssohn and Rousseau certainly did not believe in a technological march to human perfection--which, in any case, seems little different from the Christian doctrine of providence purging profane spaces. And this is the problem, for me, with positivism; it's progress for its own sake, and/or its practical applications are prosthetically adapted to mundane utility, without provision (apart from diversion) for the individual or his/her irrational needs and existential horrors. Thus Freud despaired of ever exorcising humanity's demons. Even supposing technology could turn us all into Vulcans (castration would be a step in the right direction, I hear), what then would be the point in continuing? It does seem that Enlightenment would ultimately consist then in a way to order humanity in a benevolent and sustainable manner that provides the optimal conditions for individual transcendence and social growth. That is why, for me, the current system has to be radically altered; because rather than cultivating security and positive attributes, it harnesses and exacerbates negative drives such as self-interest. Religion at least gives a name to human 'evil' and chastises it (however ineffectually). The ongoing age of reason does not cater for our Jekyll and Hyde personalities. Enlightenment elides Hyde, and religion represses him; it's a moot point which system is more dangerous or ineffectual. Religion needs reason, or positivism needs ethics! The problem is such that one does contemplate ID--"Iniquitous Design". Posted by Squeers, Sunday, 23 May 2010 3:03:51 PM
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David f,
Symbiosis occurs between man and the bacteria in his large intestine, but an important question is why does symbiosis occur, or why do organisms want to live anyway? An interesting question, if mankind is about to start creating synthetic lifeforms (but of course creating synthetic lifeforms is not ID) Posted by vanna, Sunday, 23 May 2010 3:18:22 PM
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What is Man or "human" is not straight forward. Only ten percent of cells in our bodies are distinctly human (Jones). We are colony. Viruses will adjust the likelihood of killing their hosts based on the probability of spreading to other colonies (other humans). Viruses are just a means to an end for a gene. Humans are just organic islands. Bacteria live on the island. Organisms don't choose to be born neither bacteria nor you nor me. Organisms living or dying is inconsequential to the universe. Living is a means to create the potential to pass on genes, a specific bacterium, bacteria or an animal (organic colony). Posted by Oliver, Sunday, 23 May 2010 4:27:09 PM
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Yes, I am aware of all that Oliver. As I mentioned in a previous post, it may be theoretically possible for life forms to be based on something other than carbon, and the inorganic or organic structure of the organism is simply a means to carry life (or a life force).
Regards energy, matter and energy are inter-convertible (if not, then how does power actually come out of a nuclear reactor), but there can also be antimatter. Combining together all, there was once nothing. So why did nothing eventually create life, or why did life eventually come from nothing? Not quite answered by the theory of evolution, (despite all the rhetoric). Posted by vanna, Sunday, 23 May 2010 4:58:28 PM
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vannakins: << Evolution is normally defined as a genetic change (and a genetic change only) that enables a species to better survive and reproduce in its environment. >>
Wrong yet again. You're talking about genetic adaptation and natural selection, not evolution. << ...why does symbiosis occur, or why do organisms want to live anyway? >> Symbiosis occurs because organisms have evolved to be co-dependent on others for survival and/or reproduction. Most organisms don't "want" anything, they either survive or die. << So why did nothing eventually create life, or why did life eventually come from nothing? >> The theory of evolution by natural selection doesn't purport to answer why, but it explains how very well indeed - far more so than the idiotic drivel propounded by Creationists, including the ID ignoramuses. You clearly don't understand evolution or what is referred to by the disingenuous term "intelligent design". [Deleted for flaming.] Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 23 May 2010 5:36:18 PM
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oliver..<<The levels of energy..OUG and I are citing are many,..many times greater than atoms switching electrons.>>...
this is deceptive...were stil talking about a theory 1 gram/..THEORETICLY contains..plenty of energy... BUT IN THEORY ONLY science cant recover gram of toenail clippings..would barely light a light bulb..but such is the REAL PROBLEM..with theory...some think its fact.. in keeping it simple...i feel your thinking..i validate it... i dont...weight depends on the atoms covelance bonds with protons/neutrons...etc... [but science cant even explain..what an atom is clearly... let alone recover the POTENTIAL energy..of the protons/neutrons..captured by it in theory its simple..add in one extra/pair...and you got gold.. but that cant happen..let alone the is lead/gold is gold..learn to live within the limits god set yet the faulse/god-heads...of science..con the conned/decieved/awe=struck ..just give us a bigger maybe then we can get out more ..'energy'..than we put in... its a joke so you asking me...what runner thinks... i wouldnt presume..[nor be expected to know... just like/..i can only go/ what you say..not what you think.. we all have thought out reasons..for saying into word...anything..we chose to reveal but any/..honest person...will confess to changing their belief.. according to the facts..that best suit our own personal ex-peer-iences it shouldnt matter...what others has any right to force what not relivant to anything...only..yet more/ lue of fact the bible stands alone...[science says big/ says..let there be light science says..two bodies..brushed briefly together/then bang bible says there is a heaven...there is a hell science says lucy..the first human bible says adam/first man...far as i can see nothing much different bible says god created science says..chance/random-selection/survival..of fittest the bible dont say the first creation..nor does science its the same elites...selling the same control the masses to give science/or religion...instead of god... go figure./.man-kind..has many liers but as jesus said...this realm belongs to expect truth/here is to be ignorant..of just who/is running things..down here i will give you a isnt god he did the nature/natural ..sustains/life..logic..the natural/creation..etc man/kind..water/fire/wind..the elements/..chance..did the rest Posted by one under god, Sunday, 23 May 2010 6:13:12 PM
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Notice Vanna insists on saying, “the theory of evolution” rather than simply saying “evolution”. This is done as a subtle way of re-enforcing the naive argument that evolution is “just a theory”.
As well read as Vanna is on creationist propaganda, unfortunately he seems to have missed these two pages... Both pages state that, “evolution is just a theory” is an argument that should not be used since a theory in scientific terms implies “well established”. Or perhaps he has read those parts that is why he’s doing it subtly by continuing to unnecessarily add ”the theory” rather than simply saying “evolution”. OUG is very rehearsed in his spewing of creationist propaganda, so I’m surprised he’s made this very mistake in the beginning of his last post. Vanna, Has it ever occurred to you that even if you did have a point about the alleged unanswered questions you’re raising, that it would mean nothing other than the fact that we need to search for the answer? The ‘God of the Gaps’ argument is a fallacy because it assumes that we will never be able to find the answers to the unknowns, or that we somehow should have found the answers by now. You can’t prove creationism by pointing to gaps (let’s forget that those gaps aren’t actually there for a second) in our knowledge. You would need to find positive proof for the intervening of an intelligent being. If we applied your mentality to every gap in our knowledge then we would still be burning heretics. Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 23 May 2010 6:50:27 PM
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CJ Morgan,
Have you reverted to believing that Wikipedia is authoritative? Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Sunday, 23 May 2010 8:12:49 PM
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You said some Christians take the Bible literally (in the context of a flat earth). I explained that the Bible has many literary genres (poetry, prophecy, love letter, etc). One is history (mostly Jewish history). Genesis is part of that history; it explains the origins of the Jewish people, including the origins of the world and all its peoples. The Jews have traditionally dated their calendars from the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. This is an example of how Genesis was generally always plainly interpreted as a Jewish history book. The current Jewish year, I understand, is 5770, as counted from the from the creation week. Nowhere in Genesis does it hint of a flat earth. - You ask me about the miracles of Jesus. The greatest miracle in the Bible, or the central focus of the New Testament, is the resurrection of Jesus. This is a miracle of unsurpassed magnitude. It’s about as tricky as creating the first man in the first place. Creating a star is not nearly as complex. A star is just a big ball of gas. A man is, arguably I guess, more complex than a galaxy. So we might conclude that man is the pinnacle of creation. So, you asked me about the miracles of Jesus. Christians believe in the resurrection of Christ (the focus of the New Testament). Once you believe in that one, the other miracles are small by comparison. David f, The last time we spoke on this topic, you accused me of not understanding science, and you said that you regretted ever speaking to me. I’ll take your questioning of me as a change of heart. To answer your question: have I investigated other religions? I like to think of myself as having a fairly broad education. I have travelled fairly extensively. And I have done some reading and study of various faiths. But my main interest and study is in the Christian faith. Do you agree with Zimmerman that ID is ‘dead’ considering the hundreds of posts that the subject seems to generate? Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Sunday, 23 May 2010 8:17:24 PM
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Oliver you write
'runner, I believe that the Earth is at least as old as the oldest tree. Well finally we agree on something. Congratulations you do appear to believe in logic despite your evolutionary dogma. Posted by runner, Sunday, 23 May 2010 8:21:38 PM
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Dear Vanna,
I don't try to answer 'why' questions. I think the ultimate 'why' question is, "Why does anything exist?" I am satisfied to try to answer the 'how' questions. How do things work and fit together? I know of no reason to assume that a supernatural exists. If something is beyond nature it is merely a human invention to talk about it. If something can be shown to exist it exists in the natural world and is not supernatural. contains my article "God is a Human Invention" which is an online opinion article. You asked why do organisms want to live. They don't always want to live. When organisms lose too many faculties or are in terrible pain that cannot be relieved they usually do not want to live. I belong to Exit International which seeks to restore The Rights of the Terminally Ill (ROTI ) law which allows physician assisted suicide. It was legal for several months in the Northern Territory until the Commonwealth Parliament negated the NT law. is the website of Exit International. I study fungi with the mycological society. We know certain fungi have symbiotic relationships with other organism. eg. If we see an ash tree we look for an ash tree bolete which has a symbiotic relationship with ash trees. The mycelia of the fungi extend the root system of the tree providing more nourishment for both organisms. The how is fascinating. The why I leave for theologians. Asking ‘why’ may be a cry of despair. “Why did this happen to me?” “Why am I distant from my family?” From Gilbert and Sullivan: Never mind the why and wherefore, Love can level ranks, and therefore, Though his lordship's station's mighty, Though stupendous be his brain, Though her tastes are mean and flighty And her fortune poor and plain. Posted by david f, Sunday, 23 May 2010 8:57:39 PM
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Dear Squeers,
I frequently consult “Keywords “ by Raymond Williams. In telling of the history and development of certain words used in “Culture and Society” it carries a wealth of useful and fascinating information. I wasn’t aware I was hosting a thread on ethics. Tell me more. Rousseau did not believe in a technological march to human perfection. However, he did believe that human beings were almost infinitely malleable. He also believed in the will of the people which some individuals in society might not share because of a lack of awareness. I believe these two ideas were basic to the oppressiveness of both Marxist and Fascist societies. The concentration camp and the psychiatric ward housed those who rejected the people’s will or needed further conditioning. You are probably familiar with the relationship between Rousseau and Hume. If not carries a review of a book about their relationship and quarrel. The book is “Rousseau's Dog: Two Great Thinkers At War In The Age of Enlightenment” by David Edmonds and John Eidinow. Where would the artistic heirs of Hieronymus Bosch be if we got rid of humanity’s demons? Dear Dan, I did not accuse you of misunderstanding science. I accused you of not knowing what it was. I wrote that after reading your definitions of science. You may take my questioning as a change of heart. What right do I have to reject another human being? ID is alive. That does not mean that there is anything worthwhile about it. The resurrection is a common theme in pagan mythology. Mithra was buried in a tomb, from which however he rose again; and his resurrection was celebrated yearly with great rejoicings. Osiris’ body was placed in a box but came again to life, and, as in the cults of Mithra, Dionysus, Adonis and others, so in the cult of Osiris, an image placed in a coffin was brought out before the worshipers and saluted with glad cries of "Osiris is risen." “Pagan & Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning” by Carpenter has further details. The Jesus story incorporates pagan myth. Posted by david f, Sunday, 23 May 2010 10:16:57 PM
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david/says..the bible is a myth
i say..evolution...out of a myth so we have two opinions.. . but lets see that people/swear on the bible i have yet to see any-one swear on darwins evolution of species i was raised an evolutionist...knew there was no god..for many years..but via activism..soon concluded i needed to read/what the courts/pasrliment/etc..regarded as the law/or rather the basis of law/govt at this time/i was fully versed in evolution...found gregor mendel/and corrosponding with many experts in genetics..mendelic inheritance..for egsample..refutes evolution... [no where in the mendelic/ratio' there made provision..for a change of genus..let alone species..inheritors..distribute.according to mendelic ratio' with it those with less understanding..of the rules of genetics..think in species...even the media/..talks in species.. [like today/on abc...they talk of many species..going extinct..on the great/barier-reef WHEN what they are really extiction of families..or rather.families...of species..[genus falls between those two hard science classifications darwin knew of genus...families/species..but chose to use evolution of species...[ie micro evolution..within the genus species..thus he talked of doves/ the genus liva.. thus he talked of the genus canna..but those getting their spin friom media..simply dont get the science..think that applicable to species/ALONE..applies thus to genus./families etc...but it cant..due to the genus barrier we have people speak of if thats it...but there are species..that NEED symbiotic relationships...[no gall figtree/no fig... no lillypilly...there are literally hundreds of codependant relationships such as these.. but those ignorant of this will yet be decieved..not fully knowing the rules/laws..of science..but content to play word play with why/ lue of explaining the clear how..; let alone explain..that they claim to believe. .or rather the science..they claim.. underpins their faith..not fact if its not fact..its not science i should let them decieve themselves they endlessly demand evidence of others..yet in their hearts know they are too grasp the basics of the science..they trust so blindly...decievers/..claiming the science they think they are so smart...backing the guys in labcoats.. but they simply speaking have bought ignorantly..into a deception if the truth be known...none but god..really knows and god is content..for us to believe/as we chose.. thats freewill Posted by one under god, Monday, 24 May 2010 8:38:47 AM
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Dear David,
So, it is not that I misunderstand science; I just don’t know what it is. Thanks for that assurance. It makes me feel a lot better. I’m glad you agree that ID is alive. Zimmerman rails about the damage that a dead thing is doing. His article is large on emotion, but misses the target. Many of the posts just follow suit. Zimmerman’s article is not up to standard, coming from someone who I’ve heard has a PhD in science. The proponents of Intelligent Design don’t think of themselves beyond criticism. But if someone could write an informed critique of ID, then maybe we all might learn something. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Monday, 24 May 2010 9:28:42 AM
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Dear Dan,
I have gained the impression that there are there are OLO posters who believe the Bible, literally. Perhaps, owing to the nature of the Forum, if my assumption is true, our biased population does not represent Christians as large. Rather, some selection process (ahem) has them more common here. I would agree that there is little direct claim for a “flat earth” in Genesis. But the order of creation which suggests a vault is created over the earth is interesting. Fully logical, as Babylonians and earliest Egyptians used the model: e.g., the god, Nut. This idea is reinforced in Job 22.14 and 37:18. The Jews had several ways of counting from Adam and Eve (Theiring), with competing versions of solar and lunar calendars, having calendars of 354 days and 364 days. This is why Judeo theists had different dates for their End Times. Are you saying that “walking on water” and “turning water into wine” might not have happened, literally? That there could be some sales pitch in the NT: A mnemonic device, perhaps. Substitutionary random aside. Dear Runner, I have answered you. Herein, you know from earlier threads, I was referring to tree rings. Now do what you promised: Answer my question, please. Dear Vanna, Matter and antimatter eliminate each other. They can co-exist, but separately. It is theorised there is some asymmetry to the expansion of the universe. E=mc2 and matter/antimatter are at substrata underlying atoms (and other particles), when atoms exchange electrons to make elements, energy is released by not of the same high order. So you agree that what ever biological transmutation took place, known elements go into the black box (state machine) and known elements come out. Any change is “not” to fundamental elements? Dawkins hints at symbiotic relationships developing to a point where the organisms essentially act as one; “Perhaps, even we ourselves”. Dear OUG, The early Jesus movements had to be harmonised with Roman beliefs. Moreover, the template for the Christian trinity was almost certainly copied from the Egyptians (Wells). Ancient religions applied “syncretion”: i.e., meld beliefs. Posted by Oliver, Monday, 24 May 2010 9:30:23 AM
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Dear DavidF,
thanks for the link to the Hume-Rousseau spat, which I wasn't aware of. I read Rousseau's "Confessions" years ago but don't recall reading about Hume in there. I also have "Keywords". I thought you said something on another thread about co-writing some article on Ethics? But no matter. I don't know that getting rid of Humanity's demons is possible or desirable; both Hume and Rousseau demonstrate how much of our lives is sheer performance, and the reality of what lies beneath. I met someone recently who argued that Schelling's late thought, rather than building on German idealism, argued not only that, a la Hume, we had no access to 'reality', but that we are to a man quite 'mad'. I regretted after posting my last that I didn't cite "paranoid self-interest" as the fuel of capitalism, as competition among us at every level is downright vicious beneath surface complaisance. However, humanity's monadological eccentricity is perhaps also the driving force behind our aspirationalism. Possibly the healthiest way to sublimate our demons is to "obsess rationally", which leads in turn to sporadic 'progress'. However, rationalism is an affectation and I don't think we will ever become that race of Vulcans Dawkins dreams about--not even one of us. A vast number might even need supernaturalism to counter and make sense of their demons. "Rest not in an ovation, but a triumph over thy passions.Let anger walk hanging down the head; let malice go manicled, and envy fetter'd after thee. Behold within thee the long train of thy trophies not without thee. Make the quarreling Lapithytes sleep, and the Centaurs within lye quiet. Chain up the unruly legion of thy breast. Lead thine own captivity captive, and be Caesar within thyself" (Thomas Browne). Rationalism will never prevail as an ideology; its only one shallow persona among a far more colourful host in the average breast, and easily imposed upon. The human psyche seems intrinsically irrational and perhaps needs extrinsic complementarity. Moreover, this internal strife is probably productive of creativity, 'meaning' and sometimes even sanity. Establishing first causes is typically monomaniacal. Posted by Squeers, Monday, 24 May 2010 10:26:00 AM
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If you admit that there’s not much direct claim for a flat earth in Genesis, why do you keep banging on about it? Does it have anything to do with Zimmerman’s article on ID? Certainly, many OLO posters, such as myself, and many in the community take a straight forward historical approach to Genesis, which has been the standard Christian view for the greater part of two thousand years. That does not mean they read the poetry in other parts of the Bible as something other than poetry. If I wasn’t clear earlier, I’ll try to be so now. I accept the miracles of Jesus as described in the gospels. A God who could create everything should be able to change water into wine or walk on water. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Monday, 24 May 2010 11:19:07 AM
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Obviously something is keeping matter and antimatter apart, as it would be rather unfortunate if the drifted together. However back to ID. Much points towards eventual terraformation, and the spreading of life onto other environments other than Earth. That may be just science, or it may be a highly technoligical form of evolution. If it happens, it would be best to define the reasons for seeding life elsewhere, so that suitable organisms can be designed and synthesised. Perhaps answering the question of "Why does life exist" is beyond mankind at present. Although we may develope the means to create synthethic life, we have not developed the answers to basic questions. The theory of evolution does not help much in answering those questions. Posted by vanna, Monday, 24 May 2010 11:38:04 AM
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OLiver you are not telling the truth. You have not told me how old the earth is in your opinion and how you reached that conclusion. Now how old is it and how did you reach that conclusion?
Posted by runner, Monday, 24 May 2010 12:10:26 PM
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Dear Dan,
1. There is some history going back to earlier related OLO threads on "fundamentalist" belief regarding a literal Bible. 2. My side-bar was extended when you said "no" Christian takes the Bible literally. Some do. That is why I am prompting runner, as a candidate, to poll our regulars. 3. While Genesis is not where the flat earth emphasis is (other parts of the OT and NT make better citatios), there is a "hint" (your word). 4. Assuming some of out OLO friends do believe divine creation c. 4004 BCE, it is valid to recognise this situation. 5. I was "not" clear to me clear that you take OT miracles as allegory, yet NT miracles, as fact. Actually,I was leaning towards a your belief that Jesus' death on the Cross made other miracles rather obsolete/unnecesaary. 6. If one takes an "historical" view, scriptures were being re-written all the time. The OT and Dead Scrolls show this. Moreover, some pre-Nicaean gospels (e.g. Thomas)are not as definite on the divinity of Christ. 7. The notion of how gods create life and messiahs defy physics is intertwinned with ID, I suggest. A god who could create everything would be acting out of the character/synch. of the divine creation, suspending physics. Would be a man? It is something a mendicant might appear to do, though. 8. Looking at ID requires dissecting religions. Hello Vanna, 1. If there is natural antimatter in our universe, it is probably typically kept apart by the expansion of the 4-D universe itself. 2. I would be cautious about seeding planets. If we introduce cells, exo-planetary viruses on a host plane if these exist could invade Johnny's apple seeds. Posted by Oliver, Monday, 24 May 2010 12:50:31 PM
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In classical times there were tales of gods romping around on Mt. Olympus. No doubt some people believed the stories of the gods were true. As far as I know nobody around today regards them as truth in any way.
Other tales from that time and earlier of miracles have been preserved in the Bible. From the postings on this list it is evident that some people believe that those miracles actually happened. People believe in one set of ancient legends but not the other. Makes no sense to me. Posted by david f, Monday, 24 May 2010 1:07:16 PM
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Very quickly because Dan and I tring to ascertain if there are Biblical literalists, not debate the age of the earth. So, assuming you will respond in as agreed: What is known about the BB and visible universe horizon, places the universe at around 12-15 billion years. The sun as a third generation star that has been around for say 5 billion years. The previous star would have produced heavy metals that formed the earth. The half-life of uranium is known and the residue would suggest that earth is around 4-5 billion years old. We can regress to DNA back at least 3 billion years and before that time, the plane would not have a pleasant place. The background radiation of from the BB was predicted and later confirmed, so our starting point for the universe seems okay. Some atoms would be older than the earth. I recall reading somewhere that the cooling of the earth was a problem of the Christian, Isaac Newton, who realised that earth must have taken epochs to cool. I have done as you asked. We can discuss the detail another day. -How old do you believe the earth is? One one million years? Posted by Oliver, Monday, 24 May 2010 3:04:32 PM
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oh..oliver...if science replictes research..thats good science..[yet cold-fusion hasnt been able to be]..
why if one res-erection..preceeds..the better known this 2de/a copy...some bias..perhaps? i have explained/the wine/thing..being an egsample of perception... further..the walking on water thing..[people needing miracles]..[just like evolutionists...need their missing/link..or to be decieved/re dna=creating life... human nature..covers both sides..[pride goeth/before the fall] appoligies/to those believing in miracles...[i saw the vile-ffects of booze] how jesus/would only drink-new/wine.. [that makes grape/juice..cant ferment in heaven]...walking on water..was a translation for dock...anyhow it is a minour point..jesus specificly rebuked/those needing miracles[oh ye unbelieving nations] science witnesses matter./ but anti-matter is yet a theory. ..same with dark-matter..[that is simply/a explain/away..the flaws in scienctheories/modeling...when their science dont confirm their theory/..human-nature/creates explanations..where we should be lusting after truth as to why life egsist's...shouldnt be does.. yet science confirms..only life can come from living/ let the dead tend the dead.. any theory/unable to prove itself..cannot be anything more than a hoper/ a fact...thus must have an inteli=gent...cause...if only that life teaches...every affect/had a cause...action/re-action eliminate..all the possabilities...and you get left with some/intelligence/cause..hence the sustain-ability of ID..evolution hass validity/at the species/level...there has never been any observed/proven..mutation..exta genus a warm-blood..from a an insane possability...that some cow type/creature...that evolved into some carnivore..before 'returning' the become a thats just so nuts/insane..see how the truth needs to be stretched beyond logic...? no i guess many of you decieved/by the science spin...cant see that god..has been missrepresented...he sustains our every heartbeat/sustains every action of the autonimous bio=logical every life...isnt that enough my theory..being in time..we all loving being...being one under/god.../as this occurs..the big bang reverses... till in time...with a big bang..the next satan...falls to earth..[with half the angels].. yet again..and we begin the next/big expansion/bang the back/presure..of the fall/ big bang..affects all time[my theory being ..time is relitive..,as to where/we the bigbang/expansion... in its earlier stages..darkness must abound... at the at/one-ness state..all is light.. its a theory.. lets get to the oneness/state...and test my hypo=thesus Posted by one under god, Monday, 24 May 2010 3:44:57 PM
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At my Anglican church yesterday our regional bishop preached a sermon that touched on the replication of artificial DNA announced this week and the billions of years it has taken for stars to grow and collapse and hence create the heavier elements necessary to human life and the solar system itself. Part of his message was that science and religion need not be enemies, and we should not look to science to verify literal interpretations of the bible. Anyway, back to the dinosaurs. The problem with your first argument is this – it may be possible to prove that a meteor did not cause the extinction of the dinosaurs, but I think it extremely unlikely that we’ll ever get hard, verifiable, scientific evidence that God was the “something else” that did it instead. Hence this is not, properly speaking, a scientific theory. Your flood example is more promising, because it holds propositions that can be tested by scientific inquiry. If humans and other animals had all but died out a few thousand years ago, and we are all descendents of a handful of survivors, then this would be evident in our DNA. It isn’t. If a flood had covered the highest mountains on earth to a height of 15 cubits, it would be evident in geological and archaeological records. It isn’t. All that water would have to have come from, and gone to, somewhere. There is no evidence that the earth has ever had so much water, and no conceivable way that such a volume of water could subside in time for survivors to re-establish on land. Hence the flood example qualifies as a scientific theory to the extent that it can be disproved – which it has. Posted by Rhian, Monday, 24 May 2010 3:55:22 PM
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I believe the earth is much younger than a million years. More than likely less than 10000 years. And yes I have no reason to doubt the 7 day literal creation. In my view this is the most rational account for one to place their faith in. Faith in evolution is not only unscientific but also illogical. Posted by runner, Monday, 24 May 2010 4:25:10 PM
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oLiver: Seeing as you’ve asked the same question at least three or four times in my absence, I’ll answer it for you!
I believe the earth is billions of years old as this seems the most reasonable belief given the strong scientific evidence for it. However, I must add that I’m still very skeptical of the certainty with which scientists claim to know the exact ages of both the universe and the earth. Why should we take Genesis above others? Its philosophical statements make more sense and/or are corroborated by evidence: The human condition, one God, and beginning to the Universe being three of the main statements. AJ: Why bother with the semantical games? Most modern day ID proponents more or less believe in the evolutionary story of history. Yet, by confusing it with a term associated with young earth belief (creationism) you don’t help discussions at all. The rest of your post seems to lean on the foundations of these confused definitions, so unfortunately I can’t really reply as I’m not 100% sure what you’re actually arguing. If you’re arguing that young earth creationism is bankrupt, I completely agree. In terms of my own beliefs, I don’t believe things are as clear cut as you claim. There is most certainly strong evidence for evolution, but there is definitely some things which can be taken as evidence for ID. I’d suggest you consult John Lennox, Steven Meyer, etc. Personally I lean towards full scale acceptance of evolution, but it isn’t that much of a big question to me- I actually wish it was discussed less as my opinion is that people on both side of the God arguments make far too much of it sometimes. Some Christians put too much emphasis on God’s direct intervention and primary causation, and some Atheist types seem to think evolution is the answer to almost every question anyone ever asked, and they can take it to the point of absurdity sometimes. Any explanation will do- so long as it includes evolution! Posted by Trav, Monday, 24 May 2010 7:36:10 PM
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[Part 2}
And no one on either side ever makes convincing arguments (to me, anyway) about why the truth of evolution would cancel out God or make him extremely unlikely. Regarding scientific evidence, I can’t share your philosophies here as they make little sense to me. To see how little sense they make, do a little thought experiment. For the sake of argument, imagine there is a being who brought the universe into existence and is responsible for the natural laws we observe through science. That is, you’re imagining deism. Now, could such a God be detected by scientific research? Clearly not. In fact it was scientists and rationalists in the 18th and 19th century who actually came up with the concept. Now, is such view of a God all that different from the God of theism? Yes and no. Yes if you swallow arguments against miracles. I find them weak. There’s no reason why, if God created the universe, he couldn’t step in and act within the world he created. And again, would such a God be detectable by Science? No, clearly not. You claim that “anything that manifests in reality is measureable, demonstrable and verifiable” and is thus explainable and measurable by Science (implied by your positive response to my previous question). But this view is absurd. Why? Well there’s one thing that everyone agrees exists. Some claim that they are the only beings that exist (solipsism), others create thought experiments to help us ponder whether an evil demon is responsible for our world (Descartes). Most claim that we live in a universe, some claim we live in a multiverse. But there is something we ALL agree on: SOMETHING EXISTS. But this something cannot be measured or explained by science. Science does a fantastic job at explaining how the elements of the natural world work together, but it cannot explain why there is a world to begin with, much less why this world should have observable natural laws and appear so ordered and so finely tuned for life like us. Posted by Trav, Monday, 24 May 2010 7:37:24 PM
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(part 3)
To argue that science must be able to measure ANYTHING, as you have, is clearly allocating a privilege and status to science which extends far beyond it’s actual scope. Science doesn’t tell us that there is or isn’t a reason for existence and the universe- it can’t, it simply remains silent. However, in the interests of intellectual honesty, we all must admit that science itself is based on presuppositions that it itself cannot justify, and that there are certain questions which science simply cannot answer because they are outside it’s scope. As Edward Feser says here ( “For scientific inquiry itself rests on a number of philosophical assumptions: that there is an objective world external to the minds of scientists; that this world is governed by causal regularities; that the human intellect can uncover and accurately describe these regularities; and so forth. Since science presupposes these things, it cannot attempt to justify them without arguing in a circle.” In fact, science itself must be taken on faith, as the legendary atheist physicist Paul Davies explains in this article ( The Existence of God is fundamentally a philosophical and theological question to be pondered. It is shallow to suggest that God, if he did exist, would reveal himself from within a test tube. After all, would Hamlet be able to detect Shakespeare if he went looking in his attic? No, for Shakespeare was the reason for the story and the creator of the story, but not a physical part of the story itself. This is what I, and many philosophers and theologians, hold God to be: The ultimate playwright. The Grand storyteller. The Divine Mind behind the universe. In that context, I hope you can see why I believe that objections about God not being detected by science simply miss the point, and are extremely impotent. Posted by Trav, Monday, 24 May 2010 7:38:11 PM
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Actually Dan, while some of those looking on don't believe that ID is dead, it is for the scientific community. The broader social community however, believe otherwise, which is why you occasionally see it twitch when they try and run a few volts through it when it suits their purposes. It's these attempts to convince the kids that it's alive and well that upsets most scientists and scientifically minded indivuals, because they really do believe in quality education and relegating obsolete hypotheses to the dustbin of history. We don't see caloric theory being resurrected do we? This is probably because it doesn't threaten a religious view of the world. But I'm sure that many would get very upset if it was to be presented as valid alongside modern theories.
ID has serious flaws that won't allow it to be resurrected, Zimmerman deals with the "argument from perfection" angle, but this isn't the most serious, as evidenced by the comeback "but the Designer could have designed us imperfect". You may not fully understand this, but the most serious flaw is actually the argument from chance. Dembski's work on "specified complexity" is predicated on events or phenomena that have less than 1 in 10 to the power of 150 chance of occuring randomly. Unfortunately he uses Gaussian probability to calculate the probability of a specific thing (eg. protein sequence) occurring by chance. This type of probability calculation relies on all the events in a string of events being fully independent of each other. Unfortunately that is not the way biochemistry works, biochemical reactions are not independent of each other. For an example of how this sort of probability works, if I were to toss a coin 100 times in a row, and each toss is truly independent, the chances of all of them coming up heads are 0.5^100 or less than 1 in 10^30. If I were to try it, it would take a loooooong time (perhaps millions of years), if it were ever to happen at all. cont'd Posted by Bugsy, Monday, 24 May 2010 9:19:28 PM
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If however, a 'heads' result was to slightly improve the chances of the next toss coming up heads, say a 0.1% or so increased chance, then it would be much more likely to occur. In fact, an additional 0.1% chance over 100 coin tosses makes it better than 1000 times more likely, a 0.2% better chance makes it several million times more likely.
Evolution works just like this through natural selection, winners are more likely to produce winners. Selection happens at a lot of places, not just at the level of the external environment, deleterious mutations are often don't survive the gamete stage. Also, Dembski ignores the fact that just about every species has a different enzyme sequence for nearly all enzymes, that do the same job in each organism, which means that there is very likely millions of combinations of amino acids that can do a specific job. Which brings us to another problem with ID: Behe's "irreducible complexity". Every example of "irreducible complexity" that Behe has come up with has been shown to be reducible, and that homologs of the genes/ proteins involved are readily identifiable in other species, even though they don't have exactly the same sequences, they do the same jobs or related jobs, sometimes even different jobs while retaining the same or similar structure. This is entirely consistent with and supportive of evolutionary theory. That someone can mutate a part of a gene and have the system it forms a part of not work within a specific context actually doesn't tell us much about either evolution or ID, except perhaps which mutations are unlikely to be retained under specific conditions. Anyway, that's my problem with ID, the probabilities are wrong. Without recognising the problem they have calculating the probabilities of particular strings of biochemical reactions, the Discovery Institute will be struggling to get ID's heart started, let alone have it stand up in court. I don't think I'll get into much discussion on this one, unless it's to clarify a point perhaps, because the theory of evolution is under no threat from these guys. Posted by Bugsy, Monday, 24 May 2010 9:27:20 PM
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Thanks for your summation on the flood. And I hope you can see my simple point. It is possible to investigate and evaluate evidence concerning a proposition, despite it relating to a Biblical event. The conclusion we might come to after viewing the evidence might be different (we’ll leave that for another day), but the point is that it is possible to investigate and evaluate the evidence. Certain atheist leaning people want to have it both ways. They want to say that any proposition involving God can’t be scientifically evaluated, and then they say it has been evaluated and shown to be false. Well, it has to be one or the other. In your post of last Wednesday (19/5) you’ve dismissed ID as unscientific, but I don’t see why. Scientists already employ tests to examine intelligence. For example, archeologists dig up a pot and find scratches or markings on the side, and then examine the markings to decide if they were deliberate markings of an intelligent agent (perhaps writing or art) or natural erosion. Can’t this be analogous to ID? Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Monday, 24 May 2010 9:45:30 PM
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I tried to answer your specific questions, but I’m a bit fuzzy as to what point you’re trying to make. What I said was no Christian takes ALL of the bible literally. It’s a matter of correctly interpreting the intention of the biblical writer. Clearly, some parts are easier to discern than others. Most of it is pretty obvious. Therefore, of your eight dot points: I disagree with points 1 & 2. I disagree with point 3. The Bible does not teach a flat earth. (I said there is no hint of it.) Point 4 is roughly okay (but I still struggle to understand its relevance to what you’re trying to say). I don’t understand what you’re saying in point 5. You may have misunderstood me. I disagree with point 6. Genesis has never been rewritten. The Dead Sea Scrolls would confirm this. And the gospel of Thomas is not part of the Bible (It wasn’t accepted as part of the Christian canon). But overall, I think you were heading towards points 7 & 8 as some kind of conclusion. I don’t think that ID requires a dissection of religion. Look above at David f’s definition of ID (22/5): “Intelligent design is the assertion that ‘certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.’ It is a modern form of the traditional teleological argument for the existence of God, but one which avoids specifying the nature or identity of the designer.” With ID, the definition of God is pretty loose. It doesn’t depend on Scripture. I don’t think miracles interfere with the concept of a creator God (If that’s what you were getting at in point 7). The physical norms of the universe describe the underpinnings of God’s creation, which we are privileged to investigate. Miracles describe God’s intervention within the created order. With over 200 posts and counting here, are we ready to admit that Zimmerman was wrong and ID is not dead? Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Monday, 24 May 2010 9:50:02 PM
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There are no semantical games going on here. I know exactly what I’m talking about. <<Most modern day ID proponents more or less believe in the evolutionary story of history.>> That depends on what you mean by “evolutionary story of history”. <<Yet, by confusing [ID] with a term associated with young earth belief (creationism) you don’t help discussions at all.>> I’m not confusing anything here. The only difference between ID and creationism is that ID proponents aren’t fussed about any specific god. Some aren’t too fussed about timelines either, but that’s it. By refusing to give ID legitimacy, I am in fact helping discussion. <<There is most certainly strong evidence for evolution, but there is definitely some things which can be taken as evidence for ID.>> Could you give an example? I’ve asked creationists for evidence many times and I knock down every bit of ‘evidence’ they give in an instant. Heck, Dan S de Merengue eventually stopped giving me “evidence” because he grew tired of me debunking everything he said. <<I’d suggest you consult John Lennox, Steven Meyer, etc.>> Yes, I know their arguments, and they’ve all been debunked repetitively or have been shown to be fallacious. For example, Meyer’s “signature in the cell” isn’t exactly Occam’s razor-friendly, and fails to acknowledge that just complexity does not imply design. Complexity arises from either sloppiness or necessity and a perfect being would not be sloppy, nor would they need to make living creatures so complex when they could simply use magic. << one on either side ever makes convincing arguments (to me, anyway) about why the truth of evolution would cancel out God or make him extremely unlikely.>> When I mentioned evolution and the existence of god, I was speaking from my own personal point-of-view. The purpose of evolution is not to disprove any gods. <<...could such a [deistic] God be detected by scientific research? Clearly not.>> Why not? And if they can’t be detected, then we have no way of distinguishing between this deity and something that doesn’t exist, so why bother? Continued... Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 24 May 2010 11:33:28 PM
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When trying to understand something, we compare it to, and make use of things that we do understand. So if god is this immeasurable, non-demonstrable and unverifiable thing, then all we can compare him to and make use of to understand him is... nothing. After all, you can’t answer a mystery with a mystery. Holy books are of no help either considering (as david f pointed out on this thread already) there is no reason to believe one over the others. <<Now, is such view of a God all that different from the God of theism?>> Which god of theism? There are billions of people in the world with millions - if not billions - of different ideas about who god is. It’s kind of amusing in a way. A billion or so people in the world have a personal relationship with Jesus and yet not one of them can agree on what exactly he wants. <<There’s no reason why, if God created the universe, he couldn’t step in and act within the world he created.>> Yes, just as there’s no reason why we should believe that these miracles occurred when they go against every bit of practical knowledge we’ve acquired. For example, we have two choices: 1. We can believe that some old scribblings from ancient primitive people are true and that the purported miracles happened, or; 2. We can conclude that are just old stories and fables, and that none of it happened as it was purported to have. Now from your day-to-day life experiences, what would you say was more likely? Unless you witness verifiable miracles from time-to-time, or unless you have some special reason for which you are willing to forgo rational thought in this particular instance, you would have to pick 2. It’s just too co-incidental that the more we learn about the world in which we live, the less frequently miracles occur and the less appearances god makes to people. <<And again, would such a God be detectable by Science? No, clearly not.>> Again, why not? Continued... Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 24 May 2010 11:33:34 PM
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<<You claim that “anything that manifests in reality is measureable, demonstrable and verifiable” ... But this view is absurd.>> No, it’s not absurd. If a multiverse exists, then some day it will be demonstrable and verifiable. That it is not yet demonstrable is irrelevant to what I’m saying. But most theists claim that god is transcendent and will never be demonstrable or verifiable. So again, you can’t, and never will be able to tell the difference between your god and something that doesn’t exist. <<[Science] cannot explain why there is a world to begin with...>> What makes you think there is, or has to be a ‘why’? <<...much less why this world should have observable natural laws and appear so ordered and so finely tuned for life like us.>> Yes, life like us. If things happened differently then it may have been life like something else, or they may have been no life at all. To say that something couldn’t happen because it is unlikely is ridiculous when we know it did happen. It’s the ‘Argument from Incredulity’ fallacy. <<Science doesn’t tell us that there is or isn’t a reason for existence and the universe- it can’t>> And neither does religion. << itself is based on presuppositions that it itself cannot justify...>> But it’s all we’ve got, and it’s proven itself to be very reliable. <<It is shallow to suggest that God, if he did exist, would reveal himself from within a test tube.>> A god that is willing to punish disbelief is obliged to unambiguously reveal himself, and I don’t believe that a perfect being would reward gullibility over reason. <<After all, would Hamlet be able to detect Shakespeare if he went looking in his attic?>> We are talking about a non-existent being creating existing life, not an existing being creating an non-existent life. <<I hope you can see why I believe that objections about God not being detected by science simply miss the point, and are extremely impotent.>> I hope that you can now see that they don’t and that they are not. Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 24 May 2010 11:33:41 PM
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Dan S de Merengue wrote: "The proponents of Intelligent Design don't think of themselves beyond criticism. But if someone could write an informed critique of ID, then maybe we all might learn something."
Dear Dan, How do you know what the proponents of ID think? How do you know what is in the minds of the other proponents? Belief in the existence of an entity such as an Intelligent Designer is no evidence for the existence of the entity. An informed critique in the belief in the existence of the Tooth Fairy would logically start out with the examination of the mind of the person who believed in the Tooth Fairy since there is no evidence for the existence of the Tooth Fairy. I have no basis for criticism of those who believe in the existence of the Tooth Fairy as long as they are content to enjoy their beliefs and not interfere with science or the teaching of science. Belief in the existence of a Tooth Fairy or an Intelligent Designer is a pleasure that like masturbation can be enjoyed alone or in company. There is no more evidence for the existence of an Intelligent Designer than there is for the existence of the Tooth Fairy. A number of years ago my wife and I had the pleasure of a visit from a delightful six year old girl who lost a tooth and found a coin under her pillow next morning. We discussed the possibility of the Tooth Fairy visiting her when she got back to Adelaide. "Sure she will. Adelaide is a big city." Our delightful friend is now 24 years old and studying in New York. She no longer believes in the Tooth Fairy. She has grown up. Posted by david f, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 6:54:06 AM
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david f... everyone knows that the Tooth Fairy is male.
That is probably why your young friend lost faith in Him. Getting the gender right is a vital part of the Belief. So it is with the Intelligent Designer, male, not female. The post-modern world thinking has allowed the gender to be altered, and this is the cause of our downfall. Ask Runner. He'll agree with me. Posted by The Blue Cross, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 8:34:28 AM
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Always amusing, Dan S de Merengue. But this is classic, in its way.
>>With over 200 posts and counting here, are we ready to admit that Zimmerman was wrong and ID is not dead?<< ID has never actually been alive. I'm with davidf on this. Simply talking about something doesn't provide the slightest evidence for its existence in the real world. Merely in the imagination of those who choose to believe in it. cf. Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus. Millions of kiddies believe in these creations for a while. Does that provide evidence of their existence in real life? A four year-old will swear on a stack of bibles that Santa exists, offering as proof the facts that i) he himself sat on Santa's knee, and recited a list of the presents he wanted, ii) Santa told him to be a good boy and iii) on Christmas morning, the exact presents he asked for were there, under the tree. (As a by-product, it provided proof that, contrary to his parents' often-expressed opinion, he had actually been "a good boy". This only lasted a day, though.) We as adults recognize the fault-line in his reasoning. His perceptions have been deliberately manipulated, to the point where he is allowed to see only the facts that support the existence of Santa. ID proponents perform precisely the same trick upon themselves. Which is why Dan S de Merengue allows himself, against all logic, to confuse the discussion of a fantasy, with the fantasy itself. >>With over 200 posts and counting here, are we ready to admit that Zimmerman was wrong and ID is not dead?<< That rather neatly sums up the strength of your entire argument, does it not Dan S de Merengue?. Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 8:54:22 AM
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AJ is such a laugh. He writes
'I’ve asked creationists for evidence many times and I knock down every bit of ‘evidence’ they give in an instant. Heck, Dan S de Merengue eventually stopped giving me “evidence” because he grew tired of me debunking everything he said. ' First he claims they have no evidence and now he says that he knocks down what they have not got. He can't answer the origins question and yet he thinks he is omniscience. I think you are mixing yourself up with your Creator. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 9:26:01 AM
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Hello runner,
Thank you for your clarification and attending comments. Appreciate your participation my little poll. Dear Trav, Thanks, also. I had gained the impression, the wrong impression, from other threads, you believe in the literal Bible. Religions are a sociological phenomena which have/do serve a purpose. While pointing to a god, say, Quetzalcoatl or Elohim or Amon-Re, is not possible to science, anthropologists can put religions on a table and examine them as might historians recreate a battle. Science cannot disprove the existence of the Easter Bunny living in the Sixth Dimension, beyond the reach of our very best instrumentation. Science, however, can study Bunny folk lore and spatial dimensionality and make directed conclusions. Many religionists would hold their belief in ID infallible: That is “faith”. On the other hand, contemporary cosmologists have tentative “trust” in the BB, based on evidence now known. Science closes “gaps” in knowledge that were once claimed by the religions.x “Why should we take Genesis above others? Its philosophical statements make more sense and/or are corroborated by evidence: The human condition, one God, and beginning to the Universe being three of the main statements.” - Travx Genesis is not alone in attempting address philosophical and practical matters. Many scriptures, stories and dream times do. Incidentally, the Hebrew of the time Genesis was written were henotheists not monotheists. Genesis stories were updated around the time Christ to correct errors, but are not included in “our” version of the OT. Book chapters on the Philosophy of Religion, typically deal with the existence and character and level of interventionism of gods, before tackling any particular religion -cont- Posted by Oliver, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 9:32:55 AM
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I dunno..... you just provided some very substantial evidence for Santa - list of presents delivered, actually sitting on Santa's knee. Far more evidence than anything the IDers have managed. Gonna have to rethink my belief system - maybe if I'm a very good girl all year, I'll get that 1969 Mustang with the Boss engine. All I have to do is believe... Posted by Severin, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 9:34:53 AM
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Hamlet subsisted. We can be almost ceratin Shakespeare lived/existed. Many would claim his physical bones can be found buried in the Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, England. On the other hand, what would you say about who claimed the following stament to be divine made by a "real" spirit? "I am thy father's spirit, Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night, And for the day confined to fast in fires, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature. Are burnt and purged away. - Hamlet Act1 Scene 5. What would say of a cult who took the Hamlet quote as scripture? What if Hamlet's dad, spoke of the creation of the Man or, Shakespeare (read any man/women) wrote his own Genesis. Posted by Oliver, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 9:38:10 AM
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david...[there is no evidence of the toothfairy]...i will refute your proposition...and assosiation/of simuLIE..with thwe greatror..for whom plenty of evidence egsists
first the tooth-fairy.....think/ believe the main..because their most trust-WORTHY..source of info..LIED TO THEM in fact provided the evidence...[ie put it under your pillow...and LO BEHOLD>.the god/like parentals...confirmed..the true mainly by them agent/ intermediatory..of the said truth-fairy.. ooops sorry tooth/fairie in other those DECIEVED..into believing A LIE..have the evidence/a well as the ongoing...ASSURANCES..of their decieving parentals... a per-cent-age..of who..are scienc-tists... selling the same/evolving...toothfairie...under the lie/deception/partial/truth..of evolution OF GENUS so the decieved have been tricked..into believing..AUTHORITIVE LIES..simply by the more clever/decievers...knowing which boxes...the decieved..will accept as truth../'true'. its not rocket science...those who decieve.. REALLY believe..they are more clever than those they DECIEVE.. its basic human/nature sure asre clever arnt they.. those who decieve by simuLIE...and ridicules but al;so see this..there are more kids..believibng this grand deception...they are taught the 'science..of evil-lution' a young age.. but some see through the lies in time..then begin to question ..EVERYTHING..thats where many of us are now AS for proof of god..its all arround us but we are blinded into not signs of god learn to live with it see the light son-shine Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 10:00:34 AM
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While we're on the subject of mythical figures, one of my favourite's is Sherlock Holmes. Poor old Arthur Conan Doyle was unable to kill-off his obsessively rational creation as the public kept demanding more. Indeed, much like the IDists on this thread, many a Sherlock fetishist believed absolutely in the Baker street duo, sending them sacks of fan mail and requests to solve puzzling family imbroglios. Indeed I believe there is still a die-hard set of believers to this day, cleaving to Holmes's pseudo-rational "animistic reason", which served in its day as a way of reconciling fin-de-siecle angst with the "iron cage" of rational modernity. The Holmes fantasies offered a comforting reconciliation between rationalism and mysticism--just as ID does.
Ironically, poor Conan Doyle, the author of this supremely rational being, took cold comfort in his exploits, declaring instead his own emphatic belief in fairies at the bottom of the garden--rigorously supported by photographic evidence! I heard some actual audio once of discussions between Doyle and Harry Houdini about their mutual belief in spiritualism. Curiously too, I have in my possession an obscure pictorial notebook compiled by Conan Doyle's father (I often wonder if it's rare), filled with weird aphorisms and illustrated throughout with lavish drawings of fairies and other supernatural beings. Sadly, Doyle senior created this colourful text while in an insane asylum. Unless the credulous folk on this thread can produce some photographs, audio recordings of conversations with God, or any other evidence that she is more than a fantasy figure, I suggest you salvage some dignity and say no more about it. There's no shame in being deluded, only in obstinately propagating it when you've been thoroughly outed. Posted by Squeers, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 10:36:42 AM
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Since some here are having difficulty distinguishing between creationism and ID, I thought I’d provide a good link that explains the differences (or lack thereof) between the two...
ID is nothing more than creationism’s Trojan horse - that’s it - and that is why I refuse to give it credence. Runner, <<First he claims they have no evidence and now he says that he knocks down what they have not got.>> Notice I put the word “evidence” in quotation marks? You’re a classic example of what I had said in another thread about some theists being only too willing to misinterpret others ( Interesting too that you have never once been able to provide evidence for creationism. But I’m glad I make you laugh. Laughter can only be a good thing for someone who is clearly addicted to hate. Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 12:13:19 PM
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Severin, I'm not too sure about this.
>>maybe if I'm a very good girl all year, I'll get that 1969 Mustang with the Boss engine.<< I don't think the good girl schtick is going to get you that far. Heck, they made fewer than 1,500. Perhaps you should lower your sights a bit - go for the '66 Convertible with the Code K plant. White. Or at a pinch, red. Or alternatively, think in terms of being a very bad girl indeed... Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 12:53:06 PM
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Hi Dan,
I am a little busy now. Please excuse brevity. Citations can be provided later. - There are several examples of the flat earth in the Bible, generally related to height and seeing all the corners/lands/kingdoms. - I mentioned point 4 because of the OLO claim that "no" Christian takes the bible literally. Runner does. It was a poll to make sure I wasn't putting my perceptions into other people's mouths and to test the aformentioned claim. Finding some Christians do believe in a literal Bible. - Scholars have given their special names/letters to the various OT writers from studying their styles. - The NT is a fourth century collected works only in part reflecting what was written about Jesus. And what was written seems to have a commencement date generations after Jesus' death. There were many gospels, not all supporting a divine Jesus. - Genesis was harmonised (rewritten) circa the first century to explain contradictions (Dead Sea Scrolls). In ancient times, we had re-writings, to harmonise interpretations. In 18th-20th centuries, there was a shift from the literal Bible to the allegorical Bible. In 20th-21st century the God of the Gaps sheltered/shelters ID. In the 22nd century, perhaps, when scientists explained a closed universe, Christian theists will be saying, "who closed it?" ... God, of course. Could be offline for a few days. Cheers. Posted by Oliver, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 1:26:44 PM
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You say you’ll be offline for a while. I’m wondering how ‘on’ you are when you’re here. You address me, but I wonder whether you read what I say. No one, Runner included, takes all of the Bible literally. Some bits are not meant to be taken literally. Jesus said, “If your hand sins, cut it off, and if your eye sins, pluck it out.” The Western world would be quite a different place if we took that literally. And yes, some of the poetic parts of the Bible refer to the ‘far corners’ of the earth. But if we head down that path, then we would accuse modern meteorologists of believing the earth is flat when they print the times of the ‘sun rise’ and ‘sun set’ in the daily newspaper. The sun doesn’t rise or set; the world turns. But that is the language of appearance, which is common and acceptable. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 2:07:28 PM
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Oliver or others,
An important issue regards life would be "Why is life formed in the first place, or why does life want to live". This issue becomes important when deciding what lifeforms can be synthesised. When the synthethic bacterium was produced, the scientist involved said "synthetic cells could be used to create drugs, biofuels and other useful products." So a bacteria can be synthesised and used for the purposes of man. Another person seems to believe that this is acceptable because "The bacteria didn't have a soul, and there wasn't some animistic property of the bacteria that changed," However, I am wondering if a lifeform could be developed and released somewhere, because it is a living thing and can survive in a certain environment, and not necessarily because it serves a purpose for man Such questions will need to be answered shortly. Posted by vanna, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 2:48:36 PM
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In response to Trav's link to Paul Davies [24/05 7:38:11 pm.]
Part 1 Davies seems to be obsessed with and by a question that asks WHY but finds no immediate answer available to him.........therefore we should seek or assume a spiritual source. He writes; "Over the years I have often asked my physicist colleagues why the laws of physics are what they are. The answers vary from “that’s not a scientific question” to “nobody knows.” The favorite reply is, “There is no reason they are what they are — they just are.” The idea that the laws exist reasonlessly is deeply anti-rational." And here he is referring to the laws of nature/physics. He ignores the very reasonable position that man-made laws require not only a reason for their existence, but require a law-maker as well. The laws of physics are in a different category if only because no reason or author has been established. We have the obligation to adhere to rational paradigms as Davies admonishes us. Therefore we must ask ourselves; [a] In order that science advances, and in strict adherence to the scientific method, are we obliged to ask WHY the laws of physics are what they are? [b] Do we have a good scientific reason to question whether there might be a reason and an author? If we take reasoning to the utmost we ultimatey conclude that something beyond and not of existence as we know it is author and law-maker. And this, given our current state of erudition, is a deliberative absurdity no less absurd than Bobby Henderson's Flying Spaghetti Monster in the religion of Pastafarianism. Our ability to answer cogently depends to a large extent on our current knowledge and the degree of confidence we entertain in gaining future knowledge Posted by Extropian1, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 3:46:25 PM
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Part 2
We ask ourselves; "What is it that causes the laws of physics to be as they are in a Universe that is as it is? Here it seems to me that we are asking the same question. The Universe is an outward manifestation, an expression, of the laws of physics. We may with equal legitimacy ask; "Why is there something and not nothing?" And propose that it is the laws of physics that make it so, otherwise there would be no such laws. It can be proposed that the laws of physics are given expression, are manifested by our Universe, our existence, our recognition that cosmos exists. Perhaps our abilities to reason are like our Universe, unbounded but finite and this finity leads to a kind of circularity at the perceived "end" of our reasoning. We can consternate others and sometimes reduce them to a confused silence with such confronting questions and observations. Then again, if the best intellects in the physical sciences can find no satisfactory explanation it may profit us more in the long run to be patient with our intellectual strivings in the sciences, the better to be able to recognise a stage in our aquisition of knowledge when there is a prospect of finding an answer. Posted by Extropian1, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 3:50:07 PM
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Part 3
The entire thesis from Davies is predicated upon an impatience with his beloved science in not having an answer. Taken in conjunction with his being awarded the Templeton Prize in 1995, it is not so difficult to realise that Davies is not the iconic legendary atheist as posited by Trav, but much more likely a deist with a formidable intellect and an agendum like Trav that square pegs in round holes is the natural order of the Universe. It should come as no surprise to the atheist and the scientist that it is the theological barbarians who would beseige science to gain the imprimatur and legitimacy they yearn for from that great body of hard-earned knowledge and like parasites pick at its flesh. Science, in fact, eschews such iniquitous intentions and on a sea of troubles and vices sails majestically, inexorably on wherever the wind takes it, steering a line as logic and reason directs. I should say I have immense respect for Davies and his writings and find much that is intellectually tittilating in his thinking. Posted by Extropian1, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 3:51:02 PM
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Dear Dan,
According to a friend with a Masters in Theology, who researched this very topic for his thesis, the instances you refer are mnemonics(aid memory for story telling, here), not poetry:. The "log in the eye" is another. Think of the exaggerated illustrations in Mad magazine and you would closer to the truth. The idea is to create a memorable visualisation. Those OT/NT writers, who state the earth is flat, were just plain old fashioned wrong, not playing literary games with a theme. Hi Vanna, Not "why", rather "how". Life is a conduit for genes, which fall through time, while hosts navigate obstacles. That's it. Directed purpose, probably is a localised socio mind-body issue for species, with high cognitive functions, rather than the larger matter of life itself, as a product of ID. We're just one incidental one page, in one book on one shelf in the largest library there is, the universe. Must fly... Posted by Oliver, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 4:06:47 PM
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Thanks Oliver, it's been enjoyable - sort of :)
Posted by qanda, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 4:13:58 PM
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Of those OT/NT writers, who state the earth is flat, you haven’t even mentioned who they are. There aren’t any. I suggest you use your time away to go and read the Bible to find out what’s really in it. Pericles, You say ID has never been alive. Well, it is here on OLO. I’ve never seen such a lively thread. But you’re right in saying that talking about something doesn’t make it real. It’s difficult to argue the scientific complexities here, as this is not a scientific forum, and I’m not a scientist. But I’ve done enough reading to be able to challenge the Zimmerman article. It was very one eyed. So is ID alive or dead? It’s not really a matter of what certain authorities sitting in ivory towers say. Change often comes from a grass roots movement, and ID is still young. In biology, something is not dead if it is growing and / or reproducing. In the ID movement, are their numbers growing? Judging by the current angst against ID proponents, they must be ruffling some feathers somewhere. Bugsy quite impressed me because his post seemed to indicate that he’d actually done some reading on the issue and put some thought into what he said. One flaw in what Bugsy was saying is that he says ID is dead within the scientific community, before listing the names of certain scientists that are currently working in that area. So ID is dead except among those who are working on it. It’s like saying all fire engines are red except for those which are a different colour. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 5:11:41 PM
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I D A PLEONASM ? . Please excuse my ignorance but I must confess I am rather surprised to find such a lively and extensive debate on the subject of "intelligent design". I more or less guessed what was meant by the expression but can't help feeling it is something of a pleonasm. Apart from an "intelligence", I cannot imagine what else can create, invent or draw up a "design". Perhaps the qualifying term "intelligent" is there to indicate that the design in question contains no flaws or errors. If so it would seem that it is "flawless design" that is meant. If that is not the case and the author of the expression does mean "intelligent" (but not excluding the possibility of flaws and errors), then I do feel that it is a pleonasm. It should be sufficient to refer to "design", the word "intelligent" being superfluous. The subject then becomes "Is there a design?". Which, of course, implies "Is there a designer?". Or, quite simply, is there a god or gods? Is there such a thing as the supernatural? There is nothing very original in that question but, at least it explains why the debate is never ending. Perhaps some scientific mind coined the term "intelligent design" in order to translate the existentialist paradigm into what he thought was correct scientific language. I am not sure he got it right. I would be delighted if somebody could throw some light on the subject. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 8:33:01 PM
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Dan, that's it, argue the sidelines? I expected some argument on the direct attack at the heart of the theory might have drawn a stronger response. Perhaps you don't understand the major problems ID has.
BTW, the Discovery Institute isn't the scientific community. I had a search on "Web of Science", an online citation index, for articles that featured "intelligent design" in the topic. I made sure that the search returned only articles, not letters or conference proceedings or reviews and were somewhat related to biology, genetics or ecology. Guess how many I found? 23 That's it, 23, I'm not joking. Most of them were about education and who is teaching ID, some were about how it related to evolution. If I extended the criteria to include "religion", the number went up to 43! Not one of them was written by the scientists you say are working in the field. It seems all they have been doing for the last 15 years is writing books and letters and magazine articles etc. for public consumption. Not one of them was actual scientific research into ID, or using ID as a basis for exploration or experimentation into observed phenomena. I did this search to find out why you say ID is "growing". Where are the research articles that have been using ID as the driving theory? ID may be growing amongst the homeschoolers and fundamentalists, but it is dead within the scientific community. If you want to take your fire engine simile a bit further, it's like saying that all fire engines are red, except for the one that is in Shelby, Nebraska. But that's really more of a water tanker. Another aside, an ID proponent once told me that ID was picking up steam, and everyone had better get aboard the ID train or get out of the way! That was 10 years ago, the train never showed up, I guess it ran out of steam, but the railway is still selling tickets at your local church. By the way, you don't want to know how many articles "evolution" pulled up. Posted by Bugsy, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 8:58:43 PM
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Dear Bugsy, . If, as I suggested in my recent post, the subject of discussion on this forum relates to the existence or the non existence of a god or gods, I doubt that the question arose only ten years ago - more likely ten million years ago. I do agree, however, that it has probably run out of steam some time ago. There's no stopping pogress. Who knows where the energy is coming from now? Petrol, hydro-electric, wind, nuclear ... just plain curiosity? Watever it is, judging by this forum, it may well go on for another ten million years or so. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 11:03:52 PM
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Extoprian1 wrote:
"The idea that the laws exist reasonlessly is deeply anti-rational." And here he is referring to the laws of nature/physics. He ignores the very reasonable position that man-made laws require not only a reason for their existence, but require a law-maker as well. The laws of physics are in a different category if only because no reason or author has been established." The above is an example of fuzzy thinking. The same word may have different meanings. An example is the word, cleave. It means coming together as in "A man and his wife shall cleave together". It also separates as in "The butcher cleaver cleaves the meat." Law is such a word. Man made laws are of several types. One man made law is called God's law. For Jews Gods says you shouldn't eat pork. For Christians God says you can only enter the Kingdom of Heaven if you believe in the Jesus mumbojumbo. For Muslims you can have up to four wives and possibly several porcupines. God used to allow Jews to have both wives and concubines, "Abe, I know you're horny. Go see Hagar. I have a headache." now Jews are allow only one wife. God's law varies from place to place and time to time. They are really man's laws since they come from books written by humans. Legislative and administrative law by governments are two more types of man's laws. Jews can eat pork. Australians can drive on the right side of the road. Man made laws can be violated even if they are called God's laws. However, law as used to describe the behaviour of matter cannot be violated. The word has a different meaning. I cannot jump off a cliff and decide I will not obey the law of gravity. The laws of physics and chemistry describe the behaviour of matter. The word, law, has an entirely different meaning, and there is no reason to make the analogy that such laws require a lawgiver. The laws of physics do not require a law giver Posted by david f, Tuesday, 25 May 2010 11:27:36 PM
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AJ Phillips:
Re my suggestion for Lennox and Meyer, I never suggested their arguments were airtight, I simply said they do provide evidence which can be taken to point towards an Intelligent Designer. That is, the case for evolution is not completely self evident and obviously true as many claim. Re: Detection by scientific research. Either you have misunderstood me or I have inadequately explained my own position. I never said God was completely indemonstrable and completely untouched by reason, such that he exists in this other strange realm of “faith”, which may as well be faith in Santa. I simply mean no scientific experiment can directly establish his existence. I can’t say to you right now “Ok, I’m off to the lab”, and return with a Bunsen burner, flame going, painting the light of Jesus in the sky. There is no formula which makes it obvious that God exists. Rather, many things can be seen as clues to a higher intelligence, a divine being. The fine tuning of the universe, the existence of a seemingly contingent universe, the ordered nature of science itself, and so on. Jesus In my view God provides an explanation of all of these things better than any rival hypothesis I know of. This is different from arguing that God can be established by science in the same way that sodium and copper can. You write as if I’d made a completely different claim from what I have (intended to) make. God can’t be established by a formula, and nor would I expect him to be. Rather, there are things which point towards him, making belief in God reasonable. Many good arguments can be made for God’s existence, and none of them are completely self evident, obvious and establish his existence beyond any doubt, however a good cumulative case can be made by appealing to many arguments Posted by Trav, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 12:22:33 AM
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Having said all of that, I also believe a strong case can be made against the proposition that “nature is all that exists”. It so happens that these two worldviews are in direct opposition (naturalism and theism), however one may well and truly discard naturalism yet not entertain theism (as CS Lewis did for a while before becoming a Christian).
On naturalism: There are serious question marks over whether objective values, meaning in language and our ability to reason from belief to belief can even be accounted for conceptually within a naturalistic framework. And for that reason I find naturalism unlikely to be true. Under a naturalistic framework, everything must be reducible to nature. And I’m not sure that meaning and reason can be. This is not a claim that could be targeted by the “God of the Gaps” objectors, rather the conceptual problems with naturalism make scientific evidences irrelevant to the discussion. It is a conceptual issue with causation. To put the problem simply: If naturalism is true, causes are ultimately reducible to chemicals and other physical elements. Yet, many of our beliefs are ultimately caused by other beliefs. The options for the naturalist in response to these claims seem to be: Disagree that our beliefs can cause our other beliefs (and hence deny the enterprise of science itself), or argue that our beliefs can be reducible to physical states. But this seems very unlikely, given that the physical world would appear to be causally closed if naturalism is true. That’s one considerations which makes naturalism seem very unlikely to me Posted by Trav, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 12:23:32 AM
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Another one relates to meaning. Victor Reppert puts it like this in his book C S Lewis’ Dangerous Idea: “If reality is fundamentally physical, and the state of the physical world does not uniquely determine what meaning a word has, it follows that the word has no determinate meaning. So how could there be any determinate meaning to the words and concepts that we use? W.V Quine argued that physical information leaves it indeterminate as to what, say, a speaker in another language means by the word Gavagai. There is no fact of the matter as to whether the native is referring to “rabbit” or “undetached rabbit parts”. But similarly would not this argument also show that there is no fact of the matter as to what Quine means by naturalism when he says “naturalism is true”?”. He goes on to create the line of argument: Naturalism can’t account for facts of the matter, but facts of the matter do exist (implied by rational inference), hence naturalism is false.
The objections along these lines create serious conceptual problems for naturalism, and reduce it’s likelihood of being a true worldview. Another thing- Re: A literal Bible. Much has been said in this thread about whether I and other OLO users "take the Bible literally". However, I deny the premise of the question. The Bible is made up of poetry, history, parable, apocalyptic prophecy, songs, words of wisdom and more. To complicate things further, context is extremely importance to any interpretation, and I personally place more emphasis on context than most. Therefore, in my view, you’re asking “Should highly contextualized poetry, parables etc etc be taken literally”? to which I answer that the question is unnecessarily simplistic Posted by Trav, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 12:24:28 AM
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Dear Banjo,
Your point is perfectly clear. Having to say both words ‘intelligent’ & ‘design’ is totally unnecessary. The original founder of this word, the dummy who had the mental thought to combine together those two words should be shoved down an empty hole. To find one of the root causes of the problem, you could perhaps refer back to my original post where I pointed out that researchers would sometimes marvel at a new discovery in biology, extolling its wonderful design in their paper before their fellow colleague had the chance opportunity to remind them that design is only an illusory trick in biology. The end result was the absolute necessity to again emphasise the purposefully intelligent aspect of design. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 12:35:45 AM
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david f, you argue that the laws of physics do not require a law giver. An example you give is that we cannot choose whether to obey the laws of physics. However, the issue is more to do with the order associated with scientific laws.
Why are the laws of the universe even describable and ordered at all? I know some historians have suggested it was the concept of a divine being and his order that helped science to get off the ground in the 16th century or so because a divine being would create an ordered world. (But I haven't read many of those arguments in detail). The idea of God might've actually led them to believe that the universe "should" be ordered and describable. It doesn't prove much but it's an interesting thought. Posted by Trav, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 12:38:07 AM
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Dear Trav,
Order exists in the universe. Therefore you cite the fact that some historians suggested the concept of a divine being and his order that helped science to get off the ground in the 16th century or so because a divine being would create an ordered world. This supposition generates another question. If the fact that we have an world with orderly physical laws indicates some intelligence was behind it all then it follows that the existence of a being that could create such a world generates the question of how to account for such a being. How was this intelligence created? If this intelligence was created what entity created it so we then can continue the process and have the possibility of infinite regression. You implicitly cited one of the proofs for God. The great philosopher Kant examined all the proofs of God and decided that none of them could be justified. However, he remained a Lutheran. Kant was a professor in Konigsberg at a university sponsored by the Prussian government which had an official theistic religion. I am not a professor at such an institution, and my livelihood does not depend on religious belief. I do not have to believe in any supernatural entities and find it unnecessary to postulate such entities. Last night I heard a talk by Peggy MacQueen, a PhD candidate. She spoke at the Royal Geographic Society of Brisbane about her study of the various species of pademelon, a marsupial found in New Guinea and Australia. From the DNA of the pademelon one can generate a history of its distribution and development. According to evolutionary theory isolated populations form new species. The genetic code changes by mutations at a known rate and so we can trace development. The ancestral pademelon apparently arose 10 million years ago in Tasmania. About 3 mya there was a land bridge to New Zealand which pademelons apparently crossed, and the various species of pademelon in New Zealand can be dated to about 3 mya. One does not need the invention of a God to appreciate the earth’s wonders. Posted by david f, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 8:27:22 AM
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OH dear lord....bugsy-quote..<<..BTW,..the Discovery Institute isn't the scientific community.>>..thats a boad-brush-off...noting you didnt[at least]..go so far as contain the researches of scientist's
but lets look at how you verify... your broad-brush-off <<I had a search on "Web of Science", online citation index, for articles that featured "intelligent design" in the topic.>>lol go figure..any science presented...under the id.lable...automaticly gets canned/ is not publishe..NOR read..thus is discarded a matter of policy..UNREAD..because..of 'web..[lol]..of science'/DONT RECOGNISE ID..AS A science...thus.. [its like going to ask if angels are real].. how can you be so clever.. yet be/ ignorant... cleverly..not rebutting/..fact with fact..but only..assosiation/against assosiation... this is a peer/age...and you go to the opposing who by their very policy..say you dont egsist...diss-smiss..AUTOMATICLY..any/all reference to your opposing theory/fact who wont/... who even consider the/ANY opposing science... ie refuse/AUTOMATICLY..any science their policy fears/ any science that contradicts..their stance.. let alone allow be considerd any opposing fact/facts../offered.. would you go to a lab/..or learn about god? TRAV...<< could there be/..any determinate the words and concepts that we use?>>good point WHAT does natural..have to do with science? what does selection to do with natural...what science is the science..of natural/selection..but the natural/doing the selection its the same saying nature does/did it...[thus not science... that nature/selected..via an intelligent selector/process via an intelligent/..reasond process..a/natural process/ ie..[not scientific process..thus thats naturally..nature/selecting gods nature/'naturally selecting..[and de=selecting]... as in survival...of the fit-test...again nought to do with man/science...selecting/,..,naturally/not scientificly cant see the for-rest..for the trees lets consider..if a scientist...says evolution of SPECIES that he means..evolution of not..evolution of genus... which is what/..those following micro-evolution/of species..have twisted...spun/decieved..into evolution of genus/ words are sacred...sacred/words... are S/words the pen/..writing the words..can cut like a s/word nature is thus become an other ism but lets give back to god..his nature...his nurture... see that life begets life..that words get their rebuttal/..via words while god goes on..quietly..doing that god does naturally.. by his very nature../naturally.. emmanuel...god within..all of us Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 9:04:54 AM
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OH DAVID/..beloved of god
how can you be so blind? quote...<<The ancestral/pademelon apparently...>>lol<<..arose 10 million years Tasmania.>>> my dear boy...lets ask what AROSE IT? or..via your belief system...what did it arose FROM if your ex-purt..dont say.. then i arose from god till you/your science..prove' didnt lets say it arose/../naturally... as your scientist will 10 million years AGO ..<<About 3 mya/there was a land New Zealand which pademelons apparently crossed,..and the various species of pademelon in New Zealand..can be dated to about 3 mya.>>>lol so..ol buddy..we still have the skimmed over gap..[of 7 million/years]..since, arose but the key being.. if your scienctist..didnt state/..from what is that science? are we to asume...? is that science? reveal a tiny bit...but clearly..its ancestoral a million/years..ago there must be a nearest match.../bro,,,a-rose..FROM WHAT? but as you/she..didnt present this...know it/the science/link..dont/..didnt egsist..via faulsifyable science fact the micro/evolution..of which it egsisted/ten million years ago... see had you not been looking for verification..of your preconcieved could have asked.. ..but you didnt see microevolution of 10 million years must be linked back... to another /micro-evolution...from which it must have decended...[noting for 10 mil years..its been a MICRO/evolving..paddymelon/ie species... but what was it..before?...HAS..the dna link has gone cold? thus its glossed'it arose' did it..spontainiously/arose? how come you stopped thinking..after her buzzword? arose...but is it science? thus are the limits.. of science/method.. cut off at the knees/..from what/MICRO=evolution/within/species ...did it a-rose...but that/..nonsense word..switched off your with-it you been decieved yet again the dna/link...must go on beyond.. or else god arose it/..10 million years/mya/ago...get it.. you/she presented incomplete science.. ie have no clue...what it have no science beyond..10MYA if you/she has got..the SCIENCE/dna..linkage..reveal it if not stand the perveyer..of yet another fraud love ya bro Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 9:32:57 AM
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1. OT writers: 2. Dead Scrolls 4Q252 Column 2 contains a rewrite of Genesis. It explains why Canaan and not Ham was cursed by Noah (by God). I have read the Bible as written and in context with its history. You should do a little research, before criticise people. O. Trav, The Bible is all the things you say. It is typically well and cleverly written, even given its contradictions. It is also a “selected” works. The greater corpus of disparate writings, give the Bible its true historical context. Luckly, some of these other works survived, despite attempts by Christians to eliminate any record of them in the four century. Yes, context is very important. When runner believes in a literal Bible, he is likely to stand with the greater number of Christians, in history, who believed after 325 CE. Contemporary Christians are the minority in believing many stories are allegorical. Newton didn’t: Trying to rationalise new facts with beliefs disturbed him. If I recall correctly, Newton suggested that celestial mechanics may have been different 6,000 years, to reconcile. The difference between earlier Christians and modern Christians is latter have learned play doge ball. Context is, about how religions behave generically, Jewish calendars and their relation to the End Times, Julius Caesar elevating the Herodians, when some Jewish sects expected a Messiah from the House of David, Hadrian expelling the Jews from the Holy Lands (meaning they needed a Latin leader to go back in!) and the institutionalisation of Jesus missions between 250 CE – 325 CE and beyond. Raw history. On a quality TV documentary I saw, it mentioned an early mendicant (not Jesus) who could draw a circle in the soil and it would rain on that spot. Is that so different to “walking on water”, when one realises “in context” that these sort of stories were associated with faith healers of the period? Your context says German, Italian and French are languages (myths), but your native English (Christianity) is different/special. A linguist can categorise all to be languages, as languages. The latter is true context. Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 9:52:12 AM
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Dear One Under God,
The pademelon did not arise out of thin air. It descended from other creatures as we humans do. Of course there were ancestral forms of the pademelon prior to 10 million years ago. However, pademelons first appeared then according to the fossil evidence. The scientist dealt with the topic of pademelons. The ancestors of the pademelons would be another topic. Somebody else possibly studied that. You wrote 'OH DAVID/..beloved of god' and 'love ya bro'. To me love is a very personal feeling. I know another person and grow to love that person. We are close and share things. We know each other's likes and dislikes. We care for each other and express our love in many ways. I don't believe I am beloved of God since an entity that doesn't exist cannot love me. When you write 'love ya bro' you mean something other than what I mean when I use the word, love. In such a casual use of the word, love, you make it trivial and meaningless. When you write 'love ya bro' it really is an insult. We are just exchanging words on an internet list. To me love is much more than that. I am not your bro. I am an only child and wish I had a real brother. I don't appreciate a phony 'bro'. Posted by david f, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 10:20:03 AM
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"One does not need the invention of a God to appreciate the earth’s wonders." david f
How very true. " I know some historians have suggested it was the concept of a divine being and his order that helped science to get off the ground in the 16th century or so because a divine being would create an ordered world. (But I haven't read many of those arguments in detail)." - Trav I build mathematical models of societies in the context of knowledge discovery for a living and have rarely heard such rot in this conext. I would suggest that if one went back of the 100+ year history of the journals of the History of Science Society, no one would claim this one (exceptto study someone who did). I suggest you find some new historians. The paths towards scientific discovery have been different for various civilizations. For example, China during the dynastic periods was slow and steady. The Chinese were good at experiment but not so good at theoretical science. What helped the West heaps was the Muslims retained much Greek knowledge and that knowledge was transferred to the West (largely through Spain). Putting theory and practice togther was the big thing. The Great Divergence was circa 1760. True science barely existed in the sixteen century. If life is intelligent design; what of the billions years of years without life and all those empty planets out there? Life is a diminutive happenstance in the great ocean of entropic events. If God can zap-up some wine at a party; He suely doesn't need all the paraphernalia of the cosmos to create little ol' us. I had planned short replies but have been drawn-in. Back to work. Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 10:23:43 AM
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Oliver: "Life is a diminutive happenstance in the great ocean of entropic events."
Beautifully put! Posted by Squeers, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 10:29:33 AM
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Dear Oliver,
You cited a reference when listed Astruc as an eighteenth century investigator. That is inaccurate. Jean Astruc (Sauves, Auvergne, March 19, 1684 - Paris, May 5, 1766) was a professor of medicine at Montpellier and Paris, who wrote the first great treatise on syphilis and venereal diseases, and also, with a small anonymously published book, played a fundamental part in the origins of critical textual analysis of works of scripture. Astruc was the first to demonstrate — using the techniques of textual analysis that were commonplace in studying the secular classics — the theory that Genesis was composed based on several sources or manuscript traditions, an approach that is called the documentary hypothesis. When one finds an inaccuracy in a reference one wonders how many other inaccuracies are in that reference. Posted by david f, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 10:31:58 AM
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david f writes 25.05 11:27:36,
Part 1 The same word may have different meanings. An example is the word, cleave. It means coming together as in "A man and his wife shall cleave together". It also separates as in "The butcher cleaver cleaves the meat." Law is such a word. I'm indebted to you in that you synthesised from my post the singular observation that one may break a man-made law but cannot break a law of nature. Though the distinction is valid for the context, it is not entirely inclusive of the distinction to be made between NATURAL LAW and LAW OF NATURE. With regard to the former, the following link may resolve any confusion. I'm perfectly at ease with your observation that LAWS OF NATURE cannot be violated. Equally, I'm at ease with the injunction that LAWS OF NATURE require no law-giver. I regret that I failed to make that clear in my previous posts on P40. I was, however, more concerned with the argument made by Paul Davies in the link provided by Trav on P46; In fact, science itself must be taken on faith, as the legendary atheist physicist Paul Davies explains in this article ( Wherein I found a number of contentious issues raised by Davies for which there were significant alternative views. I was trying to argue against his faith-based imperative anent science by showing that his own faith argument led to the exact same imponderability and was a stop-gap measure of which William of Ockham would not approve. Posted by Extropian1, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 1:04:47 PM
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Many thanks :). I don't think my remarks will find there way to any theist calandars. David f, Thanks, also. I missed that one (Jean Astruc). With Dan, I was simply pointing out that the Bible had several writers and scholars give the authors names and letters, as had previously posted. Normally, I would not have used the Internet. By skimming over the skeleton, I glossed over some detail. Guilty. What I find sometimes happens with the OLO Faithful is that when something manifest, like a passage from Dead Scrolls, is cited, a physical object can be ignored or the theist just makes a smart quip. Not all, but some. Defense mechanisms, I guess. Extropian1, I don't think one has faith in science. Qualified trust, perhaps. Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 2:26:02 PM
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<<I simply said they do provide evidence which can be taken to point towards an Intelligent Designer.>> They can’t though, and that was the reason for me pointing out that their arguments were not “alright”. <<That is, the case for evolution is not completely self evident and obviously true as many claim.>> Yes, it is. Try giving one example of why it’s not. Just one. Creationists are never able to so I don’t have any confidence that you could, sorry. I’m sorry to inform you of this since you appear to want to believe that “IDers” may have a point, but they don’t. They rely on misconstruing information, misquoting real scientists (quote mining (, inciting fear and loathing by falsely blaming evolution on the Holocaust, Communism ( and whatever else they can dream up. They are thoroughly dishonest people. <<I simply mean no scientific experiment can directly establish his existence.>> I’m not implying that any experiment could. Just that if a god manifested in reality, then we would be able to ‘know’ - not just ‘believe’. The mere fact that one must ‘believe’ should raise eyebrows alone. Don’t worry, you explained yourself well enough, and at the risk of sounding patronizing, I know exactly what you’re talking about and where you’re coming from. I used to be a Christian too, remember. You’re arguments are all too familiar to me. <<Jesus In my view God provides an explanation of all of these things better than any rival hypothesis I know of.>> Co-incidentally, Christianity is also the predominant religion of the culture you grew-up/live in too. Notice every person who “finds god” only ever seems to find the god of their culture? You never see a Westerner suddenly discovering Zeus or Shiva. Continued... Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 3:27:20 PM
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<< may well and truly discard naturalism yet not entertain theism (as CS Lewis did for a while before becoming a Christian).>> I’m well aware of that with all the ‘new age’ rubbish around nowadays. But CS Lewis probably isn’t a good name to be bandying around if you want support for your case considering how somewhat lacking his reasoning was in adopting religious belief. His classic Liar, Lunatic, Lord nonsense, for example, in which he forgot the most obvious and most likely: Legend. In regards to naturalism, I think this sums up the sophistry you’ve repeated from Christian apologists... <<To put the problem simply: If naturalism is true, causes are ultimately reducible to chemicals and other physical elements. Yet, many of our beliefs are ultimately caused by other beliefs.>> Our beliefs are formed from electrical pulses and the way our brains are “wired” as a result of our experiences. You haven’t made a very strong case for the existence of a god, I’m afraid. But even if you had, that would still beg the question: What kind of a god would require that people go to such great lengths in mental gymnastics just for them to believe in him? And if they need to go to such great lengths, then there’s certainly no way anyone could determine that Jesus provided a better explanation than the other gods with anything other than a massive leap of faith. Especially since there’s such an unreasonable punishment for disbelief. Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 3:27:27 PM
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its sad that david my declaration...beloved.
its the meaning..behind the name <<From the Hebrew name דָּוִד (Dawid),..which was probably derived from Hebrew דוד (dwd)..meaning "beloved".>... i recalled it as meaning beloved..[of god].. but then who isnt beloved..[of god]...god loves us all its said...that the messiah..comes from the house so let me clarify...i love your mind more no less.. you have a great turn of phrase/logical thinking/a good contrasts my inherant ramble..nicely.. its sad you should react...against love...but such are these times all of love is of god/good..the only true love when i say i love ya bro...i mean to say i try to love any/who use logic..[logus..being logic..sustaining life...etc] further you wrote/quote..<<The ancestors of the pademelons..would be another topic....Somebody studied that.>>> yet in a debate/../half a story...that gets deceptive.. see your PRE-suming...or assuming..that someone did..but see...we have become...SO SPECIALISED...we presume...but...see/here is the nub you/ claim..little steps... so a sudden END..means there was no more...little/steps... ie the species/ the micro/level...RAN OUT/or spontainiously appeard.. no candidates..of simular...dna,..,was able to be found...that kills the theory...[of little steps.../evolution..of species..get it?] the poosable candidates...are too far removed..from the paddy/melon be able to claim...little steps... i know its so hard for you lot to compre-hend...but shear fantisy its/a thing..that the species-level any change..away from its genus..has NEVER been recorded yes its pretend...someone else has/..will...may do it... BUT NO_ONE HAS..nor will...the at a dead end... the expert' gone as far back/..with it..'evolving' they are able to go... where is the micro/evolution..of the pre/paddymelon...? simply speaking...its isnt got dna..linked..back 10 million years...[all paddy/melon...then nothing... dont that raise..any issue for you? no i guess not... lets just call that....YET ANOTHER...missing/ NEEDS to find..but hasnt/ to say...<<<pademelons/first appeared then..according to the fossil evidence....>>...dont validate evolution/ the least... the dna...equals paddymelon...get it...! no evolution/EVIDENSE...of evolution/out of/,,or into..the genus im sure i should react to oli,ver,... but am reluctant to enter his/and squeers love fest... Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 3:50:36 PM
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OUG: <im sure i should react to oli,ver,...
but am reluctant to enter his/and squeers love fest...> Dear One Up On God, I just admired Oliver's aphoristic turn of phrase, as he doesn't indulge himself in that way very often--unlike me preferring logic and documentary evidence to rhetoric. But I'm more reserved, like davidf, and my love doesn't run any deeper than that. Though I confess I love reading your spagetti reasoning on this topic, and your obvious love of playfully teasing words apart, like a giggling deconstructionist who's lost the plot :-) I do hope the brainier folk on this thread will take up your challenge and expound upon the genus paradox. Though perhaps you should lay out the problem in clear terms so that us laymen can understand it? Posted by Squeers, Wednesday, 26 May 2010 5:11:44 PM
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Dear OUG,
There's rhythm in the flow of your poetic rambling. I appreciate real love from real human beings or even real dogs. Not the phony "God loves you" nonsense. The only real love is love for real individuals. I don't object to real love at all. I object to your mouthings of love. Love is too precious for that. I was going to write an angry post, but Squeers called me reserved, and I am living up to expectations. However, I have heard of a reasonable way to love God. Maimonides, the medieval Jewish philosopher, was asked how one could show love for God as God was not a palpable reality one could embrace. He said one shows love for God by using the divine mind he gave you to ask questions. The messiah is a consequence of a myth that got out of hand. After the breakup of the kingdom of David and Solomon into Israel and Judah Jews were looking for a military figure who would reunite the kingdoms and restore former glory. The myth grew until the messiah was supposed to make the lion lie down with the lamb and make nations stop warring. Jesus was a spectacular failure. Not only did he fail to restore the kingdom, but the world stayed just as warlike. However, he made the same effective career move that Elvis did. Death! His followers were in two groups - the followers of Paul, mostly gentile, and the followers of James, Jesus' brother, Jewish. The failure of the Jewish revolt wiped out the Jewish branch of the franchise, but the followers of Paul took on the old Jewish myths and added them to the Jesus myth. Dear Oliver, I apologise for going off about Jean Astruc. His dates are from 1684 to 1766. I doubt that he did much work on biblical exegesis before age 16 so he really was an eighteenth century inquirer. I writhe at your feet in an agony of humble self-abasement. (figuratively) Posted by david f, Thursday, 27 May 2010 3:19:31 AM
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TOO MANY GODS SPOIL THE BROTH ! . Abraham detested looking after the shop in his father's absence and lied to his father when he returned, pretending that it was the large idol that smashed all the others. His father was furious and kicked him out of the house, and good riddance, but simple folk in the Middle East in those days were quite superstitious and swallowed the boy's story lock stock and barrel. As "One above god" can surely attest, miracles never cease. Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus endowed the one large surviving idol with official status for his own political ends and spread the good news throughout the Roman Empire. Euorpean colonial powers then rammed it down the throats of numerous African, South American, and Asian savages as a purely humanitarian gesture in order to save their otherwise worthless souls. Regrettably, however, one god is a bit short for the 1.1 billion Indians and one too many for the 1.3 billion Chinese. Oh, and the lid just blew on the Catholic pressure cooker as the temperature literally shot way beyond the tolerance limits guaranteed by the intelligent designer and manufacturer, due, unfortunately, to excesive world-wide paedophile activity by the clergy and their acomplices, cover-up agents, supporters, aiders and abetters (if you know who I mean). All this just goes to show that too many gods spoil the broth - even when there is only one ! . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Thursday, 27 May 2010 5:16:56 AM
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as the thread/has reached a level..of loving reluctant to stir the pot any longer..
but being me..see little posting so little i must be gratefull to squeers..for subdueing/a reactive reply..into a thoughtfull one... i should try to correct..the issue of many gods..but that is i guess...thats a reflection..of just how low...those who cannot concieve the one..[living/loving/logus..who stands loving all]..has fallen how low/the measure...of those tricked away..from loving the one..[good god..of grace and mercy]..has sank... lest we forget..the true measure/of not of good alone...but by the virtue..of giving/ all/..our lives.. to wit..our creator...who alone is god... even the shakey/on the issue...the one/god/of soon replaced/with lord..before even ..the 4 th chapter of genesis..and the not god the lord/ the lord of these realms..and god is god/creator/sustainor..of all living/logic/love//light[gracefull/mercyfull/eternal/immortal...the...[one] there are many 'god'/like...lords in these realms...i could name/a few..just here/in these forums...but those who cannot concieve absolute love...shouldnt use a plural..for a noun science provides no first/life..has not created life...but just like the/clever monkey..he claims to be...can mimic..gods acts of creation science cannot by turning life into dust.. jesus...[who also wasnt god...yet lived the love...that/those who know our creator/..those who/know the creator/good..know god/to be... the new covenant/new/test-i-ment...even he high a measure we well know..the lesser-loves..but can atain the higher/loves..but no matter/ much we try...the flesh is weak... yet we..[alone/amoung all the meat/living]...have the see hear the thoughts/ the deeds..of the dead...past we alone/ammoung the mortal flesh...can word the actual/living words/thoughts/beliefs... ..hates/fears/hopes..of those...........long dead... we must not be tempted to try/ to/make their words..into saying......what they did not say darwin clearly wrote..evolution/species ...he could have wrote/genus..but didnt.. [those unable to certify..paddy/melon..beyond 10 million years.. must clearly state...they dont know.../..not speculate..beyond their knowing... only/science/faulsifyable/ species level...not into genus/family..etc evolution is taking from good..that gods alone what you put into word..can come back..and bite you in time others read...[and judge].. only one wont judge..that good/ god we each stand/..on great shoulders...often on dead/words and should resist..the use their justify..our works i/am... you all/ Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 May 2010 9:23:35 AM
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This is the second part of my post on P43 26/05 1:04:47 and addressed to david f;
Part 2 Whether our Universe exists on the back of a giant elephant who stands on the back of a giant turtle who himself stands on the back of a giant turtle...........or whether it's an ineffable god does the supporting, no matter the eloquence of one's argument, it's either turtles all the way down to infinity or it's ineffable gods all the way down. Davies gives no attention to this issue, at least not in the treatise that Trav linked to. Another point I planned to make [and I may as well make it here], was that in proposing the imponderables and the deistic approach to science, Davies [and his supporters] frequently lament our inabilities in grasping hold of the spiritual/divine aspect of nature and ourselves, yet he [and they] expatiates at great length using the same means that he and his supporters denigrate as a major limiting factor, the human intellect. If all that our intellects can conceive of is in and of nature and the laws of nature, then we are indeed still babes at our mother's breast. An independent life is still a long road into the future and our genetic diversity is not infinite. The wilful and self-indulgent delusion of religious faith becomes triviality when considering our distant future.............. Will we create new genetic diversity and direct our own organic evolution, or will we take the path into inorganic and artificial intelligence? In the latter, considering that the brain is the source of mind, preservation of mind before brain death may not be a contentious issue. Posted by Extropian1, Thursday, 27 May 2010 2:48:46 PM
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Oliver writes
"Extropian1, I don't think one has faith in science. Qualified trust, perhaps." There is a misunderstanding and it is my fault. It seems to have arisen here in my post on P43 26/05 1:04:47 herebelow I was, however, more concerned with the argument made by Paul Davies in the link provided by Trav on P46; In fact, science itself must be taken on faith, as the legendary atheist physicist Paul Davies explains in this article ( Wherein I found a number of contentious issues raised by Davies for which there were significant alternative views. There are two errors in the above para. Trav's post is on P36 24/05 7:38:11. It contains this passage; In fact, science itself must be taken on faith, as the legendary atheist physicist Paul Davies explains in this article ( It is disappointing that bold, italic, underline [among several other very useful choices] are not available to members. I am therefore reduced to using quotation marks. Correctly presented then, my original para should have been seen thusly; I was, however, more concerned with the argument made by Paul Davies in the link provided by Trav on P36 24/05 7:38:11; "In fact, science itself must be taken on faith, as the legendary atheist physicist Paul Davies explains in this article (" Wherein I found a number of contentious issues raised by Davies for which there were significant alternative views. It can be seen then that I am quoting Trav anent taking science on faith. I regret that I have misinformed members through my carelessness. I hasten to affirm my great confidence in science and its method. In writing this I am reaffirming also my supreme confidence in the human intellect and our five senses. They are the only means by which we know what we know and it will be thus into the forseeable future. In deliberating so I am reminded of Bertrand Russell's salutary lament that having read the christian bible, he found not one word in praise of inrelligence there. Posted by Extropian1, Thursday, 27 May 2010 3:49:17 PM
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Posted by Extropian1, Thursday, 27 May 2010 3:55:28 PM
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in what seems a good topic...i wont say redirection...
Extropian1..quote..<<Will we create new genetic diversity and direct our own organic evolution,>>being a compounded question..i will compound the reply sadly...there are many mutagenes,,,deliberatly...and willfully placed in our food/water/air...seeking to induce do just that in the main..they are aimed at destroying...mind..or rather the ability to reason/think...[their to produce the perfect/soviat-man.... a party loyalist drone...who dont own anything..who works when there is a need for labouring...who cannot think for themself...[let alone others..who follows the party line...mindlessly...who works till the day they work..having done little origonal thinking the seek to evolve...themselves..only the worker drones <<or will we take the path into inorganic and artificial intelligence?><<..yes they love the idea..of the greatest a bottle...are cloning the neo/man--in a an ape like servant..will not give up their delusions of grandure <<In the latter,..considering that the the source of mind, preservation of mind before brain death..may not be a contentious issue.>>.sadly your decieved...[as are they [the not the source,..of mind...anymore than a computer is a source of thought... no doudt they will time...a bio-logic..that appears to contain mind...but this mind..will lead direct the mindless..into the darker realms..of human/being im certainly time is near i know what man/kind...has been... and dread..that it is planned to become as near as i can a dante vision..of the lower hells... but freewill indicates it need/not be so..but their planning is well advanced... i hold hope.. but with little expectation only love can prevent its realisation Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 May 2010 4:02:15 PM
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OUG writes.
"darwin clearly wrote..evolution/species ...he could have wrote/genus..but didnt.." He could have wrote [sic] uxewig...but didn't either. Now why do you think that could be? " only/science/faulsifyable/ species level...not into genus/family..etc" I know evolution has been explained to you many times and you ignore its truths in order to be true to your faith. Therefore your statement is wilfully false. "i/am... you all/" While you denigrate and prevaricate about concepts that the unreligious hold fondly to, it becomes clear that your trying falls woefully short in sincerity. Posted by Extropian1, Thursday, 27 May 2010 4:27:01 PM
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Dear Extropian1,
I read Davies’ article. Science deals with the ‘how’ questions. How does matter and energy interact with other matter and energy? It does not deal with the ‘why’ questions which are not answerable by the scientific method. Paul Davies in his essay demands that science answer why questions. In so doing he has made his own implicit assumptions. Believers in God as a creator implicitly or explicitly believe that the universe has a creator. They answer the question, “Why is anything here at all?” by appealing to a God of the gaps who must have made matter. That leaves us with another question. “Why should there be a Creator? Who or what created the Creator?” That is the beginning of an infinite regression. Davies implicitly seems to believe that the laws of physics must somehow have a law giver. That leaves us with the question of who or what created the law-giver? That is the beginning of an another infinite regression. Davies asks a non-scientific question and then wants science to give an answer. He exhibits the unreasonableness he complains about. Davies asks another unscientific question. Do the laws of physics vary from place to place? Scientific questions deal with the evidence of our natural world or with anomalies that cause us to question the evidence. Einstein’s tremendous insights in the year 1905 were prompted by the discovery that the speed of light did not depend on the velocity of the source. Einstein was answering a scientific question based on the evidence of an observed anomaly. Davies’ question as to the universality of our physical laws is prompted by no physical evidence – just Davies’ thought experiment. Davies has asked two non-scientific questions to which he wants scientific answers. Isaac Newton’s non-scientific speculations resulted in a chest of papers denying the Trinity. Paul Davies’ non-scientific speculations resulted in the Templeton Prize. Moral: Rich or poor, it’s nice to have money. Posted by david f, Thursday, 27 May 2010 6:06:11 PM
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SCIENCE AND RELIGION . Somebody suggested, earlier on, that the tree of knowledge was out of bounds. We were created ignorant and supposed to remain that way. Some stupid bitch took a bite at the apple and brought us all down. That's ignorance for you ! If she had known, you can bet your boots she would never have taken a swipe at that apple - even if it fell on her head. The germ of knowledge turned out to be contageous and infected us all, even the eskimos and aborigines and several other savages who had never seen an apple in their lives. Happily we were all in the same boat with Noah at the helm and managed to survive. Knowledge, they say, is like sand in an oyster, a little produces a pearl, too much kills the animal. The intelligent designer and manufacturer down-loaded some religious software in our brains to sift out the knowledge so that we never get an overdose. That's the love that "One above god" has been bending over backwards to try to explain. Get it ? . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Thursday, 27 May 2010 9:59:04 PM
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David f,
"Science deals with the ‘how’ questions. How does matter and energy interact with other matter and energy? It does not deal with the ‘why’ questions which are not answerable by the scientific method." I can't see why science or the scientific method should not be dealing with the "why" questions (eg. "Why should someone be eating vegetables and not junk food") Not dealing with the why questions is an easy out for science, particularly now that the species of homo sapiens is about to start developing synthethic life forms (and perhaps playing at a god). Posted by vanna, Friday, 28 May 2010 8:41:18 AM
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eve has bee so many call her a bitch...[quoting the out of tune''banjo pattering on' going that step too far
let me correct your ignorance...under the law..[the mosaic laws of mosus]...a husband can forgive a wifes too can a father..forgive a daughters too a brother...[lest wee forget.adam was all three adam gave his dna,,,[via the rib]...thus is brother..of eve by a teqnicality...but legal;ly he is al;so husband and father...incestious indeed...but there is more that he didnt forgive the wifes foolishness...[it was only a fruit/after-all] yet further compounded by the fact of the law... the doudt a lawyer...asked of eve,,,'didst god forbid''...the point being no...[for eve was only a that time]..god did not...adam may have...but this legally/ heresay evidence thus eve..[our great ALPHA-grand-mother...mankinds lucy]..has been wronged through out time..but there is more the bible has the tree of knowledge...and the tree of good V evil...and the evolutionists have their tree of life...[which when carefully egsamined...has no single root...the 'science'...cant definitivly state..the first living...the first life it has never mutated...witnessed...nor out of only has mutations...ALL WITHIN the species level..[quadrillions of fruitfly mutations...have only bred fruit flies] thus if sciebnce can be the bible reveal;s.. like produces like life comes from with it banjo...and many others/so ignorance ..have blind faith in the science of evolution.. but reveals..he hasnt a clue about science.. thus reveals his faith/ evolving...not his wisdom david reveals science explains the how? ok is it you cant give the first evolution how did the paddy/mel..dna...arose...10 million years ago...from what? how? how does natural/selection..claim the non-science of natural? how does a species..diverge..into new genus..[at what micro evolutionary-stage..did it become a new genus]? HOW? how does survival of there is only mineral which fittest/mineral make life? how is it those with so much faith in science/theory yet cant explain the basics of the science...? they claim their faith in/by how can one so wise.. choose to remain so ignorant? Posted by one under god, Friday, 28 May 2010 8:48:55 AM
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Hey, david f,
I would have thought science's 'how' questions were almost invariably prompted by 'why' questions. "Why do apples always fall down from trees?" "Why does the speed of light not appear to vary, with the speed of the source?" "Why does our universe appear to be explicable to us in so many ways, but not in others?" Why do we regard the question: "why are we here?" as qualitatively different? For me, this prompts the most important question: if there is a God, what is it's motive in creating us? Or to put it into more human terms: what would such a God want/need us for? What do we have, that a singular being doesn't have? Posted by Grim, Friday, 28 May 2010 8:50:50 AM
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Dear Grim and Vanna,
You are correct. Science can start out with why questions. Why does an apple fall down instead of up? However, that is a why question that can be transformed into a how question. We can observe bodies falling and make measurements of them. We can set up experiments. We can see how it happens and in what circumstances it happens. However, where the why cannot be transformed into a how question science cannot deal with it. All scientific observations that I know of have show that the laws of physics are the same wherever science has looked. If one could devise an experiment to determine if somewhere they were not the same then we could ask how come when we found a place where they were not the same. We don't know that they are not the same everywhere so we are still stuck on the why. Posted by david f, Friday, 28 May 2010 9:31:37 AM
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Dear Vanna,
It would be arrogant of science to decide for us what is right and wrong. Science may be able to create synthetic life. It has already devised nuclear weapons. How we use them is a moral question. Some people think there can be an objective morality where moral questions can be determined solely by reason and observation. I don't agree with them. I don't think we can look to religion to settle moral questions either. The Bible accepts human slavery. Most parts of the current world no longer accepts human slavery. Most parts of the classical world accepted human slavery. The Bible in that area accepted the morality of its milieu. Why is slavery no longer considered moral? I don't consider it moral. Jesus had nothing to say against it. Paul advised slaves to be obedient. One of my heroes is John Brown who was hanged at Harper's Ferry for leading a slave revolt. Presiding at that hanging was the great traitor-to-be, Robert E. Lee. After leading the fight for slavery the vile (in my opinion) Robert E. Lee was honoured. I think he was an evil man. However, others thought he was a good man. Who is right? The answer is that we cannot determine what is right and wrong in that case as in many others as "what is moral and good" remains a matter of opinion. "What is the basis for morality" can be a question for another string. Posted by david f, Friday, 28 May 2010 10:01:50 AM
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i live for the why questions
,<<.."Why do apples always fall down>>>.we can get decieved by loose most apples get harvested...thus/most dont fall down..yet most hang/downwards <,"Why/speed of light not appear to vary,>>.science advises the red shift/when light goes away from us...indicating...that we call more complex than mere particle/wave....[heat...part of the 'light specrum..moves slowest of all <<universe appear to be explicable/many ways,but not in others?">>.simply speaking...the ones we comprehend...have explanations...simplified..when nothing is that simple <<"why are we here?" qualitatively different?>>.because we can only speculate/form a belief/theory...that suits..till the facts are a row <<gods/motive in creating us?>>why do lungs breath.../why does a woumb/co-create..the life=giver...lives to give/[just as gravity...[mass]..attracts mass <<what would/God want/need us for?>>we need him/he dont need us..but mainly...logus../logic...needs to confirm...we are that which lives only for gods be confirmed <<What do we have,..that a singular being doesn't have?>>.others/as confused as we are...we have peers/friends/lovers//loves/hates...questions DAVIDIAN<<..You are correct./However,>>>>lol...<<that is a why question/that can be transformed into a how question.>>>in lue of a reply/ <<We can/..However,..>lol <<..where the why/cannot be transformed into a how cannot deal with it>>>.lol. <<It would be arrogant of science/to decide..for us.;.what is right and wrong.>>yes it is <<How we use them/is a moral question>>egsactly. <<I don't think/we can look to religion to settle moral questions either.>>.no seems its a human frailty...rather than trust/mere huh?-man...i prefer to trust god/good/grace/mercy/love/logic <<The Bible accepts human slavery>>.so..wage/tax..slave...isnt slavery?...only debitors...can be enslaved...the bible reveals..freeing the self from as sim0le as returning the masters/clothes..back to the creditor...what remedy mankind got now...we are all legislated...into slavery/perpetual serfdom...if not now,...soon <<Who is right?>> <<The answer is/that we cannot determine/what is right and wrong>>because even the wealthy...are the ursurors... easy credit...seems a gift... till you default Posted by one under god, Friday, 28 May 2010 2:29:30 PM
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David f,
I haven't read the Bible for many years, but my memory of it suggests that it is a written document that atempts to explain in words certain concepts that may not be explainable in words, and it had to make do with a technology (which was text on paper) that was only available at the time. Science may have made most of the major discoveries, and now it becomes a process of filling in the pieces. (eg if there is matter and antimatter, then is there another universe, or an infinite number of universes running in parallel and so on). If there is quantum computing and nanotechnology, combined with perhaps a highly efficient means of travelling in space (and space travel at present is rather inefficient), then it begins to allow man to expand beyond traditional limitations. It also gives man the power to place life on other planets, or create new species of life on this planet. Homo sapiens will become a new God to those species, even though the species will probably not be able to understand homo sapiens. The above is not science fiction, but is happening, or being researched right at this present moment. Posted by vanna, Friday, 28 May 2010 4:14:27 PM
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david f writes 27/05 6:06:11pm P46,
"Science deals with the ‘how’ questions. How does matter and energy interact with other matter and energy? It does not deal with the ‘why’ questions which are not answerable by the scientific method." It is easy enough to ask HOW does 2+2=4. This is almost a simplistic exercise but is readily answered. Asking ourselves WHY is a question with different parameters. We are questioning not only the operation but the figures and the relationship between the two. As I see it, we are reduced to asking ourselves questions like; Why is 2 in fact 2? The application of reason to this question seems to resolve itself in absurdity. Asking WHY does Earth rotate on its north-south axis enables the Intelligent Design hypothesis, where the WHY is answered by an imponderable. Questions of WHY have properties or attributes that science is not equipped to deal with and therefore are resistant toward rational intellectual enquiry. If we must posit imponderables or absudities in a scientific context we are not practising science, as I see it. In the matter of Creator and Law-Giver, I think the two can be treated as equivalents for argument's sake, for both are abstractions. The WHY question applied to them seems to also resolve itself again into absurdity. "Davies asks another unscientific question. Do the laws of physics vary from place to place? Scientific questions deal with the evidence of our natural world or with anomalies that cause us to question the evidence." Quantum physics disturbed a lot of scientists, particularly the particle/wave conundrum. Some laws of physics appeared to be insufficient, lacking in scope. But how would we recognise/perceive a place where the laws that governed its constituents were different? Would we know if it was there at all? Posted by Extropian1, Friday, 28 May 2010 4:53:20 PM
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Dear David,
No problem about Jean Astruc. I’m probably miss details too when toggling quickly between work and OLO. Anyone, with my lack of typing skills cannot throw stones. I enjoy your contributions. Dear David and Extropian1, On Davies about mathematics: “External experience is indispensible to both to mathematics and art, as their theme, but to a person prepared to inhabit their framework, mathematics or art convey their own internal thought, and it is for the of this external experience that the mind accepts a dwelling place”. – Michael Polanyi Continuing the theme of one indwelling in a framework: Religion needs be “considered as an act of dwelling rather than affirmation. God cannot be observed, any more than truth or beauty can be observed. He exists in the sense that He is to be worshipped and obeyed”. – Michael Polanyi The religionist “indwells” within the framework of the experience as does the person who becomes engaged in observing a work of art or a play. They become circumscribed by the framework. Under these circumstances, it is surely possible to sit inside otherworldliness. Higher mathematics can also create abstract worlds (string theory, other dimensions and multiverses), where the practitioner might similarly indwell in a framework. Where the religionist and mathematician might defer is, the former maintains his faith in the face of contrary observable experience, herein, challenging paradoxes serve a tests of faith(Tillich. Herein, “faith embaces itself and the doubt about itself (Tillich). Yet, I feel Davies confuses faith with faithful (allegiance) in the case of the mathematician. Stephen Hawking did indwell in the Maths that nothing escapes a Black Hole, "only until" a bright grad-student pointed-out matter popping out the universe defies the second law of thermodynamics. Contrarily, Chistians "as a matter faith" believe more in the face contradictory evidence. Posted by Oliver, Friday, 28 May 2010 7:29:14 PM
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David f said that the speed of light does not vary in relation to its source; not that the speed of light cannot vary. There are exotic particles that travel at the speed of light as c in the vacuum of space) but slow down when passing through the Earth (or other bodies), while still travelling at the speed of light. Isn't physics great! Redshift is caused by the expansion of the universe. Said expansion happens faster than the speed light. (N.B. The universe isn't something travelling through itself). Posted by Oliver, Friday, 28 May 2010 7:43:13 PM
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ABRAHAM'S APPLE TREE . So, according to Abraham, it was during a terrible fit of jealousy that the large idol smashed all the others in his father's shop. It just could not stand the sight of all those competitors any longer and struck when the boy was alone, looking after the shop in his father's absence. The large idol became the sole object of worship. Abrahamic religions were born. But the large idol was a jealous idol and could bear no rival. It eliminated them all systematically. Abraham's apple tree was declared out of bounds. Knowledge was stored in its fruit. Worshipers were subjected to blind faith. The devout were promised to heaven. The impious were condemned to hell. Ignorance was declared a virtue. Knowledge was considered a sin. But, thank our lucky stars, without knowing how nor why, some stupid bitch took a bite at the apple. And apple tarts are now all the go. Science owes them an eternal debt. The large idol has adopted a more modest stance. Hailing as the intelligent designer and manufacturer. In a far more down to earth fashion. And that is the true story of Abraham's apple tree. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Friday, 28 May 2010 11:21:19 PM
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I'm sorry Oliver, I really don't understand why anyone, atheist or theist, would agree with the quote: "God cannot be observed, any more than truth or beauty can be observed."
I find it hard enough to deal with the concept of a cat being simultaneously probably both alive and dead in the absence of an observer, but beauty? To me this just begs the question: "If Beauty trips over in the forest with no one to observe her, will she still get a bruise?" Extropian, I disagree that space travel is inefficient; we do it all the time. I think -in the absence of 'warp drive'- what we will need to do is stop thinking of space ships as vehicles, and start thinking of them as permanent dwellings. Darwin will take care of the rest. The trick is not travelling through space, but getting there. As Heinlein put it, once you're out of the gravity well, you're half way to anywhere. Was that off topic? Such dwellings will need to be intelligently designed... Posted by Grim, Saturday, 29 May 2010 7:09:09 AM
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a long/time-ago...i did the numbers..of a space-craft...reaching the next sun/solar the end it was a trans-generational....time period....[from memory..close enough/to 100 generations]
meaning there is a lot of selective breeding/evolution...going zero/ short...its likely...the hunanoid's leaving...are different[ well as physiclly] see that we would have 2000 years of intelectual stasis...or rather limited stasis...where the space-crafts..occu-punts...could not even realise scales..beyond..their immediate confines to talk of miles..their comprehention of the concept...would need to encompass..the fact they are moving at a miles..aproaching the speed of light...yet the biggest..tactile/measure..they can relitivly/relate with is mere nano-miles/meters/feet..inches well the fact is..we are on a space-craft...presently... we have a select/elect...who spin/control/ as they chose...they funnel..the wealth..of this planetoid..acording to their needs...not the needs of the enjoined..[other living-heir's...other living natures...sharing this realm...suposedly as equals naturally..this wont work...for long..on a space-craft...even a big one...there will be trans-generational..revolutions..there will be a captain..with powers..of life/death..over his minions..but lets backtrack a little see if they shone a light..or sent a would take longer and longer to reach the ear-th...each mess-age...would be a unit/a part-icle...that when joined..resemble a wave...but we know are still only a particle...that created a flow..that looks like a wave its hard...for one as ignorant as my-self.. to write the vissions..that come into my mind... i not creating them...and neither is my mind yet other will read my particles...and go with the flow looking back at see set of this flow.. so..its in trying to explain..the light my mind...knowing matter/brain..dosnt produce light.. knowing the thoughts im describing..are light...that these events/words/ to clarify...the inner workings...i know...dont come from within not reacting to inner questions... not to inner thoughts...i know its not me... yet to say it aint...thats too must be but if you could see the gibberish of/flesh...[me] conveying the images into would see why..i must try..or bears better fuits..than the po-sting Posted by one under god, Saturday, 29 May 2010 8:55:24 AM
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Hi Grim,
Sorry to confuse. Polanyi is a little harder to grab a few lines from than say Kuhn or Popper; I am certainly no expert at interpreting him. Yet, I do have a feel for the concept of the religious person "indwelling" in a performance(I term I have often used in posts with OLO regular, George). "God cannot be observed, any more than truth or beauty can be observed." - Michael Polanyi Polanyi continues: "... He (God) exists in the sense that He is to be worshipped and obeyed; but not otherwise as a fact - any more than truth, beauty or justice exist as facts". I think Polanyi is saying that we can "a-critical" about that which is explicit, yet God, beauty and truth can be doubted. Perhaps other comments by Polanyi on the epistemology of the coherence of commitment have some relevance: "The fiduciary passions which induce a confidence utterance about the fact are personal, because they submit to the fact as universally valid; but when we reflect on this act non-committally its passion is reduced to subjectivity. At the same time the confidence utterance is reduced to a sentence of unspecified modality, and the facts become merely alleged facts". Me now :)... When we speak of absolute zero we address "confident utterance" (Polanyi) regarding an accredited fact. When speak of Zeus as a God or lake being beautiful we make "declaratory sentences" (Polanyi) about alleged facts. These alleged facts are held by the believer and the believer "indwells" (Polanyi) in a framework of alleged facts. Perhaps, someone like Tillich or Augustine would add Faith is reinforced by sustaining a belief in the alleged of the Group’s framework against the reasoned accredited facts of others: "I am a better Christian because I defend Genesis against the facts revealed by cosmology". Posted by Oliver, Saturday, 29 May 2010 10:04:46 AM
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If unobserved, beauty, trips in a forest, then the infinite indeterminate states, would not be limited to the superposition of the life and dead state. Resolution regarding the bruise would remain unresolved owing to the absence of any one or several beholders. However, the true difference been a tree making a sound and beauty having a bruise, wrests on a tree being an accredited entity; whereas, beauty is a passion “reduced to subjectivity”. The fallacy is in the ability to make declative sentences subjective entities so we can say: "Raven (read God) sent birds to peirce the wall of the daw; one of them pecked a hole through which the eays of the sun shone for the first time..." "So God creted man in his own image..." For the believer in the Raven or the other god (Elohim?) are entities around which declartive sentences, even doctrine, can be made. Beleiver can then indwell in that subjective passion/domain. Relatedly, while Stephen Hawking dropped his passioned claim that nothing (not even light)can escape a black hole on the a-critical remark of a grad-student; however, neither, OUG, runner nor Trav are not going to replace Elohim with Raven, because Chukchi scripture explains that the light of the new sun light turned scattered seal bones into man and women. Likewise, the Chuckchi will "indwell" in their cerimony. Posted by Oliver, Saturday, 29 May 2010 10:53:01 AM
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Grim 28/05 27:09:09 p48 writes;
"Extropian, I disagree that space travel is inefficient; we do it all the time. I think -in the absence of 'warp drive'- what we will need to do is stop thinking of space ships as vehicles, and start thinking of them as permanent dwellings. Darwin will take care of the rest." My memory fails me here, I'm afraid. I don't recall touching on the subject of space travel. Though generally I agree with you, I think your Darwin reference is a little simplistic. By the time we do as you suggest I suggest that the mathematics and physiology of evolution by natural selection will have been advanced beyond all connection with Darwin. The term "natural selection" will bear an archaic reference in the lexicon. "Such dwellings will need to be intelligently designed..." A singularly perspicacious observation. Posted by Extropian1, Saturday, 29 May 2010 11:48:58 AM
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OLIVER..QUOTE,,<<For the believer in..>>>ANY THEORY..<<the Raven or the other>>..the believed..HOLD or trust a theory when the theory cannot be produced..reproduced/replicted.. or demon-strated..founded in fact..verified or explained without the use of buzzwords/spin..or trickey of word believer's holding faith in lables.. reveal the theory thus labled..<<are entities around which declartive sentences, even doctrine, made.>> a decieved/..<<Beleiver can then indwell in that subjective passion/domain.>>.BE IT LABLED SCIENCE OR other...<<,in perpetual ignorance those unable to fully apply the theory...into usefull aplication ..stand revealed to be believing a systemised belief/deception.. ...not science.. by its fruits be it revealed its maybe conveniant to ignore questions.. to postulate quotes of others..barely relivant to the topic... but a question ignored..or remaining un-answerd... thus stands as sufficient lue of a faulsifyable alternative claiming to explain a how..or a why..or a what.. by destractive become clear.. the theory of evolution...has no any imponderables..relitive to this discourse we can spout big lue of fact...indefinatly by their words/lack of works... lack of fact..stands revealed try replying the previous questions it aint half obvious..your avoiding them and mearly trying to spin...a change of topic till the sleeper's go back to sleep... with thier faith...not the fact...reply your fact Posted by one under god, Saturday, 29 May 2010 12:59:45 PM
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The idea that the laws of physics are the same everywhere in the universe is more assumption than observation. Certainly we haven’t looked everywhere. Yet this is the sort of assumption behind scientific investigation. We search to describe the underlying norms that have been set into the fabric of the universe. At least, this is how it developed historically. Proceeding from the worldview of Christendom was the assumption that one God has placed his order through the universe. And we expect it is universal, reflecting the sovereignty of the one God. If we believed there were numerous gods squabbling, then we would not have imagined there to be stable order. As such we can have confidence to describe the present order within the universe. You ask me how I know what people think. That’s mostly pretty easy. Usually it’s assessed going by what they say or write. In your post last Tuesday (25/5), in about a dozen sentences you crammed in eight references by name to the Tooth Fairy and one towards masturbation. I think Banjo (overlooking some of his unpleasantness) best summed up this thread when he said the issue of whether there is a great Designer is pretty much the discussion of whether God exists. And this explains why the thread is so well frequented, so emotional, and so divergent in the topics covered. For me, the issue is pretty simple. There is an apparent order in the universe. From the wonders of biology to the motion of planets (to David’s love of symbiotic relationships) and beyond, the greats of science have seen it and noted it. The first question is whether such order can be explained by the natural properties of energy and matter alone, or whether it can’t, and the order points us to non-material entity. Such a question is quite enormous in scope, and will most likely simmer until Judgement Day. Yet, if we could limit ourselves to the question at the top of this page, is Intelligent Design as a movement dead and buried? (continued …) Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Saturday, 29 May 2010 5:10:53 PM
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(… continued)
Is Intelligent Design as a movement dead and buried? Bugsy argues (25/5) it is dead because he couldn’t find citations for it on the Web of Science. This is a bit like saying AFL football is dead because he didn’t find one reference to it while watching four weeks’ worth of World Cup matches from South Africa. Whether you find something or not has a lot to do with where you look. Bugsy criticises ID proponents for writing books instead of having their articles published in his favorite journals. I wonder if at the time of Copernicus we did a Google search through the standard scientific journals of the day whether heliocentricity would have come up favourably? Did Copernicus submit his journal articles for peer review before writing De Revolutionibus? Should Newton have written more articles rather than waste time writing his Principia? How many articles did Darwin submit before publishing Origin of Species? My view is that Design science is growing rather than dying. In the 1950s and early 60s virtually no one openly questioned Darwin. By the seventies Morris and a few others were writing books. In the eighties in America there were a number of high profile creation / evolution debates on American campuses, and by then everyone was aware there was a stir of controversy. In the 90s, the ID movement started to get a little organised. Rome wasn’t built in a day. If and when Darwin’s dubious edifice falls, we’ll thank these guys for opening up the cracks. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Saturday, 29 May 2010 5:14:21 PM
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Dear Dan,
We have looked at great distances - light years away - and have apparently found no place where the laws of physics do not apply. We will never look every place, but that is the nature of science. We make a hypothesis and keep it as long as it is not contradicted and the evidence we have supports the hypothesis. Science is not as you defined it a search for truth. It is a search to find explanations for the behaviour of matter. These explanations are abandoned when it is evident they don't explain all the phenomena they should explain. If we find an area where the laws of physics we know do not apply we must then abandon the view that the laws of physics are the same everywhere. Then we will try to explain the anomoly. So far the objections to evolution has been based on religious belief and not on facts which contradict evolution. Find evidence that contradicts evolution, and it will be abandoned as theories of phlogiston and ether have been. Yes, I bring in the Tooth Fairy many times. There is no more evidence for the existence of God than there is for the existence of the Tooth Fairy. I understand that it would bother a believer. If I could think of a kinder way to make the point I would do so. No matter how many people believe in an entity that is no evidence for the existence of an entity. Belief in Zeus, Jupiter and Odin is now out of fashion. Some day belief in God, Allah and Jesus will be out of fashion. Changes in religious beliefs are as much a matter of fashion as the rise and fall in skirt hem lines. Posted by david f, Saturday, 29 May 2010 7:47:58 PM
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in rebuttal of<<david f..writes/27/05..6:06:11pm..P46,
"Science deals with the ‘how’ questions...It does not deal with the ‘why’ questions..which are not answerable by the scientific method.">>lol Comparison..of the four giant planet satellite systems/leads to major questions..that should be future exploration..of the outer solar system: /How is the variation of density of the moons as a function of distance from the planet related to accretion scenarios? /Why is Saturn's satellite system irregular with respect to density distribution and orbital characteristics as compared to the jovian and uranian systems? /Why is the satellite density increasing with distance in the Uranus system? /How did the present resonances form and what were the implications for the satellite's internal energy budget and thermal evolution? /Did resonances occur in the Uranus system in the past? /What caused the intense past or present activity of icy satellites Europa, Ganymede, Enceladus, Tethys, Miranda, Ariel, Titania, and Triton? Why did, e.g., Callisto, Mimas, Rhea, Iapetus, Umbriel, and Oberon remain almost completely inactive for most of their histories? /What role did tidal heating play for individual satellites? /Which satellites are completely dierentiated/partially dierentiated/undierentiated? /Has internal melting of ice (globally, or locally) occurred within the satellites? Do some of the satellites possess intrinsic or induced magnetic elds? /What was the eect of events, e.g., the accretion or capture of a single very large satellite | e.g. Titan in the Saturn system or Triton in the Neptune system | on the evolution of the rest of the system consisting of mid-sized icy satellites? /What are the roles of composition and formation environment in the thermal evolution of icy satellites. What is the role of ammonia and other N and C containing volatiles? /What is the role of short-lived radionuclides 60Fe and 26Al? /Can D/H reveal anything about the presence of an early subnebula? /What does relative impact coverage reveal about thermal evolution? About local impactor ux? About orbital migration of satellites or their host planets? good to know some know/...what the..true role of science Posted by one under god, Saturday, 29 May 2010 9:43:01 PM
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the think..then move's..score keeping/..gets so stale
seems/he/she...has started from, lol and like your bullsh@t's any better(smile), and on the matter of belief, it makes more sence that god is a higher form of living matter ( hence, God is not what you think it is ) and its funny that all religions point to the sky, isn't it. All the great civilizations of the past had technological advancements man still cant get their heads around ( Plus the wheel had not been invented in the case of the Egyptians line ups of the stars, and I have no doubt that your nativity is similar to theirs. ) and considering other life had billions of years to evolve before us, its not hard to imagine that our galaxy may of had beings that has seeded planets like this, and knowing the mathematical odds that's against putting all the eggs in one basket. This theory can not be simply dismissed just cause you say its so. You don't have anymore idea than I do about what and how that human life is different to all other. ( other than thanks to the apes ) If mankind doesn't cause his own extinction in the next 1000 years, we just might be gods ourselves one day, and this could be not so far away for the same reasons the gods have already done here. and how did Noah and his ark drop off all the kangeroos and etc? Not more magical stuff. SMILE. TTM> Posted by think than move, Saturday, 29 May 2010 10:17:57 PM
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Oh Dan, I don't think ID is dead 'as a movement'. I never thought it was dead in popular culture, especially Christian culture.
But I do certainly do think ID is dead as 'science' and within the scientific community. The citation search is not the reasoan it is dead, it was just to show you the point: scientists are not using ID as a basis for research. Why? Several likely reasons: It lacks explantory power. It has major problems which makes it weak as a 'scientific theory'. It is useless. If you don't believe me, then please direct me to a researcher who is using ID as the basis of a research program, in say medicine, biology or population genetics, anything like that. Don't give me the BS that it's because of some vast evolutionist conspiracy that they don't get published or get grants etc., scientists use what works. Evolutionary theory works. I can show you plenty of research that uses evolutionary theory as its basis. ID as a 'scientific theory' is defunct. ID as a 'movement' is still kicking and selling plenty of books to suckers like you. But don't expect it to change science, that just ain't gonna happen. Posted by Bugsy, Saturday, 29 May 2010 11:13:36 PM
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the name/calling is confirms no validation egsists
the best they can come up with...being kangeroo's/noah...which if evolution's only by virtue of missing links/..yet again more their theory noting the platypuss/..nearest relitive the echidna..[oner on land/the other in the water...and no joinder betwixt the more ya theory but lets go back to is unchanged for 10 million years...and also dont got no link past that... yet...huh?-mans....theoreticly...devolved from an ape..less that 100.000 years ago..and even the oldest bones of hummanus..[not the fake lucy..]...are yet human... even the spurilous claims of missing diverge..pre ape...its sad you lot cant see the strawman grasp/gasp the theory..of seeding/by man-kind like faulse an out=there concept../wild speculation...grasping at strawmen... this is the level of your evi-dense? saying religions point at the sky/when clearly im pointing yet more lue of fact.. bugs/bunny's excuses for id being dead...a further joke <<..It lacks ex-plan-tory power.>>.lol...evolution dont explain nothing....ALL its egsamples..are at the species level WHEN EVOLUTION..POSTULATE"S..species evolving out of genus...into neo/new genus...yet not one certain evolution...exta genus...ever! <<It has major problems/which makes it weak as a 'scientific theory'.>>.better that a theory...CLAIMING A SCIENCE...yet not being able to replicate...their theory...via science method HOW MUCH A JOKE IS THAT science/theory..unable to supply science id mearly asks science to explain..ITS/sciences..OWN CONTRADICTIONS...explain the gaps..replicate/or perish <<It is useless.>>>i note you put your best foot forward first then resort tio mere HOW a theo-ry of genus evolving..when it has never done/nor observed such an you guys are so de-spiritly straw grasping at strawmen...using a micro theory of species to generate a grand deception..of evolving genus lest you be yet more confused... id is a conclusion..not a EVIL_LUTION<<as a 'THEORY' still kicking and selling plenty of books to suckers like you lot. But/don't expect it to change that only god created ,..that just ain't gonna Posted by one under god, Sunday, 30 May 2010 8:20:12 AM
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THE WONDER OF EVE . It was long before Jesus appeared on the scene that the world gave birth to its first authentic scapegoat. Eve was her name. Frail and fragile, she was no prophet nor child of god, no more than a spare rib extracted from the side of her earthly companion. Faithful in love and mother of three children, she accepted to bear full responsibilty for the sins of mankind. It was she who went before and Adam who followed after. She who took the risk to see what it was the serpent had to say. And bravely, dear Eve, plucking up all her courage, confronted the wrath of the almighty creator so that her husband and children could walk free. Free to choose from right and from wrong, in complete independence, and give true meaning to a love that is strong. Without Eve we would still be in that garden of Eden, like so many marionettes, incapable of living the life of relative freedom and autonomy we enjoy today. No man has ever been prepared to accept that responsibility, to claim the right to choose to disobey the almighty creator - not even Jesus. Her courage and sacrifice are incommensurable. Like the authors of the bible, we are in the comfortable position of being able to point the finger at Eve and say it is all her fault, not our's, not man's. She alone must bear full responsibilty for original sin. She is the stupid bitch who brought us all down. And that is the true story of the wonder of Eve. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Sunday, 30 May 2010 9:32:38 AM
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When you have the time would please responde to my reply. Thanks. Dear Dan and David f, Please refer to my above posts which are heavily leveraged on Michael Polanyi. Herein, by extension, perhaps, abstact mamthematics (and art) bulids domains/realms in which the scientist (or artist) can "indwell". What can happen is in-house, these "indwellers" like religionist indwellers distort the association between "confident utterances" about "accredited facts" and "declaratory sentences" about alleged facts (see earlier posts). Herein, it would seem that a mathematician (Paul Davies) could build an other world (new malliable physics) as does a theist create gods (supernatural). Yet, I would add as previously mentioned: "... Davies confuses faith with faithful (allegiance) in the case of the mathematician. Stephen Hawking did indwell in the Maths that nothing escapes a Black Hole, "only until" a bright grad-student pointed-out matter popping out the universe defies the second law of thermodynamics. Contrarily, Chistians "as a matter faith" believe more in the face contradictory evidence." So, I would put scientits did indwell in the belief of the Solid State Theory of the Universe and even taught it. However, with more advanced physics and modern instrumentation almost all cosmologists will now recognise the BB explanation in the face of evidence. This religious belief is tentative. Christians are also religious but they "rewrite" and "reinterpret" rather than change houses. As said above, citing Tillich and Augustine, believing in the face of contrary facts is a "test of faith" to be overcome. So, both physcist and the priest/minister can be "religious". However, in the face of overwhelming argument, the former will usually move house; whereas, the latter usually will brick-up the door way, and like Winston Smith in 1984 rearrange past histories (e.g., the Shroud of Turin or the Literal vs. the allegorical bible)to support the core resilient core belief. Posted by Oliver, Sunday, 30 May 2010 10:01:26 AM
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Paradise Lost was also a new begining, as Milton alludes. Your points are clearly germaine, oops, germane :). All, Was the creation of Satan intelligent design? God in so doing ultimately brought about Jesus' crucifixion. Can God create a better designer, more capable than himself? Or is god constrained by laws of entrophy Posted by Oliver, Sunday, 30 May 2010 10:32:45 AM
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Can God create a better designer, more capable than himself? Or is god constrained by laws of entropy? Posted by Oliver, Sunday, 30 May 2010 10:36:19 AM
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It appears that the designers of the new national high school curriculum agree that Creationism and its ID trojan horse are, if not perhaps dead and buried in the minds of their deluded adherents, ancient history for the rest of us:
<< CREATIONISM and intelligent design will be taught in Queensland state schools for the first time as part of the new national curriculum. Creationists dismiss the science of evolution, instead believing that living things are best explained by an intelligent being or God, rather than an undirected process such as natural selection. The issue of creationism being taught in schools has caused huge controversy in the US, where some fundamentalist religious schools teach it as a science subject instead of Darwin's theory of evolution. In Queensland schools, creationism will be offered for discussion in the subject of ancient history, under the topic of "controversies". >> I would have thought that if they are to be taught to kids at school, then they problem belong in the English curriculum under the headings of 'fantasy' and 'fiction'. However, I guess in Ancient History they could be discussed along with other ancient myths and legends. Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 30 May 2010 11:07:40 AM
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Er, I meant to say "they probably belong in the English curriculum". Freudian slip, perhaps?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 30 May 2010 11:28:00 AM
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it is allways interesting..[i will let your/freewill..decide what it is]
but lets rely oliver...quote..<<..Was the creation of Satan intelligent design?>>.[creating satan...sets up a negative...allowing opposed to monopoly/mono-tony...see the freewill is a nessesity...that validates/freewill [see that evolution..needs an opposing...thus the need..for schools/..for give the opposing/..ID...[if only to alow a the fantisy..of evolutionary theory so yes...satan/or rather the concepts/ an good...allows us a freewill... as well as confirming god is no dicktator...loving even the oppisite...[it was satan/who rejected/god's/good...thus confirming..even more/..god's clever design <<god in so doing ultimately brought about Jesus' crucifixion.>>>jesus knew he must die...was more than willing to die...such/is hios the good/of god him dying...confirmed...we are all born/again... [ignoring the delusion/that he died for our] <<Can God create a better designer,>> mankind is revealing...we/ his image...are improving all the time...collectivly..who knows... [jesus..who wasnt god...said that ye se me will do greater]...a fruit/cannot fall far from the tree...who knows what we/reflections of the most good...shall collectivly do in time shall we be...<<more capable than himself?>>of course not/everything we individually know./god knew before us...all we collectivly know...god knows...its a case of what came first..the person..or the god we know god was..then we were...we know god..shall be hereafter[even when the physical/ on intself...and god starts..the big bang...all over again.. god will yet be creator/sustainer of life... and we mere figments of his mind/creation's <<.is god constrained by laws of entrophy>>.of course not...[learn..infinite/immortal/eternal/omnipotant../spirit the flesh is weak but spirit/gods wholely spirit...thats eternal Posted by one under god, Sunday, 30 May 2010 1:49:57 PM
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You say God is not a dictator with regard Satan's will, yet, surely he can set parameters. Even now, we can't jump over mountains and can't solve some hard problems. God could have delimited free will, put, a governor on the system. I will refine the question for you. Was it intelligent design for God to give Satan the free will to set in motion the events that led to the crucifixion? If I (or Elohim) let a savage dog out on the street and it bites someone; whose fault is that? Posted by Oliver, Sunday, 30 May 2010 2:52:41 PM
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oliver...we have been lied to regarding god..[he is all loving etc]..and more...
as is written...he need but say be/..and it is anything..he wishes... [what is power...or hate.. to one who has anything..[except equal]... i know its a hard thing to believe/ in fact far easier to deney..than confirm but it stands to reason...but how to explain i first pictured god as a puppy...all loving...all love but being all powerfull...simply him...'playing'..with us.. could crush/us...and the puppy would..[lovingly]..loose its plaything ok i know its hard to swallow...but when your god..there are no rules look back at the bible stories...clearly takling sides...doing miracles...all that simply speaking dont work...[lord we cant even obey ten/simple rules...let alone the hundreds of mosaic rules[ thus god concluded...rules dont work may even be bad.. as it gives a guide/ those seeking/ upset god.. or simply to sin...not that this affects god in the least [what is a judge...who sees no evil what is one..who knows/..we cant die] ] we do have such... we are bound to earth/ flesh...for one life sentance the fish are bound to water etc...trees are fixtures... think how..what we are...controles/..what we can do OFTEN/occasionally..we can grasp... the higher/mind imagry..that enters our brains.. but the same imagry...sent to a brain of a wasted creating satan...didnt crucify jesus...freewill/fear/deceit.. did if you release a savage dog... this your freewill..[or idiocy... but i know you couldnt/...or rather wouldnt its easy to grasp that of god...its ALL GOOD any vile...isnt of god Posted by one under god, Sunday, 30 May 2010 5:09:10 PM
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Dear Oliver, . "Can God create a better designer, more capable than himself? Or is god constrained by laws of entropy?" In other words "can god surpass himself, his own limits?" Or, "what are his limits?" For what it is worth, my opinion is that the limits of god are those of the limits of imagination of each and every one of us. They vary from zero for a large proportion of humanity to something quite inordinate in the case of people like Paul Davies, the physicist, cosmologist, astrobiologist, monotheist and popular author of science fiction. Forgive me for being so banal. "One above god" may possibly be able to come up with a number though I am not sure his computer has the necessary capacity. We shall just have to wait and see. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Sunday, 30 May 2010 10:59:13 PM
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Hey Oliver, sorry I didn't think your response required a response. I try not to respond just for the sake of argument, generally.
I understand the distinction your Polanyi makes, I think; between a 'fact' (apparently defined as a 'universally, intrinsically, indisputably accepted datum) and a 'declarative sentence'. This of course begs the question: can there be such an critter, as these 'facts'? I seem to recall pondering this question when I was about 14, or so (and thinking myself very deep, for so doing). This was long before I had even heard of Heisenberg, who eventually gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling. "Indwelling", from your usage of the term, I hazard to define as 'preferring or having a bias towards my own theories, as compared to your theories'. Again, with respect, hardly revelatory stuff, although I freely admit I'm probably missing the subtle nuances of Polanyi's argument. But then I always cease to be amazed by people who use big words to make more profound some fairly basic questions. I refer of course to Polanyi here, rather than your good self, Oliver, whose posts I have always found interesting. As to the question of "Can the Creator create something greater than himself", don't we do that on a regular basis? We build boats that can negotiate water better than we can, cars that can travel faster than we can, computers that can process data faster... I'm still wondering what it is that we can do, that a putative Creator can't. "What are we for" has to be the most basic question of all. Posted by Grim, Monday, 31 May 2010 7:53:29 AM
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Dear OUG,
You wrote: "its easy to grasp that of god...its ALL GOOD any vile...isnt of god" The above is not what the Bible says. Everything comes God according to the Bible, bad and good. If not you are assuming there is another creator. Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. However, I appreciate your talent. You have elevated confusion to an art form. Posted by david f, Monday, 31 May 2010 8:26:07 AM
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dear artform...that you call con-fusion..comes about because...most of my life...things seemed so time i realised that certainty...was because we dont get the right answers[even if the question is right]
the difference betwixt us is still claim still believe in santa clause[satan/claws] still accept the spin you believe the science...yet the science...has being used to blind us....evolution is a in species...evolving out of genus... but being based on species/evolving.;.it rests/superficially..on science..but then goes the broad/brush of spin..when that is expoliated as genus/evolving its much the same re/god...or the bible..or law..or based on some constitution/document..that establishes courts...but these courts...are civil...[ie contract law...and criminal...where there is a victim] but what is the use ex-plain-ing....that a constitution/autherises...servants power...powers...and limitations... to limit the servant...claiming the statuted power...not the citisen...autherising the power's... eg..[income/tax...does not include wages...they are wages...earned..via work...whereas income=gain made via no input].... ..civil servants need licences...not the people but whats the use one with such/deluded as to thing the just for trees ditto the bi=two/books..they talk of the lord...and talk of god the lord of these the lord of which they speak..[not god] where issiah speaks of speaks of earthy/earthly light gods light is the outer realms...the heavens...dealing in matters of spirit... whereas the lord of these in the matters of matter/..flesh...noting one...cannot serve two masters... i make myself obeying the call of love... the inner of the creator;sustaining alm living from within...the ..gace/mercy..good/god..the living loving the spirit let the dead...lead the dead...its like the blind leading the blind i moved beyiond the two books...and read many more... try reading swedenberg..[a scientist..or the secret of life/glakhovsky..a/scientist].or the changing universe/john pfeiffer..waves that heal/mark clemmet..through space and time..sir james jeans..proceeding ofroyal/society..of medicine..vol27,part2.. heck just chose to remain ignorant its a heck of a lot easier for me Posted by one under god, Monday, 31 May 2010 9:28:14 AM
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CJ Morgan,
Have you reverted to believing that Wikipedia is authoritative? Bugsy, You said you don't think you'll get into much discussion on this one. But here we go again. You’ve thrown out the challenge, and it’s a not a bad one. You’ve said there lots of research that uses evolution theory as a basis. Can you show where evolution is producing anything useful that exceeds what would be achieved by using a design framework? Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Monday, 31 May 2010 11:33:33 AM
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Hi Dan. I've already said that I don't regard Wikipedia as authoritative. Do you have a memory problem?
That last article to which I referred is from the Courier Mail, not Wikipedia - and no, I don't regard it as "authoritative" either. It does, however report the news reasonably accurately, and that was a news story. I think that moving Creationism/ID from the Science curriculum to the Ancient History curriculum would be a good move for Qld schools, assuming the report is accurate. Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 31 May 2010 11:54:30 AM
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Yeah, Dan I was bored.
Ok, how about phylogenomics? Or how about just about anything in biology that relies on comparative genetics? Please do tell how a 'design framework' would be better for biology. I'm sure the scientific world would like to know. Ok, your turn, reference please. By your own analogy Dan, your team are playing a different sport. Or are you saying that scientific findings don't need to be written in scientific journals? Good luck with that. Posted by Bugsy, Monday, 31 May 2010 12:24:14 PM
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The "controversy" here is entirely manufactured, with Dan S de Merengue its Head of Production.
The quantity of posts, sadly, is no reflection of the quality of the ID position, despite Desperate Dan's attempts to show otherwise. As evidenced by the latest of his many red herrings to be dragged across the trail. >>You’ve said there lots of research that uses evolution theory as a basis. Can you show where evolution is producing anything useful that exceeds what would be achieved by using a design framework?<< Given that "useful" is a delightfully vague adjective, and "exceeds" is a term that in this context can only be employed on an entirely subjective basis, the question can only be a means to extend an otherwise sterile, and utterly hopeless, argument. A masterpiece of obfuscation, from a master of the genre. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 31 May 2010 12:57:15 PM
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Dear Oliver, . "Was the creation of Satan intelligent design? God in so doing ultimately brought about Jesus' crucifixion". As I related earlier on this forum, young Abraham was the first to witness the jealous fury of the large idol when it smashed all the others in his father's shop. Standing there amongst the ruins, the destroyer then solemnly declared in a cavernous voice: "You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God” (Exodus 20:4-5). This is clear evidence of the grim determination of the large idol to eliminate all potential rivals and the degree of callousness and barbarity of which it was capable. There is absolutely no excluding the possibility that the whole scenario of the crucifixion of Jesus may have been a diabolically intelligent design concocted and instigated by the large idol in order to eliminate an exceptionally gifted young idol who was fast becoming a somewhat cumbersome rival. One should also take into account, your honour, the fact that another close relative of the accused, the Holy Spirit, mysteriosly disappeared soon after the abominable though, albeit, legal assassination of Jesus. He who was known as The Holy Spirit was last reported to have been seen when he made an impromptu visit to a group of Jesus's old fishing mates during a quiet get together on the Whit Sunday following his crucifixion and has never been seen since. That, your honour, marked the end of the triad. All power automatically fell into the sole hands of the large idol who continues, to this day, to reign as unique and undisputed intelligent designer and manufacturer of the universe. Ever since those terrible events, almost 2 000 years ago, the mystery remains unsolved and continues to haunt the hearts and minds of numerous devout idol worshipers. I leave the court to draw its own conclusions. The prosecution rests its case. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 8:42:01 AM
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That's what I love about those stories. They're so dramatic.
>>Standing there amongst the ruins, the destroyer then solemnly declared in a cavernous voice: "You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God” (Exodus 20:4-5).<< It's that "cavernous voice". So 1950s Hollywood, so... Cecil B de Mille. Charlton Heston as the voice of God in "The Ten Commandments" springs to mind. Such a pity we don't seem to have had any similar revelations in our lifetimes. But I guess that most of us were taught as kids to stay well away from burning bushes. Although Val Kilmer did more recently put just a small dent in the genre. But on reflection, I do think that might be Intelligent Design's biggest flaw, right there. How does ID explain "Val Kilmer is Moses, in 'The Ten Commandments', the musical?" Evolution, on the other hand, has no problem at all with the concept. Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 9:30:43 AM
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Polanyi is a tricky guy to read even with book in hand. He definitely uses unfamiliar words in atypical contexts. Sometimes, he is really keen on prepositions and reading him is giddy work. On the other hand, he is like Sir Humphrey (Yes Minister), if you take the time to go over what he said, it does come together. Apart from writers who use commonly known Greek and Latin words as a flourish; I am never impressed with show-off writers who crossover into another languages for several sentences. Banjo, We have deliberated on the evidence and find that the Big Idol after disposing of rival bosses at the Council of El, designed/created His Caporegine, Satan, to do devil knows what. Jesus has remained his Underboss. As alluded to, the Holy Spirit is still at large and has started His own organisation on Whit Sunday, which has been renamed Whit Monday, to assert a new presence. As punishment, this Court finds that the Big Idol and Satan be reincarnated. The Big Idol is to become a fourteen year old boy in the care of Brothers on an isolated island and Satan is put into the care of nineteenth century Irish nuns. Epilogue: Jesus is rumoured to return soon, to rain fire and brimstone on Whit Monday. Posted by Oliver, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 12:44:37 PM
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Dear OUG,
Did God exercise free will when he created Satan? Dear Pericles, - Charlton Heston... Perhaps that is why the Pope allowed Michelago to paint the Sistine Chapel. Posted by Oliver, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 7:40:02 PM
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Well, the most *convenient* science that uses evolution as a basis is clinical microbiology.
Artificial antibiotics have been synthesised that do not correspond closely to those occurring in nature. Do go look it up yourself. At introduction, no bacteria possessed genes for resistance to these antibiotics, existing antibiotic resistance genes not being applicable to deliberately altered backbone structures. Resistance genes now exist and are transferred extensively between bacteria, causing notable public health issues. So. The application of evolution to this example is so trivial as to be an exercise for remedial readers like Dan. The reality and relevance to the health of us all is clear and well focused. The creationist position that evolution is other than a workaday fact is at odds with the health of us all. Bugsy: the fact that Dan was sufficiently partisan to not bring examples like this up himself exposes the fundamental dishonesty of the creationists that participate in these discussions. ID is bankrupt due to the absence of the putative "intelligent designer" Do note that proponents of "Intelligent Design" *never* propose a merely mundane designer who may have visited earth and "nudged" evolultion, nor do they address the problem of the designer of the designer, thereby showing their lack of interest in genuine examination of the topic, merely in endersing the particular vacuous bandwagon that relieves pastor of genuine work. Rusty Posted by Rusty Catheter, Tuesday, 1 June 2010 8:21:08 PM
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Dear Rusty,
On two threads, I have used th example of what is known about the HIV virus where the virus that kills the victim can be different to the virus caught in the fist place. I expect the fundamentalist Christians will reply that the host cell was natural and created by God. On the other hand, these same folk maintain the God is allowed to use existant inorganic elements to create organic life. Makes for debate which I guess is why we are here: To exchange views. Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 8:10:55 AM
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yet more of the
those /..ignorant of science method claim the science then demon-straight..their ignorance by being unable to faulsifyables lol the decieve only themselves Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 8:11:12 AM
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oliver..<<..Did God exercise free will..when he created Satan>>i know your wise use of words/thus will reply as opinion doudt...used his freewill...well before he...''created'...satan... if the question...was be read as did god conciously/ creating satan...then we are using circular logic see that god creates/sustains life... he sustains live...from there satan has love god...yet reject his being unworthy..of his enduring love/loyalty see that i love satan...finding his/ the creator refreshing...more refreshing..than the christ...who in forgiving all...often forgives the unforgivable god of course loves us all...loves the he loves and sustains to live..the satan...sustains even the most vile their living...equally as he sustains the most beneficiant/good jesus gave a hint...[the least shall be greater..than the baptiser]..meaning...which...'least'..was he refering to....not judas...[who was the christs/best mate... [but for his...'betrayal'...all those claiming...christ..'died..for our sins'...would be futile...the christ had to he could re=appear...3 days later... and prove we all...shall live again...[revealing the lie..of some far-off..judgement day]...with the dead their...'graves' oliver...quote.,..<<...On the other hand,/these same folk maintain the allowed/to use existant inorganic elements to create organic life>> dont see live see from life;...a living sperm...enters..a living from life...yet all god we know god created the firnmament...from the deep think..of big bang...all matter...compressed..into the space..of one fullstop..[.]... bang/deed well know...that all/ie...air/earth/wind/fire... all are like water/treakle...or as the bible calls it the deep from this deep...god said..let there be light...and bang...there is light...then he said..let there be firmament...arise from the deep..and lo there were your minerals..etc the which this was expansion..resulting from the big bang...let there be light...god next said..let there be etc.. all science has re-pack-age...the first book/scroll..of the bi=two...ble=books...the two books..revealing the old/new test-i-meant Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 10:25:12 AM
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Evolution 2 AND creation 1. And the game is still on. Smile.
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. However, I appreciate your talent. You have elevated confusion to an art form. Posted by david f, Monday, 31 May 2010 8:26:07 AM I think god must of had split personality disorder problems ( smile )and its all sum-ed up when you read the words....... "I make man in the image of myself". Love will always have its place concerning the lord, but science does not see love" it only views the facts and theories. This is why the evolved religions shall always be with us. For the better I hope. TTM Posted by think than move, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 11:05:25 AM
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CJ Morgan,
I heard you say that Wikipedia was not authoritative for you. I was glad for that. It was after saying that that you were almost compelling Vanna to read a particular Wiki article. This is why I asked, had you reverted or changed your mind. However, I see now that that bit was ‘deleted for flaming’. I don’t know why they deleted your sentences. I’m still yet to work out why this website objects to some things when they let most things through. I don’t know what was so inflammable. I’ve yet to see a definition for ‘flaming’. So in that respect, I’m on your side. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 10:42:52 PM
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Go easy on the grumpy pills. Or point the finger at Bugsy. It was he who raised the challenge. It was Bugsy who brought up the concept of ‘usefulness’. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 10:43:46 PM
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From the link you gave me, it appears phylogenomics is involved in the integration of genome analysis and evolutionary reconstruction. Or in other words, you’re trying to trace the evolutionary development and history of a living thing. So your argument seems to be that using evolution theory as a basis for research is useful for working out the evolutionary history of something. It sounds as if evolution is useful for understanding evolution. Looks like a cat chasing its tail; more self perpetuating than useful. One example of how a 'design framework' would be better for biology is in the case of vestigial organs. I mentioned earlier how Michael Zimmerman spoke of Darwin claiming that certain organs in the body “bear the plain stamp of inutility”. If the organs are already declared to be useless, then why bother investigating them? It’s this kind of thinking that can discourage scientific investigation. Wouldn’t it be better to say that we suspect that the organs were put there for a reason; so though we don’t currently understand their function, we’ll investigate them further? I believe that the list of vestigial organs has decreased under further investigation. In regards to medicine and healing, comparing our bodies to a car, having an authorised owner’s manual will help bring it back into proper repair and optimised function. With evolution what is health or healing? The body, as a survival casing for genetic material (in Dawkins’ version), is never in a state of proper repair or optimised function. For it is always in a state of flux, waiting for genes to incorporate the next survival advantage. I think the usefulness in creation or evolution is in the big picture of who and what we really are. The whole issue is more one of philosophical concern, as by now most scientists in practice follow a similar scientific method. The following is an article discussing how the homology of different animals is poorly explained by evolution. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Wednesday, 2 June 2010 10:49:36 PM
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Thanks. My point was did God knowing, with His free will, create Satan knowingly realising that Satan would tempt Even and that ultimately Jesus would need to come to Earth to fix things up. Who set the ball rolling that led to the crucifixion? Who was the prime mover of the events before Satan? Posted by Oliver, Thursday, 3 June 2010 3:17:32 PM
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Well if it was a State of origin Dan has won hands down. His faith is so much more rational than the faith of those trying to defend the pseudo faith of evolution. Congratulations Dan.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 3 June 2010 5:00:02 PM
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Not convinced, Dan S de Merengue. But you wouldn't expect me to be, would you.
>>So your argument seems to be that using evolution theory as a basis for research is useful for working out the evolutionary history of something. It sounds as if evolution is useful for understanding evolution. Looks like a cat chasing its tail; more self perpetuating than useful.<< This is of course an essential circularity for the God-people, since belief in the existence of God is necessary in order to believe in the existence of God. As this argument is one with which you are entirely familiar, you attempt to circumscribe evolution in the same manner. The difference, of course, is that you have popped "evolution" into the equation in two places, instead of just one. If you were being honest, you would have said: "Your argument seems to be that using science as a basis for research is useful for working out the evolutionary history of something" Which of course blows your entire circular-argument theory out of the water. Interestingly, you cannot perform a similar simple substitution for the God-equation, can you. Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 3 June 2010 5:30:43 PM
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Actually Dan, phylogenomics is being used to annotate and predict protein functions by their evolutionary relationships. Evolutionary reconstructions help in determining which sites are the most conserved and predict what the likely function of the protein might be by using a phylogenetic approach rather than a simple homology/similarity analysis. there is no circularity here. I don't really expect you to understand this, but it is an important new area, especially since new genome sequences are being generated at an exceptionally fast pace.
While I am sure that vestigial organs are an exciting and fast paced field as well, you still haven't risen to the challenge, care to have a link to how ID is actually being used as the basis for research? Or even in medical research? Perhaps someone using 'optimal function' theory for controlling communicable disease outbreaks. Even in the most rudimentary way, that would be fine. Your link is quite interesting, considering that most of the references regarding biochemistry and genetics are earlier than 1988, when Kary Mullis published on the polymerase chain reaction, PCR. Things have moved on a little since then. Heck, things have moved on since 2001. It's a bit schizophrenic as well, on the one hand the author argues that the biochemistry and genetics are too similar, and thus cannot be explained by millions of years of evolution. Yet on the other hand the genetic control of homologous structures is too divergent, and thus cannot be explained by evolution. It seems that no matter what you observe, evolution can't explain it. I know you don't understand this, but ID theory can only say that things are created as they are, no more and no less, not how they came to be, other than divine providence, for some divine reason. It gives us no insight as to what we can expect given a particular relationship or what the patterns in nature are, what they might mean. They are as they are, and biologists would be reduced to catalogers. But thankfully, this is not and never will be the case. Posted by Bugsy, Thursday, 3 June 2010 8:36:21 PM
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Unfortunately for Dan, we’d already sorted out the vestigial organ issue:
So on the issue of usefulness, it’s still... Evolution: [some large number too high to count accurately]; Creationism: 0 What was that you were saying about the Sate of Origin runner? Dan’s “circular argument” argument is a classic that has been discredited many times. See <<The whole issue is more one of philosophical concern...>> Wrong Dan. The scientific method ensures that philosophies don’t get in the way. Of course, you remembered that I taught you this, so you followed it with this... << by now most scientists in practice follow a similar scientific method.>> And what “similar scientific method” would that be? “The Bible says it; I believe it; that settles it” is not a "similar scientific method", I’m afraid. Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 3 June 2010 8:37:22 PM
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Hey Dan, thanks for the link. I have to admit, I can see how, by highlighting the gaps in our knowledge, Creationists can actually contribute to science. It's possible that scientists, being human, will tend to fall into a paradigm and tend to overlook, or gloss over those gaps which don't easily conform to their theories.
I think Bugsy has hit on the most important difference between scientific method and ID. Science attempts to achieve a level of understanding which enables the scientist to make accurate predictions. In this sense, I guess Maths, if considered a science, is the most accurate predicter of all, although quantum mechanics has been a very successful theory, offering remarkably accurate predictions despite stressing the indeterminacy of the very small. For the same reason, evolutionary theory has been very successful. In contrast, I don't think even Runner would suggest he/she can predict what God will do next. So by all means, Creationists, pick holes in the scientific method; you can only make it better. But would you seriously suggest we should abandon the pursuit? BTW, there was a line in your link (well actually many lines) I had to have a wry smile about. "...terminating in the highest organism yet, humans..." I wonder if any atheistic evolutionists would agree with that line. It seems to dwell in the paradigm of Man, "Created in God's own image". As I have pointed out before, the more "evolved" a species is, the more specialised it becomes, and the more prone to extinction. I don't believe humans are that evolved yet, Or, if urban humans are, it's through memetics rather than genetics. Posted by Grim, Friday, 4 June 2010 7:57:06 AM
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I had been racking my brain as to what this “similar scientific method” was, and then I remembered...
“By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record. Of primary importance is the fact that evidence is always subject to interpretation by fallible people who do not possess all information.” Now, I may just be delving a little too deep into semantics here, but I suspect that the above could potentially act as a slight hindrance to inquiry. Not very ”similar” though, is it. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 4 June 2010 4:04:48 PM
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how de-spirite...those are...who grasp at straws
quote..<<..By definition,/no apparent,..perceived or claimed evidence in any field,..including history and chronology,>>>look up the meaning of include...include confines..the the stated fields.. anyone taking it beyond that declared, include histry...or cronology...thats very definitive...its al;so specific...thus dont include science...[true science..that is] and evolution of genus...isnt science fact...of course evolution of valid...yes valid/science... but expounding..that of species..wighin their genus... into evolution of genus..[as per the tree of life]...thats bull...ssss-hit true science has faulsifyables...species/evolving..WITHIN..their parental genus...has faulsifyable...BUT species...MUTATING...out of their pure delusion out of genus evolution has never been recorded...EVER thus the delusion of genus/..evolving into new deception..and evolution..[as per the tre of life..out and out fraud even the tree of life/project..has gone silent..on the issue thats the best you can come up creationist quotes thats so who claim science method..cannot confirm..your hypo-thesis... science has far... failed to verify...confirm... failed to replicate...thus evolution of dead you have clearly a theory...and not one scrap of evi-dense i care/little about dead words...still loving my first love/science but clear i give the fraudsters.,..the deserves semantics...isnt sxcience you cant refute creator...creating/creation... even if your theory has/had..valididity... knowing and doing/proving...are three different things READ DANS LINK REBUTT>>IF YOU CAN in lue of reply..your ongoing destraction/.../LACK OF FACT/faulsifyable... or REBUTAL... speaks for itself why are those completly/ignorant..of science/method.. even allowed to opinionate..on their delusions..of granduer any retard..can have science..or religion but by their deeds reveal..they are far from being allknowing..the topic..about witch they dare speak Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 June 2010 9:06:06 AM
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ok,,the lets move on/with what..the reality really is...we been decieved./..deliberatly..kept ignorant
we get simpletons...keeping it simple...dumbing down/ we look up to..the the clever-nerds..thats going to/save[save us thinking] so here is/a thought..ever heard of..the BIG-BANG...? or the expanding about..the expanding earth? there you go..lets think on this basiclly...the case is made/at the link..for the earth..EXPANDING neal..refutes the concept of huge..[50 mile thick/continental-plates...[lol] imagine...a 50 mile..thick..plate..subjudcting..UNDER another 50 MILE/thick plate...somewhere in the laws of boyancy..SHOULDNT THERE BE 75 MILE HIGH ..yes/..we been conned..yet again read the link/folks feel-free/ try to rebut..neals case its info... WHY ARE THEY KEEPING YOU../..DUMBED DOWN? yes/..we live in an expanding-universe...on an expanding makes sense...but some are attatched to the whoreship of science..fed fed to kids EVOLUTION OF GENUS..IS FRAUD...get it? WHILE were at it/ is some more info THEY HAVNT TOLD YOU ABOUT heard of free energy..!...!...? cant find/..the origonal site but here is a link to the topic... to add to the search.. your search for TRUTH energy from nothing... what could that cost? there is a picture near the end..that could easy fit..into your boot plenty more ideas here but they need us to costs ever more... cause they want dumbed down pay huge MULTINATIONALS ..PLENTY OF CASH WHO GO GET THE SHOT...when the next/..big scare..delivered by the men in white/lab-coats...come on the screen..and say we all going to die..if we dont get..the latest/sars/bird/swine flue shot BOUGHT/paid for by govt...upon the declaration of a wto/panel...who work for the its a neat con-job bought to you by the builder-bergers.. the guys from enron..bankers/lawyers..the men in black suits...and those in white lab coats... read the truth folks they are meeting today...have been meeting/..for the last 3 days..and they want stay as dumb as you currently less you didnt hear it..via the media..? because they lie as-well... go figure eh? it started with/little lies... but now they are huge lies wake-up! Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 June 2010 12:58:52 PM
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from/the ..other/debait its...a..*PROPOSED..neo/new genus... its is..a re-clasification..of a previously recorded/species... NOW be/in the...wrong genus its sad/you find...the delusion...of missclasifying/a some sort of'evidence'... *please...PRESENT YOUR..FAULSIFYABLES...! the/reclasification...dont validate/ species...EVOLVING...out-of..their genus../which..has not_EVER_been recorded..nor/observed..nor/replicte-able..even/ had.. and/ aint.. ANYONE/..CAN POST/LINKS here are some..other/media/deceptions... as bad/worse..than...the delusion..of genus/evolving here..are some links/ to/..the why/how/who..of the decption.. as our/ slowly/dries-up..its worth/seeing..just who/ to get it/..and who isnt noting..bankers/..have paid for/..every war...for centuries they financed;..the natzies...for egsample/..many of which's..firms/multi-nationals/duel-passport...holders ...are still going/ usual from..alex James:..THIRTY-TWO STATES NOW BANKRUPT: ___________________________ Zionism = Nazism:..Is there a difference/that makes a difference?, Roger Tucker part II of 'Us vs...Them:..On the Meaning of Fascism' ______________________________ Why the Zionist JEWS/are your worst Randulf : _______________________________ Videos:..Gang of Jewish Rabbis..arrested for selling body parts..using Politics and..Religious Fairy cover up/their crimes: ______________________________ JEWISH charrge of MMS/..which gave BP the go ahead/resigns...(really fired): ________________________________ Gordon Duff:..Was America the Golden Goose..that Zionists wanted to fleece..just like they/fleeced Germany? _________________________________ CBS 60 MIN...TRUE STORY OF BILDERBERG GROUP:..How governments and their/intelligence agencies..working with international drug dealers and/hired terrorists for/mutual benefit and profit: ___________________________________ 10 Shocking Things..To Know About the BP Oil Spill:..Goldman short Transocean..and this/owner of the exploded oil rig/has made $270 million off the leak,..BP..plans/to profit..from disasters,etc: _________________________________ Gaza humanitarian flotilla/versus Zionist Israel's..evil navy?: ________________________________ The Former Director Of B'nai Brith Quebec,/Bill Surkis Pleads Guilty To Child Porn Charges: ______________________________ Christopher Bollyn:.."Michel Friedman/and the Jewish Zionist Crimocracy": _______________________________ Video:..Zionists genocide 100,000../Sephardic Jewish kids:..How will Zionist give..justice to Arabs..if they don't even give Sephardi Jews justice: _______________________________ former ITN & BBC Middle East Correspondant/Alan Hart Exposes Zionist evil: 74aa9e589fce77 the mess-iah..once said... by their works shall you know them he hated..the money/changers...who financed the natzies ursury especially...isiah curses media/especially...well know we/the decieving media/run by..the conrad/blacks..murdoch's...etc Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 June 2010 9:12:56 AM
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Sorry for the delayed response (I’ve been a bit busy, being exam week). You say you know that I don’t understand what you’re writing. Is that a comment reflecting on your abilities of self expression and clarity? I have tried to understand what you’re saying. After claiming that evolution was ‘useful’, you are supporting that by saying that making evoltionary reconstructions helps predict protein functions. So have you made any useful predictions? While we’re considering that, could you also explain how this relates to a man arriving from a monkey or a microbe (as some definitions of ‘evolution’ are rather slippery and really only speak of simple selection traits and don’t really relate to the grand theory of our evolutionary origins). I must admit, I haven’t found the sort of paper you asked me for (my day job is not in scientific research) but I’ll keep looking. However, the usefulness of design theory is really in the basic principles. Most of our methods and understanding of the pracitcal sciences, medicine, etc. were established pre-Darwin, at a time when most scientists recognised the hand of the creator (or perhaps some post dating Darwin, such as Mendel and Pasteur who also acknowledged their creator). Even today we’re living of the borrowed capital. Just last night, when flipping through the stations, I heard on Radio National (I usually don’t bother listening to the ABC because of systemic anti-Christian bias), they were interviewing one researcher who was involved in synthesising artifical genes for use in some medical practice. The interviewer and interviewee were marvelling at the DESIGN features of the genetic code, enabling them to mimic and replicate those genes to their advantage. There are many researchers around the world who recognise that the design in ‘nature’ is worth copying. I find it illogical, or at least counter-intuitive, that we apply ourselves to mimic design in nature but not acknowledge the design (let alone the designer). Biomimetcis has grown in modern times. Here’s one example that was found to be useful: Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Thursday, 10 June 2010 2:02:46 PM
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I can only tell that you don't understand from what you write yourself. Good ideas and theories tend to produce dynamic and progressing research programs. About ten years or so ago, John Mattick, a Professor at UQ, started to write about RNA regulation, especially by non-coding RNA (ncRNA) and microRNA (miRNA). miRNA was relatively unknown back then and noone really knew what it did or what possible significance it could have. Mattick argued from an completely evolutionary basis what he thought they would be doing, and why. This, he argued, is how we get from microbes to men. Since then a lot more has been discovered and thousands of papers have been written about new discoveries on miRNA happening every day. But keep looking for your ID research program man, I'm sure you'll find one out there somewhere! Posted by Bugsy, Thursday, 10 June 2010 11:56:59 PM
The current and previous Popes (Benedict XVI and John-Paul II) have also made positive pronouncements about evolution " though humans are regarded as a special creation, and that the existence of God is required to explain both monogenism and the spiritual component of human origins."