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User Details : Kelpie

The Forum > User Index > Kelpie

Comment History

» 7/03/2005 8:21:36 PM My Dear Bozzie (Oscar Wilde readers will enjoy that reference), I did read the article and.....
» 7/03/2005 5:54:13 PM Ms Campbell Rate's article is, I think, another indication of Religious Fundamentalism by .....
» 3/03/2005 2:54:29 PM Ah! _DavidJS_ - you said everything I wanted to! It's appalling that some people would tr.....
» 1/03/2005 5:32:17 PM Percy, If you believe that legal and financial discrimination targeted at gay and lesbian.....
» 1/03/2005 1:28:17 PM Hi DavidJS, Your comments are true and expand on the issues raised by Brian Greig. But he.....
» 22/02/2005 8:02:42 PM I can't let the homophobic and other silly comments of 'Sandgroper' go unremarked upon. F.....
» 2/02/2005 8:36:41 PM To correct Bozzie, the homosexual age of consent in Qld is not 18. In fact it is 16 for .....
» 2/02/2005 6:20:15 PM It's sad, but predictable, that homophobes such as _David BOAZ_ and _Norm5Kj_ would throw .....
» 2/02/2005 2:33:51 PM Bozzie fails to understand the issue here. Increasing the age of consent (for gay males on.....
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