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Comment History for speegster

The Forum > User Index > speegster > Comment History

» 25/03/2014 7:16:55 PM @Shadow Minister, I'm afraid it's you who completely missed the point. We could be process.....
» 25/03/2014 3:53:35 PM @Shadow Minister. Here's what you say I said: "Similarly your claim that Operation S.....
» 25/03/2014 12:22:09 PM @SPQR You are pathologically incapable of arguing from anything except pure conjecture bac.....
» 24/03/2014 9:22:38 PM @Sparkyq you've fallen into the trap I'm afraid: "30 + 18 = 48. I would not call 48%.....
» 24/03/2014 1:58:36 PM @Sparkyq you do realise the irony of decrying someone for not doing proper research, and t.....
» 24/03/2014 12:30:40 PM "It is ironic that for someone who places a lot of worth on compassion and respect, y.....
» 5/02/2014 11:21:38 AM @NeverTrustPoliticians, very thoughtful of you to act as a perfect exemplar of one of the .....
» 15/08/2013 8:21:38 PM "Last time I looked all adult aboriginals and Maori have the vote. This is something .....
» 15/08/2013 5:38:44 PM "Israel, along with the U.S., should be BDS-ed out of existence." Hmmm but is t.....
» 7/06/2013 2:25:19 PM More question-begging and circular reasoning David, arising from an extremely narrow minds.....
» 7/06/2013 12:40:40 PM Again David you have fallen at the first hurdle of basic logical fallacy, in your case cir.....
» 6/06/2013 10:47:17 AM RitaJ, Raycom and David van Gend: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.....
» 5/06/2013 12:38:52 PM Haha Raycom: do you think people are stupid and can't Google? "Convention on the Rig.....
» 5/06/2013 12:30:05 PM RitaJ you are cherry picking and twisting the words of CEDAW to your own agenda, one which.....
» 5/06/2013 10:33:44 AM And Sharan - there is nothing that says a bad law can't be overturned. So if the allowance.....
» 5/06/2013 10:22:24 AM Thank you Jon J and Stezza for pointing out the painfully obvious and irreversibly fatal f.....
» 6/05/2013 12:10:30 PM "Most of the people arriving in Australia in leaky fishing boats are economic refugee.....

17 comments in total: 17 article comments, 0 general comments.

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