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Comment History for Aslan

The Forum > User Index > Aslan > Comment History

» 8/08/2005 9:53:37 PM Bosk, I object to homosexuals teaching in schools not because they may be pediphiles but .....
» 8/08/2005 9:04:15 PM Bosk, The case of homosexual student who killed himself because he was persecuted is obvi.....
» 6/08/2005 11:07:12 AM Just wondering - regarding children's education - why anyone would listen to a homosexual .....
» 6/08/2005 10:05:46 AM Xena, You said: "No! Choice is about deciding what is better – becoming a parent or .....
» 3/08/2005 1:24:09 AM Enaj, So opinion polls are irrelevant unless they happen to support abortion? I don't kn.....
» 27/07/2005 11:27:43 PM This is really funny coming from an academic who has written countless bullsh*t articles (.....
» 27/07/2005 12:39:30 AM Di, You said: "Women, who happen to have a womb and the ability to have children - o.....
» 27/07/2005 12:23:01 AM Trinity, You do talk a lot of rubbish. Men rarely 'force' women to have babies - they for.....
» 24/07/2005 11:14:30 PM Garra, My statements irrational? You clearly don’t know the meaning of the word. The “sc.....
» 23/07/2005 10:29:11 PM anomie, Such barbaric behaviour (described above) never goes unpunnished. If we continue .....
» 23/07/2005 10:24:28 PM anomie, I don't think Tracy was disputing your 75% statistic. What she is probably disput.....
» 22/07/2005 11:20:51 AM Re Southern Cross Bioethics Institute Study/Survey on Abortion Critics accuse SCBI of bei.....
» 22/07/2005 10:54:22 AM The term "where requested" only appears in bill in definition of "non-direc.....
» 20/07/2005 8:57:39 PM A number of posters have suggested that public opinion has nothing to do with abortion and.....
» 9/07/2005 12:00:20 AM Oliver, No I don't think Marx was a socialist just because he was an atheist. He was prim.....
» 8/07/2005 4:06:26 PM Oliver, Let me make it clear that I do not hold to a blind literalistic interpretation of.....
» 7/07/2005 9:19:06 PM Terrorists have just hit London. Why don't the human rights advocates defend citizens's r.....
» 7/07/2005 1:32:55 PM Pericles, You object to my comment in first post: "Unfortunately there are many Chri.....
» 4/07/2005 4:08:30 PM Oliver, Agree or disagree - that's up to you - I don't mind. But at least try to understa.....
» 4/07/2005 1:28:56 AM Oliver, I would appreciate it if you could at least do me the courtesy of reading the mat.....
» 30/06/2005 10:32:33 PM Oliver, You have a knack for citing totally irrelevant factoids in a bid to deflect my po.....
» 30/06/2005 9:47:53 PM Pericles, Nice try, but your criticism is baseless because you (deliberately) misquoted m.....
» 30/06/2005 6:45:54 PM Come off it George. You know very well that a bill of rights will greatly reduce democracy.....
» 29/06/2005 11:30:05 PM Col, I agree with you 100%. One other thing that Ludwig just doesn't get is that not only.....
» 29/06/2005 4:48:07 PM Philo, Re your reply to Jim on June 26. What the...? Where on earth did you dream up tha.....
» 29/06/2005 2:24:02 PM Oops! It actually takes 8 minutes for light from sun to reach earth, not 8 hours! I knew .....
» 29/06/2005 3:32:46 AM Pericles, It's hard talking to someone who can't tell the difference between "an ass.....
» 26/06/2005 2:00:07 AM Oliver, You like Popper? Here's some quotes for you: "I have come to the conclusion.....
» 26/06/2005 1:39:25 AM Pericles, I agree it is getting repetitive, but you just don't get it - or don't want to......
» 23/06/2005 1:09:45 PM Pericles, No - I don't ever give up. Do you? Fact remains you selected the "wrong&q.....
» 21/06/2005 2:22:19 PM Oliver, You ask: "is it not better for say a person, who previously did not believe .....
» 21/06/2005 1:06:19 PM Pericles, More wild (and untrue) assertions. I've answered your objections in postings on.....
» 19/06/2005 4:47:10 PM Garra, So who calls the shots now? Those who think like you? Kay, Yes, there are many w.....
» 19/06/2005 4:29:26 PM Pericles, Re my observation about your argument by assertion, you said: "This is tot.....
» 19/06/2005 4:06:09 PM Garra, Re Christian morality, you said: "This is their right, of course, but I wish .....
» 18/06/2005 12:07:36 PM Pericles, There is obviously going to be a great difference between different teachers an.....
» 18/06/2005 2:25:49 AM Kevin Donnelly has written a number of articles on trends in education and how bad it is g.....
» 18/06/2005 1:42:25 AM Pericles, For someone who values logic, you seem to have very little grasp of it! You con.....
» 16/06/2005 11:06:09 PM Been busy last few days... Pericles, You said I "deliberately selected the one that.....
» 13/06/2005 11:41:06 PM Oliver, You said:"I do not hold that absolute morals exist in an ethereal sense. Jus.....
» 12/06/2005 10:53:59 AM Oliver, Yes, I admit my comments about your misspellings were technically ad hominem, but.....
» 12/06/2005 2:42:54 AM Neohuman, You said: “you obviously read your Bible with rose colored glasses and live in .....
» 11/06/2005 2:47:27 AM Oliver, Whatever you call yourself, you have made it clear that you do not accept any abs.....
» 11/06/2005 1:51:02 AM Pericles, You accuse me of making words mean whatever I like. Your accusation is baseless.....
» 10/06/2005 12:09:22 AM Pericles, You said: "You have a very shifty way of blurring the lines between ".....
» 9/06/2005 1:43:32 PM Pericles, You said: "first rule of finding yourself in a hole is - stop digging".....
» 8/06/2005 9:37:42 PM Pericles, You claim premiss 2 of my 2nd syllog is "a self-contradiction" becaus.....
» 7/06/2005 1:50:18 AM Pericles and Oliver, My syllogism was actually 2 syllogs conflated. 1. "all beliefs.....
» 7/06/2005 1:30:54 AM Kenny/Oliver, Re beating/striking slaves: case law of Exodus 21:20 is only reference to t.....
» 5/06/2005 1:43:09 AM Neohuman, And if Biblical Christianity is so bad because it allowed a particular form of .....
» 5/06/2005 12:49:33 AM Oliver, If Mark was excluded by the Church Fathers it would have been for a very good rea.....
» 3/06/2005 2:22:32 AM Oliver, you said: "the main defence during the Nuremberg Trials was, “I was just fol.....
» 3/06/2005 1:59:36 AM Deuc, garra, Neohuman, Before you accuse me of ordinary mathematics, why don't you work o.....
» 1/06/2005 9:35:06 PM Oliver, You said:"Right and wrong are moral concepts." In your view they are m.....
» 1/06/2005 8:52:14 PM Kenny, You said: "I’ll tell you one thing it is enough to know that pi is not 3.&quo.....
» 31/05/2005 3:02:59 PM Kenny, For someone with your understanding of science, it is not surprising that you thin.....
» 31/05/2005 11:43:02 AM Oliver, Re Journal "East Asia History", you said: "if I use the library’s .....
» 29/05/2005 1:15:14 AM Oliver, You said: "Is genocide wrong? Yes, in my opinion: It was very wrong of Hitle.....
» 29/05/2005 12:48:14 AM Oliver, Re Chinese astronomy: Your proposition was that if Joshua's long really occurred,.....
» 27/05/2005 11:24:18 PM Oliver, You said: "Were I to apply your standard and reject my Constructionist accep.....
» 27/05/2005 11:12:09 PM Philo, Are you saying that during the battle sunlight shone on Joshua's army but not on t.....
» 26/05/2005 10:44:58 PM Oliver, You said: "Had Joshua’s prayer been answered by the Earth stopping, the Chin.....
» 25/05/2005 9:33:46 AM Philo, The debate is primarily about objective morality, historical fact and hermeneutics.....
» 24/05/2005 1:12:20 AM Oliver, Re Chinese astronomy - the NASA piece is VERY brief and contains no supporting re.....
» 24/05/2005 1:06:55 AM Oliver, RE jury deliberations - you still didn't answer the question. You just repeated w.....
» 22/05/2005 4:19:03 PM Oliver, Why you are directing comments re Habiru and Hebrew of Joshua 10:12 to me... I ne.....
» 21/05/2005 2:33:21 AM Kenny, I don't see where any of those articles you posted disagree with my reasoning. The.....
» 20/05/2005 10:54:48 PM Oliver, You're communicating fine - I just find your alyernate positions untenable. You .....
» 19/05/2005 11:28:31 PM Kenny, I love it when you post. It gives me another opportunity to expose your ignorance......
» 19/05/2005 1:31:09 AM Oliver, You said you would prosecute. What if the jury decided he was not guilty - accord.....
» 18/05/2005 9:23:05 PM Oliver, You didn't answer my question: If someone tortured your baby, would you prosecute.....
» 16/05/2005 11:51:40 PM Jane, You ask: "what then is ‘reliability’ in this context, if not ‘truth’? Surely t.....
» 16/05/2005 12:54:05 AM Bosk, I never said "no scholar disputes the accuracy of the biblical text" nor .....
» 15/05/2005 9:09:39 PM Bosk, I too have an Honurs in logic and a Masters in Biblical Studies and Theology. I can.....
» 13/05/2005 5:48:25 PM Oliver, Yes, there were numerous other "gospels" but these were rejected becaus.....
» 12/05/2005 4:17:14 PM Oliver, The text of the Bible is not reliable simply because we have many copies. It is r.....
» 12/05/2005 3:51:07 PM Enaj, You ask: "absolutes may exist, but how do you know the ones that do are the on.....
» 11/05/2005 1:47:51 PM Kenny objects to my statement that "No serious scholar - even a non-Christian one - w.....
» 11/05/2005 12:28:24 AM Sorry Ringtail - you failed to worked it out. You need to read more carefully. Relativism.....
» 10/05/2005 12:32:45 AM Fiona, You seem to be espousing a post-modern deconstructive view of language where meani.....
» 9/05/2005 3:08:28 PM "Reading the Bible with a pair of scissors" - Ironic title because this is exact.....
» 9/05/2005 2:02:49 PM I'll take Peter Saunders over Don Arthur and Margo Kingston any day! Welfare dependence i.....
» 3/05/2005 2:42:11 PM Deuc, Deuc says homophobia implies "attacking them as a group/stereotyping" Sp.....
» 30/04/2005 11:08:53 PM Deuc, I offered the argument regarding intestacy. See above. I have plenty more but I see.....
» 30/04/2005 2:37:42 PM Deuc, One good argument (among many) is that if homosexuals are allowed to marry then the.....
» 30/04/2005 11:15:24 AM Ambo, The only way a faithful woman can contract STIs is through her (unfaithful) partner.....
» 30/04/2005 12:54:24 AM TheShat said: "That argument also ignores babies born to mothers infected. You have a.....
» 29/04/2005 12:37:33 AM TheShat says: "So then you admit that abstinence before marriage is not the only %100.....
» 28/04/2005 11:59:45 PM DavidJS, Have I or anyone else here called you a Christophobe, bigot, hate-monger, Nazi o.....
» 28/04/2005 2:04:55 PM Re reasons why gay marriage is a bad idea, Deuc asks: "Why don't you just post them h.....
» 27/04/2005 10:13:49 PM Deuc says: "you don't accept human rights, you don't have any way to determine human .....
» 27/04/2005 9:25:30 PM TheShat questions the utility of abstinence before marriage in stopping AIDS because ".....
» 27/04/2005 12:41:33 AM Deuc said in response to me: "By that logic, there is no human right to be free from .....
» 25/04/2005 1:38:59 AM Deuc, The reason why homosexual marriage wasn't an issue then and why the text of the pro.....
» 24/04/2005 10:54:32 AM Ambo, Get your facts rights. Throckmorton was not "fired" - his letter of invit.....
» 23/04/2005 12:04:05 PM garra said: "It's their business, isn't it, rather than yours or mine?" Whateve.....
» 23/04/2005 12:54:43 AM Deuc, You said: "You make the positive claim that [banning gay marriage] doesn't vio.....
» 22/04/2005 1:40:04 PM Why, in Australia, do poor people exist? I personally know many people who Bagaric would c.....
» 22/04/2005 1:23:20 PM Bagaric has done ome excellent work in crimial law. McConville's main focus is corporate l.....
» 21/04/2005 6:51:41 PM Deuc, You said: "No I am not, I dismissed that argument in my first post to this thr.....
» 21/04/2005 3:26:45 PM DavidJS, I do not have contempt for marriage. Quite the opposite - I honour marriage. In .....
» 20/04/2005 1:17:08 PM Jane, Information came from numerous sources one of which is a document written by gay ac.....
» 20/04/2005 12:47:39 AM Deuc, Yes, you are technically correct about the non-exclusivity of Marriage law. However.....
» 19/04/2005 1:48:00 AM I agree with Mr Haill that "Honesty is certainly a must" Therefore, if aid orga.....
» 19/04/2005 1:11:38 AM Where to start? I never cease to be amazed by the capacity of various writers to dream up.....
» 18/04/2005 9:44:43 PM This is pure wishful thinking by Rodney Croome. The Constitution makes it crystal clear t.....
» 3/04/2005 1:26:04 AM Morgan, It's hardly surprising that you would support Bonnell and others against Windschu.....
» 2/04/2005 10:06:34 AM Morgan, Windschuttle has no credibility with professional historians because he exposes a.....
» 2/04/2005 12:52:04 AM Anne, You are the one who needs to take a reality check. Look at what your liberal sex ed.....
» 2/04/2005 12:43:33 AM Good article Alison. About time we had some common sense on this topic. Kenny, your hatre.....
» 1/04/2005 10:35:22 PM Kenny, You said: "don't you understand that the government should not be in the busi.....
» 1/04/2005 10:31:33 PM Kenny, You said: "don't you understand that the government should not be in the busi.....
» 31/03/2005 11:25:40 PM I have not read Windschuttle's recent essay, but I have read Windshuttle's book on Aborigi.....
» 31/03/2005 7:47:08 PM Where do I start? Kang says concerns about "adolescent sexuality are predominantly m.....
» 30/03/2005 9:17:01 AM Morgan, The reason I don't see that Christianity is riddled with moral relativism is beca.....
» 30/03/2005 12:59:47 AM Neohuman, You say that God says to take slaves. Not true. He allows foreign slaves to be .....
» 29/03/2005 12:38:31 AM Neohuman, Regarding you comments about slavery and Christianity, a few points: 1. Every .....
» 28/03/2005 11:59:28 PM Morgan, You don't seem to understand what "moral relativism" actually entails. .....
» 26/03/2005 6:07:58 PM Oops! I meant to say Christianity does NOT employ moral relativism. (thats not to deny th.....
» 26/03/2005 6:03:56 PM John, The Macquarie definition is obviously not what creationists and evolutionists mean .....
» 25/03/2005 12:49:53 PM Ringtail, Yes I have read the link regarding sexual evolution. I not only read the Washin.....
» 25/03/2005 12:26:10 AM Kenny, Let me assure you that I know far more about evolution than you will ever know. F.....
» 24/03/2005 10:29:45 AM Neohuman, Glad you agree that Warren hasn't thought about the moral implications. You are.....
» 24/03/2005 12:12:23 AM I've been away for a few days. I note that noone has yet explained how self-replicating o.....
» 20/03/2005 12:28:38 AM Deuc asks: "I've being trying to work out why the author's history of science or one .....
» 19/03/2005 11:26:45 AM Homosexuals in Australia are shamed? I don't think so. Those who indulge in the Mardi Gra.....
» 19/03/2005 11:13:46 AM Hippo, Nobody created God. God is the first cause. That's what makes him God! Kenny, i.....
» 18/03/2005 1:55:33 AM Mollydukes, You truly are deluded if you think you have presented coherent arguments and .....
» 18/03/2005 1:45:12 AM The most damaging point to the author's view is that the world's no. 1 atheist - Anthony F.....
» 18/03/2005 1:41:46 AM Isn't John Warren a soccer player? That would make sense since he clearly knows very littl.....
» 17/03/2005 8:05:45 PM Mollydukes, Humans are not machines. There are many factors contributing to person's beh.....
» 17/03/2005 1:23:21 AM Kenny, Jane has not shown anything to be discredited. She has merely stated an assertion.....
» 16/03/2005 11:45:32 AM Jane, I don't loathe gays. I pity them. They are trapped in a self-destructive lifestyle......
» 16/03/2005 12:22:05 AM Kenny, You like making lots of noise but your comments have absolutely no substance. Whic.....
» 14/03/2005 9:41:15 PM Mollydukes, No there is nothing wrong with stating your own preference, but that is all i.....
» 14/03/2005 2:08:10 PM Mollydukes, You said: "For me, a society peopled by the traditional Christian nuclea.....
» 13/03/2005 5:29:59 PM Ringtail, Highlighting the equally immoral behaviour of many heterosexuals in no way vali.....
» 13/03/2005 1:53:21 AM Josie, lifestyle n : "a manner of living that reflects the person's values and attit.....
» 11/03/2005 4:23:24 PM The Australian ran recently ran article about how many people tolerate and are easily pers.....
» 11/03/2005 12:50:05 PM In response to my question about his moral standard, DavidJS responds with: "A standa.....
» 10/03/2005 1:02:35 AM DavidJS, You said: "On the other hand, I find James Dobson's warped ideology disgust.....
» 10/03/2005 12:50:35 AM Dear Jane, You're not just guilty of being intolerant of Dobson and Spelling - you're gui.....
» 8/03/2005 8:55:50 PM Dear Jane, You observe that: "Regional commentators have used the story to point out.....
» 8/03/2005 8:26:45 PM Dear Brownie, If Islam takes Australia (and that, BTW, is their stated goal) I will volun.....
» 3/03/2005 9:49:16 AM DavidJS, You have clearly misunderstood what I and Harradine are saying. We are not sayin.....
» 1/03/2005 4:32:35 PM I haven't experienced racial vilification, but I - and many other Christians - frequently .....
» 28/02/2005 9:25:56 AM Grace, you seem to have a remarkable ability to defeat logic and ignore facts. Uganda's su.....
» 25/02/2005 1:54:24 AM Dear Mr Haill, Yes, abstinence is ONE option but it is NOT taught! The SHine SA sex educa.....
» 25/02/2005 1:42:56 AM Some facts for Mr Moodie (and others): Teen sexual activity has the potential to kill or .....
» 19/02/2005 6:16:56 PM So, the Democrats are sinking... Good. Let them sink. Goodbye and good riddance. AK.....
» 18/02/2005 9:24:50 AM Peter Beattie - no way! He knowingly had a pedophile in his government and did nothing. S.....
» 17/02/2005 10:35:34 PM Pericles, No, I'm talking about the generation that followed them. ie. Mark Latham's and .....
» 17/02/2005 9:44:21 PM And another thing... Clearly Grayson thinks evangelicals are on the "fringe" of.....
» 17/02/2005 8:31:30 PM Do secular humanists attempt to push their morality on others? Yes - absolutely! Do femin.....
» 17/02/2005 8:27:31 PM The author asserts: "Catholicism and Anglican, are in Sydney under a leadership with,.....
» 16/02/2005 6:47:27 PM Kenny, Your emotion has clearly clouded your objectivity in this. And yes I did read the .....
» 16/02/2005 3:28:35 PM Kenny, Thanks for those links. They actually reinforce my point. The first link from the.....
» 16/02/2005 12:06:13 AM Again, another homosexual has been abusing multiple young boys: http://www.theaustralian.n.....
» 15/02/2005 6:52:28 PM Boaz, Re Hillson and Brian Houston's father (the padeophile), it should be pointed out th.....
» 15/02/2005 5:35:55 PM Kenny, Here we go again.... Cavalier dismissal. No explanation. No reasoned reply. No re.....
» 15/02/2005 4:29:54 PM Oops! My last sentence somehow got a bit muddled up. It should have said: "While wi.....
» 15/02/2005 1:39:31 PM Homo, I was waiting for this. It is a standard response: "Yes, the homosexual commu.....
» 14/02/2005 1:16:42 AM Grace Pettigrew has posted some rather twisted facts about Judith Reisman claiming that sh.....
» 11/02/2005 5:39:26 PM Oh Grace, you just make me laugh! If you really think that Homo au Go Go has blown my &qu.....
» 11/02/2005 5:32:30 PM Right on cue, Homo au Go Go! Thanks for another opportunity to expose the lies and propag.....
» 10/02/2005 11:04:24 PM Homo au Go Go, I am really enjoying every post you make attacking Dr Cameron, because it.....
» 9/02/2005 10:02:03 PM Wrong again, Homo au Go Go! You said: "According to the APA, members cannot resign o.....
» 9/02/2005 2:34:57 PM Queer Penguin, I did not make sweeping generalisations about the gay lifestyle. Rather, I.....
» 9/02/2005 1:54:32 PM Kenny, I provided the full citation to Sarantakos's paper on several occasions now. Here i.....
» 9/02/2005 1:45:16 PM As usual gay activists and apologists, such as Homo au Go Go and Kenny, employ "jammi.....
» 9/02/2005 12:52:53 AM Oh Kenny... Funny how for you, mainstream = anything that agrees with you, and junk = any.....
» 7/02/2005 10:44:01 PM mattByrne, You said: "HOW DARE YOU compare homosexuality with these horrible crimes?.....
» 7/02/2005 9:50:13 PM mattByrne, There are 2 reason why we know "a totally liberalised or totally tolerant.....
» 7/02/2005 1:00:12 PM Kenny, Your response is typical of gay activists who are confronted with the damning evid.....
» 6/02/2005 8:18:57 PM Homo argues: "The onus is on the opponants of same-sex marriage to identify the probl.....
» 6/02/2005 7:39:27 PM Homo au Go-Go accuses me of citing "pamplets". Actually, my info comes from homo.....
» 5/02/2005 9:14:31 PM Dear Grace, You said: "As for Aslan, I have done nothing more here than respond in k.....
» 5/02/2005 8:46:04 PM Ringtail, Everyone discriminates. Discrimination is a part of everyday life for every per.....
» 5/02/2005 10:52:53 AM BOAZ_David is correct about democratic forces. And the reality is that the church is a far.....
» 5/02/2005 12:50:09 AM Homo, you said "Evangelical Christians have been the most vehement opponents of gays .....
» 4/02/2005 9:48:44 PM People, Following is a very good article by L. Maher published in the Murdoch E-Law Journ.....
» 4/02/2005 9:00:52 PM BOAZ_David, can you please email me at biblical_hermeneutics/at/ (/at/ = @, of co.....
» 4/02/2005 8:39:27 PM Ringtail, Atheism is a religion because you need an awful amount of faith to believe that.....
» 4/02/2005 8:32:11 PM Kenny, I have read the source - not that that changes anything...Children are still far wo.....
» 3/02/2005 11:06:49 PM Grace, I am not just loudly expressing my personal opinion. I provided a link to a detail.....
» 3/02/2005 10:41:18 PM Hey Coman, wake up and smell the coffee! All what you suggest has already been tried and .....
» 3/02/2005 10:33:12 PM MattByrne, Everyone has a worldview - including gays and atheists. There is no such thing.....
» 3/02/2005 10:26:29 PM Yeah, OK Pericles, I studied philosophy too, so I am aware of all the silly little mind ga.....
» 3/02/2005 2:34:17 AM Oh and another thing Chunkeeboi, You said: "If you read more widely and examined mat.....
» 3/02/2005 2:15:36 AM Dear Chunkeeboi, Thankyou very much for pointing out the "religious persons (priests.....
» 3/02/2005 1:53:56 AM Timkins, The only thing that Yahweh and Allah have in common is that they are both referr.....
» 3/02/2005 12:59:02 AM Timkins, you said: "Muslim religion and what eventually became Christian religion wer.....
» 3/02/2005 12:08:28 AM Timkins, Muslims are not interested in learning from us. They think we are all depraved (.....
» 3/02/2005 12:02:47 AM Is this guy for real? What a complete load of pseudo-intellectual baloney! Has this first.....
» 2/02/2005 11:43:07 PM Brian Grieg has some nerve criticising the policies of the WA Liberals and those that obje.....
» 2/02/2005 10:38:21 PM Grace, you obviously don't know too much about the law. A Bill of Rights is not necessary .....
» 1/02/2005 11:28:00 PM Kenny, you said many of the terror groups listed on the UN website are Christian. Really? .....
» 31/01/2005 10:04:03 PM Dear Amir Butler, could you please explain to me what "hate speech" entails? Is .....
» 25/01/2005 3:55:54 PM I agree with Ben regarding religious vilification. The Victorian case and the inevitable g.....

199 comments in total: 199 article comments, 0 general comments.

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