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User Details : Karl Kosser

The Forum > User Index > Karl Kosser

Comment History

» 5/04/2010 8:01:57 PM OUG, I couldn't post till now, exceeded my limit of 8 posts per thread per day yesterday......
» 4/04/2010 2:21:22 PM Now it is obvious that this man has a few issues, but I would like to know other people's .....
» 4/04/2010 2:19:45 PM So, we do our trial, we get a results. And we go from there. You can not see david dunkle.....
» 4/04/2010 2:18:31 PM No...I don't think they will shoot me. I have also told them I have put money with 'friend.....
» 4/04/2010 2:11:41 PM So I replied to that and he then replied as follows: "Hi Karl, I only saw the Shaefe.....
» 4/04/2010 2:07:14 PM Now this guy claims to have walked into the Federal Court in NSW and was able to refuse ju.....
» 4/04/2010 2:04:46 PM Here is a post of his that explains his situation: "I guess many here already know m.....
» 4/04/2010 2:02:42 PM Regarding what I mentioned about the authorities coming after someone they didn't like, I .....
» 4/04/2010 1:59:29 PM G'day to one an all, I was linked to this site from another forum on an issue that is unr.....
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