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Comment History for Ruth1

The Forum > User Index > Ruth1 > Comment History

» 10/11/2013 11:48:07 AM LEGO, does that mean you support dropping the current immigration rate of over 238,000 peo.....
» 9/11/2013 4:51:27 PM Great article Jenny, showing great insight. Don't be put off by the troll - how can a lobb.....
» 23/06/2011 12:00:02 AM Fiona: congratulations on an amazing book - I couldn't stop reading. It traverses rich and.....
» 19/06/2011 12:00:54 PM @TRTL "By other measures India's future is brighter: Young demographics..." A y.....
» 17/06/2011 10:47:01 PM Rhian If women are too poor to buy food how can they afford contraception? Perhaps you as.....
» 17/06/2011 6:57:42 PM @Rhian "sooner or later our natural population change must turn negative unless the b.....
» 16/06/2011 10:17:48 PM @Rhian: "I didn’t say China has a 4:2:1 demographic profile, but that because of the .....
» 16/06/2011 5:35:36 PM Rhian Wrong again. Please check your stats before your next post. China does not have a 4:.....
» 16/06/2011 3:49:03 PM Rhian: Are you aware that countries that do not have an ageing demographic profile are the.....
» 16/06/2011 9:42:13 AM Well done Mark for exposing the false and misleading arguments of the growth lobby. Bernar.....
» 23/04/2011 8:12:34 AM "Obviously such a drastic measure would be a last resort should uptake of voluntary c.....
» 22/04/2011 12:30:41 PM "Your turn. Where do you live, and how does it affect your attitude? Posted by Pericl.....
» 22/04/2011 11:11:56 AM I'm curious why someone with the alias of Dempografix would quote such misleading statisti.....
» 21/04/2011 8:36:15 AM Excellent article. What a pity so few people understand that there is nothing sustainable .....
» 11/03/2010 6:12:14 AM Lucy, can you please tell me why people like Jane amd myself are being libelled as racist .....
» 10/03/2010 6:53:54 AM I read Cheryl's comment with some sadness. Jane O'Sullivan is a member of Sustainable Popu.....

16 comments in total: 16 article comments, 0 general comments.

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