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User Details : Anng
The Forum > User Index > Anng Comment History
» 6/11/2008 1:21:42 PM Well Hasbeen, it seems you have your nose out of joint, and you don't believe in giving so.....
» 29/09/2008 3:56:37 PM This is wrong, the media go on about government paying for maternity leave when in actual .....
» 18/09/2008 4:23:16 PM OLLy, you say we need more immigration so we have expendables. How can we defeat an ememy,.....
» 16/09/2008 10:16:25 PM When Howard invested in planes and choppers from the USA, has the order been fully receive.....
» 15/09/2008 8:52:35 PM Too many come to this country for the wrong reason,they believe the ads that it's the rich.....
» 28/07/2008 10:43:49 PM The mining towns are getting a raw deal, lack of housing, medical people, high prices for .....
» 15/04/2008 1:20:45 PM It doesn't matter how many sites are displayed re information as to what refugees receive,.....
» 12/04/2008 10:28:53 PM These people have never worked, or paid taxes so what right have they to bludge off the ta.....