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User Details : DeeprkOpps

The Forum > User Index > DeeprkOpps

Most Recent 10 Posts

» 1/03/2008 8:10:15 PM Fickle Pickle, Yes, going back to the time period before we harnessed fire, coal and oi.....
» 1/03/2008 7:57:10 PM re: Ginx Surreptitiously escaped, what the hell do you think. DeepDarkOpps.....
» 1/03/2008 7:48:08 PM We all know who the left are. The whacko enviromentalists, the global warming alarmists, t.....
» 1/03/2008 6:58:58 PM Well, it seems to me you all don't understand what torture is, and/or you are a bunch of l.....
» 1/03/2008 6:06:52 PM Let us not be digressed by what the Christians did a few centuries ago, or even now. The i.....
» 18/02/2008 2:26:16 PM We have an unlimited supply of energy. Think nuclear, always there, forever. America has h.....
» 18/02/2008 2:13:43 PM Outlaw nucs ? Who is going to do this, the U.N ? This is one of the stupidest ideas posed .....
» 18/02/2008 1:56:51 PM America has not indulged in torture, as a matter of policy. Those who say we do, the lefti.....
» 18/02/2008 1:38:16 PM So what do we do as Western Civilization, against the barbarian, Islamo-facists, racists, .....
» 15/02/2008 7:17:15 PM England and Europe are in deep trouble and if the American Left has its way, we are soon t.....

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