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User Details : Cambo

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Most Recent 10 Posts

» 30/03/2017 9:44:27 AM Your observation that some politicians conflate "most" with "all" remi.....
» 10/01/2017 9:29:09 AM My grandma always included a 'cuppa tea" with the "Bex and a good lie down".....
» 10/11/2016 8:34:34 AM Incidental learning is the way to go?.....
» 15/04/2015 9:27:55 AM Notice how the TATS who've commented prove the author's case? They've demonstrated each of.....
» 29/08/2014 1:34:07 PM What about those pensioners who invested large sums in solar panels on the basis of the bi.....
» 26/09/2013 9:52:30 AM I'm certain the Abbot government will strenuously argue that they are about" improvin.....
» 15/03/2013 8:20:37 AM You've nailed it John. Thanks/ When Bob Brown was in charge of the Greens their education .....
» 21/01/2013 10:07:24 AM Just because someone has identified that there is an hierarchical structure to some body o.....
» 11/12/2012 8:28:02 AM This is an insightful and clever expose of NAPLAN. Phil has summarised all that's wrong wi.....
» 5/12/2012 8:13:45 AM I can't understand why essays are still being used as the dominant form of assessment in u.....

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