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User Details : BBgun

The Forum > User Index > BBgun

Most Recent 10 Posts

» 11/02/2007 7:14:15 PM The best I can work out, the "Saga of Eric the Red" is not a primary source and .....
» 11/02/2007 5:00:08 PM Scientist Lambert's explanation of the source of the name "Greenland" is, like m.....
» 8/02/2007 3:07:26 PM Bolt gets more right than does scientist Lambert......
» 4/02/2007 12:51:28 AM Chris O’Neill, The Tuvalu 2005 report Lambert links to says this about the 5 and 4.3 mm s.....
» 3/02/2007 12:39:35 PM Just in case OLO readers missed it, Bolt yesterday put up a new Lambert post. See: http:.....
» 3/02/2007 12:01:26 AM Tim Lambert says he is not defending his post because it is unnecessary to do so: “BBGun, .....
» 1/02/2007 8:59:02 PM Chris O'Neill, You will note that in his original post Lambert does not claim Bolt's 0.07.....
» 31/01/2007 11:45:59 PM David Latimer, Scientist Tim Lambert's "debunking" of Bolt's blog post is a fin.....
» 30/01/2007 7:07:46 PM There is nothing to be gained in arguing point one from Bolt’s list of 10. Let’s assume La.....
» 29/01/2007 6:54:34 PM David Latimer asks (concerning the unusually light 2006 hurricane season): "Does that.....

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