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Comment History for M3RBMW

The Forum > User Index > M3RBMW > Comment History

» 11/05/2006 8:03:03 AM Hamlet, Interesting sources but: Raising of the speed limit in the USA from 55mph to 65m.....
» 10/05/2006 4:08:40 PM [Deleted and poster suspended for flaming].....
» 10/05/2006 7:29:19 AM [Deleted for flaming. Poster suspended.].....
» 9/05/2006 3:54:33 PM Unfortunately we are probably talking about different situations and hence the void betwee.....
» 8/05/2006 2:08:51 PM "If you “potter” along at a sensible reserved speed, you have MUCH less chance of fin.....
» 8/05/2006 8:28:29 AM Ludwig, I agree 100% with you on one point. Australian driver education is nothing short .....
» 5/05/2006 8:11:22 AM Ludwig, Can you please point out just where I have advocated the removal of all speed lim.....
» 4/05/2006 3:39:55 PM Ludwig, If the increased speed instils a sense of reduced safety then the speed is inappr.....
» 3/05/2006 4:14:41 PM Lugwig, You must have missed one of my earlier posts. The problem with forcing people to.....
» 3/05/2006 7:22:29 AM Ludwig, I do not for a single second assert that mobile speed detection is any better tha.....
» 2/05/2006 12:41:39 PM A speed offence at a camera site indicates: 1. You were half asleep 2. You have so little.....
» 1/05/2006 3:44:50 PM Pericles, I am in total agreement with your sentiments and your post distilled one of my .....
» 1/05/2006 10:09:07 AM Kenny, unfortunately you are missing a rather BIG point. The cameras are NOT always accu.....
» 28/04/2006 2:25:51 PM Sylvia, It's called Regression To The Mean. In the UK a similar thing occurred for about.....
» 28/04/2006 1:58:49 PM Dr. Charlie Klauer, a senior research associate at the Virginia Tech Transportation Instit.....

15 comments in total: 15 article comments, 0 general comments.

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