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Comment History for PerthWestern

The Forum > User Index > PerthWestern > Comment History

» 2/03/2006 8:06:20 PM Personally, I still cannot see why we don't have annual general elections. Better account.....
» 28/02/2006 8:50:41 PM Hi Folks, I, like Hasbeen, prefer the party system – indeed the two-party system – as the.....
» 24/02/2006 9:10:35 PM The age of reason has almost arrived, this is the way to it. We NEED responsibility in ord.....
» 24/02/2006 9:09:38 PM Yep, too true Aziliz (about Howard being re-elected AFTER the invasion of Iraq). As also .....
» 22/02/2006 4:45:53 PM As I was saying ... 1838 the London Working Men’s Club put forth the “Peoples Charter”: h.....
» 21/02/2006 9:10:42 PM Dear Opinionated2 & The alchemist, et al, Modern representative democracy is still very m.....
» 21/02/2006 10:17:59 AM Dear Opinionated2, Sorry, but I cannot see how one could keep any legislature full of &qu.....
» 20/02/2006 7:10:45 AM Hello BOAZ_David, Thanks for that little vignette of life at the 'reconciliation table'. .....
» 20/02/2006 6:32:01 AM In trying to keep to the spirit of Occam’s razor / KISS principle, I would just say that I.....
» 20/02/2006 6:29:21 AM Oh my goodness! I will try to build some bridges here first (before burning them all? :-)).....
» 18/02/2006 4:02:44 PM As I was saying … Now, even though cabinets and committees are filled with good people an.....
» 18/02/2006 4:01:47 PM Dear Froggie, The alchemist, et al, Be careful about this idea of 'referenda' for all thi.....
» 16/02/2006 8:26:25 PM Hello BOAZ_David, and thanks for the welcome. Although methinks thee & me may have to agre.....
» 16/02/2006 10:09:52 AM Hear! Hear! bigmal, I also enjoyed gecko's post. I remember seeing Jack Spong here a few .....
» 16/02/2006 2:47:34 AM My, my my, what an interesting bunch we have here. G'day all. I'm a card-carrying Quaker m.....
» 16/02/2006 1:56:57 AM My, my my, what an interesting bunch of Christian "witnesses" we have here. G'da.....
» 13/02/2006 1:44:13 PM Not another bloody "round earth" adherent - next you'll be saying the earth revo.....
» 13/02/2006 12:54:47 PM On a more general postmodernist note ... I wonder if ANY of the old traditions of "pi.....

18 comments in total: 18 article comments, 0 general comments.

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