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User Details : G W-W C

The Forum > User Index > G W-W C

Comment History

» 13/02/2006 1:04:20 PM What a fantastic article. It just proves the point that schooling and education are not th.....
» 4/01/2006 8:23:22 AM Why is it that when a real viable alternative to mass schooling is proposed to aleviate so.....
» 2/01/2006 4:42:36 PM Forgive me for going at an angle, but I have just been discussing this topic with my frien.....
» 31/12/2005 8:11:08 PM Dear Bosk, Alas, methinks the Antiquated Jug to Mug Education must be in your school, for .....
» 30/12/2005 8:58:49 AM The change in my god child when he was removed from the school where he was bullied was dr.....
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