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Australia has no business in Afghanistan : Comments
By Bruce Haigh, published 5/1/2009Afghanistan: increasingly much of the opposition is focused on getting rid of the Western foreigners as much as it is around ideology and religion.
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Posted by Leigh, Monday, 5 January 2009 9:42:05 AM
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If Afghanistan people wanted our assistance they would be supporting our army. There does not seem to be much evidence that this is happening. The opposite is true such as many countries throught the ages have shown us, no outside army can win.
One thing for sure, the people are the ones that pay the price. Posted by Flo, Monday, 5 January 2009 11:38:56 AM
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So what do we do ?
Let the Taliban set up their training camps with the aid of the Al Quaeda again ? Have you all forgotten that the Bali bombers trained in the Afghan camps ? Well, let me hear what you propose to do if we all left and they reestablished the training camps. Don't sqwib answering this question because it is at the crux of the matter. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 5 January 2009 1:21:15 PM
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There does not seem to be any evidence that we are getting rid of Taliban. Any way are they in Afgran now. As I seem to recall they came from many Arab countries including Saudi.
Posted by Flo, Monday, 5 January 2009 1:26:52 PM
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No Flo, Al Queada are definitely Arab but they had close contacts
with the Taliban and were allowed to set up the training camps by the Taliban. They were involved together in the camps. Birds of a feather. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 5 January 2009 1:34:48 PM
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Contrary to what Bazz writes, Al Qaeda was set up by the CIA and remains a CIA asset to this day.
That it was set up by the CIA to fight the leftist Government which came to power in Afghanistan in 1978 is not disputed. That Al Qaeda subsequent turned on the US is a myth and can be shown to be such. What it is is a largely phantom terrorist organisation conjured up by the CIA to justify the fraudulent "war on terror" to achieve the sociopathic world goals of American neo-cons. This is discussed on the forum "War: not in my name" at Whilst Al Qaeda may have facilitated the recruitment of patsies to perform the 9/11 hijackings, the masterminds behind the 9/11 'false flag' terrorist attack were in the White House and not Afghanistan. For further information see discussion of "9/11 Truth" at Just some of the many credible well-credetnialled people who dispute the official US government version of th 9/11 attacks are listed at I actually defended the war in Afghanistan because I accepted George Bush's Big Lie of September 11. I only began to question it about 18 months ago. About 4 months ago, I began to seriously studied the issue and have reached the firm conclusion that the whole justification for the war in Afghanistan was a lie. Posted by daggett, Tuesday, 6 January 2009 1:19:15 AM
However, his overall theme of Australia having no business being in the rat hole of Afghanistan is correct.
Again, the question must be asked: Why does Labor think it is bad to be in Iraq, but good to be in Afghanistan, where we have lost our eighth soldier in a totally hopeless endeavour.
If Australia kept out of these foreign wars – not even in our region – we wouldn't have these so-called refugees and illegal entrants turning up here, thinking that we cared about them when all we are doing is keeping sweet with the US.
We never learned the lesson of Vietnam and that stupid, stupid man, Malcolm Fraser who first sanctioned boat arrivals after another needless, lost war.