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The Forum > Article Comments > To codify or not to codify? That is the question! > Comments

To codify or not to codify? That is the question! : Comments

By Steven Spadijer, published 22/10/2008

We should codify the reserve powers of the Governor-General, or at least put limits on the scope of such powers.

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like all children of the british crown, the writer is afraid to ask the fundamental question of politics:

who is master of the nation?

in english speaking nations, the legal answer is the crown, it's deputy, or it's successor- the president.

but in britain, and australia, the law does not reflect reality: parliament has 'captured' the monarch. the governor general is nominal master of the prime minster, hiring and firing the prime minister with a signature. yet when kerr used this power, whitlam was 'outraged'. successive prime ministers have ensured that it does not happen again by taking practical steps to ensure they hire and fire the governor general first.

the absurdity of this situation is apparent to all. yet nothing can be done, for to discuss it is to publicize the absurdity to the two-legged sheep. the fundamental rule of political science in oz is:

"don't wake them up!"

politicians are happy with the way things are. unconcerned with law, and content with power, they have put a veil of silence over the kerr anomaly and choose their gg's for humble anomynity.

this is the australian way. the elite would like to make firm and visible their control of the nation, the pollies just want to get on with enjoying the reality of mastery. the people keep their head down on the grass.
Posted by DEMOS, Thursday, 23 October 2008 7:59:33 AM
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